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8 Core Stability Moves a Mobility Expert Uses to Prevent Back Pain

Master these essential core exercises to protect your spine and prevent injury.


Does your lower back feel stiff after sitting at your desk all day? Or maybe you're worried about injuring yourself during workouts? You're not alone. In fact, most people are doing their core exercises wrong – and it's putting their backs at risk.

Anna Atras, a Pilates and Mobility Coach, has spent years helping clients overcome back pain through proper core training. "Many people think the core is simply the six-pack abs, but that's incorrect," she explains. In this comprehensive guide, she shares her most effective moves for building a bulletproof back.

Ready to learn the right way to train your core and prevent back pain? Let's dive into Anna's proven 8-move system, from fundamental techniques to advanced variations.

Why Traditional Core Training Fails Your Back

"In scientific literature, we refer to the core as a three-dimensional space with muscular boundaries – essentially a muscular box," Anna explains in her post. She describes how this box comprises 29 pairs of muscles that work together to stabilize your pelvis and lower back during movement, including the diaphragm, pelvic floor, and abdominal wall muscles.

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The Hidden Connection Between Core and Back Pain

"Core stability is simply the ability to control the position of this region, abdominal and lower back region, and specifically of the lumbopelvic hip complex," Anna explains. This complex system creates what she calls "a corset-like stabilization effect around trunk and lower back spine and also pelvis," which is crucial for maintaining a neutral spine position.

Move 1: Master Your Breathing Foundation

Young white woman doing breathing practice during meditation indoorsShutterstock

Anna starts every client with proper breathing mechanics: "At the start of your core stability enhancement journey, you could start with diaphragmatic breathing, make sure the diaphragm is doing its job." She suggests practicing abdominal hollowing ("drawing navel towards the spine") and abdominal bracing, which she describes as "wrapping a belt around the belly or even using your hands and pressing into the abdomen."

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Moves 2-4: The Essential Trio

For beginners, Anna recommends three key exercises:

  1. Knee Hovers: "Maintaining neutral spine and you see every time you lift, you exhale, you brace, you can see abdominals kicking in immediately."
  2. Modified Side Plank: "Create a straight line from the tailbone through the spine to the crown of head, holding for 10 seconds."
  3. Supine Bridge: "Drive your pubis up or your pelvis up tucking tailbone under... don't flare your ribs to the ceiling."

Move 5: The Bird Dog Progression

"It's all about creating stiffness through the midsection, creating stability around the lumbar spine," Anna explains when describing the bird dog exercise. She emphasizes proper form: "Don't lift the arm or leg too high and try to maintain that neutral position of the back. Don't hyperextend, don't let the pelvis rotate."

Move 6: The Marching Bridge

As you build strength, Anna introduces movement: "Try marching on the spot. From the bridge, you simply brace, prepare, keeping your hips square to ceiling." She emphasizes the importance of control: "You want to keep the trunk, the rib cage position of the lower back exactly the same as if both feet were on the ground."

Move 7: The Plank Slider Challenge]

For those ready for more challenge, Anna introduces her favorite advanced movement: "The plank slider is probably one of my favorite and most challenging core exercises." She describes how this variation requires "good shoulder stability" while challenging all the core muscles discussed earlier.

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Move 8: The Ultimate Back Protector

Anna saves her signature movement for last: "The bird dog on steroids, as I call it, performed on the forearms and knees down." She explains that at this level, "you will feel with every change of position how the trunk and core musculature adjust to protect the lower back to keep it stable."

According to Anna, proper core function is essential for spine health: "Without these abdominal muscles working properly and doing their job, the spine would become mechanically unstable." She emphasizes how this affects everyday activities: "Think of weightlifting, deadlifts, squats, picking up the kids, and also gravity. You want these muscles to work to create mechanically stable position."

💪🔥Body Booster: Focus on mastering each move before progressing to the next. Your back will thank you for taking the time to build proper core stability from the ground up. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

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FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Is your busy life making it hard to work out? You're not alone. Many of us wish for a quick, easy routine we could do anywhere. Good news! Jordan Tredinnick, an expert trainer, has created a 10-minute workout perfect for beginners and shared it on YouTube. No gym or equipment is needed. We also asked Paige Johnson, a fitness teacher, to explain why a strong core matters. Keep reading to learn how 10 minutes a day can help you get stronger and healthier.

