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We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

5 Food Mistakes I Stopped Making After Becoming a Dietitian

Shana Spence, and RDN, opens up about things she has learned since becoming an expert.


Before nutritionists were experts, they were average people with less knowledge about food and diets. Shana Spence, MS, RDN, CDN (@thenutritiontea) is a non-diet focused nutritionist and social media influencer who shares realistic tips and tricks to help people become the healthiest versions of themselves. In a new viral video, she opens up about some of the mistakes she made before getting credentialed.

“Five things I would never do after becoming a dietician,” she says at the start of the clip. From putting labels on certain types of foods to making assumptions about people that aren’t true, here are the mistakes she made so you don’t have to – and we also asked The Diet Diva, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian, to add her own commentary to the discussion.

Categorize Foods as “Good and Bad”


We learn these tactics in school and it’s our job to unlearn them #dietitiantips #dietitian #dietitiansoftiktok #blacktiktok #blackdietitian #allfoodisgoodfood #goodfoodgoodmood #5thingschallenge #healthyliving

First up, Spence would never “categorize foods as good and bad,” she says. “Not every food is meant to provide nutrients, and not every food is going to be providing the same nutrient. That's why we eat a variety of foods. And yes, some foods are providing us with joy and comfort. That's okay.” Collingwood completely agrees.

“I try not to classify foods as good and bad but rather need vs want,” she explains. “Foods that we need have nutritional value, while want foods have fewer nutrients. Eating a healthy diet is a balance of getting the nutrients we need for good health but also enjoying some of the others.”

Assuming Someone Is Unhealthy Based on Their Body

Shana_Spence_thenutritiontea2The Nutrition Tea/Facebook

The second is making the assumption “someone is unhealthy based on their body,” she explains. “Bodies are not business cards. If we're talking about health based on lab values or whether someone is eating nutrient dense foods or getting in more movement, a lot of folks in larger bodies are doing those things and have great lab values. And on the opposite spectrum, a lot of folks in thinner bodies don't have great lab values and don't eat nutrient foods or get in a lot of movement,” she points out.

“You cannot just look at someone and know much about their overall health,” agrees Collingwood. “Some of the fittest people are in larger bodies with really good health measures. And just because someone is thin doesn’t mean they are automatically healthy. They could have very little muscle mass and have high blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels.”

Related: Courteney Fisher Shows Off Washboard Abs and Reveals 5 Ways to Get to Blast Belly Fat

Healthify Foods

Ice cream in a paper cup. Sweets and weekend walks.Shutterstock

She also regrets trying to “healthify foods,” she says. “The time and Energy I spent making black bean brownies or ice cream when I could have just enjoyed ice cream and brownies. If you want to swap out something or if you're interested in trying out a new recipe, that's fine, but feeling the need to do something based on what you read on the interwebs is something different.”

Collingwood thinks making recipes healthier is a good thing, “but definitely not all the time,” she says. :If you really want some full fat ice cream, chocolate or a warm chocolate chip cookie, do it!”

Telling People to Stop Eating Their Cultural Foods

Japanese cuisine. Sushi set on a wooden plate over dark stone background.Shutterstock

“Number four, telling folks to swap out white rice for brown rice in their cultural foods,” she continues. “My ancestors were probably rolling in their graves when I did this. Not to mention this is based on the whole idea that certain cultures and ethnicities are unhealthy.”

Some food swaps “can make a huge difference in calories or nutritional quality and some don’t really matter much,” says Collingwood. “When it comes to rice, there isn’t a big difference between white and brown, but for people who love their white rice it can ruin it for them. There are plenty of other places in the diet where you can make changes without needing to change everything, especially the cultural favorites.”

Related: 4 Easy Tips to Lose Weight, According to Dietitian

Only Shopping the Perimeter of the Store

Man,Shopping,,Supermarket,label,grocery, groceriesShutterstock

“And last but not least, number five, telling people to shop the perimeter of the store,” she says. “Never. Again. This is based on the concept that fresh is best and clean. Eating, no such thing. There are plenty of nutrients found in canned foods, packaged foods, and frozen food. If you like the taste of fresh, that's fine, but telling someone that how they're eating is wrong because they choose foods from a can or package is elitist.”

Collingwood “never did like this advice either,” she says. “Sure, the perimeter has some fresh stuff, but the middle of the store has whole grains, beans, canned veggies, etc. In today’s world it’s not realistic that people won’t be using convenience foods and there isn’t anything wrong with it!”

