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We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

25 Ways to Not Look Older After 50, Say Experts

Doctors reveal the best ways to adapt.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
Headshot of mid age adult 50 years old blonde woman standing in bathroom after shower touching face, looking at reflection in mirror doing morning beauty routine.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Regardless of gender, genetics, or current health and wellness status, it's a given fact that our bodies change in our 50s. Even Superman got old. While you might not be able to stop the aging process—mother nature is in control, after all—you can certainly slow it down. The first step to getting in front of the inevitable changes is to learn about them. Body Network asked the top physicians and health and fitness experts in the country to explain all the ways our bodies change as we hit the pivotal age of 50—and how we can respond to the changes in the best way possible. Read on to find out more.

Your Metabolism Slows Down Even More

Healthiness and happiness go hand in hand. Shot of a happy older couple enjoying a healthy lunch together outdoors.Shutterstock

While your metabolism starts slowing down before 50, once you hit your 50s, you will notice it is significantly slower than your younger years. "This is simply the normal aging process," points out Matthew Mintz, MD, FACP.

💪🔥Body Booster: While regular exercise can delay this slowdown a bit, it is hard to compete with father time. "The most important thing about a slower metabolism is that it will take fewer calories to start gaining weight," explains Dr. Mintz. For example, if you had a 2,000-calorie diet during your 30s and 40s and kept your weight perfectly stable, that same exact 2,000-calorie diet may lead you to gain weight in your 50s and 60s. "This means you need to eat less to maintain your weight and restrict your calories even more if you wish to lose weight," he says.

You Might Have Digestive Issues As A Result Of Hormonal Changes

An elderly woman is sitting on the sofa at home, holding her stomach with her hands. Feels the pain of internal organs, indigestion, poisoning, menstrual pain.Shutterstock

Because the average age of menopause is just over 51, many of the changes for women are hormonal, points out Women's Hormone Balancing Fitness Expert Debra Atkinson, MS, CSCS, Founder & CEO, Flipping 50. "They'll experience changes in gut health that might show up as bloating, gas, or constipation because the same foods they've been eating can become foods they don't tolerate at the moment," she explains.

💪🔥Body Booster: Atkinson suggests trying an elimination diet to find out how you feel without the usual suspects like dairy, gluten, and wheat. "That might resolve some weight loss resistance issues, too. Once your gut heals either from eliminating certain foods for a while or adding some probiotics, you can try again and see how you do," she says.

Your Bone Loss Accelerates

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When women are going through menopause, their bone loss accelerates for three to five years, according to Atkinson. This can lead to injuries such as bone fractures—especially due to falls.

💪🔥Body Booster: Atkinson suggests strength training as the most effective way to slow bone loss. "Stay strong and work on your balance as you age, too," she says. "Estrogen was protecting bones before, and now, since it's lower or gone, you've got to get into the weight room. The good news is just twice a week, working major muscle groups will help!"

Your Muscle Loss Accelerates

Portrait of sport senior asian couple training and sitting relax practicing yoga, elderly health, fitness, exercise, wellness, workout, sport at home.retirement concept.Fitness and senior healthyShutterstock

Atkinson explains that muscle loss has been occurring since peak muscle mass at age 25—unless you've been strength training to compensate. However, those losses become more significant after 50 when the production of hormones—like human growth hormone and testosterone—is reduced. "Production of those hormones does slow with age, and you can't completely stop that," she says.

💪🔥Body Booster: While you can't change mother nature, you can alter your habits—"like making sleep a priority because that's when hormones are released by your body," Atkinson points out. Also, stop long endurance training and opt for short intervals and weight training instead—such as HIIT. "Work hard for a short time—in other words, hit it and quit it!"

You Experience Muscle Fiber Loss

A woman rubbing her upper arm at the fitness gymShutterstock

Atkinson explains that you lose some muscle fiber types faster than others. "Fast-twitch muscle fiber losses begin to be more apparent—in fact, you lose them two times as fast as slow-twitch fibers," she explains. "This fact should set off an inner alarm to anyone who wants to keep their independence into their 70s, 80s, and beyond," adds Adam Friedman, CSCS, SFG, CN. He explains that fast-twitch muscle fibers are responsible for helping you to quickly regain your balance if you trip or jump out of the way of a distracted passer-by. "When you lose this ability, you are more prone to falls and injuries that can alter your quality of life."

💪🔥Body Booster: "To be proactive in prevention, I recommend including weekly exercises that target your fast-twitch fibers," says Friedman. "That means using progressive overload resistance training or using lighter resistance with increasing speed." Atkinson agrees that stimulation is critical. "If you play racquet sports, pickleball, or you dance, you're getting great fast-twitch stimulation. Otherwise imagine you're jumping rope or playing hopscotch. You need a few minutes regularly to boost that fast-twitch fiber," she adds.

Your Body Stores More Fat

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As we age, our bodies store fat more readily and burn fat more reluctantly, especially when we are stressed or dehydrated. "The drop in estrogen amplifies the negative effects of stress and stops diverting fat into areas for reproduction," Atkinson explains. So, you end up losing that hourglass shape and gaining weight around the belly easier.

💪🔥Body Booster: First of all, be aware you don't have as much wiggle room as you used to for sweets and treats, Atkinson says. "And use protein and fiber to your advantage," she adds. "Together, they help kill cravings and keep you full longer so you can avoid temptation."

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You Lose Flexibility

A man sitting on the bench and looking at the seaShutterstock

You don't see many people in their 50s doing the splits, and there is a reason. "After age 50, your body loses flexibility, which makes you more prone to muscle injuries," states Allen Conrad, BS, DC, CSCS of Montgomery County Chiropractic Center in North Wales, PA. "Muscles and tendons lose elasticity, and spinal discs degenerate as we age, which makes us more likely to get injured."

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Conrad urges the importance of incorporating forms of alternative healthcare into your routine, like chiropractic care, stretching, and massage therapy, as you hit your 50s. "This will help prevent injuries, and improve the recovery time when you do get injured," he maintains.

Your Skin Changes

Depressed senior woman at home feeling sad. Elderly woman looks sadly outside the window. Depressed lonely lady standing alone and looking through the window.Shutterstock

Just as our bodies age as we get older, so does our skin. "Skin becomes crepe, and the appearance of cellulite is more prevalent," Atkinson says. "That's a drop in collagen production thanks to a lack of estrogen."

💪🔥Body Booster: Atkinson suggests boosting collagen intake by drinking more bone broth and adding collagen powder to your smoothies or coffee. "Just don't confuse collagen protein with the rich amino acid protein that your muscle needs," she said. "You want them both."

You Are More Susceptible to Injuries

Man having a pain in his kneeShutterstock

During hormonal changes, women are more susceptible to injuries like plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tendinitis—though it's not precisely clear how—says Atkinson.

💪🔥Body Booster: To help prevent injury, Atkinson suggests doing more extended warm-ups and cooldowns. Also, vary your exercise and try to avoid repetitive movements. "Even at your desktop all day, take breaks frequently and stretch your forearms," she suggests. "When you're lifting weights, keep your joints in alignment and have a trainer observe you for small things you might be doing that could put torque on those susceptible joints."

Your Body Synthesizes Protein Less Effectively


Atkinson explains that your body synthesizes protein less effectively than it used to after you reach 50—so muscle losses can be accelerated in those who don't eat adequate protein in their diets. "That, too, is thanks to more years on the planet!" she says.

💪🔥Body Booster: Atkinson says that the best method to deal with this is being active. "Being active means you're better at protein synthesis than if you were sedentary," she explains. "So stay active and then follow strength training with a high protein meal about an hour or two afterward. Strength training improves muscle protein synthesis!"

Your Libido Declines

Pensive elderly mature senior man in eyeglasses looking in distance out of window, thinking of personal problems. Old woman wife consoling and hugging sad husband, copy spaceShutterstock

After experiencing menopause, most women report a decline in libido, explains Atkinson.

💪🔥Body Booster: To boost libido, women need more testosterone and growth hormone and less cortisol, Atkinson explains. "Putting an end to long endurance exercise and getting plenty of sleep will help," she explains. She suggests opting for strength training twice a week and short interval training sessions 1-2 times a week. Also, reduce the amount of alcohol and sugar you consume can also help in boosting libido.