10-Minute Workout to Strengthen Your Core for Beginners

1. Start on All Fours

Jordan begins the routine by having you come onto your hands and knees. "When I talk about core activation, I don't want you to think of sucking your stomach in, but more of a general brace and squeeze," she explains in her video. This position allows for a neutral spine and proper core engagement.

2. Leg Extensions

From the hands and knees position, Jordan instructs, "You're going to go ahead and extend one leg straight back, taking it down and then switch." This movement engages the core while also working the glutes and lower back muscles.

3. Arm Extensions

Next, Jordan has you focus on arm movements. "Staying in that tabletop position, bracing your core, but now extending only your arms out. Every time you extend out, I want you to exhale," she says. This exercise helps improve balance and core stability.

4. Bird Dog Exercise

Combining the previous two movements, Jordan guides you through the bird dog exercise. "You're going to reach opposite arm and leg out. Take it back down and switch," she instructs. This exercise is excellent for improving coordination and strengthening the entire core.

5. Bear Crawl Hold

Jordan introduces the bear crawl hold, saying, "You're going to tuck those toes under, bracing through that lower abdominals, and you're going to lift just the knees up right here and hold it." This isometric hold challenges your core stability and endurance.

6. Side Plank with Leg Lift

Moving to the side, Jordan guides you through a modified side plank with a leg lift. "Bottom knee is going to stay down on your mat. You're going to lift your hips up, and then you're going to go into a leg lift," she explains. This exercise targets the obliques and hip muscles.

7. Side Plank with Arm Rotation

Jordan adds a variation to the side plank. "Take that top arm up and you're going to do a little rotation of that torso," she instructs. This movement further engages the obliques and improves rotational stability.

8. Dead Bug Exercise

Flipping onto your back, Jordan leads you through the dead bug exercise. "Arms are coming straight up, engaging, bracing, especially think about your lower abdominals here," she says. This exercise is excellent for core stability and coordination.

9. Glute Bridge

The routine concludes with glute bridges. Jordan instructs, "Press your hips up, core tight, lower back down, but keep tension so you're not setting all the way back down in between." This exercise engages the entire posterior chain while maintaining core activation.

The Importance of Core Strength

Paige Johnson emphasizes the importance of core strength beyond just aesthetics. "Core health is often a misunderstood term," she explains. "Core stability and strength include the abdominals and the deeper intrinsic core muscles and the muscles of the back and the muscles that attach to the pelvis, including the glutes."

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Benefits of a Strong Core

Young woman feeling pain in spine back after sedentary computer work sitting in bad posture on sofa at home, tired girl rubbing backache tensed muscles suffers from lower lumbar kidney ache, backpainShutterstock

According to Paige, a weak core can lead to various health issues. "You might get the following health issues with a weak core: general fatigue, weakness, digestive issues, from a weak abdominal wall increased risk for injuries to the neck, shoulders, back, hips, and knees," she warns. A strong core can help prevent these issues and improve overall quality of life.

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Incorporating Core Work into Your Routine

Overhead shot of muscular and fit young woman doing stretching workout exercise mat. Fitness female lying on mat with stretching her hands.Shutterstock

Both experts agree that core work should be a regular part of your fitness routine. Jordan's 10-minute routine is an excellent start, while Paige suggests, "Find a strength-training-based Pilates class. At Mantra, we focus on strengthening the entire body, as one complete functioning unit."

Consistency is key. As Jordan says, "This is a great routine for beginners. Maybe you haven't ever done any core work before. Maybe you're really deconditioned for me." Start with this routine and gradually increase the intensity as you build strength and confidence. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

Fit and attractive young adult woman kneels down on the beach looks to her left with a big beaming happy smile.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

People often ask me how to get a solid core, and I know why: My degree is in kinesiology with an emphasis on anatomy. I continued my education in exercise physiology and health-related sciences. Not to mention, I have multiple certifications such as but not limited to:

  • Certified personal trainer
  • Certified performance enhancement specialist
  • Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • Certified Pilates instructor
  • I also worked in a physical therapy office for 15 years.
  • I also worked as a contracted injury prevention specialist for 2 large entertainment corporations.

