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She Has a Better Body at 44 Than 24 After Changing These 3 Habits

One personal trainer reveals how she achieved her best body.


Are you struggling to lose weight? It might be because you are focusing on all the wrong things. Hannah White is a personal trainer and online coach who specializes in helping her clients “lose fat” and “tone up.” In a recent Instagram post, she reveals that she had to shift her focus in order to burn fat and lose weight. “I started losing fat much faster when I stopped focusing on these three things…And switched my focus to do these things instead,” she writes across the video. “There’s a lot of misleading information out there about how to eat and exercise in order to lose fat and ‘tone’ up… So, it's no wonder people find it so confusing and don’t know where to start. Here are three things that don’t matter,” she adds in the caption.

Don’t Focus On: The Time of Day That You Eat

The first thing she stopped focusing on? The time of the day she ate. “A 500-calorie meal is still 500 calories irrespective of the time of day you eat it,” she writes in her post. “And you only lose or gain fat based on your calorie intake. So that’s all you need to worry about.”

Don’t Focus On: Lots of Cardio and HIIT Workouts

She also shifted her focus away from doing loads of cardio and HIIT workouts. “Yes, doing cardio or any type of exercise burns calories. But it’s not necessary for successful fat loss. Instead, focus more on your calorie intake if you want the best results,” she writes.

Don’t Focus On: Villainizing Carbs

She also stopped obsessing over eating carbs. “Carbs aren’t the reason for weight gain. Calories are. Carbs give you energy, which actually helps you burn more calories. So eliminating carbs completely is a bad idea,” she points out.

Focus On: Total Calories

She then moves on to “3 things that DO matter,” starting with how many calories you eat. “The amount of body fat you have is determined by your energy balance - calories in vs calories out. So if you want to lose fat, focusing on creating a calorie deficit (e.g., consuming fewer calories than you burn) is the most important thing,” she writes.

Focus On: Strength Training

Next, she shifted her exercise approach to strength training. “That lean, toned physique you want doesn’t just come from losing body fat but also comes from building muscle. Muscle not only plays a massive role in the appearance of your body composition, but it also increases your metabolism, so it’s an effective way to lose fat & maintain the loss,” she writes.

RELATED: This Plan Is How to Lose 5 Percent Body Fat In 2 Weeks

Focus On: Protein Intake

Finally, she focused more on how much protein she consumed. “A calorie deficit will cause you to lose weight, but protein (along with strength training) will determine what type of weight you lose (body fat or muscle) and what type of muscle you want to keep. Protein is also the most satisfying nutrient. So if you consume enough of it, you’ll stay fuller for longer. Making the dieting process much easier,” she says.

Signs You Are Building Muscle and Losing Fat: Visible Definition[

In another post, she reveals three signs that you are losing fat and building muscle, starting with a visible definition. “As your body fat reduces, whilst you’re building or maintaining your muscles, you will start to notice visible definition in your body. This could be more defined legs & arms, or some definition on your stomach,” she writes.

Changes in Body Composition

The next sign? Changes in body composition. “You’re noticing changes in your body and how clothes fit. You can track your body composition (fat & muscle percentages) by using a special body fat scale or by tracking your progress with photos and measurements,” she says.

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You Are Getting Stronger

The third sign is that you’re getting stronger. “You’re able to do more reps and/or lift heavier weights each time you go to the gym. Following a structured training program, where you perform the same group of exercises for around four weeks, is key here. Along with tracking your workouts so that you know whether you’re making progress.”

Make Sure to Fuel Your Body with the Right Food

“Losing fat and building/maintaining muscle requires you to fuel your body with the right calories and quantities of quality macronutrients. Too little will make it hard for you to build/maintain muscle, and too much may cause you to gain unwanted body fat,” she adds at the end of the caption. “A good starting point is to aim to consume close to your maintenance level calories (your TDEE) or just slightly below, and then adjust it from there based on your results. Protein should be around 2g per kilogram of body weight. With the remaining calories allocated to your carbs and fats.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

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This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to look decades younger? You might be doing all the wrong workouts, says one fitness expert. Shauna Theresa is a women's fitness and nutrition coach who helps women over 40 "boost metabolism, build strong, sculpted bodies and lose fat for life" using her STRONG method. In a new post she reveals a few simple changes she made to her approach to fitness that majorly changed her body composition game. "It's crazy this helped me get a better body at 45 than I had at 25," she writes across the Instagram video clip.

She Used to Think That to Get Toned She Had to Do "More"

"Raise your hand if you thought the best way to get 'toned' was to do MORE. ✋🏼🫣 More workout days, more sets, more exercises, more cardio, more sweat, more calorie burn. That was me!! I used to spend 5-6 days a week in the gym, working out for 90 minutes, everything was a superset, trying to "burn" more, and I'd top my weight training with intense cardio, walk out feeling exhausted and wondered why after working so hard my body NEVER got 'toned'," she writes in the post.