💪🔥Body Booster: When it comes to everything surrounding diet and nutrition, it isn’t all black and white and you don’t have to go to extremes. Shop the middle of the store, eat the cookie or the rice, and don’t categorize things as good or bad. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

More For You


We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Before nutritionists were experts, they were average people with less knowledge about food and diets. Shana Spence, MS, RDN, CDN (@thenutritiontea) is a non-diet focused nutritionist and social media influencer who shares realistic tips and tricks to help people become the healthiest versions of themselves. In a new viral video, she opens up about some of the mistakes she made before getting credentialed.

“Five things I would never do after becoming a dietician,” she says at the start of the clip. From putting labels on certain types of foods to making assumptions about people that aren’t true, here are the mistakes she made so you don’t have to – and we also asked The Diet Diva, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian, to add her own commentary to the discussion.

Categorize Foods as “Good and Bad”


We learn these tactics in school and it’s our job to unlearn them #dietitiantips #dietitian #dietitiansoftiktok #blacktiktok #blackdietitian #allfoodisgoodfood #goodfoodgoodmood #5thingschallenge #healthyliving

First up, Spence would never “categorize foods as good and bad,” she says. “Not every food is meant to provide nutrients, and not every food is going to be providing the same nutrient. That's why we eat a variety of foods. And yes, some foods are providing us with joy and comfort. That's okay.” Collingwood completely agrees.

“I try not to classify foods as good and bad but rather need vs want,” she explains. “Foods that we need have nutritional value, while want foods have fewer nutrients. Eating a healthy diet is a balance of getting the nutrients we need for good health but also enjoying some of the others.”

Assuming Someone Is Unhealthy Based on Their Body

Shana_Spence_thenutritiontea2The Nutrition Tea/Facebook

The second is making the assumption “someone is unhealthy based on their body,” she explains. “Bodies are not business cards. If we're talking about health based on lab values or whether someone is eating nutrient dense foods or getting in more movement, a lot of folks in larger bodies are doing those things and have great lab values. And on the opposite spectrum, a lot of folks in thinner bodies don't have great lab values and don't eat nutrient foods or get in a lot of movement,” she points out.

“You cannot just look at someone and know much about their overall health,” agrees Collingwood. “Some of the fittest people are in larger bodies with really good health measures. And just because someone is thin doesn’t mean they are automatically healthy. They could have very little muscle mass and have high blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels.”

Related: Courteney Fisher Shows Off Washboard Abs and Reveals 5 Ways to Get to Blast Belly Fat

Healthify Foods

Ice cream in a paper cup. Sweets and weekend walks.Shutterstock

She also regrets trying to “healthify foods,” she says. “The time and Energy I spent making black bean brownies or ice cream when I could have just enjoyed ice cream and brownies. If you want to swap out something or if you're interested in trying out a new recipe, that's fine, but feeling the need to do something based on what you read on the interwebs is something different.”

Collingwood thinks making recipes healthier is a good thing, “but definitely not all the time,” she says. :If you really want some full fat ice cream, chocolate or a warm chocolate chip cookie, do it!”

Telling People to Stop Eating Their Cultural Foods

Japanese cuisine. Sushi set on a wooden plate over dark stone background.Shutterstock

“Number four, telling folks to swap out white rice for brown rice in their cultural foods,” she continues. “My ancestors were probably rolling in their graves when I did this. Not to mention this is based on the whole idea that certain cultures and ethnicities are unhealthy.”

Some food swaps “can make a huge difference in calories or nutritional quality and some don’t really matter much,” says Collingwood. “When it comes to rice, there isn’t a big difference between white and brown, but for people who love their white rice it can ruin it for them. There are plenty of other places in the diet where you can make changes without needing to change everything, especially the cultural favorites.”

Related: 4 Easy Tips to Lose Weight, According to Dietitian

Only Shopping the Perimeter of the Store

Man,Shopping,,Supermarket,label,grocery, groceriesShutterstock

“And last but not least, number five, telling people to shop the perimeter of the store,” she says. “Never. Again. This is based on the concept that fresh is best and clean. Eating, no such thing. There are plenty of nutrients found in canned foods, packaged foods, and frozen food. If you like the taste of fresh, that's fine, but telling someone that how they're eating is wrong because they choose foods from a can or package is elitist.”

Collingwood “never did like this advice either,” she says. “Sure, the perimeter has some fresh stuff, but the middle of the store has whole grains, beans, canned veggies, etc. In today’s world it’s not realistic that people won’t be using convenience foods and there isn’t anything wrong with it!”

💪🔥Body Booster: When it comes to everything surrounding diet and nutrition, it isn’t all black and white and you don’t have to go to extremes. Shop the middle of the store, eat the cookie or the rice, and don’t categorize things as good or bad. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to lose weight but can't figure out what foods are preventing you from succeeding? Temple Stewart is a weight loss dietician who uses a ketogenic diet to lose weight and helps others do the same. In a new social media post, she reveals several things she needed to give up to achieve her body goals. "Food I avoid as a dietician who used to be overweight," she writes across the Instagram video.

