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I Lost 20 Pounds in 3 Months With 6 "Realistic Sacrifices"

These simple sacrifices added up to weight loss success for one health coach. 

Sometimes losing weight isn't about adding more exercise or dietary restrictions to your life, but instead, making a few simple sacrifices. Mahtab Ekay is a fat loss coach and Instagram influencer who regularly shares about her personal weight loss journey. In a recent post, she opens up about "realistic sacrifices" she made in her diet to lose 20 pounds in less than 3 months. Body Network's Resident RDN, The Diet Diva Tara Collingwood, also weighs in.

Balance Looks Different at Different Phases of Life, She Says

my goals - setting goals concept - blank flowchart sketched on a cocktail napkin with a cup of coffee

Ekay starts by explaining that balance will vary by person. "As much as I am all for encouraging food freedom and balance in your life, balance will look different at different phases of life," she starts the post.

She explains that she had to alter her approach to diet to lose weight. "During my weight loss journey, here are some changes I made in my diet to be able to achieve my goals and it could possibly help you too," she continues.

1. She Allowed Herself One Special Dessert

Ice cream in a paper cup. Sweets and weekend walks.

"I selected one dessert that I absolutely LOVE, which for me is a special ice cream, and I planned it as part of my days frequently. And I AVOIDED any other desserts that weren't my favorite," she writes.

Body Network's Expert Weighs In

Portrait of positive inspired girl hipster lick lips spoon look copyspace feel interested about what she will eat breakfast wear white t-shirt isolated over bright shine yellow color background

Body Network's Resident RDN, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian and co-author of the Flat Belly Cookbook for Dummies, loves this tip. "When we are exposed to more variety of foods, we are more likely to want to eat some of everything or at least there is something we want," she explains. When you limit yourself to just ONE dessert, for example, you will enjoy it when you have it, but because it is the only one, you won't want it as frequently as if you have 5 different ones to choose from."

2. She Avoided Additional Calories

A plastic plate of salad with ranch dressing

"I avoided any unnecessary additional calories that wouldn't add much to my meal anyway. That could be the extra cream or sugar in my coffee or any high-calorie dressing that could be replaced with lower calorie ones," Ekay continues.

Body Network's Expert Weighs In

Pouring Cream into a Cup of Coffee

Collingwood "absolutely" agrees. "Calories sneak in everywhere throughout the day, and many of them are NOT WORTH IT! Examining the little things can save a few calories here and there and add up to a lot," she says.

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3. She Quit Alcohol

Glass of chilled beer on table and blurred sparkling bar background.

"OK, this one is NOT really a sacrifice, but I stopped drinking," Ekay reveals. "I was never a heavy drinker, maybe socially drinking a beer or two. When dieting, I limited the amount, and to be honest, I figured out I wasn't enjoying drinks in the first place, so I just stopped drinking. It's been more than a year, and it has been one of the BEST decisions ever."

Body Network's Expert Weighs In

Barman prepares exotic cocktails at the night club

This is the "best decision," agrees Collingwood. "Alcohol is just empty calories, increases health risk, and we tend to eat more when we drink so it is a lose, lose, lose."

4. She Didn't Keep Unhealthy Snacks Around

Refrigerator full of food

"I didn't buy snacks or foods that would require discipline," Ekay says. "My fridge and pantry were 90% filled with things that I knew I wouldn't overeat."

RELATED: 10 Ways to Lose Fat That Are Not a Calorie Deficit

Body Network's Expert Weighs In


Collingwood agrees that this is a good idea. "Don't have the temptations easily accessible! This is huge!"

5. She Made Sure to Eat Enough


"I made sure to support my workouts with enough calories (energy)," explains Ekay. "To lose fat, as long as you are in calorie deficit, it will work out. But to support my workouts best, I made sure I always considered 300-500 calories to consume around my workout."

Body Network's Expert Weighs In


"Use exercise as a way to add to your calorie deficit but you don't want to go too low," notes Collingwood. "So adding in a few more calories on heavy workout days is a good idea to keep energy up, preserve muscle mass, and prevent being hangry!"

6. She Weighed and Tracked Her Food

Calories counting , diet , food control and weight loss concept. Calorie counter application on smartphone screen at dining table with salad, fruit juice, bread and fresh vegetable. healthy eating

"I put in the effort to scan and weigh and track my food for the period of time where fat loss was my priority so I could be IN AND OUT and go back to maintenance followed by bulking as soon as possible," says Ekay.

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Body Network's Expert Weighs In


"Weighing and measuring food is a good practice to do, even if it is for a few days," agrees Collingwood. "It is really good accountability, of course, but even more importantly, you can really get an eyeball idea of exactly what 4 ounces of meat or 1/2 cup of rice looks like!"

Body Network's Expert Adds Her Tip: Don't Skip Meals

Young hungry woman in front of refrigerator craving chocolate pastries.

"Don't allow yourself to get ravenously hungry by skipping meals or waiting too long to eat a meal," says Collingwood. "You will only make bad choices, eat too quickly, and then end up eating too much!"

💪🔥Body Booster: Avoid unnecessary extra calories. Examining the little things can lead to significant savings.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more