However, She Was Doing It All Wrong

However, she adapted her training method and feels and looks better than ever. "I now understand where I went wrong, and this is what I do now that has me looking, and more importantly, feeling better at 45 than I did at 25!" she continued.

She Dialed back on Volume

The first thing she did? "I dialed back on volume," she says. "Instead of 6 workouts a week with 7-8 exercises, I now do 3 workouts a week with 4-5 exercises."

She Does "Straight Hard Sets"

Next, "Instead of super setting everything, I do straight hard sets," she says. She focuses on "working with intensity, using slow and controlled tempo, and getting close to failure."

She Focused on One Program

It can be tempting to jump from workout to workout, but Shauna doesn't recommend it. "I stopped changing my workouts every week and instead focused on one program while applying progressive overload," she said.

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She Rests Between Sets

You don't have to keep moving during a workout, per Shauna. "Instead of doing jump squats or burpees between sets, I just REST between sets so that my muscles and CNS are prepared to another hard set," she explains.

She Walks Post-Workout

You don't need to run on the treadmill or walk steps until you sweat post-workout. "Instead of ending my hard weight workout with a hard cardio workout I leave and use walking daily as my way to get activity because it does not compete with building muscle," she says.

She Cycles Nutrition

Shauna refuses to be a slave to dieting and calorie deficits. "I stopped living in a calorie deficit and cycled my nutrition phases," she says.

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These Changes Will Support Lean Muscle Growth

According to Shauna, all of these changes support one thing, "growing lean muscle," she says. "Muscle growth is what you want if you're trying to look 'toned,' stay healthy as you age, and optimize your metabolism. To optimally grow muscle it takes working with the same plan, using the right intensity, applying progressive overload (aka adding more reps or weight) and allowing rest both between sets and between workout sessions."

Work Smarter, Not Harder

"My body changed the most when I STOPPED using my workouts to try and burn and started using them to BUILD. It's a completely different mindset but I promise you it provides dramatic changes! Time to work SMARTER not HARDER," she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

lois hughey coaching
Copyright lois.hughey.coaching/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to transform your belly from flab to flat in your 50s? This is totally doable, says one expert. Lois Hughey is a weight loss warrior and coach who lost 15 pounds and kept it off. Now, she makes it her mission to help women over 50 “simplify nutrition and fitness” and regularly offers tips for sustainable fat loss in menopause on her social media feeds. In a new post, she reveals a few simple habits for flattening your tummy. “Women who have flat tummies in their 50s are doing these things,” she writes. “Make sure you steal the strategy.”

So Many Women Struggle with Belly Weight in Their 50s

“There are enough challenges being a woman over 50…Looking and feeling your best shouldn’t be one of them,” she writes. “So many women tell me that they struggle with bloating, abdominal weight gain, and the inability to even lose 5 pounds of fat and keep it off.”

These 4 Strategies Work, She Claims

“It’s FRUSTRATING…😫I know because I’ve been there! If you want to lose fat, you must be in a caloric deficit. If you are, then you can steal these 4 strategies to make fat loss easier,” she says.

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat

Eat a “Balanced Plate of Food” 90% of the Time

First, eat a balanced plate of food at 90% of your meals. “This looks like 1/2 your plate is produce (the more color the better), 1/4 is protein, 1/4 is carbs—yes! Even your snacks! Build most of your meals to look like this at home, and you will see your body begin to change,” she says.

Strength Train

Next, exercise. “Strength train and take rest days,” she suggests. “Building muscle is your secret weapon to aging well and looking amazing. You don’t need hours in the gym (or even a gym at all). But hopping from video to video won’t help your body burn fat, and neither will 5lb weights. You are stronger than you think! Have a structured plan that you stick with for 4-8 weeks at a time so that you can track your strength. Do this 30-45 minutes 2-3 times a week. If you aren’t doing anything right now, this is enough to get you started. Be sure to take rest days, too. In the case of building muscle, more is not better.”

Manage Stress

You also need to manage your stress. “This season of life comes with plenty of stress. Job changes, retirement, aging parents, college kids, empty nest…. You need to stop your go, go, go lifestyle and learn to take time for yourself. Not just once in a while, but every single day. It’s up to you to do this work, even if it feels unnatural at first,” she says.

Prepare Your Environment for Success

Finally, prepare your environment for success. “None of these things are going to work if you hope and pray they will happen. You need a plan so that you can succeed. This means making sure you have protein and produce in your house. Scheduling your workout & destress time. Making sure that everything you need for the day is ready to go,” she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Shauna Theresa shaunatheresa
Copyright shaunatheresa/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

If you struggle to lose weight in your forties using the same weight loss tools as you did in your thirties, you probably fail to make progress. According to one expert, the same diet and fitness routines stop working as you age. Shauna Theresa is a women’s fitness and nutrition coach who helps women over 40 “boost metabolism, build strong, sculpted bodies, and lose fat for life” using her STRONG method. In a new social media post the influencer, who looks better at 45 than she did at 25, reveals some of the wisdom she learned the hard way. “If I knew these sooner I would have saved myself SO MUCH time and grief on my fitness journey,” she writes in the Instagram caption. “5 things I wish I knew before age 40.”

