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Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

He Did Farmer's Walks for 30 Days and His Body Transformed "Almost Immediately"

One simple daily exercise delivers massive strength and muscle gains.


Looking for a simple exercise that delivers quick, visible results? Most workout programs promise transformation but require complex routines and countless hours in the gym. But when fitness expert Chandler Marchman decided to test a basic movement – simply walking while carrying weights – the results shocked even this seasoned trainer.

As the founder and CEO of and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), Marchman has helped thousands transform their bodies through his YouTube channel's 120,000+ subscriber base. His recent 30-day experiment with farmer's walks revealed surprising benefits that started appearing from day one. Here's exactly what happened – and how you can reproduce his results.

The Science Behind Farmer's Walks

Research published in the Journal of Human Kinetics has revealed fascinating insights into why this exercise is so effective. The study found that farmer's walks significantly activate the gluteus medius muscle, particularly in individuals with specific strength ratios. This activation is crucial for stability and overall strength development.

What makes farmer's walks unique? Research shows they dramatically alter your walking mechanics. Compared to normal walking, you'll take 48% more steps per minute, with shorter stride lengths and reduced ground contact times. These changes create a perfect storm for muscle activation and strength development.

The Simple Movement That Changes Everything

"If you're not incorporating farmer's walks into your daily workout plan, you're missing out on some of the fastest and easiest size, strength, and muscularity gains that you could ever expect to get," Marchman declares in his post. This bold claim, now backed by scientific research, led him to conduct a 30-day experiment, carrying heavy weights down his street and back every single day.

How to Structure Your Challenge

Marchman's approach was methodical but simple. "I rotated my way up and back down with different kettlebell weights, from 37-pound bells to 97-pound bells," he explains. The key? "What truly matters is the cumulative time under tension from doing them to failure." He would carry the weights until his grip gave out, rest for 30 seconds, and then continue until he completed his route.

The Perfect Form for Maximum Results

"Farmer's walk overall is a very simple lift – all you're doing is picking up a weight and walking with it," says Marchman. However, he emphasizes proper technique: "Instead of grabbing with the finger folds, which is a big mistake people make, we want to have the handle in our lifeline." He adds, "The farmer's walk isn't a walking trap shrug. You're not shrugging the weight."

First Signs of Transformation

The changes began rapidly. "I almost immediately noticed that my forearms, my shoulders, my traps, my lats, and even my hands increased in size, vascularity, and muscularity," Marchman reports. He attributes this to "the tremendous amount of time and attention on all those muscle groups when doing the farmer's walks."

Unexpected Benefits Beyond Muscle

Beyond the visible changes, Marchman discovered surprising improvements. "My posture improved dramatically, and some of the lower as well as upper back pain and stiffness I commonly experience have virtually vanished," he notes. This came from "the core-strengthening anti-thoracic flexion nature of the movement."

RELATED: This Plan Is How to Lose 5 Percent Body Fat In 2 Weeks

Superior Grip Strength Unlocked

The functional benefits were significant. "The most obvious benefits I found were in the sustaining grip strength department," Marchman shares, noting improvements in "longer and higher volume kettlebell complexes as well as high volume sets with pull-ups."

Better Sleep and Recovery

An unexpected bonus emerged: "I noticed there was a greater sense of total body fatigue and exhaustion from doing this that led to some of the best sleep I've ever had," Marchman reveals. While multiple factors influence sleep quality, the comprehensive workout from farmer's walks played a crucial role.

Mental Toughness Breakthrough

Perhaps most surprisingly, the challenge built mental resilience. "When you do override that inner bitch that makes you want to put it down the second you feel it, not only will you boost your mental toughness, but you'll also see better and faster gains in size and strength endurance," Marchman explains.