But the real reason I get asked is that my clients want to look good and feel good, and believe it starts with abs or a flat belly, aka, in their minds, "the core."

Core health is often a misunderstood term. The most common misunderstanding is that the core is just the abdominal muscles. When a doctor tells a patient to strengthen their core, the assumption is sit-ups or crunches. Core stability and strength include the abdominals and the deeper intrinsic core muscles and the muscles of the back and the muscles that attach to the pelvis, including the glutes.

All the muscles in the trunk: Rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, the erector spinae muscles, the multifidus muscles, the internal and external obliques, the glute complex, the latissimus dorsi. (Just to name a few because the list is incredibly long.)

You might get the following health issues with a weak core: general Fatigue, weakness, digestive issues, from a weak abdominal wall increased risk for injuries to the neck, shoulders, back, hips, and knees. balance issues also arise from a weak core, which leads to an increased risk of falling and thereby incurring injuries.

1. Start With Strength Training and Pilates


As stated before, increasing core health is not just doing sit-ups and crunches. Core health includes strengthening muscles in the glutes, the legs, the back, the deep intrinsic pelvic floor muscles, and the abdominals. There is not one specific exercise that is the magic cure for core strength.

That said, Pilates and strength training are some of the most effective ways to strengthen all of the muscles in the core.

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2. Even Better, Find a Strength-Training-Based Pilates Class

Women doing pilates exercises lying on pilates workout machines while their trainer guides them. Two fitness women being trained by a pilates instructor.Shutterstock

Find a strength-training-based Pilates class. At Mantra, we focus on strengthening the entire body, as one complete functioning unit; this includes leg and glute exercises, upper body and arm strengthening. And of course, focused abdominal and core work.

3. Focus on the Muscles That Surround Your Spine

Fitness woman working out in gym doing exercise for back. Athletic girl doing lat pulldownShutterstock

Focusing on the muscles that surround the spine, while maintaining mobility and essential movements of the spine as a focus. This includes muscles that surround the trunk, both front and back body.

4. Don’t Forget About the Obliques

Millennial black couple doing lateral flexion exercise, working out together at home during coronavirus quarantine. Pretty young lady and her boyfriend making side bending pose, panoramaShutterstock

Don’t forget about the obliques, this group of muscles wraps from back to front, around the side body. This muscle group helps with movement such as lateral flexion, extension, and flexion of the spine and of course rotation.

5. Remember There's All Types of Movement

Asian woman in sportswear doing crunch on exercising mat as home workout training routine. Attractive girl engage in her pursuit of healthy lifestyle and fit body physique. VigorousShutterstock

Exercises for the core and obliques aren’t just done in one singular plane or motion; core exercises focus on all types of movement such as flexion (rounding of the spine), extension(think of arching the back), rotation (twisting the torso), lateral flexion (side bending) and hinging (bending at the hip line.) Front line core work such as crunches and sit-ups work, but also prone planking exercises. Incorporating these types of movements into your workout regime help solidify the core.

6. Plank in Proper Alignment

Working her core muscles to the max with some planks. Shot of a young woman doing a plank exercise at the gym.Shutterstock

Planking incorporates more muscles of the core, but must be done in proper alignment. Too often, improper planking can lead to shoulder pain and low back pain,

7. Work Your Legs

Photo of attractive concentrated woman 20s in tracksuit squatting near sport mat during workout on boardwalk at seasideShutterstock

Core strength and stability also comes while working legs. The glutes attach at the pelvis area and then like train cars attach to lower leg muscles. Making sure the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles are engaged during lunging and squatting is essential to help maintain proper positioning. Split stance lunges can really tap into deep intrinsic pelvic floor stabilizing muscles, but they have to be engaged throughout the entire movement.

8. Brace Your Belly

Beautiful, healthy woman is so happy to see the results of exercising and training hard in the gym. She is looking down at her firm stomach and muscular abs.Shutterstock

While training upper body movements, remember to brace into the belly and maintain proper alignment into the spine. Even though the arm work is the focus, keeping the abdominals and core muscles active this will continue to strengthen the core. Proper spine alignment can also help strengthen the back muscles.

