Are you starting your week off on a healthy note? There are things you can do on Sunday to support your weight loss goals, says an expert. Gillian Ferguson of The Macro Method is a women’s nutrition coach and social media influencer “Helping you ditch diets & transform your body through macros, movement & mindset,” she maintains on her page. In a new post, she reveals how her Sunday prep keeps her in line for the week. “5 things I do every Sunday as a weight loss coach who has lost close to 50 lbs and wants to keep my body tight & healthy,” she captioned the Instagram video. “Your time, money, sanity, and health are all way too valuable not to do this.”
Review Your Calendar
Her first recommendation? Review your calendar for the week ahead. “I make sure all my workouts & walks for the week are on there, too - if they’re not, they’re not going to happen! If it’s a priority you’ll make it happen, if not you’ll make an excuse so write that ish down and stick to it,” she writes.
Stock Up on Groceries
Next, assess your groceries situation and go shopping for the week ahead. “After I know the calendar, I spend a few mins thinking about meals for the week based on where we will be & what we have going on. Grab what I need for the week, stock up on produce and deli meat and all of our staples!” she says.
Pre-Log In Your Macros
Ferguston recommends pre-logging in MFP. “IF YOU ARE TRACKING MACROS AND YOU DON’T PRE LOG YOUR DAY, YOU ARE NOT SETTING YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS,” she says. “This doesn’t have to be a big thing. Don’t make it tedious. I plan the next day before I go to bed the night before.”
Plan for Events and Meals Out
4️⃣ Plan for any events or meals out 💃🏼
Generally the majority of my meals are eaten at home which is how I’ve maintained my weight loss for so long and I recommend the same for you. BUT of course I have a social life! Whether it’s family pizza night or a GNO, pre planning will make YOU feel more in control of your choices and will give you something to look forward to not obsess over. Even if your plan is to NOT TRACK, that’s ok. But you need a plan!
Tidy Up
Keeping your space clean and tidying up on Sunday can impact your week, says Ferguson. “Do yourself a favor & don’t start your week in chaos. A clean space does wonders for your focus & decision making. I’m ocd about this but you don’t have to be 😜 Just take some time on Sunday clean your space so when you wake up tomorrow to hit the ground running you’re not distracted by 213 other things to do first. This includes emails and texts,” she writes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.