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5 Ways You're Ruining Your Body After 55, Say Experts

Experts warn to stop doing these four things now.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
Serious mature middle age senior woman at home on couch holding mobile cellphone.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

As we age, our health needs change, and while our 50s are still young, noticeable differences in our bodies start happening. Taking care of our health is vital to living a quality life in later years, so all our bad habits really begin to take a toll. Body Network spoke with Sean Marchese, MS, RN, a registered nurse at The Mesothelioma Center with a background in oncology clinical trials and over 15 years of direct patient care experience, who shared four unhealthy things to stop doing after 55 and why.

What Changes Can People Expect After 55?

Happy 50s middle aged woman model touching face skin looking in mirror reflection. Smiling mature old lady pampering, healthy moisturized skin care, aging beauty, skincare treatment cosmetics concept.Shutterstock

Marchese tells us, "As your body changes with age, some differences, such as hair loss or graying, may be noticeable—however, other signs, such as skin changes or heart disease, maybe more subtle. People over 55 start to notice difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Women who have gone through menopause may have lower energy levels or are more at risk for bone fractures. Muscles in the pelvis become weaker, leading to unexpected urinary incontinence. Vision changes after 55 include dry eyes, loss of night vision, or limited color perception. Hearing ability may decrease, as well. Regardless of how you notice your body changing later in life, it’s always important to check in with your doctor regularly to catch any early illnesses or prevent any loss of function."

Avoiding Exercise and Activity

Mature Couple On Autumn Walk With LabradorShutterstock

Marchese reminds us that " a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer, dementia, and diabetes for people over 55 years old. The American Heart Association recommends that older adults aim for about two and a half hours of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise weekly. If you’re unsure which exercises are appropriate for your age or health condition, consult with your doctor, who can guide you on the most appropriate activities."

Related: 6 Simple Exercises For Beginners to Look and Feel Better

Missing Essential Vaccinations

Doctor giving a senior woman a vaccination. Virus protection. COVID-2019.Shutterstock

"Adults over 55 years old have a less active immune system than younger people, making them more susceptible to contagious infections, such as pneumonia and influenza," Marchese says. "Everyone should aim to receive the flu shot annually unless contraindicated by a doctor, but older adults shouldn’t assume that’s enough. Doctors recommend that adults over 55 also receive shingles, meningitis, and pneumonia vaccines. Vaccines are safe and effective, and complications from these illnesses could be severe."


Depressed senior woman at home feeling sad. Elderly woman looks sadly outside the window. Depressed lonely lady standing alone and looking through the window.Shutterstock

Marchese shares, "Unfortunately, self-isolating and quarantine have become commonplace terms since the COVID-19 pandemic. Over time, this type of social isolation can affect older adults' mental and physical health. One study reported that loneliness in people over 55 years old can have the same adverse effects as smoking 15 cigarettes daily and can also increase the risk of dementia. If you feel lonely, look for online groups or start video calls with friends and families. Your doctor may be able to connect you with resources for socializing or group therapy, as well."

Related: 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week

Settling for Poor Sleep

Depressed senior man lying in bed cannot sleep from insomniaShutterstock

Marchese says, "People over 55 years old may have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, but insomnia should not be considered a normal part of aging. Inadequate sleep can reduce immune system effectiveness and increase the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Older adults require between seven and nine hours of good-quality sleep every night. If you haven’t slept enough, consider changing your bedtime routine or sleep environment. Reduce light sources (except safety lights such as in the bathroom) and consider adding a white or brown noise machine near the bed. Make your bedtime routine a regular habit and avoid screens in bed. If you’re still having trouble sleeping, consult with your doctor about other changes you could make or medicinal solutions."

💪🔥Body Booster: Stay active to reduce health risks as you age. Aim for at least 2.5 hours of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week.

More For You

Serious mature middle age senior woman at home on couch holding mobile cellphone.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

As we age, our health needs change, and while our 50s are still young, noticeable differences in our bodies start happening. Taking care of our health is vital to living a quality life in later years, so all our bad habits really begin to take a toll. Body Network spoke with Sean Marchese, MS, RN, a registered nurse at The Mesothelioma Center with a background in oncology clinical trials and over 15 years of direct patient care experience, who shared four unhealthy things to stop doing after 55 and why.

What Changes Can People Expect After 55?

Happy 50s middle aged woman model touching face skin looking in mirror reflection. Smiling mature old lady pampering, healthy moisturized skin care, aging beauty, skincare treatment cosmetics concept.Shutterstock

Marchese tells us, "As your body changes with age, some differences, such as hair loss or graying, may be noticeable—however, other signs, such as skin changes or heart disease, maybe more subtle. People over 55 start to notice difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Women who have gone through menopause may have lower energy levels or are more at risk for bone fractures. Muscles in the pelvis become weaker, leading to unexpected urinary incontinence. Vision changes after 55 include dry eyes, loss of night vision, or limited color perception. Hearing ability may decrease, as well. Regardless of how you notice your body changing later in life, it’s always important to check in with your doctor regularly to catch any early illnesses or prevent any loss of function."

Avoiding Exercise and Activity

Mature Couple On Autumn Walk With LabradorShutterstock

Marchese reminds us that " a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer, dementia, and diabetes for people over 55 years old. The American Heart Association recommends that older adults aim for about two and a half hours of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise weekly. If you’re unsure which exercises are appropriate for your age or health condition, consult with your doctor, who can guide you on the most appropriate activities."

Related: 6 Simple Exercises For Beginners to Look and Feel Better

Missing Essential Vaccinations

Doctor giving a senior woman a vaccination. Virus protection. COVID-2019.Shutterstock

"Adults over 55 years old have a less active immune system than younger people, making them more susceptible to contagious infections, such as pneumonia and influenza," Marchese says. "Everyone should aim to receive the flu shot annually unless contraindicated by a doctor, but older adults shouldn’t assume that’s enough. Doctors recommend that adults over 55 also receive shingles, meningitis, and pneumonia vaccines. Vaccines are safe and effective, and complications from these illnesses could be severe."


Depressed senior woman at home feeling sad. Elderly woman looks sadly outside the window. Depressed lonely lady standing alone and looking through the window.Shutterstock

Marchese shares, "Unfortunately, self-isolating and quarantine have become commonplace terms since the COVID-19 pandemic. Over time, this type of social isolation can affect older adults' mental and physical health. One study reported that loneliness in people over 55 years old can have the same adverse effects as smoking 15 cigarettes daily and can also increase the risk of dementia. If you feel lonely, look for online groups or start video calls with friends and families. Your doctor may be able to connect you with resources for socializing or group therapy, as well."

