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Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

She Has a Better Body at 44 Than 24 After Changing These 3 Habits

One personal trainer reveals how she achieved her best body.


Are you struggling to lose weight? It might be because you are focusing on all the wrong things. Hannah White is a personal trainer and online coach who specializes in helping her clients “lose fat” and “tone up.” In a recent Instagram post, she reveals that she had to shift her focus in order to burn fat and lose weight. “I started losing fat much faster when I stopped focusing on these three things…And switched my focus to do these things instead,” she writes across the video. “There’s a lot of misleading information out there about how to eat and exercise in order to lose fat and ‘tone’ up… So, it's no wonder people find it so confusing and don’t know where to start. Here are three things that don’t matter,” she adds in the caption.

Don’t Focus On: The Time of Day That You Eat

The first thing she stopped focusing on? The time of the day she ate. “A 500-calorie meal is still 500 calories irrespective of the time of day you eat it,” she writes in her post. “And you only lose or gain fat based on your calorie intake. So that’s all you need to worry about.”

Don’t Focus On: Lots of Cardio and HIIT Workouts

She also shifted her focus away from doing loads of cardio and HIIT workouts. “Yes, doing cardio or any type of exercise burns calories. But it’s not necessary for successful fat loss. Instead, focus more on your calorie intake if you want the best results,” she writes.

Don’t Focus On: Villainizing Carbs

She also stopped obsessing over eating carbs. “Carbs aren’t the reason for weight gain. Calories are. Carbs give you energy, which actually helps you burn more calories. So eliminating carbs completely is a bad idea,” she points out.

Focus On: Total Calories

She then moves on to “3 things that DO matter,” starting with how many calories you eat. “The amount of body fat you have is determined by your energy balance - calories in vs calories out. So if you want to lose fat, focusing on creating a calorie deficit (e.g., consuming fewer calories than you burn) is the most important thing,” she writes.

Focus On: Strength Training

Next, she shifted her exercise approach to strength training. “That lean, toned physique you want doesn’t just come from losing body fat but also comes from building muscle. Muscle not only plays a massive role in the appearance of your body composition, but it also increases your metabolism, so it’s an effective way to lose fat & maintain the loss,” she writes.

RELATED: This Plan Is How to Lose 5 Percent Body Fat In 2 Weeks

Focus On: Protein Intake

Finally, she focused more on how much protein she consumed. “A calorie deficit will cause you to lose weight, but protein (along with strength training) will determine what type of weight you lose (body fat or muscle) and what type of muscle you want to keep. Protein is also the most satisfying nutrient. So if you consume enough of it, you’ll stay fuller for longer. Making the dieting process much easier,” she says.

Signs You Are Building Muscle and Losing Fat: Visible Definition[

In another post, she reveals three signs that you are losing fat and building muscle, starting with a visible definition. “As your body fat reduces, whilst you’re building or maintaining your muscles, you will start to notice visible definition in your body. This could be more defined legs & arms, or some definition on your stomach,” she writes.

Changes in Body Composition

The next sign? Changes in body composition. “You’re noticing changes in your body and how clothes fit. You can track your body composition (fat & muscle percentages) by using a special body fat scale or by tracking your progress with photos and measurements,” she says.

RELATED:Woman Loses 70 Pounds With 4 Ab Exercises and "Stopped Restricting Myself"

You Are Getting Stronger

The third sign is that you’re getting stronger. “You’re able to do more reps and/or lift heavier weights each time you go to the gym. Following a structured training program, where you perform the same group of exercises for around four weeks, is key here. Along with tracking your workouts so that you know whether you’re making progress.”

Make Sure to Fuel Your Body with the Right Food

“Losing fat and building/maintaining muscle requires you to fuel your body with the right calories and quantities of quality macronutrients. Too little will make it hard for you to build/maintain muscle, and too much may cause you to gain unwanted body fat,” she adds at the end of the caption. “A good starting point is to aim to consume close to your maintenance level calories (your TDEE) or just slightly below, and then adjust it from there based on your results. Protein should be around 2g per kilogram of body weight. With the remaining calories allocated to your carbs and fats.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

More For You


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to look decades younger? You might be doing all the wrong workouts, says one fitness expert. Shauna Theresa is a women's fitness and nutrition coach who helps women over 40 "boost metabolism, build strong, sculpted bodies and lose fat for life" using her STRONG method. In a new post she reveals a few simple changes she made to her approach to fitness that majorly changed her body composition game. "It's crazy this helped me get a better body at 45 than I had at 25," she writes across the Instagram video clip.