These Foods Have "Very Little Nutrient Density"

"Now hear me out, I'm NOWHERE close to being perfect, but for my personal journey, I've found that these foods take me away from goals. These foods are hard to control and provide very little nutrient density. I'm also not creating a FEAR around these foods, I'm just exposing some of the worst contributors when it comes to obesity and chronic disease," she writes in the post.

High-Fat/High-Sugar Foods

The first category she discusses is high-fat/high-sugar foods. "Think ice cream, milkshakes, cakes, cookies, etc. The high fat/high sugar combo is a WEIGHT GAIN combo and it'll pack it on quickly," she says. You don't have to avoid sweets altogether. "Make homemade alternatives," she suggests.


Don't drink your calories in the form of alcohol. "I know this'll make someone upset, but the fact is alcohol is poison. ☠️ It provides no nutrient value and is linked to worsened health in every way, including cancer. It promotes inflammation and damage," she writes.

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Foods Fried in Low Quality Oil

You should also avoid foods fried in low-quality oil, like French fries and chicken tenders. "This one feels obvious, but you need to know that 99.9% of all restaurants use trash oil to fry your food," she reveals.


Next up, sugar, "in most of its forms, except some small amounts of fruit and veggies," she says. "All added sugar had to go. I was too addicted. High fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, maple syrup, honey, coconut sugar, etc, all have the same processes of metabolism in the body. Your body doesn't know the difference between agave nectar and white bleached sugar."

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Processed Flour

And the last category is processed flour. "Very similar to sugar in terms of metabolism," she explains. This includes breads, cakes, and pasta. They "weren't helping me and they kept me addicted longer," she says. These were my 'BIG 5'. Once I got control over them, I started seeing results. Even today, you'll find that I still avoid these." And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss I'm a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

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Are you trying to lose weight but aren’t sure how? Dan Go, weight loss and fitness coach and founder of High Performance, successfully lost weight and is helping other people do the same. In a recent viral video, he reveals a few faux pas you might be making that are preventing you from losing weight. “Here are the five weight loss mistakes that have kept me fat and how to fix them,” he says.

Losing Weight Can Be Frustrating

Weight Gain. Desperate Black Girl Crying Standing On Weight-Scales Slimming, Not Losing Weight On A Diet At Home. Copy SpaceShutterstock

“Losing weight can be one of the most frustrating things that you do in your entire life. And a lot of people don't even know the hidden missteps that cause them to keep the weight on in the first place. And social media doesn't make this any easier. If you've ever been on social media, you have seen every single food on a planet being demonized in one way or the other,” he says. “And you've also had people that simplify the process of weight loss by just telling you to eat less and move more, which is as helpful as telling someone who wants to make money to just earn more and spend less.”

However, It’s Probably Because You Are Making Mistakes

Tired,Fit,Woman,Locker,Room, depression, depressed,unhappy,upset,gym,fitness,workoutShutterstock

“The truth about losing weight is that you don't have bad genetics, you don't have a slow metabolism, nor are you too old,” he says. “Instead, there are a few hidden mistakes that keep you from losing fat despite all of your hard work.”

Mistake 1: Underestimating How Much Food Is Going Into Your Body

European tourist woman trying out local food.Eating traditional Portuguese egg custard tart pastry dessert pastel de Nata.Shutterstock

“Mistake number one is underestimating how much food was going into my body,” he explains. “When I first started to lose weight, I was eating healthy, but then every time I would step on the scale, I would see the same number, and sometimes I would even see the weight scale go up. I thought my metabolism was getting slow and I was getting too old. Mind you, I was 30 years old at this time. The truth was I wasn't tracking my food properly.”

Count Your Calories

CALORIE counting counter application Medical eating healthy Diet conceptShutterstock

“Now, one thing I need to mention is that calories are not all that matter, but they still do matter,” he says, admitting that he didn’t realize how many calories he was consuming even though he was eating healthy food. “Now, this doesn't mean that you have to track for the rest of your life, but you do want to get really exact about how much each food looks. And what I mean by that is, putting the raw versions of these foods on a weight scale, and you wanna be tracking it by the grams,” he says. “Also, you'll be so surprised at what slips through the cracks in terms of the things that you snack on, the sauces that you use, and all other forms of just hidden calories that you're not even privy to in the first place.”

