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We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

12 Steps to Sculpt the Ultimate Chest

This guide provides detailed instructions to help you build a stronger physique.

Young attractive woman with curly hair doing cable fly exercise in lunge position in modern bright fitness center. Toned image.

Since fitness culture's inception, a sculpted chest has always been a badge of honor. With a quick glance, even the most untrained eye could tell who does and doesn’t lift just by the shape of someone's pecs. A well-developed chest comes from proper training, which means you’ll get stronger in some of the most important movements. The main muscles used when targeting the chest are the pec major, minor, and, to a lesser extent, the deltoid. These muscles work together to create adduction, or bringing your arms towards the centerline of the body, and also are responsible for flexion, bringing your arm forward from your body. Here are 12 essential steps to sculpt the ultimate chest.

1. Really Feel It


Learn to feel your chest; now that you understand what the muscles of the chest do, try to focus on the sensation of them working during chest exercises.

Related: I'm a Fitness Expert and This is My Simple Beginner's Diet Plan That Actually Works

2. Visualize


Visualize the muscles of your chest moving during the concentric and eccentric portions of the movement to deepen your mind-muscle connection.

3. Warm Up With a Light Weight

Female,Personal,Trainer,Lift,Dumbells,weights,gym,workout, weightsShutterstock

Always ensure you’re properly warmed up before getting to working sets of chest exercises. I would advise against any deep stretching before training chest and instead advocate for 2-3 warm-up sets of the intended exercises with much lower weight and higher reps than what you actually intend to do. So warm up with a light weight and high reps to feel the burn in your chest before moving on to working sets.

4. Use an Appropriate Amount of Weight


Use an appropriate amount of weight, something that allows you to feel in control of the weight for the entirety of the movement.

5. Use This Combo


Always combine a fly motion with a press motion on days when you're training your chest; this ensures that your chest is being worked through both ranges of motion for which it is responsible.

Related: How I Went From 3XL to XS and Lost 120 Pounds Naturally

6. Alternate

,Bodybuilder,Training,Gym:,Chest,-,Barbell, bench, press, weights, gym,exerciseShutterstock

Alternate weekly with which motion you start with—for example week one you can start with cable flys then bench press, the following week start with bench press and then do cable flys.

7. Experiment

,,Work,Out,Gym,Training,Using,T-bar, Landmine, PressShutterstock

Experiment with different exercises, use different machines, try different bench angles, and practice using both a barbell and dumbbell.

8. My Top 3 Movements


After experimenting for years with different exercises, I’ve found that the top 3 movements that offer the biggest return for sculpting my chest are dips, incline bench, and cable flies. Dips are great as a bodyweight exercise and even better when you start adding weight to them, they’re touted as being especially good at sculpting the lower part of the pec but for me they hit the entire muscle, and they hit it hard. An incline bench, especially with a barbell, has always been a favorite of mine. The stretch I get at the bottom of the movement is better than any of the benching alternatives. Finally, standing flys using a cable system, I’ve tried every position available on cable pulley machines, top to bottom, and have found the best one for me is the setting that would be closest to my middle finger if I stood in the middle with my arms outstretched and palms facing forward. No other movement comes close to the control offered by these when targeting the chest.

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9. Avoid These Mistakes

shutterstock 2325600713Shutterstock

The most common mistakes one might run into when training chest is sacrificing form to move more weight and allowing the secondary muscles to take control of the movement. Form is key not only in regards to safety but also for proper chest sculpting. While the former is self-explanatory, the latter ties into my previous point of establishing the mind-muscle connection with the chest. For longer than I liked to admit, when I just started lifting, I was doing chest exercises and only really utilizing secondary muscles like the triceps and shoulders. Developing that connection truly is step #1 in chest sculpting.

10. Protein Up


Make sure that you’re consuming an adequate amount of protein to allow your muscles to recover from training session to training session properly. While it’s normally advocated to eat a minimum of 1g per 1lb of body mass, it’s certainly easier said than done. At minimum, shoot for 100gs of protein as a male and 80gs as a female, don’t stop there, if you have the opportunity to have more do so, but also don’t get hung up on thinking you need so much. As long as you have adequate nutrition throughout the day you’ll be making progress like anyone else.

11. Track Your Progress


While tedious, tracking the weight used and the number of sets and reps you achieve during a workout is, without a doubt, the most effective way of tracking your progress. Although I’ve personally opted for a pen-and-paper route in the past, nothing is worse than opening your gym bag to realize you’ve lost your gym log. Simply using my phone has been my current strategy. Tracking also allows you to visualize your progress better and can be a useful tool when you inevitably hit a plateau. Life can’t always be without its road bumps and the gym is no different, but seeing trends in your progress will allow you to approach your next session better. The easiest way to deal with a plateau is to back down with the weight and try to hit more reps, doing this for 2-3 sessions and then attempting more than your previous best.

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12. Final Word From the Trainer


Everyone’s body is different. The worst thing you could do is get disheartened because something that worked for someone else doesn’t work for you. Experiment with angles of exercises and different hand placements and focus on truly feeling your chest, even if it comes at the expense of using less weight. I’ve struggled with developing my chest for years, but once that light bulb went off, I was seeing more visible progress in months than I did in years.