She Used to Think That to Get Toned She Had to Do "More"

"Raise your hand if you thought the best way to get 'toned' was to do MORE. ✋🏼🫣 More workout days, more sets, more exercises, more cardio, more sweat, more calorie burn. That was me!! I used to spend 5-6 days a week in the gym, working out for 90 minutes, everything was a superset, trying to "burn" more, and I'd top my weight training with intense cardio, walk out feeling exhausted and wondered why after working so hard my body NEVER got 'toned'," she writes in the post.

However, She Was Doing It All Wrong

However, she adapted her training method and feels and looks better than ever. "I now understand where I went wrong, and this is what I do now that has me looking, and more importantly, feeling better at 45 than I did at 25!" she continued.

She Dialed back on Volume

The first thing she did? "I dialed back on volume," she says. "Instead of 6 workouts a week with 7-8 exercises, I now do 3 workouts a week with 4-5 exercises."

She Does "Straight Hard Sets"

Next, "Instead of super setting everything, I do straight hard sets," she says. She focuses on "working with intensity, using slow and controlled tempo, and getting close to failure."

She Focused on One Program

It can be tempting to jump from workout to workout, but Shauna doesn't recommend it. "I stopped changing my workouts every week and instead focused on one program while applying progressive overload," she said.

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She Rests Between Sets

You don't have to keep moving during a workout, per Shauna. "Instead of doing jump squats or burpees between sets, I just REST between sets so that my muscles and CNS are prepared to another hard set," she explains.

She Walks Post-Workout

You don't need to run on the treadmill or walk steps until you sweat post-workout. "Instead of ending my hard weight workout with a hard cardio workout I leave and use walking daily as my way to get activity because it does not compete with building muscle," she says.

She Cycles Nutrition

Shauna refuses to be a slave to dieting and calorie deficits. "I stopped living in a calorie deficit and cycled my nutrition phases," she says.

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These Changes Will Support Lean Muscle Growth

According to Shauna, all of these changes support one thing, "growing lean muscle," she says. "Muscle growth is what you want if you're trying to look 'toned,' stay healthy as you age, and optimize your metabolism. To optimally grow muscle it takes working with the same plan, using the right intensity, applying progressive overload (aka adding more reps or weight) and allowing rest both between sets and between workout sessions."

Work Smarter, Not Harder

"My body changed the most when I STOPPED using my workouts to try and burn and started using them to BUILD. It's a completely different mindset but I promise you it provides dramatic changes! Time to work SMARTER not HARDER," she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

lois hughey coaching
Copyright lois.hughey.coaching/Instagram

Do you want to transform your belly from flab to flat in your 50s? This is totally doable, says one expert. Lois Hughey is a weight loss warrior and coach who lost 15 pounds and kept it off. Now, she makes it her mission to help women over 50 “simplify nutrition and fitness” and regularly offers tips for sustainable fat loss in menopause on her social media feeds. In a new post, she reveals a few simple habits for flattening your tummy. “Women who have flat tummies in their 50s are doing these things,” she writes. “Make sure you steal the strategy.”

So Many Women Struggle with Belly Weight in Their 50s

“There are enough challenges being a woman over 50…Looking and feeling your best shouldn’t be one of them,” she writes. “So many women tell me that they struggle with bloating, abdominal weight gain, and the inability to even lose 5 pounds of fat and keep it off.”

These 4 Strategies Work, She Claims

“It’s FRUSTRATING…😫I know because I’ve been there! If you want to lose fat, you must be in a caloric deficit. If you are, then you can steal these 4 strategies to make fat loss easier,” she says.

