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40 Health Symptoms That Can Be More Serious Than You Think

Don't ignore the simple signals that something is wrong—very, very wrong.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
Tired woman looking her eye bags in the bathroom.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

How many times have you noticed something wrong with your health and thought, Oh, I'll wait it out. It'll pass. It's probably no big deal. Lurking in the back of your head is the terror that maybe it is a big deal. That maybe you should call a doctor. That maybe this is The One. It's scary, this thing called staying alive. But you're not alone. Your body is there, communicating with you every day.

While occasional aches and pains are nothing to stress about, specific symptoms are your body’s way of telling you there’s something else going on. If you listen up and seek treatment quickly, you can prevent an emergency or an irreversible diagnosis. Read on to discover 40 health symptoms that may be signs that something serious is going on.

You keep forgetting people’s names

Woman is talking on phone and holding her forehead with her hand. Memory impairment forgetfulness conceptShutterstock

Did you completely space on a co-worker’s name or call your neighbor Jim instead of Sanjeev? An occasional slip-up on someone’s name is normal, especially if you’re low on sleep or high on stress. If you're noticing that you’re frequently forgetting people’s names or common words seem to disappear when you need them, you may have hypothyroidism.

With this disorder, your thyroid doesn’t produce the proper combination of hormones, which can cause fogginess, grogginess, and a low energy level. According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, about 30 million Americans who have hypothyroidism go undiagnosed because they aren’t aware of the warning signs.

Body Network Rx: If you’re suffering from these symptoms, it’s time to get some blood work done. Your doctor can check your thyroid hormone levels and prescribe medication to balance your levels back out and keep you healthy.

You’re excessively sweating

Excessive sweating visible by stains on a pink shirt of a young woman.Shutterstock

You might sweat in a stressful office meeting, during a tough workout, or if your broadcast news segment's a flop. In these situations, some perspiration is totally normal. However, if you find yourself dripping in situations that don’t warrant a sweat sesh—or your sweat is brought on suddenly and intensely—it may be a sign that something else is going on.

You may have primary focal hyperhidrosis, which is a genetic disorder that causes excessive sweating on your feet, hands, face, and underarms. That can be treated with medication or specialized antiperspirant, and you've probably had it since birth.

On the other hand, it could be secondary hyperhidrosis, which is associated with other underlying medical conditions. According to the Mayo Clinic, this symptom can be giving you a warning sign that you’re dealing with heat exhaustion, menopause, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, or other serious conditions that may need treatment right away.

Body Network Rx: Excessive sweating is uncomfortable and could be a sign of another underlying condition. Go see a doctor if you get wet.

You see little red or white dots under your fingernails

Close up fingernail lack of nutrients on white background. do not make nails, do not care for nails and ugly nails no shape. this image use for health care concept.Shutterstock

These small red streaks or dots under your fingernails are referred to as “splinter hemorrhages.” These hemorrhages are usually the result of a nail trauma. So, you might see a red or white streak or dot under your nail if you accidentally dropped something heavy on your hand or closed your fingers in a doorway. However, if you feel like these little streaks have shown up for no reason, they might be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

You may have systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), which is an autoimmune disease that causes blood clotting, joint pain, and erratic circulation to the fingers. It’s also possible that you’re suffering from nail psoriasis, which is a disorder that causes excess skin cells to build up on the nails. Another cause of this hemorrhaging could be antiphospholipid syndrome, which can occur if you have another medical condition, such as lupus. It can cause blood clots in the arteries or veins.

Body Network Rx: If you get splinter hemorrhages that are painful or accompanied by a fever, you need to get them checked out. You should also go see your doctor if they’re accompanied by additional red dots on your skin or joint pain.

Your skin looks pale

Cropped shot of a young female face. Green eyes with dark circles under the eyes. Bruises under the eyes are caused by fatigue, nervousness, lack of sleep, insomnia and stressShutterstock

In the dead of winter, you’re bound to lose your summer glow and look like a White Walker. But if your skin suddenly looks paler than usual, it could be a sign of reduced blood flow throughout your body. A lighter skin tone may also mean that your body’s red blood cell production has reduced dramatically. If this lighter skin pigment is accompanied by unexplained weakness or fatigue, you may have anemia, which means your blood is having trouble carrying enough oxygen to your body.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, anemia is the most common blood disorder and it affects 3,000,000 Americans. In most cases, the cause of this disorder is iron deficiency, so you may need to take iron supplements or include more iron-fortified foods in your diet, like red meat, dried fruit, or dark leafy greens.

Body Network Rx: You’ll need to get some blood work done to check your iron levels. If it’s anemia, your doctor can suggest dietary changes and supplements to manage your condition.

Your handwriting style changes

female hands with pen writing on notebookShutterstock

If you’re jotting down your grocery list and notice that your words look more crowded together, or much smaller than when you usually write them, it might be an early warning sign of Parkinson’s disease.

Dr. Michael S. Okun, MD, national medical director for the Parkinson’s Foundation, tasks his patients with repeatedly writing a sentence when he’s attempting to diagnose the disease. He can identify the disease because, “As they write, each sentence gets smaller and smaller, and the words become more crowded together.” You may also notice you’ve lost your sense of smell and you have vivid dreams that cause you to kick and thrash in your sleep.

Body Network Rx: If these symptoms persist over a few weeks, make an appointment with a neurologist to get it checked out. The sooner you have a diagnosis, the sooner you can begin receiving treatment to manage these symptoms.

You've started snoring

Young man sleeping in bed at home, top viewShutterstock

About 90 million American adults experience occasional snoring, according to the National Sleep Foundation. These periodic bouts of sawing logs can happen after you’ve consumed alcohol, when you’re suffering from allergies, or while you’re getting over a cold. If your snoring becomes consistent every night, you may have a deviated septum or enlarged tonsils.

If your nighttime snoring routine is accompanied by additional symptoms, such as high blood pressure, chest pain at night, the inability to concentrate, or you find yourself gasping for air when you wake up, you may be suffering from sleep apnea. With this disorder, your sleep is being constantly disrupted throughout the night because muscles in the back of your throat can’t keep your airway open. This annoying and exhausting condition can increase your risk for cardiovascular disease.

Body Network Rx: You’ll need to consult your doctor to see if surgery can help to correct the problem. Keep track of your snoring and sleeping patterns so you can relay this information to your doctor. He or she can get you a clear diagnosis and treatment plan so you can get some restful sleep.

You’re peeing a lot more

Adult man in a toilet at homeShutterstock

Most people urinate six to seven times in 24 hours. However, everyone is different so don’t panic if you urinate more or less than this. If you find your pee schedule has increased but you’re also drinking a lot more water or other fluids, it’s perfectly normal. But if you feel you’re urinating much more frequently for no reason, it may be a sign of bladder or kidney problems.

An increase in your trips to the restroom can also be attributed to a urinary tract infection, a mass in your pelvic region, or a sexually transmitted disease, such as chlamydia.

Body Network Rx: If you feel like you’re always on a potty break and can’t figure out why, it’s best to get yourself checked out by a doctor.

You get frequent heartburn

Woman has reflux acids at parkShutterstock

Heartburn is an uncomfortable burning sensation in the throat or chest from stomach acid. It can be caused by eating decadent or spicy foods or consuming alcohol. Obsese or sedentary people are more inclined to suffer from heartburn frequently, as well as smokers.

If you find yourself popping heartburn pills more than a few times a week, you’re on track for some nasty side effects. Remedying your own frequent heartburn or just living with the condition can eventually cause inflammation in the esophagus, which can lead to ulcers and serious bleeding. You may also be putting yourself at a greater risk for esophageal cancer if you ignore your frequent heartburn.

Body Network Rx: Your doctor may be able to isolate what’s causing this heartburn and help you to alleviate it so you can avoid more serious conditions later on. Make an appointment right away!

Your cheeks broke out in a rash

Asian young woman looking face skin in the mirror have a red rash on her face from cosmetic allergyShutterstock

Your cheeks may flush or get red if you have a fever or your body temperature rises during a workout or in a hot climate. However, if you notice a red butterfly-shaped rash on your cheeks and can’t figure out why, it could be a sign of something more serious.

While this rash is usually painless and not itchy, it’s a symptom of lupus erythematosus, a complex autoimmune disease. According to the Lupus Foundation of America, this disease is more likely to affect women between the ages of the ages of 15 and 44 years.

Body Network Rx: While your cheek rash may not be related to lupus, it’s best to get it checked out so you can rule out this disease. The sooner your doctor gets you on a treatment plan, the more likely it is that you can avoid other symptoms of this disease.

You feel a numbing sensation

Women show hands pain, numbness, tingling (pins and needles), muscle weakness affected. Signs of neuropathy, stroke, paresthesia, vaccination or Vaccine side effect disease Guillain Barre syndrome,etcShutterstock

Numbness may just be a sign that you sat on your foot for too long. But if you’re getting a pins and needles sensation on only one side of your body or in your face, arms, or legs, it may be an indication that you’re having a stroke and you need to seek medical treatment right away. According to Dr. Edward C. Jauch, M.D., from the Medical University of South Carolina, if you think you might be having a stroke, “Wait-and-see should not be a part of the decision process.”

In addition to this numbness, you may also feel sudden confusion, experience blurred vision, or have difficulty speaking if a stroke is the culprit. If you don’t suspect it’s a stroke, your numbness may be due to another condition, such as Grave’s disease, a herniated disc, or complications from diabetes.

Body Network Rx: If you think you’re having a stroke, call 911 right away. But if this numbness is attributed to something else, make an appointment with your doctor to get a firm diagnosis.

You’re losing weight without even trying


If you’ve made changes to your diet, or have increased your exercise regimen, it makes sense that you’d lose weight. But if those factors haven't changed, and the weight is still falling off, there may be a more serious issue. According to Dr. Richard Wender, MD, from the American Cancer Society, if you lose more than 10 pounds unexpectedly with no changes to your diet or exercise routine, it’s time to get it checked out.

Unexplained weight loss can potentially be attributed to cancer, but it can also mean that you’re suffering from another serious condition, such as:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Overactive thyroid.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Tuberculosis.
  • HIV.
  • Congestive heart failure.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease.

Body Network Rx: The sooner you get a diagnosis, the faster your doctor can get you treated to prevent other serious issues. See your practitioner if you suddenly lose weight.

You notice that a skin mole looks different

Over shoulder view upset female face reflected in mirror, woman touch face squeezes pimple caused by hormonal imbalance changes, stress or diet. Skin problem, jawline acne or new mole appears conceptShutterstock

If a mole is symmetrical and doesn’t change shape or color, it’s generally nothing to worry about. However, if you notice a mole that’s oddly shaped or if you think one of the moles you’ve had for a while just changed shape or color, you should see a dermatologist. Moles that change in appearance can indicate that you may have skin cancer, such as melanoma or basal cell carcinoma.

Body Network Rx: The American Academy of Dermatology recommends every adult get a skin evaluation annually from a dermatologist. However, you should visit one immediately if you notice any of your moles have recently changed. If they’re caught in time, these types of skin cancers can usually be treated and removed so they cause no further damage.

You feel really thirsty all the time


Thirst is the first sign of dehydration, which can lead to headaches, dizziness, and other unpleasant symptoms. According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, men should drink about 15.5 cups of water each day and women should consume about 11.5 cups. If you’ve noticed that you’re thirsty a lot more often than you used to be, it could be associated with changes in your diet or workout routine. An increase in exercise, change in weather, or eating more salty foods than normal can make you more thirsty.

If your thirst increase isn’t associated with any of these lifestyle changes, keep a close watch because it could be tied to diabetes. Excessive thirst can also be a side effect of some types of medication and can also happen when you’re pregnant.

Body Network Rx: If you’re not sure why you’re always thirsty, it wouldn’t hurt to make an appointment with your doctor to get some bloodwork done so you can rule out something more serious.

The skin on your palms is thick and textured

businessman in suit making gestureShutterstock

Your hands do almost everything for you so it’d be pretty hard to ignore if the skin on your palms suddenly felt thick and velvety. This condition is often referred to as “tripe palms” because it makes your skin look similar to tripe, the stomach lining of a sheep or cow. In most cases, tripe palms are an indicator that a malignant tumor is growing inside the body.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology analyzed 77 patients suffering from tripe palms. It was found that 94% of these patients had malignant tumors and only five weren’t diagnosed with some type of cancer. Pulmonary tumors were the most common diagnosis among these study participants.

Body Network Rx: If you notice these skin changes on your palms, it’s important to see your doctor. In most cases, it’s a sign that a malignant tumor has just started growing, allowing you to seek treatment while it’s still in the early stages.

You’re really tired all the time

Sleepy young woman drinking coffee, feeling tired, suffering from insomnia and sleeping disorder. Sad female sitting in modern kitchen interior, empty spaceShutterstock

If you got a full eight hours last night but feel like you could sleep for eight more, you may need to make some positive changes to your lifestyle, such as eating healthier foods or exercising. If you feel like you’re genuinely healthy, your sleepiness could be telling you that there’s something more serious going on with your body. Extreme fatigue and a low energy level could be signs pointing to any number of conditions, including:

  • Hypothyroidism. According to Dr. Theodore Friedman, MD, Ph.D., people with an underactive thyroid will feel tired because “their cells aren't working well, they're sluggish, and their reflexes are slow.”
  • Heart disease. If your heart doesn’t pump as well as it should, you could be on the road to congestive heart failure. Excessive tiredness can be an early warning sign that your heart is having trouble functioning.
  • Depression. If you’re depressed, your body’s serotonin levels are low. This chemical is used to regulate your sleep schedule. A messed up sleep schedule can easily lead to chronic tiredness and the desire to sleep a lot.
  • Menopause. Night sweats and hot flashes can make it hard to sleep when you’re going through menopause. Interrupted sleep can make you extremely tired throughout the day, so this might be the culprit for struggling to keep your eyes open.