John Kally is a Nutritionist and Coach with five years of experience as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and over a decade of experience in the gym.

More For You

Young attractive woman with curly hair doing cable fly exercise in lunge position in modern bright fitness center. Toned image.

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Since fitness culture's inception, a sculpted chest has always been a badge of honor. With a quick glance, even the most untrained eye could tell who does and doesn’t lift just by the shape of someone's pecs. A well-developed chest comes from proper training, which means you’ll get stronger in some of the most important movements. The main muscles used when targeting the chest are the pec major, minor, and, to a lesser extent, the deltoid. These muscles work together to create adduction, or bringing your arms towards the centerline of the body, and also are responsible for flexion, bringing your arm forward from your body. Here are 12 essential steps to sculpt the ultimate chest.

1. Really Feel It


Learn to feel your chest; now that you understand what the muscles of the chest do, try to focus on the sensation of them working during chest exercises.

Related: I'm a Fitness Expert and This is My Simple Beginner's Diet Plan That Actually Works

2. Visualize


Visualize the muscles of your chest moving during the concentric and eccentric portions of the movement to deepen your mind-muscle connection.

3. Warm Up With a Light Weight

Female,Personal,Trainer,Lift,Dumbells,weights,gym,workout, weightsShutterstock

Always ensure you’re properly warmed up before getting to working sets of chest exercises. I would advise against any deep stretching before training chest and instead advocate for 2-3 warm-up sets of the intended exercises with much lower weight and higher reps than what you actually intend to do. So warm up with a light weight and high reps to feel the burn in your chest before moving on to working sets.

4. Use an Appropriate Amount of Weight


Use an appropriate amount of weight, something that allows you to feel in control of the weight for the entirety of the movement.

5. Use This Combo


Always combine a fly motion with a press motion on days when you're training your chest; this ensures that your chest is being worked through both ranges of motion for which it is responsible.

Related: How I Went From 3XL to XS and Lost 120 Pounds Naturally

6. Alternate

,Bodybuilder,Training,Gym:,Chest,-,Barbell, bench, press, weights, gym,exerciseShutterstock

Alternate weekly with which motion you start with—for example week one you can start with cable flys then bench press, the following week start with bench press and then do cable flys.

7. Experiment

,,Work,Out,Gym,Training,Using,T-bar, Landmine, PressShutterstock

Experiment with different exercises, use different machines, try different bench angles, and practice using both a barbell and dumbbell.

8. My Top 3 Movements


After experimenting for years with different exercises, I’ve found that the top 3 movements that offer the biggest return for sculpting my chest are dips, incline bench, and cable flies. Dips are great as a bodyweight exercise and even better when you start adding weight to them, they’re touted as being especially good at sculpting the lower part of the pec but for me they hit the entire muscle, and they hit it hard. An incline bench, especially with a barbell, has always been a favorite of mine. The stretch I get at the bottom of the movement is better than any of the benching alternatives. Finally, standing flys using a cable system, I’ve tried every position available on cable pulley machines, top to bottom, and have found the best one for me is the setting that would be closest to my middle finger if I stood in the middle with my arms outstretched and palms facing forward. No other movement comes close to the control offered by these when targeting the chest.

Related: 12 Ways to Turn Your Dadbod Into a Fit Bod

9. Avoid These Mistakes

shutterstock 2325600713Shutterstock

The most common mistakes one might run into when training chest is sacrificing form to move more weight and allowing the secondary muscles to take control of the movement. Form is key not only in regards to safety but also for proper chest sculpting. While the former is self-explanatory, the latter ties into my previous point of establishing the mind-muscle connection with the chest. For longer than I liked to admit, when I just started lifting, I was doing chest exercises and only really utilizing secondary muscles like the triceps and shoulders. Developing that connection truly is step #1 in chest sculpting.

10. Protein Up


Make sure that you’re consuming an adequate amount of protein to allow your muscles to recover from training session to training session properly. While it’s normally advocated to eat a minimum of 1g per 1lb of body mass, it’s certainly easier said than done. At minimum, shoot for 100gs of protein as a male and 80gs as a female, don’t stop there, if you have the opportunity to have more do so, but also don’t get hung up on thinking you need so much. As long as you have adequate nutrition throughout the day you’ll be making progress like anyone else.

11. Track Your Progress


While tedious, tracking the weight used and the number of sets and reps you achieve during a workout is, without a doubt, the most effective way of tracking your progress. Although I’ve personally opted for a pen-and-paper route in the past, nothing is worse than opening your gym bag to realize you’ve lost your gym log. Simply using my phone has been my current strategy. Tracking also allows you to visualize your progress better and can be a useful tool when you inevitably hit a plateau. Life can’t always be without its road bumps and the gym is no different, but seeing trends in your progress will allow you to approach your next session better. The easiest way to deal with a plateau is to back down with the weight and try to hit more reps, doing this for 2-3 sessions and then attempting more than your previous best.

Related: Top 10 Superfoods Every Man Should Eat for the Best Body

12. Final Word From the Trainer


Everyone’s body is different. The worst thing you could do is get disheartened because something that worked for someone else doesn’t work for you. Experiment with angles of exercises and different hand placements and focus on truly feeling your chest, even if it comes at the expense of using less weight. I’ve struggled with developing my chest for years, but once that light bulb went off, I was seeing more visible progress in months than I did in years.

