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Woman Lost 40 Pounds With These 10 Foods Instead of Ozempic And Kept It Off 5 Years

Discover natural ways to control hunger and lose weight sustainably.

Are you tired of counting calories and still not seeing results? With Ozempic costing up to $1,014 per month and coming with potential side effects like nausea, vomiting, and the dreaded "Ozempic face," many people are seeking natural alternatives. Meet Chelsea Mae, a Kiwi vegan mom who discovered a better way. Despite being vegan for years, Chelsea struggled with her weight until she learned about the science of calorie density and proper portion sizes. Now, she not only helps other frustrated vegan women, particularly moms, lose weight and stop self-sabotaging, but she's also maintained her own 40-pound weight loss for five years without expensive medications or restrictive diets.


A Natural Success Story: How Chelsea Lost 40 Pounds

"I've used all of these things to help me drop 40 pounds and now keep them off for the past five years. So this really does work not just in the short term but in the long term as well," Chelsea shares in her post. Her approach focuses on eating more, not less, but choosing the right foods in the right portions. What makes her story particularly compelling is that she achieved these results without the thousand-dollar monthly price tag or side effects of weight loss medications. "The real effect and the real reason that weight loss works is that it changes people's behavior. When we are less hungry, it changes our behavior," she explains.

Understanding Modern Weight Loss Solutions

To appreciate why Chelsea's natural approach is so revolutionary, it's important to understand current medical solutions. "Ozempic enhances the release and action of insulin throughout the body, which helps with fat loss," explains Dr. Sue Decotiis, MD, NYC weight-loss doctor. "It acts on receptors in the gut and brain that regulate appetite." While effective, these medications come with both financial and physical costs that many find prohibitive.

The Science Behind Natural Appetite Control

While Ozempic works by chemically controlling appetite, Dr. Decotiis notes that "when insulin works well, you can burn fat, when it doesn't you gain weight." Chelsea's approach naturally supports healthy insulin function through specific food choices and eating patterns. Her method mimics the appetite-suppressing effects of medications but through natural means. Here's her comprehensive strategy:

Load Up on Non-Starchy Vegetables

"I recommend eating a pound of non-starchy vegetables a day," says Chelsea. "They work out to about 100-150 calories per pound, but because they're 95% water, they fill up your stomach without adding many calories." She compares it to ordering a tiny camera that comes in a huge box: "Think of this like ordering a tiny camera from Amazon, and it comes in this huge box, and there's all this foam in there that doesn't really help you, but it's there to protect the foam. It's a similar kind of thing with vegetables."

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Embrace Dark Green Vegetables

"Thalcoids actually delay calories being absorbed until the end of your intestines," Chelsea explains. "And what happens is at that point there is a signal hormone that tells your brain because there are undigested calories at the end of your intestine that you should shut off hunger. You're going to have an appetite suppressant effect just from eating green vegetables—if that doesn't make you want to eat your broccoli, I don't know what will." This natural appetite suppression mirrors what Dr. Decotiis describes as Ozempic's effect on "shutting down appetite so the patient feels very full after eating much less food."

Make Potatoes Your Best Friend

"Potatoes have the highest satiety index—they're the absolute queens of satiety," Chelsea shares. "I challenge you to try eating five boiled potatoes. You'll struggle, but that's only 500-600 calories. By contrast, you could eat 34 Oreos for 1,800 calories and still not feel full."

Size Matters: Eat Bigger Portions of the Right Foods

"One of the biggest mistakes that people make is that they just don't understand what an adequate amount of food is to feel full and satisfied and actually shut off hunger," Chelsea notes. "We are consistently telling our clients inside of my coaching program to eat more food for this reason." Her typical plate includes "about a pound of vegetables, at least one to two potatoes, sometimes even more. If I'm hungry, I will eat more, and then I'm going to have a little handful of tofu in there… I add a little bit of fat in there as well, like a quarter of an avocado or a couple of tablespoons of a tahini dressing or some kind of hummus."