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Eat a “Balanced Plate of Food” 90% of the Time

First, eat a balanced plate of food at 90% of your meals. “This looks like 1/2 your plate is produce (the more color the better), 1/4 is protein, 1/4 is carbs—yes! Even your snacks! Build most of your meals to look like this at home, and you will see your body begin to change,” she says.

Strength Train

Next, exercise. “Strength train and take rest days,” she suggests. “Building muscle is your secret weapon to aging well and looking amazing. You don’t need hours in the gym (or even a gym at all). But hopping from video to video won’t help your body burn fat, and neither will 5lb weights. You are stronger than you think! Have a structured plan that you stick with for 4-8 weeks at a time so that you can track your strength. Do this 30-45 minutes 2-3 times a week. If you aren’t doing anything right now, this is enough to get you started. Be sure to take rest days, too. In the case of building muscle, more is not better.”

Manage Stress

You also need to manage your stress. “This season of life comes with plenty of stress. Job changes, retirement, aging parents, college kids, empty nest…. You need to stop your go, go, go lifestyle and learn to take time for yourself. Not just once in a while, but every single day. It’s up to you to do this work, even if it feels unnatural at first,” she says.

Prepare Your Environment for Success

Finally, prepare your environment for success. “None of these things are going to work if you hope and pray they will happen. You need a plan so that you can succeed. This means making sure you have protein and produce in your house. Scheduling your workout & destress time. Making sure that everything you need for the day is ready to go,” she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Shauna Theresa shaunatheresa
Copyright shaunatheresa/Instagram

If you struggle to lose weight in your forties using the same weight loss tools as you did in your thirties, you probably fail to make progress. According to one expert, the same diet and fitness routines stop working as you age. Shauna Theresa is a women’s fitness and nutrition coach who helps women over 40 “boost metabolism, build strong, sculpted bodies, and lose fat for life” using her STRONG method. In a new social media post the influencer, who looks better at 45 than she did at 25, reveals some of the wisdom she learned the hard way. “If I knew these sooner I would have saved myself SO MUCH time and grief on my fitness journey,” she writes in the Instagram caption. “5 things I wish I knew before age 40.”

Carbs Are Not the Enemy

The first thing she wishes she knew in your younger years is that carbohydrates are not the enemy. “Carbs are your friend! They have gotten a bad rap over the years and I fell into the trap of thinking they were hindering my progress when in fact they have been a CRITICAL component with getting stronger and looking more “toned”. Carbs are your muscles preferred energy source, especially when weight training. Muscle is where you store glucose, more muscle means better insulin sensitivity. Having carbs pre and post training will optimize your results!” she writes.

Walking Daily Is a Game Changer

Next, she wishes she laced up her sneakers more. “Walking daily is underrated. I used to think I had to spend hours running, sweating away on a stairmaster or doing HIIT to lose fat but diet is KING for fat loss. Although walking has helped with my body composition and it doesn’t compete weight lifting like intense cardio can. It also lowers stress, helps digestion, is easy to do PLUS it doesn’t impact hunger. Very important when in a calorie deficit,” she writes.

Calorie Deficit Plus Weight Training Makes You Toned

“Calorie Deficit + Weight Training = TONED,” is the third thing she wishes she knew sooner. “To get ‘toned’ you need 2 things, less body fat (achieved with a deficit) and more muscle (achieved with weight training). If you’re new to training you may lose fat and build muscle at the same time, but most people need separate phases to focus on fat loss then muscle building. It takes time but it’s 1000% worth it. You will NOT get toned by using high reps with low weight. Lift hard and align your diet with your goals,” she writes.

You Lose Muscle As You Age

Next, “Aging comes with muscle loss,” she writes. “If you are not weight lifting, you’ll lose lean muscle mass which impacts hormones, metabolism, energy, function, insulin sensitivity and more. Even if it’s just 2 days a week, get in the gym. Lift some weights with a goal of getting stronger. Your 80 year old self will thank you.”

