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I Lost 40 Pounds Doing These 10 Things Every Day

Incorporate these things into your life and lose weight fast.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
Chelsea Mae
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Do you want to lose weight? All it takes is building healthy habits, says one expert. Chelsea Mae is “a Kiwi vegan mum” who lost 18kg (40 pounds) and kept them off “eating more food than ever,” she explains in her bio. “I was vegan for years but never got lean until I learned about calorie density and the science of weight loss.” Now she helps other women “lose weight, stop self-sabotaging, gain food freedom and get lean and slim.” In one of her viral videos, she reveals “10 daily weight-loss habits that helped me on my journey to losing 40lbs!”

Weight Loss Boils Down to a Caloric Deficit

Close up woman using meal tracker app on phone while eating salad at picnic table in the park on a break. Healthy balanced diet lunch box. Healthy diet plan for weight loss. Selective focusShutterstock

Chelsea starts off by prefacing that “all weight loss works by getting into a calorie deficit” and that most of her suggestions help by “reducing the overall calories that you eat or increasing the calories that you burn slightly, helping to increase your consistency so that you're not dieting one week and eating 1500 calories and then going for a huge binge the next week, eating 5,000 calories in a day so that you can actually over time get to whatever goal you have and build a lifestyle where you're no longer relying on motivation,” she says.

These Habits Are Focused on Retraining Your Brain to Consume Less Calories

“Any kind of habit is really just the sum of millions and millions of tiny actions that your brain is now putting onto autopilot. And that's where we want to get to because it means that you don't need willpower anymore. And in order to create a habit, things have gotta be easy, they've gotta be satisfying, they've gotta be obvious, they've gotta be attractive,” she notes, citing James Clear, “the guru on how to create habits” and author of Atomic Habits.”

1. Stop Cooking with Oil


“The first thing is to stop cooking with oil,” she says. “Oil is just so calorie dense that you can add hundreds if not thousands of calories a week when you use it in your cooking, or you eat it within foods like especially processed foods on a regular basis. And the reason it is so high in calories, even for a small amount, is you start with something like olives or nuts and seeds. You take out the water, which means that you've now got a smaller package of food for the same amount of calories 'cause water doesn't have calories. And then you take out the fiber, and you've got the same amount of calories as what you started with, but now it's even in a smaller package,” she continues. “It's extremely condensed calories, which means that if you are cooking with oil and let's say you're starting some vegetables, you can have more calories from just the oil you are sauteing in than the veggies that that you're eating themselves.”

Instead, Sautee with Water or Dry Roast


While she encourages eating avocado, nuts, seeds, tofu, and “all those other things that have fat in them,” she suggests staying away from oil. Instead, she recommends sauteing with water, roasting veggies with baking paper, or dry roasting. “A lot of the time when you're cooking vegetables, you don't need to add any water because they have water in them. So if you put that lid on top, then it's not gonna stick because there's enough moisture trapped inside,” she says.

2. Find a Core Vegetable That You Actually Like

Snap peas placed on an old wooden board. Close-up, image of snap peas.Shutterstock

Her second habit? Buying vegetables “that you really enjoy and that you can have as a side or your core non-starchy vegetables on a daily basis,” she says. “What I mean by this is to have something like broccoli or snap peas or baby carrots that you can have with pretty much every meal and that you don't need to think about how you're gonna prepare it. The pitfall that I see people making is that they will buy all the vegetables that they see in the shop, eggplant, leek, asparagus, lots of amazing things, but then they don't really know how to prepare it, or it takes a lot of time and effort to figure out what recipes that are going to go in. So the food ends up rotting in the fridge. If you find a core veggie that you really enjoy and that you can add to any meal, you're gonna remove a lot of decision fatigue, and you're going to be able to get your reps in order to do all those little action steps that mean that it's now autopilot,” she continues. “So, for me, that's broccoli. I have a broccoli steamer, so I can cook up broccoli and have that as a side to pretty much every meal. Broccoli goes with pretty much everything. When we were in America traveling around, we did baby carrots, snack peas, and cherry tomatoes because I could prep them up in the morning, just put them all into a container, and then we could snack on them throughout the day. “

There Are Two Types of Veggies: The Ones She Cooks with and the Ones She Snacks On

She thinks of her veggies in two ways. “The first one is the veggies that I cook with. If I'm making a recipe and I'm using onion or leek or celery, then that's different from my core side or my core snacky veg. That is gonna just be my default. The more you can just not think about this, the more consistent you're going to get because the goal is to have a veg that you know that you like that you can add to your lifestyle that is not gonna require any extra thinking.”

3. Add a Ton of Vegetables to Your Meal

Raw vegetables background. Healthy organic food concept.Shutterstock

“Habit number three is to cook or create recipes where you are always adding a ton of veggies,” she says. “This is different in my mind to having a core side or a core veggie that you're going to snack on because this is more about changing the way that you prepare the food that you throw together to make a recipe or to make a meal. And so this means every time that you look at a recipe, try something new, make a creamy pasta, or make a risotto, you are very intentional. Add half non-starchy vegetables to that, which is going to lower the calories without you feeling any extra hunger because you can eat a lot of bulk that way.” Even when she is craving creamy pasta, “I can still make that great for weight loss because I'm offsetting the higher calorie elements by adding in bulky lower calorie elements.

This Habit Is a “Safety Net” for Building Habits

“I sometimes see people struggle online who know all the frameworks about how to lose weight, and they understand the principles, and they'll kind of struggle with this all-in or all-out behavior where they'll be really, really diligent and follow all these principles and then they'll go to eating a lot of processed food,” she says. “This habit, I believe, is the safety net for that because if you are in the habit of eating a ton of veggies with every single meal,” is that “you are never going to be either dieting or not. You are always gonna be on some kind of trajectory that is building the habits that get you to where you want to be,” she says.

4. Prep a Core Starch


“Number four is to prep some kind of core starch,” she says, listing “potato, rice, beans, quinoa, anything that is gonna be the bulk of the calories for your meal.” She explains that she does a “rolling prep,” so she will “cook up potatoes and then when I see myself getting low on them, I'm just gonna cook up more.”