Related: 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week

Settling for Poor Sleep

Depressed senior man lying in bed cannot sleep from insomniaShutterstock

Marchese says, "People over 55 years old may have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, but insomnia should not be considered a normal part of aging. Inadequate sleep can reduce immune system effectiveness and increase the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Older adults require between seven and nine hours of good-quality sleep every night. If you haven’t slept enough, consider changing your bedtime routine or sleep environment. Reduce light sources (except safety lights such as in the bathroom) and consider adding a white or brown noise machine near the bed. Make your bedtime routine a regular habit and avoid screens in bed. If you’re still having trouble sleeping, consult with your doctor about other changes you could make or medicinal solutions."

💪🔥Body Booster: Stay active to reduce health risks as you age. Aim for at least 2.5 hours of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week.

Headshot of mid age adult 50 years old blonde woman standing in bathroom after shower touching face, looking at reflection in mirror doing morning beauty routine.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Regardless of gender, genetics, or current health and wellness status, it's a given fact that our bodies change in our 50s. Even Superman got old. While you might not be able to stop the aging process—mother nature is in control, after all—you can certainly slow it down. The first step to getting in front of the inevitable changes is to learn about them. Body Network asked the top physicians and health and fitness experts in the country to explain all the ways our bodies change as we hit the pivotal age of 50—and how we can respond to the changes in the best way possible. Read on to find out more.

Your Metabolism Slows Down Even More

Healthiness and happiness go hand in hand. Shot of a happy older couple enjoying a healthy lunch together outdoors.Shutterstock

While your metabolism starts slowing down before 50, once you hit your 50s, you will notice it is significantly slower than your younger years. "This is simply the normal aging process," points out Matthew Mintz, MD, FACP.

💪🔥Body Booster: While regular exercise can delay this slowdown a bit, it is hard to compete with father time. "The most important thing about a slower metabolism is that it will take fewer calories to start gaining weight," explains Dr. Mintz. For example, if you had a 2,000-calorie diet during your 30s and 40s and kept your weight perfectly stable, that same exact 2,000-calorie diet may lead you to gain weight in your 50s and 60s. "This means you need to eat less to maintain your weight and restrict your calories even more if you wish to lose weight," he says.

You Might Have Digestive Issues As A Result Of Hormonal Changes

An elderly woman is sitting on the sofa at home, holding her stomach with her hands. Feels the pain of internal organs, indigestion, poisoning, menstrual pain.Shutterstock

Because the average age of menopause is just over 51, many of the changes for women are hormonal, points out Women's Hormone Balancing Fitness Expert Debra Atkinson, MS, CSCS, Founder & CEO, Flipping 50. "They'll experience changes in gut health that might show up as bloating, gas, or constipation because the same foods they've been eating can become foods they don't tolerate at the moment," she explains.

💪🔥Body Booster: Atkinson suggests trying an elimination diet to find out how you feel without the usual suspects like dairy, gluten, and wheat. "That might resolve some weight loss resistance issues, too. Once your gut heals either from eliminating certain foods for a while or adding some probiotics, you can try again and see how you do," she says.

Your Bone Loss Accelerates

Modern rehabilitation physiotherapyShutterstock

When women are going through menopause, their bone loss accelerates for three to five years, according to Atkinson. This can lead to injuries such as bone fractures—especially due to falls.

💪🔥Body Booster: Atkinson suggests strength training as the most effective way to slow bone loss. "Stay strong and work on your balance as you age, too," she says. "Estrogen was protecting bones before, and now, since it's lower or gone, you've got to get into the weight room. The good news is just twice a week, working major muscle groups will help!"

Your Muscle Loss Accelerates

Portrait of sport senior asian couple training and sitting relax practicing yoga, elderly health, fitness, exercise, wellness, workout, sport at home.retirement concept.Fitness and senior healthyShutterstock

Atkinson explains that muscle loss has been occurring since peak muscle mass at age 25—unless you've been strength training to compensate. However, those losses become more significant after 50 when the production of hormones—like human growth hormone and testosterone—is reduced. "Production of those hormones does slow with age, and you can't completely stop that," she says.

💪🔥Body Booster: While you can't change mother nature, you can alter your habits—"like making sleep a priority because that's when hormones are released by your body," Atkinson points out. Also, stop long endurance training and opt for short intervals and weight training instead—such as HIIT. "Work hard for a short time—in other words, hit it and quit it!"

You Experience Muscle Fiber Loss

A woman rubbing her upper arm at the fitness gymShutterstock

Atkinson explains that you lose some muscle fiber types faster than others. "Fast-twitch muscle fiber losses begin to be more apparent—in fact, you lose them two times as fast as slow-twitch fibers," she explains. "This fact should set off an inner alarm to anyone who wants to keep their independence into their 70s, 80s, and beyond," adds Adam Friedman, CSCS, SFG, CN. He explains that fast-twitch muscle fibers are responsible for helping you to quickly regain your balance if you trip or jump out of the way of a distracted passer-by. "When you lose this ability, you are more prone to falls and injuries that can alter your quality of life."

💪🔥Body Booster: "To be proactive in prevention, I recommend including weekly exercises that target your fast-twitch fibers," says Friedman. "That means using progressive overload resistance training or using lighter resistance with increasing speed." Atkinson agrees that stimulation is critical. "If you play racquet sports, pickleball, or you dance, you're getting great fast-twitch stimulation. Otherwise imagine you're jumping rope or playing hopscotch. You need a few minutes regularly to boost that fast-twitch fiber," she adds.

Your Body Stores More Fat

Fat,Man,Belly,Obese,Overweight,dad, bod, tummy, obeseShutterstock

As we age, our bodies store fat more readily and burn fat more reluctantly, especially when we are stressed or dehydrated. "The drop in estrogen amplifies the negative effects of stress and stops diverting fat into areas for reproduction," Atkinson explains. So, you end up losing that hourglass shape and gaining weight around the belly easier.

💪🔥Body Booster: First of all, be aware you don't have as much wiggle room as you used to for sweets and treats, Atkinson says. "And use protein and fiber to your advantage," she adds. "Together, they help kill cravings and keep you full longer so you can avoid temptation."