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9. Target Appropriately

Close up of a serious asian sportswoman in earphones doing plank exercise outdoors at the beachShutterstock

When doing core focused movements, it’s important to find the proper alignment and muscle utilization. When doing plank or crunches you want to make sure that the hip flexors aren’t over tightening and being the prime mover. We want to find the abdominal and core muscles and make them the prime target. We want to maintain proper lumbar spine alignment as well.

10. Tap Into Core Awareness

Overhead shot of muscular and fit young woman doing stretching workout exercise mat. Fitness female lying on mat with stretching her hands.Shutterstock

While doing movements that most people feel aren’t specifically targeted at the core, remember to tap into core awareness in order to help prevent injury and maximize the effectiveness of the exercise

11. Incorporate Balance Movements

Focused group training squats on half ball at fitness gymShutterstock

Incorporating balance movements, single leg movements, or movements done on an unstable surface can really bring awareness to core stability.

12. Breath Work is Essential

Profile portrait of young attractive yogi woman breathing fresh air, her eyes closed, meditation pose, relaxation exercise, working out wearing black sportswear top, close up image, window backgroundShutterstock

Breath work while training is essential: Inhale to fill up the back of the lungs, and as you exhale the air empties lungs and the diaphragm engages, which then helps deepen core engagement and strengthening.

13. Engage Constantly


Always remember it’s not just engaging the muscles at the beginning of an exercise, but constantly throughout the entirety of the movement.

14. Focus on Mobility

Fit young woman working out outdoors in park on summer day, doing crescent lunge pose (anjaneyasana), Horse posture (ashva sanchalasana), stretching hip flexors and quadricepsShutterstock

Focus on mobility in the pelvis attachments and spine, Hip Flexor and hamstring stretches, glute stretches and rotational stretches. Maintaining mobility and strength in the spine and core really complement each other.

15. Shut Off Your Phone

Woman hand using is sliding to turn off the mobile phone to reduce power consumption. Technology and environment conceptShutterstock

Ineffective training is something we should all avoid. When choosing to participate in an exercise program, be present. Focus on alignment, breathing, and mind to muscle work. Shut off the phone and text messages, eliminate distractions and focus on making the most out of the time while you are working out.

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Pilates for Life!

Woman training pilates on the reformer bed. Reformer pilates studio machine for fitness workouts in gym. Fit, healthy and strong authentical body. Fitness conceptShutterstock

For me, it’s all about applying my Pilates principles to every day, life, and every type of exercise I choose to engage in.

No matter what exercise regime you choose to participate in, having proper posture, alignment, and core engagement is essential to not only preventing injuries, but decreasing the risk of injuries in everyday life.

Strength training-based Pilates is an excellent complement to any type of activity. For example, if you are a runner participating in a functional strength training-based Pilates class, it will enhance your running speed and times.

Paige Johnson is a fitness instructor at Mantra Fitness.

Side profile view smiling happy millennial Indian ethnicity girl standing on right, looking at empty space.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Movement can cure just about anything. Engaging your muscles and putting some tension on your body is essential for leading a healthy lifestyle. We all have certain activities that we enjoy more than others— and whether you like weight-training, playing pickleball or just going for a walk, movement in any form can pay dividends on your quality of life as you age.

There are a few essential features to any kind of workout: intensity, frequency, and form. Each of these three elements requires you to be disciplined and self-aware in how your incorporate movement into your day. My recommendation for anyone, no matter their fitness level or goals, is to stretch regularly and invest in good posture. Stretching even for just a few minutes a day, can significantly improve your posture and be a part of a routine that makes you look and feel better.

1. The Importance of Good Posture

Tired woman feeling neck pain, massaging tense muscles, suffering from chronic shoulder back ache.Shutterstock/fizkes

Your posture affects your balance and nervous system, so establishing good posture early in life can impact your health down the road. As you age, maintaining a wide range of motion can keep you physically able to do activities you enjoy. Having the proper alignment can help ward off spinal issues and muscle atrophy as well. If you have ever met someone in their 70’s who looks like they are 50, you’ve met someone who makes stretching and movement a priority.

Beyond the physical benefits of stretching, improving your posture can boost your confidence. Your posture affects your body language which can affect how other people see you. While you should make health decisions for yourself and your own goals, good posture is generally seen as a sign of self-confidence which comes across as approachable and friendly to others. Feeling good about yourself can boost your energy levels which can in turn, affect your enthusiasm to meet up with friends, spend time with you family, and try new things. Read on to discover the ultimate 5-minute stretching routine for good posture.

