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Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Coach Dropped 100 Pounds Using These 9 Daily Habits

Start building these habits and watch the weight fall off.


Are you trying to lose weight but can’t seem to achieve any success? You might need to incorporate some new strategies into your life. Dusty Young is a weight loss warrior and coach who personally lost 100 pounds and helped others do the same. The “recovering fat kid” regularly shares tips, tricks, and insights into losing weight in a natural and sustainable way. In a new post, he unveils the 9 fat loss strategies that helped him lose 100 pounds. “These changed everything!” he wrote in his Instagram post. “First things first – If you don’t eat less calories than you burn, you’re not losing weight. Period. These are the things that helped me do just that!”

He Ate Bigger Meals

According to Dusty, less snacking was one of the key components of his weight loss. Instead, he focused on eating bigger meals. “I tried eating more frequent, smaller meals throughout the day, but it just left me constantly hungry & always thinking about food. Bigger meals don’t,” he says in his post.

He Ate More Protein

Amping up his protein intake was also an important habit he incorporates. “Eat high protein,” he writes. “It helps preserve & build muscle, but also keeps you fuller longer. Aim for around 1 gram per pound of your ideal body weight.”

He Put Thought Into His Meals

Don’t eat thoughtlessly, he continues. “Put thought into my meals,” he writes. “You don’t have to plan and prep everything, but it’s a lot easier to hit your goals if you don’t have to make decisions on the fly.”

He also started strength training and building muscle. “Lift weights 2-4x a week,” he encourages. “Muscle is your best friend for boosting metabolism and longterm weight-loss & management.”

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He Prioritizes Sleep

Getting enough sleep is also key. “Set a consistent bedtime,” he writes. “Getting 7-9 quality hours of sleep increases energy & keeps cravings at bay. Make it easy by setting a non negotiable bed time.”

And, he also started walking. “Get at least 7,000-10,000 steps a day – You don’t NEED to do a bunch of cardio - just stay active and move throughout the day. Every step adds up!” he writes.

He Doesn’t Drink His Calories

Next, he stopped drinking his calories. “Limit liquid calories,” he writes. “Sodas, juices, & fancy coffee drinks are sneaky calorie bombs that don’t fill you up. Stick to water, seltzer, tea, simple coffees, & zero sugar drinks the majority of the time.”

RELATED: 13 Tips That Took This Coach From 30% to 10% Body Fat

He Eats Mostly Nutrient Dense Foods

He also eats mostly nutrient dense foods. “Focus on whole-foods. They give you the biggest bang for your buck. They’re high in nutrients and fiber, which means you’ll feel full, energized, and on track with your goals,” he says.

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He Avoids Extreme Restrictions

Also, avoiding extreme restrictions was a big deal. “Losing the weight became a lot easier when I didn’t cut out my favorite foods like ice cream (that just led to binges). I just had to learn how to eat them in moderation,” he says.

“You don’t have to do ALL of these to see success, but the more you can focus on, the better off you’ll be. If this list seems overwhelming, start with the easiest one for you. Be consistent with it, and slowly add more over time,” he concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

More For You

Gillian Ferguson the_macro_method
Copyright the_macro_method/Instagram

Are you starting your week off on a healthy note? There are things you can do on Sunday to support your weight loss goals, says an expert. Gillian Ferguson of The Macro Method is a women’s nutrition coach and social media influencer “Helping you ditch diets & transform your body through macros, movement & mindset,” she maintains on her page. In a new post, she reveals how her Sunday prep keeps her in line for the week. “5 things I do every Sunday as a weight loss coach who has lost close to 50 lbs and wants to keep my body tight & healthy,” she captioned the Instagram video. “Your time, money, sanity, and health are all way too valuable not to do this.”

Review Your Calendar

Woman planning her monthly menstruation calendar, mark the days of menstruation and ovulation. She sitting on bed wearing home clothesShutterstock

Her first recommendation? Review your calendar for the week ahead. “I make sure all my workouts & walks for the week are on there, too - if they’re not, they’re not going to happen! If it’s a priority you’ll make it happen, if not you’ll make an excuse so write that ish down and stick to it,” she writes.

Stock Up on Groceries

Young woman in casual clothes at supermarket store looking at meat sausage and read ingredientsShutterstock

Next, assess your groceries situation and go shopping for the week ahead. “After I know the calendar, I spend a few mins thinking about meals for the week based on where we will be & what we have going on. Grab what I need for the week, stock up on produce and deli meat and all of our staples!” she says.

