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We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

10 Tai Chi Moves to Reverse Aging in 80 Days

These exercises will make you happy, inside and out.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
Sporty woman demonstrating tai chi stance with pretend sword, outdoor.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Tai chi is a wonderfully gentle—yet effective—method of exercise for both mental and physical wellbeing. “A growing body of carefully conducted research is building a compelling case for tai chi as an adjunct to standard medical treatment for the prevention and rehabilitation of many conditions commonly associated with age,” says Harvard Health. “When you practice tai chi, you’re not trying to see how fast you can move,” personal trainer and Oriental medicine specialist Tim Sobo, LAc, CPT, CES, tells the Cleveland Clinic. “Your goal is to make the moves flow together. You move your whole body as a unit. And because strength and balance are required, tai chi is great for your muscles and bones.”

Here are ten tai chi exercises for beginners from Master JianFeng Chen, International Grand Champion in Tai Chi, to help you look and feel younger.

Preparing Form


42 Tai Chi voice guide coaching No 1-6 Tai Chi can be difficult to hold young persons attention and focus for practice,,but as long as they keep trying, the seed is planted and benefits will be seen with time and patience. Online learning 👉 #jianfengchentaichi #daouniverse #oregontaichiwushu #taiji #taichi #taichichuan #taijichuan #onlinelearning #taichibeginner #taichionline #taichiclass #taichiflow #balance #health #healthylifestyle #武术 #功夫 #太极 #太极拳 #wushu #kungfu #taichimaster #shaolin #karate #taichichuanyang #taichiyinyang #healthylifestyle #healthy #longevity #longevitylifestyle #motivation

“Names like Yang, Wu, and Cheng are given to various branches of tai chi, in honor of people who devised the sets of movements called forms,” says Harvard Health. “Certain programs emphasize the martial arts aspect of tai chi rather than its potential for healing and stress reduction.”

Right Grasp the Bird's Tail


“It’s sometimes called ’meditation in motion’ because it’s a series of exercises that can help harmonize your body’s energy and mind,” Sobo explains.

Single Whip


“In some forms, you learn long sequences of movements, while others involve shorter series and more focus on breathing and meditation,” says Harvard Health. “The name is less important than finding an approach that matches your interests and needs.”

RELATED: 8 Steps I Used to Stop Sugar Addiction and Drop 30 Pounds

Lift Hands


“Tai chi doesn’t call for the same flexibility as yoga, nor is it as strenuous as other forms of exercise, making it easier on your joints and muscle,” says the Cleveland Clinic. “You should always check with a healthcare provider before starting a new activity, including tai chi. But on the whole, because it’s so low-impact, people of nearly any age can practice tai chi.”

White Crane Spreads Wings


“The practice of being mindful is a great stress reliever,” Sobo says. “Tai chi’s movements require you to focus on breathing and movement together, so you’re focused on what you’re doing rather than on everything else going on in your life.”

RELATED: 15 Simple Tricks to Shed 10 Pounds Every Month Without Strict Dieting

Brush Knee Push


“Taking a class may be the best way to learn tai chi,” says Harvard Health. “Seeing a teacher in action, getting feedback, and experiencing the camaraderie of a group are all pluses.”

Fist Across the Body


42 Tai Chi voice guide coaching No. 7-10 🔥Check our stories for more 🤩 Online learning 👉 #jianfengchentaichi #daouniverse #oregontaichiwushu #taiji #taichi #taichichuan #taijichuan #onlinelearning #taichibeginner #taichionline #taichiclass #taichiflow #balance #health #healthylifestyle #武术 #功夫 #太极 #太极拳 #wushu #kungfu #taichimaster #shaolin #karate #taichichuanyang #taichiyinyang #healthylifestyle #healthy #longevity #42taichi #motivation

“Since it’s not weight training or long-distance running, many people can safely do 20 minutes of tai chi every day,” Sobo says. “Your body doesn’t need a day to recover.”

Roll Back and Press


“You don’t need special equipment or expertise to start doing tai chi,” says the Cleveland Clinic. “You can do it at home using instructional videos, making it a free or low-cost option.”

Step Forward, Block, Parry, Punch


“Choose loose-fitting clothes that don't restrict your range of motion,” says Harvard Health. “You can practice barefoot or in lightweight, comfortable, and flexible shoes.”

RELATED: I Lost 81 Pounds in a Year, and These are Surprising Things That Happened to My Body

Withdraw and Push


“Although you aren't working with weights or resistance bands, the unsupported arm exercise involved in tai chi strengthens your upper body,” says Harvard Health. “Tai chi strengthens both the lower and upper extremities as well as the core muscles of the back and abdomen.”

💪🔥Body Booster: Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes for your tai chi session.

More For You

Sporty woman demonstrating tai chi stance with pretend sword, outdoor.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Tai chi is a wonderfully gentle—yet effective—method of exercise for both mental and physical wellbeing. “A growing body of carefully conducted research is building a compelling case for tai chi as an adjunct to standard medical treatment for the prevention and rehabilitation of many conditions commonly associated with age,” says Harvard Health. “When you practice tai chi, you’re not trying to see how fast you can move,” personal trainer and Oriental medicine specialist Tim Sobo, LAc, CPT, CES, tells the Cleveland Clinic. “Your goal is to make the moves flow together. You move your whole body as a unit. And because strength and balance are required, tai chi is great for your muscles and bones.”

Here are ten tai chi exercises for beginners from Master JianFeng Chen, International Grand Champion in Tai Chi, to help you look and feel younger.

Preparing Form


42 Tai Chi voice guide coaching No 1-6 Tai Chi can be difficult to hold young persons attention and focus for practice,,but as long as they keep trying, the seed is planted and benefits will be seen with time and patience. Online learning 👉 #jianfengchentaichi #daouniverse #oregontaichiwushu #taiji #taichi #taichichuan #taijichuan #onlinelearning #taichibeginner #taichionline #taichiclass #taichiflow #balance #health #healthylifestyle #武术 #功夫 #太极 #太极拳 #wushu #kungfu #taichimaster #shaolin #karate #taichichuanyang #taichiyinyang #healthylifestyle #healthy #longevity #longevitylifestyle #motivation

“Names like Yang, Wu, and Cheng are given to various branches of tai chi, in honor of people who devised the sets of movements called forms,” says Harvard Health. “Certain programs emphasize the martial arts aspect of tai chi rather than its potential for healing and stress reduction.”