RELATED: 11 Things This Woman Wishes She Knew Before Losing 45 Pounds, “Stop Counting Calories”

Why It Works: The Research Behind Results

While Marchman's results might seem surprising, they align perfectly with scientific findings. Research has shown that farmer's walks create unique biomechanical demands on the body. Your stride rate increases by up to 61% when carrying heavy weights, while ground contact times and swing times reduce by 46%. These changes force your muscles to work harder and more efficiently, explaining the rapid improvements in strength and stability that Marchman experienced.

The exercise is particularly effective for strengthening the gluteus medius, with studies showing that some individuals' activation levels reach up to 47% of maximum voluntary contraction. This explains why Marchman noticed such significant improvements in his posture and back pain, as the gluteus medius plays a crucial role in hip stability and proper movement patterns.

Start Your Own Transformation

The beauty of this challenge lies in its simplicity. "You don't have to go that far to get the gains," Marchman assures. "If you just decided to cap every circuit, straight set, or daily routine with multiple sets of farmer's walks to failure, I can guarantee you you'd experience the same gains that I did." Whether using kettlebells or dumbbells, the key is consistency and progressive overload.

The distance doesn't matter as much as the effort. As Marchman puts it, "The real key is just to make sure you don't do the same weight and distance covered over and over again. You provide your body some different stimulus while doing this simple movement." Ready to start your own transformation? Pick up those weights and take the first steps today. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

More For You


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money on a fancy gym membership or a personal trainer if you want to get into shape and lose weight. According to one weight loss warrior, all you really need is a pair of good walking shoes. Carlo, a home assistant expert and social media influencer, lost a whopping 50 pounds in 8 months with the help of daily walks. In a viral video he explains exactly how he did it. “I lost around 50 pounds basically walking an hour every day. I decided to make a video showing the progress so I could look back at it and keep myself both motivated and accountable,” he writes in the caption.

He Wants to Help Inspire Others with His Story

Carlo explains that he took a break from social media, “a step back and I started focusing on my health. I was about 250 pounds at the beginning of this year. And I've always enjoyed watching these transformation videos of people who, you know, they've done things, they've done some weight loss. I find it very inspiring. So I've had some success with my journey. So I thought I'd make this video just to add my voice to the mix out there,” he says.

He Tipped the Scales at 250

Check your body shape with white weight scales, top view.Shutterstock

He explains that he started his weight loss journey in January, 2020, tipping the scales at 250 pounds. “This was by far the highest I've been. I've always struggled with weight loss. I've definitely lost some weight here and there. It's always been like, sort of attached to something else. So the kids had sports, and maybe during their practices, I would walk and I would begin to lose some weight. I'd find some success, but when the season ended and the practices stopped, I would stop and the weight would come back.

He Set a Goal to Walk 3 Miles Every Day

Person walking to Freedom ConceptShutterstock

“This time around, I decided to do walking again. So I definitely wanted my journey to be something that I could do for the long haul. Something that I could sustain, just keep moving the whole time. So I tried to walk every single day, three miles. It was basically the goal I had,” he says.

He Was Inspired by Someone Who Did a 5K Daily


He says that he was “inspired” by someone he saw on Twitter “who was doing a 5K every day for a hundred days,” he says. “I said, you know what, I'm gonna try to do this. I'm gonna try to walk, not really run, but just walk 5K every day for a hundred days and see where it gets me.”

It Took Him an Hour to Walk 3 Miles or 7,000 Steps

Smart watch woman using smartwatch touching button and touchscreen on active sports activity or morning jogging during beach sunrise or sunset. Closeup of hands and wrist with smart watch screen.Shutterstock

He explains that some days he walks at a slower pace, especially when he doesn’t feel like walking. “I don't wanna do this, but I'm gonna get it done. So even if you just walk at a slow pace, it's better than not doing it at all.” He ends up walking three miles in an hour, or 7,000 steps.

It Wasn’t “Too Taxing” On His Body

tourist couple walking on cobblestone street vacation in europe on holiday breakShutterstock

“It was something that wasn't too taxing on my body. I did it every single day, getting to about 115 straight days.” He says the weight loss started, and “progressively came down every day.”