Here Are Some Hacks

Close up cropped image of cutting board and couple cutting vegetables in the kitchen together, preparing food meal at home. Vegetarian healthy foodShutterstock

“I don't have to spend hours each week meal prepping because I just do it while I'm already cooking dinner, and I notice that my fridge is getting low. All we're trying to do here is make this as easy as possible. So choose something that is simple for you to prep, and that doesn't take longer than five minutes of actual effort,” she says. You can buy frozen rice or quinoa or pre-scrubbed potatoes to “remove the barriers that may seem small but really do contribute to you not actually following through and doing it,” she says. “Remember, we're trying to make this easy and obvious and satisfying. The more you can eliminate the need for willpower, the more likely you'll be able to have it.”

5. Create 3 Core Meals That Take Under 5 Minutes to Make

“Number five is to create three core meals that you really enjoy that take five minutes or less that you can eat consistently,” she says. “I'm talking breakfast, lunch, and dinner.” This could be “really anything that is gonna be easy where you've got your starch ready, you've got your veggies ready.” She herself has five to 10 things that she makes consistently

Find a Few Recipes and Repeat Them

Open fridge full of fresh fruits and vegetables, vegetarian food healthy food background, greenery, organic nutrition, health care, dieting concept.Shutterstock

She recommends keeping things simple. “Figure out what you're going to make, figure out whether you've got all the ingredients, and then actually cook that. It might seem like it's not a barrier, but it really is. So, make things simple. Get used to cooking three meals and then repeat those,” she says.

6. Stop Drinking Your Calories

Portrait photo of impressed shocked woman bob brown hair wear 3d glasses specs poued lips drink soda nice film isolated on yellow color backgroundShutterstock

“Number six is to stop drinking your calories,” she says. While smoothies are “fine,” she suggests staying away from fizzy soda, alcohol, or juice. “I don't know what else you'd be drinking that has calories, but anything that you're drinking that is not water can add so many calories in a week. Not only that, it's not gonna be filling, so it's not gonna contribute to you eating fewer calories. Whereas if you eat more calories from broccoli and potato, you will eat less calories from other things.”

She Tries to Avoid Alcohol

Young and cheerful couple in music festival.Shutterstock

“When I first started losing weight, I just had a blanket principle for myself that I wouldn't drink juice or fizzy drinks, and it really helped me because I didn't have to make that decision. I would go out or when I was offered something because I just knew I wasn't gonna have it. And I do drink coffee and tea, so this is somewhat nuanced, but the more that you can get your calories from whole foods, the more likely you'll get into a calorie deficit,” she says. She stays away from alcohol altogether because it is high in calories and “does tend to remove inhibitions as well. “Normally, when people drink, they tend to eat more calories because that just feels like it's okay at the moment. So I would describe myself as a non-drinker, but very occasionally, if I'm outside of my home and in a social setting, I will have a few drinks, and I'm fine with that, but it's very contextual to it being an unusual thing for me to do rather than something that I'm doing every single night.”

7. Use the Scale As Data

overweight woman on scale at homeShutterstock

Number seven is a “trigger” for some people, “and that is to use the scales, hop on the scales, and use it as data,” she says. “Use it to learn your body's own cycles. Use it to see if you are making long-term progress rather than just day to day that your weight is going up or down because there is so much data to support that as an accountability tool. Daily weighing is phenomenal.”

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Weigh Daily

Full length of excited Indian woman sitting on scales at home, overjoyed with success of her slimming diet, side view. Emotional Asian lady achieving her weight loss goal, making YES gestureShutterstock

She recommends viewing weight as a long-term thing. You shouldn’t stress over the scale on a day-to-day basis. “The cool thing is when you weigh yourself daily, you start to learn your own body's fluctuations, and that becomes useful,” she says. “The reason I don't like monthly or weekly weighing is that if you weigh weekly and you go an entire week and you've been doing everything right and then you hop on the scales, if that number's not lower than what you want it to be, then you are going to be demoralized. You may have just hit one random high in an overall downward trend that you would never know about if you hadn't been tracking daily. The same kind of thing can happen monthly.” also, you can make changes more easily.

“All you need to do to find your average weight loss is take those seven days or however the cadences that you're looking at and then add them together and then divide them by that number. So if it's seven, add up those seven days and then divide them by seven. That's gonna give you your average weight loss over a week,” she says. You can benchmark your progress with this useful Lean Body Mass Calculator.

8. Find a Pre-Made Condiment

Hummus with olive oil, paprika, lemon and pita breadShutterstock

“Number eight is to find a pre-made condiment because we're all about making things easy and light and fun and enjoyable, and you don't need to be slaving away making your own hummus or your own cashew cream,” she says.

Condiments Completes a Meal

“Think about how helpful this would be. If you had your core veggies, you had some core starches, and you had a core condiment, how easily could you throw together a meal that you actually enjoyed?” she points out.

9. Have a Habits Based Exercise Goal

Young sporty woman doing two-leg deep squat morning exercise standing in living room, teen girl burning fat calories with online fitness training help crouching for buttocks lift at home, side viewShutterstock

Number nine is “have a habits-based exercise goal,” she says. “Exercise has not been shown to help with weight loss typically because even though we burn more calories through exercise, we offset that by moving throughout the day, fidgeting less, and sitting more, and then we end up eating a little bit more because we are hungrier. But one of the best things that you can do for your mental health, your heart health, and really your habits is to exercise.”

Set Specific Goals

Morning jog. Beautiful sporty woman in sportswear and earphones looking at her watch, checking the result while running in a green park on a sunny summer dayShutterstock

“If you shift your focus from that being about weight loss and instead just see that as a necessary part of your health journey, then it changes the game,” she says. “A habit-based system would be, I wanna do 5,000 steps a day, or I wanna run three times a week. I wanna go to the gym three times a week,” she explains. “The cool thing about this is you're gonna feel better about yourself because you're staying consistent with something. Your overall health and mood is gonna improve, and that's only gonna make it easier to stick to your diet.”