Right Grasp the Bird's Tail


“It’s sometimes called ’meditation in motion’ because it’s a series of exercises that can help harmonize your body’s energy and mind,” Sobo explains.

Single Whip


“In some forms, you learn long sequences of movements, while others involve shorter series and more focus on breathing and meditation,” says Harvard Health. “The name is less important than finding an approach that matches your interests and needs.”

RELATED: 8 Steps I Used to Stop Sugar Addiction and Drop 30 Pounds

Lift Hands


“Tai chi doesn’t call for the same flexibility as yoga, nor is it as strenuous as other forms of exercise, making it easier on your joints and muscle,” says the Cleveland Clinic. “You should always check with a healthcare provider before starting a new activity, including tai chi. But on the whole, because it’s so low-impact, people of nearly any age can practice tai chi.”

White Crane Spreads Wings


“The practice of being mindful is a great stress reliever,” Sobo says. “Tai chi’s movements require you to focus on breathing and movement together, so you’re focused on what you’re doing rather than on everything else going on in your life.”

RELATED: 15 Simple Tricks to Shed 10 Pounds Every Month Without Strict Dieting

Brush Knee Push


“Taking a class may be the best way to learn tai chi,” says Harvard Health. “Seeing a teacher in action, getting feedback, and experiencing the camaraderie of a group are all pluses.”

Fist Across the Body


42 Tai Chi voice guide coaching No. 7-10 🔥Check our stories for more 🤩 Online learning 👉 #jianfengchentaichi #daouniverse #oregontaichiwushu #taiji #taichi #taichichuan #taijichuan #onlinelearning #taichibeginner #taichionline #taichiclass #taichiflow #balance #health #healthylifestyle #武术 #功夫 #太极 #太极拳 #wushu #kungfu #taichimaster #shaolin #karate #taichichuanyang #taichiyinyang #healthylifestyle #healthy #longevity #42taichi #motivation

“Since it’s not weight training or long-distance running, many people can safely do 20 minutes of tai chi every day,” Sobo says. “Your body doesn’t need a day to recover.”

Roll Back and Press


“You don’t need special equipment or expertise to start doing tai chi,” says the Cleveland Clinic. “You can do it at home using instructional videos, making it a free or low-cost option.”

Step Forward, Block, Parry, Punch


“Choose loose-fitting clothes that don't restrict your range of motion,” says Harvard Health. “You can practice barefoot or in lightweight, comfortable, and flexible shoes.”

RELATED: I Lost 81 Pounds in a Year, and These are Surprising Things That Happened to My Body

Withdraw and Push


“Although you aren't working with weights or resistance bands, the unsupported arm exercise involved in tai chi strengthens your upper body,” says Harvard Health. “Tai chi strengthens both the lower and upper extremities as well as the core muscles of the back and abdomen.”

💪🔥Body Booster: Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes for your tai chi session.

Facial Beauty Treatment. Woman Doing Red Led Light Therapy
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

As a gerontologist and healthy aging expert, it's my job not only to study the physical, psychological, and social aspects of aging throughout the lifespan but also to study how age-related decline and disease can be prevented. That's why I wanted to share these top breakthrough strategies that are not only based on solid scientific research but also on my personal experiences and observations in the field of healthy aging.

Whether it's managing stress, adapting your diet, or adjusting your exercise routines, these strategies are designed to help you maintain vitality and thrive throughout the years. So, let's dive in and explore these transformative techniques that can lead you to a healthier, more youthful lifestyle. Here are my top 5 breakthrough healthy aging strategies.

Learn to Manage Stress!

Darnell_Cox2Darnell Cox

We are living in an overly-caffeinated, sleep-deprived, plugged-in world which has raised our chronic stress levels (that low level stress that is constant in our lives) to new higher setpoints. So, even though we may not feel overly stressed out, our bodies tell a different story. Stress causes an inflammatory response in the body, and inflammation has been linked to all age-related diseases - everything from cardiovascular disease to cancer! If you want to live longer, implement a daily stress-reduction practice. Find a practice that works for your lifestyle. Maybe that’s getting out in nature for 30 minutes a day. Perhaps a daily practice of yoga, meditation or breathwork is right for you. Incorporate your method into a consistent daily practice, even when you don’t feel particularly stressed.

The Gerontologist's How-To: The best science-backed way to de-stress in real time is to practice the Physiological Sigh. This breathing technique is the quickest way to kickstart your parasympathetic nervous system to reduce your heart rate and destress almost instantly.

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Here is how you do it:

Darnell_Cox4Darnell Cox

Take an inhale, filling up your lungs, then inhale even more, followed by a longer slower exhale. This exhale focused breathing is the quickest way known to decrease the activation of the sympathetic nervous system (the fight or flight system) by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system (the rest and digest system). Double inhale, Longer slower exhale. Try it!

Deliberate Cold Exposure

Close up of female legs getting into ice cold waterShutterstock

I know. I know. Seems painful, and if I’m being honest, it is! However, there are so many health benefits that I decided to try cold plunging, and now, it is a part of my morning routine. Contrary to the images we see on social media, you do not need to break through frozen ponds or dump your entire ice supply from your freezer into your tub. The ideal temperature for a cold plunge is between 50-60 degrees. You can get that ideal temperature of cold water right out of your own bathtub.