Building Muscle Is the Best Anti-Aging Too

And her last piece of wisdom? “The BEST anti-aging hack is more muscle. It’s the organ of longevity. It will help you have a youthful hormonal profile, keep metabolism optimal, keep you toned, help you remain mobile for all your years and helps preserve your cognitive health. Muscle is not to be feared! It is the answer to aging well and looking fine!” she writes. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss40 Health Symptoms That Can Be More Serious Than You Think.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you in your post-menopausal stage and struggling to lose weight? Ilene Block is the founder of Silver and Strong, a coaching company that specializes in helping women over 50 get into the best shape of their lives. In fact, she herself lost 40 pounds at the age of 61 (and 55 pounds altogether) by making a few simple changes to her routine. “I totally changed my body composition at 61 by changing these 2 simple things,” she writes across a recent viral Instagram video. “Can it be that simple? Yes it can!” she added in the caption.

She Changed Her Approach to Diet

Many people think not eating or eating much less is the key to achieving a dream body. But the opposite can be true. “Eat as much as possible to fuel your body (not as little as possible to be skinny),” says Ilene in her post.

She Changed Her Approach to Exercise

Another game changing thing she did? She changed her approach to exercise. “Lift heavy weights 4 to 5x a week (Heavy for YOU),” she says in the post.

She Used to Yo Yo Diet

“I spent 40 years yo-yo dieting - eating as little as possible - and focusing on doing more cardio that weight training (and never heavy enough),” she continues in the post. Here’s what I changed and what you can start doing TODAY to make a difference in how you look and, more importantly, how you feel.”

She Follows These 3 Eating Rules

She went on to change the way she ate and followed these rules. First, she eats “at least 100g of protein spread evenly throughout the day,” she says. “Eat your biggest carb rich meals right before and after your weight training,” is her second rule. And her third? “Track your macros - if you are not eating at least 1800 calories a day, you likely need to do a reverse diet to rev your metabolism before attempting to lose fat,” she says.

She Weight Trains and Does Some Cardio

She also changed her exercise focus. “Weight train 4 to 5 days a week - lifting heavy weights (heavy for YOU). Most women don’t like heavy enough so they don’t get the benefits of muscle hypertrophy, which is what makes your muscles grow,” she says. “Cardio is important for heart health and can be a good tool to aid in fat loss when you are in a calorie deficit, but it should never replace weight training.”

Muscles Burn More Calories Than Fat

She also points out that muscles burn more calories than fat. “The more muscle you have, the more you can eat and maintain the same weight or lose body fat,” she says. “Weight training also helps keep your bones strong, which is especially important to us post menopausal gals. Strong bones and muscles allow us to maintain our overall strength and fitness and independence as we age.”

Here Are Some More Tips

“Changing how you eat and move can seem overwhelming, but if your goal is healthy aging, both are necessities. Start slow and remember these mantras,” she says.

  • Consistency, not perfection
  • Discipline, not motivation
  • Comparison is the thief of joy

“You are not too old; it is not too late to get in the best shape of your life starting today,” she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss I Hit 60 and These 15 Anti-Aging Foods Keep Me Fit and Feeling 20 Years Younger.

Woman Lost 40 Pounds at 61 by Making These 4 Habit Changes
Copyright silverandstrong/Instagram

Are you struggling to lose weight after 60? According to an expert, a few habit changes can be game-changing. Ilene Block is the founder of Silver and Strong, a coaching company that specializes in helping women over 50 get into the best shape of their lives. She lost 40 pounds at 61 (and 55 pounds altogether) by making a few simple changes to her routine. “At 61 I was holding most of my weight in my hips and lower belly until I made these 4 changes to my daily habits,” she writes about the Instagram video. “Are you like me and have a hard time losing weight from your hips and lower belly? These foundational changes to your daily habits are the keys to being able to lose that weight and keep it off,” she adds in the caption.

Make Sure You Are Eating Enough

Her first suggestion? Make sure you are eating enough. “Many women of my generation (50+) grew up eating as little as possible to be skinny. I now know that the key is to eat as much as possible of healthy foods to fuel my body,” she writes.

Protein: “Aim for 1 gram of protein per lb of goal bodyweight,” she says.

Complex Carbohydrates: “Eat your largest carb meals before and after your weight training,” she says.

