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We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

7 Ultimate Strength Exercises by Ironman Star Jennifer Rulon

Get your best body with the author's 7 key strength exercises.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

As 15x Ironman, I know a thing or two about strength training, and now want to share it with you. First, a bit about my journey, so you know who I am and what I can do: I received my education in a Master's Degree in Science with an emphasis in Exercise Science from the Univesity of Texas in San Antonio. Before receiving my Master's Degree, I participated in 4 Ironman Triathlons, a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike, and a 26.2-mile run, but I wanted to learn more about the "why" and the "how" through knowledge. While getting my Master's Degree, I didn't have the time to train for an Ironman Triathlon. I found CrossFit, participated in it, and coached it with a Level I Certification. CrossFit kept me sane while I was getting my degree at 40 years old. I needed to move, but I needed something quick and to the point. CrossFit did that for me.

During CrossFit, I learned so much about form, strength, and movement that I could take this knowledge to the clients I worked with then and now. After graduating, I returned as an athlete and accomplished 11 more Ironman Triathlons, including achieving my 28-year-old dream, the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii in 2017, while I started my business,

Where it gets good is learning about my knowledge of strength during my Ironman Triathlon training and beyond, as so many triathletes will push the strength training aside. My goal with my triathletes and runners is to keep the muscle on as long as possible before heading into the heavy specific training for a race.

As I have retired from the sport of triathlon as an athlete, I now focus on my strength training, surfing, walking, and riding the beach cruiser around my town in Costa Rica. I have never felt more confident, muscular, and fit heading into the second part of my life as a 52-year-old woman. And now, I get to share this with others on their journey of change. Here are 7 proven strength training exercises to get you fit.

1. Why Strength Training is Key to a Strong Body


Did you know that after 30, we will start losing our muscle mass by 3 - 8% per decade? But after 60 years old, the rate of muscle mass decreases at a higher rate.

Strength exercises are crucial for health for several reasons:

  1. We want to improve our muscle strength and tone to protect our joints from injury.
  2. We need to maintain balance and flexibility, especially as we age because we want to do what we should be able to do. For example, get on the floor with our grandkids or push ourselves off the floor from playing with the grandkids.
  3. Strength training will improve weight management; as you gain more muscle, your body will burn more calories at rest.

2. Here's How to Get Ready for Strength Training

Gym customer is getting advice and suggestion from her personal trainer for exercising plan program and getting her evaluation chart from sample blood test for her workout progress conceptShutterstock

Like the start of any exercise, ensure you get approval from a doctor or health care professional. Make sure you are comfortable with the equipment in the gym. If you are not, hire a coach or a personal trainer who can guide you to the equipment and help you make sure you have the proper form. If you are new, you want to avoid putting heavy weight on a poor form. Speaking of which, make sure you go lighter when you are starting. If you did weights in high school, understood the body mechanics, and could do a PR deadlift, good for you, but that was 20 years ago. Many clients will start too heavy too soon and then have problems sitting on the toilet or a chair or picking up their child and not want to work out again. My last thought is to add variety to your strength exercises. There are many forms of squats, which we will discuss below, and there are many pieces of equipment, from dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, machines, weighted medicine balls, bands, and even your body weight.

Related: 10 Training Tips I Wish I Knew Earlier, by an Expert Fitness Coach

3. Squats are the First Strength Training Exercise I Recommend

Hispanic woman doing squats on a bench by the oceanShutterstock

One of my favorites, and many other coaches and personal trainers, are squats. And it is not just bodyweight squats; there are so many options for squats: back squats with a barbell, front squats with a barbell, kettlebell squats, dumbbell squats, overhead squats, sissy squats, box squats, and curtsy squats, to name a few. Want me to keep going? You get my point.

Let me explain how to do a bodyweight squat or an air squat, as working on your form is essential to your success.

  1. Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart, your head is in a neutral position, and your eyes look forward.
  2. As you descend into a squat, ensure your shoulders, hips, toes, and knees are aligned.
  3. When you "sit back," like sitting in a chair, your body weight will shift into your heels.
  4. Keep the chest and upper body neutral or with a slight arch.
  5. Ideally, we want your quadriceps parallel to the ground, but do what is best for you now.

Now, let's talk about why squats. When doing squats, you will be focusing on the lower body muscles such as the gluteus maximus, minimus, medius (aka butt), quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors, hip flexors, and calves. There are many significant benefits that squats can do for you:

  1. Squats will give you strong glutes, which can help with cardiovascular activities such as walking, running, cycling, hiking, and surfing but are helpful for everyday life. See #2.
  2. Squats are also suitable for everyday life, such as pushing a stroller, picking yourself off the ground, or getting out of the car, especially as we age.
  3. Squats can help you strengthen your bones, which can help lower your risk of osteoporosis.

4. Romanian Deadlifts

Strong woman exercising with heavy weights. Fit female doing deadlift workout with barbell in old warehouse.Shutterstock

The "RDL" is working the posterior chain, such as your hamstrings, lower back, and glutes. In the RDL deadlift exercise vs. a deadlift from the ground, you will start with weight (bar, kettlebell, or dumbbells) standing straight up, and then you will lower the weight while hinging at the hip.

Related: I Lost 130 Pounds With Help From Indoor Cycling and Here's How You Can, Too

5. Push-ups

Shot of a beautiful athlete woman doing push ups in an abandoned building.Shutterstock

The muscles used for push-ups are chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, upper and lower back. Push-ups are a great overall body movement for all types of tasks to do in everyday life. Push-ups can be done anywhere on the floor, on a bench, on a wall, or on a stability ball if you are that talented!