Pre-Log In Your Macros

Athlete using mobile phone app fitness tracker for tracking weight loss progress during running exercise. Fit girl woman touching smartphone texting or playing online games or video workouts.Shutterstock

Ferguston recommends pre-logging in MFP. “IF YOU ARE TRACKING MACROS AND YOU DON’T PRE LOG YOUR DAY, YOU ARE NOT SETTING YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS,” she says. “This doesn’t have to be a big thing. Don’t make it tedious. I plan the next day before I go to bed the night before.”

Plan for Events and Meals Out



4️⃣ Plan for any events or meals out 💃🏼

Generally the majority of my meals are eaten at home which is how I’ve maintained my weight loss for so long and I recommend the same for you. BUT of course I have a social life! Whether it’s family pizza night or a GNO, pre planning will make YOU feel more in control of your choices and will give you something to look forward to not obsess over. Even if your plan is to NOT TRACK, that’s ok. But you need a plan!

Tidy Up

Woman wiping stainless steel refrigerator door with rag and cleaning agent. Housewife cleans the kitchenShutterstock

Keeping your space clean and tidying up on Sunday can impact your week, says Ferguson. “Do yourself a favor & don’t start your week in chaos. A clean space does wonders for your focus & decision making. I’m ocd about this but you don’t have to be 😜 Just take some time on Sunday clean your space so when you wake up tomorrow to hit the ground running you’re not distracted by 213 other things to do first. This includes emails and texts,” she writes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Tameika Gentles tameikag
Copyright tameikag/Instagram

Do you want to lose weight, one step at a time? Tameika Gentles is a fitness coach and weight loss warrior who dropped a whopping 100 pounds sustainably. She recently offered a “JUICY step-by-step breakdown of how to lose 50 lbs and keep the weight off for good,” she writes. “If you’ve ever wondered why some people seem to drop weight effortlessly while you feel like you’ve been riding the struggle bus for years, let me tell you the truth. It’s not effortless, but their secret lies in their daily habits. And I know this first hand because I’ve lost 100 lbs and have kept the weight off for 18 years! So, here’s step-by-step what you need to do.”

Step 1: First 10 lbs

“Walk 8-10K steps a day. That’s it. This month, all you’re doing is moving more. Start small—pace while on calls, park farther away, get a walking pad, or go for a quick evening walk. No excuses,” she writes.

Step 2: Next 10 lbs

“Hydrate and nourish,” is step two. “Drink 2L of water daily. Add 1 cup of veggies to your meals. Aim for 100g of protein a day. Focus on adding healthy habits, not cutting things out. Keep walking 8-10K steps.”

Step 3: Next 10 lbs

Step three? “Hit the weights,” she says. “Strength train 3x a week to supercharge your results. Building muscle speeds up your metabolism and reshapes your body. Start light, focus on form, and keep it consistent.”

Step 4: 40 lbs Down

“Progressive overload is your new bestie,” is step four. “Gradually increase the weight you lift or extend your sessions slightly each week. This keeps your body challenged and growing stronger without risking injury.”

Step 5: Last 10 lbs

“Create a slight calorie deficit,” is the fifth step. “Not by cutting out foods, but by being mindful: Watch your portions for oils, dressings, and sauces. Cut back on mindless snacking.”

You Don’t Need to Fast

In another post, she reveals five mistakes she made that prevented her from losing weight, starting with fasting. “Fasting can work for some, but it’s not a must for results. Skipping meals often leads to overeating later, slows your metabolism, and can mess with your hormones. Sustainable weight loss is about finding balance, not extremes,” she writes.

She Also Recommends Staying Away From Low Carb Diets

She also recommends staying off low-carb diets. “Cutting carbs might lead to quick results, but is it realistic for life? Carbs fuel your body and mind—they’re not the enemy. You don’t need to cut out entire food groups to see progress,” she says.

Don’t Be Obsessive with Exercise

The third thing you don’t need to do? Excessive exercise. “More isn’t always better. It’s about consistency. 30 minutes of daily movement for a year beats an intense 3-week overhaul that leads to burnout and months of inactivity,” she writes.