John Kally is a Nutritionist and Coach with five years of experience as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and over a decade of experience in the gym.

Focused woman performing barbell curls at gym, bathed in natural light. Gym workout routine.

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

A strong chest isn't just for showing off at the beach. "Building powerful chest muscles will improve your ability to push things, such as a grocery cart, a stroller, a car that stalled, putting your child in their crib, or even moving a sofa from one side of the room to the other," says Jennifer Rulon. A 15-time Ironman triathlete, Rulon says she "lives the life of a healthy human who loves to coach others to become the best versions of themselves."

"Another essential reason to have a powerful chest," she goes on, "is that it can genuinely improve posture. Why? While the chest muscles support many muscles, the shoulders play a huge role in keeping the body upright. Many people have switched to standing desks to improve posture instead of being concave at their desks with rolled shoulders and collapsed chests. Speaking of which," she goes on, "having a solid chest can also improve breathing."

"The chest is a very important part of the body to continue conditioning through movement, strength training, and stretching," adds long-time yogini and fitness expert Alex Sabbag. "Located inside the chest is our most vital organ, the heart. The heart is often overlooked when we talk about the chest, but given how much the heart does for us throughout our lives, it's an important part of the body to take a look at."

Here are proven workouts for building a powerful chest.

1. Bench Press


"A bench press is one of the best exercises for building the chest. The bench press will utilize the pectoral muscles (chest), triceps, and delts (shoulders). You can do bench press with dumbbells or a barbell. If you are at home and don't have either, you can utilize canned goods or 1 lb water bottles," says Rulon. Why Bench Press? "It is a compound movement that engages your chest, shoulders, and triceps, activating joints such as the shoulder, elbows, and wrists," she says. "Bench presses – incline, decline, and flat – play a pivotal role in building a comprehensive and powerful chest," says Jim Richard, Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Blogger and Online Wellness Coach. "The incline bench press specifically targets the upper chest fibers for well-rounded chest development. The decline bench press works the entire chest more effectively, allowing you to lift heavier weights, which is key for muscle growth. Hot Tip: "If you don't have a bench, you can head to the floor for a press. While you are limited in the range of motion for a floor press, you are still working the chest," she says. "Regularly incorporating these exercises into your fitness routine, with a focus on proper form and adequate recovery, will lead to huge improvements in chest strength and muscle," adds Richard.

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2. Push Ups


"Push-ups are also a fantastic exercise for the pectoral muscles and the shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs, and upper back," says Rulon. Why Push Ups? "Once again, so many muscles are being used along with the joints. With push-ups, you fully extend the core within a plank before you lower it to the ground. Remember that push-ups can be done anywhere: at home, at an office on your break, on a beach, or at a gym," she says. Hot Tip: "Some people struggle with push-ups, and many alternatives exist. You do a push-up on a wall, but if that is too easy, you can head to a bench. And build your push-ups that way. You can alternate from the floor to the bench. Can you lead to your knees for a push-up? You can, but it is a hard habit to break," she says.

3. Dumbell Chest Fly

Young,Sports,Woman,Doing,Exercises,With,Dumbbells,In,The,Gym.Dumbell Chest FlyShutterstock

"Dumbbell Chest Fly will utilize the pectoral muscles, delts, biceps, and triceps just like others, but the flies can help with flexibility and coordination," says Rulon. Why Dumbbell Chest Fly? "Like the bench press and the push-ups, many muscles are utilized to build muscles during this exercise. With DB Chest Fly, this exercise will help lengthen the upper back and the shoulders for more flexibility." Hot Tip: "If you are a beginner, start with a light set of dumbbells, and increase the amount each week as you begin to build," she says.

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4. Plyometric Banded Push-Ups

Resistance,Bands,Fit,Man,Doing,Pushups,With,Elastic,Band,Plyometric Banded Push-UpsShutterstock

"Plyometric banded push-ups are greatly underutilized in developing a powerful chest," says Jim Richard, Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Blogger & Online Wellness Coach at TK. Why Those? "They involve explosive movements enhanced by the resistance of bands, effectively targeting and strengthening the chest muscles. The movement activates the fast-twitch muscle fibres used in quick, powerful movements, boosting overall strength and athletic ability," he says. Hot Tip: "Adding variations like clapping push-ups or resistance bands intensify the workout, further engaging the chest, shoulders, and core muscles. This form of training builds chest muscle power," he says.

5. Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press

Athlete,Dumbbell, Bodybuilding, weights, lifting, exercise, gym, weightsShutterstock

"This isolates each side of the chest, promoting balanced development and enhancing core stability," says Chris Pruitt, CEO & Certified Trainer at WorkoutHealthy.

6. Landmine Press

,,Work,Out,Gym,Training,Using,T-bar, Landmine, PressShutterstock

"An excellent movement for upper chest development, this is performed by pressing one end of a barbell (with a weight plate) upwards from a standing position, with the other end anchored," says Pruitt.