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You Lose Flexibility

A man sitting on the bench and looking at the seaShutterstock

You don't see many people in their 50s doing the splits, and there is a reason. "After age 50, your body loses flexibility, which makes you more prone to muscle injuries," states Allen Conrad, BS, DC, CSCS of Montgomery County Chiropractic Center in North Wales, PA. "Muscles and tendons lose elasticity, and spinal discs degenerate as we age, which makes us more likely to get injured."

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Conrad urges the importance of incorporating forms of alternative healthcare into your routine, like chiropractic care, stretching, and massage therapy, as you hit your 50s. "This will help prevent injuries, and improve the recovery time when you do get injured," he maintains.

Your Skin Changes

Depressed senior woman at home feeling sad. Elderly woman looks sadly outside the window. Depressed lonely lady standing alone and looking through the window.Shutterstock

Just as our bodies age as we get older, so does our skin. "Skin becomes crepe, and the appearance of cellulite is more prevalent," Atkinson says. "That's a drop in collagen production thanks to a lack of estrogen."

💪🔥Body Booster: Atkinson suggests boosting collagen intake by drinking more bone broth and adding collagen powder to your smoothies or coffee. "Just don't confuse collagen protein with the rich amino acid protein that your muscle needs," she said. "You want them both."

You Are More Susceptible to Injuries

Man having a pain in his kneeShutterstock

During hormonal changes, women are more susceptible to injuries like plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tendinitis—though it's not precisely clear how—says Atkinson.

💪🔥Body Booster: To help prevent injury, Atkinson suggests doing more extended warm-ups and cooldowns. Also, vary your exercise and try to avoid repetitive movements. "Even at your desktop all day, take breaks frequently and stretch your forearms," she suggests. "When you're lifting weights, keep your joints in alignment and have a trainer observe you for small things you might be doing that could put torque on those susceptible joints."

Your Body Synthesizes Protein Less Effectively


Atkinson explains that your body synthesizes protein less effectively than it used to after you reach 50—so muscle losses can be accelerated in those who don't eat adequate protein in their diets. "That, too, is thanks to more years on the planet!" she says.

💪🔥Body Booster: Atkinson says that the best method to deal with this is being active. "Being active means you're better at protein synthesis than if you were sedentary," she explains. "So stay active and then follow strength training with a high protein meal about an hour or two afterward. Strength training improves muscle protein synthesis!"

Your Libido Declines

Pensive elderly mature senior man in eyeglasses looking in distance out of window, thinking of personal problems. Old woman wife consoling and hugging sad husband, copy spaceShutterstock

After experiencing menopause, most women report a decline in libido, explains Atkinson.

💪🔥Body Booster: To boost libido, women need more testosterone and growth hormone and less cortisol, Atkinson explains. "Putting an end to long endurance exercise and getting plenty of sleep will help," she explains. She suggests opting for strength training twice a week and short interval training sessions 1-2 times a week. Also, reduce the amount of alcohol and sugar you consume can also help in boosting libido.

Your Feet Will Change Shape

Woman walking barefoot at home, closeup. Floor heating conceptShutterstock

No, it's not your imagination. As you age, your feet are getting longer and wider. "They can grow half a size in a decade," explains New Jersey Podiatrist Velimir Petkov, DPM. "Our feet also flatten as we age because the tendons and ligaments in them lose their elasticity. Weight is also a contributing factor."

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Petkov suggests having your feet measured every few years to ensure that you are buying the right shoe size.

You Might Develop Foot Conditions

Young man on study of the tread in a podiatry cabinet.Shutterstock

Some people develop foot deformities such as hammertoes and bunions as they age, adds Dr. Petkov. "These are typically hereditary, but the types of shoes you choose to wear and your activity level play a part as well," he explains.

💪🔥Body Booster: Don't try to squeeze your feet in shoes that are too tight. "That will only worsen the problem," he says.

You Are More Prone To Arthritis

Closeup of male arms holding his painful wrist caused by prolonged work on the computer, laptop. Carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, neurological disease concept. Numbness of the handShutterstock

Unless you don't own a television, you are well aware that arthritis is a significant issue with people over 50—and not just in your hands. "Rheumatoid Arthritis typically appears in both feet while Osteoarthritis affects one foot," explains Dr. Petkov. "It is caused by inflammation of the cartilage and joints." Suffering from arthritis can lead to decreased activity levels and mobility.

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Petkov suggests investing in proper footwear and custom shoe inserts and doing your best to stay active. "Working out 2-3 times a week helps maintain good joint function," he says. Also, seek professional medical help to treat the symptoms.

You Are More Prone To Calcium Deficiency

Close-up of Female Broken Arm in Plaster Cast. Caucasian Injured Woman in White T-Shirt Sitting and Holding Wrist in Gypsum Bandage with Physical Pain in Fractured Bone. Health Care conceptShutterstock

Calcium deficiency is widespread in people over 50, Dr. Petkov points out. "It depletes the calcium in your bones, which weakens them." This can lead to osteoporosis, bone pain, and tenderness, as well as fractures that occur as a result of minor trauma.

💪🔥Body Booster: Make sure you are getting enough calcium. "It is recommended that you get at least 1,200 mg of calcium per day," Dr. Petkov says, pointing out that yogurt, milk, and cheese are excellent sources of calcium. Not a big fan of dairy products? He suggests a cup of unsweetened soy milk, which has 140 mg of calcium, or other calcium-rich foods such as raw kale, oranges, broccoli, edamame, sesame seeds, almonds, tofu, as well as baked and kidney beans.

Your Fat Will Redistribute

Asian fat women wear pink t shirt . She has overweight and she shows excess fat of the waist. She sit on her sofa and wants lose weight. concept of surgery and subcutaneous fat breakdown.Shutterstock

One thing that happens when your body stores more fat is that it will also redistribute it, totally changing the way your body looks. "When women are of childbearing age, their fat is distributed to their hips and thighs to support pregnancy, etc. When they age, and especially during menopause, that changes, and when the body produces less estrogen, the fat zeroes in on the belly - commonly known as menopause belly," explains fitness expert Denise Austin.

💪🔥Body Booster: Austin recommends a three-prong approach: eating clean and healthy, cardio to burn overall body fat, and targeted exercise to strengthen the core.