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10. Don’t Miss Twice

earth day. woman traveler walking among grass in meadow and holding in hand gathering wildflowers in mountains in sunlight, back view, space for textShutterstock

“Number 10 is more of a mindset tip, but this is to not skip two days,” she says. “This is how you turn something into a habit. You can have a bad day, you can fall off the wagon, but don't ever miss twice.”

This Will Help Build Habits

“This has been something that has really helped me to build consistency into my lifestyle because if I know that I need to go to a gym on a Monday and for some reason, I don't go, you can sure as heck bet that I will do everything within my power to make that the number one priority on Tuesday,” she says. “This is what stops all-in or all-out behavior or binges that lead to week-long or month-long episodes. This idea of never skipping twice means you can get on track really fast, and you can still see that as a success because you've now changed the definition of success from being perfect, which is impossible to achieve, to being I just won't miss twice. So now you are really gamifying the process of failure and then picking yourself up quickly from that, which is ultimately the skillset you will need to get to your goal.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

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Hilary Carver balancebyhilary
Coach Dropped 100 Pounds After She Stopped Believing These 5 Lies
Copyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

Are you struggling to lose weight? You might need to make some lifestyle shifts, says one weight loss warrior-slash-expert. Hilary Carver is a fat loss coach who lost 100 pounds naturally and helps her clients do the same. In a new post, she reveals a few key things she learned on her journey that can help you lose weight as well. “I lost 100 pounds naturally. Here’s what I learned,” she writes.

She Started Taking Action

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary​Lie Number FiveCopyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

“A decade ago, I stood exactly where you are. I felt stuck in my body. Tired. Frustrated. Overwhelmed by the thought of starting again because, honestly, I wasn’t sure if I could follow through this time. But something shifted. I realized that if I wanted my life to change, I had to stop waiting for the ‘perfect time’ and start taking imperfect action,” she says.

She Lost 100 Pounds with No Crash Diets or Quick Fixes

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary​Lie Number FourCopyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

“Over the next few years, I lost 100 pounds naturally. No crash diets. No quick fixes. I followed the exact framework I teach my clients—and it didn’t just transform my body... it changed my life. Here are the MOST important lessons I learned along the way,” she continued.

You Can’t Outwork a Bad Diet

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary​Overcoming These 5 Lies Helped Her Lose 100 PoundsCopyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

First, she learned that you can’t outwork a bad diet. “For years, I thought I could exercise my way to results without addressing what I was eating. Spoiler: It didn’t work. When I finally learned how to make meal prep & planning simple, track my food without obsessing, and eat in a way that didn’t feel restrictive—everything changed,” she writes.

Mindset is the Real Work

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary​Lie Number OneCopyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

Next, she realized that changing her mindset is the hardest part. “I had to face the excuses, the self-sabotage, and the limiting beliefs that kept me stuck. It wasn’t about motivation—it was about choosing to show up for myself, even on the hard days,” she says.

Your Lifestyle Will Make or Break You

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary​Lie Number TwoCopyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

Lifestyle is also important. “The secret to losing 100 pounds wasn’t in doing more. It was in building small, consistent habits that worked with my life—not against it. These small changes stacked up into a BIG transformation,” she says.

Nobody Is Coming to Save You

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary​Lie Number ThreeCopyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

She also learned that “nobody is coming to save you.” “This one stings, but it’s the truth: If you want the transformation, you have to take accountability. You have to stop blaming your circumstances and start owning your choices. The moment I stopped making excuses, I started making progress.”

It’s Worth It

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary​You Can Become the Person You Want to BeCopyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

“This journey isn’t just about losing weight. It’s about gaining confidence, energy, and control over your life. It’s about becoming the version of you who feels proud when she looks in the mirror,” she concludes. “I know how overwhelming it feels to start, but I also know what’s waiting for you on the other side of your excuses—and it is SO worth it.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Are you trying to get started on your weight loss journey? Doing a few simple things can be exactly what you need to jumpstart the process, claims one woman who is currently in the process of losing big. Ryan Shedrick is a social media influencer who is detailing her 100-pound weight loss on her Instagram account. In a recent post, she revealed the four habits that helped her drop her first 10 pounds. “I’ve lost my first 10 lbs on my journey to losing 100lbs and here are the things that are working!” she writes in the Instagram post.

Just 23 Minutes of Exercise Per Day

Keep your workouts short but consistent, says Ryan in her post. "23 minutes of exercise a day. That's all! I have committed to doing the @theladiesedgeofficial workouts 5 days a week, and while they are kicking my back, they are making me feel so strong and capable again. They are fast, impactful, and fun!" she writes.

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Sticking to a Low Calorie/High Protein Diet

Next, there are two main things you need to tailor your diet around. "Sticking to a low calorie/ high protein diet and not letting anything else get in my head. This is something I know I can do and maintain because I'm not restricted, and I'm not missing out. Keeping my focus on what I can control and stick to is making a huge difference," she writes.

Celebrating Every Win

Third, don't overlook your victories – even when they are small. "Celebrating every damn win! Celebrating getting through a hard workout. Losing my first 10 lbs. Showing up every day. Becoming more kind to my body. This is all worth celebrating and keeps me in a positive attitude," she says.

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Daily Supplements

Lastly, she claims that her daily supplements are game-changing. "I drink them every single morning, and these things have made a huge impact. Curbing cravings, giving me the boost of energy and drive to get my workout done, keep me from getting sick, and boosts my mood!" she writes.