6. Shoulder to Overhead Movement

Close-up of a Muscular Shirtless Man Lifting Heavy Barbell and Doing Military Press Bodybuilding Exercise in the Industrial Gym Building.Shutterstock

The muscles used for a strict or military press are the deltoid, tricep, pectorals, and serratus anterior. Strict press is a fantastic exercise for improving your long-term shoulder health, which is good for picking up the kids and grandkids and pushing a lawn mower.

7. Bench Press

Young sports woman is working out in gym. Doing the bench press during training.Shutterstock

The muscles used for a bench press are the pectoral muscles (chest), triceps, and delts (shoulders). You can do bench press with dumbbells or a barbell. If you are at home and don't have either, you can utilize canned goods or 1 lb water bottles, and if you don't have a bench, you can always do a floor press.

8. Pull-ups

Athletic woman training on horizontal bar in gym pull upsShutterstock

The muscles are the trapezius (back), deltoids, pectoralis major (chest), triceps, and latissimus dorsi. Pull-ups are hard for many people, and if you can do strict pull-ups, place some weights between your feet or knees and start slow. If you can not do a strict pull-up, do a negative pull-up with your grip pronated (hand on top of the bar), chin over the bar, and slowly lower yourself for at least 10 - 20 seconds.

9. Dumbbell Rows

Attractive woman in 30s doing one arm dumbbell rows in modern bright fitness center. Toned image.Shutterstock

The muscles used for dumbbell rows are the trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, deltoid (posterior), and bicep brachialis. When doing the dumbbell rows, you want to ensure that you pull with the scapula and use your whole body. Dumbbell Rows are a beneficial movement to strengthen the back.

10. Bonus! Core Work!

Attractive young woman doing sit up exercise with machine at the gym.Shutterstock

Working on your abs/core is tricky because sit-ups are only for some. For example, an athlete with back issues may be unable to do sit-ups, so a different type of ab workout needs to be given to them. There are many exercises out there for the core, such as sit-ups, front planks, side planks, dead bugs, bicycle crunch, V-Ups, mountain climbers, and hollow holds, to name a few.

Related: I’ve Tried Nearly Every Diet and This is the #1 Best for Weight Loss For Me

11. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Beautiful sporty woman drinking water while sitting on exercise mat with a cityscape and river behinde her.Image is intentionally toned.Shutterstock

We addressed some mistakes that people should avoid when starting strength training, but here are a couple of mistakes that people should avoid for long-term growth in and out of the gym.

  1. Increasing your weights too fast: Many people may go into the gym and "remember" the time they had a PR squat or deadlift, which may have been in high school and will try to start with that mentality immediately. Slow down, friends! As a coach or a trainer, we want to improve your strength gradually. You don't lose your strength overnight or gain it overnight.
  2. Time To Recover: Rest is vital, whether having a day off during the week or taking time off between upper and lower body days. Make sure you schedule a day off during the week. Contact a coach or personal trainer if you are still determining when to take it off.
  3. Improper Technique: Proper form can make or break you during strength training. It may look different if you have poor form and try adding weights to it. Make sure you work with someone who knows how to teach the form or watch videos that can show you how to do the form correctly. If you have a friend who can film you, you can also give yourself feedback or show your coach or personal trainer.
  4. Overtraining: Many do this. Many fail. When an athlete, runner, or fitness enthusiast doesn't recover after tough sessions, this can lead to injury, sickness, poor performance, and fatigue.

12. Final Word From the Expert


I can't emphasize the importance of strength training for the everyday human, athlete, Mom, Dad, and Grandparents. Yes, I was the triathlete who avoided it because I didn't have "time" for it. Looking back, I wish I had understood the importance of it, not just for the triathlon space but for the longevity of living. In the last couple of years, society is understanding the importance of strength training. Women genuinely understand the importance of strength training, especially those going into "the change" of perimenopausal and menopause. And no, women will not get bulky for strength training, especially if you have a nice blend of cardiovascular work such as skiing, walking, running, swimming, cycling, or surfing and strength training. The body will "balance" it with good nutrition and mindset.

💪🔥Body Booster: Make sure you go lighter when you are starting. Many people will start too heavy too soon and then have problems sitting on the toilet or a chair or picking up their child and not want to work out again.

Jen Rulon's transformation from a 15x Ironman triathlete to an everyday healthy human unfolded through a blend of strength training, walks, healthy eating, meditation, surfing, journaling, setting boundaries, and embracing life in Costa Rica, embodying her passion for fitness and authentic living.

More For You

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

As 15x Ironman, I know a thing or two about strength training, and now want to share it with you. First, a bit about my journey, so you know who I am and what I can do: I received my education in a Master's Degree in Science with an emphasis in Exercise Science from the Univesity of Texas in San Antonio. Before receiving my Master's Degree, I participated in 4 Ironman Triathlons, a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike, and a 26.2-mile run, but I wanted to learn more about the "why" and the "how" through knowledge. While getting my Master's Degree, I didn't have the time to train for an Ironman Triathlon. I found CrossFit, participated in it, and coached it with a Level I Certification. CrossFit kept me sane while I was getting my degree at 40 years old. I needed to move, but I needed something quick and to the point. CrossFit did that for me.