Body Network Rx: Don’t continue to suffer through these groggy days. Go see your doctor so you can rule out a serious condition and get some advice on how to increase your energy level.

Your skin is breaking out

beauty, hygiene, skin problem and people concept - young man looking to mirror and squeezing pimple at home bathroomShutterstock

Acne breakouts aren’t just annoying, they can also be a symptom of other imbalances in your body. If you recently changed facial cleansing products or it’s your time of the month, a few zits can be easily explained. However, if you’ve never really had pimples before and you’re dealing with some harsh breakouts, you should take it seriously.

Acne is a sign that your body is producing too much oil or that it’s come in contact with bacteria. Consistent acne that’s unresponsive to treatments can occur if your body is dealing with hormonal imbalances. It can also occur when you begin to go through menopause.

Body Network Rx: A trip to the doctor can help you to better understand the root cause of your breakouts so you can get your body back in harmony. Your doctor may also refer you to a dermatologist to help get your skin clear again.

You have a cough that won’t quit

Senior beautiful woman sitting sick on sofa at home. He coughs, covers his mouth with his hand, holds his chest. Feels pain, suffers from asthma, allergies, flu, cold.Shutterstock

A nagging cough can linger from a past cold or flu for a good few days and that’s normal. However, if you have a persistent cough that didn’t come from a prior illness and that’s been sticking around for weeks, it’s cause for concern. If you’re a smoker, you may have a smoker’s cough that could be cured by quitting this unhealthy habit. If not, your cough could be a symptom of something serious, like lung cancer, a lung infection, or pertussis, also known as whooping cough.

Body Network Rx: If your cough is accompanied by a fever, it could be a lung infection that needs antibiotics. Whooping cough and lung cancer also need to be treated immediately, so visit a doctor if your cough just won’t quit.

Your skin feels dry and cracked

Man scratching his athlete's foot.Close up.Shutterstock

It’s common to experience dry skin in the wintertime when the air is dry. But this dry and cracked skin can also be a sign of a fungal infection, such as athlete’s foot. Feet are the most vulnerable because they don’t have oil producing glands that hydrate and combat the growth of fungal bacteria.

You might also have eczema or other forms of dermatitis. According to the Mayo Clinic, you can easily identify eczema because it makes your skin red and itchy in addition to dryness. Eczema looks more like a rash than a simple cracking of the skin due to dehydration.

Body Network Rx: If you suspect you have eczema, make an appointment with your dermatologist. After a firm diagnosis, he or she can provide you with topical creams or medications to help alleviate the discomfort associated with these breakouts.

You suddenly have trouble doing basic math

Gray pencil, calculator and opened account bookShutterstock

If you’ve always been good with numbers but you’ve been noticing how difficult it’s been lately to add up home project measurements or calculate a server’s tip, take this symptom seriously. A sudden inability to calculate simple math equations may mean you’re in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

When this disease begins to develop, the brain’s cortex is affected, which is responsible for managing finances and solving math equations. But Dr. Daniel Marson, PhD, from the Alzheimer’s Disease Center at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, states, “it’s a red flag if these issues persist on a regular basis.” So, if you blanked on a calculation once or twice, don’t fret. However, make a doctor’s appointment right away if you’re increasingly finding it harder to come up with the answers to basic calculations.

Body Network Rx: Your doctor can put you through a series of tests to confirm or rule out Alzheimer’s. If you are diagnosed, medications and treatment can help slow the progression of the disease.

You feel dizzy a lot

Blured photo of a woman suffering from vertigo or dizziness or other health problem of brain or inner ear.Shutterstock

Dizziness can be defined as a spinning sensation, near-fainting experience, or a simple feeling of imbalance, according to the American Osteopathic Association. If you experience dizziness every once in a while when you stand up suddenly, chances are you have low blood pressure or low blood sugar levels, which is something you should keep an eye on.

However, if you suffer from chronic dizziness, the underlying cause may be something you need to get checked out immediately. If you frequently experience dizziness along with vertigo, you may have benign positional vertigo (BPV), which is a disturbance in your inner ear. These symptoms may also be caused by Meniere’s disease, which occurs when the fluids in your ears build up. You may also have a noncancerous tumor called an acoustic neuroma on the nerve that connects your inner ear to your brain. See your doctor and explain the type of dizziness you feel and when you’re feeling it so you can get a solid diagnosis.

Body Network Rx: Take notes on when your dizziness occurs, what it feels like, and if you experience other symptoms along with it. Go see your doctor or an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist to find out what’s causing it and how to make it stop.

You’ve been randomly throwing temper tantrums

Experienced executive manager quarreling with employee on mobile yelling and screaming about bad report and failure with project, mad boss angry about software bugs in application for workShutterstock

Random bursts of anger can sometimes be warranted if your football team loses, your significant other pushes your buttons, or you get passed up for a well-deserved promotion. You can also experience intense mood swings if your blood sugar level has gotten too low at some point during the day or you haven’t had adequate sleep.

But if you find yourself uncontrollably throwing temper tantrums frequently, you could have clinical depression. Most people think of depression as a disorder that makes you want to listlessly hide under the covers for days. Some people who suffer from depression, however, experience these bursts of intense anger instead.

According to a study published in JAMA Psychiatry, it’s more common for women to be diagnosed with depression but it’s more common for men to experience this condition through anger and irritability.

Body Network Rx: If you simply can’t control these mood swings and random bouts of anger and you think depression is to blame, a doctor can prescribe you medication and provide you with other resources to get you back on track.

There are white rings around your corneas

optometry concept - pretty young woman having her eyes examined by an eye doctorShutterstock

White or off-white rings around the cornea is a condition called arus senillis. It’s not unusual to see this condition if you’re over 30 years of age. However, if you’re younger than 30 years of age and notice this whitening, it’s cause for concern. In younger people, arus senillis is a potential sign of high cholesterol, which can be caused by genetics or poor diet. According to the American Heart Association, bad cholesterol is a fatty, waxy substance that can build up in the artery walls. This increases your risk for a stroke, heart attack, and peripheral artery disease (PAD).

Body Network Rx: If you notice these white rings around your cornea and you’re under 30, make an appointment with your doctor so you can check your cholesterol levels and investigate other potential underlying issues.

You’re losing or growing too much body hair

man with a very hairy back standing outside by a river on a hot summer dayShutterstock

It’s normal to begin growing body hair at puberty and then for this hair growth to slow during middle age and beyond. Our body experiences these changes in hair growth because our hormone levels change at these periods in our lives.

While these subtle hormone changes are normal, extreme changes in body hair growth or loss patterns should be closely observed. These dramatic changes could signal unhealthy fluctuations in hormone levels. In most cases, women with unbalanced hormone levels will see too much hair growth while men will see a loss in body hair.

Body Network Rx: If you’ve noticed dramatic hair loss or growth, head to your doctor’s office so you can make sure your hormones are balanced.

You’ve gained a ton of weight, but only around your waist

man with overweight. symbolic photo for beer belly, unsuccessful dieting and eating the wrong foods. Weight loss concept. Tight shirt.Shutterstock

The extra weight around your belly can be caused by a number of things, such as poor diet, lack of exercise, alcohol consumption, menopause, stress, or genetics. It’s often referred to as visceral fat—the most dangerous kind of fat—since it surrounds vital organs, like your liver and lungs. Even if you don’t have extra weight anywhere else, your spare tire can be extremely unhealthy. Excess belly fat can make you more susceptible to diabetes and heart disease, including heart rhythm problems, blood vessel diseases, coronary artery disease, and other heart conditions.

A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association took body measurements of 500,000 participants, aged 40 to 69, then observed them for the next seven years. The study concluded that women who carry more weight around the middle have a 10% to 20% higher risk for a heart attack than women whose bodies were more proportional.

Body Network Rx: If you’re having trouble losing your gut, go see a doctor for help so you can lower your risk for these serious conditions.

You feel swollen

Swollen feets because water retention in the bodyShutterstock

Swelling is a common sign that something is wrong. Your body uses swelling and inflammation to combat infection and to heal and repair tissue that’s damaged. If your feet or ankles are swollen, it’s more than likely linked to poor circulation. This could mean your blood vessels are weakening or there’s a blood clot in your veins. If left untreated, blood clots are dangerous and can cause a stroke or other heart-related traumas, so you should seek medical treatment immediately.

If you have generalized swelling or inflammation, it may be a sign of edema. According to the Cleveland Clinic, edema can be the result of an allergic reaction or something more serious, such as heart failure or liver disease. Living with edema without treatment can be tough on your body. The extra fluid puts pressure on your organs and can lead to other conditions, such as weakening of the heart.

Body Network Rx: If you feel swollen and it’s not just because you ate too much salt, make an appointment with your doctor so you can get on a treatment plan.

Your chest hurts

Portrait Of A Young Woman Suffering From Chest PainShutterstock

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abdominal and chest pain are the most common reasons for emergency room visits for patients over 15 years of age. Chest pain is the most well-known sign of a heart attack or other heart trauma, so it’s no wonder more people visit the emergency room for this symptom than any other.

Your chest may hurt for a number of reasons, including a pulled muscle or severe heartburn. But you should definitely be concerned by your crushing chest pain if it was brought on suddenly and accompanied by:

  • A tightness in the chest.
  • Heavy pressure.
  • A squeezing sensation.
  • Pain in the shoulder, jaw, back, or arm.

If you also feel nauseous or sweaty, it’s another good indication that you’re experiencing a heart attack or another type of heart-related trauma.

Body Network Rx: Call 911 immediately and don’t ignore this pain.

Your teeth feel really sensitive

Sad frowning handsome brunette young man with beard touching cheek and looking into mirror in bathroom while getting bad tooth during cleaning teethShutterstock

As we age, our tooth enamel begins to wear away, making us more sensitive to cold or hot foods. However, if you notice that the enamel in the back of your teeth is wearing down rapidly, it could be a sign that you have acid reflux. While sugary drinks and snacks will wear down the enamel on the front of your teeth, stomach acids are the culprits for the disappearance of enamel in the back of the teeth. A study by the University of Alabama found that 40% of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) patients had significant tooth decay and only 10% of them weren’t diagnosed with acid reflux.

Body Network Rx: It’s important to seek treatment from a gastrointestinal (GI) specialist if you or your dentist notice this pattern in your enamel loss. If your acid reflux goes untreated, it can cause tooth decay or loss and can also increase your risk for esophageal cancer.

You feel symptoms after exertion

Female office worker in glasses rubbing tired eyes, exhausted from overworking, sitting at workplace in office.Shutterstock/Prostock-studio

"Symptoms of exhaustion, or post-exertional malaise as it's called, are a hallmark of long COVID and similar complex illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS," says NPR. "The idea that exercise can help patients has proven difficult to shake — despite evidence suggesting this isn't merely a case of deconditioning that patients can overcome by pushing through the pain." It goes on: "By taking biopsies from long COVID patients before and after exercising, scientists in the Netherlands constructed a startling picture of widespread abnormalities in muscle tissue that may explain this severe reaction to physical activity. Among the most striking findings were clear signs that the cellular power plants, the mitochondria, are compromised and the tissue starved for energy."

Body Network Rx: If you've have COVID and have felt post-exertional malaise, talk to a doctor about alleviating the issue and pacing.

Your gums look inflamed

Man suffering from tooth ache in morningShutterstock

Dental health is more important than you think. There’s a link between the bacteria that causes gum disease and the bacteria that causes heart disease. Therefore, poor oral health can lead to more serious medical conditions, including heart disease.

According to Dr. Thomas Boyden, MD, from Spectrum Health Medical Group Cardiovascular Services, “If you disrupt the gum layer even a little bit, you're going to get bacteria in your bloodstream, which can go anywhere and trigger inflammation throughout the body." And inflammation is what causes damage to the blood vessels, including the ones that go to your heart.

Body Network Rx: Inflamed gums are a sign of gum disease, which is caused by a bacteria buildup and can be prevented by regular flossing, brushing, and trips to the dentist every six months. If your gums are inflamed, it’s also important to keep tabs on your heart health, so visit your doctor regularly.

There’s blood in your urine

Door handle open to toilet can see toiletShutterstock

Blood in your urine is shocking and can be a sign that you have one of several different medical conditions. If you notice blood in your urine, you may have a bladder infection, kidney stones, or kidney disease. It may also mean that you have bladder cancer or a benign tumor in your bladder or kidneys.

According to the American Cancer Society, if you have bladder cancer, the blood in your urine may not even be accompanied with pain or discomfort. It also may appear once, then disappear for several weeks before reappearing again.

Body Network Rx: At the first sign of blood in your urine, go see a doctor and get it checked out. If you do have bladder cancer, you’ll have a better prognosis if you catch it early and begin treatment right away.

RELATED: 6 Full-Body Workouts to Activate Every Muscle Group

You have a rash on your skin

Solar dermatitis. Woman with red sunburned skin against gray background, closeup.Shutterstock

An itchy, blistery skin rash may seem like a simple allergic reaction or an eczema breakout. But, in some cases, this rash may be telling you that you have celiac disease. This autoimmune disease is popularly known as a digestive reaction to gluten, but some sufferers don’t experience any digestive symptoms at all. Skin reactions may be the only clue that you need to cut out gluten from your diet. According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, only 1 in 100 people are affected by this disease worldwide.

Body Network Rx: Before you throw out your loaf of bread and swear off Coors for life, get with your doctor. He or she can perform a gluten sensitivity test to see if celiac disease is the culprit for your skin rash or if an environmental factor is to blame.