Start Your Day with Fiber

"If you eat breakfast daily, regardless of whether you're hungry or not, I don't care if you're not hungry in the morning… your consistency is going to skyrocket because you have more food in your stomach throughout the day," Chelsea insists. Her go-to breakfast is "the same thing every day. I do oats, and I do flax for the fiber in there as well. I do soy milk, and I do berries to bulk that out, and I have a decent portion of food. None of this quarter of a cup of oats business—do a full cup!"

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Maximize Your Fiber Intake

Chelsea explains the science behind fiber's effectiveness: "The only calories that your body is actually going to absorb from your intestine where it's traveling through is the calories that come in direct contact… If they can't touch them, if they're like, I can't touch the calories because there's a bit of fiber there blocking it, then you can't actually absorb those calories." This natural approach helps regulate blood sugar levels, which Dr. Decotiis confirms is crucial for weight loss.

Slow Down Your Eating

"If you chew more, you actually create more saliva, which means that you have more bulk in your stomach, which means that it's going to be emptying slower, which means that you're going to feel fuller for longer," Chelsea explains. This works both psychologically and physiologically to reduce overall intake.

Choose Fruit for Snacks

"Fruit has got a ton of water which has no calories, it's got fiber which has no calories or none absorbed at least, and it's super satisfying because it's naturally sweet and we do tend to crave sweet things," Chelsea shares. Her favorites include "pears, oranges, peaches… and hands down best fruit option would be berries. They're just hard to get where I live, but they're super low in calories and they're absolutely delicious."

Eat Three Meals Plus Snacks

"I have not seen intermittent fasting be successful for the majority of people simply because, on a long-term basis, it doesn't help with the satiety and the fullness and the hunger reduction. In fact, it contributes to the opposite," Chelsea states. She adds, "I've just gotten over myself where I don't tell myself a story that I'm not hungry in the morning because it's natural—hunger is going to be less in the morning. Hunger peaks at night, and it troughs in the morning."

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Plan Ahead for Challenging Situations

"I bring food with me when I leave the house. I always have food with me when I'm going to parties or going to events where other people are going to be eating tons of processed food," Chelsea reveals. "If I'm going to go out for dinner, I'm going to eat more during the day because I know that's going to help my behavior that night rather than what most people do, which is they'll eat less because they're saving up their calories for what they're going to do later."

The Cost Comparison: Natural vs. Medical Approaches

While the Ozmepic can cost over $1,000 per month without insurance, Chelsea's approach relies on affordable, whole foods. According to a study published in JAMA Network Open, weight loss medications could be manufactured for as little as $0.89 to $4.73 per month while still making a profit. This stark contrast makes natural weight loss methods not just effective but economically sustainable.

Sustainable Results vs. Rebound Weight Gain

Studies show that after stopping Ozempic, participants regained two-thirds of their prior weight loss within one year. In contrast, Chelsea's five-year success demonstrates the sustainability of her approach: "Even if you were to absolutely eat so much of these foods, you can still only naturally cap at, say, like 2,000 or maybe even 2,500 calories because they are so satisfying. You're going to feel sick before you eat too many calories… You can eat upwards of 5,000, 6,000, 7,000, even up to 10,000 or maybe more calories from processed foods because they're simply higher calories for smaller amounts of bulk."

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Natural Weight Loss Without Side Effects

While Ozempic users may experience "Ozempic face"—a hallowed look and premature aging due to rapid weight loss—Chelsea's gradual, food-based approach helps maintain healthy skin and muscle mass. Harvard Health notes that losing weight too quickly can cause facial aging and loose skin, making Chelsea's sustainable approach even more attractive.

Chelsea says that her approach isn't about restriction—it's about abundance and sustainable change. By focusing on nutrient-dense, filling foods and consistent eating patterns, you can achieve lasting weight loss without the high costs and potential side effects of medication. The choice between pharmaceutical and natural approaches is personal, but Chelsea's success shows that sustainable weight loss is possible through mindful eating and lifestyle changes alone. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Christopher Roback
Christopher Roback is an experienced news journalist specializing in political, science, and crime news. Read more