Don’t let menopause be an excuse for not getting into shape. Annie Murray (@anniesfitnesssteyning) is a 54-year-old fitness trainer whose mission is “empowering mid-lifers to get strong, build healthy habits, and be the best version of themselves.” She regularly offers fitness, motivation, and nutrition tips to her followers on how to be the healthiest version of themselves through and beyond menopause. In a recent viral post, she reveals how she got into the best shape of her life and the changes she made to get there.
In the First Photo She Was 42 and Perimenopausal
Annie shares before-and-after images of herself during the perimenopausal stage and after menopause. “The photo on the left was taken when I was 42 years old. At the time, I was perimenopausal with low Tmuscle mass, low body weight, and low energy. I was constantly ill, experiencing bouts of shingles and chest infections,” she says.
This Was Her Training Routine and Diet
Her nutrition and exercise routine consisted of:
- Hours of cardio
- Bodyweight exercises
- Cutting out food groups
- Yo-yo dieting
- Eating too much convenience food, processed sugar and refined carbohydrates
- Drinking alcohol regularly
She Is Healthier at 54 Than She Was at 42
“The photo on the right was taken last week when I turned 54,” she continues. “I am currently post-menopausal, with high muscle mass and low body fat. My body weight has increased, I eat more, I have higher energy levels, and my immune system is strong. My metabolic age is 36, with a visceral fat rating of 2.”
Strength Training
She then goes on to detail her “nutrition and exercise” routine. She starts off by revealing she does strength training three times a week.
She also makes sure to get cardio in, but doesn’t do as much. She does “cardio training 2-3x\week,” she writes.
She also makes sure to get her steps in. “Walking daily” is part of her routine.
Nutritious Whole Foods
As for her diet, she tries to keep it clean. “Eating nutritious whole-food,” is her focus.
She also understands the importance of fueling up with protein. “Eating a minimum of 100g protein a day,” is key, she says.
No Processed Sugar or Refined Carbohydrates
One of her biggest no-nos when it comes to diet? “No processed sugar or refined carbohydrates,” she writes.
No Alcohol
There is something else she avoids: Drinking her calories. “No alcohol” is her other major, don’t.
She Discovered Weights at 48
“At the age of 48, I became a personal trainer and started to incorporate lighter weights into my fitness routine. At 50, I started to strength train in the gym using the progressive load technique (increasing the weight or number of reps over time). That’s when I discovered the power of lifting weights and the importance of having lean muscle mass,” she says.
Here Is Why Muscle Is Important
According to Annie, muscle is the “key” to:
✨ better body composition
✨ burning fat
✨ driving your metabolism
✨ protecting against disease
✨ regulating blood sugar
✨ controlling hunger
✨ increased mobility
✨ better mood
✨ increased energy
She Is “Fitter, Stronger, and Healthier” Than She Was in Her 20s
Overall, she is happy where she is today. “I can safely say, I am fitter, stronger and healthier now, than I was in my 20’s,” she says.
Having Lean Muscle “Is Key”
“If you’re serious about staying healthy whilst you age, then having lean muscle is key. The only way to build and maintain muscle is to lift weights and don’t stop. Combined this with good nutrition and that’s the formula that’s worked for me,” she says.
She Adds That “It’s Never too Late”
Her final words of wisdom? “If I can do it, so can you. It’s never too late, and you are never too old to start,” she says. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss these 20 Superfoods for People Over 50.