You feel a stabbing pain in your back


You might feel a sudden twinge of back pain if you pull a muscle while lifting a piece of heavy furniture or trying to Dab. But if you feel a random intense tearing sensation in your back and it’s unrelated to a muscle injury, it could be a sign of a ruptured aorta. This occurs when an aneurysm grows in your aorta and one or more layers of the artery wall splits.

You may not even feel this aneurysm growing since there are generally no symptoms of this condition. According to the Mayo Clinic, when an aorta ruptures, this intense stabbing back pain may also be accompanied by labored breathing, a loss of consciousness, nausea, trouble swallowing, or signs of a stroke, such as body numbness.

Body Network Rx: If you feel this twinge of back pain for more than 20 minutes and it’s accompanied by any of these other symptoms, seek emergency treatment right away.

You notice blood in your stool

Closeup hand pulling toilet paper roll in holder for wipe, woman sitting on toilet she taking and tearing white tissue on wall to towel clean in bathroom, Healthcare conceptShutterstock

When you find blood anywhere it’s not supposed to be, especially in your stool, it can be concerning. Before you panic, consider your recent diet. If you ate beets, drank red juices, or consumed red gelatin in the past few days, your stool may be bright red but it’s not blood.

If you’re sure it’s blood you’re seeing in the toilet bowl, take it seriously. If the blood is coming from the outside of your body, you may have an anal fissure or hemorrhoid, which can cause this bleeding and will be accompanied by pain. These conditions should go away on their own, but if you continue to experience discomfort, you should see a physician for treatment.

In other cases, you may be suffering from an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Steroids and immune-modifying agents can help you to manage any of these diseases. Blood in your stool can also be an indication of colorectal cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, 145,600 people will be diagnosed with this type of cancer in 2019 and 51,020 people will die of the disease. However, the number of deaths from colorectal cancer decreased by 25 percent in recent years due to early detection and fast treatment.

Body Network Rx: Make an appointment with your doctor for a cancer screening right away so this disease can be caught and treated early or ruled out altogether.

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Your joints feel swollen and stiff

Man having a pain in his kneeShutterstock

Joint stiffness can occur as you age or after a tough workout. Generally, joint stiffness is more prevalent in the morning or after a long stretch of non-movement. However, if your joint stiffness is coupled with some mobility issues or swelling, it may be a symptom of a deeper issue.

If you have consistent joint pain, you may be suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA). According to the Arthritis Foundation, RA affects over 1.5 million Americans, making it the most common form of arthritis. Sufferers are born with this disease, but the symptoms commonly appear in those who are 30 to 60 years of age. It’s an auto-immune disease that causes an inflammation in the joints, which can be painful and limit mobility.

Body Network Rx: RA has no cause and unfortunately, no cure. However, the sooner you visit your doctor and get diagnosed, the sooner you can get on a treatment plan that makes it easier for you to continue enjoying life.

You keep getting nosebleeds

High blood pressure. Young woman suffering from nose bleeding, stop blood with tissue, free spaceShutterstock

Dryness, allergies, or irritation can cause a nosebleed, so don’t panic if you see a drip of blood every once in awhile. Blood thinning medications can also make you more prone to experiencing nosebleeds when other potential factors are triggered. Your nose has several sensitive blood vessels close to the surface, which causes bleeding to occur easily when disrupted.

However, chronic nosebleeds are something you should watch out for because they could be a sign of a nasal tumor or leukemia. If you experienced a nose injury and your nose simply won’t stop bleeding, it’s also cause for concern and you may need medical attention.

Body Network Rx: If you’re getting nosebleeds every week or your nosebleeds last more than 20 minutes, make a doctor’s appointment. Your doctor will take precautionary steps to ensure you don’t have a serious condition. If that’s ruled out, he or she can give you suggestions on how to stop the bleeding, such as using a humidifier or switching your allergy medications.

Your muscles feel weak or stiff

Blonde young woman give up workout in gym, fail.Shutterstock/sakkmesterke

Muscle weakness can be attributed to a number of causes. Maybe you pushed it hard in your workout yesterday or you’re coming down with a cold. If this is the case, your muscle weakness or stiffness should go away in a few days. If the symptom persists, you may be suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), muscular dystrophy, low blood sodium, or another serious condition.

CFS causes extreme and unexplained fatigue and specific causes of the disease have yet to be identified. According to the Office on Women’s Health, CFS is most common in women aged 40 to 50 and there aren’t any tests to diagnose the disease. Your doctor will simply need to rule out all other conditions related to your muscle weakness and fatigue.

Muscular dystrophy can occur at any age, but most likely, it will rear its ugly head in your younger years. It’s more common in boys than in girls and shows itself in the form of poor posture, bone thinning, trouble walking, and loss of reflexes, among other symptoms. Surgery or medication may be prescribed to help sufferers deal with this condition.

If you have insufficient sodium in your blood, it can also lead to muscle weakness, stiffening, and cramps. You can also experience confusion, irritability, and nausea. This condition can occur when you’re dehydrated, which can be caused by certain medications or other conditions. Your doctor can help you feel better with an intravenous (IV) sodium solution and can help you figure out why this happened and how to prevent it in the future.

Body Network Rx: If your muscle weakness and stiffness just won’t go away, see your doctor so you can figure out what’s going on and how to fix it.

You’re seeing spots

Young hooded Man outdoor have irritation of eye, itchy and dry. Sportsman have Allergic reaction on jogging and sensitive eyes. Copy spaceShutterstock

Eye floaters can look like black or gray specks in your vision that move around as you try to look at them. These floaters become more common when you get older because your vitreous, a jelly-like substance in your eyes, becomes more fluid-like. Small fibers clasp together in this liquidy substance and they cast shadows in your retina, which look like these little floating specks.

According to the Mayo Clinic, it’s common to see an increase in eye floaters if you are:

  • Over 50 years of age.
  • The victim of an eye trauma.
  • Experiencing complications from recent cataract surgery.
  • Suffering from eye inflammation.
  • Nearsighted.
  • Living with diabetic retinopathy.

However, if you see a sudden and intense increase in the number of eye floaters you see, it could be a sign that you have a retinal tear, which can lead to a retinal detachment and eventual blindness if left unrepaired. (This happened recently to Slashfimcast podcaster Jeff Cannata, who tearfully recounted his diagnosis on air.)

Body Network Rx: If your floaters are getting more intense, get it checked out with your eye doctor. You may need surgery to correct the problem and ensure it’s not something more serious.

You get lightheaded when you stand up

Woman loses consciousness and falls down due to dizziness and disturbance of the vestibular apparatus. Severe headache and migraine. Concept of helping people suffering from migraines and dizzinessShutterstock

Ever get a little woozy when you stand up after lying or sitting down for awhile? It’s a form of low blood pressure called orthostatic hypotension or postural hypotension. While it has a scary name, this condition actually pretty common and nothing to worry about if it happens from time to time.

However, if you experience this lightheadedness upon standing frequently or it’s accompanied by fainting or blurred vision, you may have a more serious problem. It can be a sign that you have:

  • Heart problems. A low heart rate or heart valve issues can lead to orthostatic hypotension since your body may not be able to distribute your blood fast enough when you stand.
  • Endocrine conditions. Thyroid problems, diabetes, or other issues with your endocrine can also cause this symptom since it can damage the nerves that help regulate blood pressure.
  • Nervous system disorders. If your nervous system is compromised by a disorder like Parkinson’s disease, orthostatic hypotension is also common since your nerves can’t regulate blood flow.

Body Network Rx: Take notes on when you feel lightheaded and how many times it happens in a day. Then, visit your doctor so you can discuss the probable causes and figure out the underlying issue.

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You have trouble swallowing

Side view young sad choked woman wears white tank shirt hold drink clear fresh pure still water from transparent glass hold neck sit on blue sofa stay at home flat spend time in living room indoorsShutterstock

If you notice a feeling of fullness in your throat that makes it tough to swallow, an enlarged thyroid may be to blame. Your doctor can order an x-ray to see if this is the case. If so, you may have a thyroid imbalance and your doctor may prescribe medication to balance out your hormone levels.

However, if it feels like your esophagus just isn’t functioning properly and you have difficulty swallowing (also known as dysphagia), you may have a medical condition. According to the University of Michigan Medical Department, this symptom can happen to anyone but it’s most common for older adults, babies, and people who have brain or nervous system problems.

You could have scleroderma, a condition that causes the esophageal walls to harden and become narrow. This condition also makes your lower esophageal muscles weak, which can be the reason you feel you can’t swallow properly.

Body Network Rx: If this swallowing difficulty doesn’t go away, make an appointment to see your doctor. He or she will analyze your diet, health history, and other important factors to figure out what’s going on.

You always have a sore throat

Young woman touching painful neck, sore throat for flu, cold and infectionShutterstock

A sore throat can be caused by an airborne irritant, such as paint fumes, or may be an indicator that you’re suffering from allergies or a cold. Smoking or snoring can also be the culprits for a lingering sore throat. But if your sore throat is with you night and day, it could be a sign of something worse.

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, if your sore throat persists for five to six days straight, it could mean you have a bacterial infection, such as tonsillitis, or a virus, such as mono. In extreme circumstances, you may be diagnosed with epiglottitis, a throat infection that causes restriction in the airways and trouble breathing, which warrants an immediate ER trip. However, in most cases, you may simply need an antibiotic to kill the infection.

Body Network Rx: Visit your doctor to see if an infection is to blame. If not, he or she can begin to isolate the problem and figure out a treatment plan. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

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That afternoon slump hitting you again? Those mysterious hunger pangs striking at odd hours? These might not be what you think. "Most people miss the subtle ways their body signals dehydration," says Dr. Janine Bowring, ND, a naturopathic doctor, bestselling author, and mother of five. Her years of research have uncovered surprising signs that could transform how you think about your daily water intake.

The Aging Sign That Might Just Be Dehydration

"One of the most overlooked signs of dehydration shows up right on your face," Dr. Bowring reveals in her post. "Those new wrinkles and dry patches aren't necessarily aging – they're often crying out for hydration." While many rush to buy expensive creams, she points to a simpler solution: proper water intake. "A persistently dry mouth often accompanies these skin changes," she adds. "Together, they're your body's way of signaling severe dehydration."

The Common Pain That Water Could Solve

Portrait of stressed young housewife in modern kitchenShutterstock

Got a headache? Hold that pain reliever. "Before reaching for medication, try drinking a glass of water," Dr. Bowring suggests. "I recommend adding magnesium bisglycinate to your water. Most people are deficient in this essential mineral, and this combination can provide natural headache relief while addressing the underlying dehydration."

3. Why Your Hunger Might Actually Be Thirst

Man choosing food from refrigerator in kitchen at night. Bad habitShutterstock

"One of the most misunderstood signals is hunger," Dr. Bowring explains. "What many people interpret as hunger pangs are actually their body's cry for water." This revelation extends to energy levels too. "Fatigue and perceived hunger are classic signs of dehydration that most people misinterpret," she notes. "It's why increasing water intake is often the secret weapon in successful weight management programs."

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The Hidden Reason Behind Your Joint Pain

Man having a pain in his kneeShutterstock

Think that joint pain is just part of getting older? Think again. "Your joints and muscles are highly dependent on proper hydration," Dr. Bowring states. "Joint pain and muscle mass loss often directly link to insufficient water intake." She points out that this connection is well-known in athletic circles: "It's why bodybuilders and athletes prioritize hydration, especially when using protein supplements or creatine."

The Digestive Issues You Didn't Know Were Related

Unrecognizable woman experiencing abdominal pain at home, young female touching her stomach while sitting on couch in living room, feeling discomfort in digestion, cropped shot, closeupShutterstock

"Many digestive problems have a surprising common denominator," Dr. Bowring shares. "Constipation, heartburn, and acid reflux often improve significantly with proper hydration." The solution, she suggests, might not require extensive dietary changes or medication – just more water. "Your digestive system requires adequate hydration to function properly," she explains. "Without it, these uncomfortable symptoms can persist."

The Social Impact You Never Expected

Woman sitting on her bed checking her breath in the morning. Concept of Bad BreathShutterstock

Here's a sensitive topic: bad breath. "Chronic bad breath can be a sign of insufficient water intake," Dr. Bowring reveals. But the implications go beyond social situations. "Your immune system's strength is directly linked to your hydration levels," she explains. "It's why doctors consistently emphasize fluid intake during illness – proper hydration is crucial for immune function."

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The Weight Loss Secret Hiding in Plain Sight

Sports woman drinking bottle of water.Shutterstock

"Research has revealed something remarkable about water and weight loss," Dr. Bowring shares. "Simply increasing water intake to two liters daily can significantly impact weight management." The science backs this up: "Studies show proper hydration can boost energy expenditure by approximately 400 kilojoules," she notes. This surprising connection between hydration and metabolism might be the missing piece in many weight management efforts. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Tired woman looking her eye bags in the bathroom.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

How many times have you noticed something wrong with your health and thought, Oh, I'll wait it out. It'll pass. It's probably no big deal. Lurking in the back of your head is the terror that maybe it is a big deal. That maybe you should call a doctor. That maybe this is The One. It's scary, this thing called staying alive. But you're not alone. Your body is there, communicating with you every day.

While occasional aches and pains are nothing to stress about, specific symptoms are your body’s way of telling you there’s something else going on. If you listen up and seek treatment quickly, you can prevent an emergency or an irreversible diagnosis. Read on to discover 40 health symptoms that may be signs that something serious is going on.

You keep forgetting people’s names

Woman is talking on phone and holding her forehead with her hand. Memory impairment forgetfulness conceptShutterstock

Did you completely space on a co-worker’s name or call your neighbor Jim instead of Sanjeev? An occasional slip-up on someone’s name is normal, especially if you’re low on sleep or high on stress. If you're noticing that you’re frequently forgetting people’s names or common words seem to disappear when you need them, you may have hypothyroidism.