During CrossFit, I learned so much about form, strength, and movement that I could take this knowledge to the clients I worked with then and now. After graduating, I returned as an athlete and accomplished 11 more Ironman Triathlons, including achieving my 28-year-old dream, the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii in 2017, while I started my business,

Where it gets good is learning about my knowledge of strength during my Ironman Triathlon training and beyond, as so many triathletes will push the strength training aside. My goal with my triathletes and runners is to keep the muscle on as long as possible before heading into the heavy specific training for a race.

As I have retired from the sport of triathlon as an athlete, I now focus on my strength training, surfing, walking, and riding the beach cruiser around my town in Costa Rica. I have never felt more confident, muscular, and fit heading into the second part of my life as a 52-year-old woman. And now, I get to share this with others on their journey of change. Here are 7 proven strength training exercises to get you fit.

1. Why Strength Training is Key to a Strong Body


Did you know that after 30, we will start losing our muscle mass by 3 - 8% per decade? But after 60 years old, the rate of muscle mass decreases at a higher rate.

Strength exercises are crucial for health for several reasons:

  1. We want to improve our muscle strength and tone to protect our joints from injury.
  2. We need to maintain balance and flexibility, especially as we age because we want to do what we should be able to do. For example, get on the floor with our grandkids or push ourselves off the floor from playing with the grandkids.
  3. Strength training will improve weight management; as you gain more muscle, your body will burn more calories at rest.

2. Here's How to Get Ready for Strength Training

Gym customer is getting advice and suggestion from her personal trainer for exercising plan program and getting her evaluation chart from sample blood test for her workout progress conceptShutterstock

Like the start of any exercise, ensure you get approval from a doctor or health care professional. Make sure you are comfortable with the equipment in the gym. If you are not, hire a coach or a personal trainer who can guide you to the equipment and help you make sure you have the proper form. If you are new, you want to avoid putting heavy weight on a poor form. Speaking of which, make sure you go lighter when you are starting. If you did weights in high school, understood the body mechanics, and could do a PR deadlift, good for you, but that was 20 years ago. Many clients will start too heavy too soon and then have problems sitting on the toilet or a chair or picking up their child and not want to work out again. My last thought is to add variety to your strength exercises. There are many forms of squats, which we will discuss below, and there are many pieces of equipment, from dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, machines, weighted medicine balls, bands, and even your body weight.

Related: 10 Training Tips I Wish I Knew Earlier, by an Expert Fitness Coach

3. Squats are the First Strength Training Exercise I Recommend

Hispanic woman doing squats on a bench by the oceanShutterstock

One of my favorites, and many other coaches and personal trainers, are squats. And it is not just bodyweight squats; there are so many options for squats: back squats with a barbell, front squats with a barbell, kettlebell squats, dumbbell squats, overhead squats, sissy squats, box squats, and curtsy squats, to name a few. Want me to keep going? You get my point.

Let me explain how to do a bodyweight squat or an air squat, as working on your form is essential to your success.

  1. Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart, your head is in a neutral position, and your eyes look forward.
  2. As you descend into a squat, ensure your shoulders, hips, toes, and knees are aligned.
  3. When you "sit back," like sitting in a chair, your body weight will shift into your heels.
  4. Keep the chest and upper body neutral or with a slight arch.
  5. Ideally, we want your quadriceps parallel to the ground, but do what is best for you now.

Now, let's talk about why squats. When doing squats, you will be focusing on the lower body muscles such as the gluteus maximus, minimus, medius (aka butt), quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors, hip flexors, and calves. There are many significant benefits that squats can do for you:

  1. Squats will give you strong glutes, which can help with cardiovascular activities such as walking, running, cycling, hiking, and surfing but are helpful for everyday life. See #2.
  2. Squats are also suitable for everyday life, such as pushing a stroller, picking yourself off the ground, or getting out of the car, especially as we age.
  3. Squats can help you strengthen your bones, which can help lower your risk of osteoporosis.

4. Romanian Deadlifts

Strong woman exercising with heavy weights. Fit female doing deadlift workout with barbell in old warehouse.Shutterstock

The "RDL" is working the posterior chain, such as your hamstrings, lower back, and glutes. In the RDL deadlift exercise vs. a deadlift from the ground, you will start with weight (bar, kettlebell, or dumbbells) standing straight up, and then you will lower the weight while hinging at the hip.

Related: I Lost 130 Pounds With Help From Indoor Cycling and Here's How You Can, Too

5. Push-ups

Shot of a beautiful athlete woman doing push ups in an abandoned building.Shutterstock

The muscles used for push-ups are chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, upper and lower back. Push-ups are a great overall body movement for all types of tasks to do in everyday life. Push-ups can be done anywhere on the floor, on a bench, on a wall, or on a stability ball if you are that talented!

6. Shoulder to Overhead Movement

Close-up of a Muscular Shirtless Man Lifting Heavy Barbell and Doing Military Press Bodybuilding Exercise in the Industrial Gym Building.Shutterstock

The muscles used for a strict or military press are the deltoid, tricep, pectorals, and serratus anterior. Strict press is a fantastic exercise for improving your long-term shoulder health, which is good for picking up the kids and grandkids and pushing a lawn mower.

7. Bench Press

Young sports woman is working out in gym. Doing the bench press during training.Shutterstock

The muscles used for a bench press are the pectoral muscles (chest), triceps, and delts (shoulders). You can do bench press with dumbbells or a barbell. If you are at home and don't have either, you can utilize canned goods or 1 lb water bottles, and if you don't have a bench, you can always do a floor press.