Your Feet Will Change Shape

Woman walking barefoot at home, closeup. Floor heating conceptShutterstock

No, it's not your imagination. As you age, your feet are getting longer and wider. "They can grow half a size in a decade," explains New Jersey Podiatrist Velimir Petkov, DPM. "Our feet also flatten as we age because the tendons and ligaments in them lose their elasticity. Weight is also a contributing factor."

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Petkov suggests having your feet measured every few years to ensure that you are buying the right shoe size.

You Might Develop Foot Conditions

Young man on study of the tread in a podiatry cabinet.Shutterstock

Some people develop foot deformities such as hammertoes and bunions as they age, adds Dr. Petkov. "These are typically hereditary, but the types of shoes you choose to wear and your activity level play a part as well," he explains.

💪🔥Body Booster: Don't try to squeeze your feet in shoes that are too tight. "That will only worsen the problem," he says.

You Are More Prone To Arthritis

Closeup of male arms holding his painful wrist caused by prolonged work on the computer, laptop. Carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, neurological disease concept. Numbness of the handShutterstock

Unless you don't own a television, you are well aware that arthritis is a significant issue with people over 50—and not just in your hands. "Rheumatoid Arthritis typically appears in both feet while Osteoarthritis affects one foot," explains Dr. Petkov. "It is caused by inflammation of the cartilage and joints." Suffering from arthritis can lead to decreased activity levels and mobility.

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Petkov suggests investing in proper footwear and custom shoe inserts and doing your best to stay active. "Working out 2-3 times a week helps maintain good joint function," he says. Also, seek professional medical help to treat the symptoms.

You Are More Prone To Calcium Deficiency

Close-up of Female Broken Arm in Plaster Cast. Caucasian Injured Woman in White T-Shirt Sitting and Holding Wrist in Gypsum Bandage with Physical Pain in Fractured Bone. Health Care conceptShutterstock

Calcium deficiency is widespread in people over 50, Dr. Petkov points out. "It depletes the calcium in your bones, which weakens them." This can lead to osteoporosis, bone pain, and tenderness, as well as fractures that occur as a result of minor trauma.

💪🔥Body Booster: Make sure you are getting enough calcium. "It is recommended that you get at least 1,200 mg of calcium per day," Dr. Petkov says, pointing out that yogurt, milk, and cheese are excellent sources of calcium. Not a big fan of dairy products? He suggests a cup of unsweetened soy milk, which has 140 mg of calcium, or other calcium-rich foods such as raw kale, oranges, broccoli, edamame, sesame seeds, almonds, tofu, as well as baked and kidney beans.

Your Fat Will Redistribute

Asian fat women wear pink t shirt . She has overweight and she shows excess fat of the waist. She sit on her sofa and wants lose weight. concept of surgery and subcutaneous fat breakdown.Shutterstock

One thing that happens when your body stores more fat is that it will also redistribute it, totally changing the way your body looks. "When women are of childbearing age, their fat is distributed to their hips and thighs to support pregnancy, etc. When they age, and especially during menopause, that changes, and when the body produces less estrogen, the fat zeroes in on the belly - commonly known as menopause belly," explains fitness expert Denise Austin.

💪🔥Body Booster: Austin recommends a three-prong approach: eating clean and healthy, cardio to burn overall body fat, and targeted exercise to strengthen the core.

RELATED:5 Simple Ways to Debloat Your Body

You Might Develop Dry Mouth

Close up man mouth with dry lips and unhappy face, Closeup shot of bearded half men face with chin on his hand with sad face.Shutterstock

According to Mike Golpa, DDS, Director of G4 by Golpa, dry mouth is a common occurrence for those over the age of 50. "Chronic dry mouth comes with many popular medications for common senior issues like high blood pressure, Parkinson's, and arthritis, as well as being a symptom of diabetes, arthritis, and other ailments," he explains. "It isn't very often talked about by physicians or dentists alike." And, unfortunately, dry mouth can lead to more cavities and tooth decay ("less saliva means less natural washing of your teeth"), gum disease ("less saliva allows plaque to build up along and under the gum line"), and fungal infections (less saliva allows fungus to grow on your tongue, throat, and other areas).

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Golpa points out that there are many methods to alleviating dry mouth. These include using sugar-free gum and hard candies, as they stimulate saliva production, keeping hydrated by drinking lots of water, brushing and flossing regularly to remove plaque and stuck-on food that your saliva isn't washing off, and speaking with your physician. "If one or more of your meds is causing dry mouth about possible alternatives," he says.

You Might Become Lactose Intolerant

Woman drinking milkShutterstock

McKenzie Caldwell, MPH, RDN, a dietitian based in Charlotte, NC, focusing on women's reproductive health, diabetes, intuitive eating, and eating disorder recovery, points out that dramatic bone density drops during and after menopause because of natural drops in estrogen. However, lactose intolerance is relatively common in middle-aged women, making it difficult for many to drink milk, the most commonly thought of bone-building food.

💪🔥Body Booster: Caldwell suggests exploring lower-lactose dairy products—like kefir, greek yogurt, and hard cheese—or other sources of calcium like tofu, soy milk, and leafy greens. "These can help you maintain healthy bones as you age," she says.

Your Brain May Weaken

Frustrated unhappy middle aged mature man sitting on sofa, feeling depressed alone at home. Confused senior retired grandfather worrying about difficult life decision, copy space, old people solitude.Shutterstock

Along with your body, your brain weakens with age, according to Healthy Living Expert and author of Stay Young: 10 Proven Steps to Ultimate Health, Judy Gaman, MS, BSHS.

💪🔥Body Booster: "People over 50 need to exercise their brain. Think of the brain as a muscle. If you don't use it, it will shrink and become weak," says Gaman. "The simplest way to keep the brain healthy is to do new things, breaking the monotony of life, and instead step out of the comfort zone. They change things up and force the brain to be in active mode. All too often, we drive the same streets, eat the same meals, see the same people, and stick to our routine. While these routines may bring comfort and familiarity, they can also cause the brain to become dull. Stepping outside of routines will sharpen the mind and slow the aging process."

Pelvic Floor Disorder Is Likely

public toilet sign board with white woman and man figure and arrow on blue background or surface with noise effects. public toilet or wc sign board photo with selective focus and copy space on blueShutterstock

Certified personal trainer Courtney Virden points out that over half of women over 50 experience pelvic floor dysfunction—which can lead to a variety of other issues. "The most common symptoms are bladder issues, organ prolapse, vaginal dryness, and low libido," she explains.

💪🔥Body Booster: One of the leading causes for this is that the pelvic floor muscles are not trained. "They should be trained and worked out like the rest of our muscles, but are so often overlooked," Virden points out. "With age and lack of training, our muscles often have an altered length-tension relationship which leads to dysfunction and issues."

Your Hair And Nails Will Weaken

Hands of a woman playing with nails in stressShutterstock

Just as our skin loses its elasticity, we may also notice changes in our nails and hair. "Many people over 50 experience brittle nails and hair that break often and do not grow as quickly," explains Occupational Therapist & Consultant Brittany Ferri, MS, OTR/L, CCTP, Owner & Founder of Simplicity of Health.

💪🔥Body Booster: Amping up calcium intake can make a huge difference when it comes to hair and nails.

Your Eyesight May Also Weaken

Poor Eyesight. Senior Man Squinting Eyes Reading Message On Phone Wearing Eyeglasses Having Problems With Vision Sitting On Couch At Home. Ophtalmic Issue, Bad Sight In Older Age ConceptShutterstock

It's no secret that the older you get, the worse your eyesight is. "This causes most people over the age of 50 to have difficulty seeing in the dark and judging distance and depth," explains Ferri. This can impact someone's ability to drive, especially at night or early in the morning, as well as navigate their home environment safely.

💪🔥Body Booster: Stay on top of your eyesight and have your eyes checked frequently. If you have trouble with your night vision, you should probably stay off the road when it gets dark.