The Gerontologist's How-To: No need for expensive cryotherapy or cold plunge pools. Simply fill up your tub with cold water and get in up to your neck for 2-3 minutes. Me? I play the Rocky’s Theme Song (Gonna Fly Now), which pumps me up and gives me the push I need. I stay under the cold water doing Tumo Breathing (quick exhales as if you are breathing out of a straw) until my body acclimates. My cold plunge time is exactly 2 minutes and 47 seconds each morning (the exact length of the Rocky Theme song). Cold plunging first thing in the morning is best. Although it feels freezing on our outsides, it actually heats our core. This does two things - it helps set your sleep wake cycle and will actually help you fall asleep faster later that same night, and it kick starts your metabolism. It takes energy to warm your core, and energy means it burns calories! Hooray! In fact, when I wear my Aura ring in the tub, it tracks my 2:47 cold plunge as a 20 minute workout. That’s how powerful it is!

Red Light Therapy

Woman having Ultraviolet LED light facial treatment at beauty salon. Cosmetology. female Face At Red Light Treatment At Beauty Clinic.Shutterstock

The scientific evidence supporting the health and beauty benefits of red light therapy is undeniable. In fact, red light technology has even been used by astronauts in space to speed wound healing. It’s common knowledge that light has an effect on our bodies. Ultra Violet rays from the sun can change the pigment of the skin, and can result in a sunburn. The Red Light spectrum, however, passes safely through the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) and hits the deeper layers of the skin. It has been shown to decrease wrinkles, even out skin tone and texture, increase circulation, decrease inflammation in the body, decrease joint pain, and even boost your mood! Can certain spectrums of light help you look better, feel better, and increase your lifespan? YES! In fact, near-infrared light has shown to go as deep as bone, and perhaps to the bone marrow itself, re-energizing aging cells.

The Gerontologist's How-To: To get started with Red Light Therapy (RLT), you can either visit a professional facility such as a dermatologist’s office, spa, or specialized RLT clinic, or you can purchase a home device that has FDA approval.

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Grounding (Otherwise Known as Earthing)

Darnell_Cox3Darnell Cox

Something so simple as getting outside and taking your shoes off can have profound health benefits. We are made to walk on the earth, and there are many health benefits to prove it. The earth is negatively charged. We humans are naturally positively charged. However, in times of stress, we can lose electrons, giving us even more of a positive charge than is ideal (AKA free radicals). By stepping barefoot on the earth, the earth acts as a sponge soaking up these free radicals in an energy exchange. It’s one of the most profound health hacks, and it’s absolutely free.

The Gerontologist's How-To: Just step outside and put your feet in the grass, sand, dirt, or water source, and let nature do the rest. Don’t have access to the outdoors year-round? Then you may want to look into a grounding mattress pad or grounding mat. Grounding devices plug into the third port of an indoor electrical outlet, which is grounding to the earth, and work in the same way as stepping outside. Health benefits include a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate,and inflammation. It also boosts your mood by decreasing anxiety and depression, and even improves gut health by increasing microbiome diversity.

Intermittent Fasting


I’ve been Intermittent Fasting for 30+ years! This notion that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” is quite frankly B.S. that is spoon fed to us (no pun intended) by the big food manufacturing companies that line our supermarket shelves with ultra processed breakfast cereals. It’s not “breakfast” that is the most important meal, it’s how you break-your-fast that is the most important. For me, that’s not in the morning hours, but at noon or 1pm. It’s not as difficult as it seems. If you sleep (hopefully) for 8 hours, you’ve just done an 8 hour fast.

The Gerontologist's How-To: By simply skipping breakfast, you ease into a 12-16 hour fast. If this seems crazy, just know that we are not made to have food at our beacon call. We are made to go for long periods of time without eating. And it’s in times of deprivation that our bodies reach into our fat cells for energy. That’s how we reach a state of ketosis, when our bodies are burning fat for energy. It’s not by eating a keto-friendly nutrition bar or having keto-friendly coffee. You do not need to purchase any food products for your body to burn fat, you simply have to deny it a steady stream of food.

RELATED: #1 Secret Revealed for Sticking to Your Workout Routine

Do Age-Appropriate Exercise

Darnell_Cox5Darnell Cox

One of the most common mistakes I see in working with my 1:1 clients is a lack of the age-specific exercise. The way we exercise needs to change with age. Excessive cardio, which was fine for us as youngsters, can actually be detrimental to building muscle mass, which we need more of as we age. Beginning in our 30’s, our muscle mass starts to decline, which can lead to sarcopenia (when fat infiltrates the muscle fiber), making it very difficult to lose weight.

The Gerontologist's How-To: Therefore, strength training becomes more important as we age. Muscles are calorie-burning machines, folks! The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn! And muscle gives us strength which we need to remain active and mobile. Joint flexibility also declines with age, so incorporating a consistent stretching routine is imperative. Strength + Flexibility = Mobility, and remaining mobile is key to healthy aging.

Don't Fall Into an "Anti-Aging" Trap

Darnell_Cox7Darnell Cox

There is one thing else I would like to add, which takes us back to the very first question asked by this very website… “Could you introduce your expertise in Gerontology and offer insights into anti-aging?" Ugh. I kinda loathe that word “anti-aging” since going back to school. It puts a negative connotation on growing older. I went into USC Leonard School of Gerontology (while in my 50’s) using the word “anti-aging,” and left having graduated using instead, “Healthy Aging.” This transition happened in my very first class when I had my professor all but snarl at me when I asked her to be on my YouTube channel. She denied my request due to terms like “Anti-aging” and “age-defying” that were commonplace back then.

I soon switched to Healthy Aging, and for good reason. Aging is inevitable. It’s going to happen. We are not trying to stop aging, but rather age in such a way that we are looking, feeling and functioning our best throughout the lifespan. And hopefully, with a little luck, one day we’ll ALL be wrinkly ol'’ women! That would be a blessing!

The Gerontologist's How-To: The thing that is the most important thing I teach is that you, me, we ALL have the power to start right now down a different path that changes how we feel, how we function, how much pain we are in, how mobile we are, how long we live, and yes, to some extent even how we look during the aging process. A lot of how we age is in our own hands. You are NEVER too young to start thinking about aging, and you are NEVER too old to start Living Young.