8. Pull-ups

Athletic woman training on horizontal bar in gym pull upsShutterstock

The muscles are the trapezius (back), deltoids, pectoralis major (chest), triceps, and latissimus dorsi. Pull-ups are hard for many people, and if you can do strict pull-ups, place some weights between your feet or knees and start slow. If you can not do a strict pull-up, do a negative pull-up with your grip pronated (hand on top of the bar), chin over the bar, and slowly lower yourself for at least 10 - 20 seconds.

9. Dumbbell Rows

Attractive woman in 30s doing one arm dumbbell rows in modern bright fitness center. Toned image.Shutterstock

The muscles used for dumbbell rows are the trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, deltoid (posterior), and bicep brachialis. When doing the dumbbell rows, you want to ensure that you pull with the scapula and use your whole body. Dumbbell Rows are a beneficial movement to strengthen the back.

10. Bonus! Core Work!

Attractive young woman doing sit up exercise with machine at the gym.Shutterstock

Working on your abs/core is tricky because sit-ups are only for some. For example, an athlete with back issues may be unable to do sit-ups, so a different type of ab workout needs to be given to them. There are many exercises out there for the core, such as sit-ups, front planks, side planks, dead bugs, bicycle crunch, V-Ups, mountain climbers, and hollow holds, to name a few.

Related: I’ve Tried Nearly Every Diet and This is the #1 Best for Weight Loss For Me

11. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Beautiful sporty woman drinking water while sitting on exercise mat with a cityscape and river behinde her.Image is intentionally toned.Shutterstock

We addressed some mistakes that people should avoid when starting strength training, but here are a couple of mistakes that people should avoid for long-term growth in and out of the gym.

  1. Increasing your weights too fast: Many people may go into the gym and "remember" the time they had a PR squat or deadlift, which may have been in high school and will try to start with that mentality immediately. Slow down, friends! As a coach or a trainer, we want to improve your strength gradually. You don't lose your strength overnight or gain it overnight.
  2. Time To Recover: Rest is vital, whether having a day off during the week or taking time off between upper and lower body days. Make sure you schedule a day off during the week. Contact a coach or personal trainer if you are still determining when to take it off.
  3. Improper Technique: Proper form can make or break you during strength training. It may look different if you have poor form and try adding weights to it. Make sure you work with someone who knows how to teach the form or watch videos that can show you how to do the form correctly. If you have a friend who can film you, you can also give yourself feedback or show your coach or personal trainer.
  4. Overtraining: Many do this. Many fail. When an athlete, runner, or fitness enthusiast doesn't recover after tough sessions, this can lead to injury, sickness, poor performance, and fatigue.

12. Final Word From the Expert


I can't emphasize the importance of strength training for the everyday human, athlete, Mom, Dad, and Grandparents. Yes, I was the triathlete who avoided it because I didn't have "time" for it. Looking back, I wish I had understood the importance of it, not just for the triathlon space but for the longevity of living. In the last couple of years, society is understanding the importance of strength training. Women genuinely understand the importance of strength training, especially those going into "the change" of perimenopausal and menopause. And no, women will not get bulky for strength training, especially if you have a nice blend of cardiovascular work such as skiing, walking, running, swimming, cycling, or surfing and strength training. The body will "balance" it with good nutrition and mindset.

💪🔥Body Booster: Make sure you go lighter when you are starting. Many people will start too heavy too soon and then have problems sitting on the toilet or a chair or picking up their child and not want to work out again.

Jen Rulon's transformation from a 15x Ironman triathlete to an everyday healthy human unfolded through a blend of strength training, walks, healthy eating, meditation, surfing, journaling, setting boundaries, and embracing life in Costa Rica, embodying her passion for fitness and authentic living.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

We know you want six-pack abs, but how about a six-pack back? Alicia Erikson is popping the lid on the workout that keeps her looking half her age. In a new social media post, the health and fitness influencer, AKA “The Midlife Maven,” reveals how she achieved a six-pack back in her fifties. “Who wants to grow a 6-pack back?! Let’s goooooo!! Here’s your lift!” she says.

Pull-Ups or Lat Pulldowns

Her first exercise is pull-ups or lat pulldowns. She does 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps. “Use assistance bands or a machine if needed, or load with weight on lat pulldown,” she says in her post.

RELATED:4 Daily Habits This Weight Loss Coach Uses to Make Clients “Unrecognizable”

Barbell Bent-Over Rows

Up next? Barbell bent-over rows. She does 4 sets of 6 to 10 reps. “Keep your back flat and hinge at the hips, pulling the bar toward your lower ribcage,” she says.

T-Bar Rows

Her third exercise is T-bar rows. She does 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps. “Use a neutral grip handle for variety,” she says.

RELATED:Woman Who Lost 20 Pounds Shares 8 Ways to Burn Calories Without Exercise

Dumbbell Single-Arm Rows

Next up, dumbbell single-arm rows. She recommends doing 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps per side. “Use a bench for support and pull the dumbbell toward your hip,” she says.

Face Pulls

Face pulls are next on her back workout routine. She does 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps. “Use a rope attachment on a cable machine; pull toward your face while keeping elbows high,” she says.

Straight-Arm Pulldowns

Her last exercise? Straight-arm pulldowns. She does 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps. “Use a cable machine and keep arms straight, pulling down in an arc motion,” she says.

Other Tips

Alicia offers more tips. “Take 60–90 seconds rest between sets,” she says. She also stresses the importance of progressive overload. “Gradually increase weight or reps over time,” she says. Also, maintain form. “Slow and controlled movements and a full range of motion. Do not rush your reps! Don’t forget to have fun!! You’re growing a Sezzy back!”

