Are you struggling to lose weight, even though you think you are taking all the right steps? Lois Hughey is a weight loss warrior and coach who lost 15 pounds and kept it off. Now, she makes it her mission to help women over 50 “simplify nutrition and fitness” and regularly offers tips for sustainable fat loss in menopause on her social media feeds. In a recent post, she reveals it took her “4 decades to finally figure out what really helps to lose weight and keep it off,” she writes across the video. “Here are the things that finally clicked,” she adds in the caption.
Stop Looking for “Hacks” and “Tricks”
Are you looking for a magical quick fix for losing weight? Don’t, says Louis. “Stop looking for ‘hacks’ and ‘tricks,’” she writes. “There are none. If you want fat loss that sticks, be consistent with the boring stuff day after day.”
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You Don’t Need Special Food
Her next realization? “You don’t need special food,” she writes. “Low carb this, extra fiber that. And the worst… bars and shakes instead of a real meal. You don’t need special bread or fiber tortillas. They can really mess with your gut, and if you want the real thing, eat the real thing.”
Keep It Simple
When it comes to diet, don’t overcomplicate things. “Keep it simple,” Lois instructs. “Food is three things…a protein, a carb, and a fat. Make sure you have all three on your plate at every meal.”
Carbs Are Good for You
If you believe that carbs are the enemy when it comes to weight loss, you are wrong. “Carbs are good for you,” says Lois. “Carbs are NOT why you can’t lose weight. Eating too many calories is why you can’t lose weight. Women in menopause need carbs for energy, especially if you exercise. They also help lower cortisol, and if you are always go-go-go, carbs might help.”
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Weekend Calories Count
Cheat weekends may be keeping you from losing weight. “Weekend calories count,” Lois reminds me. “If you do great five days a week but don’t pay attention on the weekends, you won’t get very far. 5 days out of 7 is only 71%, which blows the 80/20 rule out of the water.”
Eating “Clean” Doesn’t Lead to Weight Loss
Eating “clean,” “pretty well,” and “watching what you eat” means nothing, according to Lois. “Calories are calories no matter where they come from. Lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and whole grains will fill you up and give you tons of nutrients. Can you sometimes choose the donut? Yes,” she says.
Nutrition Trumps Exercise
“Exercise is great; nutrition will always come first,” writes Lois. “Walking goes a long way toward helping your body burn more calories. Lifting weights helps build muscle, which keeps your metabolism working really well. But if you think you can eat as much as you want while exercising, you are always going to be stuck.”
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Listen to Your Body
“Listen to your body,” she concludes. “As women, we aren’t very good at this. We eat in the car. We eat nuts at the counter when we get home at 5:00. We pour a glass of wine while making dinner. We have lost our hunger and fullness cues by skipping meals or forgetting to eat. Slow down and pay attention to hunger, fullness, and emotion.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.