He Started Working Out with a Trainer

Female,Personal,Trainer,Lift,Dumbells,weights,gym,workout, weightsShutterstock

He also started working out with a personal trainer and strength coach. “I wanted to walk, but I also wanted to do some strength and try to up my metabolism, up the muscle growth, in addition to cardio, just to lose weight,” he says. He learned how to do body weight exercises, like pushups, sit-ups, “just normal calisthenic things.” However, “the anchor to everything was the walking.”

He Walks No Matter What

Handsome businessman is walking at the airportShutterstock

He reiterates that even when he gets home late, he makes sure to walk. “I'm gonna put that time in. I'm gonna trust that process, and I'm gonna just keep working at this.”

He Also Logged His Food

New Delhi, India 4 September 2023:- My fitness pal app on iphone used to calculate caloriesShutterstock

Walking also helped him with his eating. “If you walk every day, then maybe you snack a little less. I was logging all my food.” He says that the daily habit helped him “stay on that right path.”

He Lost 55 Pounds in 7 Months

Male athlete measuring Body Composition with ScaleShutterstock

Over 7 months he went from 250 down to 195, losing “a good 55 pounds with maybe one to two days a week of strength training, and then seven days a week of walking, just walking every single day.”

After 8 Months, His Weight Stabilized at 205

A happy man is relaxing on green grass with squint eyes and raised up to sky arms at sunny summer day at park background. Concept of wellbeing and healthy lifestyle

Now his weight has stabilized at 205. “It's a good 50 pound loss for me, which is great. My energy is super high. My cardiovascular is a lot better. I can run more. I've started jump roping. That's a new thing that I've added to my workout routine.”

He Hopes His Story Will Help Others

“I just wanted to share this story with others. I'm just a normal dude. I'm 47, so creeping up on 50, just trying to get back in shape, trying to change the chemistry of my body, the composition of my body to lead a healthier lifestyle, which I think is good for everyone.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Looking for a simple exercise that delivers quick, visible results? Most workout programs promise transformation but require complex routines and countless hours in the gym. But when fitness expert Chandler Marchman decided to test a basic movement – simply walking while carrying weights – the results shocked even this seasoned trainer.

As the founder and CEO of and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), Marchman has helped thousands transform their bodies through his YouTube channel's 120,000+ subscriber base. His recent 30-day experiment with farmer's walks revealed surprising benefits that started appearing from day one. Here's exactly what happened – and how you can reproduce his results.

The Science Behind Farmer's Walks

Research published in the Journal of Human Kinetics has revealed fascinating insights into why this exercise is so effective. The study found that farmer's walks significantly activate the gluteus medius muscle, particularly in individuals with specific strength ratios. This activation is crucial for stability and overall strength development.

What makes farmer's walks unique? Research shows they dramatically alter your walking mechanics. Compared to normal walking, you'll take 48% more steps per minute, with shorter stride lengths and reduced ground contact times. These changes create a perfect storm for muscle activation and strength development.

The Simple Movement That Changes Everything

"If you're not incorporating farmer's walks into your daily workout plan, you're missing out on some of the fastest and easiest size, strength, and muscularity gains that you could ever expect to get," Marchman declares in his post. This bold claim, now backed by scientific research, led him to conduct a 30-day experiment, carrying heavy weights down his street and back every single day.

How to Structure Your Challenge

Marchman's approach was methodical but simple. "I rotated my way up and back down with different kettlebell weights, from 37-pound bells to 97-pound bells," he explains. The key? "What truly matters is the cumulative time under tension from doing them to failure." He would carry the weights until his grip gave out, rest for 30 seconds, and then continue until he completed his route.

The Perfect Form for Maximum Results

"Farmer's walk overall is a very simple lift – all you're doing is picking up a weight and walking with it," says Marchman. However, he emphasizes proper technique: "Instead of grabbing with the finger folds, which is a big mistake people make, we want to have the handle in our lifeline." He adds, "The farmer's walk isn't a walking trap shrug. You're not shrugging the weight."