Carbs Are Not the Enemy

The first thing she wishes she knew in your younger years is that carbohydrates are not the enemy. “Carbs are your friend! They have gotten a bad rap over the years and I fell into the trap of thinking they were hindering my progress when in fact they have been a CRITICAL component with getting stronger and looking more “toned”. Carbs are your muscles preferred energy source, especially when weight training. Muscle is where you store glucose, more muscle means better insulin sensitivity. Having carbs pre and post training will optimize your results!” she writes.

Walking Daily Is a Game Changer

Next, she wishes she laced up her sneakers more. “Walking daily is underrated. I used to think I had to spend hours running, sweating away on a stairmaster or doing HIIT to lose fat but diet is KING for fat loss. Although walking has helped with my body composition and it doesn’t compete weight lifting like intense cardio can. It also lowers stress, helps digestion, is easy to do PLUS it doesn’t impact hunger. Very important when in a calorie deficit,” she writes.

Calorie Deficit Plus Weight Training Makes You Toned

“Calorie Deficit + Weight Training = TONED,” is the third thing she wishes she knew sooner. “To get ‘toned’ you need 2 things, less body fat (achieved with a deficit) and more muscle (achieved with weight training). If you’re new to training you may lose fat and build muscle at the same time, but most people need separate phases to focus on fat loss then muscle building. It takes time but it’s 1000% worth it. You will NOT get toned by using high reps with low weight. Lift hard and align your diet with your goals,” she writes.

You Lose Muscle As You Age

Next, “Aging comes with muscle loss,” she writes. “If you are not weight lifting, you’ll lose lean muscle mass which impacts hormones, metabolism, energy, function, insulin sensitivity and more. Even if it’s just 2 days a week, get in the gym. Lift some weights with a goal of getting stronger. Your 80 year old self will thank you.”

Building Muscle Is the Best Anti-Aging Too

And her last piece of wisdom? “The BEST anti-aging hack is more muscle. It’s the organ of longevity. It will help you have a youthful hormonal profile, keep metabolism optimal, keep you toned, help you remain mobile for all your years and helps preserve your cognitive health. Muscle is not to be feared! It is the answer to aging well and looking fine!” she writes. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss40 Health Symptoms That Can Be More Serious Than You Think.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you in your post-menopausal stage and struggling to lose weight? Ilene Block is the founder of Silver and Strong, a coaching company that specializes in helping women over 50 get into the best shape of their lives. In fact, she herself lost 40 pounds at the age of 61 (and 55 pounds altogether) by making a few simple changes to her routine. “I totally changed my body composition at 61 by changing these 2 simple things,” she writes across a recent viral Instagram video. “Can it be that simple? Yes it can!” she added in the caption.

She Changed Her Approach to Diet

Many people think not eating or eating much less is the key to achieving a dream body. But the opposite can be true. “Eat as much as possible to fuel your body (not as little as possible to be skinny),” says Ilene in her post.

She Changed Her Approach to Exercise

Another game changing thing she did? She changed her approach to exercise. “Lift heavy weights 4 to 5x a week (Heavy for YOU),” she says in the post.

She Used to Yo Yo Diet

“I spent 40 years yo-yo dieting - eating as little as possible - and focusing on doing more cardio that weight training (and never heavy enough),” she continues in the post. Here’s what I changed and what you can start doing TODAY to make a difference in how you look and, more importantly, how you feel.”

She Follows These 3 Eating Rules

She went on to change the way she ate and followed these rules. First, she eats “at least 100g of protein spread evenly throughout the day,” she says. “Eat your biggest carb rich meals right before and after your weight training,” is her second rule. And her third? “Track your macros - if you are not eating at least 1800 calories a day, you likely need to do a reverse diet to rev your metabolism before attempting to lose fat,” she says.

She Weight Trains and Does Some Cardio

She also changed her exercise focus. “Weight train 4 to 5 days a week - lifting heavy weights (heavy for YOU). Most women don’t like heavy enough so they don’t get the benefits of muscle hypertrophy, which is what makes your muscles grow,” she says. “Cardio is important for heart health and can be a good tool to aid in fat loss when you are in a calorie deficit, but it should never replace weight training.”

Muscles Burn More Calories Than Fat

She also points out that muscles burn more calories than fat. “The more muscle you have, the more you can eat and maintain the same weight or lose body fat,” she says. “Weight training also helps keep your bones strong, which is especially important to us post menopausal gals. Strong bones and muscles allow us to maintain our overall strength and fitness and independence as we age.”

