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I Lost 30 Pounds Without Working Out and This Is How

These 12 tips will help you lose weight without exercise, says Brittany Vasseur

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Do you want to lose weight but can’t make it into the gym for whatever reason? There are still ways to drop pounds without exercise. Brittany Vasseur (@vasseurbeauty) is a beauty and lifestyle influencer who shares “the best tips, tricks & products to improve your life.” In one viral vide, she reveals how she lost 30 pounds without working out. “It is, in fact, possible to lose weight in a healthy way without working out,” she says at the start of the clip, offering several tips on how to do it.

The Best Way to Lose Weight Is a Combo of Diet and Exercise, She Says

Brittany_Vasseur_vasseurbeauty5Brittany Vasseur/YouTube

“Now granted, as a major disclaimer, the best way to lose weight is through a combination of diet and exercise. I highly recommend that you do work out if you can,” Brittany says. However, there are many reasons you might not be able to. “Maybe you just don't have the time. Maybe you have a physical injury or limitation, or maybe you just absolutely hate working out, and that's okay,” she says.

Losing Weight Should Be About Feeling Good and Healthier

overweight woman on scale at homeShutterstock

Brittany goes on to explain that she wanted to lose weight, “not because of a number on a scale, but more so just to feel good and to be healthier,” she says. “And all of this is about being healthier, not about a number on a scale. I really do wanna emphasize that.”

Get Your Diet In Order, Starting with Cutting Foods Out

sugar cubes on black backround. Sugar is unhealthy nutrition and leads to obesity, diabetes, dental careShutterstock

“First and foremost, you need to get your diet in order, and that means cutting out certain foods that are high in calories but low in nutritional value,” Brittany says, noting that the “biggest one” is refined sugar, followed by dairy and then processed foods. “If you can just cut those three food groups out of your diet, then that alone will make a big difference. It is easier said than done, but I will say one added bonus: when I cut out refined sugar and dairy from my diet, an added benefit is that my sugar cleared up, and that is a pretty common thing that happens.” She adds that sugar beverages should also be avoided as well. “You want to avoid soda, sugary drinks, and alcohol, however much possible. And yes, that does also include diet soda, any sugary drinks like that, just don't drink them or limit them as much as you can,” she says.

Focus Your Diet Around Lean Protein, Complex Carbs, Healthy Fats, and Veggies


“The types of foods that you want to be eating are lean protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and also vegetables,” Brittany says. “So on any given plate, even for my snacks, I always like to make sure that there is a protein and a complex carb wherever possible because doing that is not only healthy for you, it helps maintain your blood sugar so you don't have mood swings and energy swings throughout the day.”

RELATED: 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week

Make Things Easy on Yourself and Eat Consistently

Brittany_Vasseur_vasseurbeauty2Brittany Vasseur/YouTube

“The next tip is to make things easy for yourself,” Brittany says. “If you make these easy, you will set yourself up for success.” For example, she eats the same thing for breakfast, lunch, and snacks, alternating her menu weekly, “so I don't get bored of it and eat the same thing for months at a time,” she says. “The biggest benefit of this is you plan it in advance, and then you don't have to think about what you're eating, and every single meal doesn't become a struggle of what am I going to eat, what do I have to prepare?”

Invest in Meal Kits

Courier delivery food service at home. Man courier delivered the order no name bag with food.Shutterstock

As for dinner, “I do switch things up, and what I personally do is I use meal kits,” Brittany says. “There's a lot of different services out there. You know, Blue Apron, HelloFresh, there's Purple Carrot if you're vegan. The one that I use is called Gobble because those are meal kits you can make in under 15 minutes, and I don't have a lot of time these days.” She notes that some meal kids are healthier than others, so you should pay attention while ordering. You might also consider omitting sauce or using less than recommended.

Meal Prep


“The next way to make things easy for yourself is one of the biggest takeaways from this entire video, and that is meal prepping,” Brittany says. “When I started meal prepping, everything changed. For me, it just makes eating healthier so much easier. You don't have to think about it. I think there's a misconception that meal prepping is this long and involved process that takes all day, but it really isn't. For me, my meal prep takes the same amount of time as it would take for me to prepare one meal. I'm just making a larger quantity of food at one time.” She uses little containers to store her food.

RELATED: I Lost 40 Pounds on a Vegan Diet and Here's How

Remove Junk Food From the Home

Young girl on dieting for good health concept. Close up female using hand reject junk food by pushing out her favorite sweet donuts and fried chicken and choose green apple and salad for good health.Shutterstock

“The next thing I recommend you do, or maybe you have a friend or family member do for you, is to remove all of the junky, tempting foods out of the house,” Brittany says. “If you're having a weak moment, you know you will find that box of cookies and you'll eat most of the cookies. So if they're out of the house, you don't have that opportunity.”

Allow Yourself One Treat a Day

Ice cream in a paper cup. Sweets and weekend walks.Shutterstock

“That being said, something that I do, which makes this entire thing sustainable for me, is that I allow myself one treat a day,” Brittany says. “This is something that I look forward to, and I give myself as a reward for being good for the entire day. My personal treats that I give myself are coconut bites. I will have 10 of these in the evening.” Another one of her go-to's? Justin's organic dark chocolate peanut butter cups. “I will have two of those,” she says.

Portion Out Snacks

Healthy snack concept, top view.Shutterstock

Brittany recommends pre-portioning all snacks or treats. This way, you are less likely to overeat. “Take out the amount that you're allocating yourself as your treat and put the bag or the box that it comes in away and just have the portion that you want to eat so you're not tempting yourself to eat more than you want,” she says.

RELATED: 10 Ways to Lose Your Arm Flab in 4 Weeks

Track Your Calories

Nutrition facts on whey protein products. nutrition labels and ingredients as well as the contents of the productShutterstock

The overarching theme of weight loss “is calories in, calories out, and in order to know that, you have to track your calories,” says Brittany. She uses the MyFitnessPal app, which “makes it really easy to track exactly the amount of calories that you are taking in,” she says, reminding that you “have to be honest with yourself and you have to accurately track every single thing that you consume. Otherwise, none of this will work, and the entire system falls apart.”