Self-Love Is Key

In another post, she explains why she is on a weight loss journey. "As a 42-year-old, plus-size woman who is on a journey to losing 100 lbs…. I told myself that THIS TIME, I'm gonna wear the cute clothes NOW. NOW!! I'm done with the idea that I will only be worth wearing cuter workout clothes once I lose 20, 40, 60 lbs," she writes. "I'm worth of that NOW. My journey this year is about working hard… but loving myself every damn step of the way! I hope this finds the women who needed to hear this message today. That YOU ARE WORTHY right now, in this moment! So wear cute clothes, boo!" And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

Kiana Monle kianamonle
Copyright kianamonle/Instagram

Are you struggling to achieve your weight loss goals? Kiana Monle is a holistic wellness influencer who dropped over 30 pounds and shares her tips and tricks on social media. In a new post, she reveals a few things she did to drop weight. “Before, I felt heavy. I was uncomfortable in my body and was sick of hovering around the same weight for years on end. I got sick and tired of being sick and tired! So I made some changes. BIG ones,” she says in the post, revealing five things she did to lose 35 pounds.

She Got Into a Calorie Deficit

The first thing she did was get into a calorie deficit. “For the first 6 months, I meticulously tracked my calories. I know this isn't for everyone, but it was so helpful to know how much I was eating, and how much I had left to play around with. IMO, this was the biggest game changer,” she says.

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She Went “Back to Basics”

Next, she went “back to basics,” she says. “I used to eat a ton of sweets. It became a cycle, and my weight soared. To reset, I went back to the basics--whole foods , no cakes or cookies. Yes, that first few days were tough (almost caved for some insomnia cookies) but it was worth it. After a week or so I stopped craving so many sweets. I also started to enjoy whole foods more. I later re-introduced cakes, cookies, etc!”

She Exercised

She also started to exercise. “I've always been somewhat active when it came to workouts, but as someone who worked from home, I got maaaybe 1K steps in a day. To move more, I worked out 3X a week (doing @heatherrobertsoncom 's 12 week program) and later added walks 5X a week. Once I finished the plan, I did the second one for a bit before ditching, lifting altogether, and focused on cardio (my fave),” she says.

She Treated Herself to “Daily Fun Foods”

Next, she started treating herself to “daily fun foods,” she reveals. “I reset my palate, but I still kept things fun. My daily treat would be popcorn and a chocolate truffle (huge fan of both!).”

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She Focused on Consistency

Finally, she focused on consistency. “Daily commitment was key. For those first 6 months, when I lost 20 pounds, I would stick to my eating and workout plan. No cheat days, no going off script. I simply built in rest days, and if I ate out, I'd have it fit into my daily calories,” she writes.

She Is Now Focused on Balance

“Now as I maintain my goal weight, it's about finding balance,” she reveals at the end of the post. “It's not always easy, but I'm excited to document it here!” And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including scientific studies and medical journals.

If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing

Do you want to lose more than 40 pounds? While it might seem intimidating to embark on a major weight loss journey, there are lots of weight loss warriors who have shared their success stories to keep you inspired and motivated. Many of them have revealed the easy and doable lifestyle changes they made that enabled them to slim down and keep the weight off. Here are 20 tips from nine men and women who have lost up to 165 pounds to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Indya Ago Lost 120 Pounds by Learning How to Have a “Balanced” Approach to Food


Something I tell my clients when they first start coaching with me is that in order for these results to be sustainable we have to create balance. when I first started my weight loss journey, I used to restrict myself so much, I would demonize so many different kinds of foods that diet culture had brainwashed me, and into believing were the reason why I wasn’t able to reach the results I was looking for. Which just led me to cycles of binging, and creating a very unhealthy relationship between nutrition and my body. Through proper education on macronutrients, I was able to heal this relationship. And this is how I help my clients and maintain their goals as well. Education is power. WIEIAD DEETS: 💚 breakfast: protein, pancakes, egg, white scramble, turkey bacon 💚 snack: fruit, salad, and protein smoothie 💚 lunch: birria tacos + veg 💚 dinner: seafood boil Babe, if you’re ready to finally create a lifestyle transformation that’s sustainable while still eating all of the foods that you enjoy, I would love to work with you. I’m now accepting new clients, the link is in my bio. Let’s get to work! #weightlosstransformation #weightlosstips #weightlossjourney #weightlossgoals #weightlosscoach #weightlosshelp #weightlosschallenge #fatlosstips #fatlossjourney #nutritiontips #mindsetcoach #caloriedeficit #summerbody #nutritioncoach #fitnesscoach #mindset #mindsetcoach #mentalhealth #weightlosstransformation #fatlosstips #fatlosstransformation #whatieatinaday #highprotein

Indya Agos (@indyaagos) is a weight loss warrior and coach who lost a whopping 120 pounds via natural methods. “Something I tell my clients when they first start coaching with me is that in order for these results to be sustainable we have to create balance,” she says. “When I first started my weight loss journey, I used to restrict myself so much,” she continues. “I would demonize so many different kinds of foods that diet culture had brainwashed me, and into believing were the reason why I wasn’t able to reach the results I was looking for.”

She Also Educated Herself on Macronutrients

Indya previously suffered from “cycles of binging, and creating a very unhealthy relationship between nutrition and my body,” she maintains. “Through proper education on macronutrients, I was able to heal this relationship. And this is how I help my clients and maintain their goals as well. Education is power.”

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She “Started Slow” and Learned “Self-Trust”


If you wanna lose 80 pounds next year, I’m gonna tell you exactly how to do it! No gatekeeping the secret to success here. The number one thing that you need to get clear on, is the amount of time it’s going to take you to achieve your goal, the amount of effort required for you to get there, and, of course, why it’s so important to you. Setting a realistic expectation for yourself, while also simultaneously connecting with your why is the first step to create the foundation. You need to be successful through 2024. When you understand that this journey is going to take time, it’s going to require sacrifice, it’s going to require you stepping so far out of your comfort zone, that you may be paralyzed by fear at times. But being okay with the discomfort. Surrendering to knowing that in those moments of uncertainty, in those moments of insecurity, and discomfort, are facilitating growth. Connecting with knowing that, allowing yourself to grow, is what is going to help you reach your goals. And not only reach your goals, sustain those achievements. Baby, 2024 can be your year, and the first thing that you need to do, is get your mindset right. Know why you’re on this journey, know what you need to do to get from point A to point B, and set yourself up for success. Start building the mindset, habits, and routines into your daily life now in order to be successful 2024. and if you’re ready to take the next step, you’re ready to invest in yourself. I’m now accepting applications for January. The link is in my bio let’s get to work!🤘🏽 #weightlosstransformation #weightlosstips #weightlossjourney #weightlossgoals #weightlosscoach #weightlosshelp #weightlosschallenge #fatlosstips #fatlossjourney #nutritiontips #mindsetcoach #newyearsresolution #newyearnewme #nutritioncoach #fitnesscoach

In another video, Indya reveals another tactic that helped her lose so much weight. “You got to start slow,” she says. “If you approach this from an all or nothing mentality, you are only setting yourself up for failure. A big part of this journey is regaining self-trust. You are so used to letting yourself down. The way that you build trust with yourself again is by following through with the promises that you've made to yourself.”