RELATED:10 Ways Caitlin Clark Built Her Six-Pack Abs For Time Magazine's Cover Shoot

Strength Training

In another video, she discusses the importance of strength training. “I love to lift heavy stuff in the gym five to six days per week,” she says in the video. “I lift 5-6 days a week progressive overload - I follow a body part split (we should call it a hot girl split, pfft) because I love it. 3 lower body and 3 upper body days,” she adds in the caption. The Mayo Clinic explains that strength and weight training helps reduce body fat, preserves and increases lean muscle mass, and burns calories more efficiently. Strength training may also help you:

  • Develop strong bones
  • Manage your weight
  • Enhance your quality of life
  • Manage chronic conditions
  • Sharpen your thinking skills

Walking and Hiking

She also “hits the trail as much as possible” and does lots of walking daily. “10-12k steps daily. I really love walking and hiking,” she explains. Why should you walk, per science? One study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that walking at a brisk pace for about 30 minutes a day led to a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, dementia, and death, compared with walking a similar number of steps but at a slower pace. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including scientific studies and medical journals.

If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing

Do you want to get fit for summer? One fitness expert claims these three exercises will help you achieve your body goals. Jeff Nippard, a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally qualified powerlifter, has a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. He has amassed a large following on social media by sharing his science-backed diet and fitness tips with his 4.4 million YouTube subscribers. In a new video, he reveals “three new exercises.” Here is everything you need to know to do them – and some other habits that help keep him in shape.

Incline Lateral Raise

Jeff_Nippard9Jeff Nippard/YouTube

First up, a “meadow style” incline lateral raise, “where you alternate between going behind your back and in front of your body,” he says. “These are so good because by lying against an incline bench, you get most resistance from the dumbbell while you're delt is most stretched.

Bottom Half Smith Squats

Jeff_Nippard10Jeff Nippard/YouTube

The second exercise is bottom half smith squats. “These are brutal because you never get to rest at full walkout,” he explains. “Your quads are just continuously hammered in the deep stretch. Actually, I somewhat look forward to doing these though. They're a fun new challenge each week.”

RELATED: Rebecca Louise Shares 10-Minute Toned Upper Body Workout For Slender Arms

Moto Cable Rows

Jeff_Nippard8Jeff Nippard/YouTube

The third exercise he does is moto cable rows. “Because your whole body is braced against the floor, these give a very secure feel, and because this cable is free to move, you can lock into the plane of motion where you feel your lats the best for me. That's with my elbow more tucked into my side,” he says.

Science-Based Fitness Approach

Bodybuilder_Jeff_NippardJeff Nippard/YouTube

Nippard takes a science-based approach to fitness. In one Instagram post, he called it “super interesting,” 40 percent of his audience would consider their training more “bro” than science-based. “For me, all science-based training means is that you use science to build the foundation of your training,” he explained. That means you:

  1. Train hard
  2. Do enough volume (~5-15 sets per muscle per week)
  3. Use good technique (full range of motion with stretch-emphasis and control the negative)
  4. Use progressive overload (add some weight or reps over time)
  5. Use a variety of exercises

Here Is What He Eats Before and After Workouts

Bodybuilder_Jeff_Nippard4Jeff Nippard/YouTube

In another Instagram post, he discussed his diet before and after workouts. Pre-workout, Nippard has a bowl of jasmine rice, ground turkey, sour cream cheese, sriracha, blueberries, and a kiwi. “The latest research shows that simply not being hungry during your workout is the most important factor for pre-workout nutrition. Rather than nitpicking food sources or macro ratios, I'll chill for about an hour to let that digest,” he says. Post-workout, he has a shake with 50 grams of protein.

“Now, there's no need to stress about the anabolic window, but this shake does make it easier for me to hit my daily protein target of 150 grams,” Nippard explains. “A few hours later, I'll have a chicken sandwich made with ancient grains, bread, light, mayo, lettuce, rotisserie chicken, and a cheddar cheese slice with some crispy mini rice cakes and raspberries.”

💪🔥Body Booster: Adding new exercises to your routine can keep things fresh and interesting, helping you to avoid boredom during your workouts. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss This Is Exactly How to Lose Body Fat This Year.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Starting to exercise when you are older can seem overwhelming. However, it doesn’t have to be. In fact, a few simple exercises can help you achieve your dream body, according to one fitness expert. Liz Hilliard, 70, looks half her age and seems to know the secret to longevity. The pilates instructor, who trains out of her studio, Hilliard Studio Method, recently spoke to Body Network and revealed her top 7 exercises for staying in shape – and you can do all of them at home.


Liz HilliardLiz Hilliard

Her first exercise is the plank. “It can be done on the forearms or with straight arms and either supported on the knees or with straight legs,” she says. What are the benefits? “Strong Core for strength of the spine and flattened abdominals,” she says.

Push Ups

Hilliard Studio Method | ALL IN HAUSCopyright Liz Hilliard

Her second exercise is an old-school push-up. “Can be achieved with legs straight or knees on the floor,” she says. Never done a push-up? “Begin by leaning against a wall at an angle with your hands slightly wider than your chest. Bend your elbows, taking your chest to elbow level to protect your shoulders while simultaneously strengthening them. A pushup is simply a moving plank that engages your core muscles and strengthens your upper body and back as well.”