Healthy Fats: “These are more limited since they have 2.5x the cals as protein or carbs, but are important for overall health,” she writes.

Lift Heavy Weights

Next, make sure to lift heavy weights, “heavy for you,” she says, “to achieve muscle hypertrophy. “Most women don’t lift often enough (4-5x a week) or heavy enough to get the maximum benefits from weight training,” she continues. “The goal for women 50+ is building muscle and bone strength which can become an issue after menopause.”

Move Your Body Throughout the Day

Her third habit has to do with movement, specifically moving your body throughout the day to “get the benefits of NEAT,” she writes. ”NEAT stands for nonexercise activity thermogenesis,” she says. Examples include taking a walk, doing housework, and gardening. “Moving throughout the day can give you more benefits in terms of raising your overall calorie burn for the day than a half hour of cardio exercise.”

Prioritize Your Mental Health

Her last healthy habit is taking time to care for your mental health and mindset. “Change your mindset, change your life! At 50+, we are often unaware of our own limiting beliefs. You CAN do this! Awareness is the first step to changing your internal dialogue and how you talk to yourself,” she says. “Be willing to make yourself a priority and honor your boundaries.”

Be Patient

These habit changes won’t rear results instantly. You need to be patient, she says. “These changes take time, consistency and focus. Start with one and add the others over time and imagine where you will be a year from now.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss I’m a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

Sarah Bouchard fedandfreewithsarahb
​Unrealistic Expectations
Copyright fedandfreewithsarahb/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Have you been dieting and spending time in the gym, but are starting to feel bulk? You might be making a common mistake. Sarah Bouchard is a Nutrition Coach & Educator who helps women over 35 “ditch diet confusion & simplify nutrition” for “Sustainable fat loss + healthy body composition,” she explains in her Instagram bio. In a new Instagram post, she breaks down the reason why you might not be achieving the toned look you desire.

“I hate to break it to you, but…What makes a woman appear ‘bulky’ 99% of the time is 🥁… consuming more calories than her body needs. The women you see in their late 30s and beyond who look ‘toned’? They prioritize protein like it’s their job and aren’t afraid of lifting heavy.

According to Sarah, achieving a “toned” look means having: “A moderate to low amount of body fat” and “A healthy amount of muscle tissue.” And “muscle isn’t built by accident,” she says, noting that it requires “Consistent strength training” and “Adequate protein intake.”

“In my experience assessing clients’ food logs, I’ve noticed patterns that inadvertently lead to an undesired ‘bulky’ appearance,” she continues. The first one? “Fearing carbs but loading up on ‘healthy fats’,” she says. “There are only two other macronutrients besides protein: carbs & fats. Women who fear carbs often end up in a caloric surplus from fats (think nuts, flaxseeds, almond flour, coconut oil).”

Neglecting Satiety

Next is neglecting satiety. “Trying to eat as little as possible is not a winning strategy for that ‘toned’ physique, as it will inevitably result in overconsumption of calories. Want to feel more full without being in a calorie surplus? Lean protein & fiber-rich foods are key,” she says.

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Misunderstanding Protein Density & Quality

The third reason is the misunderstanding of protein density and quality. “Not all protein sources are created equal,” she writes.

Don’t Undereat

She offers solutions to optimize calorie and protein intake, starting with undereating. “Stop trying to eat as little as possible: Focus on foods that help you feel more full and build muscle!” she writes.

Balance Macronutrients

Next, make sure to balance macronutrients. “Ensure each meal contains a balance of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to promote satiety and muscle maintenance,” she writes.

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Prioritize Protein

Prioritize protein. “Aim for a minimum protein intake between 0.8–1 grams per lb of body weight daily to support muscle synthesis and maintenance,” she says.

Distribute Protein Intake

Make sure you are distributing protein intake as well. “Spread protein consumption evenly across meals to maximize muscle protein synthesis & satiety throughout the day,” she suggests.

