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We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

#1 Way to Flatten Your Stomach for Women, According to a Pelvic Floor Expert

Do pelvic floor exercises to train your deep abdominals.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
Courtney Virden
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

I have been in the fitness industry for over 20 years, and one of the things female clients ask me the most is, how can I flatten my stomach? I have some personal experience trying to flatten my own. After the birth of my children, I suffered from pelvic floor dysfunction, including bladder incontinence, lower back pain, and diastasis recti (separated abs), which led me to develop my passion and specialty in pelvic floor health. I knew I wasn’t stuck to a lifetime of bladder leakage and wanted to create programs that would be accessible to all women so anyone needing help with issues could get it—and also get a strong, lean mid-section. Here's how you can get yours.

The Foundation of a Woman's Core


The pelvic floor is the foundation of a woman’s core. The pelvic floor aids in our bladder, bowel, and sexual function. At least ⅓ of all women will experience pelvic floor dysfunction at some point in their lives, and this leaves the spine and abdominals not functioning optimally. Many women have diastasis recti after pregnancy, and even women who haven’t been pregnant can get it. This causes a separation in the abdominals and will often cause a belly pooch that sit-ups and planks, and many traditional exercises make it worse. Our transverse abdominals act like a corset to balance abdominal pressure and support the spine. If we have diastasis recti, shallow breathing, suck in our stomach a lot (causes gripping and overuse of the upper abs), or a myriad of other issues going on, we can get pelvic floor dysfunction and abs that aren’t working right. The lower abdominals often pooch out; a flat stomach seems impossible, but it is from dysfunction in the core.

Related: Alex Rodriguez’s Girlfriend, Jaclyn Cordeiro, Flaunts Abs in “Friday Flex” Mirror Selfie

Train Your Deep Abdominals

Pretty female sitting on bed in lotus posture with hands on her chest and belly doing pranayama techniques. Doing yoga at home. Self care and positive emotions.Shutterstock

Doing pelvic floor exercises trains your deep abdominals to function well, and diaphragmatic breathing (aka belly breathing) helps with the elasticity of the pelvic floor and abdominal activation. Many recommend Kegels and Kegel exercises to tighten the pelvic floor. While they are appropriate for some women who are overstretched throughout the pelvic floor, for women with a hypertonic pelvic floor or who have parts of the pelvic floor with too much tension, they will make issues worse and even can create new issues. Kegels are concentric contractions and can lead to chronic tension and tightening of the pelvic floor, which can lead to painful intercourse, incontinence, lower back pain, and difficulty achieving orgasm, among other issues. Unless a woman is seeing an internal therapist to monitor tension throughout the pelvic floor, women are not going to know if their issue is too much tension, not enough, or a combination of so many women experience a poor outcome from Kegels. They are also one exercise that doesn’t train the pelvic floor to be dynamic and train its fourteen muscles for optimal strength and elasticity throughout. There are far better ways to train the pelvic floor while at the same time building strength in the entire core, leading to strong and high-functioning abs.

Your Secret Weapon

Woman working out with exercise ball in gym. Pilates woman doing exercises in the gym workout room with fitness ball. Fitness woman doing exercises for muscle press with abs swiss ball.Shutterstock

I love using a stability ball with pelvic floor exercises because the ball activates your deep abdominals and improves stability far better than exercises on a mat or stable object. Pelvic floor exercises that emphasize full body and dynamic movement are optimal. Training your pelvic floor to be strong, toned, and responsive through all planes of motion trains your abdominals to be highly functioning and helps flatten your stomach even without any changes in diet or weight loss. This is because they will engage your transverse abdominals; if you have diastasis recti, they help close that gap for most. Using concentric and eccentric contractions trains the pelvic floor muscles for optimal strength and tension throughout while at the same time helping your posture and helping flatten your abs. They are the secret weapon I have used for over 20 years, and once women realize how effective they are at accomplishing so much, they are hooked.

Related: This Is the Exact Daily Routine That Helped Me Lose 50 Pounds, Says Fitness Expert

How My Body Changed and Yours Can, Too

Courtney_VirdeniCORE Method/YouTube

I haven’t done sit-ups, planks, leg lifts, and traditional abdominal exercises in over 20 years, yet my abs are strong and flat. My body completely changed once I started training differently and learned about biomechanics and corrective exercises, and I felt better than ever. My wish for all women is to learn that fitness and good movement/posture are attainable without hours in the gym. Creating balance and good biomechanics leads to improved confidence and carries into our daily life so we show up happier and healthier to live our best lives. So, for any of you ladies wanting a flat stomach, pelvic floor exercises are key.