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7. Assisted Pull-Up Machine for Lower Chest


"A novel approach to work the lower chest," says Pruitt. "Stand in front of the machine, place your hands on the knee pad, and press down by extending your arms to engage the lower chest muscles. This method offers an easier setup than traditional barbell/dumbbell decline bench presses and the same effective isolation of the lower chest." He sums up his offerings: "These exercises are some unique approaches to chest development, focusing on both the upper, mid, and lower pectorals, ensuring balanced muscle growth."

"Other chest exercises can include dumbbells, barbells, bands, and suspension training. Ensure you find what is best for you and your comfort level when preparing for chest exercises," says Rulon.

8. And Now For Some Yoga Poses, Starting With This Warmup


"We are approaching February, a month commonly known for the heart—studies show that people actually do suffer from a broken heart—and energetically, when we are blocked, it's likely due to our heart feeling conflicted, hurt, or out of balance," says Sabbag. "In yoga, we focus on the mind, body, and soul and place a lot of emphasis on taking care of the heart, physically and energetically. Here are some easy ways you can take care of your heart while bringing additional strength and openness to the chest chamber," says Sabbag.

"Standing forward, fold with bound arms. Standing at the top of the mat in Tadasana, or Mountain pose, clasp the palms behind the low spin. Fold forward and let the knuckles drape over the back of the skull. This will warm up the shoulder area to prepare for additional heart opening and chest expanding postures."

9. Open Heart Pose (commonly known as Puppy Dog pose)

Stretching,Young,Woman,Practice,Uttana,Shishosana,Yoga,Pose,On,Terrace,Puppy, Dog, poseShutterstock

"This posture will open up the front and back side of the heart," says Sabbag. "From Tabletop position, walk the fingers forward with the arms extended out to a big y shape until the hips are lifted up over the knees. Keep surrendering the chest down toward the earth. The forehead, chin, or chest may actually reach the ground. The back of the armpits and chest will feel expansive in this posture. Hold for 2-3 minutes."

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10. Modified Chaturanga


"From Tabletop, shift the shoulders forward past the wrists and lower down halfway, elbows hugging the ribcage. Then press directly back up. This builds strength in both the back of the arms (triceps) and across the chest. Do 5-10, resting in Child's Pose as needed," says Sabbag.

11. Iron Cross


"Come all the way down to your belly," says Sabbag. "Place one hand by the rib cage and extend the other arm out to a T shape. Press down on the palm next to the ribs and roll toward the extended arm. This opens up the front side of the chest and also the heart while compressing the pack of the heart and bringing some relief to the shoulder areas. Do both sides and hold for 2-3 minutes per side."

12. Heart Openers

Yoga,Instructor,camel, pose Ustrasana, asana,

"More traditional heart openers like Bridge Pose, Wheel, Camel, or a standing balancing posture like Dancer Pose are incredible postures to keep the heart open and chest strong. Allowing the chest to relax and expand also offers relief to the top of the shoulders, a place where we carry so much tension. When the chest is tight, the shoulders are rounded and pulled down toward the chest. Keeping the chest open allows the shoulders to stay back and the shoulder blades to relax down the spine," says Sabbag.

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13. Chest Workout Mistakes to Avoid

,Bodybuilder,Training,Gym:,Chest,-,Barbell, bench, press, weights, gym,exerciseShutterstock

"One of the most common mistakes for all exercises at home or the gym is needing the correct form. If you have the incorrect form with a bench press, that could cause many issues, especially if you don't have a spotter and it went too heavy," says Rulon. "Another common mistake to avoid when doing a bench press is bouncing the bar off the chest. Many people will do this too quickly and use the quick momentum to bring the bar back up. If the goal is to get ten reps, but you can only do eight without bouncing, then stay with the 8 reps vs. improper form on the last two. The last common mistake for many is overtraining. Sure, we want a nice chest for the beach or a nice booty for an event, but you must remember that rest days are essential. Rest days are when the body can recover the mind, body, and soul."

Body of a young fit woman lifting dumbbells on dark background
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

When looking for a proven workout for enhanced bust firmness, think of your pectoral muscles first. Having strong pectoral muscles has many benefits. One is to build muscle mass that will create a lean look while creating a fuller chest. This does not happen overnight. You have to put in the work. That is the most important takeaway for anyone beginning strength or muscle-building exercises. It takes months to see the effects, so stick with it.

As an ACE-certified fitness instructor for group fitness and personal training—and a spin instructor and health and wellness coach certified by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition—I get asked for fitness and diet advice frequently. And I love helping people find the thing that gets them to thrive in life. So here are my top 3 exercises for chest building.

1. Plank

Concentrated beautiful young sportswoman doing plank exercise on mat in gymShutterstock

Get into a plank position, keeping your core tight, head and neck neutral, hands directly under shoulders and toes on the ground, and hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

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2. Dumbbell Chest Press

dumbbell Chest PressShutterstock

I like dumbbells because they allow for a greater range of motion, which engages more muscle groups.

Start with a dumbbell in each hand, start by sitting on the edge of the bench.

  • Lower yourself down so your back is flat on the bench, and drop your legs so your feet are flat on the floor.
  • Bring your upper arms out to your side parallel to the floor and bend your elbows so the weights are parallel to your upper arms.
  • Brace your core, extend your arms, and push the dumbbells away from the floor.
  • When arms are fully extended pause and begin to lower back to the floor.

