Are you trying to lose weight but can't seem to sift through all the fat loss facts versus myths? Emma Storey Gordon is a fat loss coach and social media influencer who helps her clients lose fat and keep it off. In a new social media post, she pops the lid on a few weight loss myths circulating on the web. “3 fat loss myths that will help you lose fat,” she writes. “There are a lot of myths around fat loss & many of them stick around because they do work. Just not for the reasons being claimed,” she explains.
Starvation Mode
The first myth is the starvation mode. “This is the idea that you can eat too little to lose weight. On a physiological level, this isn’t true…if it was, then no one would starve,” she writes. “But on a behavioral level, this can certainly be true in the sense that setting your calories too low inevitably ends in you overeating and/or giving up and thus not adhering to a calorie deficit long term. If people believe in starvation mode, then they will often eat more, adhere to the diet, and get better results.”
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You Aren’t Losing Weight Because You’re Building Muscle
Myth two is that you aren’t losing weight because you’re building muscle. ”The truth is that although some fat loss can be masked on the scale by muscle building, if you are losing a significant amount of fat you will lose weight (long term),” she writes. ”This is because your rate of fat loss is going to be faster than your rate of muscle gain. Even if your fat loss is pretty slow! e.g you are certainly not going to be building 0.5lbs of muscle every week (sorry, this information is painful for me too) This myth is useful as it stops people freaking out about the scales!!!”
You Shouldn’t Eat After 6 PM
The third and final myth? You shouldn’t eat after 6 p.m. “Food has the same caloric value before and after 6 pm,” she says. “However, the evening is also the time that most people go off track with their diet. So having a rule of not eating after 6 p.m. will likely help you stick to your diet and avoid mindless eating in front of the TV.”
And, to Reduce Calories Without Tracking, Don’t Drink Your Calories
In another post, she reveals 6 ways to reduce your calories without tracking. ”You don’t NEED to track calories to lose weight. Here are some quick and easy wins,” she says. The first? “Reduce liquid calories from drinks - that means milky/fancy coffees, fizzy drinks, ALCOHOL.”
Swap Out Your Starch
She also recommends swapping out carbs. “Swap half your starchy carb portion for salad or veg - This will save you calories without dropping food volume,” she writes.
Swap Sauces for Spice
Don’t fall victim to high-calorie sauces. “Swap sauces for spices,” she suggests. “No need to have bland food but mayo/ketchup/sweet chilli sauce can add a shed load of calories toy our meals if you aren’t careful,” she writes.
Eat Slower
Don’t eat so fast! “Eat slower,” she advises. “Maybe use chop sticks or have water with each meal and remove distractions!”
Cook Your Own Food
Eating out usually results in consuming more calories. “Prepare your own meals” at home, she recommends. “That way you know what is in them.”
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Cook with Spray Cooking Oils
“Cook with spray cooking oils” is her last tip. “Oil is 100% fat and is so easy to over consume, using 1 cal cooking spray can easily save you 100 odd calories. You can easily create a big enough deficit to start losing fat by making these swaps.”