With this disorder, your thyroid doesn’t produce the proper combination of hormones, which can cause fogginess, grogginess, and a low energy level. According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, about 30 million Americans who have hypothyroidism go undiagnosed because they aren’t aware of the warning signs.

Body Network Rx: If you’re suffering from these symptoms, it’s time to get some blood work done. Your doctor can check your thyroid hormone levels and prescribe medication to balance your levels back out and keep you healthy.

You’re excessively sweating

Excessive sweating visible by stains on a pink shirt of a young woman.Shutterstock

You might sweat in a stressful office meeting, during a tough workout, or if your broadcast news segment's a flop. In these situations, some perspiration is totally normal. However, if you find yourself dripping in situations that don’t warrant a sweat sesh—or your sweat is brought on suddenly and intensely—it may be a sign that something else is going on.

You may have primary focal hyperhidrosis, which is a genetic disorder that causes excessive sweating on your feet, hands, face, and underarms. That can be treated with medication or specialized antiperspirant, and you've probably had it since birth.

On the other hand, it could be secondary hyperhidrosis, which is associated with other underlying medical conditions. According to the Mayo Clinic, this symptom can be giving you a warning sign that you’re dealing with heat exhaustion, menopause, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, or other serious conditions that may need treatment right away.

Body Network Rx: Excessive sweating is uncomfortable and could be a sign of another underlying condition. Go see a doctor if you get wet.

You see little red or white dots under your fingernails

Close up fingernail lack of nutrients on white background. do not make nails, do not care for nails and ugly nails no shape. this image use for health care concept.Shutterstock

These small red streaks or dots under your fingernails are referred to as “splinter hemorrhages.” These hemorrhages are usually the result of a nail trauma. So, you might see a red or white streak or dot under your nail if you accidentally dropped something heavy on your hand or closed your fingers in a doorway. However, if you feel like these little streaks have shown up for no reason, they might be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

You may have systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), which is an autoimmune disease that causes blood clotting, joint pain, and erratic circulation to the fingers. It’s also possible that you’re suffering from nail psoriasis, which is a disorder that causes excess skin cells to build up on the nails. Another cause of this hemorrhaging could be antiphospholipid syndrome, which can occur if you have another medical condition, such as lupus. It can cause blood clots in the arteries or veins.

Body Network Rx: If you get splinter hemorrhages that are painful or accompanied by a fever, you need to get them checked out. You should also go see your doctor if they’re accompanied by additional red dots on your skin or joint pain.

Your skin looks pale

Cropped shot of a young female face. Green eyes with dark circles under the eyes. Bruises under the eyes are caused by fatigue, nervousness, lack of sleep, insomnia and stressShutterstock

In the dead of winter, you’re bound to lose your summer glow and look like a White Walker. But if your skin suddenly looks paler than usual, it could be a sign of reduced blood flow throughout your body. A lighter skin tone may also mean that your body’s red blood cell production has reduced dramatically. If this lighter skin pigment is accompanied by unexplained weakness or fatigue, you may have anemia, which means your blood is having trouble carrying enough oxygen to your body.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, anemia is the most common blood disorder and it affects 3,000,000 Americans. In most cases, the cause of this disorder is iron deficiency, so you may need to take iron supplements or include more iron-fortified foods in your diet, like red meat, dried fruit, or dark leafy greens.

Body Network Rx: You’ll need to get some blood work done to check your iron levels. If it’s anemia, your doctor can suggest dietary changes and supplements to manage your condition.

Your handwriting style changes

female hands with pen writing on notebookShutterstock

If you’re jotting down your grocery list and notice that your words look more crowded together, or much smaller than when you usually write them, it might be an early warning sign of Parkinson’s disease.

Dr. Michael S. Okun, MD, national medical director for the Parkinson’s Foundation, tasks his patients with repeatedly writing a sentence when he’s attempting to diagnose the disease. He can identify the disease because, “As they write, each sentence gets smaller and smaller, and the words become more crowded together.” You may also notice you’ve lost your sense of smell and you have vivid dreams that cause you to kick and thrash in your sleep.

Body Network Rx: If these symptoms persist over a few weeks, make an appointment with a neurologist to get it checked out. The sooner you have a diagnosis, the sooner you can begin receiving treatment to manage these symptoms.

You've started snoring

Young man sleeping in bed at home, top viewShutterstock

About 90 million American adults experience occasional snoring, according to the National Sleep Foundation. These periodic bouts of sawing logs can happen after you’ve consumed alcohol, when you’re suffering from allergies, or while you’re getting over a cold. If your snoring becomes consistent every night, you may have a deviated septum or enlarged tonsils.

If your nighttime snoring routine is accompanied by additional symptoms, such as high blood pressure, chest pain at night, the inability to concentrate, or you find yourself gasping for air when you wake up, you may be suffering from sleep apnea. With this disorder, your sleep is being constantly disrupted throughout the night because muscles in the back of your throat can’t keep your airway open. This annoying and exhausting condition can increase your risk for cardiovascular disease.

Body Network Rx: You’ll need to consult your doctor to see if surgery can help to correct the problem. Keep track of your snoring and sleeping patterns so you can relay this information to your doctor. He or she can get you a clear diagnosis and treatment plan so you can get some restful sleep.

You’re peeing a lot more

Adult man in a toilet at homeShutterstock

Most people urinate six to seven times in 24 hours. However, everyone is different so don’t panic if you urinate more or less than this. If you find your pee schedule has increased but you’re also drinking a lot more water or other fluids, it’s perfectly normal. But if you feel you’re urinating much more frequently for no reason, it may be a sign of bladder or kidney problems.

An increase in your trips to the restroom can also be attributed to a urinary tract infection, a mass in your pelvic region, or a sexually transmitted disease, such as chlamydia.

Body Network Rx: If you feel like you’re always on a potty break and can’t figure out why, it’s best to get yourself checked out by a doctor.

You get frequent heartburn

Woman has reflux acids at parkShutterstock

Heartburn is an uncomfortable burning sensation in the throat or chest from stomach acid. It can be caused by eating decadent or spicy foods or consuming alcohol. Obsese or sedentary people are more inclined to suffer from heartburn frequently, as well as smokers.

If you find yourself popping heartburn pills more than a few times a week, you’re on track for some nasty side effects. Remedying your own frequent heartburn or just living with the condition can eventually cause inflammation in the esophagus, which can lead to ulcers and serious bleeding. You may also be putting yourself at a greater risk for esophageal cancer if you ignore your frequent heartburn.

Body Network Rx: Your doctor may be able to isolate what’s causing this heartburn and help you to alleviate it so you can avoid more serious conditions later on. Make an appointment right away!

Your cheeks broke out in a rash

Asian young woman looking face skin in the mirror have a red rash on her face from cosmetic allergyShutterstock

Your cheeks may flush or get red if you have a fever or your body temperature rises during a workout or in a hot climate. However, if you notice a red butterfly-shaped rash on your cheeks and can’t figure out why, it could be a sign of something more serious.

While this rash is usually painless and not itchy, it’s a symptom of lupus erythematosus, a complex autoimmune disease. According to the Lupus Foundation of America, this disease is more likely to affect women between the ages of the ages of 15 and 44 years.

Body Network Rx: While your cheek rash may not be related to lupus, it’s best to get it checked out so you can rule out this disease. The sooner your doctor gets you on a treatment plan, the more likely it is that you can avoid other symptoms of this disease.

You feel a numbing sensation

Women show hands pain, numbness, tingling (pins and needles), muscle weakness affected. Signs of neuropathy, stroke, paresthesia, vaccination or Vaccine side effect disease Guillain Barre syndrome,etcShutterstock

Numbness may just be a sign that you sat on your foot for too long. But if you’re getting a pins and needles sensation on only one side of your body or in your face, arms, or legs, it may be an indication that you’re having a stroke and you need to seek medical treatment right away. According to Dr. Edward C. Jauch, M.D., from the Medical University of South Carolina, if you think you might be having a stroke, “Wait-and-see should not be a part of the decision process.”

In addition to this numbness, you may also feel sudden confusion, experience blurred vision, or have difficulty speaking if a stroke is the culprit. If you don’t suspect it’s a stroke, your numbness may be due to another condition, such as Grave’s disease, a herniated disc, or complications from diabetes.

Body Network Rx: If you think you’re having a stroke, call 911 right away. But if this numbness is attributed to something else, make an appointment with your doctor to get a firm diagnosis.

You’re losing weight without even trying


If you’ve made changes to your diet, or have increased your exercise regimen, it makes sense that you’d lose weight. But if those factors haven't changed, and the weight is still falling off, there may be a more serious issue. According to Dr. Richard Wender, MD, from the American Cancer Society, if you lose more than 10 pounds unexpectedly with no changes to your diet or exercise routine, it’s time to get it checked out.

Unexplained weight loss can potentially be attributed to cancer, but it can also mean that you’re suffering from another serious condition, such as:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Overactive thyroid.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Tuberculosis.
  • HIV.
  • Congestive heart failure.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease.

Body Network Rx: The sooner you get a diagnosis, the faster your doctor can get you treated to prevent other serious issues. See your practitioner if you suddenly lose weight.

You notice that a skin mole looks different

Over shoulder view upset female face reflected in mirror, woman touch face squeezes pimple caused by hormonal imbalance changes, stress or diet. Skin problem, jawline acne or new mole appears conceptShutterstock

If a mole is symmetrical and doesn’t change shape or color, it’s generally nothing to worry about. However, if you notice a mole that’s oddly shaped or if you think one of the moles you’ve had for a while just changed shape or color, you should see a dermatologist. Moles that change in appearance can indicate that you may have skin cancer, such as melanoma or basal cell carcinoma.

Body Network Rx: The American Academy of Dermatology recommends every adult get a skin evaluation annually from a dermatologist. However, you should visit one immediately if you notice any of your moles have recently changed. If they’re caught in time, these types of skin cancers can usually be treated and removed so they cause no further damage.

You feel really thirsty all the time


Thirst is the first sign of dehydration, which can lead to headaches, dizziness, and other unpleasant symptoms. According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, men should drink about 15.5 cups of water each day and women should consume about 11.5 cups. If you’ve noticed that you’re thirsty a lot more often than you used to be, it could be associated with changes in your diet or workout routine. An increase in exercise, change in weather, or eating more salty foods than normal can make you more thirsty.

If your thirst increase isn’t associated with any of these lifestyle changes, keep a close watch because it could be tied to diabetes. Excessive thirst can also be a side effect of some types of medication and can also happen when you’re pregnant.

Body Network Rx: If you’re not sure why you’re always thirsty, it wouldn’t hurt to make an appointment with your doctor to get some bloodwork done so you can rule out something more serious.

The skin on your palms is thick and textured

businessman in suit making gestureShutterstock

Your hands do almost everything for you so it’d be pretty hard to ignore if the skin on your palms suddenly felt thick and velvety. This condition is often referred to as “tripe palms” because it makes your skin look similar to tripe, the stomach lining of a sheep or cow. In most cases, tripe palms are an indicator that a malignant tumor is growing inside the body.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology analyzed 77 patients suffering from tripe palms. It was found that 94% of these patients had malignant tumors and only five weren’t diagnosed with some type of cancer. Pulmonary tumors were the most common diagnosis among these study participants.

Body Network Rx: If you notice these skin changes on your palms, it’s important to see your doctor. In most cases, it’s a sign that a malignant tumor has just started growing, allowing you to seek treatment while it’s still in the early stages.

You’re really tired all the time

Sleepy young woman drinking coffee, feeling tired, suffering from insomnia and sleeping disorder. Sad female sitting in modern kitchen interior, empty spaceShutterstock

If you got a full eight hours last night but feel like you could sleep for eight more, you may need to make some positive changes to your lifestyle, such as eating healthier foods or exercising. If you feel like you’re genuinely healthy, your sleepiness could be telling you that there’s something more serious going on with your body. Extreme fatigue and a low energy level could be signs pointing to any number of conditions, including:

  • Hypothyroidism. According to Dr. Theodore Friedman, MD, Ph.D., people with an underactive thyroid will feel tired because “their cells aren't working well, they're sluggish, and their reflexes are slow.”
  • Heart disease. If your heart doesn’t pump as well as it should, you could be on the road to congestive heart failure. Excessive tiredness can be an early warning sign that your heart is having trouble functioning.
  • Depression. If you’re depressed, your body’s serotonin levels are low. This chemical is used to regulate your sleep schedule. A messed up sleep schedule can easily lead to chronic tiredness and the desire to sleep a lot.
  • Menopause. Night sweats and hot flashes can make it hard to sleep when you’re going through menopause. Interrupted sleep can make you extremely tired throughout the day, so this might be the culprit for struggling to keep your eyes open.

Body Network Rx: Don’t continue to suffer through these groggy days. Go see your doctor so you can rule out a serious condition and get some advice on how to increase your energy level.

Your skin is breaking out

beauty, hygiene, skin problem and people concept - young man looking to mirror and squeezing pimple at home bathroomShutterstock

Acne breakouts aren’t just annoying, they can also be a symptom of other imbalances in your body. If you recently changed facial cleansing products or it’s your time of the month, a few zits can be easily explained. However, if you’ve never really had pimples before and you’re dealing with some harsh breakouts, you should take it seriously.

Acne is a sign that your body is producing too much oil or that it’s come in contact with bacteria. Consistent acne that’s unresponsive to treatments can occur if your body is dealing with hormonal imbalances. It can also occur when you begin to go through menopause.

Body Network Rx: A trip to the doctor can help you to better understand the root cause of your breakouts so you can get your body back in harmony. Your doctor may also refer you to a dermatologist to help get your skin clear again.

You have a cough that won’t quit

Senior beautiful woman sitting sick on sofa at home. He coughs, covers his mouth with his hand, holds his chest. Feels pain, suffers from asthma, allergies, flu, cold.Shutterstock

A nagging cough can linger from a past cold or flu for a good few days and that’s normal. However, if you have a persistent cough that didn’t come from a prior illness and that’s been sticking around for weeks, it’s cause for concern. If you’re a smoker, you may have a smoker’s cough that could be cured by quitting this unhealthy habit. If not, your cough could be a symptom of something serious, like lung cancer, a lung infection, or pertussis, also known as whooping cough.

Body Network Rx: If your cough is accompanied by a fever, it could be a lung infection that needs antibiotics. Whooping cough and lung cancer also need to be treated immediately, so visit a doctor if your cough just won’t quit.

Your skin feels dry and cracked

Man scratching his athlete's foot.Close up.Shutterstock

It’s common to experience dry skin in the wintertime when the air is dry. But this dry and cracked skin can also be a sign of a fungal infection, such as athlete’s foot. Feet are the most vulnerable because they don’t have oil producing glands that hydrate and combat the growth of fungal bacteria.

You might also have eczema or other forms of dermatitis. According to the Mayo Clinic, you can easily identify eczema because it makes your skin red and itchy in addition to dryness. Eczema looks more like a rash than a simple cracking of the skin due to dehydration.

Body Network Rx: If you suspect you have eczema, make an appointment with your dermatologist. After a firm diagnosis, he or she can provide you with topical creams or medications to help alleviate the discomfort associated with these breakouts.

You suddenly have trouble doing basic math

Gray pencil, calculator and opened account bookShutterstock

If you’ve always been good with numbers but you’ve been noticing how difficult it’s been lately to add up home project measurements or calculate a server’s tip, take this symptom seriously. A sudden inability to calculate simple math equations may mean you’re in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

When this disease begins to develop, the brain’s cortex is affected, which is responsible for managing finances and solving math equations. But Dr. Daniel Marson, PhD, from the Alzheimer’s Disease Center at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, states, “it’s a red flag if these issues persist on a regular basis.” So, if you blanked on a calculation once or twice, don’t fret. However, make a doctor’s appointment right away if you’re increasingly finding it harder to come up with the answers to basic calculations.

Body Network Rx: Your doctor can put you through a series of tests to confirm or rule out Alzheimer’s. If you are diagnosed, medications and treatment can help slow the progression of the disease.

You feel dizzy a lot

Blured photo of a woman suffering from vertigo or dizziness or other health problem of brain or inner ear.Shutterstock

Dizziness can be defined as a spinning sensation, near-fainting experience, or a simple feeling of imbalance, according to the American Osteopathic Association. If you experience dizziness every once in a while when you stand up suddenly, chances are you have low blood pressure or low blood sugar levels, which is something you should keep an eye on.

However, if you suffer from chronic dizziness, the underlying cause may be something you need to get checked out immediately. If you frequently experience dizziness along with vertigo, you may have benign positional vertigo (BPV), which is a disturbance in your inner ear. These symptoms may also be caused by Meniere’s disease, which occurs when the fluids in your ears build up. You may also have a noncancerous tumor called an acoustic neuroma on the nerve that connects your inner ear to your brain. See your doctor and explain the type of dizziness you feel and when you’re feeling it so you can get a solid diagnosis.

Body Network Rx: Take notes on when your dizziness occurs, what it feels like, and if you experience other symptoms along with it. Go see your doctor or an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist to find out what’s causing it and how to make it stop.

You’ve been randomly throwing temper tantrums

Experienced executive manager quarreling with employee on mobile yelling and screaming about bad report and failure with project, mad boss angry about software bugs in application for workShutterstock

Random bursts of anger can sometimes be warranted if your football team loses, your significant other pushes your buttons, or you get passed up for a well-deserved promotion. You can also experience intense mood swings if your blood sugar level has gotten too low at some point during the day or you haven’t had adequate sleep.

But if you find yourself uncontrollably throwing temper tantrums frequently, you could have clinical depression. Most people think of depression as a disorder that makes you want to listlessly hide under the covers for days. Some people who suffer from depression, however, experience these bursts of intense anger instead.

According to a study published in JAMA Psychiatry, it’s more common for women to be diagnosed with depression but it’s more common for men to experience this condition through anger and irritability.

Body Network Rx: If you simply can’t control these mood swings and random bouts of anger and you think depression is to blame, a doctor can prescribe you medication and provide you with other resources to get you back on track.

There are white rings around your corneas

optometry concept - pretty young woman having her eyes examined by an eye doctorShutterstock

White or off-white rings around the cornea is a condition called arus senillis. It’s not unusual to see this condition if you’re over 30 years of age. However, if you’re younger than 30 years of age and notice this whitening, it’s cause for concern. In younger people, arus senillis is a potential sign of high cholesterol, which can be caused by genetics or poor diet. According to the American Heart Association, bad cholesterol is a fatty, waxy substance that can build up in the artery walls. This increases your risk for a stroke, heart attack, and peripheral artery disease (PAD).

Body Network Rx: If you notice these white rings around your cornea and you’re under 30, make an appointment with your doctor so you can check your cholesterol levels and investigate other potential underlying issues.

You’re losing or growing too much body hair

man with a very hairy back standing outside by a river on a hot summer dayShutterstock

It’s normal to begin growing body hair at puberty and then for this hair growth to slow during middle age and beyond. Our body experiences these changes in hair growth because our hormone levels change at these periods in our lives.

While these subtle hormone changes are normal, extreme changes in body hair growth or loss patterns should be closely observed. These dramatic changes could signal unhealthy fluctuations in hormone levels. In most cases, women with unbalanced hormone levels will see too much hair growth while men will see a loss in body hair.

Body Network Rx: If you’ve noticed dramatic hair loss or growth, head to your doctor’s office so you can make sure your hormones are balanced.

You’ve gained a ton of weight, but only around your waist

man with overweight. symbolic photo for beer belly, unsuccessful dieting and eating the wrong foods. Weight loss concept. Tight shirt.Shutterstock

The extra weight around your belly can be caused by a number of things, such as poor diet, lack of exercise, alcohol consumption, menopause, stress, or genetics. It’s often referred to as visceral fat—the most dangerous kind of fat—since it surrounds vital organs, like your liver and lungs. Even if you don’t have extra weight anywhere else, your spare tire can be extremely unhealthy. Excess belly fat can make you more susceptible to diabetes and heart disease, including heart rhythm problems, blood vessel diseases, coronary artery disease, and other heart conditions.

A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association took body measurements of 500,000 participants, aged 40 to 69, then observed them for the next seven years. The study concluded that women who carry more weight around the middle have a 10% to 20% higher risk for a heart attack than women whose bodies were more proportional.

Body Network Rx: If you’re having trouble losing your gut, go see a doctor for help so you can lower your risk for these serious conditions.

You feel swollen

Swollen feets because water retention in the bodyShutterstock

Swelling is a common sign that something is wrong. Your body uses swelling and inflammation to combat infection and to heal and repair tissue that’s damaged. If your feet or ankles are swollen, it’s more than likely linked to poor circulation. This could mean your blood vessels are weakening or there’s a blood clot in your veins. If left untreated, blood clots are dangerous and can cause a stroke or other heart-related traumas, so you should seek medical treatment immediately.

If you have generalized swelling or inflammation, it may be a sign of edema. According to the Cleveland Clinic, edema can be the result of an allergic reaction or something more serious, such as heart failure or liver disease. Living with edema without treatment can be tough on your body. The extra fluid puts pressure on your organs and can lead to other conditions, such as weakening of the heart.

Body Network Rx: If you feel swollen and it’s not just because you ate too much salt, make an appointment with your doctor so you can get on a treatment plan.

Your chest hurts

Portrait Of A Young Woman Suffering From Chest PainShutterstock

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abdominal and chest pain are the most common reasons for emergency room visits for patients over 15 years of age. Chest pain is the most well-known sign of a heart attack or other heart trauma, so it’s no wonder more people visit the emergency room for this symptom than any other.

Your chest may hurt for a number of reasons, including a pulled muscle or severe heartburn. But you should definitely be concerned by your crushing chest pain if it was brought on suddenly and accompanied by:

  • A tightness in the chest.
  • Heavy pressure.
  • A squeezing sensation.
  • Pain in the shoulder, jaw, back, or arm.

If you also feel nauseous or sweaty, it’s another good indication that you’re experiencing a heart attack or another type of heart-related trauma.

Body Network Rx: Call 911 immediately and don’t ignore this pain.

Your teeth feel really sensitive

Sad frowning handsome brunette young man with beard touching cheek and looking into mirror in bathroom while getting bad tooth during cleaning teethShutterstock

As we age, our tooth enamel begins to wear away, making us more sensitive to cold or hot foods. However, if you notice that the enamel in the back of your teeth is wearing down rapidly, it could be a sign that you have acid reflux. While sugary drinks and snacks will wear down the enamel on the front of your teeth, stomach acids are the culprits for the disappearance of enamel in the back of the teeth. A study by the University of Alabama found that 40% of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) patients had significant tooth decay and only 10% of them weren’t diagnosed with acid reflux.

Body Network Rx: It’s important to seek treatment from a gastrointestinal (GI) specialist if you or your dentist notice this pattern in your enamel loss. If your acid reflux goes untreated, it can cause tooth decay or loss and can also increase your risk for esophageal cancer.

You feel symptoms after exertion

Female office worker in glasses rubbing tired eyes, exhausted from overworking, sitting at workplace in office.Shutterstock/Prostock-studio

"Symptoms of exhaustion, or post-exertional malaise as it's called, are a hallmark of long COVID and similar complex illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS," says NPR. "The idea that exercise can help patients has proven difficult to shake — despite evidence suggesting this isn't merely a case of deconditioning that patients can overcome by pushing through the pain." It goes on: "By taking biopsies from long COVID patients before and after exercising, scientists in the Netherlands constructed a startling picture of widespread abnormalities in muscle tissue that may explain this severe reaction to physical activity. Among the most striking findings were clear signs that the cellular power plants, the mitochondria, are compromised and the tissue starved for energy."

Body Network Rx: If you've have COVID and have felt post-exertional malaise, talk to a doctor about alleviating the issue and pacing.

Your gums look inflamed

Man suffering from tooth ache in morningShutterstock

Dental health is more important than you think. There’s a link between the bacteria that causes gum disease and the bacteria that causes heart disease. Therefore, poor oral health can lead to more serious medical conditions, including heart disease.

According to Dr. Thomas Boyden, MD, from Spectrum Health Medical Group Cardiovascular Services, “If you disrupt the gum layer even a little bit, you're going to get bacteria in your bloodstream, which can go anywhere and trigger inflammation throughout the body." And inflammation is what causes damage to the blood vessels, including the ones that go to your heart.

Body Network Rx: Inflamed gums are a sign of gum disease, which is caused by a bacteria buildup and can be prevented by regular flossing, brushing, and trips to the dentist every six months. If your gums are inflamed, it’s also important to keep tabs on your heart health, so visit your doctor regularly.

There’s blood in your urine

Door handle open to toilet can see toiletShutterstock

Blood in your urine is shocking and can be a sign that you have one of several different medical conditions. If you notice blood in your urine, you may have a bladder infection, kidney stones, or kidney disease. It may also mean that you have bladder cancer or a benign tumor in your bladder or kidneys.

According to the American Cancer Society, if you have bladder cancer, the blood in your urine may not even be accompanied with pain or discomfort. It also may appear once, then disappear for several weeks before reappearing again.

Body Network Rx: At the first sign of blood in your urine, go see a doctor and get it checked out. If you do have bladder cancer, you’ll have a better prognosis if you catch it early and begin treatment right away.

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You have a rash on your skin

Solar dermatitis. Woman with red sunburned skin against gray background, closeup.Shutterstock

An itchy, blistery skin rash may seem like a simple allergic reaction or an eczema breakout. But, in some cases, this rash may be telling you that you have celiac disease. This autoimmune disease is popularly known as a digestive reaction to gluten, but some sufferers don’t experience any digestive symptoms at all. Skin reactions may be the only clue that you need to cut out gluten from your diet. According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, only 1 in 100 people are affected by this disease worldwide.

Body Network Rx: Before you throw out your loaf of bread and swear off Coors for life, get with your doctor. He or she can perform a gluten sensitivity test to see if celiac disease is the culprit for your skin rash or if an environmental factor is to blame.

You feel a stabbing pain in your back


You might feel a sudden twinge of back pain if you pull a muscle while lifting a piece of heavy furniture or trying to Dab. But if you feel a random intense tearing sensation in your back and it’s unrelated to a muscle injury, it could be a sign of a ruptured aorta. This occurs when an aneurysm grows in your aorta and one or more layers of the artery wall splits.

You may not even feel this aneurysm growing since there are generally no symptoms of this condition. According to the Mayo Clinic, when an aorta ruptures, this intense stabbing back pain may also be accompanied by labored breathing, a loss of consciousness, nausea, trouble swallowing, or signs of a stroke, such as body numbness.

Body Network Rx: If you feel this twinge of back pain for more than 20 minutes and it’s accompanied by any of these other symptoms, seek emergency treatment right away.

You notice blood in your stool

Closeup hand pulling toilet paper roll in holder for wipe, woman sitting on toilet she taking and tearing white tissue on wall to towel clean in bathroom, Healthcare conceptShutterstock

When you find blood anywhere it’s not supposed to be, especially in your stool, it can be concerning. Before you panic, consider your recent diet. If you ate beets, drank red juices, or consumed red gelatin in the past few days, your stool may be bright red but it’s not blood.