No Detoxes

Also, stay away from detoxes. “Save your money. Your liver and kidneys are built-in detox powerhouses. Most detoxes are unnecessary (and some are even harmful). Focus on real, nourishing food instead,” she says.

Don’t Take Weight Loss Pills/Supplements

Finally, weight loss pills and supplements are also not needed. “They’re often unregulated, unsustainable, and don’t address the behaviors that lead to lasting change. I lost 100 lbs without them, and my clients succeed without them, too. You don’t need them,” she says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary
Copyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

Are you struggling to lose weight because you aren’t being honest with yourself? Hilary Carver is a fat loss coach who lost 100 pounds naturally and helps her clients do the same. In a new social media post, she gets real and brutally honest about the lies she told herself that were keeping her overweight. “Five lies that almost kept me stuck in a body I felt miserable in, that's probably keeping you stuck too,” she writes.

You Can Become the Person You Want to Be

“If you think you need to eat as little as possible, work 1000x harder, or wait until you hit your ‘goal weight’ to feel confident, it’s time to stop believing the BS that’s keeping you stuck,” she writes, adding that there may be “5 lies holding you back” and preventing you from becoming “the hot, aligned woman you’re meant to be.”

Overcoming These 5 Lies Helped Her Lose 100 Pounds

“Story time: all five of these are struggles that I had when I started my 100 pound weight loss transformation. And if I’m being really, really honest, there were many more lies than just these five,” she said.

Don’t Be Overwhelmed

“Getting started felt so overwhelming because of so many failed attempts before and past dieting history, the overwhelming amount of conflicting information I was reading and not knowing where to start, and an overall negative mindset. I’m just here to tell you as somebody who’s been there, you don’t have to stay stuck. You truly don’t. You are so much more capable than you realize. Just needed you to know,” she said.

Lie Number One

Lie number one is, “You think you need to eat as little as possible to lose weight,” she writes. “Starving yourself isn't sexy. It's miserable. If you want to lose weight and feel better, you need to eat enough to fuel your body, build your dream physique, and still enjoy the foods you love. You don't need to eat less you need to eat smarter.”

Lie Number Two

Lie number two: You believe you have to wreck yourself in the gym. “Endless cardio sessions, soul-crushing workouts. No thanks. The truth? You don't need to spend hours in the gym to see results. You'll see better results when you choose movement you actually enjoy because it feels freaking good.

Lie Number Three

The next lie? “You think you'll finally feel confident when you hit your weight goal,” she states. “Confidence isn't a number on a scale. Hot and aligned women decide to show up as their most confident selves now, not 20 pounds from now because when you feel good about yourself, the rest falls into place.

Lie Number Four

“Lie number four, you think it has to be all or nothing,” she states. “One bad meal doesn't ruin your progress. One missed workout doesn't mean you failed. Women who get in their hottest best bodies don't let small setbacks throw them off track. They show up stay consistent and keep moving forward.

Lie Number Five

Line number five? “You believe you're just meant to feel stuck. You're not stuck. You just haven't been given the right tools. Hot women don't settle for excuses. They decide that their best body and best life are worth working for, and they make it happen,” she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary
Coach Dropped 100 Pounds After She Stopped Believing These 5 Lies
Copyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you struggling to lose weight? You might need to make some lifestyle shifts, says one weight loss warrior-slash-expert. Hilary Carver is a fat loss coach who lost 100 pounds naturally and helps her clients do the same. In a new post, she reveals a few key things she learned on her journey that can help you lose weight as well. “I lost 100 pounds naturally. Here’s what I learned,” she writes.

She Started Taking Action

“A decade ago, I stood exactly where you are. I felt stuck in my body. Tired. Frustrated. Overwhelmed by the thought of starting again because, honestly, I wasn’t sure if I could follow through this time. But something shifted. I realized that if I wanted my life to change, I had to stop waiting for the ‘perfect time’ and start taking imperfect action,” she says.

She Lost 100 Pounds with No Crash Diets or Quick Fixes

“Over the next few years, I lost 100 pounds naturally. No crash diets. No quick fixes. I followed the exact framework I teach my clients—and it didn’t just transform my body... it changed my life. Here are the MOST important lessons I learned along the way,” she continued.