2. Toe Touch

Yoga at home exercise in living room house - woman on fitness mat training stretching legs touching toes.Shutterstock

Start off your routine with a basic, low intensity stretch. Begin standing up and slowly bend to touch your toes. Keep a slight bend at the knees, releasing tension in the muscles in your legs and back. Soften your hips and allow your spine to lengthen. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds to a minute. Repeat twice to warm up your whole body.

3. Cat Cow Stretch on Your Knees

Calm of Athlete Attractive Asian woman relaxing in yoga Cat Cow Pose on the pool above the Mountain peak in front of beautiful nature views,comfortable and relax in vacationsShutterstock

A common stretch in many yoga practices, the cat cow stretch releases tension in your back and abdominal region all the while drawing attention to your breath. While on all fours, align your shoulders with your hands and your hips to be over your knees. Inhale, look up, and allow your back to arch. Then exhale, tuck your chin to your chest, and round your back. Repeat this several times. These movements will release tension in your shoulders and neck. By activating your tailbone, the cat cow stretch will help with spinal mobility and improve blood circulation.

4. Standing Cat/Cow Stretch

A blonde woman in a black leotard and leggings, standing on a yoga mat in a room, doing yoga, bending backwards with her hands on her hipsShutterstock

Another stretch inspired by yoga, standing cat-cow is ideal for your shoulders and hips. It targets similar muscles to the traditional cat cow, but repeating the motion in a standing position allows you to work out tense areas. Stand with your feet hip distance apart with your hands on your hips. Inhale, lift your chest, and let your lower back arch as is comfortable. Exhale, draw your stomach towards your spine, and let your whole back curve. Repeat this several times.

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5. Chest Opener

Profile portrait of young attractive yogi woman breathing fresh air, her eyes closed, meditation pose, relaxation exercise, working out wearing black sportswear top, close up image, window backgroundShutterstock

Standing tall with your feet hip width apart, clasp your hands behind your back. Try to keep your arms mostly straight, and raise your chin towards the ceiling, focusing on releasing tension in your upper back. Keep a focus on holding your core and not overextending your shoulders. Rather, squeeze you shoulder blades together and breathe deeply. This will help relax the ligaments and muscles across your chest.

6. Plank

Strong Beautiful Fitness Girl in Athletic Workout Clothes is Doing a Plank Exercise While Using a Stopwatch on Her Phone. She is Training at Home in Her Living Room with Cozy Interior.Shutterstock

To wrap up your 5-minute stretch routine, do a plank for at least 30 seconds to engage your core and activate the muscles all across your body. The muscles you strengthen through the plank position guide your body into its proper alignment and will improve your posture throughout the day.

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7. Final Word From the Trainer


While committing to an intense workout regime might seem like an unrealistic commitment for some, this 5-minute routine goes to show that small actions, when done consistently, can drastically improve both your physical and mental health. There are 1,440 minutes in the day, and I challenge everyone to spare just 5 of those to invest in their personal wellbeing. If you’re concerned about using proper form, I recommend working with a physical trainer for an assisted stretch session.

Josh York, Certified Personal Trainer; Founder & CEO of GYMGUYZ, the largest at-home and on-site personal training company serving 1,000 cities worldwide.

Dr. Kristie Ennis drkristieennis
Copyright drkristieennis/YouTube

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Tired of traditional crunches that leave you with a sore neck and minimal results? You're not alone. While crunches have long been the go-to core exercise, they're not always the most effective option – especially for beginners. Dr. Kristie Ennis, DPT, CSCS, has developed a series of gentle yet powerful moves that target your deep core muscles more effectively than standard crunches. As a physical therapist and certified strength specialist, Dr. Ennis focuses on exercises that build real strength without strain. Ready to transform your core routine? These 10 movements will show you how.

1. The Perfect Setup Move

"Before we get started with the exercises, we want to make sure we've got our center set," Dr. Ennis says in her post. Start by lying on your back, either on the floor or in bed - whatever feels most comfortable. Rock your pelvis back and forth until you find a neutral position that feels natural for your spine. Dr. Ennis emphasizes that your back doesn't need to be completely flat; comfort is key.