And Took a Deep Dive Into Her Failed Attempts at Weight Loss

Another thing she did is “going to require you to dig deep,” she says. “We need to figure out what your main excuses or your repeated point of failure chances are. You've been stuck in the same exact cycle, repeating the same narratives as to why you haven't been able to be successful in the past. If your story is that you never have any time, then we need to figure out why you're not prioritizing making time. People make time for what's important to them. If the story is that you are overwhelmed and you have no idea where to start, then it is time to reach out for help so that you have a plan of action as well as guidance.”

Raven Norwood Lost 165 Pounds By Cutting Processed Foods From Her Diet


Raven Norwood, 28, of Huntington Beach, California, started her weight loss journey at 212 pounds and has managed to drop down to 155 pounds, losing 165 pounds in two years. In an interview with Body Network, she explains that she used to eat food containing several dyes, fast food, and packaged food with GMOs, too much MSG, and preservatives. While she didn’t eliminate “any specific food groups because balance is the key to longevity,” she did cut the above from her diet and started cooking her own meals “as much as possible.” Creating healthy relationships with all food groups is so important when it comes to keeping the weight off, she stresses. “Balance is key, so, if I want a cookie here and there, I eat the cookie… no biggie!”

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She Also Amped Up Her Water Intake


Raven adds that “lots of water” keeps her hydrated and feeling full. According to the Mayo Clinic, hydration is important for a variety of reasons. Water helps get rid of waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature normal, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues.

She Fell in Love with a Boutique Fitness Method


Raven also encourages finding a fitness form that you love. She discovered rowing at her local Row House. “I love how boutique and specialized gyms are getting more recognition! When I first found Row House, I had never seen a gym dedicated to rowing,” she says. “And on top of that you get floorwork exercises, group fitness and the wonderful community that comes along with it! I think a lot of people would benefit from boutique gyms.”

She Took Progress Pictures


Progress photos were also an important part of Raven’s weight loss journey. “Sometimes your mind will play tricks on you, and make you feel like you haven’t done as much as you have,” she says. If she feels discouraged, she will look at her “Day 1” photo and it will provide instant motivation. “Take photos because your mind will play tricks on you, but those photos won’t,” she says.

RELATED: 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week

Dils Less Lost 50 Pounds by Not Drinking Coffee on an Empty Stomach

Dils Lee (@dilshealth) lost 50 pounds by making a few simple lifestyle habit changes, which not only aided in weight loss, but were a game-changer in her overall health, especially with her inflammation and hormonal imbalance. One of the first changes that she made? “I stopped drinking coffee on an empty stomach and started making my breakfast look like this,” she said. “Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can lead to bloating, nausea, and anxiety, and it can also raise your cortisol levels, which can negatively impact ovulation weight and hormonal imbalances.”

She Also Switched From HIIT to Low Intensity Workouts

You don’t have to do HIIT workouts to lose weight. The second change that she made “was stopping all high intensity training while I was losing weight,” she said. “I found that I harbored a lot of inflammation in my face, arms, body, stomach, and legs everywhere.” Instead, she opted for lower intensity training. “Basically, by switching to lower intensity workouts, I've found that my waist has drastically come in. My stomach is much more flat, and I'm actually building a lot of tone and muscle in my arms and legs,” she says.

And, She Prioritized Sleep

“The fourth change that I made is that I introduced a healthy sleep routine,” Dils reveals. “My routine includes using supplements like magnesium and then not using my phone an hour before bed. Prioritizing sleep will help your body recover after physical activity. It'll also help with hormone regulation, metabolic regulation, stress and emotional wellbeing.” What are the health benefits of sleep? According to the Sleep Foundation, getting enough z’s is a mood booster, promotes heart health, regulates blood sugar, improves mental function, restores your immune system, helps relieve stress, and aids in weight loss.

Joseph Graham Jr. Lost 75 Pounds By Jump Roping and Doing Pushups


🎟️ before and after - 50 lbs (weight loss transformation)🔥 show people where you started🌸✌🏾 #WeightLossJourney #WeightLoss #Fittok #jumprope #jumpropechallenge #transformationchallenge #HealthyLiving #FitnessGoals #BeforeAndAfter #BodyPositivity #WellnessWednesday #GlowUp #FitnessMotivation #LifestyleChange #DietTransformation #MindBodySoul #SelfLoveJourney #EmpowerYourself #FitnessInspiration #ChangeIsGood #WeightLossStory #ProgressNotPerfection #InspireOthers #WellnessTransformation #MotivatedMindset #FitnessJourney #PositiveChanges #NewYou #HealthyHabits #fyp #foryourpage #beforeandafterweightloss #ilikewhenitrains

No gym, no problem. Joseph Graham Jr. (@theguywiththepinkshoes) is a fitness influencer and “crossrope athlete” who lost a whopping 75 pounds and toned up his dad bod by jumping rope and doing push ups at home. He does “harder” push ups, he says. “It's not enough to just do as many as you can and do them fast. Once you feel comfortable doing pushups, once you feel like you've kind of got it down, you have to start making it harder for yourself,” he explains. “The resistance is what builds the strength, right?