3. Butterfly Machine

Caucasian young fitness woman is working out on butterfly machine in gymShutterstock

Adjust the seat to the appropriate height. Sit with your back against the backrest, put your forearms against the pads, and grip the handles if the machine does not have pads.

  • Begin using your arms together using your chest muscles to move the weight.
  • Once you reach the middle, return to the starting position.

4. Common Mistakes People Make Working Out Their Bust

Tired,Fit,Woman,Locker,Room, depression, depressed,unhappy,upset,gym,fitness,workoutShutterstock

Overworking the muscle groups by doing too much on one day or in one week. the chest area has few large muscles and you want to ensure you are hitting the upper chest and lower chest to effectively build all chest muscles. You need to alternate exercises to ensure you get each muscle group and to avoid overworking, do chest exercises along with another muscle group like biceps to alternate exercises to avoid muscle exhaustion.

5. One Final Note: There's So Much You Can Do at Home

One woman mature caucasian female slim hands hold dumbbell while training at home or fitness center real people healthy lifestyle concept copy spaceShutterstock

If you cannot get to a gym or a gym intimidates you, there is so much you can do at home with isometric exercises like a plank. There are a number of variations on planks, like a plank walk and plank reach, to add to your workout. Another trick is to buy workout bands which can be used at home for chest exercises like chest presses and underarm chest raises.

💪🔥Body Booster: Incorporate dumbbells into your workout routine. They offer a greater range of motion, engaging more muscle groups for a comprehensive workout.

Denise Vitola is an ACE-certified fitness instructor, a spin instructor, and a health and wellness coach.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including scientific studies and medical journals.

If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing

We've all been there – standing in front of the mirror, waving our arms, and watching that extra flab jiggle. But what if you could transform those "bat wings" into toned, sculpted arms with just a few minutes of targeted exercise each day? Enter Meredith Shirk, a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT) and the founder of Svelte Training. With her impressive credentials, including specializations in Fitness Nutrition, Behavior Change, and Weight Loss, Meredith has designed a quick and effective arm workout that promises to help you say goodbye to flabby arms for good.

Understanding Arm Fat

Before diving into Meredith's workout, it's important to understand what arm fat is and why it matters. According to WebMD, "Arm fat is extra skin and fat located under your arms." While some arm fat is normal and healthy, excessive amounts can be more than just a cosmetic issue. WebMD explains, "While having some subcutaneous fat is good for your health, having too much can cause health issues, including an increased risk for certain cancers, fatty liver disease, gallbladder disease, and more."

The Root Causes of Arm Fat

Close-up Of A Woman Holding Arm With Excess Fat On Grey BackgroundShutterstock

Arm fat doesn't appear out of nowhere. WebMD states, "Extra skin and fat in the arms can be caused by obesity, significant weight loss, or genetics. Individuals born female are at a greater risk of carrying excess weight in their arms." Understanding these factors can help you approach arm fat reduction more effectively.

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Say Goodbye to Bat Wings

"I have an awesome bat wing workout, so you're not going to be waving those wings any longer," Meredith enthusiastically begins her post. This workout is specifically designed to target those troublesome areas and help you achieve the toned arms you've always wanted.

Monkey Pumps: Your Secret Weapon Against Flabby Arms

Young woman pinching arm fat flabby skinShutterstock

Meredith kicks off the workout with her favorite exercise: monkey pumps. "It's just as it sounds," she explains. "Grab it and pull it down." To perform this move:

  1. Align your elbows with your shoulders and wrists
  2. Open up and close your arms
  3. Keep your elbows above your chin to target your triceps and chest

Meredith emphasizes the importance of proper form: "You want to think about keeping that elbow above the chin line because that's really going to push a lot on your triceps and your chest."

Arm Circles: Small Movements, Big Results

Woman, weightlifting and exercise with dumbbells for training, workout or muscle gain on outdoor balcony. Young female person with small barbells for sport, fitness or health and wellness in natureShutterstock

Next up are small arm circles. "Really think about tennis ball size here," Meredith instructs. Perform these circles in both forward and backward directions. This simple movement targets multiple muscle groups in your arms and shoulders, helping to tone and define your upper body.

Lateral Raises: Engage Your Whole Body

Pretty young woman with a healthy lifestyle doing side lateral raises with dumbbells indoors. Active caucasian woman exercising to stay fit and slimShutterstock

Lateral raises are more than just arm exercises. Meredith explains, "You actually have to do something with your body, meaning you're here, you're lifting and you're really pulling your legs in together at the same time as squeezing your core and your rhomboids and your lats." This full-body engagement maximizes the effectiveness of the exercise, helping you burn more calories and build more muscle.

RELATED: Tone Sagging Arms in 2 Weeks With These 5 Exercises

Scissors: Cross-Training for Your Arms

a man does an exercise with his knees. the boy does sports.Shutterstock

The final exercise in Meredith's routine is scissors. "We go from here, we're here, right? And then we're here and then here," she demonstrates. "So now we're crisscrossing our arms." This movement targets both your biceps and triceps, providing a comprehensive arm workout in one simple exercise.