💪🔥Body Booster: Here is a quick free pelvic floor workout (a Poosh favorite) to get you started and just a portion of the powerful programs within my app.

Courtney Virden is a Founder & Pelvic Floor Expert at iCORE Method.

More For You

Courtney Virden
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

I have been in the fitness industry for over 20 years, and one of the things female clients ask me the most is, how can I flatten my stomach? I have some personal experience trying to flatten my own. After the birth of my children, I suffered from pelvic floor dysfunction, including bladder incontinence, lower back pain, and diastasis recti (separated abs), which led me to develop my passion and specialty in pelvic floor health. I knew I wasn’t stuck to a lifetime of bladder leakage and wanted to create programs that would be accessible to all women so anyone needing help with issues could get it—and also get a strong, lean mid-section. Here's how you can get yours.

The Foundation of a Woman's Core


The pelvic floor is the foundation of a woman’s core. The pelvic floor aids in our bladder, bowel, and sexual function. At least ⅓ of all women will experience pelvic floor dysfunction at some point in their lives, and this leaves the spine and abdominals not functioning optimally. Many women have diastasis recti after pregnancy, and even women who haven’t been pregnant can get it. This causes a separation in the abdominals and will often cause a belly pooch that sit-ups and planks, and many traditional exercises make it worse. Our transverse abdominals act like a corset to balance abdominal pressure and support the spine. If we have diastasis recti, shallow breathing, suck in our stomach a lot (causes gripping and overuse of the upper abs), or a myriad of other issues going on, we can get pelvic floor dysfunction and abs that aren’t working right. The lower abdominals often pooch out; a flat stomach seems impossible, but it is from dysfunction in the core.

Related: Alex Rodriguez’s Girlfriend, Jaclyn Cordeiro, Flaunts Abs in “Friday Flex” Mirror Selfie

Train Your Deep Abdominals

Pretty female sitting on bed in lotus posture with hands on her chest and belly doing pranayama techniques. Doing yoga at home. Self care and positive emotions.Shutterstock

Doing pelvic floor exercises trains your deep abdominals to function well, and diaphragmatic breathing (aka belly breathing) helps with the elasticity of the pelvic floor and abdominal activation. Many recommend Kegels and Kegel exercises to tighten the pelvic floor. While they are appropriate for some women who are overstretched throughout the pelvic floor, for women with a hypertonic pelvic floor or who have parts of the pelvic floor with too much tension, they will make issues worse and even can create new issues. Kegels are concentric contractions and can lead to chronic tension and tightening of the pelvic floor, which can lead to painful intercourse, incontinence, lower back pain, and difficulty achieving orgasm, among other issues. Unless a woman is seeing an internal therapist to monitor tension throughout the pelvic floor, women are not going to know if their issue is too much tension, not enough, or a combination of so many women experience a poor outcome from Kegels. They are also one exercise that doesn’t train the pelvic floor to be dynamic and train its fourteen muscles for optimal strength and elasticity throughout. There are far better ways to train the pelvic floor while at the same time building strength in the entire core, leading to strong and high-functioning abs.

Your Secret Weapon

Woman working out with exercise ball in gym. Pilates woman doing exercises in the gym workout room with fitness ball. Fitness woman doing exercises for muscle press with abs swiss ball.Shutterstock

I love using a stability ball with pelvic floor exercises because the ball activates your deep abdominals and improves stability far better than exercises on a mat or stable object. Pelvic floor exercises that emphasize full body and dynamic movement are optimal. Training your pelvic floor to be strong, toned, and responsive through all planes of motion trains your abdominals to be highly functioning and helps flatten your stomach even without any changes in diet or weight loss. This is because they will engage your transverse abdominals; if you have diastasis recti, they help close that gap for most. Using concentric and eccentric contractions trains the pelvic floor muscles for optimal strength and tension throughout while at the same time helping your posture and helping flatten your abs. They are the secret weapon I have used for over 20 years, and once women realize how effective they are at accomplishing so much, they are hooked.

Related: This Is the Exact Daily Routine That Helped Me Lose 50 Pounds, Says Fitness Expert

How My Body Changed and Yours Can, Too

Courtney_VirdeniCORE Method/YouTube

I haven’t done sit-ups, planks, leg lifts, and traditional abdominal exercises in over 20 years, yet my abs are strong and flat. My body completely changed once I started training differently and learned about biomechanics and corrective exercises, and I felt better than ever. My wish for all women is to learn that fitness and good movement/posture are attainable without hours in the gym. Creating balance and good biomechanics leads to improved confidence and carries into our daily life so we show up happier and healthier to live our best lives. So, for any of you ladies wanting a flat stomach, pelvic floor exercises are key.