1Calculate Your Maintenance Calories

CALORIE counting counter application Medical eating healthy Diet conceptShutterstock

Next, you need to “figure out the exact amount of calories you would need to consume every day to maintain your current weight,” she says, suggesting a calorie calculator website. “You go on these; you put in your height, your sex, and your current weight, and will also ask about your activity level. And what I recommend you do is be sedentary. Even if you are moderately active, just put sedentary because that will give you a nice buffer and help make the system work better.” That will give you a baseline for what you would need to consume to maintain your current weight.

RELATED: 15 Tips on How to Use Fiber for Weight Loss

Then Subtract 200

Gray pencil, calculator and opened account bookShutterstock

“What you wanna do from there is shoot to have 200 fewer calories than whatever number that is,” she says. “So if it says you need 1700 calories a day to maintain your current weight, you want to have 1500 calories a day.” This will put you “in a slight caloric deficit and set you up to lose weight at a nice steady rate of about half a pound to one pound a week,” she says. You can benchmark your progress with this useful Lean Body Mass Calculator.

Adjust As Needed

female hands with pen writing on notebookShutterstock

“This is going to help make it sustainable and it's going to help make it healthy. So once you get started on your tracking and looking at your calories and seeing what your weight loss is, you wanna make the necessary adjustments so that you're on the right track of losing about half a pound to one pound a week,” she says.

💪🔥Body Booster: To improve your diet, cut out refined sugar, reduce dairy, and avoid processed foods. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

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Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

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Online fitness coach Alexandra (@alexx.fitt) has amassed a following on TikTok and Instagram by sharing videos about her weight loss. In her many viral videos, she reveals the simple but effective changes she made to her lifestyle that enabled her to drop the weight fast. In a new Instagram video, she gets specific about the “3 things” she “stopped doing to lose 40 pounds.”

She Stepped Away From the Scale

The first thing Alex did was stop weighing herself, she writes. “Why? The scale was messing with my head, so I threw it off my balcony.”

She Stopped Counting Calories


Lots of health experts recommend counting calories, but that didn’t work for Alex. “I stopped counting calories and stuck to a schedule. I ate breakfast at 8 a.m., a snack at 11, lunch at 1, a snack at 3, and dinner at 6. And yeah, your schedule may be different, but if you have 5 minutes to check TikTok or like this post, you have 5 minutes to grab an apple or pick up a protein bar and throw it in your purse,” she writes.

Related: I'm a Dietitian, and These Are 7 Foods You Should Never Eat

She Stopped Doing Workouts She Hated


Her third lifestyle change? “I stopped doing the workouts I hated,” she claims. I remember I’d always do 40 minutes on the Stairmaster (it didn’t help me lose weight, only raise my cortisol levels), and on the days I was lazy, I’d skip the gym altogether just because I didn’t want to do cardio. Now, my only cardio is walking.”

Her advice? “Start implementing a routine that makes you happy and works for you, not anyone else,” she concludes the post.

Here’s How She Used Walking for Weight Loss

woman walking towards unknown placesShutterstock

As for exercise, in some of her other videos, Alex elaborated on how walking helped with her weight loss. Not only would she walk for 20-30 minutes in the morning, but she would take a short 10-15 minute walk after lunch.

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Try to Walk 30 to 60 Minutes a Day, Says Another Expert

Active woman using smartwatchShutterstock

“You can do 30-60 minutes all at one time, or you can do a few 10-15 minute bouts of exercise throughout the day. Whatever works for you,” says The Diet Diva, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian. “Either way, you are raising your metabolism and teaching your body to burn calories.”

💪🔥Body Booster: Just because experts recommend habits, like counting calories, weighing yourself, or doing specific workouts, doesn’t mean they will work for you. If they don’t, make changes accordingly.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including scientific studies and medical journals.

If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing

Do you want to lose weight fast and keep it off? Dropping 10 pounds in the next few months is easier than you think. All it takes is making a few simple lifestyle changes – and learning from other weight loss warriors who came before you is always a great idea. Here are 20 ways 12 people who lost over 10 pounds in 4 months achieved their weight loss goals.

Gen Cohen Lost 10 Pounds in 2 Months by Maintaining a Caloric Deficit

In a recent Instagram post, Gen Cohen, CNC, shared how she lost 10lbs in the first two months of her health journey. “What I would do is eat in a modest caloric deficit, which if you're a woman watching this video means you'll probably be eating an average of 1500 to 2000 calories per day in order to lose weight,” she says.

She Also Used an App

New Delhi, India 4 September 2023:- My fitness pal app on iphone used to calculate caloriesShutterstock

Apps also helped Cohen achieve her weight loss goals. “I would download an app like MyFitnessPal and preplan my meals the day before to make sure I was able to hit my calories and my protein goal while still enjoying my social life,” she continued.

And, She Drank A LOT of Water

Happy beautiful young woman drinking water. Smiling caucasian female model holding transparent glass in her hand. Closeup. Focus on the armShutterstock

Another helpful habit in her weight loss was investing in a big water bottle. “I would drink 16 ounces of water before getting out of bed in the morning, which helps regulate your cortisol and stress levels throughout the day,” she says. “And I would also drink 16 ounces of water before each meal. This will help you feel full quicker while you're still learning proper portion control.”

Blake Sanburg Lost 23 Pounds in 2 Months by Hitting the Gym


10 weight loss tips

Blake Sanburg (@thenutritionnarc) is a diet and fitness influencer with over 415,900 TikTok followers who lost 23 pounds in two months. His number one tip to lose weight? “Start going to the gym,” Blake suggests. “Do weightlifting and cardio. This will help not only burn calories, but it'll also increase your muscle mass, which will make you seem less fat.”

He Also Avoided “Liquid Calories”

Barman prepares exotic cocktails at the night clubShutterstock

“Number two, avoid liquid calories such as sugary drinks, alcohol, soda, and stuff like that instead of diet soda,” Blake continued. “These are scientifically proven to be the easiest calories to cut out.”