Fine-Tuning Your Technique

Meredith offers additional advice to maximize your results: "If you want to get a little bit more of your bicep, come across with it here and then go inside. You can have almost overlapping bicep curls. You do more tricep by putting your hands flexed and then going faster, pulling your chest back, shoulders up."

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Putting It All Together

Meredith combines these exercises into a quick, high-intensity routine:

  1. 30 seconds of monkey pumps
  2. 30 seconds of arm circles (15 seconds forward, 15 seconds backward)
  3. 30 seconds of lateral raises
  4. 30 seconds of scissors

"Those are our exercises. We're going to be doing all types of exercise. Make sure your triceps, your biceps, and your back, stay lean. So we avoid the bat wings," Meredith explains.

The Importance of a Holistic Approach

While Meredith's workout is effective, it's important to remember that spot reduction isn't possible. WebMD advises, "Natural treatment options for arm fat include diet and exercise. Since arm fat is often associated with being overweight or losing a significant amount of weight, the first step is changing your eating habits and incorporating more exercise into your days."

The Key to Effective Workouts

Woman, success and outdoor with happiness for fitness, exercise or wellness as achievement. Girl, celebration and portrait in nature with energy or motivation for health, workout or marathon trainingShutterstock

Throughout the workout, Meredith encourages movement: "When you think about this, you can walk around because you shouldn't be in a static place anyway. Life should not be static for you. Working out should not be static for you."

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Push Through for Results

Meredith doesn't sugarcoat the challenge: "If your arms are not feeling like 1 million pounds, then you're not doing this right." She encourages you to push through the discomfort, reminding you that "it's going to burn, and it's okay."

The Foundation of Effective Exercise

Always in good shape Full length of athletic woman in black sport clothing exercising in professional gym.Shutterstock

Throughout the routine, Meredith emphasizes proper form: "Chest up, shoulders back, meet in the middle, come out and reach." She also reminds you to "Face those hands to you. Come out and reach."

Don't Forget This Crucial Element

Meredith consistently reminds you to breathe throughout the workout. "Breathe in. Breathe and pull," she encourages, highlighting the importance of proper breathing techniques during exercise.

The Path to Success

pretty young blond smiling woman doing sport exercises running jogging in morning park, skinny fit in sports wear outfit leggings and top, summer health motivation, strong body, hotShutterstock

Meredith concludes with an inspiring message: "Do this consistently and you will see that fat go away!" She adds, "It doesn't have to be hard, it doesn't have to be long. It doesn't have to be scary, but it can be a lot of fun and you can do it in less time you thought possible."

However, it's important to set realistic expectations. As WebMD notes, "You shouldn't expect to see results right away. In fact, losing stubborn fat can take months of continuous effort. Your progress will depend on you. If you're already at a healthy weight, it may take only a few weeks to notice results. However, those at a higher weight may not see results for a while."

RELATED: I Lost 30 Pounds in 6 Months Just by Walking: Here's How

You Can Do It

While Meredith's workout is an excellent starting point, remember that a holistic approach is key. WebMD suggests, "For the best results, it's important to combine a decent sleep schedule with a well-balanced diet and a vigorous exercise routine." By combining Meredith's targeted arm exercises with overall healthy lifestyle habits, you'll be on your way to toned, sculpted arms in no time. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 31 Fitness Tips Every Beginner Needs to Look Sexy, According to Coaches.

Determined female athlete looking away and doing goblet squat with heavy kettlebell during intense training in spacious light gym
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

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Exercising can be intimidating – especially if you are just getting started on your weight loss and health journey. However, you don’t even need to leave your living room to get a workout in. Body Network consulted with Nikolai Puchlov, Owner and Head Coach at Pro Kettlebell Workouts, to put together a simple and practical workout set for anyone – including beginners. “Here are my top exercises that you can do anywhere, anytime, to look and feel great,” he says. “These six exercises will give you a full body workout in a remarkably short time and can be scaled for any ability level.”

Single Arm Kettlebell Swings

Nikolai_Puchlov9Nikolai Puchlov

“Kettlebell swings are an amazing full body and full booty workout that work nearly every part of your body (especially the posterior) the entire time you’re doing them,” explains Puchlov. He recommends using light weight for longer durations for an aerobic effect or short heavy sets for strength and hypertrophy.

Goblet Squats

Nikolai_Puchlov5Nikolai Puchlov

“Nobody wants legs that look like they should be hanging out of a nest,” says Puchlov. “Incorporate goblet squats to build powerful legs and core.” For beginners, start with one set of 5 reps, and as you progress, begin adding multiple sets.

Offset Push Ups

Nikolai_Puchlov6Nikolai Puchlov

“Offset push-ups turn that birdcage chest into a love nest,” says Puchlov. To do the exercise, place one hand on top of your kettlebell and the other on the floor. “The difference in elevation will allow you to isolate the chest and arms much more than conventional pushups,” he says, adding that you can do these on your knees or toes.