Alexandra Lost 40 Pounds by Eating the Same Meals Every Day

Online fitness coach Alexandra (@alexx.fitt) personally lost 40 pounds by eating the same meals daily. “For 1-2 months I ate the same meals every single day why? Because I was confused I didn’t know what to eat or where to start so I ate the same thing everyday,” Alexandra confesses in the caption of her video.

She Also Walks 10,000 Steps a Day

In another video she reveals that walking 10,000 steps a day was also key. “I weigh around 150lbs so walking 10k steps burns an extra 300-400 calories a day without spending hours on the stair master,” says Alexandra. “Walking can be done anywhere you don’t have to get fancy gym clothes you can literally walk in your pjs,” she adds. And, it helps regulate hunger. “Walking is not an extremely difficult exercise and it can help regulate your appetite hormones and reduce feelings of hunger,” she says.

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

David Tuckfield Lost 60 Pounds EMS Workouts

David_Tuckfield7David Tuckfield

David Tuckfield, 61, dropped 60 pounds and reduced his body fat by 23 percent in 16 months by incorporating electro muscle stimulation (EMS) workouts into his routine, which he discovered at BODY20. “I was very skeptical when I first tried the EMS workouts. I was shocked after my demo workout how much I felt a difference,” he told Body Network. “For me, the amazing thing about the EMS workouts to me is that I can actually feel or sense my muscles. That was something that I had never experienced. At first I could feel them only during the workouts, but now when I exert myself I can discern which muscles are engaged. I don’t have huge or impressive muscles, but that I am more in-tune with the muscles I have. It is a good feeling to feel your muscles engage when you do an activity.” Another “great thing” about the workout “is that you really get a full workout (or better) in 20 minutes,” he says.

He Also Set Long-Term Goals

David_Tuckfield5David Tuckfield

He also started looking at weight loss as a long-term goal. “Don’t think short term. Think of it as a very long journey,” he suggests. “You will plateau, and you should just be comfortable with that. If you don’t stress out about the plateaus, you will eventually work through them.” Daily weigh-ins also helped him. “If you’ve gained weight, ask yourself what you did yesterday that would have made you gain weight. Usually the answer is obvious,” he says.

Joy Maria Lost 70 Pounds with Hot Girl Walks


Replying to @177777734 this is exactly how I did & you can too 🫶🏽🥂 #postpartumweightloss #weightlosstransformation #fatlossjourney #weightlossgoals #greenscreen

Joy Maria (@therealjoyymaria/video) is a weight loss influencer and mother who lost 70 pounds in less than 11 months with the help of, wait for it, “Hot girl walks,” she reveals in a video. “Walking is a thousand percent, the most underrated way to lose weight,” she adds, “and one of my favorite things to do is walk.” She started walking to her errands, walking to and from workouts, and whenever else she could get steps in.

She Also Followed a Meal Plan


Dont sleep on walking 🫶🏽 #hotgirlwalk #walking #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlosscheck #postpartumweightloss

“If somebody is telling you that you can lose weight without being in a calorie deficit run because they're lying,” she adds, calling it “the most important step” to losing weight. “I know you guys have heard the saying, you cannot outrun a bad diet, and it's so true. Google, TDEE calculator. From there, put in your information. I'm gonna tell you exactly how many calories you need to eat. I ate about 1600 to 1800 calories daily, just depending on my activity level for the day. If I did two workouts that day, I would eat closer to 1800. If I had a more sedentary day, I would eat closer to 1500 to 1600.” She also followed a meal plan. “I have a seven day meal plan available at the top of my profile. It just makes it really easy when you're going to a grocery shop, when you're first starting out, when things are structured, it's gonna make it a lot easier to follow and just to stay consistent, not skipping breakfast, especially if we're exercising.”

Gen Cohen Lost 50 Pounds by Doing the 12-3-30

Gen Cohen, CNC, lost 50 pounds by doing a few different workouts, including the 12-3-30.

She said that “rather than subscribing to some crazy fitness routine, I'd commit to lifting weights three maximum four times per week and prioritize getting a 60 minute walk in per day,” in a video. “You can go to the gym and do 12-3-30. You can take your dog for a walk. You can get a walking pad and put it under your desk. I don't care how, just 60 minutes of walking.”

Joan Henning Lost 130 Pounds with Keto

Joan_HenningJoan Henning

In 2019, Joan Henning started her 130-pound weight loss journey with the keto diet.“ I was able to start keto,” she says. She stayed on the low carb diet for “months.” While on keto, “I probably lost about 10 pounds because keto, it comes off quickly,” she said.

💪🔥Body Booster: Start your weight loss journey slowly and avoid an all-or-nothing mentality to prevent setting yourself up for failure. Focus on regaining self-trust by consistently following through with the promises you make to yourself.

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Do you want to lose 44 pounds in three months? It may be as simple as incorporating some healthy habits into your lifestyle. Talia Fawaz is a social media influencer who boasts over 147,000 followers on Instagram, sharing about everything from her lifestyle to how she stays in shape. She recently posted a viral video about her weight loss, revealing how she lost an average of nearly 15 pounds per month. Here are ten changes she made to her lifestyle to lose weight.

I Focused on Changing My Diet

Close up cropped image of cutting board and couple cutting vegetables in the kitchen together, preparing food meal at home. Vegetarian healthy foodShutterstock

“First things first is food,” Talia says in the video. “I feel like food is actually super obvious.” She explains that if you don’t eat well and expect to lose weight, “it's not gonna happen.” She adds that she started losing weight by eating healthier.

It’s also “really important to know what you're eating, so I would definitely recommend eating at home and cutting out the outside food,” she says. “I wouldn't say cut it out completely, eat like once in a week, something you like from out, but most importantly is like eating at home because I feel like you really know what's in your food and I feel like, it's like a less likely chance that there are some ingredients there that you don't know that could be like stopping you from your weight loss goals.”

RELATED: 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week

I Implemented Volume Eating


Another one of her tricks? “I did a lot of volume eating,” says Talia. “I ate a lot of broccoli,” she continued. “I had a lot of salads, I had a lot of spinach, I had a lot of lettuce, cauliflower, and so many vegetables that will actually keep me full for a long time.”

