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From Struggling Mom to Fit Influencer: How I Dropped 40 Pounds with These 3 Simple Habits

Ashley Hughes reveals how she reinvented herself.

Have you struggled to lose weight but failed time and time again? You may have to shift your mindset, says one influencer. Ashley Hughes is a mother of four who regularly shares her weight loss journey. In a new video, she reveals that establishing three healthy habits was a core part of her slim-down success, ultimately helping her drop 40 pounds.

It's Never Too Late to Reinvent Yourself, She Says

At the start of the clip, she explains that she wants to discuss "reinventing yourself" using her own story. "I think most of us at some point think it's too late to create changes, even if deep down we really want something," she says in the video. She hit a point "where I felt I wasn't in control of so many areas of my life, and that I just needed to accept where I was physically, financially, emotionally, really, I just felt every aspect of my life just felt sad," she said.

She Struggled to Lose Weight for Years

"Up until that point, I had done countless weight loss challenges in my life," she continued, explaining that after having each of her babies, "the weight seemed just to be a little more difficult to get off. You know, I'd gain weight with each pregnancy and then not lose all of it. And then I was pregnant again, which meant more weight."

She Hit Rock Bottom

She finally hit a bottom with her weight. "This was all me. And I could accept my past decisions of never finding time to exercise and not paying attention to my nutrition. I could have accepted that this is just who I am. So why bother even trying? For a while, I actually did feel that way because I had tried so many things in the past, yet I always found myself back here, back in the same routine of eating habits and having no physical activity, a part of my daily routine. This is where I ended up every single time."

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A Discussion with Her Husband Sparked Change

However, on the last day of October, she sat down with her husband and talked about "all of the areas of my life that I wasn't happy with and that I really wanted to change," she says. "What was interesting was the whole month of October when I was living in a state of acceptance, you know, accepting the fact that my past decisions had made up my life and that this was just who I was."

She Decided She "Deserved More"

"When I sat down with my husband, and I had this conversation with him and just opened up about the fact that I wasn't happy and I wanted to change at that moment, I immediately felt better. I felt happier. I felt excited. It was like this moment of realizing, no, I am the creator of my life, and I get to decide what my next chapter looks like. That immediately lit a flame inside me. And I believe it takes this realization moment for all of us to decide we want more or deserve more finally, and we're far more capable of maybe what we are accomplishing," she says.

She Committed to 6 Months

"On November 1st, I remember waking up with a new feeling inside of me that I wanted to change but wasn't sure how I was going to go about it," she admits. She "stumbled across a little graphic on Instagram that said something along the lines of, if you committed yourself to six months of doing these things on this checklist — some of those items were working out four to five times a week, personal development, going for walks, getting eight hours of sleep, cutting out negativity — and I remember reading that and feeling a fire inside of me, and I knew that I had to do this. I had to commit myself to six months of really trying."

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She Focused on Personal Development

And so she started "spending time daily in personal development, meditating and focusing on removing negativity from my life, which included negative thoughts or self-talk, this was literally the answer I needed to change my life and to reinvent myself completely," she continues. She also stopped staying up late and eating unhealthy food. "Let me tell you something I really found to be true during this whole journey. The day you decide to change, and you wake up, and you're crossing things off your checklist that are helping you move the needle towards your goals, you will never be happier than when you are working towards something," she says.

Habit 1: Immerse Yourself Into Your New Lifestyle

What are some different ways to apply this idea and create a new daily routine that you will stick to? Here are the three habits. The first is "to immerse yourself into the world of whatever it is you're trying to go after," she says. "To really completely reinvent yourself, you've got to be eating, sleeping, breathing, this new lifestyle."

She recommends "following accounts on social media that will inspire you every single day to stick to your new lifestyle, unfollow anyone who maybe causes you to have negative thoughts or will distract you from becoming this new version of yourself, find podcasts, YouTube, videos, books, eBooks, all things related to your topic," she suggests. "Maybe you've heard of the power of proximity, who you surround yourself with, you become, and this can absolutely be virtual. You don't have to know these people to be inspired by them and for them to influence your daily decisions."

Habit 2: Create Daily Action Step Goals

"I would also make a point to create daily action step goals. Make the action your goal. So, instead of saying, my goal is to lose 20 pounds, that can be your big goal, but your goal today is to get your workout in and to stick to your meal plan. When the day is over, you will feel so much more accomplished because you achieved your goal," she says. "When you do this consistently, your big goal happens by default. This can be applied to any goal you have. Create action step goals on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis that are bringing you closer to your big goal."

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Check in with Yourself Nightly

"A very important step is to check in with yourself every single night. Reflect on your day and the decisions you made. Did you make decisions based on your old past self, or did you make choices? This renewed higher version of yourself would make the simplest way to stay on track when it comes to reinventing yourself is to consider your highest self in every decision you make each day. Is this the choice the higher version of you would make? If not, don't do it, and eventually, you will become this person. In fact, the decisions that used to be so hard or uncomfortable for you to make will become uncomfortable for you not to make them because this is just who you are now. This is the new you," she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more