Here Are Some More Tips

“Changing how you eat and move can seem overwhelming, but if your goal is healthy aging, both are necessities. Start slow and remember these mantras,” she says.

  • Consistency, not perfection
  • Discipline, not motivation
  • Comparison is the thief of joy

“You are not too old; it is not too late to get in the best shape of your life starting today,” she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss I Hit 60 and These 15 Anti-Aging Foods Keep Me Fit and Feeling 20 Years Younger.

Woman Lost 40 Pounds at 61 by Making These 4 Habit Changes
Copyright silverandstrong/Instagram

Are you struggling to lose weight after 60? According to an expert, a few habit changes can be game-changing. Ilene Block is the founder of Silver and Strong, a coaching company that specializes in helping women over 50 get into the best shape of their lives. She lost 40 pounds at 61 (and 55 pounds altogether) by making a few simple changes to her routine. “At 61 I was holding most of my weight in my hips and lower belly until I made these 4 changes to my daily habits,” she writes about the Instagram video. “Are you like me and have a hard time losing weight from your hips and lower belly? These foundational changes to your daily habits are the keys to being able to lose that weight and keep it off,” she adds in the caption.

Make Sure You Are Eating Enough

Her first suggestion? Make sure you are eating enough. “Many women of my generation (50+) grew up eating as little as possible to be skinny. I now know that the key is to eat as much as possible of healthy foods to fuel my body,” she writes.

Protein: “Aim for 1 gram of protein per lb of goal bodyweight,” she says.

Complex Carbohydrates: “Eat your largest carb meals before and after your weight training,” she says.

Healthy Fats: “These are more limited since they have 2.5x the cals as protein or carbs, but are important for overall health,” she writes.

Lift Heavy Weights

Next, make sure to lift heavy weights, “heavy for you,” she says, “to achieve muscle hypertrophy. “Most women don’t lift often enough (4-5x a week) or heavy enough to get the maximum benefits from weight training,” she continues. “The goal for women 50+ is building muscle and bone strength which can become an issue after menopause.”

Move Your Body Throughout the Day

Her third habit has to do with movement, specifically moving your body throughout the day to “get the benefits of NEAT,” she writes. ”NEAT stands for nonexercise activity thermogenesis,” she says. Examples include taking a walk, doing housework, and gardening. “Moving throughout the day can give you more benefits in terms of raising your overall calorie burn for the day than a half hour of cardio exercise.”

Prioritize Your Mental Health

Her last healthy habit is taking time to care for your mental health and mindset. “Change your mindset, change your life! At 50+, we are often unaware of our own limiting beliefs. You CAN do this! Awareness is the first step to changing your internal dialogue and how you talk to yourself,” she says. “Be willing to make yourself a priority and honor your boundaries.”

Be Patient

These habit changes won’t rear results instantly. You need to be patient, she says. “These changes take time, consistency and focus. Start with one and add the others over time and imagine where you will be a year from now.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss I’m a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

Dusty Young  Nutrition & Fitness Coach
Copyright dusty.coaches/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

The age-old weight loss dilemma: How do you satisfy your hunger while cutting calories? Weight loss coach Dusty Young, who shed 100 pounds on his own journey, has cracked the code with a revolutionary approach that's taking social media by storm. The self-described "recovering fat kid" has compiled a game-changing list of 50 nearly zero-calorie foods that could transform your weight loss journey – and the best part? You can eat them virtually guilt-free.

"The math of weight loss is simple: you need to consume fewer calories than you burn," Young explains in his post. "But that doesn't mean you have to go hungry." His viral posts reveal a strategic approach to weight management that focuses on low-calorie, high-volume foods that keep you satisfied while maintaining a caloric deficit.

Young's method isn't just about what to eat – it's about how to eat smart. He advocates for loading up on nutrient-rich, filling foods that won't derail your calorie goals. His three-pronged strategy includes using these foods to bulk up meals, snacking on them between meals to manage hunger, and combining them with protein for lasting satiety.

Ready to transform your weight loss journey? Keep reading to discover all 50 zero-calorie foods (sorted by calories per 100g) that could change the way you think about dieting forever. Your path to sustainable weight loss starts here.

50.Cottage cheese (fat-free): 48 calories

Packed with protein and calcium, fat-free cottage cheese supports muscle maintenance and bone health. It's a creamy, satisfying addition to meals—spread it on toast, mix it into smoothies, or pair it with fruit for a balanced snack.

49.White fish (like cod): 48 calories

Fresh fish, raw cod fillets with addition of herbs and lemonShutterstock

Lean, high in protein, and low in calories, white fish like cod helps build muscle while keeping you full. Try it grilled with lemon and herbs for a light but flavorful meal.