Darnell Cox, a Gerontologist and Healthy Aging Coach is the founder of Live Young Lifestyle.

Liz Hilliard
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Liz Hilliard, 70, is living, breathing proof that age is just a number. The pilates instructor, who trains out of her studio Hilliard Studio Method, discovered the workout when she was 48, and completely transformed her approach to health. Over the years she has managed to learn a few things about longevity, revealing her secrets in an interview with Body Network.

Liz Used to Rely on Traditional Workouts

Liz HilliardLiz Hilliard

Liz, who lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, explains that she was athletic throughout her childhood and enjoyed playing basketball and other team sports. “Traditional workouts always felt boring and offered minimal results for the time and energy put into them, " she says. Until I was in my late 40s, I relied on tennis and walking as my main sources of exercise.

RELATED: I'm a Personal Trainer and These 5 Moves Banished My Clients' Bat Wings in Weeks

She Discovered Pilates at Age 48

Liz HilliardLiz Hilliard

“At age 48, I attended my first Pilates class and immediately felt incredibly challenged. I even had fun, which led me to become certified in Pilates,” she says. In 2002, she opened her first personal Pilates training studio. “It was a successful business, and my clients were seeing real results. However, at age 51, while going through menopause, I noticed despite my Pilates workout, my belly fat was increasing, and my overall strength was decreasing as well, aka flabby arms and sagging bottom."

Fusing Strength Training with Pilates Was a Game-Changer

Liz HilliardLiz Hilliard

"Inspired by my daughter, who was getting married and sculpting up for her wedding, I began researching heavy resistance training and hired my own personal trainer to try to sculpt my 51-year-old, menopausal body. We implemented heavy weight training, and I was determined to debunk the ‘bulking’ myth that most women feel about weightlifting," Liz says.

"The short story is that adding heavier resistance training to my core-centric Pilates workout began to sculpt my body in ways I hadn’t seen before using only traditional Pilates. That’s when I devised my Method. By incorporating heavy resistance with the core-centric exercises of Pilates, the Hilliard Studio Method was born."

She Shaved Inches Off Her Waistline

Slim young woman measuring her thin waist with a tape measure, close upShutterstock

Hillard, who has since authored the book "Be Powerful: Find Your Strength at Any Age" and co-hosts the Be Powerful Podcast, has remained 135 pounds throughout most of her life. “Muscle weighs more than fat, so I was replacing adipose tissue with muscle. My body was sculpting and changing at a rapid rate, especially given that I was in the throes of menopause. I lost inches around my waist, my arms became strong and sculpted, my abs flattened, and my glutes lifted. My entire body changed over the course of a year or less,” she says.

She Works Out 4 to 5 Times a Week

Liz HilliardLiz Hilliard

What are the most important things she learned about getting in shape? “Find a workout that you enjoy, or you won’t stick with it. Our lives are busy, so finding a workout that efficiently provides resistance combined with stretch and enough cardio is essential. I do my workout at Hilliard Studio Method 4 to 5 times a week because we change the workout daily, moving through compound exercising and utilizing different resistance tools like balls, gliders, and bands to continuously cause muscle confusion and avoid the dreadful plateau, both mentally and physically. We keep the work fun and evolving, low impact yet high intensity. The amazing side effect of getting in physical shape is that one’s mental and emotional outlook becomes far more positive. Strength training like I do at HSM is the fountain of youth,” she continues.

RELATED: This Woman Gave Up Processed Sugar and Got Into the Best Shape of Her Life at 54 By Doing These 4 Things

Get Your Steps In

Liz HilliardLiz Hilliard

Her top workout suggestions? “Walk every day and everywhere. Get outside as often as possible to walk in nature. Bonus points if you walk with a friend. It’s built-in mental and physical therapy, which will not only help keep you fit but also lift your mood and keep your mind creative,” she says.

Strength Train Four Times a Week

Liz HilliardLiz Hilliard

Also, strength training 4 times per week. “Strength training is an absolute requirement for healthy aging and simply means load-bearing exercises that require your muscles to engage. This can include anything from hand weights, resistance bands, weighted balls or any weighted object that taxes and builds skeletal muscles. Skeletal muscle strength allows the body to burn calories and maintain a healthy weight while setting the body up for success when inevitable accidents happen, so you are far less likely to avoid falling and breaking bones,” she says.

It’s Never Too Late to Get in Shape

Liz HilliardLiz Hilliard

What is her message for women out there who are struggling to get in shape? “It’s never too late, and you’re never too old or out of shape to start exercising. By simply getting out of your chair and going for a 20-minute walk, you’ll have the immediate feedback of feeling better physically, mentally, and emotionally,” she says.

Make Exercise Social

Liz HilliardLiz Hilliard

She also recommends connecting with friends to walk, workout, “and just talk every day,” she says. “Walking and talking with a friend or acquaintance is the perfect combo for both physical and mental health! Add resistance training to your workout, which can be as simple as a plank for as long as you can hold it until you work for up to a minute. Then go for 2 minutes or more. This is resistance training and incredible for your core and overall fitness! Then add a pushup on your knees, which is basically a moving plank that strengthens your arms, back, and core, not to mention flattens your abs. Do as many as you can, and try to work up to 20 or more. Mostly, just keep moving every single day. Our bodies are designed to move. The fastest way to early aging is to stop moving. The move it or lose it cliché is true.”

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Try the Hilliard Studio Method at Home

Athletic woman in stylish sportswear doing lunges exercises at home in bedroom.Shutterstock

She says she “takes working out to the next level to produce results that are nothing short of a total mind-body transformation for women and men of all ages and stages,” she says. “Hilliard Studio Method group classes are designed to be taken on a regular basis. Each class is different from the day before. Our energetic and encouraging trainers utilize a variety of powerful movements and workout tools in a high intensity, low impact method driven by empowering, beat-driven music; think personal training in a group setting.” Her classes can also be done virtually via an online streaming platform and live Zoom classes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 20 Superfoods for People Over 50.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

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We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

When menopause hits, many women face an unexpected challenge: stubborn belly fat that seems impossible to lose. Despite maintaining their usual routines, their bodies begin changing in frustrating ways. Serena, a 50-year-old fitness enthusiast, found herself in this exact situation. But instead of accepting it, she discovered a combination of simple changes that transformed her body.

"It really hit me last year when my body started changing," Serena shares. "The fat has just kind of melted away from my face, neck, and chest. And now that I'm lifting weights, muscle is becoming more prominent." Her approach doesn't require extreme measures or strict dieting—just consistent, smart choices that add up to real results.

Why Traditional Methods Stop Working

Before finding success, Serena struggled with common approaches. "I was walking almost every day, three miles a day, and I was intermittent fasting, but I wasn't losing that belly fat and my weight wasn't going anywhere. It was just staying the same," she explains in her post. This frustrating experience led her to research solutions specifically for menopausal women.

The Protein Secret That Changes Everything

The breakthrough came when Serena discovered the power of protein. "You need a lot more protein than you think you need," she emphasizes. "Most people fail at eating low carb or on low carb diets because they're not getting enough protein." Her transformation began with a simple breakfast change: two eggs mixed with cottage cheese, cooked in real butter, often accompanied by Greek yogurt and fruit.

A Simple Daily Meal Plan That Works

"For lunch, it's another high-quality protein, usually chicken or some kind of fish," Serena explains. "Then for dinner again, protein, protein, protein and vegetables, and then a fruit or something for dessert if you want." She maintains satiety by adding protein shakes between meals when needed.

The Real Food Advantage

"I'm not eating rice, not eating any kind of mixes, no pasta, and very little bread—and I really haven't missed it because I'm getting enough protein to fill me up," Serena reveals. She shares her favorite vegetable preparation: "I love to chop up my zucchini and squash, toss it in a little bit of olive oil, season it with salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and put it in my air fryer until it's nice and crisp."

The Exercise That Targets Lower Belly Fat

"This is the best thing for that lower abdomen area where I know a lot of us have this pooch," Serena says about her core-strengthening routine. Her signature move involves holding light weights overhead while doing controlled high knees. "Keep it controlled. Keep your core tight. This forces you to tighten your core."

RELATED: 5 Quick Protein Meals a Doctor Uses to “Drop Weight Fast” on Ozempic

Bringing Back Your Waistline

For women struggling with disappearing waists, Serena offers hope: "That's something on me that I have really wanted to whittle in on my waist. I don't have much of a waist anymore, and that happens to almost all of us as we go through menopause." Her solution includes targeted exercises like wood choppers and alternating knee movements.

Smart Cardio That Actually Works

"One component of being healthy that you just can't ignore is your cardiovascular health," Serena emphasizes. Rather than endless cardio, she recommends a balanced approach: 4-5 weekly walks of 30-40 minutes combined with strength training.

RELATED: Woman Walks 20,000 Steps for 30 Days, “My Body Changed Completely”

The 90/10 Rule for Lasting Success

"Yes, my results after doing this just for about six weeks may not be dramatic, but I want you to know that it's sustainable and I don't feel deprived," Serena shares. Her secret? "Follow that eating plan 90% of the time and you'll be amazed. Save that 10% for your treats, for your splurge, for your cheat meal."

Handling Setbacks Without Giving Up

Serena keeps it real: "I'm not perfect, and I have bad days and good days just like everybody else. But if you have a bad day, you just have to pick yourself up the next day and say, okay, that was yesterday, but today is going to be a good day and I'm going to try again."

Measuring Success Beyond the Scale

The proof is in the results: "When I put my clothes on, I have a gap in the waist that I didn't have before," Serena shares. While she only lost about three pounds, her body composition changed dramatically. "My clothes are loose on me. Things are fitting differently because I'm working that fat off."

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The Energy Bonus

Beyond the physical transformation, Serena experienced unexpected benefits: "I feel so much better eating real food, not processed crap, and I have a ton more energy." While it requires more frequent grocery shopping for fresh foods, she insists the results are worth the extra effort.

Remember to consult with your physician before starting any new diet or exercise program, as Serena advises. Success comes from making consistent, manageable changes that you can maintain long-term. As she reminds us, "Most people are not trying at all. So if you're trying, you're already ahead of the game." And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.


We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Life can get pretty hectic, especially in the New Year, but embracing quick and tangible rituals (or habits) in your wellness routine can help you naturally jumpstart a healthy lifestyle well beyond the short-lived resolution. It's not about expensive equipment or hours of working out. Instead, it's about identifying some non-negotiables. For me, I prioritize hydration, nourishment, detoxification, and mindful movement each and every day. Below is a snapshot of how I prioritize my non-negotiables, all while navigating the beautiful chaos of getting a working family with two small children ready for the day.

1. I Start My Day With Celery Juice


I start off each day with celery juice or warm lemon water on an empty stomach. This helps my body ignite the detoxification process. I then sip on a cup of PG Tips Black tea and have a light protein-packed breakfast. Based on my jam-packed schedule, taking dozens of individual supplements or powders isn’t going to work for me. Instead, I love to take Broc Shot daily. It is a one-stop shop for wellness, and I take it every morning (usually 15-20 minutes pre-workout). It is Infused with 15mg of Sulforaphane (a super antioxidant from whole broccoli sprouts), which naturally boosts my energy levels, helping me power through my workout and the day.

Sulforaphane has so many benefits and is clinically proven to deactivate myostatin production, meaning that it helps improve my muscle development (growth) while also minimizing soreness. Since incorporating this nutrient-packed shot into my routine, my inflammation has decreased, my gut has never felt better, and my skin is luminous.

Related: 10 Foods You Should Eat Every Day For Your Best Body

2. I Mix Up My Routine

Amy Rosoff DavisAmy Rosoff Davis

I move my body every single day to feel good. While my daily exercise routine looks different depending on kids, work, and life – I have created my own fusion workout that emphasizes the mind-body connection. My signature workout mixes different modalities, mainly Yoga, dance, and Pilates, although I love to throw in some kickboxing and HIIT moves. I find that mixing up my routine keeps my stamina up and helps me feel strong and flexible. I also make these workouts available on my website.

Here is my favorite 20-minute workout:

3. Sun Salutation A

I start with a Yoga warm-up with Sun Salutations (around 8 minutes in total with 3 sets of each salutation).

There are so many variations, but my go-to salutation begins with Sun A, standing Tadasana (mountain pose). Inhale and reach your hands up overhead, fold into Uttanasana, then lift up to a flat black into Arda Uttanasana, then exhale and release your hands, head, and neck back down.

Next, step your legs back into a plank and flow. You may choose a Chaturanga or knees, chest, and chin- form is important, so practice and try to do the moves correctly instead of blowing through a workout without intention. Inhale to an updog, lifting up the thighs and opening the heart. Exhale back down to a down dog and hold for three deep breaths.

Then, step feet forward, lengthening into a flat back again on an inhale, and exhale, fold down, and release again. Inhale, standing all the way back to tadasana, then you repeat that two more times.

Related: I Lost 20 Pounds in 4 Months With These 4 Effortless Changes

4. Sun Salutation B


Start with the same flow, adding on from the downward dog position. Bring your right foot between your hands and turn the heels back in, being mindful of keeping your knee over your ankle. Lift the arms up overhead into Warrior 1 and inhale and exhale. Next, open the arms out to the side and into Warrior Pose 2. Hold for three breaths. Windmill the arms down to a plank position through a flow (Chaturanga or knees chest chin) into an upward position and then down dog. Hold three breaths, then repeat the other leg before coming back down to the dog position. Hold for three breaths, and repeat that two more times.

5. HIIT Cardio Sequence


Move right into a freestyle HIIT cardio sequence with some good music to increase your heart rate. For about 7 minutes, choose a series or a mix of jumping jacks, jumping rope, kickboxing moves with legs, chest, side-to-side, lifting knees, or, depending on the space, skipping or even dancing. You can truly do any type of cardiovascular exercise that is fun.

6. Cool Down x Targeted Toning

Summer,Yoga,pigeon, pose, sea,ocean,exercise,workoutShutterstock

Wind down with some targeted toning for 3-5 minutes. I love Pilates' abdominal moves because they encourage your body to practice mindful, slow muscle activation. Try holding your feet in a tabletop position while incorporating bicycles or toe taps. You can also do a variation of planks. Next, target the glutes and outer thigh. Lay on one side and begin high repetitions (30 to 50 reps on each side) of clam shells leg lifts, or get on all fours for a hydrant into an extension arabesque. Add an ankle weight or band, like b, halfmoon - a trusted brand that I love. For your cool down, stretch in a butterfly position, straddle, or pigeon pose.

Related: Boost Your Ozempic Results With This Quick 10-Minute Workout

7. Try Meditation

Woman sitting on the floor practicing yoga wear tip and leggings.Shutterstock/Look Studio

If you have extra time, meditate for several minutes with your back down and palms up. For extra circulatory benefit, do this while lying on an infrared mat. Sign up for a free trial for Body Network readers!

💪🔥Body Booster: I start off each day with celery juice or warm lemon water on an empty stomach. This helps my body ignite the detoxification process.

Amy Rosoff Davis is a Los Angeles-based trainer whose clients include Selena Gomez, Olivia Holt, and Emma Roberts. Amy approaches fitness from a place of radical self-love and acceptance. Her holistic beliefs recognize the quintessential connection between mind, body, and spirit and its correlation to optimal health.
Kassie Magnusen kassie_beth_
Coach Lost 60 Pounds Eating These 11 High Protein Meals
Copyright kassie_beth_/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to lose 10 pounds by bikini season? One expert has the meals to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Kassie Magnusen is a weight loss and nutrition coach who helps “busy mamas drop fat & get the sculpted body they’ve always wanted,” she writes in her Instagram bio. In a new post, she recommends a handful of weight-loss meals. “Fat loss comes down to eating smart, fueling your body, and keeping meals simple but high in protein. If I wanted to drop 10 lbs before summer, these are 5 meals I’d be eating on repeat,” she writes. “Eating like THIS = fat loss that actually feels good.”

High-Protein Berry Oatmeal

This breakfast dish is packed with 35g of protein.


  • ½ cup oats + ½ scoop vanilla protein powder
  • ½ cup almond milk + ½ cup mixed berries
  • ½ tbsp peanut butter + cinnamon.

Why it works: “Keeps energy stable, is high in fiber & protein, and actually fills you up,” she says.

Grilled Chicken & Quinoa Bowl

Grilled or roasted chicken breast, whole and sliced on a wooden serving plate​Greek Chicken BowlShutterstock

This bowl of grilled chicken and grain offers 40g of protein.


  • 5 oz grilled chicken breast
  • ½ cup cooked quinoa
  • 1 cup roasted Brussels sprouts
  • 1 tbsp olive oil + lemon juice.

Why it works: “Protein + fiber + healthy fats = no cravings,” she says.

Turkey Taco Bowl

Raw Turkey breast fillets minced meat on black plate ready to cook​Lean Turkey Taco Lettuce WrapsShutterstock

Next is a Mexican-inspired dish made with ground turkey with 38g of protein.


  • 5 oz lean ground turkey (93/7)
  • ½ cup cooked jasmine rice
  • ¼ avocado + 2 tbsp salsa
  • ¼ cup black beans + taco seasoning.

Why it works: “Balanced with protein, carbs & fats—plus, it actually tastes good,” she says.

Garlic Butter Shrimp & Sweet Potatoes

Pan fried butter garlic shrimp on plate


Shrimp and potatoes are a satisfying combination with 35g of protein.


  • 5 oz shrimp, sautéed in 1 tbsp butter & garlic
  • ½ cup roasted sweet potatoes
  • 1 cup sautéed spinach.