Related: 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week

Strict Press

Nikolai_Puchlov7Nikolai Puchlov

“The strict press has been a staple for building upper body strength for thousands of years,” says Puchlov. “Press your kettlebell overhead until it’s fixated over your shoulder. Perform 5 reps per side and add sets as you increase strength. “

Tricep Extensions

Nikolai_Puchlov8Nikolai Puchlov

“If you want well-defined arms, you have to develop your triceps,” explains Puchlov, explaining the importance of tricep extension. “Take your kettlebell in both hands behind your head and then extend your arms fully, trying to keep your elbows forward. Remember, half reps make half muscles,” he says. Perform high rep sets of 10 to 25.

Related: 12 Surefire Ways to Lose Abdominal Fat, Say Experts

Cheat Curls

Nikolai_Puchlov10Nikolai Puchlov

“No beach physique is complete without a proper set of biceps, and with this exercise, you can ensure no one will be kicking sand on your face,” says Puchlov about cheat curls. Standing with your feet together, curl the kettlebell across your body to your free hand, “which should be just in front of your shoulder,” he says. “Use just as much momentum as necessary.” Use sets of 10 on each side and add sets as you get stronger.

💪🔥Body Booster: If you are just getting started on your exercise journey, invest in a kettlebell and a few free weights and choose a few simple but effective exercises to get you started. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

katie south_east_living
Copyright south_east_living/Instagram

Do you want to drop a lot of weight this year? Katie Rees is a social media influencer who is documenting her weight loss journey on Instagram. In a recent post, she reveals all of the habits she is focusing on to achieve her weight loss goals this year. “Here’s everything my personal trainer has told me to do to lose 40 pounds of weight naturally in 2025,” she writes.

Wear a Weighted Vest and Ankle Weights

The first tip, courtesy of Katie’s personal trainer? Weighted vest movement and ankle weights. “I’m using mine to clean my house,” she says, “but you can use it to walk in. Buy heavy and remove the weights to start at an easy weight, then increase.”

Walking 10,000 Steps Per Day

Woman using daily activity tracking app on mobile phone showing 10 000 steps daily goal achievement


Next, make sure to get your steps in. “10,000 steps minimum daily and use a step tracker to count it so you’re accurate,” says Katie. A 2018 study published in the journal Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure, and fewer strokes.

Macro Tracking Over Calorie Counting

Assorted foods with calorie count labels, illustrating healthy diet and calorie tracking.Shutterstock

Regarding nutrition, her trainer has specific guidance to “monitor macros over calories and focus on protein and nutritional quality of food,” Katie says. “Protein is your nutritional superhero. No processed rubbish.” According to clinical trials, consuming more protein than the recommended dietary allowance not only reduces body weight (BW), but also enhances body composition by decreasing fat mass while preserving fat-free mass (FFM) in both low-calorie and standard-calorie diets.


Sports woman drinking bottle of water.Shutterstock

Hydration is also key if you want to lose weight. Katie’s trainer recommends 3 liters of water daily “with electrolytes in the morning,” she says. According to the Mayo Clinic, hydration is essential for various reasons. Water helps eliminate waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature regular, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues.

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

Strength Training

Woman exercising lateral leg lifts with resistance bandShutterstock

Strength training is also essential to build lean muscle and burn fat. “3 resistance workouts a week in addition to the daily steps,” Katie says. According to the Mayo Clinic, strength and weight training help reduce body fat, preserve and increase lean muscle mass, and burn calories more efficiently. Strength training may also help you:

  • Develop strong bones
  • Manage your weight
  • Enhance your quality of life
  • Manage chronic conditions
  • Sharpen your thinking skills

Protein Before Caffeine

black drip coffee in glass cup, Barista making drip coffee by pouring spills hot water on coffee bean. Barista serve holding cup of hot black coffee or americano for serve on wooden table cafe shopShutterstock

It’s okay to drink coffee, but Katie’s trainer maintains that if you want to lose weight, you need to do something first. “Protein before caffeine…always,” she says.

Visualize and Focus

Shot of beautiful woman listening to music with headphones while using smartphone near to the lakeShutterstock

As for mental weight loss habits, “mindset and motivational podcasts daily” and visualization are crucial. Also, “focus on the day ahead and getting that done rather than the bigger picture. The consistent small actions from one day will add up to something big,” she says.

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat

Don’t Drink Alcohol

Wine glass, wine bottle and grapes on wooden background. Wine tasting.Shutterstock

Don’t drink your calories. Katie’s trainer says to “drop alcohol totally.” Not only are most alcoholic drinks high in calories, but when you drink you are less likely to eat healthy food and exercise.


Woman sleeping in a bed in a dark bedroomShutterstock

Finally, make sure to allow your body recharging time. “Time to rest and relax is just as important as everything else, make sure you’re getting enough sleep and restoration to reduce your cortisol,” says Katie.

Katie Lost 4 Pounds in 3 Week

A pair of female feet standing on a bathroom scaleShutterstock

Katie is on her way to achieving her weight loss goals this year. “Let’s do it together in 2025. 4 pounds down, 40 to go,” she writes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Fitness Coach Reveals 4 Ways to Avoid Weight Gain While Drinking Alcohol

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to enjoy a night of drinking, even if you are trying to lose weight? One expert claims to have some tips to help you do this. Casie Jericho is a fitness coach who helps women “lose fat, tone up & regain confidence without “giving up wine or charcuterie,” she writes in her Instagram bio. In a nw social media post she reveals her hacks for drinking alcohol and still losing weight. “4 things I do the day after drinking to not gain weight,” she writes, adding that they will help you to “avoid feeling sluggish and bloated!”