You Can’t Outwork a Bad Diet

First, she learned that you can’t outwork a bad diet. “For years, I thought I could exercise my way to results without addressing what I was eating. Spoiler: It didn’t work. When I finally learned how to make meal prep & planning simple, track my food without obsessing, and eat in a way that didn’t feel restrictive—everything changed,” she writes.

Mindset is the Real Work

Next, she realized that changing her mindset is the hardest part. “I had to face the excuses, the self-sabotage, and the limiting beliefs that kept me stuck. It wasn’t about motivation—it was about choosing to show up for myself, even on the hard days,” she says.

Your Lifestyle Will Make or Break You

Lifestyle is also important. “The secret to losing 100 pounds wasn’t in doing more. It was in building small, consistent habits that worked with my life—not against it. These small changes stacked up into a BIG transformation,” she says.

Nobody Is Coming to Save You

She also learned that “nobody is coming to save you.” “This one stings, but it’s the truth: If you want the transformation, you have to take accountability. You have to stop blaming your circumstances and start owning your choices. The moment I stopped making excuses, I started making progress.”

It’s Worth It

“This journey isn’t just about losing weight. It’s about gaining confidence, energy, and control over your life. It’s about becoming the version of you who feels proud when she looks in the mirror,” she concludes. “I know how overwhelming it feels to start, but I also know what’s waiting for you on the other side of your excuses—and it is SO worth it.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Maria Gad mariiiagad
Copyright mariiiagad/Instagram

Are you struggling to lose weight but experiencing frustration? You don’t need to complicate weight loss, says one expert. Maria Gad is a Fitness & Weight Loss Coach who uses her experience losing weight to help others. In a new post, she shares some simple tips on how to do it by changing up your diet. “5 eating habits that helped me lose 9 kg,” she writes. “These small changes helped me stay on track and achieve my goals! Try them out and see how they work for you!”


Her first tip? Start the day on a hydrated note. “Hydrate first! Drink water as soon as you wake up and before or with every meal,” she writes. According to the Mayo Clinic, hydration is essential for various reasons. Water helps eliminate waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature regular, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues.

Snack Smart

You can eat in between meals, but make good choices. “Snack smart,” Gad recommends. “Have a light snack before going out to avoid overeating later.”

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Meal Plan

Her next tip? Plan ahead. “When dining out, check the menu in advance to make healthier choices. Stick to 2 out of 3: starter, main, or dessert,” she writes. There is scientific evidence supporting the benefits of meal planning. Studies show that the more meals you eat prepared away from home, the higher your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and early death. One study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity found meal planning was associated with a healthier diet and less obesity.

Limit Alcohol

Don’t drink your calories, says Gad. “Limit alcohol. A drink now and then is fine, but remember it’s packed with hidden calories, can slow recovery, and mess with your sleep,” she writes.

Sauces on the Side

Don’t drench your food in sauce. “Sauces on the side” is a must, she says. “Ask for dips and sauces on the side to control portions and avoid unnecessary calories.”

Eat Protein Oats

You can still “eat delicious food AND still get results,” she writes in another post. “Eating healthy doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor or enjoyment. Here are 3 of my favorite meals that keep me on track while satisfying my cravings.” The first? Protein oats. “Tastes just like cake! Perfect for sweet mornings. Just mix oats, cocoa powder, protein powder, and a splash of milk. Top with melted peanut butter and dark chocolate. You’ll be in heaven!” she says.

Teriyaki Salmon Is Another Favorite Meal

Another one of her favorites is teriyaki salmon. “My go-to dish that I could eat every day! Marinate wild salmon in a teriyaki mix, bake it to perfection, and serve with rice and broccoli. It’s both nutritious and indulgent!” she writes.

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And, Halo Top

When it comes to sweet treats, you don’t have to deprive yourself. “Yes, I eat dessert every day!” she says. “A tub of Halo Top only has 320 calories, making it a guilt-free way to satisfy my sweet tooth after dinner.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't missthese 8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to lose weight but aren’t sure which habits are hurting or helping you? One expert has some suggestions. Luisana Carrero is a nutrition coach and social media influencer who knows how to lose weight and keep it off from personal experience. In a new social media post, she opens up about her journey. “4 mistakes I had to stop making before I could finally lose 28 pounds in 4 months,” she writes. “I used to think something was wrong with me, blaming my hormones and lack of willpower…Until I realized I was making these mistakes.”

Mistake: Eating Clean But Not Paying Attention to Calories

Her first mistake? “Eating clean without paying attention to the amount of calories I was consuming,” she says. “I thought eating clean meant I’d automatically lose weight 😅, but I didn’t realize that even healthy foods can lead to weight gain if you’re eating too much.”

Fix: She Used a Macro Calculator

How did she correct this mistake? “Instead, I started measuring my portions to ensure I was actually in a calorie deficit,” she writes. She recommends using a macro calculator.

Mistake: Rewarding Herself with Cheat Meals

Another mistake she made? Rewarding herselff with “cheat meals,” she says. “I’d be ‘good’ all week, then go overboard on cheat meals, turning one meal into an entire weekend of indulgence.

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Fix: Eating Mostly Healthy But Including Food She Loves

What does she do instead? “I incorporated a healthy balance of the foods I love into my daily diet (10-20% of my total calories). This made dieting less stressful and helped me stay consistent long enough,” she reveals.

Mistake: Neglecting Daily Movement

Another mistake she made? “Neglecting daily movement,” she writes. “I used to sit all day and assumed my 1-hour workouts were enough, but they weren’t.”

Fix: Daily Walks

Her fix was adding steps to her day. “Walking became a non-negotiable for me. I committed to hitting 10,000 steps every day, I do this by going on walks or using my walking pad,” she says.

Mistake: Surrounding Herself with People Who Didn’t Support Her Goals

Her final mistake? “Surrounding myself with people who didn’t support my goals,” she writes. “‘Friends’ would make fun of my choices, and I let it get to me.”

Fix: Setting Boundaries

How did she fix this? “I started setting boundaries and distanced myself from negativity. Prioritizing my own health and happiness became my focus,” she writes.

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These Small Changes Made a Big Difference

The bottom line? “These small but impactful changes completely transformed my life and I’m sure they’ll help you too,” she writes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Ruth Soukup
​Eat More Protein
Copyright ruthsoukup/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to lose weight but aren’t sure what foods to eat and which to avoid? Ruth Soukup is a midlife health and mindset coach who lost almost 50 pounds. She regularly shares her tips and tricks with hundreds of thousands of Instagram followers. “I lost 49 pounds at age 43 without dieting or Ozempic,” she writes. In two posts, she reveals 7 foods she eats “pretty much every day” and 7 she avoids. “I struggled with my weight for YEARS before I finally stopped dieting once and for all, and just focused on balancing my hormones instead. In the process, I lost 49 pounds and have kept it off, without ever counting calories,” she says.

What She Eats: Animal Protein

Animal protein is the first item on her list. “This usually includes bone broth and farm fresh eggs in the morning, chicken at lunch, and either beef, chicken, pork, or fish at dinnertime,” she says.

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Healthy Fat

Delicious fresh cottage cheese in bowl on table, closeup​5. Greek Yogurt/Cottage CheeseShutterstock

She also makes sure to eat healthy fat. “This mostly comes from avocado oil, EVOO, and butter, but also full fat dairy—heavy cream, cream cheese, cheese, sour cream, greek yogurt, and cottage cheese,” she says.


Asparagus. Fresh Asparagus. Pickled Green Asparagus. Bunches of green asparagus in basket, top view- Image13. Asparagus: 20 caloriesShutterstock

She eats lots of veggies, too. “Lots of broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, asparagus, bell peppers, onions, garlic, tomatoes, carrots, and Brussels Sprouts. I don’t eat a ton of salad, unless it’s a good Caesar with homemade dressing, which I make every few weeks,” she says.

Fresh Berries

Freshly picked blueberries in wooden bowl. Juicy and fresh blueberries with green leaves on rustic table. Bilberry on wooden Background. Blueberry antioxidant. Concept for healthy eating and nutritionShutterstock

Fruits are also on her shopping list, especially fresh berries. “Mostly strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries,” she writes.

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Fermented Foods

Milk,Kefir,Grains,Spoon, probiotics, health, gut, food, diet​Probiotic Foods: Kefir Greek YogurtShutterstock

“I try to eat at least a little bit of fermented food every day for the probiotics,” she says. “My favorite is kimchi, but I’ll also do fresh sauerkraut or kefir, and I make my own fermented ketchup (scroll down in my feed for the recipe.)”



Starches are also part of her diet. “I don’t tend to eat a ton of starchy food, but I do love real sourdough bread, and I also sometimes make potatoes or jasmine rice to go with dinner, depending on what we’re having,” she says.


Garlic Cloves and Bulb in vintage wooden bowl.​Prebiotic Foods: GarlicShutterstock

She also invests money in seasoning. “Generally lots of salt, pepper, garlic & onion powder, fresh herbs and hot sauce,” she writes. One of her favorites? The Green Dragon sauce from Trader Joes.

She Doesn’t Eat: Vegetable Oil


In another post, she reveals what she eliminated from her diet. “Vegetable oil or any other highly processed seed oils, as well as Crisco and margarine,” she writes. “These are all so toxic and highly inflammatory! I also tend to avoid any processed foods that contain these oils. Instead, I cook with butter, avocado oil, and olive oil.”


White granulated sugar and refined sugar cubes close-up in the kitchenSutterstock

She also stays away from sugar. “If I do need to use a sweetener for a recipe, I typically stick to monkfruit or allulose or a blend of those two,” she says.

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High Fructose Corn Syrup


High fructose corn syrup is another no-no. “Another highly toxic and inflammatory ingredient I try to avoid that is sadly way too common in so many processed foods,” she writes

Packaged Side Dishes

American creamy macaroni and cheese pasta mac & Cheese


Ruth also recommends avoiding packaged side dishes, “such as mac and cheese, stuffing, rice pilaf blends, scalloped potatoes, hamburger helper, etc.” These are highly processed foods.

Breakfast Cereal

multicolored cereals in a white bowl on blue backgroundShutterstock

Ruth strongly suggests staying away from breakfast cereal. Most of it is highly processed and contains lots of additives and sugar. If you want to eat cereal, opt for a higher-fiber, lower-sugar option.

Brownie and Cake Mix

Protein Brownie Batter

Brownies and cake mixes are also on her list of things to avoid. If you do enjoy baking, try cooking from scratch using healthier flours and sweeteners, which will result in a less processed and more nutritious product.

Fruit Juice

Close up of teenage woman drinking juice while looking through a window.​5. Fruit JuiceShutterstock

According to Ruth, fruit juice may sound nutritious, but you should stay away. ”Except for Clamato, which we use for Bloody Marys on the weekend! The rest of it is just pure sugar,” she says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Randy Kotey flattummycoach
Copyright flattummycoach/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you trying to lose weight and tackling nutrition, but nothing works? You might be making a common mistake. Randy Kotey, aka “The Flat Tummy Coach,” is a weight loss and fitness coach who helps his clients “lose weight and reduce bloat,” per his social media bio. In a new social media post, he gets honest about what it takes to get in shape, especially with nutrition. “Here are five common mistakes women often make when trying to lose belly fat,” he says.

Skipping Meals

You might think that skipping a meal helps you eat less throughout the day and will lead to weight loss. However, according to Kotey, this isn’t the case. In fact, it can make you put on weight instead. “Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can slow down metabolism and lead to overeating later in the day, making it harder to lose belly fat,” he writes.

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Relying on Low-Fat or Diet Foods

You are wrong if you are walking around the grocery store believing that low-fat and diet foods are the right option for weight loss. “Many low-fat or diet-labeled foods are high in sugar or artificial ingredients, which can contribute to belly fat. It’s better to focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods,” he says.

Not Eating Enough Protein

One major mistake women make is not eating enough protein, per Kotey. “Protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass and boosting metabolism. Not getting enough can make it harder to lose belly fat and maintain weight loss,” he writes. According to clinical trials, consuming more protein than the recommended dietary allowance not only reduces body weight (BW) but also enhances body composition by decreasing fat mass while preserving fat-free mass (FFM) in both low-calorie and standard-calorie diets.

Overeating Healthy Fats

Healthy fats can help your body burn fat. But eating too much of them will have the opposite effect. “While healthy fats like avocados, nuts, and olive oil are good for you, they are also calorie-dense. Overeating them can lead to an excess calorie intake, hindering belly fat loss,” Kotey explains.

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Drinking High-Calorie Beverages

Don’t drink your calories, even if they offer some health benefits. “Consuming sugary drinks, including fruit juices, smoothies, and certain ‘health’ drinks, can add a lot of hidden calories. These beverages can spike blood sugar levels, leading to increased belly fat. And if you enjoyed this article, don't missthese 8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat.