Are you over 50 and aren’t sure what to do to lose weight? Ilene Block is the founder of Silver and Strong, a coaching company that specializes in helping women over 50 get into the best shape of their lives. By making a few simple changes to her routine, she lost 40 pounds at 61 (and 55 pounds altogether). In a new post, she breaks down her strategy into six simple tips. “If you’re a woman 50+ who wants to become unrecognizable in 2025, do these 6 things,” she writes.
Make Yourself a Priority
The first thing you need to do is prioritize yourself. “Most women, particularly in our age group, put everyone else’s needs before their own,” she says. “The cliche ‘you take better care of others when you take care of yourself first’ is a cliche because it’s true. YOU have to become your priority.”
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Eat One Gram of Protein Per Pound of Goal Bodyweight
Next, she recommends eating one gram of protein per pound of body weight daily. “Most women don’t eat enough protein. Protein is the key building block for strong muscles, which you need to help build strong bones which will keep you independent and with quality of life as you age,” she writes. “Track your food and be accurate. If you’re not, you’re only fooling yourself and won’t get the results you want.”
Lift Heavy Weights
Next, lift heavy weights or weights that are heavy for you. “Strength training, combined with macro nutrition, is the fountain of youth!” she says. “You MUST strength train if you want to be fit and healthy and remain independent as you age.”
Drink Enough Water
Make sure to drink enough water. Why is hydration important? “On average, women our age would drink around 80 oz of water a day. Our bodies need water to regulate our body temp, lubricate joints, support brain health and keep our skin hydrated,” she says.
Get Enough Sleep
Getting enough sleep is also important. “Sleep can become a challenge after menopause, but has never been more important. It takes us longer to recover from exercise post menopause and when we sleep, this is when most of our recovery takes place,” she says. “If you develop sleep issues post menopause (like I did), HRT may help (it did for me). Talk to your doctor.”
Focus on Your Mindset
Finally, focus on your mindset. “We become set in our ways as we age and often don’t realize the negative self talk that is going on,” she says. “Start paying attention to how you talk to yourself. Try this - talk to yourself the way you’d talk to your best friend - not your worst enemy!”