Why it works: “Nutrient-dense, high in protein, and easy to make,” she says.

High-Protein Chocolate Yogurt Bowl

Chocolate colour protein, whey powder sprinkle in cup. Bodybuilding, fitness and gym lifestyleShutterstock

This could be good as a breakfast or dessert, with 30g of protein


  • ¾ cup Greek yogurt (plain, 0%)
  • ½ scoop chocolate protein powder
  • ½ tbsp almond butter
  • 1 tbsp granola.

Why it works: “Satisfies sweet cravings while keeping protein high,” she says.

Buffalo Chicken Wrap

fresh chicken breast raw on cutting board​8. ChickenShutterstock

In another post she adds three lunch recipes for weight loss.


  • -1 whole-grain wrap
  • - 4 oz shredded rotisserie chicken
  • -2 tbsp Primal Kitchen Buffalo Ranch Dressing (~70 cals)
  • - shredded lettuce, diced tomato, shredded carrot.

Macros: 40g protein | 26g carbs | 11g fat | 410 calories.

Greek Chicken Bowl

cooking and home concept - close up of female emptying jar with quinoaShutterstock


  • 4 oz cooked chicken breast
  • 1/2 cup cooked quinoa
  • 1/4 cup diced cucumber & tomato
  • 2 tbsp tzatziki sauce
  • 1 cup steamed broccoli (optional for extra veg).

Macros: 38g protein | 37g carbs | 10g fat | 495 calories.

RELATED:30 Best Protein Foods That Melt Fat Almost Instantly

Taco Bowl

Raw minced beef uncooked meat over board​Burger BowlShutterstock


  • 4 oz lean ground turkey or beef browned, then add taco seasoning
  • 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
  • 1/4 cup black beans
  • 1/4 cup corn
  • 1/4 cup shredded reduced-fat cheese
  • 2 tbsp salsa
  • 1 tbsp light sour cream (optional).

Garlic Butter Steak & Sweet Potato Skillet

Overhead shot of chef preparing ribeye with butter, thyme and garlic. Keto diet.


In another post, she shares more meals that will help you lose weight.


• 1.5 lbs lean sirloin steak, cubed

• 2 large sweet potatoes, diced

• 1 tbsp olive oil

• 2 tbsp butter

• 3 cloves garlic, minced

• 1 tsp paprika

• ½ tsp salt & pepper.


1. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add sweet potatoes, season with paprika, salt, and pepper; cook for 8-10 min until tender.

2. Push potatoes to the side, add butter and garlic, then cook steak bites for 3-4 min per side.

3. Mix everything together and serve!

(40g protein, 420 cals per serving).

Teriyaki Salmon & Rice

Honey teriyaki salmon with green beans and rice, top view. Asian cuisine recipe.Shutterstock


• 4 (4 oz) salmon fillets

• 2 cups cooked brown rice

• 2 cups steamed broccoli

• ¼ cup low-sodium teriyaki sauce

• 1 tbsp sesame seeds

• 1 tbsp olive oil

• Salt & pepper to taste.


1. Preheat oven to 400. Place salmon on baking sheet, brush with teriyaki sauce, bake for 12-15 min

2. While salmon cooks, steam broccoli and prepare rice

3. Drizzle salmon with extra sauce, sprinkle with sesame seeds, and serve with rice & broccoli.

(35g protein, 400 cals per serving),

Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken

mexican chili chicken stew​Slow Cooker Salsa ChickenShutterstock


• 1.5 lbs boneless skinless chicken breasts

• 1 jar (16 oz) salsa

• 1 can (15 oz) black beans, drained

• 1 cup frozen corn

• 1 tsp cumin

• ½ tsp garlic powder

• 1 tsp salt

• 1 cup cooked jasmine rice (per serving).


1. Place chicken, salsa, beans, corn, and spices in slow cooker. Cook on LOW for 6-7 hours or HIGH for 3-4 hours

2. Shred chicken with forks and mix everything together

3. Serve over jasmine rice or in tortillas for a family taco night

(38g protein, 410 cals per serving) And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Dr Jennifer McCann The GYN MD
5 Expert Tips to Keep Weight Off After Ozempic
Copyright The GYN MD/YouTube

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Struggling to reach your weight loss goals despite your best efforts? You're not alone. Millions of Americans face this challenge daily, even with the newest medical options available. Dr. Jennifer McCann, board-certified in both OB/GYN and Obesity Medicine, has been helping women optimize their health for over 12 years. "I specialize in complete women's care that incorporates total wellness, including considerations in gynecology, hormonal status and weight optimization," says Dr. McCann. Read on to discover how to maximize your results with today's most talked-about weight loss treatments.

Understanding Weight Loss Injections

Before diving into strategies for success, it's important to understand what these medications actually do. "These injections include medicines like semaglutide, otherwise known as Ozempic, and tirzepatide (Mounjaro)," Dr. McCann explains in her video. While semaglutide has FDA approval for weight loss in certain individuals, Mounjaro is currently approved only for type 2 diabetes—though many patients experience significant weight reduction with both.

According to Dr. McCann, these medications work through several mechanisms: "They inhibit glucagon release which reduces hunger, decrease glucose production from the liver, delay gastric emptying, and reduce appetite." These combined effects lead to what can be substantial weight loss, particularly beneficial for people with limited mobility who struggle with exercise-based approaches.

RELATED: 15 Things to Know Before Requesting Ozempic for Weight Loss

Who Should Consider These Treatments?

Closeup hand pulling toilet paper roll in holder for wipe, woman sitting on toilet she taking and tearing white tissue on wall to towel clean in bathroom, Healthcare conceptShutterstock

"These medicines are not for everybody," cautions Dr. McCann. There are important contraindications to consider, including "a personal or family history of thyroid cancer or other endocrine problems or cancers." She emphasizes the importance of discussing your complete medical history with your physician before starting treatment.

Side effects can also occur. "They can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps," notes Dr. McCann. While these symptoms typically subside after a few weeks of treatment, she acknowledges they can sometimes persist longer.