48.Cranberries (fresh): 46 calories

Organic Raw Red Cranberries in a Bowl Ready to Use


These tart little berries are loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C, great for immune support. Toss them into oatmeal, blend them into smoothies, or add them to a salad for a refreshing zing.

47.Raspberries: 45 calories

Fresh red ripe raspberries. Raspberries background.Shutterstock

With a high fiber content and natural sweetness, raspberries keep digestion in check while satisfying sugar cravings. Sprinkle them on yogurt or enjoy a handful as a low-calorie snack.

46.Blueberries: 45 calories


Known for their brain-boosting antioxidants, blueberries are also packed with vitamin C. Eat them fresh, frozen, or blended into a protein shake for an easy nutrition boost.

45.Edamame (boiled): 44 calories

Edamame,boiled green soybeans with saltShutterstock

A plant-based protein powerhouse, edamame is rich in fiber and essential nutrients. Snack on them with a pinch of sea salt or toss them into salads for extra protein.

44.Brussels sprouts: 43 calories


These mini cabbages are loaded with fiber, vitamin K, and antioxidants that support digestion and overall health. Roast them with olive oil for a crispy, caramelized side dish.

43.Blackberries: 43 calories


A fiber-rich berry packed with vitamin C, blackberries help with digestion and immune function. They taste great in smoothies, yogurt, or straight out of the container.

42.Papaya: 43 calories

Fresh ripe papaya fruits on wooden table, closeup​PapayaShutterstock

This tropical fruit is full of vitamin C and digestive enzymes that support gut health. Enjoy it fresh, blended into a smoothie, or sprinkled with a dash of lime juice.

41.Sugar snap peas: 42 calories

Snap peas placed on an old wooden board. Close-up, image of snap peas.Shutterstock

Crunchy, naturally sweet, and full of vitamin C, sugar snap peas make the perfect guilt-free snack. Eat them raw or toss them into stir-fries for extra texture.

40.Grapefruit: 42 calories

Juicy grapefruit pieces with fresh mint in a bowl, close up​GrapefruitShutterstock

Loaded with vitamin C and hydration-boosting properties, grapefruit is known for supporting metabolism. Eat half a grapefruit in the morning for a refreshing start to the day.

39.Carrots: 41 calories

Bunch of carrots in basket. Fresh carrots bunch. Fresh organic carrots.Shutterstock

A top source of beta-carotene, carrots support eye health and provide natural sweetness. Munch on them raw with hummus or roast them for a delicious side.

38.Miso soup: 40 calories

Healthy Japanese Tofu Miso Soup with Green Onions


Fermented miso paste gives this soup gut-friendly probiotics while keeping calories low. Sip on it as a light starter to curb hunger before meals.

37.Honeydew melon: 36 calories

Fresh whole and cut honeydew melons on white wooden table, closeup


High in water and vitamin C, honeydew is a refreshing way to stay hydrated. Enjoy chilled cubes as a snack or blend it into a smoothie for a cooling treat.

36.Kale: 35 calories


This leafy green is packed with vitamins A, C, and K, plus antioxidants for overall health. Add it to salads, blend it into smoothies, or bake it into crispy kale chips.

35.Pumpkin puree: 35 calories

Homemade organic pumpkin puree in glass jars and mini pumpkins on dark background close up. Ingredient for autumn or winter recipes. Seasonal cooking concept. Fall time. Macro with shallow dof.


Low in calories but high in fiber and beta-carotene, pumpkin puree is great for digestion and eye health. Stir it into oatmeal, yogurt, or soups for a seasonal boost.

34.Broccoli: 34 calories

Fresh green broccoli on a dark brown background. Macro photo green fresh vegetable broccoli. Green Vegetables for diet and healthy eating. Organic food.Shutterstock

A nutrient-dense veggie, broccoli is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Steam it, roast it, or toss it into stir-fries for a satisfying crunch.

33.Cantaloupe: 34 calories

Whole and sliced \u200b\u200bmelon, honeydew melon or melon cantaloupe and food texture close up. Cantaloupe melon composition and design elements.Shutterstock

This juicy melon delivers vitamins A and C while keeping you hydrated. Eat it as a snack or add it to a fruit salad for natural sweetness.

32.Okra: 33 calories

Farm fresh raw okra slices on wooden rustic aged chopping board. Close up of Lady Fingers or Okra over wooden background.Shutterstock

A unique veggie with gut-friendly fiber, okra supports digestion and heart health. Sauté it, add it to soups, or try it roasted for a crispy treat.

31.Strawberries: 32 calories

Female holding ripe strawberry in hands. Harvest of fresh juicy strawberry on farmShutterstock

Low in calories but high in vitamin C and antioxidants, strawberries are a deliciously healthy treat. Slice them over oatmeal, yogurt, or eat them on their own for a naturally sweet snack.