If you’re sure it’s blood you’re seeing in the toilet bowl, take it seriously. If the blood is coming from the outside of your body, you may have an anal fissure or hemorrhoid, which can cause this bleeding and will be accompanied by pain. These conditions should go away on their own, but if you continue to experience discomfort, you should see a physician for treatment.

In other cases, you may be suffering from an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Steroids and immune-modifying agents can help you to manage any of these diseases. Blood in your stool can also be an indication of colorectal cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, 145,600 people will be diagnosed with this type of cancer in 2019 and 51,020 people will die of the disease. However, the number of deaths from colorectal cancer decreased by 25 percent in recent years due to early detection and fast treatment.

Body Network Rx: Make an appointment with your doctor for a cancer screening right away so this disease can be caught and treated early or ruled out altogether.

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Your joints feel swollen and stiff

Man having a pain in his kneeShutterstock

Joint stiffness can occur as you age or after a tough workout. Generally, joint stiffness is more prevalent in the morning or after a long stretch of non-movement. However, if your joint stiffness is coupled with some mobility issues or swelling, it may be a symptom of a deeper issue.

If you have consistent joint pain, you may be suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA). According to the Arthritis Foundation, RA affects over 1.5 million Americans, making it the most common form of arthritis. Sufferers are born with this disease, but the symptoms commonly appear in those who are 30 to 60 years of age. It’s an auto-immune disease that causes an inflammation in the joints, which can be painful and limit mobility.

Body Network Rx: RA has no cause and unfortunately, no cure. However, the sooner you visit your doctor and get diagnosed, the sooner you can get on a treatment plan that makes it easier for you to continue enjoying life.

You keep getting nosebleeds

High blood pressure. Young woman suffering from nose bleeding, stop blood with tissue, free spaceShutterstock

Dryness, allergies, or irritation can cause a nosebleed, so don’t panic if you see a drip of blood every once in awhile. Blood thinning medications can also make you more prone to experiencing nosebleeds when other potential factors are triggered. Your nose has several sensitive blood vessels close to the surface, which causes bleeding to occur easily when disrupted.

However, chronic nosebleeds are something you should watch out for because they could be a sign of a nasal tumor or leukemia. If you experienced a nose injury and your nose simply won’t stop bleeding, it’s also cause for concern and you may need medical attention.

Body Network Rx: If you’re getting nosebleeds every week or your nosebleeds last more than 20 minutes, make a doctor’s appointment. Your doctor will take precautionary steps to ensure you don’t have a serious condition. If that’s ruled out, he or she can give you suggestions on how to stop the bleeding, such as using a humidifier or switching your allergy medications.

Your muscles feel weak or stiff

Blonde young woman give up workout in gym, fail.Shutterstock/sakkmesterke

Muscle weakness can be attributed to a number of causes. Maybe you pushed it hard in your workout yesterday or you’re coming down with a cold. If this is the case, your muscle weakness or stiffness should go away in a few days. If the symptom persists, you may be suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), muscular dystrophy, low blood sodium, or another serious condition.

CFS causes extreme and unexplained fatigue and specific causes of the disease have yet to be identified. According to the Office on Women’s Health, CFS is most common in women aged 40 to 50 and there aren’t any tests to diagnose the disease. Your doctor will simply need to rule out all other conditions related to your muscle weakness and fatigue.

Muscular dystrophy can occur at any age, but most likely, it will rear its ugly head in your younger years. It’s more common in boys than in girls and shows itself in the form of poor posture, bone thinning, trouble walking, and loss of reflexes, among other symptoms. Surgery or medication may be prescribed to help sufferers deal with this condition.

If you have insufficient sodium in your blood, it can also lead to muscle weakness, stiffening, and cramps. You can also experience confusion, irritability, and nausea. This condition can occur when you’re dehydrated, which can be caused by certain medications or other conditions. Your doctor can help you feel better with an intravenous (IV) sodium solution and can help you figure out why this happened and how to prevent it in the future.

Body Network Rx: If your muscle weakness and stiffness just won’t go away, see your doctor so you can figure out what’s going on and how to fix it.

You’re seeing spots

Young hooded Man outdoor have irritation of eye, itchy and dry. Sportsman have Allergic reaction on jogging and sensitive eyes. Copy spaceShutterstock

Eye floaters can look like black or gray specks in your vision that move around as you try to look at them. These floaters become more common when you get older because your vitreous, a jelly-like substance in your eyes, becomes more fluid-like. Small fibers clasp together in this liquidy substance and they cast shadows in your retina, which look like these little floating specks.

According to the Mayo Clinic, it’s common to see an increase in eye floaters if you are:

  • Over 50 years of age.
  • The victim of an eye trauma.
  • Experiencing complications from recent cataract surgery.
  • Suffering from eye inflammation.
  • Nearsighted.
  • Living with diabetic retinopathy.

However, if you see a sudden and intense increase in the number of eye floaters you see, it could be a sign that you have a retinal tear, which can lead to a retinal detachment and eventual blindness if left unrepaired. (This happened recently to Slashfimcast podcaster Jeff Cannata, who tearfully recounted his diagnosis on air.)

Body Network Rx: If your floaters are getting more intense, get it checked out with your eye doctor. You may need surgery to correct the problem and ensure it’s not something more serious.

You get lightheaded when you stand up

Woman loses consciousness and falls down due to dizziness and disturbance of the vestibular apparatus. Severe headache and migraine. Concept of helping people suffering from migraines and dizzinessShutterstock

Ever get a little woozy when you stand up after lying or sitting down for awhile? It’s a form of low blood pressure called orthostatic hypotension or postural hypotension. While it has a scary name, this condition actually pretty common and nothing to worry about if it happens from time to time.

However, if you experience this lightheadedness upon standing frequently or it’s accompanied by fainting or blurred vision, you may have a more serious problem. It can be a sign that you have:

  • Heart problems. A low heart rate or heart valve issues can lead to orthostatic hypotension since your body may not be able to distribute your blood fast enough when you stand.
  • Endocrine conditions. Thyroid problems, diabetes, or other issues with your endocrine can also cause this symptom since it can damage the nerves that help regulate blood pressure.
  • Nervous system disorders. If your nervous system is compromised by a disorder like Parkinson’s disease, orthostatic hypotension is also common since your nerves can’t regulate blood flow.

Body Network Rx: Take notes on when you feel lightheaded and how many times it happens in a day. Then, visit your doctor so you can discuss the probable causes and figure out the underlying issue.

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You have trouble swallowing

Side view young sad choked woman wears white tank shirt hold drink clear fresh pure still water from transparent glass hold neck sit on blue sofa stay at home flat spend time in living room indoorsShutterstock

If you notice a feeling of fullness in your throat that makes it tough to swallow, an enlarged thyroid may be to blame. Your doctor can order an x-ray to see if this is the case. If so, you may have a thyroid imbalance and your doctor may prescribe medication to balance out your hormone levels.

However, if it feels like your esophagus just isn’t functioning properly and you have difficulty swallowing (also known as dysphagia), you may have a medical condition. According to the University of Michigan Medical Department, this symptom can happen to anyone but it’s most common for older adults, babies, and people who have brain or nervous system problems.

You could have scleroderma, a condition that causes the esophageal walls to harden and become narrow. This condition also makes your lower esophageal muscles weak, which can be the reason you feel you can’t swallow properly.

Body Network Rx: If this swallowing difficulty doesn’t go away, make an appointment to see your doctor. He or she will analyze your diet, health history, and other important factors to figure out what’s going on.

You always have a sore throat

Young woman touching painful neck, sore throat for flu, cold and infectionShutterstock

A sore throat can be caused by an airborne irritant, such as paint fumes, or may be an indicator that you’re suffering from allergies or a cold. Smoking or snoring can also be the culprits for a lingering sore throat. But if your sore throat is with you night and day, it could be a sign of something worse.

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, if your sore throat persists for five to six days straight, it could mean you have a bacterial infection, such as tonsillitis, or a virus, such as mono. In extreme circumstances, you may be diagnosed with epiglottitis, a throat infection that causes restriction in the airways and trouble breathing, which warrants an immediate ER trip. However, in most cases, you may simply need an antibiotic to kill the infection.

Body Network Rx: Visit your doctor to see if an infection is to blame. If not, he or she can begin to isolate the problem and figure out a treatment plan. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Serious mature middle age senior woman at home on couch holding mobile cellphone.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

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As we age, our health needs change, and while our 50s are still young, noticeable differences in our bodies start happening. Taking care of our health is vital to living a quality life in later years, so all our bad habits really begin to take a toll. Body Network spoke with Sean Marchese, MS, RN, a registered nurse at The Mesothelioma Center with a background in oncology clinical trials and over 15 years of direct patient care experience, who shared four unhealthy things to stop doing after 55 and why.

What Changes Can People Expect After 55?

Happy 50s middle aged woman model touching face skin looking in mirror reflection. Smiling mature old lady pampering, healthy moisturized skin care, aging beauty, skincare treatment cosmetics concept.Shutterstock

Marchese tells us, "As your body changes with age, some differences, such as hair loss or graying, may be noticeable—however, other signs, such as skin changes or heart disease, maybe more subtle. People over 55 start to notice difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Women who have gone through menopause may have lower energy levels or are more at risk for bone fractures. Muscles in the pelvis become weaker, leading to unexpected urinary incontinence. Vision changes after 55 include dry eyes, loss of night vision, or limited color perception. Hearing ability may decrease, as well. Regardless of how you notice your body changing later in life, it’s always important to check in with your doctor regularly to catch any early illnesses or prevent any loss of function."

Avoiding Exercise and Activity

Mature Couple On Autumn Walk With LabradorShutterstock

Marchese reminds us that " a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer, dementia, and diabetes for people over 55 years old. The American Heart Association recommends that older adults aim for about two and a half hours of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise weekly. If you’re unsure which exercises are appropriate for your age or health condition, consult with your doctor, who can guide you on the most appropriate activities."

Related: 6 Simple Exercises For Beginners to Look and Feel Better

Missing Essential Vaccinations

Doctor giving a senior woman a vaccination. Virus protection. COVID-2019.Shutterstock

"Adults over 55 years old have a less active immune system than younger people, making them more susceptible to contagious infections, such as pneumonia and influenza," Marchese says. "Everyone should aim to receive the flu shot annually unless contraindicated by a doctor, but older adults shouldn’t assume that’s enough. Doctors recommend that adults over 55 also receive shingles, meningitis, and pneumonia vaccines. Vaccines are safe and effective, and complications from these illnesses could be severe."


Depressed senior woman at home feeling sad. Elderly woman looks sadly outside the window. Depressed lonely lady standing alone and looking through the window.Shutterstock

Marchese shares, "Unfortunately, self-isolating and quarantine have become commonplace terms since the COVID-19 pandemic. Over time, this type of social isolation can affect older adults' mental and physical health. One study reported that loneliness in people over 55 years old can have the same adverse effects as smoking 15 cigarettes daily and can also increase the risk of dementia. If you feel lonely, look for online groups or start video calls with friends and families. Your doctor may be able to connect you with resources for socializing or group therapy, as well."

Related: 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week

Settling for Poor Sleep

Depressed senior man lying in bed cannot sleep from insomniaShutterstock

Marchese says, "People over 55 years old may have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, but insomnia should not be considered a normal part of aging. Inadequate sleep can reduce immune system effectiveness and increase the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Older adults require between seven and nine hours of good-quality sleep every night. If you haven’t slept enough, consider changing your bedtime routine or sleep environment. Reduce light sources (except safety lights such as in the bathroom) and consider adding a white or brown noise machine near the bed. Make your bedtime routine a regular habit and avoid screens in bed. If you’re still having trouble sleeping, consult with your doctor about other changes you could make or medicinal solutions."

💪🔥Body Booster: Stay active to reduce health risks as you age. Aim for at least 2.5 hours of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week.

Dark-haired girl covers her face with hands
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including scientific studies and medical journals.

If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing

Are you struggling to lose weight? It could be that you are sabotaging your success – but you don’t even know it. It could also have to do with gut health red flags. According to Jamie Maitland, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Fitness Trainer, Founder of The Office Health, and author of The 21 Day Reset Cookbook, there are a bunch of health habits that may be sabotaging your weight loss. Here are 15 to look out for.

Poor Sleep

Sleepy young woman drinking coffee, feeling tired, suffering from insomnia and sleeping disorder. Sad female sitting in modern kitchen interior, empty spaceShutterstock

Poor sleep is majorly tied to weight loss, says Maitland. “It might sound a bit cliche, but sleep is extremely important!” she explains. “Sleep is vital for both physical and mental health. It quite literally helps the body store energy, repair injuries, improve memory, and grow.”

Not Drinking Enough Water

Eight glasses of water a dayShutterstock

Inadequate water intake is another health habit that could be getting in the way of your weight loss. “Water is life,” exclaims Maitland. “We are 70% water. Water helps get rid of waste in the body, can help keep you feeling full, and adequate water intake helps break down fat cells.”

Not Understanding Your Insulin Resistance

Doctor with human Pancreatitis anatomy model with Pancreas, Gallbladder, Bile Duct, Duodenum, Small intestine and tablet. Pancreatic cancer, acute pancreatitis and Digestive systemShutterstock

Not knowing your insulin resistance and why it's so important may also be getting in the way of your weight loss. “Insulin is our master fat-storing hormone,” says Maitland. “It is produced in the pancreas and plays a key role in regulating energy and macron balance within the body.”

Skin Issues

Woman looking at her reflection in the mirror.Shutterstock/Robert Przybysz

Are you experiencing skin problems? “Most all skin conditions are linked to gut bacteria imbalances,” says Maitland.

Chronic Fatigue

Tired man in car. Sleepy drowsy driver, fatigue. Driving and sleeping in vehicle. Exhausted, bored or drunk person. Serious upset man with stress, despair, anxiety or melancholy. Problem in traffic.Shutterstock

If you are experiencing chronic fatigue, there could be an underlying health issue. “This might be an indication of poor nutrient absorption,” says Maitland.