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Bicep Curls with Squats

Liz Hilliard-The bicep curl with squatsCopyright Liz Hilliard

Next up, bicep curls with squats “using either light hand weights or resistance bands,” she says.

“Stand with your core engaged, then bend your knees while pushing your seat back as if to sit in a chair, simultaneously bending at the elbows and adding a bicep curl.”


Liz-Hilliard-RowCopyright Liz Hilliard

Another beneficial exercise is rowing with either hand weights or resistance bands. “Stand with your core connected, hinging your body at the waist forward with weights or resistance bands in hand, then rowing from straight arms low to high by bending your elbows close to your side waist, feeling the back muscles engage and strengthen,” she says.

Note: when using resistance bands, stand evenly on top of them, holding the ends in your hand where you can control the amount of resistance.

Tricep Dips

Liz Hilliard-tricep dipsCopyright Liz Hilliard

Next, triceps dips “utilizing gravity as your mode of resistance,” she says. “Sit on the floor with your hands facing forward just behind you, engage your core to lift your bottom off the floor, then simply bend and extend elbows 8 to 12 times to strengthen and sculpt your triceps (back of your arms.” You can also sit on a chair, shifting forward until your seat is suspended in the air with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, then bend and straighten elbows 8 to 12 times.


Liz Hilliard-quadsCopyright Liz Hilliard

Quadriceps are also great. “Stand with heels together, toes apart at a 45-degree angle. Bend knees, traveling hips straight down toward the heels, keeping your knees in line with toes, never sinking below knee level or to a point where you feel stress on the knee joints,” she says. “Slowly travel down and back up 8 to 12 repetitions.” She notes that this is best done with one hand against a wall until you build the core and leg strength to do without support.

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Hamstrings Utilizing Hip Lifts

Liz Hilliard-HamstringsCopyright Liz Hilliard

Her last exercise is hamstrings utilizing hip lifts. “Lie flat on the floor with knees bent and feet under your knees. Engage your core with a slight pelvic tilt to lift your hips off the ground. Keep your head and shoulders on the ground lower, and lift your hips 8 to 12 times. Then, hold at the top and do 8 to 12 gentle tucks of the hips to fully engage the back of the legs and buttocks. To advance this hamstring exercise, lift one leg in the air while keeping your hips level so you can focus on one leg at a time,” she says.

She Also Does Pilates

Liz HilliardLiz Hilliard

Pilates is Hilliard’s main form of fitness, which she discovered when she was 48 “and immediately felt incredibly challenged. I even had fun, which led me to become certified in Pilates,” she says. In 2002, she opened her first personal Pilates training studio. “It was a successful business, and my clients were seeing real results. However, at age 51, while going through menopause, I noticed despite my Pilates workout, my belly fat was increasing, and my overall strength was decreasing as well, aka flabby arms and sagging bottom.

She Fused Pilates and Strength Training

Liz HilliardLiz Hilliard

She has found that when combined with strength training, it makes the perfect workout. “Inspired by my daughter, who was getting married and sculpting up for her wedding, I began researching heavy resistance training and hired my own personal trainer to try to sculpt my 51-year-old, menopausal body. We implemented heavy weight training, and I was determined to debunk the ‘bulking’ myth that most women feel about weightlifting,” she added.

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You Can Take Classes at Her Studio

Liz HilliardLiz Hilliard

“The short story is that adding heavier resistance training to my core-centric Pilates workout began to sculpt my body in ways I hadn’t seen before using only traditional Pilates. That’s when I devised my Method. By incorporating heavy resistance with the core-centric exercises of Pilates, the Hilliard Studio Method was born,” she says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 31 Fitness Tips Every Beginner Needs to Look Sexy, According to Coaches.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to get a full-body workout in without leaving the house? Alex Rice is a certified personal trainer and fitness influencer who boasts over 1.1 million Instagram followers. She regularly shares workout sets that don’t require a gym membership or expensive exercise equipment. “I love a full body workout,” Rice writes in the caption of one of her posts. “It leaves you feeling accomplished and strong!!! Let’s go.” Here are 13 at-home exercises that will help to firm your upper body fast.

Dumbbell Squats

The first exercise she recommends? 4 sets of 10-12 dumbbell squats. “You can do any version of a dumbbell squat you like!” she says.

Kneeling Arnold Press

A serious and focused woman prepares to do a light set of arnold shoulder presses with vinyl plastic dumbbells at her home gym.Shutterstock

Next up, 4 sets / 10 (each) of single arm kneeling Arnold presses. To do the exercise, kneel on one knee. With the opposite arm, lift your weight up and down.

Deficit Reverse Lunge

Brunette female in good shape wearing white top and beige leggins doing lunges and holding blue dumbbells in hands, working out legs, looking straight ahead with serious expression.Shutterstock

The third exercise? 3 sets / 8 (each) of deficit reverse lunge. Stand with two feet together, holding your weight in one arm. With that same leg, lunge back. Repeat. After 8 reps, switch to the other leg and arm.

Push Up


The next exercise is one of the most old school but effective: Push ups. Do 3 sets of 10 to 12. You can also modify and do incline push ups, she says.

Seesaw Bent Over Row

Attractive woman in 30s doing one arm dumbbell rows in modern bright fitness center. Toned image.Shutterstock

Rice recommends doing 3 sets / 10 (each) of seesaw bent over rows. Kneel over with knees slightly bent holding a dumbbell in each hand. Row arms up and down.