Balance Nutrition with Exercise

Don’t forget about movement. “Remember, achieving a toned physique is about creating a sustainable balance between nutrition and exercise,” she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

3 Simple Stretches Made This Coach More Flexible in 2 Weeks
Copyright Livinleggings/YouTube

We've all experienced those mornings – waking up feeling stiff, tired, and perhaps a bit cranky. As yoga expert Liv explains, "When we wake up in the mornings, our bodies can feel quite stiff, a little lethargic, and often a little cranky too." Adding simple stretches to your morning routine can dramatically change how you feel both physically and mentally.

Meet the expert

Liv is dedicated to helping people become strong and flexible through mobility-based strength training and yoga. She's the creator of The Yoga Rebel Method, which uniquely combines strength training with yoga principles. With over 500K YouTube subscribers, Liv has guided countless people toward better mobility and flexibility. Try these three essential stretches she recommends and experience the difference they can make to your entire day.

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The science behind morning stretches

Why are these particular stretches so effective? According to Liv, it's about more than just loosening tight muscles. "Our bodies have natural instincts for survival, which lead us to want to protect our vital organs like our lungs, like our heart. It's why we often sleep curled up in a small ball." These targeted stretches help counteract this protective position and trigger your body's natural energy systems.

The morning energy boost

These stretches work on a biological level to increase alertness. "When we expose these vital organs in something like a chest and abdominal stretch, our body senses a slight increase in vulnerability and this activates our nervous system," Liv explains in her post. This gentle activation provides "a natural energy boost and a sense of alertness through increased production of adrenaline." It's a clever way to harness your body's built-in energy systems.

Stretch 1: Camel Pose Sweeps

Yoga,Instructor,camel, pose Ustrasana, asana,

This dynamic stretch specifically targets your hip flexors, abdominals, chest, and shoulders – all areas that typically tighten overnight. To perform it, Liv instructs: "Come to sit onto your heels, toes tucked under, and take your knees a little wider than your hips. From here, take one hand to your heel and then sweep the other arm up towards the sky as you lift your hips off of your heels."

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Perfecting the Camel Pose Sweep

On windy day young slender woman does yoga near sea on embankment doing asanas, performs physical exercises. During sunset, girl performs camel pose, Ushtrasana


The key to making this stretch effective is in the details. Liv advises, "Tuck your tailbone under and squeeze your bum as you rise. Press the chest up towards the sky and turn your gaze slightly off towards one side." Then return to center and repeat on the other side. "Spend around 30 seconds moving from side to side," she recommends, emphasizing that this is a dynamic stretch to be performed with control and awareness.

Stretch 2: Alternating Lunges and Hamstring Stretches

Fitness woman doing lunges exercises for leg muscle workout training in gym.Top 11 Exercises for Leaner, Stronger, Firmer LegsShutterstock

This second essential stretch addresses the notoriously tight morning hamstrings while maintaining the chest-opening benefits of the first stretch. "Bring yourself into a low lunge position with the back knee on the floor and the toes tucked," Liv explains. The proper form is crucial here for your safety and effectiveness.

Lunge to Hamstring Technique

Fit young woman working out outdoors in park on summer day, doing crescent lunge pose (anjaneyasana), Horse posture (ashva sanchalasana), stretching hip flexors and quadricepsShutterstock

Liv emphasizes a specific technique for this movement: "Keeping the tailbone softly tucked under in the lunge is really important to look after your lower back and to actually be able to stretch your hip muscles, so don't forget this point." From the lunge position, "Use a nice big breath in as you lift the chest and let your arms open up like goalposts, pressing the pelvis forwards and down as you do."

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The Hamstring Stretch Transition

Silhouette of beautiful woman practicing yoga asana on the beach with sunrise on twilight blue vibrant sky and calm sea in background. Skandasana, Side lunge, Stretching, Power concept, Meditation.


Completing this stretch sequence requires a smooth transition. "From there, shift your hips back to sit onto your back heel, straightening out the front leg," Liv instructs. She notes that "How upright you remain with your torso will depend on how flexible your hamstrings are." Alternate between the lunge and hamstring stretch about eight times before switching sides.

Stretch 3: Seated Twist with Arm Reaches

seated twist with bent kneesShutterstock

The final essential stretch in Liv's morning routine adds side body opening to complete your morning energy boost. "Come to sit onto the floor with one leg straight out in front of you and the other bent, foot towards your inner thigh," Liv explains. This position creates the foundation for an effective twist and side stretch combination.

The Twist and Lift

woman engages in a side stretch while seated on a yoga mat during an outdoor exercise session. This image reflects the balance between strength and flexibility in modern fitness practices.


From the seated position, "twist the body off towards the side of your bent leg and place a hand behind you onto the floor," says Liv. Then, "As you take a nice deep breath in, lift your hips off of the floor as you circle the arm up and overhead." This movement creates a powerful opening through the side body while engaging your core.

RELATED:I Got My Best Body After 50 and Here’s How You Can, Too

Flowing with Your Breath

The rhythm of breath is crucial to making this stretch effective. "Similarly to before, think of slightly tucking the tailbone under, engaging your bum muscles and pressing that chest towards the sky," Liv advises. Then, "use a breath out to sit your bum back to the floor." She emphasizes that "Following your breath will make these movements a little easier."

The Importance of Consistency

Liv concludes with an important reminder about flexibility training: "When it comes to improving your flexibility, little and often is a far more effective approach than sporadic longer sessions every now and again." These three non-negotiable stretches provide maximum benefit in minimum time – perfect for establishing a sustainable morning routine that transforms how you start each day.

Your Morning Transformation

By incorporating these three expert-recommended stretches into your morning routine, you'll notice both immediate and long-term benefits. You'll start your day with increased energy, better mobility, and a clearer mind. As Liv explains, stretching also gives "your body a dose of endorphins, the happiness hormone, to set you off with a positive start." Begin tomorrow with these stretches and feel the difference for yourself. And if you enjoyed this article, don't missI’m a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

SANTA MONICA, USA. February 07, 2025: Sarah Michelle Gellar at the Critics Choice Awards 2025.

Sarah Michelle Gellar is living, breathing proof that 40s are the new 20s. The Buffy the Vampire Slayer star looks fitter at 47 than she did at 27, showing off her flat abs and toned body in Alo exercise sets all over Instagram. Her new trainer might have something to do with her body glow-up. The actress recently started working out with Coach Brach Gould, who also trains Harry Styles and Christina Milian. Here are the exercises she is doing and some other details about her approach to diet and exercise

What Her Trainer Says

Gould recently shared a video of their workout routine on Instagram. “I’ve been working with Sarah for over 6 months now and all I can say is how impressive her progress has been! She’s become stronger, fitter and more mobile by us just sticking to a programme and working on fundamentals. No fancy stuff, just consistent exercises with hard work! So proud of you!!!” he captioned it.

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These Are the Exercises She Does

In the clip, the two train at the Alo studio in Los Angeles, doing a variety of exercises:

  • Half Kneeling High Cable Pulls
  • Single Arm Kettlebell Farmers Walks with High Knee
  • Single Arm Dumbbell Lunges
  • Stability Ball Planks
  • Plate Weighed Side Steps
  • Side-to-side Medicine Ball Slams
  • Assault bike cardio.

She Has Workout Buddies

In another Instagram video, Gellar reveals that she is a fan of the workout buddy system. “It’s true what they say… girlfriends and exercise are good for your mental health. Just missing @madelyncline … and @jennkaytin …. and @samlansky …. and @realfreddieprinze,” she captioned the clip, also taken at the Alo gym.

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She Fuels Up on Green Juice Prior to Working Out

Gellar is a fan of fresh green juice. "I go every weekend to the farmers market and I get fresh kale, spinach, celery, and lettuces and I blend it all together," she told Who What Wear. "That's my favorite thing before I work out.”

Outdoor Activities

When she isn’t int he gym, she stays active outdoors. "I chase two children around which is the best recipe to stay active as they're so active," she told Body+Soul. "I'm very fortunate that I live in a climate that's beautiful year around and I try to take advantage of being outside, whether it's hiking or going to the beach and swimming and surfing. I prefer all those great outdoor activities than indoor activities – although I do love yoga. If we do yoga on the beach then I'm really happy." And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.