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I Lost 70 Pounds and Beat Binge Eating With These 6 Steps

Nikki shares how she stopped binge eating and lost 70 pounds with six key lifestyle changes.

Nikki (@nikkigetsfit), a popular weight loss influencer and YouTuber, has shared her inspiring journey of shedding 70 pounds through mindful eating and lifestyle changes. In a recent viral video, Nikki, who credits her success to Weight Watchers, opens up about how tackling bad habits and addressing the root causes of her binge eating disorder played a crucial role in her transformation. Here are the six changes she made that helped her lose weight and find freedom from food.

I Acknowledged My Binge Eating Disorder

Nikki has dealt with a binge eating disorder. "I didn't know what it was, and I didn't know I had it or had struggled with it for many years of my life," she says in the video. "When I finally acknowledged that, and I can't even tell you, I don't remember exactly when it was, but I know the relief I felt when I realized that other people deal with this, and it's a lot of other people who deal with this and that I wasn't alone. It was like the biggest weight off my shoulder, and it really helped me tackle more of the issues."

RELATED: 8 Food Swaps That Helped Me Lose 70 Pounds

I Started Eating Throughout the Day

Young woman preparing vegetable smoothie with blender peeling banana at the kitchen.

"For me, if I do not eat breakfast or lunch, I can come home and eat so much. I'll just keep eating all night, honestly, because I feel like, oh, I didn't eat any calories all day. I can just keep eating, keep eating, and I'll just binge like crazy," she says in the video.

"When I eat breakfast, first of all, a filling breakfast, half the time I'm not even hungry by lunchtime. Usually, I'll eat a later lunch if I have a filling breakfast, and then we'll eat a kind of later dinner. And that way, I'm not tempted to snack as much."

I Focused on Making Filling Meals

"Just making really filling meals has helped a lot. And you guys see the meals I eat, I eat very big portions because I load them with vegetables and protein. I try to always incorporate a chicken or a Turkey burger, something like that. And then a lot of veggies. So that has really helped to just fill me up, which has made me less likely to binge as well," she says in the video.

I Tackled the Mental Side of Things


"I think it has been finding my source of stress, my source of anxiety, depression. It has been finding that and working on that more recently, because I didn't really overcome it in high school and college," she says in the video.

"When I was able to do that and tackle those and continue to work on those, I'm still working on them. It really did allow me to find freedom from food and not feel so attached to getting comfort from food."

I Stopped Eliminating Food Groups

"I also don't eliminate any specific food group, any foods at all. I don't restrict anything. If I were to do that, that would definitely cause me to binge more. If I were to cut out bread or pasta or something, that's all I would crave. And then when I get it, I would just go over the top," she says in the video.

"So for me, just having everything in moderation, having balance or finding even substitutes, I've found lower point pastas that I can have bigger portions of, and that way it satisfies me much more than if I just had the regular pasta, regular serving."

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I Practiced Mindful Eating

Young girl eating a fruit salad after a workout . Fitness and healthy lifestyle concept.

"Another thing that has really helped me is just working on mindful eating. So a lot of times I would just eat and eat as much as I possibly could, and I would do it as fast as I could. I wouldn't even pay attention to how I was feeling," she says in the video.

"Now what I do is I really try to focus on whether I am actually hungry or how this makes me feel. If I eat this, how am I feeling? Do I feel full? Do I need to really keep eating this, or can I just put it in the fridge and have it later or eat slower?"

I Found Healthy Snack Alternatives

"Another thing that has helped me is finding snacks that I can eat in big portions. So if it is nighttime and I feel like I just want to kind of stress eat or just eat something because sometimes out of boredom I just want to eat or I am hungry," she says in the video.

"Having options in the house that are lower points that I can have bigger portions of has been a huge change for me and has really helped on my journey. Having different popcorn or even incorporating fruits and vegetables with the snacks has really helped a lot to keep me more full and satisfied."

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I Prioritized Getting Enough Sleep

"If you get enough sleep and rest, it'll be beneficial for your appetite. And just overall, in general, your health. And I notice I feel more snacky and hungry and just not even healthy. I don't know. I just don't feel great when I don't get enough sleep. And I've noticed that it has had a relation to my binge eating and things like that," she says in the video.

By implementing these changes, Nikki was able to overcome her binge eating disorder and achieve significant weight loss. Her story highlights the importance of addressing both the physical and mental aspects of eating habits for successful, long-term weight management. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Alek Korab
Alek Korab is Founding Editor of Body Network Read more