Making the Most of Your Treatment

Never fear, your pharmacist is here. Cropped shot of an attractive young female pharmacist working in a pharmacy.​You Want It to Be Effective Without Side EffectsShutterstock

Dr. McCann views these medications as a starting point rather than a complete solution. "What I like to tell my patients is to use these medicines to really start your lifestyle change," she says. The initial weight loss provides momentum, but maintaining results requires building healthy habits during treatment.

With that foundation in mind, here are Dr. McCann's top three tips for maximizing your results while on weight loss injections:

Tip 1: Eliminate All Sodas and Sugary Drinks

Refreshing Bubbly Soda Pop with Ice Cubes. Cold soda iced drink in a glasses - Selective focus, shallow DOF.​2. Sugary DrinksShutterstock

The single most important dietary change? "Stop all sodas," Dr. McCann states emphatically. This includes not just carbonated soft drinks but all sugary beverages like slushes and sweetened coffee drinks.

The impact is staggering: "Drinking one can of soda can make you gain 15 pounds over one year," Dr. McCann explains. "It's virtually impossible to lose weight and keep it off if you drink soda, especially more than one can daily."

This doesn't mean giving up caffeine altogether. Dr. McCann suggests alternatives: "Coffee is a great alternative, especially either black coffee or mixed with a little bit of stevia. A sugar-free skinny latte is also a great option."

RELATED:20 Possible Ozempic Side Effects

Tip 2: Prioritize Protein with Every Meal

Chief hands cut salmon fillet with knife on wooden table at kitchen. Man cooking red omega fish with lemons for healthy nutrition diet​Teriyaki Salmon & RiceShutterstock

When appetite suppression kicks in, making your limited calories count becomes crucial. "Make sure that when you feel like eating, you get your protein, specifically lean protein," advises Dr. McCann.

There's science behind this recommendation. "Protein is what builds your muscle, and your muscle is what burns calories," she explains. "If you don't take in enough protein, you will lose muscle and won't be able to burn as many calories."

The metabolic benefits are significant: "Protein increases your metabolism by increasing your muscle, and that lets you burn more calories," says Dr. McCann. This creates a virtuous cycle that enhances the medication's effectiveness.

Tip 3: Incorporate Consistent Exercise

Stairs climbing running woman doing run up steps on staircase


Exercise remains essential, even with powerful medications. "Exercise is very important for weight loss, for keeping the weight off, for your cardiovascular health," Dr. McCann emphasizes. She adds that it "actually is a natural remedy for anxiety because it releases cortisol."

For beginners, Dr. McCann recommends starting small: "If you're just starting out, 20 minutes four times a week through high intensity training, something like HIIT classes, will be just fine." As fitness improves, both duration and intensity can gradually increase.

Those with physical limitations shouldn't despair. "Exercise is still important, but you may need to talk to a personal trainer to see what exercises you specifically can do to help maintain your muscles," suggests Dr. McCann.

RELATED:What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Taking Ozempic

The Long-Term Perspective

Overweight,Woman,Eating,Healthy,Meal,In,Kitchen6 Metabolism Mistakes Making Women Over 40 Gain WeightShutterstock

These medications offer a valuable opportunity to reset your relationship with food and activity. "Make sure to use this weight loss boost to start your healthy living," Dr. McCann advises, "so that you can lose even more weight and be able to keep it off after you stop the injections."The habits you develop during treatment will determine your long-term success. By eliminating sugary drinks, prioritizing protein, and incorporating regular exercise now, you're building the foundation for sustainable results that last well beyond your final injection. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss20 Incredible Ozempic Success Stories of All Time.

Mahtab Ekay fitbymahtab
​Step Two: Increase Protein Intake
Copyright fitbymahtab/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you strength training to lose weight? If so, there are a few tweaks you can make to your routine to accelerate the weight loss process. Mahtab Ekay is a fat loss coach and social media influencer who lost over 20 pounds and helps others do the same. In a new post she shares a few of her hacks. “If you are lifting weights and your goal is to lose fat and build muscle at the same time, here are my 7 best tips to make it happen,” she writes.

Sets: Quality > Quantity

“If you have 3 sets planned for an exercise, those should be 3 working sets. This means they should be close to failure—where you can barely complete the last rep. The real growth happens in the 2-3 reps after you feel like you’re done,” she says.

RELATED:7 Simple Daily Exercises To Shrink Hanging Belly Fat

Reps: Go Heavy

When it comes to reps, go heavy. “The myth that high reps with lower weight are better for fat loss needs to go. Instead, aim for 8-12 reps with heavier weights. This rep range is ideal for hypertrophy (muscle growth) while also building strength,” she claims.

Cardio: Time it Right

How you time your cardio makes a difference. “If you want to incorporate cardio, do it after your lifting session or on rest days. Doing cardio before lifting can sap your strength and take away from your ability to give 100% in your strength training,” she says.

Rest Time: Don’t Rush It

Don’t rush your rest time. “You don’t need to keep your heart rate up during your entire workout. In fact, the opposite is true! Take 1.5-2 minutes to fully recover and lift heavier during your working sets. Quality over speed!” she says.

RELATED:10-Min Walking Workout Burns Fat at Home, Says Coach

Nutrition: Eat Near Maintenance

As for nutrition, eat near maintenance. “To build muscle and lose fat, I recommend eating close to maintenance calories or a slight deficit—not more than a 500-calorie deficit per day. Don’t go into a crazy deficit—it’ll make it harder to maintain your strength and muscle while losing fat,” she says.

Progressive Overload

“Even if you’re in a slight deficit, you should still aim to get stronger. Try to progressively overload your lifts by adding weight or increasing reps over time. Some lifts like the bench press might be harder to progress, but there are ways around it!” she says.

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

Start with Compound Movements

Finally, start with compound movements. “Always begin your workout with compound lifts (squats, deadlifts, bench presses) because they recruit more muscle groups, and since your energy is highest at the start, you can lift heavier and perform better,” she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.