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I Lost 40 Pounds in 4 Months Without Exercise Using Unusual but Effective Tricks

One weight loss warrior reveals the dietary tweaks he made to lose lots of weight.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Do you want to lose 10 pounds a month simply by making a  few simple changes to your diet? Xiaoma is "a polyglot who has studied dozens of languages," according to his YouTube profile, who lost 40 pounds in 4 months when he decided to "seriously start losing weight." Xiaoma explains that he went from 187 to 150. "I've lost a good 40 pounds," he says. Here is what he did.

Exercise Isn't the Key to Losing Weight

"For many people, the first thing that comes to mind when they think about losing weight is exercise. But I had already learned that exercise was not a stepping stone to losing weight. In fact, for me, it was the opposite. Like, the more I exercised, the more weight I gained because the hungrier I got, the more I allowed myself to eat," he explains.

It Is "A Hundred Percent Diet," He Says

Bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon on rustic wooden background

"My big realization was that it was a hundred percent diet," he says. Before, he would eat "multiple pieces of toast or bagels or lots of butter and cheese and multiple eggs fried in butter" for breakfast. And, for dinner, "whatever he wanted. "It usually ended up being like big bowls, cheesy pasta, or like the most delicious pizza I could get my hands on, just like really rich fatty foods, which I somehow convinced myself was okay because saturated fat is all keto and good for you these days."

First, He Amped Up His Veggie Intake

Raw vegetables background. Healthy organic food concept.

"The first thing that I did was I had a call with my nutritionist," he continues. She advised him to eat more vegetables. "It didn't really make sense to me at first because I was like, what do vegetables have to do with losing weight? Like, I just, I didn't really get it, but I was like, okay, so I'll humor you. I'll eat some more vegetables."

RELATED: What's Better: High-Protein or Low-Carb Diet for Weight Loss?

He Ate Veggies Before Other Food


He started with making sure half of every meal was veggies, "and that would be the first thing that I ate," he says. "I realized pretty quickly that it actually is a great way to lose weight because what you're doing is filling your body with nutritious fiber and crowding out room for all the other rich fatty foods. You're kind of filling yourself up in advance."

He Realized That He Used to Eat Too Much "Rich and Fatty" Food

cheese burger with fries on a wooden plate at a restaurant

He came to a realization. "I realized what the root of my problem was, that I would just let myself eat as much rich and fatty food as possible, and I would be absolutely stuffed with every meal," he says.

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He Changed the Type of Carbs He Ate

close-up red kidney bean in wood spoon and gunny bag on wood tab

The other major change he made was the type of carbs he ate. "Most of my carbs, rather than coming from grains, came from whole recognizable beans or legumes. I eliminated all processed carbs from my diet. So, no more bread. I completely stopped eating bread. No more cookies, no cakes, nothing like that. No soda, obviously. No, no candy, no processed foods of any kind. That wasn't a huge problem for me before. But bread was a big problem. And so what I replaced it with was just essentially these slow carbs, like chickpeas. I had a lot of chickpeas and lentils."

He Stuck to Whole Foods

Gourmet portion of thick juicy fresh salmon grilling on a griddle seasoned with lemon zest, herbs and spices in a low angle view with copyspace and rising steam

"The core principle for what I was to eat just became whole foods, like as minimally processed as possible—calorically dense foods. I try to eliminate to the maximum extent possible, less fatty meat and more whole grain carbs like oatmeal," he says.

He Also Ate "Unappetizing" Meals

Man eats

He admits that some of his meals are a "little bit unappetizing," which is "actually the point," he says. "I wanted to eat food that was as kind of unappetizing but nevertheless still healthy as possible." Why? "I felt like it was a pretty easy way to lose weight if the food became much less appetizing because I always really enjoyed eating."

RELATED: 10 Quick and Simple Steps to Losing 10 Pounds of Fat, According to a Metabolism Expert

He Started Weighing Himself Daily

White scale on a wooden table top view, fitness and weight loss concept

"That became, that became a core part of my ethos. I started weighing myself every single day. I mean, I started losing weight immediately, but you know, like the first week I lost like several pounds. Here I am, having lost 40 pounds four months later. And honestly, it feels really good."

Follow Xiaoma on Social Media

For more on Xiaoma, you can follow him on social media. He is on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more