Kiki (@kikivirk) is a weight loss influencer who has amassed a social media following for sharing all the tips and tricks that enabled her to lose a whopping 60 pounds and keep it off. In one of her viral videos, she revealed the exercise circuit that helped her achieve all of her weight loss goals. “I lost 60 pounds training like this 3-4x week,” she writes in the video. The Body Network also consulted Kendra Gamble, HIT Fitness Training, Huntingdon Valley, PA, NPTI Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritional Consultant to explain how each of the exercises is helpful.
1. Cross Trainer Warm Up
@kikivirk let’s Train Together on Tuesdays 🔥 SAVE + burn fat healthy besties 🫶🏽 #gymroutine #weighttrainingforwomen #weightlossworkout #strengthtrainingforwomen #weightlossmotivation #workoutsforbeginners ##fullbodyworkout
Kiki starts by warming up on the crosstrainer for 5 minutes and then moves on to her exercises. According to Gamble, warming up for a minutes – whether you walk or do the elliptical – is a good way to get your body ready for weight training.
2. Dumbbell Chest Press
Kiki starts with a dumbbell chest press, doing 8 reps and 3 sets. The exercise “mainly works pectoralis major (chest), anterior delt (front part of shoulder) and triceps (back part of arms)” says Gamble.
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3. Cable Lat Pull Downs
Next up , cable lat pull downs. She does 15 reps and 3 sets. “The exercise works your back muscles aka, lats (hence the name) teres major, traps, and your biceps (front part of your arms)” says Gable. “This exercise can be done in many different variations.”
4. Single Leg Press
Her third exercise is single leg press, 6 reps/side and 3 sets. The exercise “works your quads (front part of legs), glutes (booty), hamstrings (back of legs) and calves, depending on what you are trying to target more,” she explains, “If you want more glute than have your foot placement higher on the press for less knee flexion but if you want to hit more quads have your foot placement lower for more knee flexion.”
5. Reverse Dumbbell Lunges
Then, she does reverse dumbbell lunges 8 reps/leg and 3 sets. “This is an excellent exercise for glute (booty growth) especially if you are trying to focus less on quads and more on glutes,” says Gable. “I would recommend doing them off of a step or some type of elevated surface to give your glute more of a stretch.”
6. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
She moves onto the dumbbell shoulder press, doing 8 reps/side and 2-3 sets. This works “mostly anterior delt (front part of shoulder) but also a little bit of your pecs and triceps,” says Gamble.
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7. Barbell Row
Her last exercise is the barbell row, doing 6-8 reps and 3 sets. “It works your lats, traps, teres major, biceps and other smaller muscles in your back,” says Gamble.
💪🔥Body Booster: If you can afford it, investing in a session with a personal trainer is a great idea. Not only can they tailor an exercise to your fitness goals, but can also demonstrate how to properly do each exercise.