2. The Mindful March

Middle age beautiful sportwoman smiling happy. Lying down on mat practicing yoga doing bridge pose at gymShutterstock

Begin with a basic marching movement, Dr. Ennis instructs. Keep your hands at your sides and alternate lifting each knee slightly. "Notice I'm not raising super duper high here," she points out. The goal is to maintain engaged ab muscles while preventing pelvic tilting. Perform 10 repetitions on each side.

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3. The Gentle Lift

Two beautiful athletic females training abdominal muscles together by doing crunches on the mat. Healthy lifestyleShutterstock

Next comes a controlled upper body lift. "I am not lifting up super duper high," Dr. Ennis notes, explaining that this helps protect the spine. Place your hands behind your head with elbows open, or cross them over your chest if that's more comfortable. The key is to lead with your lower abs while avoiding pushing them outward.

4. The Core Coordinator

Young sporty woman practicing, doing crisscross exercise, bicycle crunches pose, working out, wearing sportswear, black pants and top, indoor full length, white sport studioShutterstock

Dr. Ennis introduces a combination move: "As I lift into that crunch, I'm also going to lift one knee." This exercise challenges your stability while working multiple muscle groups. The goal is to keep your core centered while your upper body and legs move. Remember to take breaks when needed.

5. The Side Sculptor

Abs workout - fitness woman working out on beach doing russian twists abs exercises with raised legs for stomach weight loss toning. Fit body oblique muscles training Asian girl.Shutterstock

For the obliques, Dr. Ennis demonstrates a reaching exercise. Extend one arm to the opposite side while maintaining proper form. "We're trying to work things but also protect our bodies at the same time," she emphasizes. Complete 10 repetitions on each side.

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6. The Lower Core Builder

Sporty young woman lying on exercise mat doing sit-ups. Top view of muscular woman doing abs crunches in gym.Shutterstock

The leg raise sequence begins with bringing one knee in, then extending it upward. Dr. Ennis advises lowering the leg only as far as you can maintain proper form without arching your back. For beginners, she recommends starting with 2-3 non-consecutive days of practice.

7. The Modified Beetle

dead bugs exerciseShutterstock

Moving to the "struggling turtle" (formerly known as dead bug), Dr. Ennis guides participants through opposite arm and leg extensions. This exercise can be modified by keeping feet down if needed. The focus remains on maintaining core engagement while breathing steadily.

8. The Total Core Bridge

On a yoga mat, an Asian woman does a bridge abduction training. Bridge pulses are used in a fitness studio to tone glute muscles.Shutterstock

The bridge exercise offers surprising benefits. "Research has shown that even without trying to activate those pelvic floor muscles, the bridge does a great job of helping to strengthen those muscles," Dr. Ennis explains. This movement also helps with prolapse conditions and stretches hip flexors.

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9. The Stability Builder

Young athlete girl performs glute bridge exercise with red rubber band in a gym.Shutterstock

In the hands-and-knees position, begin with cat-cow movements. Dr. Ennis leads into opposite arm and leg extensions, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a stable pelvis. Modifications are available for those building strength.

10. The Power Hover

Pilates or yoga. A slender athletic girl on the mat performs a stand on all fours. Exercise Quadruped. This is the starting position for wellness exercises. Isolated on a white background. Visual aidShutterstock

The routine concludes with a challenging hover exercise. "We are using our arms obviously a little bit more, but the abs have to work really hard here," Dr. Ennis notes. Remember to keep shoulders relaxed and maintain proper form throughout the ten repetitions.

Listen to your body and progress at your own pace. As Dr. Ennis emphasizes throughout the routine, these exercises should be challenging but never painful. Start with what feels manageable and gradually build up to the full routine. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss these 3 Simple Stretches Made This Coach More Flexible in 2 Weeks.

Paulina Stein, aka Paulina Hefferan paulinastein
Copyright paulinastein/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Swimsuit season is almost here: Are you ready? If not, one expert has some suggestions to help you shape up before slipping into your swimsuit. Paulina Stein, aka Paulina Hefferan, is a celebrity trainer and fitness influencer who boasts over 96,300 followers on Instagram. In a new social media post, she unveils her summer prep plan. “If I wanted to drop 10 pounds before summer, here are 10 wellness habits I’d start doing now,” she writes. “Ready to lose 1.5-2 lbs PER WEEK? Try this!”