I Amped Up My Protein Intake

Grilled sea bass fillet with salad and potatoes on stone tableShutterstock

She also amped up protein, consuming it “with each and every dish of mine,” she says. “Sea bass fish, broccoli, and a salad would be like my lunch. Like that was a truly a daily thing, and I actually enjoyed it so much.” She recommends pairing a protein with “just volume, volume fruits if that makes sense.”

RELATED: How I Lost 30 Pounds in 90 Days on the Mediterranean Diet

I Practiced Self-Discipline

Young sportive woman getting ready to start running workout - Athlete running outdoors at sunset - Attractive girl making sport to lose weight and stay fitShutterstock

“Commitment and self-discipline” are also key, she says. “A lot of people ask me, ‘How are you motivated?’” she says. “Like it's literally a war in your head.” But instead of saying that you will start tomorrow, you have to be unwilling to give up.

I Maintained a Positive Mindset

Portrait of positive inspired girl hipster lick lips spoon look copyspace feel interested about what she will eat breakfast wear white t-shirt isolated over bright shine yellow color backgroundShutterstock

You also need a “positive mindset” towards weight loss. This might involve not listening to your head, or if you do, and decide you want McDonald’s, get back on track the next day without beating yourself up.

I Had a Balanced Approach

Female leg is stepping on white scales at homeShutterstock

It’s also important to have “a balance,” says Talia. ”So it would be more like a lifestyle thing rather than a diet for a short period of time.” You can't have the mindset where you diet for a month and then eat whatever you want. “You have to make it like a lifestyle change.”

I Exercised

Attractive sports people are working out with dumbbells in gymShutterstock

She also started working out. “I did not have access to a gym like when I was trying to lose weight. So I would literally jog around my compound, jog around my area for about an hour or 30 minutes, and it was actually really fun. It wasn't like sprinting or jogging; it was usually like light jogging,” she revealed. She recommends 30 minutes of exercise a day to “slowly progress towards your goals.”

RELATED: 17 Ways Your Body Reacts When You Quit Ozempic

I Made It a Lifestyle Change

fitness, sport, people, exercising and lifestyle concept - happy man and woman doing jumping jack or star jump exercise outdoorsShutterstock

She emphasizes the importance of making it “more of a lifestyle change” and not being overly restrictive. “Just don't, don't restrict yourself and make it more of a lifestyle thing than a temporary thing because that's the only way it's gonna work.”

Finally, “Make this a fun journey,” she says. “You know, I feel like cooking is so therapeutic, so make it fun. If you want a cake, make it a healthy cake. If you want pizza, make it healthy pizza. All the recipes are all online.”

💪🔥Body Booster: Eat plenty of low-calorie, high-volume foods like broccoli, salads, spinach, lettuce, and cauliflower to feel full for longer. These vegetables are great for weight loss as they keep you satisfied without adding many calories to your diet.

Ashley Smith lookbeneath__thesurface
Copyright lookbeneath__thesurface/Instagram

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We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Losing weight doesn’t have to equate to starvation, deprivation, or eating bland meals. According to one fit mom and influencer, you can eat delicious dinners, and still drop weight fast. Ashley Smith is a fit mom and nutritionist who regularly shares weight loss tips and tricks with her followers. In a new Instagram post, she reveals some of her go-to recipes for healthy, fat-burning meals. “If I wanted to lose 10 pounds in the next 6 weeks here are the 5 dinners I would eat on repeat,” she writes.

1. Lemon Garlic Shrimp with Quinoa & Roasted Veggies

Protein: 42g, Calories: 378

Ingredients: 6 oz shrimp, ½ cup cooked quinoa, 1 cup zucchini & bell peppers (roasted), 1 tsp olive oil, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 clove garlic (minced), salt & pepper to taste.
Directions: Sauté shrimp with garlic, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Serve over quinoa with roasted veggies.

RELATED:I'm a Nutritionist and These are the Best Banana Recipes For Weight Loss

2. Grilled Chicken with Mashed Cauliflower & Green Beans

Protein: 48g, Calories: 339
Ingredients: 6 oz grilled chicken breast, 1 cup mashed cauliflower (made with ½ cup steamed cauliflower, ¼ cup unsweetened almond milk, and seasonings), 1 cup steamed green beans, 1 tsp olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste.Directions: Grill the chicken, mash the cauliflower with almond milk and seasonings, and serve with steamed green beans.

3. Turkey & Spinach Stir-Fry with Brown Rice

Protein: 43g, Calories: 428

Ingredients: 5 oz lean ground turkey, 1 cup cooked brown rice, 1 cup sautéed spinach & mushrooms, 1 tsp coconut aminos, 1 clove garlic (minced), ½ tsp ground ginger, salt & pepper to taste.
Directions: Cook turkey with garlic, ginger, and aminos, then toss in spinach and mushrooms. Serve over brown rice.

RELATED:20 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Ultra-Processed

4. Spaghetti Squash with Ground Turkey Marinara

Protein: 41g, Calories: 314

Ingredients: 5 oz lean ground turkey, 1 cup cooked spaghetti squash, ½ cup marinara sauce, ½ cup sautéed mushrooms & zucchini, 1 tbsp nutritional yeast (for a cheesy flavor), 1 clove garlic (minced), ½ tsp oregano, red pepper flakes to taste.
Directions: Brown the turkey with garlic, oregano, and red pepper flakes. Add marinara sauce, mushrooms, and zucchini, and simmer. Serve over spaghetti squash and sprinkle with nutritional yeast.

5. Grilled Salmon with Roasted Asparagus & Wild Rice

Protein: 47g, Calories: 452

Ingredients: 5 oz grilled salmon, ½ cup cooked wild rice, 1 cup roasted asparagus, 1 tsp olive oil, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 clove garlic (minced), salt & pepper to taste.
Directions: Grill salmon with lemon juice, garlic, salt, and pepper. Roast asparagus and serve with wild rice. And if you enjoyed this article, don't missthese 8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat.

tara collingwood dietdivatara
I’m a Nutritionist and This is What I Eat in a Day to Stay Healthy and Fit

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Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Losing weight isn’t just about cutting calories and eating less. It also involves eating the right kinds of food. “If you're looking to lose weight, choosing nutrient-dense, high-fiber, and protein-rich foods can help keep you full and support your metabolism,” says Body Network’s Resident RDN, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CP. We asked her to put together a list of the top foods you should fuel up with to lose weight, and here are 10 of them.