30.Green Beans: 31 calories

Green beans in a steel strainer sieve metal on a white wooden table, selective focus.Shutterstock

A fiber-rich veggie packed with vitamins C and K, green beans support digestion and bone health. Enjoy them steamed, sautéed, or roasted for a low-calorie side dish.

29.Leeks: 31 calories

Macro photo green onion leek. Stock photo lettuce vegetable background


Mildly sweet and loaded with prebiotics, leeks support gut health and digestion. Use them in soups, stir-fries, or roasted with a drizzle of olive oil.

28.Watermelon: 30 calories

Fresh sliced watermelon wooden backgroundShutterstock

With over 90% water content, watermelon keeps you hydrated while delivering a dose of vitamin C. Enjoy fresh slices on hot days or blend it into a refreshing drink.

27.Red Peppers: 27-30 calories

Red bell peppers on a counter in the supermarket. A large number of red peppers in a pileShutterstock

Red bell peppers are high in vitamin C and antioxidants, supporting skin and immune health. Eat them raw with hummus, roast them for a smoky flavor, or add to stir-fries.

26.Turnips: 28 calories

Bunch of purple and yellow turnips on a rustic wooden table.Shutterstock

A low-calorie root vegetable rich in fiber and vitamin C, turnips help digestion and immunity. Roast them like potatoes, mash them, or slice them into soups.

25.Banana Peppers: 27 calories

Banana Peppers  Raw Organic Yellow Banana Peppers Ready to Cut


Mildly spicy and tangy, banana peppers are loaded with vitamin C and add a zesty kick to meals. Use them in salads, sandwiches, or as a crunchy snack.

24.Eggplant: 25 calories

Eggplants and other vegatables on display at farmer's marketShutterstock

Full of fiber and antioxidants, eggplant is a heart-healthy, versatile veggie. Grill it, roast it, or use it in low-calorie pasta dishes for extra texture.

23.Cabbage (Green): 25 calories

young cabbage grows in the farmer field, growing cabbage in the open field. agricultural businessShutterstock

A crunchy, fiber-packed vegetable that supports digestion and heart health. Shred it for slaws, stir-fry it, or add it to soups for a nutrient boost.

22.Cauliflower: 25 calories

Fresh cauliflower on wooden tableShutterstock

A low-calorie alternative to starchy carbs, cauliflower is high in fiber and vitamin C. Roast it, mash it like potatoes, or blend into a creamy soup.

21.Cauliflower Rice: 25 calories

Freshly grated raw cauliflower rice in wooden bowlShutterstock

A great low-carb swap for regular rice, cauliflower rice is packed with fiber and nutrients. Sauté it with garlic and herbs for a light, flavorful side dish.

20.Arugula: 25 calories

Arugula on a white background. Raw and fresh arugula, green leaves, from above.Shutterstock

This peppery green is rich in antioxidants and vitamin K, supporting bone and heart health. Toss it into salads, add it to sandwiches, or mix it into pasta dishes.

19.Salsa (fresh): 25 calories

Bowl of tasty Pico de Gallo salsa on tableShutterstock

Made from fresh tomatoes, onions, and peppers, salsa is low in calories but big on flavor. Spoon it over grilled chicken, eggs, or salads for a tangy kick.

18.Water Chestnuts: 24 calories

peeled water chestnuts


These crunchy, water-filled veggies are low in calories and high in antioxidants. Add them to stir-fries, salads, or soups for extra texture.

17.Radicchio: 23 calories

Woman with ripe radicchios on black background, closeup


A slightly bitter leafy vegetable, radicchio is full of fiber and antioxidants that aid digestion. Grill it, toss it into salads, or pair it with balsamic for a delicious contrast.

16.Spinach: 23 calories

Background from fresh green spinach leaves with water drops. Texture of raw organic baby spinach close up. Food backgroundShutterstock

Packed with iron, fiber, and vitamins A and C, spinach supports overall health. Add it to smoothies, salads, or omelets for a nutrient boost.

15.Spinach (cooked): 23 calories

vegetarian food cooked spinach in black dish


Cooking spinach enhances its iron absorption while keeping it low in calories. Sauté it with garlic, toss it into soups, or mix it into pasta dishes for a nutritious touch.

14.Mushrooms: 22 calories

Fresh champignon mushrooms on wooden table, closeup. Space for textShutterstock

Low in calories but high in flavor, mushrooms provide important minerals like selenium and potassium. Sauté them, toss them into soups, or use them as a meat substitute in burgers and stir-fries.

13.Asparagus: 20 calories

Asparagus. Fresh Asparagus. Pickled Green Asparagus. Bunches of green asparagus in basket, top view- ImageShutterstock

A natural diuretic, asparagus helps reduce bloating while delivering vitamins A, C, and K. Roast it with olive oil, steam it, or chop it into salads for a fresh crunch.

