Are you unsure about what proteins you should be eating for fat loss? Michelle Roots is a Kinesiologist, Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach, and Certified Nutrition Coach With Over 15 years of Experience in the fitness industry. In a viral YouTube video, she breaks down the best high-protein foods for weight loss that are also low in calories. She notes that you should aim for 0.7 to one grams of protein per pound of body weight.
Lean Chicken Breast
“High protein food number one, which I'm sure a lot of you already eat and know about, is a lean chicken breast,” she says in the post. Not only is it super versatile, but it can also be easily cooked in an air fryer. It also offers 17 or 18 grams of protein per hundred grams and is low in calories.
Lean Ground Turkey
Protein food number two is lean ground Turkey. Another one of her “go-to” foods she uses is pasta sauces and she makes burger patties with it. Another go-to in this household is to throw into pasta meals and stir-fries, to make into burger patties, and also to make tacos. “There's so many things you can do with it, and it's a great source of protein,” she says, noting that it has close to 20 grams of protein.
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Eggs and Egg Whites
Eggs and egg whites are third on her list. “You can make them anywhere, anytime, hard-boiled, scrambled, sunny side u, or whatever you want, but they are a great source of protein,” she says. One large egg has 6.5 to seven grams of protein and 72 calories. Egg whites are also an “amazing” source of protein and “super easy to throw into anything,” she notes. Her cooking hack? “When I'm making an omelet, I'm using one or two whole eggs, and then I add extra egg whites to just increase the protein of that entire meal.” One large egg white boasts three and a half grams of protein and only 17 calories.
High-protein food number four is salmon. “Salmon is an amazing low-calorie source of protein,” she says, noting that 100 grams boasts about 17 or 18 grams of protein and 100 calories.
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High protein food number five, lentils. While “a little bit higher in carbs” than the other lean proteins, they are “an amazing source of protein, especially if you're someone who doesn't eat meat,” she says. One cup of lentils offers about 18 grams of protein and 230 calories.
Greek Yogurt
Number six: plain Greek yogurt. “This has been one of my go-to's for a really long time. I love the taste, I love what it does for my body, and I love that it's high in protein,” she says. It offers 15 grams of protein and 80 calories for a 150-gram serving.
Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese, “another great low calorie, but high protein food,” is seventh on the list. One-half cup offers 12 grams of protein and 80 calories. She recommends two servings, which will “help keep you full, keep you fueled, and again, get those protein levels up.”
Her eighth pick is Amai, a designer protein that is especially great “if you're a vegetarian,” she says. “These are great to have on hand as quick snacks, and they can be thrown into salads or stir-fries to increase protein intake. Half a cup of Amai is 12 grams of protein and only about 150 calories.”
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Canned Tuna
High protein food number nine, canned tuna. “Super easy to throw into any meal,” she says.
“It doesn't even have to be cooked. And for one can of tuna, you're looking at 30 grams of protein and only 120 calories.”
Basic Whey Protein Powder
The last item on her list is “basic whey protein powder,” she says. While not a food, “it is a source that helps me increase my protein intake, helps me with recovery from my workouts, and helps me as a healthy snack in between meals to curb cravings and keep my body fueled,” she says. “So I definitely think having a whey protein powder on this list is very important.” One serving of whey protein has about 150 calories and 35 grams of protein. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.