He Amped Up His Protein Intake

High protein food for body builders as meat, fish, dairy, eggs, buckwheat, oatmeal, nuts, bean, pumpkin seed and sunflower seed. Top view.Shutterstock

Blake also amped up his protein intake. “The general rule of thumb is one gram of protein per pound of body weight. So if your goal weight is 150 pounds, try to eat 150 grams of protein.”

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He Took Progress Pictures

Portrait of proud bodybuilder boasting his arm muscles taking selfie in gym mirror flexing biceps after working outShutterstock

And, for accountability purposes, “take progress pictures,” he said. “It is very tough to see changes when you're looking at yourself every single day. So go back and look at the first day.”

Cam Jones Lost 10 Pounds in 50 Days by Rigorously Tracking His Eating Habits

Cam Jones, one half of the brother influencer duo who make up Goal Guys, a YouTube account providing “different goals in fitness and productivity,” revealed in a viral video how he lost 10 pounds in 50 days.

“I genuinely do not understand how I've put on so much weight. I eat pretty healthy. I exercise two to three times a week, so what am I doing wrong?” he says in the video, setting a goal of losing 10 pounds of body fat in 50 days. Cam starts with a goal of “paying careful attention” to nutrition.

“The first thing I'm aiming for a daily calorie goal of just 1900 calories, and as crazy as it is to say I actually think my current diet is pretty healthy, so I'm also going to track every food I eat for the next 50 days to figure out where I've been going wrong,” he says

He Also Cut Snacks


Cam points out that the little snacks you eat in the day add up. Just three squares of dark chocolate, half a bag of popcorn in one glass of wine total 660 calories. “I was severely underestimating how many calories were in those snacks because I was having those four times a week,” he says, pointing out “that's an extra 2,400 calories per week. That's more than I'm going to eat today. So no wonder I was putting on weight even though I was exercising.”

Melissa Lattari Lost 15 Pounds in a Month by Reducing Sodium Intake


Replying to @A how to lose 10lbs of water #fyp #wateretention #howtofixbloating #weightloss #weightlosshack #viral

Melissa Lattari (@melissa.lattari) dropped 15 pounds in a month, explaining in a viral video how she did it. “Losing 10 to 15 pounds of water weight is easier than you think it is,” she says in the clip. Melissa maintains that dropping the weight is simple. “The easiest way to lose water weight, okay, listen up, is by switching up your diet,” she maintains. “Water retention happens when we're consuming too much sodium in our diet,” she continues. “Therefore, if you're eating a lot of overly processed foods such as pizza, frozen foods, prepackaged foods or going out and eating at a restaurant where they usually cook most foods with vegetable oils, your body is going to obtain more water.”

Sydney St-Aubin Lost 20 Pounds in 4 Months by Increasing Her Steps Every Day


19 lbs down since january and still going 👏🏻 here’s what i’ve been doing and what i plan to continue to do to reach my goal by hopefully september 🤍 #weightloss #caloricdeficit #athomeworkouts #weightlosstransformation #weightlossprogram

Weight loss coach Sydney St-Aubin, who goes by the TikTok handle @sydneystaubin, revealed that she lost a whopping 20 pounds in less than four months. One of her main recommendations? Not only should you “get your steps in,” but “increase your steps every single day,” she suggests. “Try to get a little bit better.” How many steps should you strive for?

A 2018 study published in the journal Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure and fewer strokes.

Jenna Evelyn Lost 20 Pounds in Three Months by Meal Prepping


How I lost 15-20 pounds after my freshman year of college. 10k steps a day, low-cal, high protein meals, and strength training + pilates! #weightloss #freshman15 #howilostweight #weightransformation #healthylifestyle #mealprep #pilates

Jenna Evelyn (@jennaevelyn) is lost “15 to 20 pounds in two to three months” after “gaining the freshman 15” while living on campus during her first year of college. In one viral TikTok video, she reveals that meal prepping and using high-quality ingredients were crucial to her weight loss. “It was so important that I made enough time to meal prep local, high-protein meals so that they were always on hand,” she said. There is scientific evidence supporting the benefits of meal planning.

Studies the more meals you eat prepared away from home, the higher your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and early death. And, one study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity found meal planning was associated with a healthier diet and less obesity.

Isis Kellier Lost 15 Pounds in 6 Weeks by Intermittent Fasting

Isis Kellier revealed in one TikTok video that she dropped an average of 2.5 pounds a week and 15 pounds in 6 weeks by intermittent fasting, or “OMAD,” she reveals, which stands for “one meal a day. “The Lightly intermittent fasting app helps to keep everything on track,” she added.

In another video, she details what she eats in a day, starting at 2:00 pm with two glasses of green juice followed by a bowl of fruit. For her main meal of the day, “dinner,” she eats at 4:00 pm and enjoys spicy vodka pasta with a grilled chicken breast on top. At 5:30 pm, she drinks two Premiere Protein shakes.

Nour T Lost 40 Pounds in 5 Months by Eating Less


the best weight loss hack, have you heard of it before? #volumeeatinghack #volumeating #volumeeatinghacks #weightlosshacks #sustainableweightlosstips #sustainableweightlosstip #realisticweightlossmeals

Nour T (@nourrtann/) lost a whopping 40 pounds in just five months with one simple habit. In one of her viral videos, she reveals that no matter what diet you want to go on, simply eating less will result in weight loss. “One thing I will say: Keto, paleo, Atkins, high protein, low fat, low carb, whatever it is, they all work. They all work because you're probably eating less,” she continues. “And also, please remember that eating healthy and eating to lose weight are completely different things.”

She Also Started Volume Eating

Freshly grated raw cauliflower rice in wooden bowlShutterstock

“In my opinion, the most sustainable way to lose weight without tracking calories or stressing out is volume eating. Volume eating is in no means a diet plan. It is actually just a technique,” Nour continues. “You're basically mainly eating large amounts of low-calorie foods, so some examples of that would be like instead of having a cup of rice, you would have a half cup of rice and then a half cup of cauliflower rice,” she says. Another example? “Instead of having a whole serving of pasta, you would split it in half and then have zoodles,” she adds, explaining that you would mix in your cauliflower rice with your rice or zucchini noodles with your noodles. “You're eating the same exact amount as you would've, but the calories you're cut in half, and you're allowing yourself to eat much more vegetables, which are good for you,” she says.