12.Bell Peppers: 20 calories

Red, Green and Yellow Bell PeppersShutterstock

Loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants, bell peppers support immune health while adding natural sweetness to meals. Enjoy them raw, roasted, or stuffed with lean protein for a satisfying dish.

11.Sauerkraut: 19 calories

Homemade sauerkraut with black pepper and parsley in wooden bowl on rustic background. Top view. Copy space.Shutterstock

Fermented and full of probiotics, sauerkraut supports gut health and digestion. Add it to sandwiches, salads, or eat it as a tangy side dish.

10.Tomato: 18 calories


Rich in lycopene, an antioxidant linked to heart health, tomatoes are both nutritious and hydrating. Eat them fresh in salads, blend them into sauces, or snack on cherry tomatoes.

9.Zucchini: 17 calories

several zucchini isolated on a wooden table


A versatile, fiber-rich veggie that’s great for digestion, zucchini is perfect for low-carb meals. Spiralize it into zoodles, roast it, or add it to stir-fries.

8.Celery: 16 calories


Mostly water but packed with fiber, celery keeps you hydrated and full. Dip it in hummus, add it to soups, or enjoy it as a crunchy snack.

7.Radish: 16 calories

Fresh radish harvest on soil in garden.


A peppery, crunchy veggie with detoxifying properties, radishes support digestion and hydration. Slice them into salads, eat them raw, or pickle them for extra flavor.

6.Kimchi: 15 calories


This spicy, fermented Korean dish is packed with probiotics that promote gut health. Enjoy it as a side dish, mix it into stir-fries, or top off your favorite grain bowl.

5.Broth (chicken or vegetable): 15 calories


A low-calorie way to add flavor, broth is rich in minerals and helps with hydration. Use it as a base for soups, stews, or sip it warm as a light, savory snack.

4.Lettuce (Iceberg): 14 calories

Chopped iceberg lettuce -ingridient for cooking Studio PhotoShutterstock

Crisp and refreshing, iceberg lettuce is mostly water but still provides fiber and hydration. Use it as a base for salads, in wraps, or as a crunchy burger topping.

3.Cucumber: 12 calories

Portion of fresh and healthy Cucumbers (close-up shot)Shutterstock

With high water content and a refreshing crunch, cucumbers help with hydration and digestion. Slice them into salads, infuse them in water, or snack on them plain.

2.Dill Pickles: 12 calories

Fresh pickled cucumbers in a bowl with garlic and dill on a concrete table, village harvest, homemade pickling recipe, cucumbers and ingredients for pickling, home canning concept,


Tangy and satisfying, dill pickles add a crunchy, salty kick without many calories. Enjoy them as a snack, chop them into salads, or add them to sandwiches.

1.Sugar-free Jello: 11 calories

Hayward, CA - July 24, 2014: Jello brand gelatin in Black Cherry flavor, sugar free


A light, guilt-free dessert, sugar-free Jello satisfies your sweet tooth with almost no calories. Enjoy it on its own or mix it with fruit for extra flavor and texture. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Dr. Kristie Ennis drkristieennis
Copyright drkristieennis/YouTube

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Looking for a more effective way to strengthen your core and pelvic floor? Dr. Christy Ennis, DPT, has developed a comprehensive approach that goes beyond traditional Kegel exercises. "We're gonna get deep in there to help work that six pack a little bit and to support our back all without doing kegels," says Dr. Ennis, explaining how these carefully selected movements can help build foundational strength while protecting your spine.

Set Your Foundation Right

Start by finding your optimal position. "Before we get started with the exercises, we wanna make sure we've got our center set," Dr. Ennis explains in her post. Lie on your back, either on the floor or in bed, and gently rock your pelvis until you find a comfortable position. Draw your belly button toward your spine while maintaining natural breathing.

Begin With Controlled Marches

Middle age beautiful sportwoman smiling happy. Lying down on mat practicing yoga doing bridge pose at gymShutterstock

The sequence starts with gentle marching movements. "I'm raising just a little bit while still keeping those ab muscles engaged and not tilting that pelvis from side to side," Dr. Ennis demonstrates. This controlled movement helps activate your deep core muscles while maintaining pelvic stability.

Progress to Gentle Crunches

Crunches, High Intensity Interval Training or HIITShutterstock

With hands behind your head or crossed over your chest, perform small, controlled crunches. "I am not lifting up super duper high," Dr. Ennis emphasizes. "I'm trying to help protect that spine a little. And I'm really thinking about leading with those lower abs as I go."

Combine Core Movements

Young sporty woman practicing, doing crisscross exercise, bicycle crunches pose, working out, wearing sportswear, black pants and top, indoor full length, white sport studioShutterstock

Merge the crunch with knee lifts for increased engagement. Dr. Ennis notes, "Upper body and my legs are moving, but that core, that center is really trying to stay nice and stabilized." This combination helps integrate multiple muscle groups while maintaining core stability.