You'll Have More Dental Issues

Senior man having dental treatment at dentist's office.Shutterstock

Because tooth enamel erodes as you age, people over the age of 50 may have an increase in cavities, tooth pain, or dental issues that require increased care, points out Ferri.

💪🔥Body Booster: Stay on top of your dental care!

Your Short-Term Memory Changes


"One of the most notable cognitive changes that may occur is poor short-term memory, which can impact simple daily tasks and routines that have been in place for years," points out Ferri. Cognition also changes in the form of judgment, with some people experiencing slowed reaction times and poor body awareness.

💪🔥Body Booster: Keep your cognition fine-tuned with memory games, memory-boosting activities, and staying active in general.

Your Testosterone Levels May Decrease

Doctor talking to patient in officeShutterstock

Generally speaking, testosterone levels tend to decrease as men age, especially after 50, points out Stanton Honig, MD, director of Male Urology at Yale Medicine. "This may result in increased fat, decreased muscle mass, and more difficulty with maintaining muscle mass," he says. Besides, the prostate tends to grow in men over the age of 50, and in some patients, it may result in urinary symptoms such as getting up a lot at night, frequent urination, and urgency to run to the bathroom.

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Honing explains that a healthy lifestyle helps avoid low testosterone. "Eating better and exercising can improve matters for men diagnosed with the condition; many also have other health challenges, such as obesity or diabetes, which lifestyle changes can help," he says. Additionally, testosterone therapy can be prescribed for men with low testosterone caused by an androgen deficiency, but this is more for sexual interest than hardness. "If the doctor determines that there are psychological rather than health-related roots to his erectile issues, such as depression, stress or anxiety, antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications can be helpful," he adds. Or, if there are relationship problems, consider counseling. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 20 Superfoods for People Over 50.

More For You

Woman looking at her reflection in the mirror.
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FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

A study from Harvard indicates that “higher intakes of fruit and vegetables were associated with lower mortality”—so have your 5 a day to live longer. But how can you look younger doing so? Rather than chase the Fountain of Youth, simply avoid the Pitfalls of Aging. "You can't change what you were dealt with genetically but you can take control of other factors which will help to stay looking younger," says Dr. Eugene D. Elliott of MemorialCare.

The Sun Can Cause “Photoaging” and Make You Look Older

Portrait of an old woman in a straw hat, sunglasses and a swimsuit applying sunscreen to her face while relaxing by the pool.Shutterstock

A tan makes you look young and cool—but it can have disastrous effects that can lead to wrinkles—or worse. “The sun’s rays can take a toll on your skin. In the short-term, that can mean contending with a scorching sunburn,” reports Yale Medicine. “But, there can also be long-term consequences lurking within the skin, even if you don’t experience a burn. The sun prematurely ages the skin. Called photoaging, this can lead to skin cancer. Signs of this photoaging are:

  • Wrinkling
  • Pigmentation changes such as age spots, liver spots (solar lentigines), and freckles
  • Loss of skin tone (decreased elasticity)
  • Rough, uneven skin texture
  • Broken capillaries (spider veins), usually around the nose and chest
  • Redness and blotchiness”

"My favorite sunblocks are mechanical, contain zinc and/ or titanium dioxide, and block the UVA damaging rays very effectively with frequent application," says Dr. Elliott.

Soda Can Make You Look Older

Soft drinksShutterstock

It’s true—drinking sugary soda can age your cells. “Sugar-sweetened soda consumption might promote disease independently from its role in obesity, according to UC San Francisco researchers who found in a new study that drinking sugary drinks was associated with cell aging,” says one notable study, as reported in Science Daily. “Regular consumption of sugar-sweetened sodas might influence metabolic disease development through accelerated cell aging,” wrote the authors of the study in their conclusion. “The extremely high dose of sugar that we can put into our body within seconds by drinking sugared beverages is uniquely toxic to metabolism.” The same goes for sugary foods.

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Lack of Exercise Can Make You Look Older

fat business man holding beer mug and hamburgerShutterstock

“Imagine a 90-year-old,” writes the Wellspring School of Allied Health. “They’re almost always slumped over, right? Well, a lot of that comes from limited flexibility and spinal support in younger years. Low flexibility in your 20s and 30s could cause some problems later on, the main ones being joint or muscle pain and an overall hunched-over look. There are certain types of exercises that can help you loosen your muscles and joints, like yoga or pilates. But you can also increase your flexibility even if you are only into cardio or weightlifting. Just make sure that you are going to start and end with warm-up exercises, and focus on stretching both before and after exercising every single time.”

Disrupted Sleep Can Age You

Insomnia and social media addiction concept. Young woman uses smartphone while lying in bed at night, tonedShutterstock

Those with sleep apnea may actually age faster than the rest of us; if you have it, see a doctor. “Increasing sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) severity and sleep disruption was associated with epigenetic age acceleration, independent of measured confounders. These associations were stronger in women than in men, suggesting that women may be particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of SDB. Future work should study whether treatment reduces epigenetic age acceleration among those individuals with SBD,” according to one recent study. “A good night's sleep can do wonders for your youthful appearance, and since your face relaxes while you sleep, that can also help soften fine lines on the face," says Andrea Paul, MD. It is recommended that you get eight hours of sleep per night.

Stress Can Make You Look Older

Hands of a woman playing with nails in stressShutterstock

Don’t stress out too much over this, but stress ages you. “The telomeres are the ends of the chromosomes—the structures inside each cell that contain the genes,” reports Harvard Health. “Over time, the telomeres get shorter. When they get short enough, the cell dies. Chronic stress leads to shorter telomeres. And people with shorter telomeres are at greater risk for several major diseases, including heart disease and some forms of cancer. This is one more reason to reduce the amount of chronic stress in our lives. It's really not good for us.”

You Don't Take a Break Every 45-90 Minutes

Front view of blank white isolated poster on a light grey wall at the entrance to modern loft office interior with concrete floor and walking businessman on window city view background. MockupShutterstock

"Once you’re hard at work at your desk (or immersed in TV or the internet), it can be tough to remind yourself that you’ve been sitting still for a long time," says Dr. Jacob Hascalovici MD, Ph.D., Clearing Chief Medical Office. "Good posture is important, but it’s also very important to reset your posture by simply moving. Regular breaks can help your muscles and flexibility, improve your circulation, and can help you concentrate better. Rather than hampering your productivity, regular breaks, which can be simply standing up and stretching or taking a short, brisk walk, can also stave off the health risks of being sedentary for too long. Set an alarm for every 90 minutes to remind you to get up, and you’ll be off to a great start."

Letting Things Pile Up

Female office worker in glasses rubbing tired eyes, exhausted from overworking, sitting at workplace in office.Shutterstock/Prostock-studio

"Again, we all do this from time to time," Dr. Hascalovici emphasizes. "We toss mail into a pile, throw clothes on a chair, let our ‘to do’ list get really long, and just generally fail to take care of the little things. If we took a few moments to attend to pesky tasks and put things away before bedtime, we would feel more composed and able to concentrate. (Clutter, researchers have found, can disrupt our concentration and make us feel more distracted and less able to stay on task while letting things like unanswered messages or bills go for too long can add up to more effort and stress than if we had just taken care of them in the first place.) Sometimes, we let emotions pile up, too, holding in anger, resentment, bitterness, or other negative emotions that can heighten our stress and hike our chances of getting a heart attack. Instead, we can figure out healthier ways of “putting our emotions away,” such as improved communication, boundary setting, and mindfulness."

Smoking Can Make You Look Older


A landmark study eight years ago proved cigarettes can age you. “In what is perhaps the best detail of the study, researchers used the annual Twins Days Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio (the ‘Largest Annual Gathering of Twins in the World!’) to round up the 79 identical pairs they include in the report. A panel of three plastic surgery residents compared the faces of the twins, one of which had been smoking for at least five years longer than the other,” reported the Today Show at the time. “They identified a few major areas of accelerated aging in the faces of the smoking twins: The smokers' upper eyelids drooped while the lower lids sagged, and they had more wrinkles around the mouth. The smokers were also more likely to have jowls, according to the study, which was published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.”