Mistake 2: Putting Too Much Emphasis on Cardio and Running

Runner with heart rate monitor sports smart watch. Man running looking at his pulse outside in nature on road with smartwatch.Shutterstock

“My next mistake is something that I see a lot of people doing, which is putting too much of an emphasis on cardio,” he says. He says that he sees a lot of people running to lose weight. “One of the worst ways to lose weight is being in a calorie deficit and using running or cardio as your primary means of exercise,” he says. “Yes, you are going to lose weight, but a significant portion of that weight is gonna be muscle as well.”

Instead, Walk

An athlete with a weight vest trains on the bridgeShutterstock

Instead, he recommends walking 10,000 steps a day. Or, if you are running, you need to supplement with strength training.

Mistake 3: Not Eating Enough Protein

Grilled chicken breasts and vegetablesShutterstock

Mistake number three is not eating enough protein. He explains that when you do this, you might lose body fat and lean mass. “The reality is that when you lose lean mass along with body fat, what happens as a result is your metabolism goes down.”

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Split Up Protein Intake Throughout the Day

High protein food for body builders as meat, fish, dairy, eggs, buckwheat, oatmeal, nuts, bean, pumpkin seed and sunflower seed. Top view.Shutterstock

Protein is the single most important macronutrient when it comes to changing your body composition when it comes to losing weight,” he notes. “When it comes to building a physique, a high protein intake reduces appetite and also balances a lot of weight-regulating hormones. Most importantly, it helps you keep, if not build, all of that hard-earned muscle. Now, in order to maintain muscle, if not build some muscle, you want to keep yourself at 0.8 to one gram per pound of body weight. And you wanna split this up between three to four meals a day. And this is gonna help you go from just losing weight to actually burning body fat.”

Mistake 4: Taking Flexible Dieting Way Too Far

Man eatsShutterstock

The fourth mistake is “taking flexible dieting way too far,” he says. “In the fitness circles, you're going to see a lot of people saying that you need to keep your diet flexible in order to make this thing sustainable. And as long as calories are kept equal, you are going to lose weight regardless of the types of foods that you put into your body.” While he agrees there are benefits, “it doesn't really work well for people who have legit food addictions to the point where they will eat junk food to the level of being in a food coma. It's like telling someone who has a legit food addiction towards chips that they can eat chips as part of their healthy lifestyle is like telling an alcoholic that they can have a shot at bourbon to keep things flexible.”

Set Boundaries and Rules

“If there's anything that I know about addictions, I've dealt with it in my life. It's the fact that abstinence is one of the best tools when it comes to removing addiction from your life,” he admits. “Now, this doesn't mean that your life has to be all about just eating whole foods and single-ingredient foods and all that kind of stuff. What this means is that you should have very hard and set boundaries and rules, especially if food addiction has been an issue in your life. Being flexible is cool when it comes to your diet, but also you have to understand your limits as well, especially if you have ever dealt with any type of food addiction.”

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Mistake 5: Focusing Too Much on Weight Loss


“Now my final mistake, my fly in the face of everything that I just talked about, which is the concept of just focusing way too much on weight loss,” he says. “Something I realized on my journey to get lean is the fact that I had no control over what the scale told me every single day that I stepped on it. I had no control over my inches. I had no control over these outcomes. The only thing I did have control over was the foods that I was putting into my mouth, the exercises that I was doing, the information that I was taking in to get myself to this place that I needed to be.”

Instead, Focus on Your Healthy Lifestyle

“Something I realized is that the more you obsess about outcomes, the more you invite anxiety into your life. And this is because you're trying to control something that you just don't have any control over. My biggest win when it came to this whole getting in shape process was letting go of even trying to lose weight in the first place and putting the focus on the person that I was becoming and the lifestyle that I was creating,” he admits. “So that weight loss or getting lean or burning body fat was just a byproduct of my behaviors and actions. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Nagina Abdullah
Nagina Abdullah/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you struggling to lose weight and keep it off? Nagina Abdullah is a weight loss and metabolism boosting coach for midlife women with a degree in molecular and cell biology from UC Berkeley who has helped over 1,500 women lose weight “and live in their dream body naturally and keep it off for years,” she says in a viral video. “Today, I'm going to share five surprising things that I stopped doing to lose 40 pounds,” she says, “having lost the weight and having kept it off for over 14 years.” In the clip, she explains that she had tried “every single diet out there,” including Atkins, Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, and South Beach, but would always lose weight and gain it back — until she started doing these things.

1. She Stopped Eating Fast Burning Carbs

“The first thing I started doing was to stop eating fast-burning carbs. I didn't try to eat smaller portions of carbs. I just started learning about what carbs were better for me and would burn more slowly. And instead of eating fast-burning carbs, I focused on slow-burning carbs,” she says in her post.