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Briana Farnsworth Lost 30 Pounds in 3 Months by Interval Training on a Treadmill


Replying to @$ I like to implement other workouts everyone now and then but I swear by walks!! #walkingroutine #hotgirlwalks #slimlegs #slimarms #weightloss #modelworkout #modelroutine #modelarms

Briana Farnsworth (@brianafarnsworthx) lost a whopping 30 pounds in three months just by walking. “People literally don't believe me when I tell them that I changed my body from this to this just by walking alone,” she says in the clip. Her key to losing weight with walking is doing interval training on an incline. “So my treadmill has this option here, it's called Fat Burner, and I love this one. It alternates between the incline of 1.5 to 4.5, and then I usually keep my speed between 3 and 4,” she explains, adding that if you don’t have that option, you can manually change the incline and speed accordingly.

Blake Also Amped Up His Fiber Intake

Healthy natural ingredients containing dietary fiber. Healthy high fiber diet eating concept with antioxidants and vitaminsShutterstock

Blake (@thenutritionnarc) offers another weight loss tip that helped him get in shape, “eat more fiber,” he says. This is probably one of the most underrated macronutrients. It's not a macronutrient, but it is one of the most underrated things you can eat. It will not only keep you full, it'll improve your gut microbiome health, and it'll also keep you regular,” he explains.

Keisha Lost 40 Pounds in One Month by Filling Up on Healthy Fats


#grocerylist #kickweightwithkeisha @Kick Weight With Keisha

Keisha (@kickweightwithkeisha) is a diet and fitness influencer who lost 40 pounds in just one month. She claims that amping up her intake of healthy fats was instrumental in her weight loss. “Fats are going to consist of things like avocados, olive oil, avocado oil, butter, sour cream, heavy whipping cream, and cheese,” she says.

RELATED: 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week

And, by Cutting Out Added Sugar

Coffee blended with ghee butter and MCT coconut oil, paleo, keto, ketogenic drink breakfast.Shutterstock

“Now, the only thing that I drank, water, tea, and coffee,” she continued. However she avoided buying calorie-heavy sweeteners. “Okay, if you're going to do sugar for your tea and your coffee, you want to do a natural sugar substitute, which are things like Stevia, monk, fruit, Truvia,” she says.

Amber Clemens Lost 160 Pounds by Eating Fast Food


Something I still struggle with after losing 160 pounds ❤️ #weightloss #weightlossstruggle #growingupfat #beforeandafter #fatphobia #thinprivilege

Amber Clemens (@amber_c_fitness) is a weight loss warrior and influencer on TikTok who lost a whopping 160 pounds while still eating fast food. In a viral video, she describes her before meal at Wendy’s: A Four for Four meal with a Junior cheeseburger, four piece chicken nugget, a small fry, “and I would actually order an additional six piece nugget because I wanted 10 and I would get a large root beer and that one meal would be 1,450 calories,” she says, noting “that's not including any dipping sauces that I would get to dip this stuff in, but I couldn't find the nutrition information for that.”

Now, she chooses from two lower calorie alternatives, the apple pecan salad “because it's so filling,” she says. “You get a high volume of food for about 550 calories.” Her other option is a six piece nugget and a small fry paired with a medium light lemonade. “And you can get that meal for 545 calories,” she says. “It's not about cutting things out, it's about finding things that you like equally as much, making swaps in moderation,” she points out. Read about more of her swaps here.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

When I tell people I lost 30 pounds by changing my mindset, they stare back at me as if to say, it can't be that easy. No, it's not that easy. But it really does work.

I am a Mindset and Movement Coach and a Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Professional with a B.A. in Psychology, as well as a certified fitness coach in mat pilates and barre. I like to say that I was my first client—when I gained a considerable amount of weight in college, I remember not recognizing my own reflection both physically and mentally. I tried a TON of yoyo dieting and followed an inconsistent routine.

In my senior year of college, my life changed when I was given a one-year membership to a gym. This was the start of my true passion for movement and mental strength. I learned so much about myself that continued to unfold over the years bringing us to the present day where I have married the two to become a mindset and movement coach.

Throughout my fitness career, I have met so many people that were physically fit but lacked that same health in their mindset and mental health. Everything is all connected and they truly work hand in hand in order to cultivate sustainable well-being. Being able to tap into your body's needs, staying consistent, and recognizing when your mind and body needs me more is the act of being your own health advocate and activating the power of being the author of your own story.

And every story needs a good beginning.

I remember the exact day I decided to lose weight. I was in New York City with a friend and there was this huge staircase in the subway station on 5th Avenue and 53rd Street. The escalator was not working so my friend and I had to climb the stairs. I remember how difficult it was, and saying to myself I can do this. Eventually, when I got to the top I also remember saying to myself I will climb these stairs one day without a problem. Fast forward about 2 years. I remember the feeling of accomplishment when I did just that with a yoga mat and backpack on my back.

There are two things that have gotten me through the hardest times in my life: Being able to tap into my internal strength while seeing my physical strength develop is profound. It didn’t stop there—these realizations spilled into other areas of my life creating a full transformation. Read on to learn how I lost weight and how you can, too.

1. How I Lost the Weight


After years of yo-yo dieting and deprivation, I struggled to lose the weight I gained freshman year of college. I was given a one-year gym membership by my brother, my senior year in college. I was also introduced to Weight Watchers by my best friend's sister who recently had a baby and was using Weight Watchers to get back into shape. The combination of the two changed my life. I tried every class imaginable until I found a workout routine that worked for me. Through this I was also able to connect with like minded individuals that helped to support me in my weight-loss journey. When it came to nutrition, my curiosity was sparked! I learned the importance of hydration, having a colorful and balanced plate and eating foods that served me and my new active lifestyle. Over time this became a part of me, it became a lifestyle.