Leafy Greens

,Kale,Cabbage,leafy,greens​The Power of Green GuardiansShutterstock

Leafy greens, including spinach, kale, arugula, Swiss chard, Romaine, and mustard greens, should be a mainstay in your refrigerator. “Low in calories but packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals,” she says. “Leafy greens are a high-volume food, which helps with satiety while keeping calorie intake low.”

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat



Eggs might not be cheap right now, but they offer a lot of bang for the buck in terms of nutrients. “High in protein to keep you full longer,” says Collingwood. “A lot of the nutrition is in the egg yolk, but so are many calories. Split the difference using some whole eggs and combine with a few egg whites.

Lean Protein


Next up, you need to eat a lot of lean protein, including chicken, turkey, lean beef, seafood, and other fish, to lose weight. “Helps to preserve muscle mass during weight loss,” Collingwood explains. “Helps reduce hunger and keeps you satisfied.”

Greek Yogurt


Another item to keep stocked up on for weight loss? Greek yogurt. “High in protein and probiotics for gut health,” she says. “Greek yogurt can help with appetite control and digestion.”

RELATED:20 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Ultra-Processed


Harvesting of fresh ripe big organic red strawberry fruit in own garden.​BerriesShutterstock

Berries, especially blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries are also great for losing weight as they are rich in fiber and antioxidants. “Can satisfy sweet cravings with fewer calories,” says Collingwood.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Brussels,Sprouts,Roasted,vegetable44. Brussels sprouts: 43 caloriesShutterstock

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are another great option. “Low in calories but high in fiber and antioxidants and vitamins,” Collingwood says. “The high fiber content can help keep you full longer.”



Legumes, including lentils, chickpeas, and black beans, are essential for weight loss.

“High in plant-based protein and fiber which helps to keep you full for longer and can help stabilize blood sugar,” says Collingwood.

RELATED:I'm a Nutritionist and These are the Best Banana Recipes For Weight Loss



Oats and oatmeal should always be in your pantry. “Whole grain that is high in soluble fiber, which aids digestion and prolongs fullness,” explains Collingwood. “Can help to regulate blood sugar due to soluble fiber. Combine with a protein (make oatmeal with milk, add protein powder, make overnight oats with Greek yogurt) for a complete meal.”

Nuts and Seeds


Nuts and seeds are great to have on hand for healthy snacking. Collingwood likes almonds, pistachios, walnuts, hemp, chia seeds, and flaxseeds. “Packed with heart-healthy fats, fiber, and protein,” she says.

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Board with whole and cut avocados on turquoise table, closeupShutterstock

And last on her list? Avocado. “High in monounsaturated fats that promote fullness. It also contains fiber and essential nutrients for weight management,” says Collingwood. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these20 Superfoods for People Over 50.

Jon Williams | Fat Loss Expert
Over 50? You Should Avoid These 8 Foods
Copyright jonwilliamsfitness/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

What you ate in your twenties, thirties, and forties to lose weight might not work as you age. According to an expert, some foods shouldn’t be on your plate in your fifties and beyond. Jon Williams is a fat loss expert who helps men and women lose 20-plus pounds of body fat. In a new Instagram post, he gets honest about fat loss and diet. “The fittest people I know who are in their 50s and 60s, avoid these 8 foods at all costs when they are trying to lose weight,” he writes.

Processed Sugars

The first no-no? Processed sugars. “High in calories and low in nutrients, they can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, and increased risk of chronic diseases,” he says.

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat

White Bread

Sliced,White,Bread,And,Butter,Shot,From,A,High,Angle​Monitor Your Carbohydrate IntakeShutterstock

While you don’t have to go on a no-carb diet to lose weight, you might have to ditch white bread. “Made from refined flour, it lacks fiber and can cause spikes in blood sugar levels, which is particularly concerning as metabolism slows with age,” says Williams.

Fried Foods

French fries in hot fat in a deep fryer​3. Deep-Fried ItemsShutterstock

Another type of food you can’t eat if you want to lose weight? Fried foods. “High in unhealthy fats and calories, they can contribute to heart disease and obesity,” he says.

Soda and Sugary Drinks


Don’t drink your calories, suggests Williams. Soda and sugary drinks should be avoided. “Loaded with sugar and empty calories, they can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes,” he explains.

RELATED:20 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Ultra-Processed

High-Sodium Foods

canned, tin, soupShutterstock

Salty foods might taste good, but generally, high-sodium items should be avoided. “Processed snacks and canned soups can contain excessive salt, which is linked to high blood pressure and heart issues,” says Williams.

Pastries and Cakes

Set of bakery pastries on wooden table​Don’t Eat High-Sugar FoodsShutterstock

You don’t have to avoid everything sweet, but pastries and cake aren’t going to do you any favors if you are trying to slim down. “These are often high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and refined carbohydrates, contributing to weight gain and health issues,” he says.

Trans Fats

chocolate ice cream- scooping ice creamShutterstock

Read labels and avoid food with trans fats. “Found in many processed foods, these fats raise bad cholesterol levels and lower good cholesterol, increasing heart disease risk,” says Williams.

RELATED:I'm a Nutritionist and These are the Best Banana Recipes For Weight Loss


Side view of young bartender pouring beer while standing at the bar counter. Warm pub atmosphere. Concept of beer drink, alcohol, brewery, pub atmosphere, tasteShutterstock

Alcohol “in excess” isn’t good for you, and won’t help you lose weight. “While moderate consumption can be okay, excessive alcohol can lead to weight gain, liver issues, and other health problems,” he says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these20 Superfoods for People Over 50.