She Eats These Slow Burning Carbs Instead


She explains that fast-burning carbs are “things like bread, pasta, rice, anything that gives you a quick burst of energy,” usually processed foods. “What's happening when you're eating fast-burning carbs? I realized that I was getting a quick rush of energy, but then my body was storing it as fat because I wasn't able to burn it off right away, and that's how fast burning carbs work. They spike our blood sugar, and they are stored as fat,” she says. So, she started eating slow-burning carbs instead. So, instead, I started understanding I could eat carbs instead, like beans and lentils. “Beans and lentils both have more fiber, so they burn more slowly. They don't create that massive spike in blood sugar, and they don't create that fat storage,” she says. She also eats Ezekiel bread, sweet potatoes, and alternative versions of rice like quinoa millet or buckwheat.

2. She Stopped Eating and Drinking Dairy


“Number two, the second thing I did to lose this 40 pounds and now keep it off was that I also stopped eating dairy or drinking dairy,” she says. “I never had felt that I was lactose intolerant. I never had any intolerance. I never felt bad when I was drinking milk or eating cheese or anything like that. But I found that once I took it out, I realized my weight just started slipping off, like melting off,” she says.

The Lactose in Dairy Is Added Sugar


“What I realized is that what was happening was that there was added sugar in different kinds of milk or sometimes natural sugars in milk in the form of what's called lactose. So, lactose is a sugar that creates blood sugar elevation. So that's one of the reasons it's bad. It's another way of having sugar,” she says. And almost everyone is “somewhat lactose intolerant, some of us are more than others, and so even if you have a little bit of lactose intolerant like almost all of us do, your body can't process the food or the drinks efficiently,” she says. “It wasn't hard. I just decided not to drink milk as much. I used replacements like almond milk or cashew milk. I did eat cheese if I had pizza, but I wasn't making nachos for a snack regularly like I had been before.”

RELATED: 5 High-Protein Meals That Can Boost Your Metabolism Instantly

3. She Stopped Putting Her Focus on Exercise

The third thing she did? “I stopped thinking that I needed to exercise more to lose weight because I had really thought that I needed to get to the gym. I needed to run, I needed to sweat, I needed to burn calories, and that was the only way that I was going to lose weight.”

She Started Focusing More On Diet


She explains that there is “so much research and so many scientific studies that show that what you eat is 80% of losing weight,” she says. “If you try to outrun a bad diet or outwork out a bad diet, it will never happen. You're going to be working out and running and exercising so much until you have your nutrition dialed in,” she continues. “So I really started focusing on eating in the right way, on making sure I was taking out those foods that I mentioned and adding in the foods that would replace them. As a result, my weight just started melting away, and then I started adding in exercise so that I could be stronger and I could increase my metabolism by having more tone and muscle in my body, but not as a form to lose weight because it wasn't working for that, and it had never worked for me.”

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4. She Stopped Restricting Herself and “Eating Boring”

“The fourth thing that I stopped doing that has helped me lose 40 pounds is that I stopped restricting myself and eating boring, bland foods in small portions. I had done this for decades. I followed Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem as a way of tracking my calories. And I just kept trying to eat smaller portions of foods that I later found out were actually unhealthy. And I also made them boring and bland because that was all the advice that I saw out there. It was like barely putting salt and pepper onto my foods, and that just didn't hit me because I love food. I would consider myself a foodie. I love going out to eat. I love cooking really delicious food. I love enjoying delicious food. And so every time I would restrict myself, the moment I would hit that 10 pounds or around that amount, I would just start eating all of the foods because I was hungry, and I didn't want to keep living in living a life of hunger. I also realized that I just craved foods that tasted good.

Now She Uses More Spices


“Now, instead of eating boring foods like plain broccoli and fish with just salt and pepper on it, just really making everything so boring and bland, I started using spices. I started adding metabolism-boosting spices like cumin and coriander,” she says. “Cumin helps decrease belly fat, coriander decreases water retention and bloating. I also started adding in some cayenne pepper, which increases metabolism. I also added cinnamon to my coffee to make it taste good without having the dairy that I had been having before. And cinnamon actually lowers our blood sugar and helps us store less fat. So I started looking at what I was eating in a more delicious way, and I started loving what I was eating, and I stopped restricting myself. And this was the key way that it became sustainable for me once I lost weight to keep losing more weight and get to the body of my dreams.”

5. She Stopped Thinking About Losing Weight

“The fifth thing that I stopped doing to lose 40 pounds was that I stopped thinking only about the goal of losing weight,” she says. “I stopped only focusing on that and making that the reason that I was making every decision.”