She Only Drinks Twice a Month

She starts with a disclaimer: She doesn’t drink often. “Reminder: I drink maybe once every two weeks. I know my body won’t be burning fat while it’s processing alcohol, and yes, it’s empty calories!” she writes.

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat

1. Start with a Protein-Packed Breakfast

Her first tip is to start with a protein-packed breakfast. “Start the day strong with at least 40g of protein!” she says. According to clinical trials, consuming more protein than the recommended dietary allowance not only reduces body weight (BW), but also enhances body composition by decreasing fat mass while preserving fat-free mass (FFM) in both low-calorie and standard-calorie diets.

She Recocmends This Ometlette

She shares the “easy, delicious option” recipe with 32 grams of protein. “Add a scoop of protein powder to your coffee or smoothie for an extra 8g!” she says.

  • Veggie Omelette
  • 3 eggs (18g protein)
  • 1/2 cup cottage cheese (14g protein)
  • 1/2 cup spinach & peppers (nutrients + flavor!)
  • Top with salsa for extra zest!

2. Hydrate

Next, hydration is key. “Chug over 100oz of water with electrolytes!” she suggests. “Try this:Water + pinch of sea salt + squeeze of lemon + splash of coconut water = Your body will thank you!” According to the Mayo Clinic, hydration is essential for various reasons. Water helps eliminate waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature regular, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues.

3. Exercise: 10,000 Steps

Next, “Get moving!” she says, recommending 10,000 steps per day. A 2018 study published in the journal Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure and fewer strokes.

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

Also, Do This Quick Full-Body Workout

She also recommends doing “a quick full-body” workout. “Move your body, boost your energy, feel better!” she writes.

  • Squats: 3x12
  • Push-Ups: 3x10
  • Dumbbell Rows: 3x12
  • Plank: 3x30 sec.

3. Eat At Home

She also recommends eating at home. “Plan ahead to avoid cravings! Here’s a simple high-protein day,” she says.

  • Lunch: Grilled chicken salad + quinoa.
  • Snack: Greek yogurt + berries.
  • Dinner: Salmon + broccoli + sweet potatoes.

4. Get Back on Track

As for the “biggest tip” she says to keep on going. “Own your choices, move on, and get back on track. Overdoing cardio or binging on greasy takeout won’t help!” And if you enjoyed this article, don't missI’m a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

Maria Gad mariiiagad
Copyright mariiiagad/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you struggling to lose weight but experiencing frustration? You don’t need to complicate weight loss, says one expert. Maria Gad is a Fitness & Weight Loss Coach who uses her experience losing weight to help others. In a new post, she shares some simple tips on how to do it by changing up your diet. “5 eating habits that helped me lose 9 kg,” she writes. “These small changes helped me stay on track and achieve my goals! Try them out and see how they work for you!”


Her first tip? Start the day on a hydrated note. “Hydrate first! Drink water as soon as you wake up and before or with every meal,” she writes. According to the Mayo Clinic, hydration is essential for various reasons. Water helps eliminate waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature regular, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues.

Snack Smart

You can eat in between meals, but make good choices. “Snack smart,” Gad recommends. “Have a light snack before going out to avoid overeating later.”

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat

Meal Plan

Her next tip? Plan ahead. “When dining out, check the menu in advance to make healthier choices. Stick to 2 out of 3: starter, main, or dessert,” she writes. There is scientific evidence supporting the benefits of meal planning. Studies show that the more meals you eat prepared away from home, the higher your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and early death. One study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity found meal planning was associated with a healthier diet and less obesity.

Limit Alcohol

Don’t drink your calories, says Gad. “Limit alcohol. A drink now and then is fine, but remember it’s packed with hidden calories, can slow recovery, and mess with your sleep,” she writes.

Sauces on the Side

Don’t drench your food in sauce. “Sauces on the side” is a must, she says. “Ask for dips and sauces on the side to control portions and avoid unnecessary calories.”

Eat Protein Oats

You can still “eat delicious food AND still get results,” she writes in another post. “Eating healthy doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor or enjoyment. Here are 3 of my favorite meals that keep me on track while satisfying my cravings.” The first? Protein oats. “Tastes just like cake! Perfect for sweet mornings. Just mix oats, cocoa powder, protein powder, and a splash of milk. Top with melted peanut butter and dark chocolate. You’ll be in heaven!” she says.

Teriyaki Salmon Is Another Favorite Meal

Another one of her favorites is teriyaki salmon. “My go-to dish that I could eat every day! Marinate wild salmon in a teriyaki mix, bake it to perfection, and serve with rice and broccoli. It’s both nutritious and indulgent!” she writes.

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

And, Halo Top

When it comes to sweet treats, you don’t have to deprive yourself. “Yes, I eat dessert every day!” she says. “A tub of Halo Top only has 320 calories, making it a guilt-free way to satisfy my sweet tooth after dinner.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't missthese 8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat.