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I Lost 6 Pounds in 6 Weeks and Shaved Inches Off My Waist by Adding 600 Calories Daily

One fat loss coach reveals that eating more stimulated her weight loss.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Most experts will tell you that if you want to lose weight, you need to eat less and exercise more. However, according to one expert, you can actually lose weight by amping up your caloric intake. Ann B Schulte is a fat loss coach who works with women over 40 in hopes of "empowering them "to live their most intentional, healthiest & inspired life!" In a recent Instagram post, she reveals what happened after she "added 600 extra calories" to her day for six weeks."

She Added 600 Calories Daily, 4200 Weekly

"You read that right. ⁣⁣I added 600 calories to my day – that's 4,200 calories to my week! Yes, it was scary, but it seemed backward, and I was skeptical. ⁣⁣ But also yes, I was tired of the grind of calories in vs calories out, and feeling depleted and hungry with no results to speak of," she writes in the post. "So here's what happened when I took six weeks and upped my calorie intake by 600 per day, 4,200 per week. ⁣⁣"

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She Lost 6 Pounds and 6 Inches

The first thing that happened? "I lost 6 inches and 6 pounds! Yes, when I started eating more, I lost weight and inches. See, all that restriction was actually causing high cortisol and fat storage. When I started eating up to my body's needs, my body released the extra fat stores," she writes.

The Extra Calories Fueled Her Workouts

The extra calories also fueled her workouts. "I was able to finally put on muscle and shape my body. I never understood how I could work so hard in the gym and not see results," she continued.

She Also "Got Happier" and Her "Energy Soared"

It also improved her mental health. "I got happier. My energy soared, I was sleeping better, my moods stabilized, and I had more patience for the ones I loved most. That alone was worth it⁣," she says.

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Your Body Might Need More Food

The bottom line? "So yes, while a calorie deficit is needed to lose weight, sometimes that still results in more than what we are eating. Your body has certain needs that are unique to you. Once you start giving your body what it needs, everything changes," she concludes.

Weight Loss Is Different in Your 40s and 50s

In another post she explains that losing weight in your 40s "really comes down to 3 simple things." She adds that it "doesn't have to be hard" to "lose weight and build muscle in this phase of life."

You Can't Undereat

⁣⁣⁣First, she points out that your body might need more food. "Stop undereating and start eating UP to your body's needs! Severe calorie restriction is out, people. And just not effective long term. Learning how to fuel your body specifically to its needs will spike your metabolism for you – yes, even in your 40s or 50s," she says.

You Also Might Need to Rethink Your Workouts

Next, rethink your workouts. "The intense calorie burn workouts are killing you and your cortisol levels, especially as you get older. I know it feels productive, but really, ask yourself if you are getting where you want to go by doing them. Getting strategic and thoughtful about your workouts and lifting heavy weights will give you the body composition changes you have been chasing," she says.

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And You Should Eat Carbs

Also, make sure to eat carbs. "If you really want to ramp up fat burn and get that metabolism firing, eat carbs. But choose the right ones and eat them strategically. It will give you energy, your body will love you, and you'll feel like yourself again," she says.

Those Are the Most Common 3 Mistakes

⁣There might be other things that are causing you to put on weight. "Of course, there are other key components, but these are the most common 'mistakes' I see women make as they get into perimenopause and beyond," she explains. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more