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She Put Her Focus on How Good She Was Feeling

“I started focusing on how good I was feeling, how much energy I was feeling, and how much I loved what I was eating. And I started making every day that I was losing weight fun and enjoyable,” she says. “I started experimenting with my healthy foods to make them taste better and to feel full and satisfied. And because I was able to love what I was eating and love what I was doing every single day, I was able to keep doing it all the way to losing 40 pounds. And then I was able to stay there.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Michelle Roots Fitness & Nutrition Coach
7 Realistic Tricks to Lose Arm Fat That Fitness Coach Swears By
Copyright Michelle Roots/YouTube

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you making these common protein mistakes? Fix them now for better results. You've done your research. You're eating more protein to support your weight loss journey. But despite your efforts, the scale isn't budging as much as you'd hoped. What gives? Meet Michelle Roots, a kinesiologist, personal trainer, and nutrition coach with over 18 years of experience helping people transform their bodies. "I've seen countless clients make the same protein mistakes that sabotage their fat loss results," Michelle explains. Discover these common pitfalls and learn how to avoid them to finally achieve the results you deserve.

1. Overlooking Total Calorie Intake

When people start tracking macros, they often become laser-focused on protein intake while neglecting their overall calories. "As important as protein is, if you're consistently eating in a calorie surplus, even just a few days per week, you'll still store body fat and see limited fat loss results," Michelle warns in her post.

The Fix: Prioritize protein but track your total calorie intake as well. Even "healthy" protein shakes with multiple ingredients like fruits, seeds, yogurt, and milk can quickly become 500-calorie bombs that derail your deficit.

2. Relying Too Heavily on Supplements

It's easy to reach for protein powders and bars when you're busy, but this approach has drawbacks. "Many people overuse supplements to hit their daily protein goal without focusing on whole foods that provide additional nutrients and greater satiety," Michelle points out.

The Fix: Limit yourself to 1-2 scoops of protein powder or supplements daily, getting the rest from whole food sources like chicken, fish, tofu, salmon, and Greek yogurt. "Meal prep is your best friend here," Michelle suggests. "I cook protein in batches at the beginning of the week so it's ready to add to quick meals instead of reaching for another shake."

3. Ignoring Protein Timing

Trying to consume all your protein in just one or two meals is a common mistake. "I often see people eat minimal protein at breakfast and lunch, then realize they need to consume 90 grams at dinner to meet their daily goal—which usually results in failure," Michelle says.

The Fix: Spread your protein intake throughout the day. For example, if your daily goal is 120 grams, aim for 30 grams at each main meal and divide the rest between snacks. This approach supports muscle protein synthesis, keeps you feeling full, and reduces cravings between meals.

4. Neglecting Variety in Protein Sources

Relying on just chicken, eggs, and protein powder creates two problems: nutrient imbalances and boredom. "It's going to feel more like a diet, and you're going to fall off track because it's not realistic long-term," Michelle explains.

The Fix: Rotate between different protein sources including lean ground beef, turkey, chicken, fish, and plant-based options like lentils and edamame. Don't hesitate to combine protein sources in a single meal—add beans to your chicken salad or edamame to your stir-fry to boost the protein content while adding fiber and nutrients.

5. Not Balancing All Macros

Focusing exclusively on protein while neglecting carbs and fats leads to low energy, poor recovery, and fewer nutrients overall. "If you're strictly focused on protein, you're often missing fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which affects your digestion and satiety," Michelle cautions.

The Fix: Calculate appropriate amounts of all three macronutrients based on your goals. Pair your protein with quinoa, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats like avocado. "This balanced approach will improve your energy levels, workout performance, recovery, and digestion," Michelle recommends.

Implement these fixes to your high-protein diet, and you'll be well on your way to breaking through plateaus and achieving the fat loss results you've been working toward.

Mahtab Ekay fitbymahtab
I Lost 20 Pounds Using These 6 Game-Changing Hacks
Copyright fitbymahtab/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to lose weight fast without going to extremes? One expert and weight loss warrior has some tips. Mahtab Ekay is a fat loss coach and social media influencer who lost over 20 pounds in less than three months and helps others do the same. In a recent social media post, she revealed several ways to simplify the weight loss process. “If I were trying to make losing weight as easy as possible, I’d start doing these 7 things today,” she writes.

Eat a Hearty Breakfast

Her first tip is to eat a hearty meal in the morning. “Fill your breakfast with veggies, protein, and fat. This will keep you full for 4–5 hours, reduce sugar cravings, and prevent snacking or binging later,” she says.

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat

Add Fiber to Your Meals

Next, add a fiber source to each meal. “Aim for 25–35g daily. Great sources include apples, pears, edamame, lentils, chickpeas, black beans, oats, and whole-grain bread,” she suggests.

Don’t Snack on Carbs

Her third tip? “Avoid snacking on carbs,” she suggests. “Save sweet cravings for dessert after a main meal instead of eating them on an empty stomach.”

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Set Step Goals and Break Into smaller Chunks

Next, she recommends setting a daily step goal and breaking it into smaller chunks. “For example, a 20-min morning walk, two 20-min walks after meals, and a 30–40 min evening walk with your family or friends can help you easily hit 10k steps,” she says.


Hydration is also important. “Drink more water,” she advises. “You need half your body weight in pounds in ounces of water daily. Easy hack: get a big water bottle, fill it in the morning, and sip throughout the day.”

Amp Up Protein Intake

“Double down on your protein,” she continues. “No need for fancy recipes—just build on what you’re already eating. Add egg whites to eggs, use cottage cheese in sandwiches, or eat a full chicken breast instead of half.”

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Indulge in Dessert

Finally, indulge in sweet treats. “Have your favorite dessert daily (if you want it). Pick one dessert you love the most, enjoy it every day, and skip the rest of the sweets,” she suggests. And if you enjoyed this article, don't missthese 8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat.

Sarah Bouchard fedandfreewithsarahb
​Unrealistic Expectations
Copyright fedandfreewithsarahb/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Have you been dieting and spending time in the gym, but are starting to feel bulk? You might be making a common mistake. Sarah Bouchard is a Nutrition Coach & Educator who helps women over 35 “ditch diet confusion & simplify nutrition” for “Sustainable fat loss + healthy body composition,” she explains in her Instagram bio. In a new Instagram post, she breaks down the reason why you might not be achieving the toned look you desire.

“I hate to break it to you, but…What makes a woman appear ‘bulky’ 99% of the time is 🥁… consuming more calories than her body needs. The women you see in their late 30s and beyond who look ‘toned’? They prioritize protein like it’s their job and aren’t afraid of lifting heavy.

According to Sarah, achieving a “toned” look means having: “A moderate to low amount of body fat” and “A healthy amount of muscle tissue.” And “muscle isn’t built by accident,” she says, noting that it requires “Consistent strength training” and “Adequate protein intake.”

“In my experience assessing clients’ food logs, I’ve noticed patterns that inadvertently lead to an undesired ‘bulky’ appearance,” she continues. The first one? “Fearing carbs but loading up on ‘healthy fats’,” she says. “There are only two other macronutrients besides protein: carbs & fats. Women who fear carbs often end up in a caloric surplus from fats (think nuts, flaxseeds, almond flour, coconut oil).”

Neglecting Satiety

Next is neglecting satiety. “Trying to eat as little as possible is not a winning strategy for that ‘toned’ physique, as it will inevitably result in overconsumption of calories. Want to feel more full without being in a calorie surplus? Lean protein & fiber-rich foods are key,” she says.

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Misunderstanding Protein Density & Quality

The third reason is the misunderstanding of protein density and quality. “Not all protein sources are created equal,” she writes.

Don’t Undereat

She offers solutions to optimize calorie and protein intake, starting with undereating. “Stop trying to eat as little as possible: Focus on foods that help you feel more full and build muscle!” she writes.

Balance Macronutrients

Next, make sure to balance macronutrients. “Ensure each meal contains a balance of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to promote satiety and muscle maintenance,” she writes.

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Prioritize Protein

Prioritize protein. “Aim for a minimum protein intake between 0.8–1 grams per lb of body weight daily to support muscle synthesis and maintenance,” she says.

Distribute Protein Intake

Make sure you are distributing protein intake as well. “Spread protein consumption evenly across meals to maximize muscle protein synthesis & satiety throughout the day,” she suggests.

Balance Nutrition with Exercise

Don’t forget about movement. “Remember, achieving a toned physique is about creating a sustainable balance between nutrition and exercise,” she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

3 Simple Stretches Made This Coach More Flexible in 2 Weeks
Copyright Livinleggings/YouTube

We've all experienced those mornings – waking up feeling stiff, tired, and perhaps a bit cranky. As yoga expert Liv explains, "When we wake up in the mornings, our bodies can feel quite stiff, a little lethargic, and often a little cranky too." Adding simple stretches to your morning routine can dramatically change how you feel both physically and mentally.

Meet the expert

Liv is dedicated to helping people become strong and flexible through mobility-based strength training and yoga. She's the creator of The Yoga Rebel Method, which uniquely combines strength training with yoga principles. With over 500K YouTube subscribers, Liv has guided countless people toward better mobility and flexibility. Try these three essential stretches she recommends and experience the difference they can make to your entire day.

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The science behind morning stretches

Why are these particular stretches so effective? According to Liv, it's about more than just loosening tight muscles. "Our bodies have natural instincts for survival, which lead us to want to protect our vital organs like our lungs, like our heart. It's why we often sleep curled up in a small ball." These targeted stretches help counteract this protective position and trigger your body's natural energy systems.

The morning energy boost

These stretches work on a biological level to increase alertness. "When we expose these vital organs in something like a chest and abdominal stretch, our body senses a slight increase in vulnerability and this activates our nervous system," Liv explains in her post. This gentle activation provides "a natural energy boost and a sense of alertness through increased production of adrenaline." It's a clever way to harness your body's built-in energy systems.

Stretch 1: Camel Pose Sweeps

Yoga,Instructor,camel, pose Ustrasana, asana,

This dynamic stretch specifically targets your hip flexors, abdominals, chest, and shoulders – all areas that typically tighten overnight. To perform it, Liv instructs: "Come to sit onto your heels, toes tucked under, and take your knees a little wider than your hips. From here, take one hand to your heel and then sweep the other arm up towards the sky as you lift your hips off of your heels."

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Perfecting the Camel Pose Sweep

On windy day young slender woman does yoga near sea on embankment doing asanas, performs physical exercises. During sunset, girl performs camel pose, Ushtrasana


The key to making this stretch effective is in the details. Liv advises, "Tuck your tailbone under and squeeze your bum as you rise. Press the chest up towards the sky and turn your gaze slightly off towards one side." Then return to center and repeat on the other side. "Spend around 30 seconds moving from side to side," she recommends, emphasizing that this is a dynamic stretch to be performed with control and awareness.

Stretch 2: Alternating Lunges and Hamstring Stretches

Fitness woman doing lunges exercises for leg muscle workout training in gym.Top 11 Exercises for Leaner, Stronger, Firmer LegsShutterstock

This second essential stretch addresses the notoriously tight morning hamstrings while maintaining the chest-opening benefits of the first stretch. "Bring yourself into a low lunge position with the back knee on the floor and the toes tucked," Liv explains. The proper form is crucial here for your safety and effectiveness.

Lunge to Hamstring Technique

Fit young woman working out outdoors in park on summer day, doing crescent lunge pose (anjaneyasana), Horse posture (ashva sanchalasana), stretching hip flexors and quadricepsShutterstock

Liv emphasizes a specific technique for this movement: "Keeping the tailbone softly tucked under in the lunge is really important to look after your lower back and to actually be able to stretch your hip muscles, so don't forget this point." From the lunge position, "Use a nice big breath in as you lift the chest and let your arms open up like goalposts, pressing the pelvis forwards and down as you do."

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The Hamstring Stretch Transition

Silhouette of beautiful woman practicing yoga asana on the beach with sunrise on twilight blue vibrant sky and calm sea in background. Skandasana, Side lunge, Stretching, Power concept, Meditation.


Completing this stretch sequence requires a smooth transition. "From there, shift your hips back to sit onto your back heel, straightening out the front leg," Liv instructs. She notes that "How upright you remain with your torso will depend on how flexible your hamstrings are." Alternate between the lunge and hamstring stretch about eight times before switching sides.

Stretch 3: Seated Twist with Arm Reaches

seated twist with bent kneesShutterstock

The final essential stretch in Liv's morning routine adds side body opening to complete your morning energy boost. "Come to sit onto the floor with one leg straight out in front of you and the other bent, foot towards your inner thigh," Liv explains. This position creates the foundation for an effective twist and side stretch combination.

The Twist and Lift

woman engages in a side stretch while seated on a yoga mat during an outdoor exercise session. This image reflects the balance between strength and flexibility in modern fitness practices.


From the seated position, "twist the body off towards the side of your bent leg and place a hand behind you onto the floor," says Liv. Then, "As you take a nice deep breath in, lift your hips off of the floor as you circle the arm up and overhead." This movement creates a powerful opening through the side body while engaging your core.

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Flowing with Your Breath

The rhythm of breath is crucial to making this stretch effective. "Similarly to before, think of slightly tucking the tailbone under, engaging your bum muscles and pressing that chest towards the sky," Liv advises. Then, "use a breath out to sit your bum back to the floor." She emphasizes that "Following your breath will make these movements a little easier."

The Importance of Consistency

Liv concludes with an important reminder about flexibility training: "When it comes to improving your flexibility, little and often is a far more effective approach than sporadic longer sessions every now and again." These three non-negotiable stretches provide maximum benefit in minimum time – perfect for establishing a sustainable morning routine that transforms how you start each day.

Your Morning Transformation

By incorporating these three expert-recommended stretches into your morning routine, you'll notice both immediate and long-term benefits. You'll start your day with increased energy, better mobility, and a clearer mind. As Liv explains, stretching also gives "your body a dose of endorphins, the happiness hormone, to set you off with a positive start." Begin tomorrow with these stretches and feel the difference for yourself. And if you enjoyed this article, don't missI’m a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.