Explosive Squat Jumps

Young caucasian woman in sportswear doing plyometric exercises on pier. Fitness workout outdoorsShutterstock

The final exercise of this workout? 3 sets of explosive squat jumps. Holding a weight in each hand, squat down and then spring up. Repeat.

Kneeling Single Arm Shoulder Press

In another video, Rice shares her “dumbbell demolisher,” workout, asking: “did someone say they are looking for a dumbbell only workout??? I got you! Let’s train upper body!” The first exercise is a kneeling single arm shoulder press. Do 4 sets | 8-10 reps on each arm.

DB Close Grip Row

Women working on their triceps with dumbbells at the gymShutterstock

The second exercise is a dumbbell close grip row. In her demonstration she kneels over. Keeping weight close to her side she rows with both arms, completing 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Hand Release Push Ups

Gorgeous brunette warming up and doing some push ups a the gymShutterstock

Rice does a modified version of the OG push up, which she calls a hand release push up. After each one she lifts her hands from the ground. She does 3 sets, 8-10 (each) reps. You can also do incline push ups- hands on a bench/box/wall as a modification.

Single Arm Row

Slim, bodybuilder girl, lifts heavy dumbbell standing in front of the mirror while training in the gym. Sports concept, fat burning and a healthy lifestyle.Shutterstock

The fourth exercise of the set is another row: The single arm row. She recommends 3 sets, 8-10 (each) reps.

Seated OH Tricep Extension

Fitness arm workout Asian girl training triceps muscles doing tricep overhead extension exercise outdoor in park banner. Happy athlete working out outside with pink dumbbells.Shutterstock

The fifth exercise she does are seated overhead tricep extensions. She sits on the bench and holds a single weight with both hands, dropping it behind her head and raising up. She does 3 sets, 10-12 reps.

Hammer Curls

A young and sexy asian woman does seated dumbbell hammer curls on a flat bench at the gym. Wearing a black crop top and bike shorts.Shutterstock

The final exercise in this circuit. Hammer curls. She recommends doing 3 sets of the simple but effective exercise.

Dr. Jennifer Caudle, DO, FACOFP drjencaudle
Copyright drjencaudle/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Many of us have heard about the remarkable results people are experiencing with Ozempic and Wegovy for weight loss. But what happens when treatment ends? Dr. Jennifer Caudle, DO, FACOFP, known to many as Dr. Jen, is a board-certified Family Medicine physician and Associate Professor at Rowan University-School of Osteopathic Medicine who understands these concerns. Understanding these medications and their effects after discontinuation is crucial for anyone considering or currently taking them. Read on to discover the five key changes your body may experience when stopping these medications.

What Are Ozempic and Wegovy?

Before diving into what happens when you stop these medications, it's important to understand what they are. "Ozempic is FDA-approved for diabetes. Wegovy is FDA-approved to help with weight loss," Dr. Jen explains in her post. She notes that both medications contain the active ingredient semaglutide, which is why many people take Ozempic off-label for weight loss as well.

RELATED: 15 Things to Know Before Requesting Ozempic for Weight Loss

Blood Sugar Changes

Woman use glucometer checking blood sugar level


The first significant change when stopping these medications affects your glucose levels. "Your blood sugar will likely go up," says Dr. Jen. She explains this happens because these medications are designed to lower blood sugar, so removing them naturally allows levels to rise again. "Depending on who you are will determine the significance of that," Dr. Jen cautions, emphasizing that for diabetics, this change could be particularly important and might require replacement medications.

Appetite Returns

upset woman in pajamas looking at camera while eating cake in bed aloneWhat Happens to Your Body When You Stop Emotional EatingShutterstock

One of the most noticeable effects of discontinuing Ozempic or Wegovy is the return of your pre-medication appetite. "Your appetite may increase when you stop these medications," warns Dr. Jen. She explains that many of her patients appreciate how these drugs reduce cravings and hunger while taking them. "If you go off the medication, your appetite very likely will return. So you've got to be prepared for that," Dr. Jen advises.

Side Effects Disappear

handsome man feeling sick after the party put his head in toillet and vomit. Strong headachesShutterstock

There's a silver lining to stopping these medications if you've been experiencing adverse effects. "Side effects that many people say they have with these medications can be things like nausea or vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, abdominal cramping," Dr. Jen lists. She points out that gastrointestinal issues are the most common, but other effects like headaches can occur as well. "Should you stop them, if you had these side effects, they're likely going to go away," Dr. Jen reassures.

RELATED:20 Possible Ozempic Side Effects

Weight Loss Benefits End

Menopause, weight gain. Concerned woman standing on floor scales in bathroomShutterstock

Perhaps the biggest concern for many people is what happens to their weight after stopping. "One of the big side effects of these medications is weight loss. It's one of the reasons why so many people take these medications," acknowledges Dr. Jen. She explains that when you stop taking Ozempic or Wegovy, "the additional help that you're getting from the medications to help you with weight loss will go away too."

Will all the weight return? Dr. Jen says that's complicated: "That's going to depend on you, your body, what things you're doing to try to maintain your weight loss, how you're managing your diet, your exercise and all the other things in your life." She confirms that many people do regain weight after stopping but emphasizes that this isn't inevitable with proper maintenance strategies.

Cardiovascular Benefits Cease

ozempic_wegovy-split2Wegovy vs Ozempic: Pros and Cons for Weight Loss TreatmentShutterstock

The final important change involves heart health. "There have been studies that have shown that both Ozempic and Wegovy have cardiovascular benefits," Dr. Jen points out. These medications have been shown to reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular issues. Unfortunately, "when you stop the medication, those benefits that these medications afford you will go away," explains Dr. Jen.