Related: 7 Best and Most Delicious Fast Food Meals Under 400 Calories for Weight Loss

2. My Advice for People Who Struggle With Maintaining a Positive Mindset While Working Toward Health and Fitness Goals

Silhouette of happy success positive teamwork hold hands up as business successful, business victory & celebrate achievement. Accomplish people merger & acquisitions concept.Shutterstock

The biggest thing in my coaching that I advise all my clients to do is write down their accomplishments! Often people are focusing on what they haven’t done vs. what you have. Having a working document or journal for you to reflect on regularly will help keep you motivated and remind you of what you are capable of.

3. Common Weight Loss Mistakes to Avoid

leg of fat woman being run or jog on belt of treadmill machineShutterstock

They don’t do things they enjoy! They tend to hop on trends and do what other people are doing which causes them to quit. Another thing that gets in the way is the desire for a quick fix! Sustainable change takes time and consistency. Most importantly they aren’t tapping into their WHY! This is what is going to get you out of bed when you don’t feel like doing it. If you can vividly paint a picture of why you are setting yourself up for success.

Related: Best Exercises For Ozempic, Wegovy and Other GLP-1 Medicine

4. Conquer Your Fears

fitness, sport, training, aerobics and people concept - close up of people working out with steppers in gym from backShutterstock

I recall when I started taking classes I would always go to the back of the class in fear of doing the moves wrong. I also wore baggy clothes for fear of being judged. As my physical body got stronger so did my mental strength and mindset. I started to care less about what people thought and moved from the back of the class to the front. I was less concerned about what people thought and more concerned about showing up for myself.

💪🔥Body Booster: Write down your accomplishments! Having a journal will help keep you motivated and remind you of what you are capable of.

Nadia Murdock is a Certified Fitness Instructor at Garage Gym Reviews.

Losing 30 pounds is a major achievement: Research shows that for the overweight, every pound lost has a positive impact on health—including blood pressure, cholesterol, improved mobility and much more. “For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, a 5% loss is 10 pounds, dropping your weight to 190 pounds. This modest weight loss can decrease your risk for chronic diseases related to obesity,” says the CDC. There’s no one-size-fits-all method: different people respond to different tactics, but the common denominator is weight loss success. Here are five people who lost 30 pounds, sharing exactly how they did it.

Sustainable Lifestyle Changes


You can get leaner in a chill/soft life way🤝 #longtermweightloss #sustainableweightlosstipsforwomen #weightlosstipsforwomenover35 #caloriesinvscaloriesout #fatlosshelpforwomen #intuitiveweightloss #sustainablefatlosstips #sustainableweightloss #sustainablefatloss #lowimpactworkout

Jessie (@jessiemgolden) lost 30 pounds and kept it off with what she calls a “chill, soft life way” which caused as little stress as possible. “I developed a strategy that suited my psychology,” she says. That consisted of looking at what she eats and figuring out what a trade-off might be in her diet, and how certain foods affected her metabolism. “I absolutely had a long-term view,” she says.

Calorie Deficit


#weightlosstransformation #weightlossprogress #beforeandafter

TikToker Jess (@pitalifts) lost weight using the good old-fashioned calorie deficit method. Jess showed how she handled her calorie deficit without getting too stressed, focusing on protein shakes, protein chips, and low-calorie high-protein meals with vegetables. This kept her feeling satiated even while cutting calories.

RELATED:12 Ways to Eat For Your Best Body After 40

Lots of Walking


You can actually feel your sugar doors open, for me I start to sweat and feel a huge rush of happiness and energy- similar to a runner’s high A single bout of moderate intensity exercise (walking for 30+ minutes) can increase the glucose uptake by at least 40% Here is a great video explaining the science @Dr Idz (MBBS, MRes, Dip IBLM) #pcosweightloss #sugardoors #pcosexercise #pcosworkout #pcosweightlosstips #weightlosstipsforwomen #walkingforweightloss #walkingforfatloss #insulinsensitivity

Mila (@mila.magnani) lost 30 pounds with PCOS and hypothyroidism by going on 30-40 minute walks. “You can actually feel your sugar doors open, for me I start to sweat and feel a huge rush of happiness and energy—similar to a runner’s high,” she captioned the video. “A single bout of moderate intensity exercise (walking for 30+ minutes) can increase the glucose uptake by at least 40%”

RELATED: 5 Effective Ways to Walk to Burn Body Fat

1,700 Calories a Day


what i eat in a day that helped me lose 30 pounds pt 4!! heres some high protein low calorie healthy food inspo for yall, lmk if u guys want any recipes ◡̈ Products➡️ Create Creatine gummies @Create Wellness use code DENISE25 for a discount & greens drink by @Bloom Nutrition #antiinflammatorydiet #burnbodyfat #whatieatinaday #highprotein #highproteinmeals #highproteinrecipes #highproteinsnack #highproteinlowcalories #whatieatinadayhealthy #bodyrecomposition #lose30lbs #glowup #weightloss #weightlosscheck #weightlosstransformation #weightlossprogress #howtoloseweight #guthealth ##howtolosebellyfat #healthy #gymtok #fittok #bloom #bloating #bloompartner #lifestyle #diet #healthyfoodinspo

Denise (@denisehamdan) lost 30 pounds by overhauling her diet, sticking to 1700 calories and 130+ grams of protein to help build muscle and stay satiated. So what are some of the things she eats on a daily basis? Coffee, supplements, egg wraps, a green drink, turkey snack sticks, a protein bar, and chicken alfredo from scratch.

Mind Over Matter


You deserve what you desire, now its time to earn it 🙏🙏 #chrisgordert #gordertgang

Chris (chris.gordert) lost 30 pounds in two months by changing his entire mindset. Along with lifestyle changes such as watching what he eats and increasing his cardio workouts, he says the real change came from within. It wasn’t until he changed his mental approach that real changes happened. “I changed my mind,” he says. “Sit down with yourself and write a contract up in your mind. No ifs, no ands, no buts. When you’re ready, sign it in your mind.”

💪🔥Body Booster: To avoid stress while in a calorie deficit, prioritize high-protein, low-calorie foods like protein shakes, protein chips, and veggies. This will help you feel full and satisfied.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

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Do you want to lose 44 pounds in three months? It may be as simple as incorporating some healthy habits into your lifestyle. Talia Fawaz is a social media influencer who boasts over 147,000 followers on Instagram, sharing about everything from her lifestyle to how she stays in shape. She recently posted a viral video about her weight loss, revealing how she lost an average of nearly 15 pounds per month. Here are ten changes she made to her lifestyle to lose weight.

I Focused on Changing My Diet

Close up cropped image of cutting board and couple cutting vegetables in the kitchen together, preparing food meal at home. Vegetarian healthy foodShutterstock

“First things first is food,” Talia says in the video. “I feel like food is actually super obvious.” She explains that if you don’t eat well and expect to lose weight, “it's not gonna happen.” She adds that she started losing weight by eating healthier.

It’s also “really important to know what you're eating, so I would definitely recommend eating at home and cutting out the outside food,” she says. “I wouldn't say cut it out completely, eat like once in a week, something you like from out, but most importantly is like eating at home because I feel like you really know what's in your food and I feel like, it's like a less likely chance that there are some ingredients there that you don't know that could be like stopping you from your weight loss goals.”

RELATED: 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week

I Implemented Volume Eating


Another one of her tricks? “I did a lot of volume eating,” says Talia. “I ate a lot of broccoli,” she continued. “I had a lot of salads, I had a lot of spinach, I had a lot of lettuce, cauliflower, and so many vegetables that will actually keep me full for a long time.”

I Amped Up My Protein Intake

Grilled sea bass fillet with salad and potatoes on stone tableShutterstock

She also amped up protein, consuming it “with each and every dish of mine,” she says. “Sea bass fish, broccoli, and a salad would be like my lunch. Like that was a truly a daily thing, and I actually enjoyed it so much.” She recommends pairing a protein with “just volume, volume fruits if that makes sense.”

RELATED: How I Lost 30 Pounds in 90 Days on the Mediterranean Diet

I Practiced Self-Discipline

Young sportive woman getting ready to start running workout - Athlete running outdoors at sunset - Attractive girl making sport to lose weight and stay fitShutterstock

“Commitment and self-discipline” are also key, she says. “A lot of people ask me, ‘How are you motivated?’” she says. “Like it's literally a war in your head.” But instead of saying that you will start tomorrow, you have to be unwilling to give up.

I Maintained a Positive Mindset

Portrait of positive inspired girl hipster lick lips spoon look copyspace feel interested about what she will eat breakfast wear white t-shirt isolated over bright shine yellow color backgroundShutterstock

You also need a “positive mindset” towards weight loss. This might involve not listening to your head, or if you do, and decide you want McDonald’s, get back on track the next day without beating yourself up.

I Had a Balanced Approach

Female leg is stepping on white scales at homeShutterstock

It’s also important to have “a balance,” says Talia. ”So it would be more like a lifestyle thing rather than a diet for a short period of time.” You can't have the mindset where you diet for a month and then eat whatever you want. “You have to make it like a lifestyle change.”

I Exercised

Attractive sports people are working out with dumbbells in gymShutterstock

She also started working out. “I did not have access to a gym like when I was trying to lose weight. So I would literally jog around my compound, jog around my area for about an hour or 30 minutes, and it was actually really fun. It wasn't like sprinting or jogging; it was usually like light jogging,” she revealed. She recommends 30 minutes of exercise a day to “slowly progress towards your goals.”

RELATED: 17 Ways Your Body Reacts When You Quit Ozempic

I Made It a Lifestyle Change

fitness, sport, people, exercising and lifestyle concept - happy man and woman doing jumping jack or star jump exercise outdoorsShutterstock

She emphasizes the importance of making it “more of a lifestyle change” and not being overly restrictive. “Just don't, don't restrict yourself and make it more of a lifestyle thing than a temporary thing because that's the only way it's gonna work.”

Finally, “Make this a fun journey,” she says. “You know, I feel like cooking is so therapeutic, so make it fun. If you want a cake, make it a healthy cake. If you want pizza, make it healthy pizza. All the recipes are all online.”

💪🔥Body Booster: Eat plenty of low-calorie, high-volume foods like broccoli, salads, spinach, lettuce, and cauliflower to feel full for longer. These vegetables are great for weight loss as they keep you satisfied without adding many calories to your diet.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you doing everything you think you should do to lose weight but aren’t achieving the desired results? It might be time to look at your habits. Vimal Rajput is a fitness trainer whose mission is to “help people become the fittest version of themselves physically and mentally,” she writes in her Instagram bio. In a new social media post, she explains she “lost weight so much faster” when she stopped doing these a few things and incorporated other habits into her routine.

She Didn’t Make Drastic Changes

The first thing she didn’t do was make drastic changes. “I didn’t cut out my favourite foods, neglect my social life or drastically slash calories,” she writes.

She Did Give Herself Time to Lose Weight

Something she did do was be patient with herself. “I gave myself plenty of time (6 months) to lose the weight because I wanted to maintain myself,” she says.

She Didn’t View Weight Loss As a Quick Fix

She also had a realistic mindset, looking at her weight loss as long-term rather than something that would happen overnight. “I didn’t view this as a quick fix I viewed it as a lifestyle change.”

She Did Get Into a Calorie Deficit

She also considered the numbers, prioritizing a calorie deficit essential for weight loss. “I maintained a reasonable deficit, which made the process simple and easy,” she says.

She Didn’t Go to Extremes with Exercise

And, while she knows it’s essential to move, she didn’t go to extremes with exercise. “I didn’t go excessive cardio or obsess over hitting 10k steps a day,” she says. “I really wanted to hit those 10k steps to give myself a little boost in the right direction and to encourage myself to get outside but I had a really demanding desk job that didn’t lend well to getting outside.”

She Took the Stress Out

She also tried to stay calm and relaxed, not putting too much pressure on herself. “I took the stress out of that piece which helped the process,” she writes. “And guess what? I still made progress!” She added: “Cutting out stress where possible also aids in weight loss, and way too many of us focus on things that don’t actually matter in the big picture.”

She Didn’t Focus on the Scale

She also tried not to measure success by her weight. “I didn’t focus on the numbers on the scale and focus more so on how I fit in my clothes and looked in the mirror,” she said. “I used the scale as one piece of data but what mattered most to me was how I felt physically and emotionally.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't missI’m a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

Dr Tony Hampton
I'm an Obesity Doctor and These 6 Natural Methods Match Ozempic's Benefits
Copyright Dr Tony Hampton/YouTube

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

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We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you wake up feeling tired, only to struggle with cravings and low energy all day? Your morning routine might be sabotaging your weight loss efforts. Dr. Tony Hampton, a board-certified Family and Obesity Medicine specialist, reveals five science-backed morning habits that can transform your metabolism and help you finally achieve sustainable fat loss. Read on to discover simple changes that could revolutionize your weight loss journey.

1. Hydrate the Right Way

The very first thing you should do when waking up isn't checking your phone or grabbing coffee – it's hydrating your body. "After six to eight hours without fluid, dehydration slows your metabolism, increases hunger hormones, and makes your body cling to fat instead of burning it," Dr. Hampton explains in his post.

Morning dehydration can significantly impact your metabolism. "When you wake up, your body is in a dehydrated state after hours without water," Dr. Hampton points out. This state of dehydration directly affects your body's ability to burn fat efficiently.

But it's not just about drinking plain water. Dr. Hampton recommends adding a pinch of high-quality sea salt or electrolytes to replenish minerals lost overnight and support adrenal function. "If you really want to supercharge fat burning, add a squeeze of lemon for a natural liver detox or a splash of apple cider vinegar to support insulin sensitivity," he suggests.

The benefits of this strategic hydration are immediate. "Within minutes, your metabolism wakes up, digestion improves, and you're less likely to experience cravings and energy crashes later in the day," says Dr. Hampton. He also emphasizes the accessibility of this habit: "What's cool about water is that it's simple, powerful, and completely free."

2. Get Natural Light in Your Eyes

Sunny,Beautiful,Picture,Of,Young,Cheerful,Girl,Holding,Hands,Up, happy, celebrate , morning, sun, sunshine, sunflower, sunset, sunrise8 Morning Habits That Target Stubborn Belly Fat While Boosting EnergyShutterstock

Within the first 30 minutes of waking up, try to expose your eyes to natural sunlight. "Your metabolism is directly tied to your circadian rhythm, the body's internal clock that regulates hormones like cortisol, insulin, and leptin," says Dr. Hampton.

This often-overlooked habit has tremendous impact on fat loss. Dr. Hampton notes, "When your eyes detect natural light, your brain gets a signal to lower melatonin and increase wakefulness hormones, which helps regulate blood sugar, reduce cravings, and optimize energy."

The morning light exposure does more than just wake you up. "It tells your body that it's time to be active, making you more likely to burn fat efficiently throughout the day," Dr. Hampton explains. The time commitment is minimal for significant benefits.

"Even just five to 10 minutes of morning sunlight without sunglasses can improve your metabolic rate, increase focus, and help you sleep better at night, which is critical for fat loss," he advises. For those with limited access to morning sunlight, Dr. Hampton offers an alternative: "If you live in a place where morning sun isn't always available, or you're an early riser like me, using a bright light therapy lamp for a few minutes can have similar benefits. Just make sure that the light has at least 10,000 lux."

3. Front-Load Your Protein

Greek yogurt granola and berry mix.Shutterstock

The Breakfast Mistake Most People Make

One of the biggest morning mistakes is starting your day with carbohydrate-heavy foods. "One of the biggest mistakes people make is starting their day with a carbohydrate heavy meal like grits, oatmeal, cereal, or toast," Dr. Hampton warns. The consequences are immediate and counterproductive to weight loss goals.

"All of that starch, starch, starch will raise your sugar, sugar, sugar. This blood sugar spike causes an insulin surge and leads to mid-morning hunger and, unfortunately, fat storage," explains Dr. Hampton. This pattern sets you up for a day of cravings and energy crashes.

The Protein Solution

Dr. Hampton has a clear alternative: "If you want to lose weight, you need to front load your protein." This simple shift in your breakfast approach can dramatically change your body's fat-burning potential.

"Protein first thing in the morning is the most effective way to control appetite, increase muscle protein synthesis, and trigger thermogenesis, meaning your body burns more calories just digesting it," Dr. Hampton explains. The amount matters, too.

"In my clinic, I recommend my patients get at least 30 grams of protein within the first 90 minutes of waking up," he shares. Getting this much protein doesn't have to be complicated. "This can come from eggs, sausage, bacon, or even a high-fat, low-sugar Greek yogurt with nuts may do the trick for some of you guys," suggests Dr. Hampton.

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat

How Protein Changes Your Day

The benefits of a protein-rich breakfast extend well beyond the morning. "It stabilizes blood sugar, reduces cravings, and makes you naturally eat fewer calories throughout the day," Dr. Hampton points out. There's also a significant mental benefit.

"Protein increases dopamine levels, helping you feel more focused and motivated, critical to sticking to your weight loss plan," he adds. For those who have struggled with inconsistent results, Dr. Hampton offers encouragement: "If you've been struggling with hunger, fatigue, or constant snacking, this one change could be the key to finally seeing results."

4. Move Before You Eat

Happy young woman enjoying delicious granola with greek yogurt for breakfastShutterstock

Getting some movement before your first meal can significantly boost fat loss. "Fasted movement forces your body to tap into stored fat for energy instead of relying on glucose," says Dr. Hampton. The good news is that this doesn't require a strenuous workout regimen.

"I'm not saying you need to do an intense workout first thing in the morning, but even just a 10 to 15 minute walk, some light stretching, or body weight exercises can make a huge difference," Dr. Hampton reassures. The science behind this approach is compelling.

The Science of Fasted Movement

Dr. Hampton explains the metabolic mechanism at work: "This works because movement in a fasted state increases fat oxidation, the process where your body breaks down fats like triglycerides into smaller molecules like free fatty acids, which can then be used as energy by the body, primarily occurring within the mitochondria of your cells."