💪🔥Body Booster: Here is a quick free pelvic floor workout (a Poosh favorite) to get you started and just a portion of the powerful programs within my app.

Courtney Virden is a Founder & Pelvic Floor Expert at iCORE Method.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want flat abs? According to one expert, there are a few key exercises that can help you achieve them. Haileigh Senatore is a personal trainer who focuses on science-based strength and core training. She regularly shares content focusing on “fitness tips I wish more women knew,” she says. In a new post, she discusses the importance of training your core and shares three key exercises that will help you strengthen and flatten your abs. “I wish more women knew the best core exercises aren’t crunches,” she writes across the video. “You need to geal your core,” she writes, going on to explain the importance of a strong midsection.

Planks, Bridges, and Bird Dogs Are the Perfect Core Exercises

What are the three exercises she recommends? “Deep core exercises like planks, bridges, and bird dogs can strengthen and tighten your entire midsection,” she says in the video. “They are the perfect complement to your strength training split and can be done almost anywhere.”

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Practice Core Engagement

Overhead shot of muscular and fit young woman doing stretching workout exercise mat. Fitness female lying on mat with stretching her hands.Shutterstock

However, she has some tips. "When doing any core exercise, be sure to practice good core engagement,” she says. This involves drawing the belly button comfortably to the spine, she explains, “and managing your internal pressure with deep, regular diaphragm breathing.”

Having a Strong Core Will Improve Your Life

Fit and attractive young adult woman kneels down on the beach looks to her left with a big beaming happy smile.Shutterstock

Why is it so important to train the core? “I prioritize core training each day because having a strong core can make your everyday life much easier,” she says. For example, if you have a strong core, you are likely to have better posture and fewer back problems.

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Here Are Some Other Benefits of Isometric Core Training

Fitness young woman working out core and glutes with bodyweight workout doing squat exercises on beach. Asian sporty girl squatting legs as part of an active and fit life.Shutterstock

According to Haleigh, when paired with balanced nutrition, just 10-15 minutes of daily isometric core training can:

  • build muscle
  • tighten your midsection after pregnancy
  • help you lift heavier
  • help prevent injury
  • improve your back pain
  • improve your balance
  • fix your posture.

These Exercises Can Help with Diastasis Recti

Attractive blonde woman in sports beige leggings and tank top, practicing yoga, doing Glute bridge exercise, dvi pada pithasana pose, home workout.Shutterstock

She then goes onto discuss ab exercises that can help with diastasis recti. “Glute bridges, bird dogs, toe taps, and heel slides can help you heal mild diastasis recti, a common postpartum abdominal separation,” she says.

These Exercises Can Make It Worst

Fitness determined mature woman lying doing crunches at home. Healthy mid woman doing exercises on gym mat. Concentrate middle age lady doing daily exercises lying on the floor in the living room.Shutterstock

However, some ab exercises can worsen the condition. “Jumping right into exercises like regular planks and crunches can make the separation worse, so use caution. However, there is evidence that abdominal hypertrophy from crunches can help to close the last of the gap,” she says.

Consult a PT If the Condition Is Severe

fitness, sport, exercising and diet concept - smiling young woman and personal trainer with clipboard writing exercise plan in gymShutterstock

Regardless, you might need to consult an expert. “If you have severe diastasis recti (a 2 finger gap above the bellybutton) you should consult a PT who can create a program for you,” she says.

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Don’t Overlook Nutrition

Middle age caucasian sporty woman eating salad at home.Shutterstock

Finally, nutrition matters if you want to flatten your abs. “Keep in mind that no matter what you see on social media, there is no way to spot-reduce fat anywhere on your body. Mindful calorie consumption and clean eating is essential,” she says. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including scientific studies and medical journals.

If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing

As we age, our bodies change. Weight seems to accumulate more easily, especially around the midsection, and losing it becomes increasingly challenging. If you've found yourself in this frustrating situation, you're not alone. Petra Genco, a coach specializing in helping women over 40 lose weight and regain their confidence, understands this struggle firsthand. After successfully shedding 30 pounds herself, Petra now shares her expertise to help other women achieve similar results.

The Science Behind Weight Loss

Before diving into specific exercises, it's important to understand the fundamentals of weight loss. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says, "For overall health, adults need at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity." They also note that "Physical activity is important if you are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. More physical activity increases the number of calories your body uses for energy."

Why Standing Ab Exercises Are Perfect for Women Over 40

"We're going to be covering four standing ab exercises," Petra begins her post. "These exercises are easy to do, so don't worry if you can't do floor sit-ups or crunches. The following four exercises are really effective and will pull that tummy in. A great bonus is that you don't have to get up and down off the floor, and you can do them anywhere."

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Adapting to Age-Related Changes

Petra acknowledges the challenges many women face: "As we know, our bodies change as we get older. We've had kids, we're on, or we have been on the menopause, and things just don't work as they used to. So we need to exercise differently." Her approach focuses on exercises that "strengthen your core, give you a flatter stomach, and if you add in a good healthy diet, you'll start to get a strong stomach and lose that fat too."

The Importance of Commitment and Goal-Setting

The CDC underlines the importance of commitment in weight loss: "Whether you have a family history of heart disease or want to feel better in your clothes, write down why you want to lose weight. Writing it down can confirm your commitment." They also recommend setting realistic goals: "Set short-term goals and reward your efforts along the way. Maybe your long-term goal is to lose 40 pounds and to control your high blood pressure. Short-term goals might include drinking water instead of sugary beverages, taking a 15-minute evening walk, or having a vegetable with supper."

Standing Crunches: Target Your Stubborn Lower Belly

"This exercise works all your muscles at the front and is great for that stubborn lower belly that just won't shift," Petra explains. To perform this exercise, stand with feet hip-width apart, raise your arms straight up, then lift one knee while pulling your arms down into a crunch position. "Squeeze your stomach all the time and keep it slow and controlled," Petra advises. Aim for 30 reps, but start with 3 sets of 10 if needed.

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Elbow to Knee: Challenge Your Core Rotation

"This exercise challenges the rotation of our core, working the transverse muscles here at the side," says Petra. Start with your feet hip-width apart, your hands by your ears. In a twisting motion, touch your elbow to the opposite knee. Petra emphasizes, "As always, keep your stomach really strong throughout the whole exercise." Work up to 30 reps, starting with smaller sets if necessary.

The Role of Physical Activity in Weight Management

The CDC states, "Using calories through physical activity, combined with reducing the calories you eat, creates a calorie deficit that results in weight loss." They also note that "Most weight loss occurs from decreasing calories. However, the only way to maintain weight loss is to engage in regular physical activity."

Toe Touches: Engage Your Abs and Legs

Petra reassures, "Don't worry if you can't touch your toes. Touching your knee or your shin is just as good." She describes the movement: "Standing with your feet hip-distance apart, lift your left leg and touch with your right hand, then repeat." Petra adds, "I really like this exercise. It's simple but effective. If you do this exercise properly, slowly, and controlled, you can really feel your abdominal muscles contract. And also, the great thing about this exercise is that it works your legs as well."

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Forward Punches: Boost Your Fitness and Core Strength

"Again, like the elbow to knee exercise, they're working the transverse muscles or these here at the side," Petra explains. Stand with feet wider apart and soft knees, then punch from side to side. "Squeeze that stomach as we twist and stretch your arms as if you're trying to touch the other side of the room," she instructs. Petra enthuses, "I really love this exercise. It's great for fitness. It gets the heart going, and it gets a sweat on."

Combining Exercises for a Quick, Effective Workout

Petra recommends combining these four exercises into a 5-minute workout routine. "To recap, you're going to put all of these four exercises together, and it will give you a nice five-minute workout to get your stomach looking trim," she says. Do 30 reps of each exercise with a quick rest between moves. "Remember, if you want real results and you have to stay consistent with this workout and to make it easier for you, why don't you put on your favorite music whilst you do it," Petra suggests.

The Benefits of Core Strengthening

Petra reminds us about the importance of these exercises: "By strengthening, tightening, and toning our core, you'll reduce the risk of back pain and injuries, so you'll also be able to move around so much easier. A strong core will also help your pelvis, your lower back, and your hip muscles giving you better balance and less likely to fall over." This aligns with the CDC's statement that "Regular physical activity provides immediate and long-term health benefits. Being physically active can improve your brain health. Other benefits include stronger bones and muscles and better ability to perform everyday activities."

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Achieving Long-Term Results

"To lose weight around your belly, increase your daily activity, reduce the amount of time you spend sitting and follow a healthy diet," Petra advises. She adds, "Keep in mind it's best to focus on your core abdominal strength instead of craving that six-pack stomach."

The CDC recommends continually monitoring your progress: "Revisit your goals and evaluate your progress regularly. Decide which parts of your plan are working well and which parts need to be changed. Use this information to revise your goals and plan."

By incorporating these exercises into your routine 2-3 times a week, along with increased daily activity and a healthy diet, you can start to see results in your waistline, health, and overall strength. With consistency and dedication, these standing ab exercises can help you achieve a flatter stomach and improved core strength, proving that it's never too late to get back into shape and feel great again. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 31 Fitness Tips Every Beginner Needs to Look Sexy, According to Coaches.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

TikTok influencer Tara Hall (@tarahallfitness) knows all too well the struggle to get rid of belly fat and develop beautiful, strong abdominal muscles. As with all exercises, there is a right way—and a wrong way!—to go about reaching those fitness goals, and so much misinformation that not only will NOT help shift the tummy fat, it might even encourage it (noooo!). Hall’s advice is sensible, and you know it’s legit because the method will cost you nothing. Here’s what she has to say.

Sit Ups and Crunches


Struggle to lose lower stomach fat? Heres how 🙃 #lowerstomachfat #stomachfat #flatstomach #losefat

Hall makes the point that endless situps and crunches will unfortunately not torch stomach fat. Why? Research shows spot reduction is a myth—you can’t just focus on losing fat in one area of the body. “Getting rid of belly fat involves a combination of diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes,” says vegan fitness expert and trainer Kollins Ezekh. “Cardiovascular exercises, such as running, cycling, and swimming, can help burn overall body fat, while strength training exercises, such as weight lifting, can help build muscle and improve metabolism.”

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Lots of Cardio

Side view of two attractive sports women on running track. Girls on treadmillShutterstock

Hall says cardio alone won’t magically shift the belly bulge—other factors are important, as it’s remarkably difficult to out-burn excessive calories. “Focus on a balanced diet rich in whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats,” Ezekh says. “Limiting sugar and refined carbohydrates can also help reduce belly fat.”

This Is the Way

Smartphone and calories calculator concept. Hand holding smartphone and take photo of chicken grill, avocado, chickpea, cheese and lettuce in white salad plate. In vintage toneShutterstock

“The only way you are going to lose stomach fat is by being in a calorie deficit,” Hall says. Her advice might be boring (where’s the quick fix we’re looking for?), but it is the foundation of any successful fat-loss program. “Popular fad diets may promise you that not eating carbohydrates (carbs) or eating a pile of grapefruit is the secret to weight loss. But it really comes down to eating fewer calories than your body is using if you want to lose weight,” says the Mayo Clinic.

This Is Important Too!

mid adult italian woman banging her head against a wall outside office building. Horizontal shape, copy spaceShutterstock

Of course, other factors also impact belly fat—for example, stress. Stress causes cortisol, and cortisol is linked to belly fat. So while you’re working out and eating right and being mindful of calories, pay attention to stress levels and learn to manage them. “Practices such as meditation, yoga, or regular physical activity can help manage stress,” Ezekh says.

Related: I Lost 60 Pounds With These 7 Exercises Everyone Can Do

Bye Bye, Belly Fat!

Woman body fat belly. Obese Woman with fat upset about her belly. Fat woman with tight clothing worried about weight diet lifestyle concept.Shutterstock

Sleep also impacts belly fat—poor sleep can help pack stomach fat on, and excess weight causes even worse sleep. Yikes. "Our findings show that shortened sleep, even in young, healthy and relatively lean subjects, is associated with an increase in calorie intake, a very small increase in weight, and a significant increase in fat accumulation inside the belly," says Virend Somers, MD, PhD, for the Mayo Clinic.

💪🔥Body Booster: You can’t spot-reduce fat, so be mindful of your calories in vs. calories out!

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your midsection? You're not alone. Many of us struggle with stubborn belly fat, but the good news is that surgery isn't your only option. Anthony Youn, M.D. F.A.C.S, a board-certified plastic surgeon known as "America's Holistic Plastic Surgeon," offers insights on achieving a flatter tummy without going under the knife. Combined with expert scientific perspectives, these strategies aim to help you build a healthier, more confident you.

Understanding Belly Fat: The Hidden Danger

Unhealthy overweight Asian fat woman catching on her big belly and arm close up, woman concerned about her fat and body shape problem.Shutterstock

Before diving into solutions, it's crucial to understand what we're dealing with. Belly fat, also known as visceral fat, is more than just a cosmetic concern. According to WebMD, "The type of fat that collects in your belly is called visceral fat. It surrounds your organs and raises your risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers." This underscores the importance of addressing belly fat not just for aesthetic reasons but for overall health.

Measuring Your Risk

Slim attractive young man using fat caliper to measure bodyfat on waist line.Shutterstock

How do you know if you have too much belly fat? WebMD provides a simple method: "To find out if you have excess fat in this area, put a tape measure around your midsection at bellybutton-level. More than 35 inches in women and 40 inches in men is too much." If you fall into this category, it's time to take action.

Embrace a Low-Carb, Nutrient-Rich Diet

In his viral post, Dr. Youn emphasizes the importance of diet in achieving a flat tummy. "The first thing you need to do is change your diet," he advises. A low-carb approach can be particularly effective. "I recommend a low-carb diet, not necessarily keto, but definitely lower in carbs," says Dr. Youn. He adds, "Cut out the processed foods, cut out the junk food, cut out the fast food."

While WebMD doesn't recommend a specific "belly fat diet," they do emphasize the importance of a balanced, nutrient-rich diet low in processed foods and high in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. This aligns well with Dr. Youn's advice for a healthier eating pattern.

Incorporate Intermittent Fasting

20:4 fasting diet concept. One third plate with healthy food and two third plate is empty. Beef, salmon, egg, broccoli, tomato, nuts, carrots, mushrooms. Dark background. Top view.Shutterstock

Another strategy Dr. Youn recommends is intermittent fasting. "I'm a big proponent of intermittent fasting," he states. This approach involves limiting your eating to specific time windows, which can help reduce overall calorie intake and improve metabolic health. Dr. Youn suggests starting with a 12-hour fast and gradually increasing to 16 hours if comfortable. He explains, "Start with 12 hours between dinner and breakfast the next day, and then you can increase that to 16 hours."

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Stay Hydrated and Detoxify

Photo of lovely mature lady drink clear water dressed white garment modern living room rest enjoy weekend free leisure time alone homeShutterstock

Proper hydration is crucial for a flat tummy. Dr. Youn advises, "Drink lots of water." Adequate water intake can help flush out toxins, reduce bloating, and support overall digestive health. He specifically recommends, "Add some lemon to [your water]. Lemon is a great detoxifier." Aim for at least eight glasses of water per day to support your flat tummy goals.

Focus on Core-Strengthening Exercises

Concentrated beautiful young sportswoman doing plank exercise on mat in gymShutterstock

While diet plays a significant role, exercise is also essential. Dr. Youn recommends incorporating core-strengthening exercises into your routine. "Focus on exercises that target your core," he suggests. This includes exercises like planks, crunches, and Russian twists.

WebMD supports this approach, stating, "Even if belly fat runs in your family, you can overcome your genes with the right diet and enough exercise." Regular core workouts can help tone your abdominal muscles, improve posture, and contribute to a flatter-looking tummy.

RELATED:31 Fitness Tips Every Beginner Needs to Look Sexy, According to Coaches.

Manage Stress Levels

Mature african woman looking outside window with uncertainty. Thoughtful mid adult woman looking away through the window while thinking about her future business after pandemic. Doubtful lady at home.Shutterstock

Stress can significantly impact your waistline. Dr. Youn notes, "Stress causes the release of cortisol, which can increase abdominal fat." To combat this, he recommends stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. Taking time to relax and unwind can not only improve your mental health but also contribute to a flatter tummy.

Prioritize Quality Sleep

Young woman waking up in the morning in the bed in the bedroomShutterstock

Quality sleep is often overlooked in the quest for a flat tummy. Dr. Youn emphasizes the importance of adequate rest, stating, "Make sure you're getting enough sleep."

WebMD echoes this advice, explaining, "Too little shut-eye could be part of the reason you've gained weight. Your body makes hormones that make you feel full. Lack of slumber can make them less effective." Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support your flat tummy goals and overall health.

Consider Supplements Wisely

Selective focus of wrinkled hands of a senior woman holding fish oil or omega-3 supplement capsule.Shutterstock

While not a magic solution, certain supplements may support your efforts. Dr. Youn suggests, "You might want to consider taking a probiotic." Probiotics can help improve gut health, potentially reducing bloating and supporting overall digestive function. He also mentions, "There are some supplements out there that can help reduce bloating." However, he cautions, "I'm not a huge fan of fat burners... a lot of those contain stimulants." Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

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Be Patient and Consistent


Losing belly fat is a process that requires time and consistency. As Dr. Youn emphasizes, "It's not going to happen overnight, but if you do these things, I guarantee you're going to see results."

WebMD doesn't provide a specific timeframe for losing belly fat, as it can differ significantly from person to person. Factors such as starting weight, diet, exercise routine, and genetics all play a role. The key is to focus on sustainable, healthy habits rather than quick fixes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Jessica Olson findinmyweigh
Wake Up Earlier​
Copyright findinmyweigh/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you trying to lose weight but need a little motivation? One weight loss warrior claims to have a game-changing tip. Jessica Olson is a nurse and social media influencer who dropped a whopping 140 pounds. In a recent Instagram post, she reveals one habit that was instrumental in her weight loss success. “#1 success tip helped me lose 140 pounds,” she writes in the post.

Wake Up Earlier

What is her number one tip? “It’s simple…WAKE UP EARLIER,” she writes. “I’m sure a ton of people would disagree with me but if I had to pick ONE thing that I feel like has helped ME on MY journey - this would be it.”

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She Had Bariatric Surgery But Didn’t Gain the Weight Back

“Sure I had bariatric surgery… and some could say that was the one thing that helped. But so many people put their weight back on after having surgery because they don’t change their habits. I created the habit of waking up earlier,” she continues.

This Habit Helps Her Stick to These Other Habits

She maintains that “one simple thing” has helped her lose 140 lbs but also keep it off by:

  1. Hitting her water goals
  2. Taking her vitamins
  3. Getting in a workout.

“All before most people are getting out of bed in the morning,” she says.

There Are Other Benefits

There are other benefits to being an early riser, per Jessica. “But it’s also helped me in other areas. I’m spending more time with God, my house is cleaner, I feel more organized, so I’m in a much better mood,” she says. “All because…I WAKE UP EARLIER.”

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She Also Has a Tip for Those Who Struggle to Sleep

In another post, she offers suggestions to anyone who struggles with falling asleep and shutting their brains off. “After many years of nightshift nursing I have royally messed up my sleep schedule. Some nights I'll lay in bed (mind you I've crawled into bed around 8) and can't fall asleep until after 1-2a,” she says.

She Drinks Mushroom Hot Cocoa at Night

“I have prescribed medication to help with times like that but I really don't like taking it. I decided to try out @ryzesuperfoods mushroom hot cocoa to see if I could tell a difference - and it's been a huge game changer!! For one you can't taste the mushroom part at all, y'all know I have a sweet tooth and this taste just like straight up hot cocoa but the best part is I feel super sleepy within 10-15 minutes of drinking it!” she continued.

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Find What Works for You

“All this to say - find what works for you. Maybe it's changing up your nightly routine. Trying some meditation, stretching, a hot bath, bible reading, journaling -or- incorporating some hot cocoa into your nightly routine... Figure out what helps and stick to it,” she concludes. “Transitioning from a night owl to a morning bird has been a huge part of my journey to better health.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Dr. Stephanie Dunlop, MD mvmntbydrsteph
​When Other Hormonal Imbalances Are In Check
Copyright mvmntbydrsteph/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

You probably know that hormonal disruptions can lead to weight gain and lower energy. But you might not realize that some of your favorite foods are causing this. Dr. Stephanie Dunlop, MD, specializes in helping women over 30 lose weight and gain energy. In a new social media post, she reveals the foods that will mess up your hormones. “As a medical doctor, here are 5 foods I avoid daily that will wreck your cortisol,” she writes.

“We all know cortisol is our primary stress hormone, but did you know your diet could be making things worse by messing with other hormones too?” she asks, adding that cortisol is intimately connected with insulin and thyroid hormones. “So, some foods that disrupt one can impact them all—and the consequences on your body and metabolism can be significant. Here are 5 foods I avoid because they wreak havoc on cortisol (and other hormones!)”

Refined Sugars

First, avoid refined sugars. “These spike blood sugar, trigger insulin resistance, and raise cortisol. It’s a triple whammy for your metabolism,” she says.

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Processed Foods

Unhealthy.,Food,Bad,Processed,junk,fries,donut,candy, carbohydrates​Junk Foods: The Triple ThreatShutterstock

Processed foods are next on her list. “High in sodium, sugar, and unhealthy fats, these can throw off your insulin levels, contributing to hormonal imbalances that elevate cortisol levels,” she says.


black drip coffee in glass cup, Barista making drip coffee by pouring spills hot water on coffee bean. Barista serve holding cup of hot black coffee or americano for serve on wooden table cafe shop​Protein Before CaffeineShutterstock

You might want to think twice before having that second cup of coffee or energy drink. “While it gives you a temporary boost, excessive caffeine consumption can increase cortisol, leaving you more stressed and less likely to burn fat,” says Dr. Dunlop.