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Target Side Core Muscles

Abs workout - fitness woman working out on beach doing russian twists abs exercises with raised legs for stomach weight loss toning. Fit body oblique muscles training Asian girl.


The oblique reach exercise adds rotational stability. Keep your gaze upward while reaching across your body, maintaining proper form throughout. "It's really important to make sure that you are focusing in on that form and how you're moving," Dr. Ennis advises.

Master the Single Leg Extension

Single athletic woman with blond hair in blue outfit on back stretching hamstring muscles for leg in mid airShutterstock

This movement challenges core stability while protecting your back. Dr. Ennis recommends starting slowly: "If you are just starting out and new to exercise or back after an injury, make sure you listen to your body. I would start out with two to three non-consecutive days."

Practice the Struggling Turtle

Sports training of a girl.  Exercise dead bug. From the position of lying on the back alternately with the hand and foot


This modified dead bug exercise coordinates opposite arm and leg movements. "Dead bugs don't move," Dr. Ennis jokes, explaining why she renamed this effective core stabilization exercise. The focus remains on maintaining central stability while moving limbs.

Bridge for Multiple Benefits

Side view of young woman doing gymnastics the half bridge pose in fitness studio or home practices yoga warming up exercises for spine, backbend, strengthening back and shoulders muscles.Shutterstock

"Research has actually shown that even without trying to activate those pelvic floor muscles or those Kegel muscles, the bridge does a great job of helping to strengthen those muscles," Dr. Ennis shares. This exercise also helps with prolapse and hip mobility.

Flow Through Cat-Cow

Calm of Athlete Attractive Asian woman relaxing in yoga Cat Cow Pose on the pool above the Mountain peak in front of beautiful nature views,comfortable and relax in vacationsShutterstock

On hands and knees, move through spinal flexion and extension. This yoga-inspired movement not only helps the pelvic floor but also engages the core through its full range of motion. "We're getting some nice movement through the pelvis, which helps that pelvic floor too," explains Dr. Ennis.

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Challenge Yourself With Hover Work

Pilates or yoga. A slender athletic girl on the mat performs a stand on all fours. Exercise Quadruped. This is the starting position for wellness exercises. Isolated on a white background. Visual aid


The final exercise involves hovering your knees while in a quadruped position. "The abs have to work really hard here," Dr. Ennis notes. This advanced movement integrates all the previous work while challenging your core stability.

Remember: These exercises are designed to work together as a complete system for core and pelvic floor strength. As Dr. Ennis emphasizes throughout, proper form and gradual progression are key to achieving optimal results. Start with 2-3 non-consecutive days per week and build up as your strength improves. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss these 3 Simple Stretches Made This Coach More Flexible in 2 Weeks

Allie Janszen alliejanszen
Copyright alliejanszen/Instagram

Are all the conventional weight loss habits and tips not working for you? Try some unique methods one expert recommends. Allie Janszen, RN, is a hormone health and fat loss coach who lost 80 pounds naturally and helps other people do the same. In a new social media post, she reveals some of the unconventional things that helped her achieve her weight loss goals. “10 weird things I do that actually work and helped me lose 80 pounds of fat & inflammation,” she writes.

Infrared Saunas

The first thing that helps her is taking infrared saunas. She does this three times a week “to help with detox, inflammation, & brain health.

Increased Her Step Count

Next, she increased her step count to at least 8-10k steps/day. “Usually end up between 10-14,000 steps per day with help from my walking pad,” she writes.

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Red Light Therapy

She also started doing red light therapy sessions. She says it helps to “decrease inflammation” works as a “pain reliever,” and “improves cell function.”

Lymphatic Massage and Dry Brushing

Her fourth healthy habit is lymphatics like massage and dry brushing.

“Every day before getting in the shower to help promote lymph fluid movement for enhanced detoxification,”


Supplementation is also key, she says. She takes supplements like creatine, collagen, and salt and electrolytes in her morning water bottle. These “help build muscle” are “great for joint health,” and aid in “cellular hydration and hormone balance.”

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Progressive Overload Training

When it comes to her workouts she does progressive overload weight training. She aims for three to five times a week, “just depending how my body feels that week.”

Stress Reduction Techniques

Next, she practices “stress reduction techniques” like legs up the wall “to regulate my nervous system & balance cortisol levels post-workout.

Vagal Toning Techniques

A unique practice she does? Vagal toning techniques like cold rolling, she says. It also helps with “nervous system regulation, which helps balance cortisol levels.”


“Better sleep strategies,” like getting weight to 10 hours of sleep per night, have also been a game-changer. A few of the things she does? She sprays magnesium spray on her feet before bed and avoids screens one hour before going to sleep.

Getting Outside

Her final tip? “Get outside daily — especially with the morning sun and walk after meals,” she writes. She tries to get out within two hours of sunrise “to help synch my circadian rhythm. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.