This process aligns with your body's natural preferences. "Did you know that your body prefers burning fat as fuel? That's right. Your body prefers burning fat as fuel," Dr. Hampton emphasizes. Beyond immediate fat burning, there are longer-term metabolic benefits.

"Fat oxidation also improves insulin sensitivity, making your metabolism more efficient for the rest of the day," he explains. This creates a positive cycle that supports continued weight loss.

Options for Different Schedules

Dr. Hampton acknowledges that everyone's morning routine and fitness level differ. For those with more time, he suggests: "For those of you who have time in the morning, adding in resistance training or short bursts of high intensity movement like jumping jacks, pushups, or squats can further amplify the fat burning effect."

Even for those with minimal time, there's still a way to benefit. "If you're someone who can't workout in the morning, at least aim to walk five to 10 minutes before breakfast," advises Dr. Hampton. He emphasizes the long-term impact of this simple habit: "The difference it makes in long-term fat loss is incredible."

5. Control Your First Dopamine Hit

Mindfulness,Woman,Breathing,Fresh,Air,happy​Taking Action Against Hidden SugarsShutterstock

The final morning habit focuses on protecting your brain chemistry. "If you can't control your first dopamine hit of the day, you set yourself up for cravings, low energy, and decision fatigue later on," Dr. Hampton cautions.

The Modern Morning Trap

Most people begin their day with activities that create unhealthy dopamine patterns. "Most people start their day by scrolling their phone, checking emails, or consuming highly stimulating content," Dr. Hampton observes. The consequences extend well beyond just the morning hours.

"The problem? This floods the brain with dopamine first thing in the morning, making it harder to resist junk food, emotional eating, and even binge watching TV later on," he explains. This neurological pattern creates a day of struggle against cravings and poor choices.

Building Dopamine Resilience

Instead of starting with high-dopamine activities, Dr. Hampton recommends alternatives that set you up for success. "Instead, you want to start your morning with something that naturally regulates dopamine, like writing in your journal, meditation, reading, or even just sitting in silence with your coffee," he suggests.

These calmer activities have profound benefits for your weight loss journey. "By doing this, you build resilience to cravings, improve focus, and make it easier to stick to your fat loss goals," Dr. Hampton explains. The impact of this mental preparation extends throughout your entire day.

"Think of it this way. If you can win the first hour of your day, you can win the next 23," Dr. Hampton affirms. This approach to dopamine management creates a foundation for better decisions all day long.

6. Start Small for Big Results

Sports woman drinking bottle of water.​HydrateShutterstock

Creating new habits doesn't happen overnight, and Dr. Hampton encourages a gradual approach. "Imagine how different your body would feel if, starting tomorrow morning, you hydrated strategically, got natural light in your eyes, prioritized protein, moved before eating, and controlled your dopamine," he suggests.

The key is to start with manageable changes. "You don't need extreme things to make a big change. You just need to change your habits, one morning at a time," Dr. Hampton advises. This approach prevents the overwhelm that leads many people to abandon their weight loss efforts.

Dr. Hampton recommends beginning with just one habit: "Pick one of these habits and start tomorrow." This incremental approach makes lasting change much more achievable than trying to overhaul your entire routine at once.

7. Working With Your Body, Not Against It

Happy woman in bright dress in rapeseed field. Nature, vacation, relax and lifestyle. Summer landscape.


The fundamental principle behind these morning habits is cooperation with your body's natural processes. "The more we understand how to work with our bodies instead of against it, the easier fat loss becomes," Dr. Hampton explains.

This perspective shift—from fighting your body to supporting its natural functions—makes weight loss more sustainable. Rather than extreme diets or punishing workout regimens, these habits enhance your body's inherent fat-burning capabilities.

By implementing these science-backed morning routines, you're creating the optimal conditions for your metabolism to function at its best. As Dr. Hampton says, "You just need to change your habits, one morning at a time," and these small, consistent changes can lead to remarkable transformations in your health and appearance.

Sarah Dussault sarahfit
Copyright sarahfit/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to experience a major glow-up this year? Start incorporating some healthy habits now. Sarah Dussault is a fitness and nutrition coach who helps “women 40+ transform how they look & feel,” she writes in her Instagram bio. In a new post, she reveals seven habits that will help you transform your body and mind. “If I wanted to feel like a smokeshow after 40 in 2025,” she writes. “Here’s what I’d do in order of importance.”

Have Confidence

“First, to feel like a smoke show you need to have confidence. Confidence isn’t about perfection; it’s about owning who you are, flaws and all. When you feel good physically and mentally, your confidence will naturally shine through,” she writes.

Strength Training

to improve your body image “start strength training,” she continues. “Studies have shown that following a strength program boosts self confidence. So if you’re still just doing cardio, this is your memo to start adding in strength! I recommend 3-4x a week.”

Wear Flattering Clothes

Next, “wear clothes that are flattering,” she suggests. “I love to follow creators who share my body type and style. If you are still waiting for your old faves to fit again, it’s time to invest in some new clothes. I also recommend going into a store like Evereve where they help you pick out clothes that actually fit and look good on your body type.”

Prioritize Self-Care by Sleeping

Her next suggestion? Prioritize self-care “especially when it comes to sleep,” she says. “Getting 7-8 hours of sleep is so important for hormone regulation (hello, leptin and ghrelin staying in check to avoid overeating), energy and motivation, reduced stress and improved metabolism.”

Eat Enough Protein

Amp up your protein intake. “Eat 30-40g of protein at every single meal. This helps preserve your muscle, build new muscle, promote satiety, support bone health and balancing blood sugar levels,” she writes.

Get Your Steps in

Tie up your walking shoes and “aim to get 7500-10,000 steps every day,” she writes. “This helps with weight management, bone health, MOOD and improving sleep.”

Track Macros

Finally, “track macros at least 1x/wk,” she suggests. “This is because most of my new clients aren’t eating enough! This allows you to see visually and feel how much food you need for optimization based on your goals. I help my new clients figure out their target macronutrients based on their diet history.”

Remember, You Are Worthy!

Her final message? “You deserve to feel like a smokeshow in 2025. You are worthy of feeling confident in your skin,” she writes.