Group of people drinking beer at brewery pub restaurant - Happy friends enjoying happy hour sitting at bar table - Closeup image of brew glasses - Food and beverage lifestyle concept​4. Excess AlcoholShutterstock

Alcohol is another no-no. “Alcohol disrupts liver function, impacting your body’s ability to detoxify, leading to an increase in cortisol and other hormone imbalances,” she writes.

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Artificial Sweeteners

Equal,Artificial,Sweetener,By,Merisant, sugar, sweet​Mistake 3: Relying on Quick FixesShutterstock

Artificial sweeteners may seem like a better idea than sugar, but according to Dr. Dunlop they can also do a lot of damage. “These can mess with your gut microbiome, which has a profound effect on your stress response and cortisol levels,” she writes.

Take a Deeper Look at Your Hormonal Imbalance

Obese Woman with fat upset bored of dieting Weight loss fail  Fat diet and scale sad asian woman on weight scale at home weight control.​Not Being Obsessed with Fast ResultsShutterstock

“If you’re struggling with weight loss, fatigue, or emotional burnout, it might be time to look deeper at the root causes of your hormonal imbalance. These are the things that MUST be addressed in any successful weight loss plan, or you risk spinning your wheels and not seeing lasting results,” she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, don't missI’m a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

Jenny McCarthy at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards Arrivals, MGM Grand, Las Vegas, NV 05-19-13

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Veganism is a popular style of eating. According to The Vegan Society, it’s more than just a diet. “Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals,” they say on their website. Many stars have identified as vegans, including Jenny McCarthy. However, on a recent episode of the Heal Squad podcast hosted by Maria Menounos, the Masked Singer beauty made a confession: The diet almost killed her.

Jenny First Identified as Vegan in 2009

Jenny McCarthy  arriving at the Women in Film Annual Crystal & Lucy Awards at the Century Plaza Hotel in Century City , CA on June 12, 2009.


McCarthy, 52, first discussed being on a vegan diet in 2009, and has her own vegan skincare line, maintains that plant-based eating was hazardous to her health. "I tried vegan and I almost died," McCarthy told Menounos. "I literally almost died."

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She Got So Ill She Was “Literally Dying”

Jenny McCarthy at the 2012 American Music Awards held at the Nokia Theatre L.A. Live in Los Angeles, USA on November 18, 2012.


"I became so ill, like I was literally dying," she continued. "I was exhausted, fatigued, I was a mess. So, I went on a low histamine diet; I went on every one of 'em. Finally, my functional medicine doctor said to me last year, 'It's time for you to go full carnivore.'”

She Went “Full Carnivore” and It Was “Incredible”

LOS ANGELES - SEP 22:  Jenny McCarthy at the Primetime Emmy Awards - Arrivals at the Microsoft Theater on September 22, 2019 in Los Angeles, CA


She was hesitant at first. "And I'm like, ugh, OK. I'm from Chicago so I can handle it, but it just felt very low vibrational heavy for me. I was kind of a more eating salmon [type of person] and doing light things like this. But [I felt] I might as well give it a try; it was like my last resort diet. It has been incredible for me, and I stress for me."

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She Works Out Two Hours a Day

LOS ANGELES - FEB 06:  Actress Jenny McCarthy arrives for the FOX Winter TCA 2019 on February 6, 2019 in Los Angeles, CA


In a recent interview with Us, Jenny revealed some more of her hot body secrets. According to the former Playboy pinup, she spends a lot of time exercising. “I literally work out two hours a day,” she said.

She Walks on an Incline

LOS ANGELES - NOV 23:  Jenny McCarthy at the 2014 American Music Awards - Arrivals at the Nokia Theater on November 23, 2014 in Los Angeles, CA


As for the type of cardio she does? “I can’t run anymore, my bones hurt,” she told Fox News. “So all I do is an incline of 15 on a treadmill, and then I hold my hand weights, and I watch ‘Game of Thrones’ or ‘Housewives,’ and I literally box while I walk uphill, and that's all I can do for 45 minutes a day. That’s all I have left in me.”

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She Also Enjoys Hot Yoga

Jenny McCarthy   at the Los Angeles Premiere of 'Yes Man'. Mann VIllage Theater, Westwood, CA. 12-17-08


In 2016, Jenny “added something to our home gym that has already made a huge impact on our health, energy level and happiness” – an exercise sauna. “The HOTWORX infrared sauna that doubles as a hot exercise studio!” she wrote. “HOTWORX is a fusion of infrared sauna therapy and isometrics for the perfect 30-minute workout! I have been wanting a room in my home to not only practice my yoga, but to incorporate the benefits of an infrared sauna at the same time.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.