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Not Doing This Can Make You Look Older

Pretty attractive slim smiling woman on sunny beach in summer style fashion trend outfit happy, freedom, wearing white top, jeans and colorful printed tunic boho style chic and straw hat.Shutterstock/Maria Markevich

"I think the single most important thing you can do to look younger is smile. It decreases the number of wrinkles that appear over time on your face," says Dr. Leann Poston. "Smiling makes you happier and gives you more energy. A positive attitude encourages better eating habits and more exercise!"

💪🔥Body Booster: Take a break every 90 minutes. Stand up, stretch, or take a short walk to improve your focus and combat the risks of prolonged sitting. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Serious mature middle age senior woman at home on couch holding mobile cellphone.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

As we age, our health needs change, and while our 50s are still young, noticeable differences in our bodies start happening. Taking care of our health is vital to living a quality life in later years, so all our bad habits really begin to take a toll. Body Network spoke with Sean Marchese, MS, RN, a registered nurse at The Mesothelioma Center with a background in oncology clinical trials and over 15 years of direct patient care experience, who shared four unhealthy things to stop doing after 55 and why.

What Changes Can People Expect After 55?

Happy 50s middle aged woman model touching face skin looking in mirror reflection. Smiling mature old lady pampering, healthy moisturized skin care, aging beauty, skincare treatment cosmetics concept.Shutterstock

Marchese tells us, "As your body changes with age, some differences, such as hair loss or graying, may be noticeable—however, other signs, such as skin changes or heart disease, maybe more subtle. People over 55 start to notice difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Women who have gone through menopause may have lower energy levels or are more at risk for bone fractures. Muscles in the pelvis become weaker, leading to unexpected urinary incontinence. Vision changes after 55 include dry eyes, loss of night vision, or limited color perception. Hearing ability may decrease, as well. Regardless of how you notice your body changing later in life, it’s always important to check in with your doctor regularly to catch any early illnesses or prevent any loss of function."

Avoiding Exercise and Activity

Mature Couple On Autumn Walk With LabradorShutterstock

Marchese reminds us that " a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer, dementia, and diabetes for people over 55 years old. The American Heart Association recommends that older adults aim for about two and a half hours of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise weekly. If you’re unsure which exercises are appropriate for your age or health condition, consult with your doctor, who can guide you on the most appropriate activities."

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Missing Essential Vaccinations

Doctor giving a senior woman a vaccination. Virus protection. COVID-2019.Shutterstock

"Adults over 55 years old have a less active immune system than younger people, making them more susceptible to contagious infections, such as pneumonia and influenza," Marchese says. "Everyone should aim to receive the flu shot annually unless contraindicated by a doctor, but older adults shouldn’t assume that’s enough. Doctors recommend that adults over 55 also receive shingles, meningitis, and pneumonia vaccines. Vaccines are safe and effective, and complications from these illnesses could be severe."


Depressed senior woman at home feeling sad. Elderly woman looks sadly outside the window. Depressed lonely lady standing alone and looking through the window.Shutterstock

Marchese shares, "Unfortunately, self-isolating and quarantine have become commonplace terms since the COVID-19 pandemic. Over time, this type of social isolation can affect older adults' mental and physical health. One study reported that loneliness in people over 55 years old can have the same adverse effects as smoking 15 cigarettes daily and can also increase the risk of dementia. If you feel lonely, look for online groups or start video calls with friends and families. Your doctor may be able to connect you with resources for socializing or group therapy, as well."

Related: 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week

Settling for Poor Sleep

Depressed senior man lying in bed cannot sleep from insomniaShutterstock

Marchese says, "People over 55 years old may have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, but insomnia should not be considered a normal part of aging. Inadequate sleep can reduce immune system effectiveness and increase the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Older adults require between seven and nine hours of good-quality sleep every night. If you haven’t slept enough, consider changing your bedtime routine or sleep environment. Reduce light sources (except safety lights such as in the bathroom) and consider adding a white or brown noise machine near the bed. Make your bedtime routine a regular habit and avoid screens in bed. If you’re still having trouble sleeping, consult with your doctor about other changes you could make or medicinal solutions."

💪🔥Body Booster: Stay active to reduce health risks as you age. Aim for at least 2.5 hours of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week.

Portrait of a cheerful young girl in bright casual clothes smiling at the camera with beautiful smile. Colorful background
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Looking younger doesn’t come from a magical potion, but that’s the good news: The power is actually within you. With a few simple tweaks to your daily routine, you can manage to be the person everyone says looks great for their age. To find out exactly what to do, we reached out to Dr. Angela J. Lamb, the Director of the Westside Mount Sinai Dermatology Faculty Practice and an Associate Professor of Dermatology. She shared with us her most essential advice for looking 10 years younger, and you can read them right here.

1. Don’t Rub Your Eyes

Female office worker in glasses rubbing tired eyes, exhausted from overworking, sitting at workplace in office.Shutterstock/Prostock-studio

Think of where people age the fastest—the neck. The forehead. And the eyes—yes, the skin under and around the eyes can be the most tender and fragile. Remember this next time you get annoyed with someone and rub your eyes at the end of the long day. It can cause the tiny blood vessels to break, and result in puffiness or even crow’s feet before you should have them.

2. Invest in This Serum

Facial Skincare. Attractive Female Applying Serum On Face Moisturizing And Caring For Skin Standing Near Mirror In Modern Bathroom Indoors. Beauty Routine. Skin Care Concept. Selective FocusShutterstock

“Invest in a good serum,” says Dr. Lamb. “Serums are your power product with active ingredients. They are critical!!! Think vitamin C, A, E—topically.” These can be expensive—$17 a bottle and up—but the doctor says they are worth it.

RELATED:9 Everyday Habits That Age You Faster, According to Science

3. Drink This Much Every Day

Eight glasses of water a dayShutterstock

Increasing the water content in your skin can prevent it from looking flaky, dull and grey. Drinking eight glasses of water daily is recommended by many dermatologists, and you can also check topical products for the following hydrating ingredients: Urea, Glycerin, Ceramides, and Hyaluronic Acid. If your room is extra dry, consider using a humidifier and also avoid hot showers for too long—ironically, they can dehydrate you.

4. Rinse Off Your Conditioner With Cold Water

Attractive Mixed Asian Female side view enjoying showerShutterstock

Just as hot water can dry you out, a little cold water can keep you looking hydrated—and in fact, it can lock in your hair conditioner, resulting in shinier, more youthful-looking hair. As an added bonus, cold showers stimulate the vagus nerve, which regulates your stress level.

5. Apply This Every 90 Minutes

Woman using sunscreen cream. Beautiful girl with sun protection creamShutterstock

“Wear sunscreen: It is the best way to help keep your skin looking young and healthy,” says Dr. Lamb. “Reapply every 90 minutes when out.” In fact, one study showed that if you wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, you’ll have 24% less skin aging than someone who uses it only once in a while.

6. Get Enough Sleep

Young female sleeping peacefully in her bedroom at night. Relaxing at nighttime. Copy spaceShutterstock

“Stress hormones and lack of sleep truly break down collagen and accelerate aging,” says Dr. Lamb. Not to mention, as you age, a lack of sleep can lead to memory problems, irritability, depression or even more falls and accidents. That late-night TV (or booze) binge may feel good at the time, but it will age you, and sour your health, so consider the risks every time. The choice is yours.

And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

7. Smile and Laugh Often

two girlfriends in T-shirts lying down on grass laughing having good timeShutterstock

“Similar to above, just smiling, good relationships and pure joy help make you look younger. It has been proven,” says Dr. Lamb. There’s a biological reason for this: Laughter increases your blood vessel function, and relieves stress, two key indicates that can lead to a more youthful appearance.

8. Wear This When Outside All Day

Beach Woman in Sun Hat on VacationShutterstock

“Wear a hat while hiking/outside all day. Sunscreen is important, but protection from the sun is just as important,” says Dr. Lamb. A proactive approach like this can cost pennies but save you money and pain later, as too much sun can also of course possibly lead to skin cancer.