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Chronic Bloating

woman clutching her stomach with her hands in discomfortShutterstock

“Chronic bloating isn’t normal. Stop convincing yourself that it is,” says Maitland. “Bloating can be caused by gas, digestion issues, stress, and hormones. Take into consideration what you are actually eating so you can pinpoint what might be making you feel bloated.”

Food Intolerance


Food intolerances can also help you understand your gut health better. “It’s helpful to know what foods might be triggering inflammation to further help you get to the root of the cause,” says Maitland.

Frequent Illness

Ill man sitting on his bed with his head on his handShutterstock

Are you frequently sick? “This can be a sign of a weak immune system due to poor gut health,” says Maitland.

Not Being Able to Stick to a Diet

Young hungry woman in front of refrigerator craving chocolate pastries.Shutterstock/Stokkete

If you are feeling constantly challenged to stick to a diet, there could be a reason. “It may be because of food cravings and lack of motivation in general,” says Maitland.

RELATED: 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week

Frequent Diarrhea

Closeup hand pulling toilet paper roll in holder for wipe, woman sitting on toilet she taking and tearing white tissue on wall to towel clean in bathroom, Healthcare conceptShutterstock

There might be gastrointestinal red flags as well, including frequent diarrhea. “This can lead to nutrient deficiencies, which unfortunately can put a halt to your weight loss efforts,” says Maitland.

Subhead Goes Right Here

An elderly woman is sitting on the sofa at home, holding her stomach with her hands. Feels the pain of internal organs, indigestion, poisoning, menstrual pain.Shutterstock

Another gastrointestinal red flat? “Constipation, which can suggest a sluggish digestive system,” says Maitland.

Sugar Craving


Sugar cravings can also be responsible for an inability to lose weight. “These can lead to unhealthy food choices,” she says.

Mood Swings

Business woman, depression and stress in an office at night working late on deadline. Tired African entrepreneur person with hands on head for pain, burnout or regret for mistake or fail at workShutterstock

If your mood is off balance, you are more likely to eat unhealthy food. “Mood swings and irritability can contribute to emotional eating and weight gain,” says Maitland.

Poor Living Environment


A poor living environment can have a major effect on your motivation, says Maitland. “An optimal environment should have you feeling comfortable and safe wherever this space is,” she explains. “It should make you feel happy.”

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Chronic Stress

Dark-haired girl covers her face with handsShutterstock

“Chronic stress, as we all know, can lead to an array of problems inside the body,” says Maitland. “Unfortunately, chronic stress can make your weight loss journey a bit more challenging as it can affect your body processes such as your metabolism and appetite.”

💪🔥Body Booster: Don’t forget to hydrate. The CDC's recommended daily water intake is around 125 ounces (3.7 liters) for men and 91-98 ounces (2.7-2.9 liters) for women, with some variation based on age. Water helps get rid of waste in the body and can help keep you feeling full, and adequate water intake helps break down fat cells.

Headshot of mid age adult 50 years old blonde woman standing in bathroom after shower touching face, looking at reflection in mirror doing morning beauty routine.
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Regardless of gender, genetics, or current health and wellness status, it's a given fact that our bodies change in our 50s. Even Superman got old. While you might not be able to stop the aging process—mother nature is in control, after all—you can certainly slow it down. The first step to getting in front of the inevitable changes is to learn about them. Body Network asked the top physicians and health and fitness experts in the country to explain all the ways our bodies change as we hit the pivotal age of 50—and how we can respond to the changes in the best way possible. Read on to find out more.

Your Metabolism Slows Down Even More

Healthiness and happiness go hand in hand. Shot of a happy older couple enjoying a healthy lunch together outdoors.Shutterstock

While your metabolism starts slowing down before 50, once you hit your 50s, you will notice it is significantly slower than your younger years. "This is simply the normal aging process," points out Matthew Mintz, MD, FACP.

💪🔥Body Booster: While regular exercise can delay this slowdown a bit, it is hard to compete with father time. "The most important thing about a slower metabolism is that it will take fewer calories to start gaining weight," explains Dr. Mintz. For example, if you had a 2,000-calorie diet during your 30s and 40s and kept your weight perfectly stable, that same exact 2,000-calorie diet may lead you to gain weight in your 50s and 60s. "This means you need to eat less to maintain your weight and restrict your calories even more if you wish to lose weight," he says.

You Might Have Digestive Issues As A Result Of Hormonal Changes

An elderly woman is sitting on the sofa at home, holding her stomach with her hands. Feels the pain of internal organs, indigestion, poisoning, menstrual pain.Shutterstock

Because the average age of menopause is just over 51, many of the changes for women are hormonal, points out Women's Hormone Balancing Fitness Expert Debra Atkinson, MS, CSCS, Founder & CEO, Flipping 50. "They'll experience changes in gut health that might show up as bloating, gas, or constipation because the same foods they've been eating can become foods they don't tolerate at the moment," she explains.

💪🔥Body Booster: Atkinson suggests trying an elimination diet to find out how you feel without the usual suspects like dairy, gluten, and wheat. "That might resolve some weight loss resistance issues, too. Once your gut heals either from eliminating certain foods for a while or adding some probiotics, you can try again and see how you do," she says.

Your Bone Loss Accelerates

Modern rehabilitation physiotherapyShutterstock

When women are going through menopause, their bone loss accelerates for three to five years, according to Atkinson. This can lead to injuries such as bone fractures—especially due to falls.

💪🔥Body Booster: Atkinson suggests strength training as the most effective way to slow bone loss. "Stay strong and work on your balance as you age, too," she says. "Estrogen was protecting bones before, and now, since it's lower or gone, you've got to get into the weight room. The good news is just twice a week, working major muscle groups will help!"

Your Muscle Loss Accelerates

Portrait of sport senior asian couple training and sitting relax practicing yoga, elderly health, fitness, exercise, wellness, workout, sport at home.retirement concept.Fitness and senior healthyShutterstock

Atkinson explains that muscle loss has been occurring since peak muscle mass at age 25—unless you've been strength training to compensate. However, those losses become more significant after 50 when the production of hormones—like human growth hormone and testosterone—is reduced. "Production of those hormones does slow with age, and you can't completely stop that," she says.

💪🔥Body Booster: While you can't change mother nature, you can alter your habits—"like making sleep a priority because that's when hormones are released by your body," Atkinson points out. Also, stop long endurance training and opt for short intervals and weight training instead—such as HIIT. "Work hard for a short time—in other words, hit it and quit it!"

You Experience Muscle Fiber Loss

A woman rubbing her upper arm at the fitness gymShutterstock

Atkinson explains that you lose some muscle fiber types faster than others. "Fast-twitch muscle fiber losses begin to be more apparent—in fact, you lose them two times as fast as slow-twitch fibers," she explains. "This fact should set off an inner alarm to anyone who wants to keep their independence into their 70s, 80s, and beyond," adds Adam Friedman, CSCS, SFG, CN. He explains that fast-twitch muscle fibers are responsible for helping you to quickly regain your balance if you trip or jump out of the way of a distracted passer-by. "When you lose this ability, you are more prone to falls and injuries that can alter your quality of life."

💪🔥Body Booster: "To be proactive in prevention, I recommend including weekly exercises that target your fast-twitch fibers," says Friedman. "That means using progressive overload resistance training or using lighter resistance with increasing speed." Atkinson agrees that stimulation is critical. "If you play racquet sports, pickleball, or you dance, you're getting great fast-twitch stimulation. Otherwise imagine you're jumping rope or playing hopscotch. You need a few minutes regularly to boost that fast-twitch fiber," she adds.

Your Body Stores More Fat

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As we age, our bodies store fat more readily and burn fat more reluctantly, especially when we are stressed or dehydrated. "The drop in estrogen amplifies the negative effects of stress and stops diverting fat into areas for reproduction," Atkinson explains. So, you end up losing that hourglass shape and gaining weight around the belly easier.

💪🔥Body Booster: First of all, be aware you don't have as much wiggle room as you used to for sweets and treats, Atkinson says. "And use protein and fiber to your advantage," she adds. "Together, they help kill cravings and keep you full longer so you can avoid temptation."

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You Lose Flexibility

A man sitting on the bench and looking at the seaShutterstock

You don't see many people in their 50s doing the splits, and there is a reason. "After age 50, your body loses flexibility, which makes you more prone to muscle injuries," states Allen Conrad, BS, DC, CSCS of Montgomery County Chiropractic Center in North Wales, PA. "Muscles and tendons lose elasticity, and spinal discs degenerate as we age, which makes us more likely to get injured."

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Conrad urges the importance of incorporating forms of alternative healthcare into your routine, like chiropractic care, stretching, and massage therapy, as you hit your 50s. "This will help prevent injuries, and improve the recovery time when you do get injured," he maintains.

Your Skin Changes

Depressed senior woman at home feeling sad. Elderly woman looks sadly outside the window. Depressed lonely lady standing alone and looking through the window.Shutterstock

Just as our bodies age as we get older, so does our skin. "Skin becomes crepe, and the appearance of cellulite is more prevalent," Atkinson says. "That's a drop in collagen production thanks to a lack of estrogen."

💪🔥Body Booster: Atkinson suggests boosting collagen intake by drinking more bone broth and adding collagen powder to your smoothies or coffee. "Just don't confuse collagen protein with the rich amino acid protein that your muscle needs," she said. "You want them both."

You Are More Susceptible to Injuries

Man having a pain in his kneeShutterstock

During hormonal changes, women are more susceptible to injuries like plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tendinitis—though it's not precisely clear how—says Atkinson.

💪🔥Body Booster: To help prevent injury, Atkinson suggests doing more extended warm-ups and cooldowns. Also, vary your exercise and try to avoid repetitive movements. "Even at your desktop all day, take breaks frequently and stretch your forearms," she suggests. "When you're lifting weights, keep your joints in alignment and have a trainer observe you for small things you might be doing that could put torque on those susceptible joints."

Your Body Synthesizes Protein Less Effectively


Atkinson explains that your body synthesizes protein less effectively than it used to after you reach 50—so muscle losses can be accelerated in those who don't eat adequate protein in their diets. "That, too, is thanks to more years on the planet!" she says.

💪🔥Body Booster: Atkinson says that the best method to deal with this is being active. "Being active means you're better at protein synthesis than if you were sedentary," she explains. "So stay active and then follow strength training with a high protein meal about an hour or two afterward. Strength training improves muscle protein synthesis!"

Your Libido Declines

Pensive elderly mature senior man in eyeglasses looking in distance out of window, thinking of personal problems. Old woman wife consoling and hugging sad husband, copy spaceShutterstock

After experiencing menopause, most women report a decline in libido, explains Atkinson.

💪🔥Body Booster: To boost libido, women need more testosterone and growth hormone and less cortisol, Atkinson explains. "Putting an end to long endurance exercise and getting plenty of sleep will help," she explains. She suggests opting for strength training twice a week and short interval training sessions 1-2 times a week. Also, reduce the amount of alcohol and sugar you consume can also help in boosting libido.

Your Feet Will Change Shape

Woman walking barefoot at home, closeup. Floor heating conceptShutterstock

No, it's not your imagination. As you age, your feet are getting longer and wider. "They can grow half a size in a decade," explains New Jersey Podiatrist Velimir Petkov, DPM. "Our feet also flatten as we age because the tendons and ligaments in them lose their elasticity. Weight is also a contributing factor."

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Petkov suggests having your feet measured every few years to ensure that you are buying the right shoe size.

You Might Develop Foot Conditions

Young man on study of the tread in a podiatry cabinet.Shutterstock

Some people develop foot deformities such as hammertoes and bunions as they age, adds Dr. Petkov. "These are typically hereditary, but the types of shoes you choose to wear and your activity level play a part as well," he explains.

💪🔥Body Booster: Don't try to squeeze your feet in shoes that are too tight. "That will only worsen the problem," he says.

You Are More Prone To Arthritis

Closeup of male arms holding his painful wrist caused by prolonged work on the computer, laptop. Carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, neurological disease concept. Numbness of the handShutterstock

Unless you don't own a television, you are well aware that arthritis is a significant issue with people over 50—and not just in your hands. "Rheumatoid Arthritis typically appears in both feet while Osteoarthritis affects one foot," explains Dr. Petkov. "It is caused by inflammation of the cartilage and joints." Suffering from arthritis can lead to decreased activity levels and mobility.

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Petkov suggests investing in proper footwear and custom shoe inserts and doing your best to stay active. "Working out 2-3 times a week helps maintain good joint function," he says. Also, seek professional medical help to treat the symptoms.

You Are More Prone To Calcium Deficiency

Close-up of Female Broken Arm in Plaster Cast. Caucasian Injured Woman in White T-Shirt Sitting and Holding Wrist in Gypsum Bandage with Physical Pain in Fractured Bone. Health Care conceptShutterstock

Calcium deficiency is widespread in people over 50, Dr. Petkov points out. "It depletes the calcium in your bones, which weakens them." This can lead to osteoporosis, bone pain, and tenderness, as well as fractures that occur as a result of minor trauma.

💪🔥Body Booster: Make sure you are getting enough calcium. "It is recommended that you get at least 1,200 mg of calcium per day," Dr. Petkov says, pointing out that yogurt, milk, and cheese are excellent sources of calcium. Not a big fan of dairy products? He suggests a cup of unsweetened soy milk, which has 140 mg of calcium, or other calcium-rich foods such as raw kale, oranges, broccoli, edamame, sesame seeds, almonds, tofu, as well as baked and kidney beans.