Take Probiotics

Her first tip? Take probiotics to restore gut health. “Take 3 Reset Pm Gut cleanse nightly! SUPER IMPORTANT to improve stagnant digestion. Also add in daily probiotic in the AM! Also, gut inflammation can slow down weight loss,” she writes.

Eat in a Small Calorie Deficit

Next, she recommends eating in a slight calorie deficit. “Reduce about 200-300 calories per day (I suggest cutting back on fats that are high in calories like nut butters, oils, or starchy carbs like pasta). Cut out carbs and you’ll drop water weight, not fat!” she says.

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Eat Protein

Amp up your protein intake. “Eat protein at every meal! Eat around 4-6 oz,” she writes. According to clinical trials, consuming more protein than the recommended dietary allowance not only reduces body weight (BW), but also enhances body composition by decreasing fat mass while preserving fat-free mass (FFM) in both low-calorie and standard-calorie diets.


Walking will also help shape you up fast. “Walk 20-30 minutes per day! This speeds up digestion. BONUS if you can get in 10k + steps daily!” she writes. A 2018 study published in Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure, and fewer strokes.

Lift Weights

She also recommends strength training. “Add 3 weight lifting days in weekly (Lower body, upper body, full body)” she writes. According to the Mayo Clinic, strength and weight training help reduce body fat, preserve and increase lean muscle mass, and burn calories more efficiently. Strength training may also help you:

  • Develop strong bones
  • Manage your weight
  • Enhance your quality of life
  • Manage chronic conditions
  • Sharpen your thinking skills

Drink Water

Don’t forget to hydrate. “Drink 1 gallon of water daily! SUPER IMPORTANT! Not 1 Stanley or 2. You need 4!” she says. According to the Mayo Clinic, hydration is essential for various reasons. Water helps eliminate waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature regular, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues.

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Don’t sleep on sleep. “Try to prioritize 7+ hours of sleep nightly. Lack of sleep can affect hormones and slow down weight loss,” she writes. What are the health benefits of sleep? According to the Sleep Foundation, getting enough z’s is a mood booster, promotes heart health, regulates blood sugar, improves mental function, restores your immune system, helps relieve stress, and aids in weight loss.

Reduce Alcohol

Don’t drink your calories. “Reduce alcohol to 1x per week (stops fat burn!)” she says. Not only are alcoholic drinks high in calories, but when you drink you are more likely to eat unhealthy food and exercise less.

Reduce Salt Intake and Cut Back on Gas-Causing food.

Don’t overlook sodium. “Reduce salt intake (not cut out),” she suggests. Also, cut back on “gas causing food,” she says. “FODMAPS, including seasonings, onions, garlic, broccoli,” she says.

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Drink Coffee After Eating

Another surprising suggestion? She says to drink coffee after eating in the morning “to balance cortisol.” According to the Cleveland Clinic, drinking coffee in moderation has several benefits. “It acts on your brain to improve memory, mood, reaction times, and mental function,” they say, citing a study finding that caffeine can improve endurance and performance during exercise. It is also antioxidant-rich, can ward off diabetes, prevent neurologic disease, lower cancer risk, and ward off depression, they point ou

Don’t Go Overboard on the Weekends

Her last tip? Don’t go overboard on the weekends, because they matter. “If you are great during the week and go ravenous on weekend,” she says, noting that it’s all about “balance.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Dr. Shannon Ritchey dr.shannon.dpt
5 Strength Training Mistakes That Sabotage Your Weight Loss
Copyright dr.shannon.dpt/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Many women fear building muscle because they think it will make them look bulky. Instead, they prefer the concept of “toning.” But is there even a difference between the two? Dr. Shannon Ritchey, PT, DPT, is a physical therapist and personal trainer who helps people build muscle via “Gentle Consistency,” she explains in her Instagram bio. In a new post, she tackles the question: What’s the difference between building muscle and toning? You might be surprised by the answer.

This Is What Building Muscle Requires

Dr. Ritchey explains that building muscle requires the following. First, “Using challenging enough resistance and taking each set close to failure,” she says. It also involves diet. “Eating enough protein (the RDs we work with recommend .75-1g per pound of body weight per day)” she reveals.