9. If You’re Going to Do Botox, Here’s When It’s Most Effective

Photo of beautiful woman getting mesotherapy treatment in face by specialist in gloves in beauty salonShutterstock

“So a little Botox at the first sign of wrinkles,” is OK, says Dr. Lamb, and actually it’s preferable that you do it then, if you’re going to do it at all. The FDA-approved neurotoxin smooths out lines and wrinkles and, if used properly, should make you look natural, according to Dr. Lamb. “This is important. If you want to stay ahead of things, do something early. Easier to prevent than to wait until the lines are deep and set in.”

RELATED:I Lost 15 Pounds of Fat and Transformed My Body with These 9 Habits

10. Stop Worrying So Much About Aging And Embrace the Way You Look

Happy romantic couple in love gesturing a heart with fingersShutterstock

Dr. Lamb didn’t tell us this but she didn’t have to: It’s incredibly important to ensure you don’t have a skin disease, but aging in and of itself isn’t necessarily something you need to “solve.” Eat a diet high in lean proteins, fiber and healthy fats; hydrate; exercise frequently and find joy from your life; a youthful glow may follow, despite a few wrinkles and all. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 25 Ways to Not Look Older After 50, Say Experts

Worried about losing your strength and energy as you get older? Dr. Vonda Wright, a top orthopedic surgeon and researcher, has good news for you. Her work is changing how we think about aging and staying fit. In a chat with Steven Bartlett on “The Diary Of A CEO” podcast, Dr. Wright shared some surprising tips for burning fat and staying healthy as we age. Read on to discover proven strategies that can help you burn fat more effectively and improve your overall health, no matter your age.

The 30-Second Fat-Burning Secret

In the podcast episode, Dr. Wright reveals a quick way to burn fat that works better than long runs. She says, "You only have to do that for 30 seconds. That will burn 40% more fat than even high-intensity interval training." Here's how it works:

"When I'm done with that because that's good for my cardiovascular base, I punch it up to 11, and I go as hard as I can because I'm not very tall, and I don't want to fly off the back of the treadmill, but my heart rate goes up to about 186, and I keep it there for 30 seconds. What that does, that will burn 40% more fat than just even high-intensity interval training, which is done at about 80%."

Try this twice a week: sprint as hard as you can for 30 seconds, then rest for 2-3 minutes. Repeat a few times.

Stay Strong as You Age

Portrait of senior woman lifting dumbbellsShutterstock

Getting older doesn't mean you have to get weaker. Dr. Wright's research shows we can stay strong for longer than we think. She states, "We have no excuse until our mid-seventies for slowing down." In fact, "if you're an 80-year-old consistently lifting weights, you are functionally as strong as a 60-year-old person who doesn't."

The FACE of Healthy Aging

Dr. Wright uses the word FACE to help us remember four key things for staying healthy:

F - Flexibility and stretching

A - Aerobic exercise

C - Carry weights (strength training)

E - Equilibrium and balance

She says, "There are four components that we should try to find time for. Number one is flexibility and dynamic stretching... A is aerobic... C is this weightlifting we talked about... E is equilibrium and balance."

Why Muscle Matters

Muscular Caucasian forty year old woman doing exercises with dumbbells in the gym.Shutterstock

Keeping your muscles strong is super important as you age. Dr. Wright explains, "We know from other people's studies that lifting weights consistently infers a 20-year advantage, such that if you're an 80-year-old consistently lifting weights, you are functionally as strong as a 60-year-old person who doesn't."

This is especially true for women going through menopause. Dr. Wright says, "We know that without estrogen, we can lose two to 3% of our muscle mass, and rapidly during this period, we have estrogen is an anabolic steroid. It's made for muscle building through the mTOR system."

Her advice? "We must lift as heavy as our bones will let us."

Boost Your Metabolism with Strength Training

WebMD supports Dr. Wright's focus on strength training: "To boost your metabolism, try strength training and lifting weights. Building muscle mass also helps your body burn more calories, so you don't convert them to fat as easily."

Eat Right to Age Right

What you eat matters, too. Dr. Wright suggests eating "one gram of protein per ideal body pound" and avoiding sugar. She warns, "Sugar is a huge inflammatory which increases your arthritis pain." Don't forget fiber: "30 grams of fiber, so that just means complex carbs. Your microbiome needs fiber."

RELATED:I Lost 22 Pounds in 3 Months and Feel Amazing With These 17 Hacks

The Importance of Protein as You Age

Grilled Chicken Breast Fillet on grill pan with rosemary close up. Grilled meat steak on rustic black background.Shuttestock

Alex Oskian, a registered dietitian, agrees with Dr. Wright on the importance of protein, "As you age, you require more protein to build or maintain muscle. A good rule of thumb is to include a protein food (animal or plant-based source of protein) at all meals and snacks."

Stay Above the Frailty Line

Dr. Wright talks about something called VO2 max and the "frailty line". She explains, "Fragility means you get older, slower, weaker, you lose your functional capacity. 25% of all people are frail and unable to live independently by the time they're 85, not on my watch."

To avoid this, try VO2 max training: "It's four minutes as hard as you can go, torture, and then you recover for four minutes, only four minutes, and then four minutes as hard as you can go."

Watch Your Weight for Joint Health

Weight scale 120 kilogramShutterstock

Extra weight can really hurt your joints. Dr. Wright explains it this way: "If you gain one pound, this rock is one pound, you would think that this is all the amount of pressure you're going to feel. But because of the mechanics, what you actually feel is the weight of these bricks, which is nine pounds."

So, losing even a little weight can make a big difference for your joints.

The Power of Hydration

Fitness woman drinking water from bottle. Muscular young female taking a break from workout outside.Shutterstock

The National Council on Aging (NCOA) underlines the importance of staying hydrated: "Some evidence suggests that drinking water before a meal can curb your appetite to help with portion control."

RELATED: 10 Daily Routines That Helped Me Shed 80 Pounds After 50

Women and Menopause: What to Know

For women going through menopause, Dr. Wright has some important info: "80% of all women going through perimenopause, we'll experience what the term we've coined the musculoskeletal syndrome of menopause."

This can affect your muscles, bones, and joints. But with the right exercise and diet, you can stay strong and healthy.

The Role of Hormones in Weight Management

Group of senior women at bar cafeteria enjoying breakfast drinking coffee and eating croissant - Life style concept - Mature female having fun at bistrò cafe and sharing time togetherShutterstock

Sarah Hormachea, a registered dietitian, speaking to the National Council of Ageing, says: "Female hormones like estrogen play a significant role in weight maintenance and boosting metabolism. As estrogen levels decline during menopause, the challenges of weight loss can intensify."

The Importance of Regular Check-ups


Regular medical check-ups are crucial for tailoring your weight loss approach, especially as you age. They can help you monitor your overall health and adjust your strategies as needed.

RELATED: Jordyn Ray in 2-Piece Workout Gear Shares 4 Mistakes She Stopped Doing to Lose 20 Pounds

Focus on Sustainable Changes

Cheerful senior friends exercising in park. Women in sportive clothes stretching on cloudy day. Sport, friendship conceptShutterstock

Dr. Phyllis Pobee, a family medicine physician, offers this encouraging advice: "You're not just losing pounds—you're gaining life. Focus on sustainable changes that celebrate your body. Small, consistent tweaks over time can lead to remarkable transformations."

By following Dr. Wright's advice on quick sprints, strength training, eating right, and staying active, along with the additional tips from other experts, you can burn fat faster and stay healthy as you get older. It's never too late to start taking care of yourself! And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss I Hit 60 and These 15 Anti-Aging Foods Keep Me Fit and Feeling 20 Years Younger.

Portrait of gorgeous happy middle aged mature asian woman, senior older 50s lady pampering touching face looking at herself at mirror indoors
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including scientific studies and medical journals.

If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing

You don’t have to go under the knife to look and feel younger. In fact, there are a variety of things you can do to promote longevity that don’t even cost a dime. “Looking and feeling younger naturally involves a holistic approach,” explains Certified fitness trainer Jason Kozma, aka Mr. America and Mr. Muscle Beach, who is a champion bodybuilder who trains clients at Santa Monica-based High Performance Personal Training. “Consistency is key, so stick to these habits over the course of 8 weeks to see and feel the difference,” he says, offering some tips to look and feel better naturally.