RELATED:What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Taking Ozempic


Santiago, Chile, august 16th, 2023. Pen injection of semaglutide named \u201cozempic\u201d, is a diabetes medicine to improve blood sugar​And Now, Some Are Recommending MicrodosingShutterstock

Whether you're considering starting or stopping these medications, understanding these five potential changes is essential for making informed decisions about your health. Dr. Jen emphasizes that this information isn't meant to judge anyone's choice to use or discontinue these medications—rather, it's about being prepared for what might happen. As with any medication change, consult with your healthcare provider before making decisions about Ozempic or Wegovy.

Hana Carrier carrierfitness
Copyright carrierfitness/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to shape up by spring? It might be time to incorporate some new, healthy habits into your routine. Hana Carrier is a fitness coach who helps women get into their best shape ever. In a new social media post, she reveals her strategy for losing weight fast. “Here is what I would do to lose 10 pounds before spring break as a transformation specialist for single moms,” she writes.

Get in a Calorie Deficit

“Get in reasonable caloric deficit,” she says. “Everyones deficit is different but if you go too low- you won’t be able to last for too long. Aim for 500-700 less than you maintenance calories,” she says.

Track Every Bite

The next thing you need to do is keep track of the food you are eating. “Track every bite- You would be surprised how many extra calories those bites and licks add up too,” she says.

Add Protein to Every Meal

Third, add protein to every meal. “Aim for 25-50 grams per meal. Protein will help you feel full longer and it will also help you balance those sugar crashes,” she says.

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Add Veggies Too

She also recommends adding veggies, 2 to 3 times daily. “Veggies are a great way to feel full without racking up the calories,” she says. “Plus they are great for your health.”

Strength Training 3 to 4 Times a Week

“Strength training 3 to 4 times a week, is another key habit. “This won’t help you lose much weight quicky but it will help you build more muscle mass so you can burn more calories daily over time. Plus who does not want to look toned and strong. These workouts don’t need to be an hour long. 30-45 min is enough,” she says.

Walk 8,000 Steps Per Day

Also, get your steps in. “8K steps daily (add weighted vet to your walks when possible)- start moving more. Get a step tracker and aim for 8 K steps daily if possible,” she suggests.

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

Eat 3 to 4 Times a Day

Make sure to eat enough. She recommends three to four times a day. “You don’t need 6 meals per day. Focus on 3-4 filling meals,” she says.

Meal Prep Twice a Week

Mealing prepping will also help you achieve your goals. She recommends doing it twice a week. “Fail to prep- prep to fail. It is soo much easier when you have the right foods ready,” she says.

Stop Drinking Alcohol

Don’t drink your calories. “Stop drinking alcohol,” she suggests. “Drinking alcohol stops you from losing fat- your body takes time to metabolize the alcohol(24-48 hours) and while your body is metabolizing the alcohol, fat burning stops.”


Her last recommends is to hydrate. “Drink 2-3 L of water. It will help you speed up your metabolism but also feel full,” she says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Breanna Henry breehenryy
Copyright breehenryy/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you struggling on your weight loss journey? One weight loss warrior shares her effective, step-by-step approach to her impressive transformation. Breanna Henry is a swimwear and activewear founder who lost weight and transformed her body, regularly sharing about how she did it on social media. In a new post, she offers some tips. “How to transform your body in five easy steps,” she writes in the Instagram post.

You Need to Break Your Old Habits

“HOW I FINALLY LOST THE WEIGHT AND KEPT IT OFF!!!” she continues. “Maybe ‘easy’ isn’t the word. It will be difficult to break the old habits you’ve instilled. But they’re simple rules,” she says. “My weight fluctuated for years and I always felt like I had to ‘cut’ or ‘diet.’”

These 5 Changes Helped Her Lose Weight

“Once I made these 5 changes, I’ve been able to lose the weight. Anytime it feels like I’m putting weight on, I evaluate where I’m slipping up with one of these and get back on track and I’m good to go,” she says. “It doesn’t have to be difficult and confusing. Dumb it down and get it done.”

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Step One: Improve Sleep

The first step is to improve sleep. “Cold temperature at night and sleep in less clothing magnesium before bed. I mask to make it dark. No phone in bed,” she continues. “Charge it in another room. Try to go to bed and wake up around the same times every day. Sunlight in your eyes, first thing in the morning.”

Step Two: Eat Regularly

Her second step has to do with nutrition. “Eat to prevent crazy glucose spikes. Eat greens first, then protein and fats, then carbs. Never eat carbs by themselves. Decrease overall sugar intake,” she says.

Step Three: Eat More Protein

Her third step? Amp up your protein intake. “Eat more protein. Eat as much meat, fish and eggs as you please,” she says.

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Step Four: Focus Your Diet Around Whole Foods

Step four? Most of your diet should be whole foods like meat, fish, eggs, fruit, and veggies. “Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store where things have to be refrigerated. Foods that don't have ingredient labels,” she says.

Step Five: Exercise

The final step is “balanced training,” she says. “Strength train two to three days a week. Some form of endurance training once a week, 10 to 15,000 steps per day. The remaining of exercise to be lower intensity, Pilates, yoga, something fun outdoors. Occasional HIIT workouts to challenge yourself, but not multiple times per week. Allow time for recovery. Better to train harder on fewer days. Exercise doesn't have to be the gem. It can be pickleball, roller skating, long walks with friends, run club to socialize.”