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This Is What Toning Requires

Toning (body recomposition) requires three things. “Using challenging enough resistance and taking each set close to failure,” she says. It also required “eating enough protein (the RDs we work with recommend .75-1g per pound of body weight per day),” she says, and also “nutrition for fat loss,” with her RDs recommending either maintenance calories or a small deficit.

Toning and Muscle Building Workouts Can Be the Same

“The fitness industry has made us believe that a toning workout looks different than one that builds muscle. This implies that light weights/high reps burn or spot-treat fat, which isn’t true,” she says.

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You Don’t Have to Lift Super Heavy to Build Muscle

“You don’t have to lift super heavy to build muscle. Studies show that sets as high as 30 taken close to failure can build as much muscle as lower rep/higher weight. But if you’re doing much more than 30 reps, it isn’t shown to build much (if any) muscle for most,” she says.

Here Are Tips to Know If You’re Lifting Heavy Enough

In another post, she reveals 4 tips to know if you’re lifting heavy enough. “Getting close to failure matters most for muscle growth. Any rep scheme from about 6-30/set will work. Focus less on reps and more on your proximity to failure in each set. That’s why we don’t count reps and don’t give you a timer. We give the time frame as a reference, but always say to stop the set sooner or take it longer to reach YOUR failure point,” she says.

Tip One: You Shouldn’t Be Able to Do More Than 30 Reps

Her first tip to know if you’re getting close to failure? “You shouldn’t be able to do more than about 30 reps with that weight. If you can, go heavier,” she says.

Tip Two: You Should Need to Take a Break

“After your final rep, set the weight down and break for a few seconds. You weren’t close to failure if you could easily keep going after a short break. This is because approaching failure recruits larger muscle fibers, which require minutes to recover, not seconds. Smaller muscle fibers can recover within seconds,” she says.

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Tip Three: Your Last Rep Should Take Longer

Tip three? “Try to perform your last rep quickly (of course with good form!). A decrease in rep speed is one of the most reliable ways to know you’re close to failure. If you can quickly perform the movement, you aren’t close to failure, and you can either do more reps or go heavier,” she says.

Tip Four: You Feel a Spike in Heart Rate in Last Few Reps

“If you feel a spike in heart rate in your last few reps, you’re likely close to failure. Larger muscle fibers require more energy, which can increase heart rate. Some lifts will more drastically increase heart rate than others, so this isn’t the most reliable test, but it can be helpful,” she says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you trying to lose weight and change your body's shape and composition? One expert claims it all comes down to a handful of diet and fitness habits. Stevie Ann Griffin is a fitness trainer and digital creator who shares tips and tricks on how to get into shape. In a new post, she revealed how she added swerve and definition to her curves. “5 Things That Changed My Physique,” she titled the post, revealing what she did.

Progressive Overload

The first thing that helped change her physique was progressive overload. “Real changes happened when I focused on increasing weights, reps, or sets each week. Strength builds over time, and so do results,” she says.

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She also maintains that nutrition is 80% of the work. “You cannot outwork a bad diet. Prioritizing protein, whole foods, and eating in a calorie deficit (if fat loss is the goal) is non-negotiable,” she writes.

Sticking to a Plan

Next, sticking to a plan is key if you want to transform your body. “Random workouts = random results. Following a 4-5 day strength split, progressively overloading, and staying consistent is what changed my body,” she says.

She Stopped Overtraining

She also stopped overtraining. “More isn’t always better. Training 2-3 hours a day left me inflamed and exhausted. Recovery is just as important as the work itself,” she points out.

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Cardio & Strength Go Hand in Hand

What is better for transforming your body: Cardio or strength training? Both.“Cardio keeps your heart strong. Strength training builds muscle. You need both—just don’t overcomplicate it,” she says.

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Be Consistent

Her final message? “At the end of the day, results come from simple, consistent habits: eat enough protein, strength train, get your steps in, and fuel your body properly. That’s it.”

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

In another post, she reveals that she is also a fan of high intensity interval training. “There are many opinions on HIIT, but ultimately, it’s about what suits your body. For me, HIIT has been crucial for fat loss. Short bursts of intense activity followed by brief recovery periods keep your heart rate up, enhancing fat burning and calorie expenditure in a shorter time compared to other workouts,” she says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.