Clean Up Your Diet

Farmer woman holding wooden box full of fresh raw vegetables. Basket with vegetable (cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, radish, corn, garlic and peppers) in the hands.Shutterstock

First and foremost, clean up your diet. “Eat natural, non-man-made foods like lean meats, green vegetables, natural carbohydrates, like oats or potatoes instead of bread, fruit, instead of sodas or candies or baked items,” he suggests. Also, avoid food in boxes, meal prep yourself, and shop around the edge of the store, not in the middle.

Drink More Water

sport man sitting after running and holding water bottle drink. Sport thirsty and resting after exercise.Shutterstock

“Drink more water – and mostly just water,” suggests Kozma. “Aim for 100 ounces per day.” According to the Mayo Clinic, hydration is important for a variety of reasons. Water helps get rid of waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature normal, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues.

RELATED: 10 Snacks to Help You Lose Weight

Exercise Regularly

Portrait of a good-looking cheerful middle-aged athletic woman with a dumbbell posing for the cameraShutterstock

Regular exercise is another key to longevity. “Incorporate a mix of cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility exercises into your routine to maintain muscle mass, improve circulation, and keep your body strong and flexible,” he suggests.

Get Enough Sleep

Image of young smiling pretty lady lies in bed indoors. Eyes closed.Shutterstock

Also, get enough sleep. “The average person needs about eight hours of sleep per night so your body can heal and your mind can be clear,” says Kozma. What are the health benefits of sleep? According to the Sleep Foundation, getting enough z’s is a mood booster, promotes heart health, regulates blood sugar, improves mental function, restores your immune system, helps relieve stress, and aids in weight loss.

Control Stress

Portrait of stressed young housewife in modern kitchenShutterstock

Controlling your stress is also key. “Find ways to keep your mind calm. The exercise mentioned above goes a great way toward managing stress. Many people bolster this by adding meditation, practice, or yoga. Excessive stress creates cortisol, which is an aging hormone,” Kozma says.

RELATED: 7 Fat-Burning Vegetables to Include in Your Diet Now

Create a New Skincare Routine

Tired woman looking her eye bags in the bathroom.Shutterstock

Creating a new skincare routine can also brighten up your complexion. “Cleanse, moisturize, and protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays with sunscreen to prevent premature aging,” Kozma recommends.

Limit Alcohol and Quit Smoking

People clinking glasses with wine on the summer terrace of cafe or restaurantShutterstock

If you want to look younger, consider bidding adieu to bad habits. “Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can accelerate aging, so limit alcohol intake and avoid smoking altogether,” says Koza.

RELATED: I Lost 100 Pounds by Cutting Out Sugar

Think Positively

Two young women share a moment of friendship and happiness on the beach. With wide smiles and carefree laughter, they embrace each other, fully immersed in the fun and leisure of the coastal paradise.Shutterstock

Finally, try having a positive mindset. “Cultivate a positive outlook on life, practice gratitude, and surround yourself with supportive people to promote mental well-being, which can contribute to a youthful appearance and attitude,” Kozma concludes.

💪🔥Body Booster: Before you spend a lot of money trying to look younger, make some changes to your lifestyle that will help you look and feel more youthful.

Dusty Young  Nutrition & Fitness Coach
Copyright dusty.coaches/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

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We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

The age-old weight loss dilemma: How do you satisfy your hunger while cutting calories? Weight loss coach Dusty Young, who shed 100 pounds on his own journey, has cracked the code with a revolutionary approach that's taking social media by storm. The self-described "recovering fat kid" has compiled a game-changing list of 50 nearly zero-calorie foods that could transform your weight loss journey – and the best part? You can eat them virtually guilt-free.

"The math of weight loss is simple: you need to consume fewer calories than you burn," Young explains in his post. "But that doesn't mean you have to go hungry." His viral posts reveal a strategic approach to weight management that focuses on low-calorie, high-volume foods that keep you satisfied while maintaining a caloric deficit.

Young's method isn't just about what to eat – it's about how to eat smart. He advocates for loading up on nutrient-rich, filling foods that won't derail your calorie goals. His three-pronged strategy includes using these foods to bulk up meals, snacking on them between meals to manage hunger, and combining them with protein for lasting satiety.

Ready to transform your weight loss journey? Keep reading to discover all 50 zero-calorie foods (sorted by calories per 100g) that could change the way you think about dieting forever. Your path to sustainable weight loss starts here.

50.Cottage cheese (fat-free): 48 calories

Packed with protein and calcium, fat-free cottage cheese supports muscle maintenance and bone health. It's a creamy, satisfying addition to meals—spread it on toast, mix it into smoothies, or pair it with fruit for a balanced snack.

49.White fish (like cod): 48 calories

Fresh fish, raw cod fillets with addition of herbs and lemonShutterstock

Lean, high in protein, and low in calories, white fish like cod helps build muscle while keeping you full. Try it grilled with lemon and herbs for a light but flavorful meal.

48.Cranberries (fresh): 46 calories

Organic Raw Red Cranberries in a Bowl Ready to Use


These tart little berries are loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C, great for immune support. Toss them into oatmeal, blend them into smoothies, or add them to a salad for a refreshing zing.

47.Raspberries: 45 calories

Fresh red ripe raspberries. Raspberries background.Shutterstock

With a high fiber content and natural sweetness, raspberries keep digestion in check while satisfying sugar cravings. Sprinkle them on yogurt or enjoy a handful as a low-calorie snack.

46.Blueberries: 45 calories


Known for their brain-boosting antioxidants, blueberries are also packed with vitamin C. Eat them fresh, frozen, or blended into a protein shake for an easy nutrition boost.

45.Edamame (boiled): 44 calories

Edamame,boiled green soybeans with saltShutterstock

A plant-based protein powerhouse, edamame is rich in fiber and essential nutrients. Snack on them with a pinch of sea salt or toss them into salads for extra protein.

44.Brussels sprouts: 43 calories


These mini cabbages are loaded with fiber, vitamin K, and antioxidants that support digestion and overall health. Roast them with olive oil for a crispy, caramelized side dish.

43.Blackberries: 43 calories


A fiber-rich berry packed with vitamin C, blackberries help with digestion and immune function. They taste great in smoothies, yogurt, or straight out of the container.

42.Papaya: 43 calories

Fresh ripe papaya fruits on wooden table, closeup​PapayaShutterstock

This tropical fruit is full of vitamin C and digestive enzymes that support gut health. Enjoy it fresh, blended into a smoothie, or sprinkled with a dash of lime juice.

41.Sugar snap peas: 42 calories

Snap peas placed on an old wooden board. Close-up, image of snap peas.Shutterstock

Crunchy, naturally sweet, and full of vitamin C, sugar snap peas make the perfect guilt-free snack. Eat them raw or toss them into stir-fries for extra texture.

40.Grapefruit: 42 calories

Juicy grapefruit pieces with fresh mint in a bowl, close up​GrapefruitShutterstock

Loaded with vitamin C and hydration-boosting properties, grapefruit is known for supporting metabolism. Eat half a grapefruit in the morning for a refreshing start to the day.

39.Carrots: 41 calories

Bunch of carrots in basket. Fresh carrots bunch. Fresh organic carrots.Shutterstock

A top source of beta-carotene, carrots support eye health and provide natural sweetness. Munch on them raw with hummus or roast them for a delicious side.

38.Miso soup: 40 calories

Healthy Japanese Tofu Miso Soup with Green Onions


Fermented miso paste gives this soup gut-friendly probiotics while keeping calories low. Sip on it as a light starter to curb hunger before meals.

37.Honeydew melon: 36 calories

Fresh whole and cut honeydew melons on white wooden table, closeup


High in water and vitamin C, honeydew is a refreshing way to stay hydrated. Enjoy chilled cubes as a snack or blend it into a smoothie for a cooling treat.

36.Kale: 35 calories


This leafy green is packed with vitamins A, C, and K, plus antioxidants for overall health. Add it to salads, blend it into smoothies, or bake it into crispy kale chips.

35.Pumpkin puree: 35 calories

Homemade organic pumpkin puree in glass jars and mini pumpkins on dark background close up. Ingredient for autumn or winter recipes. Seasonal cooking concept. Fall time. Macro with shallow dof.


Low in calories but high in fiber and beta-carotene, pumpkin puree is great for digestion and eye health. Stir it into oatmeal, yogurt, or soups for a seasonal boost.

34.Broccoli: 34 calories

Fresh green broccoli on a dark brown background. Macro photo green fresh vegetable broccoli. Green Vegetables for diet and healthy eating. Organic food.Shutterstock

A nutrient-dense veggie, broccoli is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Steam it, roast it, or toss it into stir-fries for a satisfying crunch.

33.Cantaloupe: 34 calories

Whole and sliced \u200b\u200bmelon, honeydew melon or melon cantaloupe and food texture close up. Cantaloupe melon composition and design elements.Shutterstock

This juicy melon delivers vitamins A and C while keeping you hydrated. Eat it as a snack or add it to a fruit salad for natural sweetness.

32.Okra: 33 calories

Farm fresh raw okra slices on wooden rustic aged chopping board. Close up of Lady Fingers or Okra over wooden background.Shutterstock

A unique veggie with gut-friendly fiber, okra supports digestion and heart health. Sauté it, add it to soups, or try it roasted for a crispy treat.

31.Strawberries: 32 calories

Female holding ripe strawberry in hands. Harvest of fresh juicy strawberry on farmShutterstock

Low in calories but high in vitamin C and antioxidants, strawberries are a deliciously healthy treat. Slice them over oatmeal, yogurt, or eat them on their own for a naturally sweet snack.

30.Green Beans: 31 calories

Green beans in a steel strainer sieve metal on a white wooden table, selective focus.Shutterstock

A fiber-rich veggie packed with vitamins C and K, green beans support digestion and bone health. Enjoy them steamed, sautéed, or roasted for a low-calorie side dish.

29.Leeks: 31 calories

Macro photo green onion leek. Stock photo lettuce vegetable background


Mildly sweet and loaded with prebiotics, leeks support gut health and digestion. Use them in soups, stir-fries, or roasted with a drizzle of olive oil.

28.Watermelon: 30 calories

Fresh sliced watermelon wooden backgroundShutterstock

With over 90% water content, watermelon keeps you hydrated while delivering a dose of vitamin C. Enjoy fresh slices on hot days or blend it into a refreshing drink.

27.Red Peppers: 27-30 calories

Red bell peppers on a counter in the supermarket. A large number of red peppers in a pileShutterstock

Red bell peppers are high in vitamin C and antioxidants, supporting skin and immune health. Eat them raw with hummus, roast them for a smoky flavor, or add to stir-fries.

26.Turnips: 28 calories

Bunch of purple and yellow turnips on a rustic wooden table.Shutterstock

A low-calorie root vegetable rich in fiber and vitamin C, turnips help digestion and immunity. Roast them like potatoes, mash them, or slice them into soups.

25.Banana Peppers: 27 calories

Banana Peppers  Raw Organic Yellow Banana Peppers Ready to Cut


Mildly spicy and tangy, banana peppers are loaded with vitamin C and add a zesty kick to meals. Use them in salads, sandwiches, or as a crunchy snack.

24.Eggplant: 25 calories

Eggplants and other vegatables on display at farmer's marketShutterstock

Full of fiber and antioxidants, eggplant is a heart-healthy, versatile veggie. Grill it, roast it, or use it in low-calorie pasta dishes for extra texture.

23.Cabbage (Green): 25 calories

young cabbage grows in the farmer field, growing cabbage in the open field. agricultural businessShutterstock

A crunchy, fiber-packed vegetable that supports digestion and heart health. Shred it for slaws, stir-fry it, or add it to soups for a nutrient boost.

22.Cauliflower: 25 calories

Fresh cauliflower on wooden tableShutterstock

A low-calorie alternative to starchy carbs, cauliflower is high in fiber and vitamin C. Roast it, mash it like potatoes, or blend into a creamy soup.

21.Cauliflower Rice: 25 calories

Freshly grated raw cauliflower rice in wooden bowlShutterstock

A great low-carb swap for regular rice, cauliflower rice is packed with fiber and nutrients. Sauté it with garlic and herbs for a light, flavorful side dish.

20.Arugula: 25 calories

Arugula on a white background. Raw and fresh arugula, green leaves, from above.Shutterstock

This peppery green is rich in antioxidants and vitamin K, supporting bone and heart health. Toss it into salads, add it to sandwiches, or mix it into pasta dishes.

19.Salsa (fresh): 25 calories

Bowl of tasty Pico de Gallo salsa on tableShutterstock

Made from fresh tomatoes, onions, and peppers, salsa is low in calories but big on flavor. Spoon it over grilled chicken, eggs, or salads for a tangy kick.

18.Water Chestnuts: 24 calories

peeled water chestnuts


These crunchy, water-filled veggies are low in calories and high in antioxidants. Add them to stir-fries, salads, or soups for extra texture.

17.Radicchio: 23 calories

Woman with ripe radicchios on black background, closeup


A slightly bitter leafy vegetable, radicchio is full of fiber and antioxidants that aid digestion. Grill it, toss it into salads, or pair it with balsamic for a delicious contrast.

16.Spinach: 23 calories

Background from fresh green spinach leaves with water drops. Texture of raw organic baby spinach close up. Food backgroundShutterstock

Packed with iron, fiber, and vitamins A and C, spinach supports overall health. Add it to smoothies, salads, or omelets for a nutrient boost.

15.Spinach (cooked): 23 calories

vegetarian food cooked spinach in black dish


Cooking spinach enhances its iron absorption while keeping it low in calories. Sauté it with garlic, toss it into soups, or mix it into pasta dishes for a nutritious touch.

14.Mushrooms: 22 calories

Fresh champignon mushrooms on wooden table, closeup. Space for textShutterstock

Low in calories but high in flavor, mushrooms provide important minerals like selenium and potassium. Sauté them, toss them into soups, or use them as a meat substitute in burgers and stir-fries.

13.Asparagus: 20 calories

Asparagus. Fresh Asparagus. Pickled Green Asparagus. Bunches of green asparagus in basket, top view- ImageShutterstock

A natural diuretic, asparagus helps reduce bloating while delivering vitamins A, C, and K. Roast it with olive oil, steam it, or chop it into salads for a fresh crunch.

12.Bell Peppers: 20 calories

Red, Green and Yellow Bell PeppersShutterstock

Loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants, bell peppers support immune health while adding natural sweetness to meals. Enjoy them raw, roasted, or stuffed with lean protein for a satisfying dish.

11.Sauerkraut: 19 calories

Homemade sauerkraut with black pepper and parsley in wooden bowl on rustic background. Top view. Copy space.Shutterstock

Fermented and full of probiotics, sauerkraut supports gut health and digestion. Add it to sandwiches, salads, or eat it as a tangy side dish.

10.Tomato: 18 calories


Rich in lycopene, an antioxidant linked to heart health, tomatoes are both nutritious and hydrating. Eat them fresh in salads, blend them into sauces, or snack on cherry tomatoes.

9.Zucchini: 17 calories

several zucchini isolated on a wooden table


A versatile, fiber-rich veggie that’s great for digestion, zucchini is perfect for low-carb meals. Spiralize it into zoodles, roast it, or add it to stir-fries.

8.Celery: 16 calories


Mostly water but packed with fiber, celery keeps you hydrated and full. Dip it in hummus, add it to soups, or enjoy it as a crunchy snack.

7.Radish: 16 calories

Fresh radish harvest on soil in garden.


A peppery, crunchy veggie with detoxifying properties, radishes support digestion and hydration. Slice them into salads, eat them raw, or pickle them for extra flavor.

6.Kimchi: 15 calories


This spicy, fermented Korean dish is packed with probiotics that promote gut health. Enjoy it as a side dish, mix it into stir-fries, or top off your favorite grain bowl.