RELATED:5 Simple Ways to Debloat Your Body

You Might Develop Dry Mouth

Close up man mouth with dry lips and unhappy face, Closeup shot of bearded half men face with chin on his hand with sad face.Shutterstock

According to Mike Golpa, DDS, Director of G4 by Golpa, dry mouth is a common occurrence for those over the age of 50. "Chronic dry mouth comes with many popular medications for common senior issues like high blood pressure, Parkinson's, and arthritis, as well as being a symptom of diabetes, arthritis, and other ailments," he explains. "It isn't very often talked about by physicians or dentists alike." And, unfortunately, dry mouth can lead to more cavities and tooth decay ("less saliva means less natural washing of your teeth"), gum disease ("less saliva allows plaque to build up along and under the gum line"), and fungal infections (less saliva allows fungus to grow on your tongue, throat, and other areas).

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Golpa points out that there are many methods to alleviating dry mouth. These include using sugar-free gum and hard candies, as they stimulate saliva production, keeping hydrated by drinking lots of water, brushing and flossing regularly to remove plaque and stuck-on food that your saliva isn't washing off, and speaking with your physician. "If one or more of your meds is causing dry mouth about possible alternatives," he says.

You Might Become Lactose Intolerant

Woman drinking milkShutterstock

McKenzie Caldwell, MPH, RDN, a dietitian based in Charlotte, NC, focusing on women's reproductive health, diabetes, intuitive eating, and eating disorder recovery, points out that dramatic bone density drops during and after menopause because of natural drops in estrogen. However, lactose intolerance is relatively common in middle-aged women, making it difficult for many to drink milk, the most commonly thought of bone-building food.

💪🔥Body Booster: Caldwell suggests exploring lower-lactose dairy products—like kefir, greek yogurt, and hard cheese—or other sources of calcium like tofu, soy milk, and leafy greens. "These can help you maintain healthy bones as you age," she says.

Your Brain May Weaken

Frustrated unhappy middle aged mature man sitting on sofa, feeling depressed alone at home. Confused senior retired grandfather worrying about difficult life decision, copy space, old people solitude.Shutterstock

Along with your body, your brain weakens with age, according to Healthy Living Expert and author of Stay Young: 10 Proven Steps to Ultimate Health, Judy Gaman, MS, BSHS.

💪🔥Body Booster: "People over 50 need to exercise their brain. Think of the brain as a muscle. If you don't use it, it will shrink and become weak," says Gaman. "The simplest way to keep the brain healthy is to do new things, breaking the monotony of life, and instead step out of the comfort zone. They change things up and force the brain to be in active mode. All too often, we drive the same streets, eat the same meals, see the same people, and stick to our routine. While these routines may bring comfort and familiarity, they can also cause the brain to become dull. Stepping outside of routines will sharpen the mind and slow the aging process."

Pelvic Floor Disorder Is Likely

public toilet sign board with white woman and man figure and arrow on blue background or surface with noise effects. public toilet or wc sign board photo with selective focus and copy space on blueShutterstock

Certified personal trainer Courtney Virden points out that over half of women over 50 experience pelvic floor dysfunction—which can lead to a variety of other issues. "The most common symptoms are bladder issues, organ prolapse, vaginal dryness, and low libido," she explains.

💪🔥Body Booster: One of the leading causes for this is that the pelvic floor muscles are not trained. "They should be trained and worked out like the rest of our muscles, but are so often overlooked," Virden points out. "With age and lack of training, our muscles often have an altered length-tension relationship which leads to dysfunction and issues."

Your Hair And Nails Will Weaken

Hands of a woman playing with nails in stressShutterstock

Just as our skin loses its elasticity, we may also notice changes in our nails and hair. "Many people over 50 experience brittle nails and hair that break often and do not grow as quickly," explains Occupational Therapist & Consultant Brittany Ferri, MS, OTR/L, CCTP, Owner & Founder of Simplicity of Health.

💪🔥Body Booster: Amping up calcium intake can make a huge difference when it comes to hair and nails.

Your Eyesight May Also Weaken

Poor Eyesight. Senior Man Squinting Eyes Reading Message On Phone Wearing Eyeglasses Having Problems With Vision Sitting On Couch At Home. Ophtalmic Issue, Bad Sight In Older Age ConceptShutterstock

It's no secret that the older you get, the worse your eyesight is. "This causes most people over the age of 50 to have difficulty seeing in the dark and judging distance and depth," explains Ferri. This can impact someone's ability to drive, especially at night or early in the morning, as well as navigate their home environment safely.

💪🔥Body Booster: Stay on top of your eyesight and have your eyes checked frequently. If you have trouble with your night vision, you should probably stay off the road when it gets dark.

You'll Have More Dental Issues

Senior man having dental treatment at dentist's office.Shutterstock

Because tooth enamel erodes as you age, people over the age of 50 may have an increase in cavities, tooth pain, or dental issues that require increased care, points out Ferri.

💪🔥Body Booster: Stay on top of your dental care!

Your Short-Term Memory Changes


"One of the most notable cognitive changes that may occur is poor short-term memory, which can impact simple daily tasks and routines that have been in place for years," points out Ferri. Cognition also changes in the form of judgment, with some people experiencing slowed reaction times and poor body awareness.

💪🔥Body Booster: Keep your cognition fine-tuned with memory games, memory-boosting activities, and staying active in general.

Your Testosterone Levels May Decrease

Doctor talking to patient in officeShutterstock

Generally speaking, testosterone levels tend to decrease as men age, especially after 50, points out Stanton Honig, MD, director of Male Urology at Yale Medicine. "This may result in increased fat, decreased muscle mass, and more difficulty with maintaining muscle mass," he says. Besides, the prostate tends to grow in men over the age of 50, and in some patients, it may result in urinary symptoms such as getting up a lot at night, frequent urination, and urgency to run to the bathroom.

💪🔥Body Booster: Dr. Honing explains that a healthy lifestyle helps avoid low testosterone. "Eating better and exercising can improve matters for men diagnosed with the condition; many also have other health challenges, such as obesity or diabetes, which lifestyle changes can help," he says. Additionally, testosterone therapy can be prescribed for men with low testosterone caused by an androgen deficiency, but this is more for sexual interest than hardness. "If the doctor determines that there are psychological rather than health-related roots to his erectile issues, such as depression, stress or anxiety, antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications can be helpful," he adds. Or, if there are relationship problems, consider counseling. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 20 Superfoods for People Over 50.


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Do you want to lose weight and look younger? Dr. Fay Kazzi is a registered dietician with an extensive background in nutrition and dietetics who has a PhD in rehabilitation science. “From the age of 35 and on, when it comes to stubborn weight, the usual weight loss fixes like caloric deficit and exercise might not be as helpful as they used to be, which is why I'm here to help you guys out,” she says at the start of the clip. As part of her “Age Gracefully Nutrition” series, she goes on to explain why you need to change your approach to weight loss as you get older and reveals her top three “weight loss hacks.”

Weight Management Gets Challenging As You Age

“You have that one friend that always seemed to have been on the heavier side, and then some time goes by, you don't see them for a while, and then you see them again. But something has changed. They've lost a significant amount of weight like we're talking about 15 or 20 pounds, and then the first thing that you notice is, wow, they look so much younger. So yes, weight loss not only improves your metabolic health, but it also makes you appear younger, healthier, and more vibrant,” she says in the post. “Why does weight management get a bit more challenging after 35? Here are three possible reasons,” she says.

You Experience Metabolic Decline at 35

“Number one, natural metabolic decline around the age of 35,” she reveals. “A woman's metabolic rate tends to slow down due to natural changes in muscle mass and hormonal shifts. The lean muscle mass, which burns more calories than fat tissue, naturally declines with age. A 2021 study in the Journal of Science found that the metabolic rate slows down approximately one to 2 percent per decade after the age of 30, meaning fewer calories are burned at rest than when you're younger. So you could basically just sit around and do nothing, and your body would burn calories when you were a teenager and in your twenties. This gradual reduction makes it easier to gain weight and harder to lose it without adjusting caloric intake and increasing our physical activity, which is another reason why building muscle is so important in your late thirties.”

You Also Experience Hormonal Changes

“Number two reason, hormonal changes, and insulin sensitivity,” she continues. “Hormonal fluctuations, especially around perimenopause, which can start as early as your late thirties, can significantly impact your weight loss. So estrogen, which influences where the body fat is stored, starts to decline, often resulting in more abdominal fat storage. I know it's the worst, and as we all know, it's harder to lose. So additionally, a decline in estrogen can contribute to reduced insulin sensitivity, which can lead to higher blood sugar levels and then increased fat storage. Research in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism highlights that even slight changes in estrogen levels can increase body fat, particularly, unfortunately, again in the abdominal area.”

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And, Lifestyle Demands and Stress Levels Usually Increase

“Number three reason is lifestyle demands and stress levels,” she continues. “Women in their late thirties often juggle careers and family responsibilities and other social demands, which can lead to increased stress and disrupted sleep patterns. So, both stress and lack of sleep can raise your cortisol levels, a hormone that's associated with increased appetite and fat storage. Again, it goes to the abdominal area. A 2018 study in the Journal of Obesity found that higher cortisol levels were linked to weight gain, especially in midlife women, due to the stress of balancing various life demands. So this can make weight loss especially harder despite the diet restrictions and exercise efforts.”

However, There Are Things You Can Do to Mitigate the Effects

However, there are things you can do. “Even though these factors combined can make weight loss after 35 more challenging with targeted strategies, it is possible to mitigate these effects. There are ways, and there are paths. There are three things you can start doing today to lose weight and keep it off,” she says.

First, Increase Your Protein Intake

“Number one, increase your intake of protein per meal,” she suggests. “This is such a game changer. If you're a woman and you're in your late thirties, you absolutely have to start building all of your meals around protein, not carbohydrates. Depending on your activity level, you need about 0.8 to 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. So if you're, say, 125 pounds, that's about 57 kilograms, so roughly about 45 to 50 grams of protein, you want to split that throughout the day. So about 20 to 25 grams of protein per meal, and this is totally doable.” She points out that one cup of Greek yogurt is 20 grams, half a cup of ground turkey is about 20 grams, half a cup of tofu is about 20 grams, and one cup of lentils is about 20 grams. “The reason increasing protein helps is because it boosts the metabolism. It preserves lean muscle mass, and it makes you feel full, reducing your appetite. So how does that work? Protein increases the production of satiety hormones, glucagon-like peptide one cholecystokinin, while reducing, reducing the production of hunger hormones such as ghrelin.”

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Second, Narrow Your Eating Window

“Number two, narrow your eating window,” she suggests. “By now, for sure, you've probably heard a lot about intermittent fasting, time-restricted eating, and chrononutrition. Let me distill it for you. We really don't need to have three large meals spread throughout the day. Narrowing your eating window gives your body the ability to rest, rejuvenate itself, and set all of its metabolic ducks in order, so to speak. When you don't eat for a longer period of time, your body runs out of sugar and starts to burn fat for energy. This process is called metabolic switching. If you don't have any other underlying medical conditions, the general rule of thumb is to eat your day's calories within an eight-hour window, so have a late breakfast, let's say around 11:00 AM, and try to have your last meal before 6:00 PM. Also, when you stop eating earlier in the day, this is going to improve your sleep, which is also going to increase your metabolic health.”

Third, Increase Intake of High Quality Fat

Number three, increase your intake of high-quality fat. “I know this sounds so counterintuitive, but there's so much evidence right now that high-quality organic fats like cold pressed olive oil, grass-fed butter, raw nuts and seeds, the fat in free-range eggs, the fat and avocados, coconut cream, and kinds of milk are extremely satiating and nutrient dense and actually do not contribute to obesity,” she says. “It's been well established in research for decades now that one of the outcomes for epileptic patients who are put on a strict high fat, low carb diet as part of their treatment plan to manage their epileptic episodes is that these patients also lose weight by significantly reducing the carbohydrates. The body switches to burning fat for energy, which can result in weight loss, especially with that stubborn fat, but let's not get carried away. The recommendation for a generally healthy woman is to reduce the carbohydrates and increase the high-quality fats moderately.”

However, do not confuse this with overly processed, poor-quality fats like seed oils and their hydrogenated byproducts. “These include canola oil, corn oil, safflower oil, vegetable oil, soybean oil, and margarine, which are all in most processed foods such as your pastries, your chips, and your canned soups. Yes, they are hiding in your canned soups, crackers, cookies, breakfast cereals, mixed nuts, and even some of the bread brands out there. These kinds of fats do the opposite. They have no nutritive value, and they're loaded with empty calories. They actually contribute to inflammation, which increases the retention of fat,” she says.

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See Results in Just a Few Weeks

“These are three recommendations that you can start applying today to see a dramatic and sustained difference in your weight loss journey in just a few weeks. Of course, practices like regular exercise, decreasing your intake of, let's say, sugary beverages, and decreasing your stress levels will also assist with healthy and maintained weight loss,” she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you fighting an unexplained weight gain after 40? You're not alone. According to renowned women's health expertDr. Mindy Pelz, speaking with Marie Forleo (#1 New York Timesbestselling author of Everything is Figureoutable), many women are making critical hormone mistakes that sabotage their metabolism. "Women as a whole, we are massively dysregulated right now. Our metabolic system is dysregulated. Our nervous system is dysregulated. Our hormones are dysregulated," explains Dr. Pelz.

"When my patients say, 'I went to sleep, and I woke up, and I felt like I was 20 pounds heavier,' I believe them. Because it can be a fairly rapid change if they're not doing something about it," says Dr. Monica Christmas, menopause program director at the University of Chicago Medicine.

Here are the biggest hormone mistakes women over 40 are making and how to fix them.

Mistake 1: Still Counting Calories After 40

"We're done with calories. It tells us nothing about our health. It doesn't give us any vision of good hormonal health. It is an old, outdated theory that needs to go away," Dr. Pelz says in the video. Instead of counting calories, she emphasizes blood sugar management: "Blood sugar absolutely tells you how quickly you're going to age, if you're going to store fat, if you're going to balance hormones."

Mistake 2: Not Adapting Your Diet to Age-Related Changes

Healthiness and happiness go hand in hand. Shot of a happy older couple enjoying a healthy lunch together outdoors.Shutterstock

"When people come to me and say, 'I've always eaten this way, and I've never gained weight,' I say to them that it doesn't matter what you always did. That doesn't fly anymore," says Dr. Christmas. She emphasizes that after 40, you must be "meticulous about what you put into your body and be diligent about the way you move your body."

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Mistake 3: Ignoring Hidden Obesogens in Your Food

"All fat is excess. It's not undisciplined. It's not you're a bad person, it's not your genetics," explains Dr. Pelz. She reveals a shocking truth about food chemicals: "There are chemicals that are put in our food that are literally known obesogens... it tells your stem cell... to make fat cells." Your body stores these toxins in fat cells to protect vital organs.

Mistake 4: Misunderstanding Female Hormones After 40

Follow healthy lifestyle. To be healthy. Mature beautiful caucasian woman holding a glass of clean water, taking care of her health, the daily norm of waterShutterstock

"Men are run by one hormone, testosterone. Women are run by three hormones – estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. And we work off a 30-day cycle," explains Dr. Pelz. "Our three hormones all want a different lifestyle. They all react to toxins differently. They just are a little more sophisticated." This complexity increases after 40, when hormone levels begin to fluctuate more dramatically.

Mistake 5: Relying on Hormone Therapy Alone

Sleepless mature woman suffering from insomnia close up, lying in bed, older female covering eyes with hands, trying to sleep, nightmares or depression, feeling headache or migraineShutterstock

Dr. Christmas warns that hormone therapy isn't a weight-loss solution: "Hormone therapy (HT) will not help you lose weight, nor is it indicated for weight loss. It may actually contribute to a little bloating in the midsection for some patients."

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Mistake 6: Fasting Incorrectly After 40

Mature woman with fresh tomatoes in kitchen, closeup.Shutterstock

"Mistake number one is they fast too long... what ends up happening is all of a sudden we got a bunch of complaints like people's hair, they're losing their hair. Or if you fast too much, you actually metabolically can get stuck and your body starts to hold on to weight," warns Dr. Pelz. She emphasizes that women should never fast the week before their period, explaining that "progesterone is like, 'girl, give me a cookie, give me some chocolate. Sit your ass down, and then I'll give you a menstrual cycle.'"

Mistake 7: Eating at the Wrong Times

"When melatonin goes high, you actually become more insulin resistant," explains Dr. Pelz. This means eating late at night can lead to increased fat storage, especially after 40. She recommends waiting an hour after waking before eating breakfast, as "cortisol was meant to make you move" and can affect insulin sensitivity in the morning.

Mistake 8: Following an Unbalanced Exercise Routine

Woman, weights and dumbbells with earphones in gym for muscle strength, audio streaming and power lifting. Mature athlete, person and happy with weightlifting or music for online podcast and radioShutterstock

"You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet and you can't eat your way out of no exercise. It's got to be a combination of both. Especially in midlife and beyond," emphasizes Dr. Christmas. She recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and two days of muscle strengthening per week for women over 40.

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The Solution: A Complete Hormone Reset After 40

Happy mature mother and adult daughter woman in aprons eating homemade sandwiches at table, having breakfast, lunch while cooking in kitchen together, laughing, talking, enjoying culinaryShutterstock

The solution combines several key strategies:

  1. Choose nature's carbs: "A good carb is one that the earth provided us, and a bad carb is most likely one that humans made for us," Dr. Pelz explains.
  2. Feed your gut microbiome: "There are bacteria, good bacteria in your gut that sends your brain signals that says, 'feed me,'" says Dr. Pelz.
  3. Follow a Mediterranean diet: Dr. Christmas recommends this approach as it "has been shown to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, dementia and certain cancers."
  4. Support natural detox: "When we're shedding every month, we're actually detoxing," Dr. Pelz reveals, noting the importance of maintaining healthy cycles as long as possible.

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The Last Word

The bottom line? While hormonal changes after 40 are inevitable, weight gain doesn't have to be. By avoiding these common mistakes and implementing targeted strategies for diet and exercise, you can maintain your health and vitality through every hormonal transition. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.


Struggling to lose weight after 40? You're not alone. Many women find that strategies that worked in their younger years become less effective as they age. Weight loss expertLouise Digby, Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, founder of The Fit Mother Project and mindset coachDy Ann Parham, share insights on avoiding common mistakes. Here are ten weight loss errors you might be making and how to fix them.

Following Fad Diets

Product for Whole 30 diet. Healthy foodShutterstock

Fad diets like keto or very low-calorie plans promise quick results but aren't sustainable. Digby explains in her video, "When you cut out whole food groups, you're not giving your body all the nutrients it needs." She adds, "Carbs aren't all bad. Your body needs them for energy, brain function, and keeping your metabolism healthy."

Extreme Calorie Restriction

Tired woman having rest after workout. Tired and exhausted female athlete sitting on floor at gym with a water bottle.Shutterstock

Drastically cutting calories can backfire. Digby warns, "When you don't eat enough, your body slows down to save energy." This makes it harder to lose weight later on. "When you start eating normally again, your body stores extra calories as fat, so you often gain the weight back," she says.

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Relying on Detoxes and Cleanses

Shot of cheerful woman preparing detox juice with while blender in the kitchen at homeShutterstock

Detoxes and cleanses might sound appealing, but they can do more harm than good. Digby explains, "These programs often promise quick results, making you feel lighter and more energized. But they usually just make you lose water and muscle, not fat." These plans often cut out important foods and don't give your body enough calories, slowing down your metabolism.


Blonde young woman give up workout in gym, fail.Shutterstock/sakkmesterke

Many women think more exercise is always better, but Digby disagrees: "When you exercise too hard, your body makes more stress hormones. This can make you gain weight, especially around your belly." Dr. Balduzzi adds, "Women in their forties, fifties, and sixties need to lift weights. It is perhaps the single most effective kind of exercise."

Ignoring Age-Related Body Changes

Tired stressed old mature business woman suffering from neckpain working from home office sitting at table. Overworked senior middle aged lady massaging neck feeling hurt pain from incorrect posture.Shutterstock

Our bodies change significantly after 40. Digby points out, "Hormones that control our metabolism start to drop. This can make it harder to burn fat and easier to gain weight, especially around the middle." Dr. Balduzzi adds, "When we're in our forties, fifties, and sixties, we typically burn around 200 to 350 less calories per day than when we did when we were in our twenties."

Neglecting the Impact of Stress

Hands of a woman playing with nails in stressShutterstock

Stress plays a crucial role in weight gain. Digby notes, "Our stress levels often go up as we get older, with work and family responsibilities. More stress can lead to more belly fat." Managing stress is crucial for successful weight loss after 40.

Overlooking the Emotional Aspects of Eating

Emotional eating, mental disorder, depression, loneliness, stress. Lonely woman eating sweets and watching tv late in the night. Nerve foodShutterstock

Digby emphasizes the importance of understanding emotional eating. "Food isn't just fuel. It's tied to our feelings," she explains. "If we don't deal with the emotional side of eating, we'll keep regaining weight no matter what diet we try." Becoming aware of why you eat and finding healthier ways to cope with emotions is crucial.

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Pursuing Unsustainable Weight Loss Methods

Menopause, weight gain. Concerned woman standing on floor scales in bathroomShutterstock

Both Digby and Dr. Balduzzi stress the importance of sustainable approaches. Digby states, "If you can't see yourself doing something forever, it won't lead to long-term results." Dr. Balduzzi echoes this: "We don't just want to lose 10 pounds and regain it all back."

Ignoring the Importance of Sleep

Tired woman lying in bed can't sleep late at night with insomnia. Asian girl with funny face sick or sad depressed sleeping at home.Shutterstock

Dr. Balduzzi emphasizes the critical role of sleep in weight loss: "Sleep is like the master clock that controls all of our main weight loss hormones, controls cortisol, controls insulin, controls thyroid hormone. When we're not getting enough sleep, we're basically shooting ourselves in the foot when it comes to our weight loss efforts."

Overcomplicating Weight Loss Strategies

Happy elderly couple smiling husband and wife in aprons prepare salad together at kitchen table, chopping variety of colorful vegetables, trying to maintain healthy lifestyle eating vegetarian foodShutterstock

Dy Ann Parham advocates for simplicity in weight loss approaches. She says, "Forget about all the nonsense that you're hearing on the internet and just make it simple, fast long, feast well, train smart. You'll be absolutely amazed at how simple this lifestyle can be." Focus on whole, nutritious foods and consistent, enjoyable physical activity rather than complex diet plans.

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Work With Your Body

Mature woman workout before fitness training session at home.Shutterstock

Avoiding these common mistakes can help women over 40 achieve lasting weight loss. It's about working with your body's changes, not against them. As Digby concludes, "When you eat and move in ways that suit your body, especially as you age, losing weight becomes much easier." And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss I’m a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

Jessica Valant
Copyright jessicasvalant/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Balance becomes increasingly crucial as we age, and the statistics are eye-opening. Research shows that people over 50 who can't balance on one leg for just 10 seconds face twice the mortality risk in the following decade. Physical therapistJessica Valant, with over 25 years of experience in rehabilitation and movement training, has developed a straightforward 10-minute routine to help improve your stability. As a respected PT, Pilates instructor, and women's health expert reaching over 800K YouTube subscribers, Jessica emphasizes that better balance is achievable at any age. These exercises, which you can do right in your own home, could significantly improve your stability and confidence in daily activities.

Understanding Balance and Why It Matters

"Balance happens when we include many different parts of what's going on," Jessica explains. "We have strength, we have mobility happening. It includes our eyesight, our vestibular system." This comprehensive approach to balance training addresses all these components, making it particularly effective for adults looking to maintain or improve their stability.

Setting Up Your Safe Practice Space

One of the best aspects of this routine is its simplicity. "All you need is a chair or a kitchen counter or a bathroom counter or a wall or anything close to hang on to," Jessica says. She emphasizes that wearing supportive shoes is perfectly fine, especially if you have any foot concerns.

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Foundation Exercise One Toe Raises

The routine begins with toe raises, a fundamental movement for ankle strength. Standing with feet hip-width apart, rise onto your toes and lower back down. "I want you to work on doing this without holding on to anything at all," Jessica advises, though she recommends starting with support if needed. For an extra challenge, try closing your eyes during the movement.

Building Knee and Hip Stability

"When falls happen, a lot of times they'll happen stepping off a curb or going downstairs," Jessica notes. To address this, she introduces mini squats. These aren't deep squats but rather gentle knee bends that improve mobility in your hips, knees, and ankles – all crucial for preventing falls.

Mastering Single-Leg Balance

The critical test of balance is standing on one leg. Jessica guides through this gradually: "This is called a single leg balance, but also we're doing a little bit of weight shifting. We're teaching that left leg how to hold the weight on its own." Start by holding onto support and work toward independence.

Dynamic Balance Through Marching

Slow marching exercises simulate real-world movements. "Try not to look down at your feet when you're doing this," Jessica instructs. "The more we kind of hunch and try to walk like this, the more likely we are to fall." Keep your posture tall and eyes forward.

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Lateral Stability Training

Side leg lifts add another dimension to balance training. "The sneaky part as a physical therapist, what I'm making you do right now is hold your weight on that left leg," Jessica reveals. This strengthens the standing leg while improving side-to-side stability.

Advanced Hip Mobility Work

The hip circle exercise combines lifting, opening, and lowering movements. As Jessica explains, "This is a lot of hip mobility, which believe it or not, really good for our balance and just for overall health in those joints." This movement builds both mobility and strength.

Essential Ankle Mobility

Calf stretches are crucial for maintaining ankle flexibility. Jessica demonstrates how to stretch while maintaining proper alignment, emphasizing the importance of keeping the back heel down and maintaining tall posture.

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Progressive Challenge Training

"This isn't a single day workout to fix everything," Jessica emphasizes. "This is the long game." The routine concludes with balance challenges that can be progressively made more difficult, such as closing your eyes during exercises when you're ready. Always prioritize safety and work within your comfort level.

Jessica's repeats her key message: "You can do it every single day, or again, just pick and choose pieces of it to do at your kitchen counter anytime during the day to help your own balance, meet your body where it is and know that long-term you are doing something good for yourself." And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week

Nikkiey Stott
Copyright nikkieystott/Instagram

Don’t let your age be the excuse you use for not being in shape. You can be strong and fit in at any age, says one expert. Nikkiey Stott, BSN, Fitness Coach and co-founder of Warrior Babe, helps “women manage macros, build muscles, & boost confidence.” In a new post, she reveals the top five exercises you should do if you are over 40 that offer the most bang for your buck. “Do these 5 power moves if you’re over 40,” she writes. “Want to stay strong, fit, and functional at 40, 50, or even 60+? Save these 5 moves to your weekly workouts.”


The first power move she recommends is a butt-buster: Squats. “Build lower body strength and protect your joints,” she says about the glute and leg exercises, which she also demonstrates in the video.


Another effective exercise that offers full-body benefits? Pushups. “Strengthen your chest, shoulders, and arms while improving core stability,” she says.


Next on her power moves list? Deadlifts. “The ultimate move for a strong back, glutes, and hamstrings,” she says about the exercise, which requires weights.

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Standing Shoulder Press

Grab a pair of free weights or a bar and do a standing shoulder press, she suggests. “Keep your shoulders strong and mobile as you age,” she says.

Lat Pulldowns or Dumbbell Rows

Lastly, choose from two exercises, lat pulldowns or dumbbell rows. “Boost upper back strength and posture,” she says.

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10,000 Steps Per Day

In another post, she also recommends walking “10,000 steps per day,” which she says equals “70 marathons per year.” A 2018 study published in the journal Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure, and fewer strokes.

Strength Training

And, of course, she also recommends investing time in strength training. “Committing to 3 workouts a week = 156 workouts a year,” she adds. According to the Mayo Clinic, strength and weight training help reduce body fat, preserve and increase lean muscle mass, and burn calories more efficiently. Strength training may also help you:

  • Develop strong bones
  • Manage your weight
  • Enhance your quality of life
  • Manage chronic conditions
  • Sharpen your thinking skills
And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these20 Superfoods for People Over 50.

Trish Cheatham this.phoenix.rising
Copyright this.phoenix.rising/Instagram

Are you struggling to lose weight in your 50s? Make some simple changes to your routine. Trish Cheatham, CEO of Think Tank and White Buffalo Film Studios, is a 52-year-old on a fitness journey. On her This Phoenix Rising social media page, she shares about her weight loss journey after losing 90 pounds “naturally.” In a new post, she reveals her dramatic before-and-after transformation photo and shares the top 7 habits responsible for her weight loss.

She Says That Many People Feel Like They Are “Falling Apart” in Their 50s

“Every day I see a new post on social media from a friend about a health ailment. Now that we are nearing our 50s, it seems like everyone is falling apart. It frustrates me because I see how helpless they feel and they just accept that this is life and part of aging,” Trish writes.

“I try and educate them on the facts: that you can change your health through proper diet, nutrition and exercise - but it often falls on deaf ears. I’m met with a lot of resistance. People don’t want to change their ways, they are comfortable in what they know.”

She Has Watched Lots of People Succumb to Health Conditions

“I’ve watched as many of my friends suffer through health conditions, some have even succumbed to them. Others will temporarily get healthy only to fall back into bad habits - because, let’s face it, being bad is sometimes fun. (Am I right?)” she writes.

She Reversed It, and You Can Too

“Listen, I’ve been there. I’ve not heeded the small wakeup calls before - it took a big one for me to go WHOA and stop my bad behavior. But, now that I’m on the other side, I just wish I could scream from the rooftops, ‘YOU CAN REVERSE THIS! YOU CAN FEEL BETTER! YOU CAN HAVE A BETTER LIFE’” she says.

The Roadmap Is “Really Simple and Easy”

“Okay, so maybe that’s what I’m trying to do here…Some days I feel like I’m hitting my head against the wall. I share and share and still people aren’t ready to change. They have to make that decision themselves - there’s no amount of convincing I can do to make that happen. However, for those ready, the roadmap is really simple and easy,” she continues.

1. Find a Functional MD and Good Bloodwork Done

The first thing she recommends doing is consulting an expert. “Find a Functional MD and get your bloodwork, hormones, gut health and overall health in order,” she writes.

2. Start Eating Healthy

The next thing to do is to work on your diet. “Start eating healthy. Cut out the processed food and junk. Stop going out to eat, especially fast food,” she says.

3. Quit Drinking

Also, she recommends not drinking alcohol. “Dump the alcohol. All of it. Now. Drink water and lots of it,” she says.

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4. Exercise

She also recommends exercising. “Move your body. Every. Single. Day. Get steps in and stay active,” she says. A 2018 study published in the journal Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure, and fewer strokes.

5. Lift Weights

Strength training is also key. “Lift weights - and heavy ones. And make sure you are lifting heavier ones each and every day,” she says. According to the Mayo Clinic, strength and weight training help reduce body fat, preserve and increase lean muscle mass, and burn calories more efficiently. Strength training may also help you:

  • Develop strong bones
  • Manage your weight
  • Enhance your quality of life
  • Manage chronic conditions
  • Sharpen your thinking skills.

6. Get Enough Sleep

“Prioritize sleep and make sure you get 7-8 hours a day,” she continues. What are the health benefits of sleep? According to the Sleep Foundation, getting enough z’s is a mood booster, promotes heart health, regulates blood sugar, improves mental function, restores your immune system, helps relieve stress, and aids in weight loss.

7. Reduce Stress

Her last tip. “Do your best to reduce stress in your life (trust me, I know how tough this one is!)” she says. “Life is precious and living our best life in the most amazing gift we can give to ourselves and those we love most.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.