Your Fat Will Redistribute

Asian fat women wear pink t shirt . She has overweight and she shows excess fat of the waist. She sit on her sofa and wants lose weight. concept of surgery and subcutaneous fat breakdown.Shutterstock

One thing that happens when your body stores more fat is that it will also redistribute it, totally changing the way your body looks. "When women are of childbearing age, their fat is distributed to their hips and thighs to support pregnancy, etc. When they age, and especially during menopause, that changes, and when the body produces less estrogen, the fat zeroes in on the belly - commonly known as menopause belly," explains fitness expert Denise Austin.

💪🔥Body Booster: Austin recommends a three-prong approach: eating clean and healthy, cardio to burn overall body fat, and targeted exercise to strengthen the core.

RELATED:5 Simple Ways to Debloat Your Body

You Might Develop Dry Mouth

Close up man mouth with dry lips and unhappy face, Closeup shot of bearded half men face with chin on his hand with sad face.Shutterstock

According to Mike Golpa, DDS, Director of G4 by Golpa, dry mouth is a common occurrence for those over the age of 50. "Chronic dry mouth comes with many popular medications for common senior issues like high blood pressure, Parkinson's, and arthritis, as well as being a symptom of diabetes, arthritis, and other ailments," he explains. "It isn't very often talked about by physicians or dentists alike." And, unfortunately, dry mouth can lead to more cavities and tooth decay ("less saliva means less natural washing of your teeth"), gum disease ("less saliva allows plaque to build up along and under the gum line"), and fungal infections (less saliva allows fungus to grow on your tongue, throat, and other areas).

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Golpa points out that there are many methods to alleviating dry mouth. These include using sugar-free gum and hard candies, as they stimulate saliva production, keeping hydrated by drinking lots of water, brushing and flossing regularly to remove plaque and stuck-on food that your saliva isn't washing off, and speaking with your physician. "If one or more of your meds is causing dry mouth about possible alternatives," he says.

You Might Become Lactose Intolerant

Woman drinking milkShutterstock

McKenzie Caldwell, MPH, RDN, a dietitian based in Charlotte, NC, focusing on women's reproductive health, diabetes, intuitive eating, and eating disorder recovery, points out that dramatic bone density drops during and after menopause because of natural drops in estrogen. However, lactose intolerance is relatively common in middle-aged women, making it difficult for many to drink milk, the most commonly thought of bone-building food.

💪🔥Body Booster: Caldwell suggests exploring lower-lactose dairy products—like kefir, greek yogurt, and hard cheese—or other sources of calcium like tofu, soy milk, and leafy greens. "These can help you maintain healthy bones as you age," she says.

Your Brain May Weaken

Frustrated unhappy middle aged mature man sitting on sofa, feeling depressed alone at home. Confused senior retired grandfather worrying about difficult life decision, copy space, old people solitude.Shutterstock

Along with your body, your brain weakens with age, according to Healthy Living Expert and author of Stay Young: 10 Proven Steps to Ultimate Health, Judy Gaman, MS, BSHS.

💪🔥Body Booster: "People over 50 need to exercise their brain. Think of the brain as a muscle. If you don't use it, it will shrink and become weak," says Gaman. "The simplest way to keep the brain healthy is to do new things, breaking the monotony of life, and instead step out of the comfort zone. They change things up and force the brain to be in active mode. All too often, we drive the same streets, eat the same meals, see the same people, and stick to our routine. While these routines may bring comfort and familiarity, they can also cause the brain to become dull. Stepping outside of routines will sharpen the mind and slow the aging process."

Pelvic Floor Disorder Is Likely

public toilet sign board with white woman and man figure and arrow on blue background or surface with noise effects. public toilet or wc sign board photo with selective focus and copy space on blueShutterstock

Certified personal trainer Courtney Virden points out that over half of women over 50 experience pelvic floor dysfunction—which can lead to a variety of other issues. "The most common symptoms are bladder issues, organ prolapse, vaginal dryness, and low libido," she explains.

💪🔥Body Booster: One of the leading causes for this is that the pelvic floor muscles are not trained. "They should be trained and worked out like the rest of our muscles, but are so often overlooked," Virden points out. "With age and lack of training, our muscles often have an altered length-tension relationship which leads to dysfunction and issues."

Your Hair And Nails Will Weaken

Hands of a woman playing with nails in stressShutterstock

Just as our skin loses its elasticity, we may also notice changes in our nails and hair. "Many people over 50 experience brittle nails and hair that break often and do not grow as quickly," explains Occupational Therapist & Consultant Brittany Ferri, MS, OTR/L, CCTP, Owner & Founder of Simplicity of Health.

💪🔥Body Booster: Amping up calcium intake can make a huge difference when it comes to hair and nails.

Your Eyesight May Also Weaken

Poor Eyesight. Senior Man Squinting Eyes Reading Message On Phone Wearing Eyeglasses Having Problems With Vision Sitting On Couch At Home. Ophtalmic Issue, Bad Sight In Older Age ConceptShutterstock

It's no secret that the older you get, the worse your eyesight is. "This causes most people over the age of 50 to have difficulty seeing in the dark and judging distance and depth," explains Ferri. This can impact someone's ability to drive, especially at night or early in the morning, as well as navigate their home environment safely.

💪🔥Body Booster: Stay on top of your eyesight and have your eyes checked frequently. If you have trouble with your night vision, you should probably stay off the road when it gets dark.

You'll Have More Dental Issues

Senior man having dental treatment at dentist's office.Shutterstock

Because tooth enamel erodes as you age, people over the age of 50 may have an increase in cavities, tooth pain, or dental issues that require increased care, points out Ferri.

💪🔥Body Booster: Stay on top of your dental care!

Your Short-Term Memory Changes


"One of the most notable cognitive changes that may occur is poor short-term memory, which can impact simple daily tasks and routines that have been in place for years," points out Ferri. Cognition also changes in the form of judgment, with some people experiencing slowed reaction times and poor body awareness.

💪🔥Body Booster: Keep your cognition fine-tuned with memory games, memory-boosting activities, and staying active in general.

Your Testosterone Levels May Decrease

Doctor talking to patient in officeShutterstock

Generally speaking, testosterone levels tend to decrease as men age, especially after 50, points out Stanton Honig, MD, director of Male Urology at Yale Medicine. "This may result in increased fat, decreased muscle mass, and more difficulty with maintaining muscle mass," he says. Besides, the prostate tends to grow in men over the age of 50, and in some patients, it may result in urinary symptoms such as getting up a lot at night, frequent urination, and urgency to run to the bathroom.

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Honing explains that a healthy lifestyle helps avoid low testosterone. "Eating better and exercising can improve matters for men diagnosed with the condition; many also have other health challenges, such as obesity or diabetes, which lifestyle changes can help," he says. Additionally, testosterone therapy can be prescribed for men with low testosterone caused by an androgen deficiency, but this is more for sexual interest than hardness. "If the doctor determines that there are psychological rather than health-related roots to his erectile issues, such as depression, stress or anxiety, antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications can be helpful," he adds. Or, if there are relationship problems, consider counseling. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 20 Superfoods for People Over 50.

Emily Ogan livefitwithem
Copyright livefitwithem/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to lose weight and experience a significant glow-up by Spring Break? It’s doable, according to an expert. Emily Ogan is an Advanced Macro and Hormone Specialist who helps “busy women find balance + results,” she writes in her Instagram bio. In a recent post, she reveals how to transform yourself in just two months by incorporating a few healthy habits. “For the next 8 weeks, become addicted to these habits, and you’ll be unrecognizable by spring break,” she writes. “Commit to 6 weeks of implementing these changes, and you won’t believe the results you’ll be seeing and feeling by mid-March.”

Wake Up Earlier

Her first recommendation is to wake up earlier. “Set your day off on the right foot by giving yourself time to create a non-stressful morning,” she suggests. “Whether you wake up early to workout or not- this was probably the biggest shift that made the biggest difference for me.”

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Next, prioritize hydration. “Hydrate with electrolytes,” she recommends. “It all starts with a hydrated system. Electrolytes help your system function optimally, balance hormones, and curb sugar cravings.”

Walk More

Next, make sure to add steps to your day. “Walking is the most accessible and effective form of exercise. Aim for 8-10k steps a day- ideally getting your dose of vitamin D while you’re at it- and you’ll take fat burning to the next level,” she writes.

RELATED:7 Simple Daily Exercises To Shrink Hanging Belly Fat

Track Your Macros

Macro tracking is also important. “Learn what your food is made up of, and the right balance of macros that your unique body needs to be able to thrive and get results,” she says.

Amp Up Your Protein Intake

Another crucial nutritional change you should make is increasing protein. “Aim for 100g a day, around 30-40g/meal, and you’re golden,” she says.

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat

Lift Weights

Lifting weights is essential in terms of exercise. “Strength training with a plan is the ultimate way to burn fat. Keep it simple: 3 times a week, focus on foundational compound movements like squats, rows, deadlifts, and presses. With just 30 min sessions you’ll feel stronger, leaner, and more confident,” she writes.

Do HIIT Workouts

She also recommends doing HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts. “Strategic 20-30 min sessions of short, quick, intense bursts help tap into fat stores for energy and keep your metabolism revved all day long,” she explains. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Cassie B cassiebfitness
Copyright cassiebfitness/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want 2025 to be the year you achieve all your weight loss goals? If the answer is yes, one expert claims that you may need to modify your behavior. Cassie B of Cassie B Fitness is a coach and influencer who shares her health and fitness journey with thousands of social media followers. In a new post, she reveals some changes she had to make to lose weight. “Realistic things I gave up in order to lose 75 pounds in less than a year,” she writes. “Here’s what I gave up to lose over 75lbs,” she writes in the post. “I went from 225/230 to 150 in less than a year! I gave up these things and finally saw HUGE results.”

She Stopped Viewing Foods as “Good” or “Bad”

The first thing she did? “I gave up viewing food as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. No single food makes you gain weight just like no single food makes you lose weight. Instead, I ate and enjoyed ALL food while staying in a deficit,” she writes.

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat

She Stopped Viewing Exercise as Punishment

She also changed her mental approach to exercise. “I gave up thinking of exercise as a punishment. Exercise is a way to celebrate what your body can do and make it stronger for what you want it to be able to do, not a punishment for what it’s currently capable of. I also realized exercise can occur ANYWHERE! Not just in a gym,” she says.

She Stopped Looking for Quick Fixes

She then stopped searching for the easy way out. “I gave up looking for quick fixes. I tried every single fad diet and ‘quick fix’ out there. They don’t work and they aren’t sustainable. Instead, I focused on sustainable, realistic changes,” she wrote.

She Stopped Trying to “Speed It Up”

“ I gave up trying to speed it up,” she continued. “Weight loss is slow, but the time will pass anyway, and quitting won’t speed it up!!!”

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

She Stopped Striving for Perfection

The last thing she did? “I gave up trying to be perfect. This isn’t all or nothing! Life happens! Aim for consistency, not perfection. Keep going when you have a day (or week) where you overeat. Enjoy the calories, and KEEP GOING!!” she wrote. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Mom of 4 Lost 55 Pounds on Semaglutide "Now I Finally See Myself in the Mirror"
Copyright karli.sine/Instagram/Shutterstock

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to maximize weight loss while on Ozempic? If so, there are a few types of food you should avoid. Karli Sine is a social media influencer who lost 55+ lbs on Semaglutide and is now “microdosing Tirzepatide,” she writes in her Instagram bio. In a new post, she explains that you can’t eat the same way you are accustomed to while on a weight loss drug, and there are a few types of food groups you should stay away from. “On a GLP-1? Here are 5 foods to avoid while on your injection,” she writes.

You Can’t Eat the Way You Did Before While on Ozempic

“You can’t just take the injection and keep eating the way you were before—what you eat matters just as much as the medication itself. GLP-1s slow down digestion, which means certain foods can make side effects like nausea, bloating, and fatigue even worse, while others can spike blood sugar, increase cravings, or stall your weight loss progress,” she says.

RELATED:20 Things You Need to Know About Ozempic and Weight Loss

Eating Certain Foods Will Backfire

“If you’re experiencing uncomfortable side effects or feeling stuck in a plateau, your food choices could be the reason. Here are 5 foods and drinks to avoid while on a GLP-1—plus better alternatives to help you feel your best and maximize your results,” she continues.

1. Fried & Greasy Foods

Why to Avoid: “Slows digestion even more, increases nausea, and can cause bloating and discomfort,” she says.

Better Option: “Air-fried or baked foods like grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, or veggie chips,” she continues.

2. Carbonated Drinks (Soda, Sparkling Water, Beer)

Why to Avoid: “Causes bloating, gas, and discomfort due to slower digestion from GLP-1s,” she points out.

Better Option: “Still water with lemon or electrolyte water to stay hydrated and avoid nausea,” she claims.

RELATED:20 Possible Ozempic Side Effects

3. High-Sugar Snacks & Candy

Why to Avoid: “Spikes blood sugar, can cause cravings, and counteracts the appetite suppression effect. Will definitely stall weight loss,” she maintains.

Better Option: Dark chocolate (85%+ cacao), fresh berries, or a protein bar with low sugar.

4. White Bread & Refined Carbs (Pasta, Bagels, White Rice)

Why to Avoid: “Lacks fiber and nutrients, spikes blood sugar, and leads to energy crashes,” she explains.

Better Option: Whole grain or sprouted bread, brown rice, quinoa, or chickpea pasta.

RELATED:What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Taking Ozempic

5. Processed Meats (Hot Dogs, Bacon, Deli Meats, Sausage)

Why to Avoid: “High in sodium and preservatives, can cause bloating and increase water retention,” she says. Better Option: “Lean proteins like grilled chicken, turkey, salmon, or plant-based proteins. My go to is always chicken!” she reveals. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss20 Incredible Ozempic Success Stories of All Time.