5.Broth (chicken or vegetable): 15 calories


A low-calorie way to add flavor, broth is rich in minerals and helps with hydration. Use it as a base for soups, stews, or sip it warm as a light, savory snack.

4.Lettuce (Iceberg): 14 calories

Chopped iceberg lettuce -ingridient for cooking Studio PhotoShutterstock

Crisp and refreshing, iceberg lettuce is mostly water but still provides fiber and hydration. Use it as a base for salads, in wraps, or as a crunchy burger topping.

3.Cucumber: 12 calories

Portion of fresh and healthy Cucumbers (close-up shot)Shutterstock

With high water content and a refreshing crunch, cucumbers help with hydration and digestion. Slice them into salads, infuse them in water, or snack on them plain.

2.Dill Pickles: 12 calories

Fresh pickled cucumbers in a bowl with garlic and dill on a concrete table, village harvest, homemade pickling recipe, cucumbers and ingredients for pickling, home canning concept,


Tangy and satisfying, dill pickles add a crunchy, salty kick without many calories. Enjoy them as a snack, chop them into salads, or add them to sandwiches.

1.Sugar-free Jello: 11 calories

Hayward, CA - July 24, 2014: Jello brand gelatin in Black Cherry flavor, sugar free


A light, guilt-free dessert, sugar-free Jello satisfies your sweet tooth with almost no calories. Enjoy it on its own or mix it with fruit for extra flavor and texture. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Dr. Kristie Ennis drkristieennis
Copyright drkristieennis/YouTube

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Looking for a more effective way to strengthen your core and pelvic floor? Dr. Christy Ennis, DPT, has developed a comprehensive approach that goes beyond traditional Kegel exercises. "We're gonna get deep in there to help work that six pack a little bit and to support our back all without doing kegels," says Dr. Ennis, explaining how these carefully selected movements can help build foundational strength while protecting your spine.

Set Your Foundation Right

Start by finding your optimal position. "Before we get started with the exercises, we wanna make sure we've got our center set," Dr. Ennis explains in her post. Lie on your back, either on the floor or in bed, and gently rock your pelvis until you find a comfortable position. Draw your belly button toward your spine while maintaining natural breathing.

Begin With Controlled Marches

Middle age beautiful sportwoman smiling happy. Lying down on mat practicing yoga doing bridge pose at gymShutterstock

The sequence starts with gentle marching movements. "I'm raising just a little bit while still keeping those ab muscles engaged and not tilting that pelvis from side to side," Dr. Ennis demonstrates. This controlled movement helps activate your deep core muscles while maintaining pelvic stability.

Progress to Gentle Crunches

Crunches, High Intensity Interval Training or HIITShutterstock

With hands behind your head or crossed over your chest, perform small, controlled crunches. "I am not lifting up super duper high," Dr. Ennis emphasizes. "I'm trying to help protect that spine a little. And I'm really thinking about leading with those lower abs as I go."

Combine Core Movements

Young sporty woman practicing, doing crisscross exercise, bicycle crunches pose, working out, wearing sportswear, black pants and top, indoor full length, white sport studioShutterstock

Merge the crunch with knee lifts for increased engagement. Dr. Ennis notes, "Upper body and my legs are moving, but that core, that center is really trying to stay nice and stabilized." This combination helps integrate multiple muscle groups while maintaining core stability.

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Target Side Core Muscles

Abs workout - fitness woman working out on beach doing russian twists abs exercises with raised legs for stomach weight loss toning. Fit body oblique muscles training Asian girl.


The oblique reach exercise adds rotational stability. Keep your gaze upward while reaching across your body, maintaining proper form throughout. "It's really important to make sure that you are focusing in on that form and how you're moving," Dr. Ennis advises.

Master the Single Leg Extension

Single athletic woman with blond hair in blue outfit on back stretching hamstring muscles for leg in mid airShutterstock

This movement challenges core stability while protecting your back. Dr. Ennis recommends starting slowly: "If you are just starting out and new to exercise or back after an injury, make sure you listen to your body. I would start out with two to three non-consecutive days."

Practice the Struggling Turtle

Sports training of a girl.  Exercise dead bug. From the position of lying on the back alternately with the hand and foot


This modified dead bug exercise coordinates opposite arm and leg movements. "Dead bugs don't move," Dr. Ennis jokes, explaining why she renamed this effective core stabilization exercise. The focus remains on maintaining central stability while moving limbs.

Bridge for Multiple Benefits

Side view of young woman doing gymnastics the half bridge pose in fitness studio or home practices yoga warming up exercises for spine, backbend, strengthening back and shoulders muscles.Shutterstock

"Research has actually shown that even without trying to activate those pelvic floor muscles or those Kegel muscles, the bridge does a great job of helping to strengthen those muscles," Dr. Ennis shares. This exercise also helps with prolapse and hip mobility.

Flow Through Cat-Cow

Calm of Athlete Attractive Asian woman relaxing in yoga Cat Cow Pose on the pool above the Mountain peak in front of beautiful nature views,comfortable and relax in vacationsShutterstock

On hands and knees, move through spinal flexion and extension. This yoga-inspired movement not only helps the pelvic floor but also engages the core through its full range of motion. "We're getting some nice movement through the pelvis, which helps that pelvic floor too," explains Dr. Ennis.

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Challenge Yourself With Hover Work

Pilates or yoga. A slender athletic girl on the mat performs a stand on all fours. Exercise Quadruped. This is the starting position for wellness exercises. Isolated on a white background. Visual aid


The final exercise involves hovering your knees while in a quadruped position. "The abs have to work really hard here," Dr. Ennis notes. This advanced movement integrates all the previous work while challenging your core stability.

Remember: These exercises are designed to work together as a complete system for core and pelvic floor strength. As Dr. Ennis emphasizes throughout, proper form and gradual progression are key to achieving optimal results. Start with 2-3 non-consecutive days per week and build up as your strength improves. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss these 3 Simple Stretches Made This Coach More Flexible in 2 Weeks

Allie Janszen alliejanszen
Copyright alliejanszen/Instagram

Are all the conventional weight loss habits and tips not working for you? Try some unique methods one expert recommends. Allie Janszen, RN, is a hormone health and fat loss coach who lost 80 pounds naturally and helps other people do the same. In a new social media post, she reveals some of the unconventional things that helped her achieve her weight loss goals. “10 weird things I do that actually work and helped me lose 80 pounds of fat & inflammation,” she writes.

Infrared Saunas

The first thing that helps her is taking infrared saunas. She does this three times a week “to help with detox, inflammation, & brain health.

Increased Her Step Count

Next, she increased her step count to at least 8-10k steps/day. “Usually end up between 10-14,000 steps per day with help from my walking pad,” she writes.

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Red Light Therapy

She also started doing red light therapy sessions. She says it helps to “decrease inflammation” works as a “pain reliever,” and “improves cell function.”

Lymphatic Massage and Dry Brushing

Her fourth healthy habit is lymphatics like massage and dry brushing.

“Every day before getting in the shower to help promote lymph fluid movement for enhanced detoxification,”


Supplementation is also key, she says. She takes supplements like creatine, collagen, and salt and electrolytes in her morning water bottle. These “help build muscle” are “great for joint health,” and aid in “cellular hydration and hormone balance.”

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Progressive Overload Training

When it comes to her workouts she does progressive overload weight training. She aims for three to five times a week, “just depending how my body feels that week.”

Stress Reduction Techniques

Next, she practices “stress reduction techniques” like legs up the wall “to regulate my nervous system & balance cortisol levels post-workout.

Vagal Toning Techniques

A unique practice she does? Vagal toning techniques like cold rolling, she says. It also helps with “nervous system regulation, which helps balance cortisol levels.”


“Better sleep strategies,” like getting weight to 10 hours of sleep per night, have also been a game-changer. A few of the things she does? She sprays magnesium spray on her feet before bed and avoids screens one hour before going to sleep.

Getting Outside

Her final tip? “Get outside daily — especially with the morning sun and walk after meals,” she writes. She tries to get out within two hours of sunrise “to help synch my circadian rhythm. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.