First Signs of Transformation

The changes began rapidly. "I almost immediately noticed that my forearms, my shoulders, my traps, my lats, and even my hands increased in size, vascularity, and muscularity," Marchman reports. He attributes this to "the tremendous amount of time and attention on all those muscle groups when doing the farmer's walks."

Unexpected Benefits Beyond Muscle

Beyond the visible changes, Marchman discovered surprising improvements. "My posture improved dramatically, and some of the lower as well as upper back pain and stiffness I commonly experience have virtually vanished," he notes. This came from "the core-strengthening anti-thoracic flexion nature of the movement."

RELATED: This Plan Is How to Lose 5 Percent Body Fat In 2 Weeks

Superior Grip Strength Unlocked

The functional benefits were significant. "The most obvious benefits I found were in the sustaining grip strength department," Marchman shares, noting improvements in "longer and higher volume kettlebell complexes as well as high volume sets with pull-ups."

Better Sleep and Recovery

An unexpected bonus emerged: "I noticed there was a greater sense of total body fatigue and exhaustion from doing this that led to some of the best sleep I've ever had," Marchman reveals. While multiple factors influence sleep quality, the comprehensive workout from farmer's walks played a crucial role.

Mental Toughness Breakthrough

Perhaps most surprisingly, the challenge built mental resilience. "When you do override that inner bitch that makes you want to put it down the second you feel it, not only will you boost your mental toughness, but you'll also see better and faster gains in size and strength endurance," Marchman explains.

RELATED: 11 Things This Woman Wishes She Knew Before Losing 45 Pounds, “Stop Counting Calories”

Why It Works: The Research Behind Results

While Marchman's results might seem surprising, they align perfectly with scientific findings. Research has shown that farmer's walks create unique biomechanical demands on the body. Your stride rate increases by up to 61% when carrying heavy weights, while ground contact times and swing times reduce by 46%. These changes force your muscles to work harder and more efficiently, explaining the rapid improvements in strength and stability that Marchman experienced.

The exercise is particularly effective for strengthening the gluteus medius, with studies showing that some individuals' activation levels reach up to 47% of maximum voluntary contraction. This explains why Marchman noticed such significant improvements in his posture and back pain, as the gluteus medius plays a crucial role in hip stability and proper movement patterns.

Start Your Own Transformation

The beauty of this challenge lies in its simplicity. "You don't have to go that far to get the gains," Marchman assures. "If you just decided to cap every circuit, straight set, or daily routine with multiple sets of farmer's walks to failure, I can guarantee you you'd experience the same gains that I did." Whether using kettlebells or dumbbells, the key is consistency and progressive overload.

The distance doesn't matter as much as the effort. As Marchman puts it, "The real key is just to make sure you don't do the same weight and distance covered over and over again. You provide your body some different stimulus while doing this simple movement." Ready to start your own transformation? Pick up those weights and take the first steps today. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including scientific studies and medical journals.

If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing

Do you want to lose 50 pounds in just over two months? Drew Escarcega, Founder of Photobooth101 and the YouTuber behind Hustle With Drew, lost a whopping 50 pounds in 75. How did he do it? According to the influencer and entrepreneur, he lost weight fast on the 75 Hard Challenge. “I'm gonna talk about my experience doing the 75 hard challenge and exactly why you should do it too,” he says at the start of the clip.

What Is 75 Hard?

He starts by breaking down what 75 Hard is. “It's basically a challenge where you have to do these things I'm about to mention every single day for 75 days. And if you miss one, you have to go back to day one.

Follow a Strict Diet, No Cheating

Stop Drinking Alcohol. Refuse Glass Of Whisky. Say NoShutterstock

The first thing you have to stick to is you have to follow a diet. There's also no cheat meals or no alcohol whatsoever,” he says. “So I really wanted to do this challenge because I wanted to force myself to start eating better basically.”

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

Do 2, 45-Minute Workouts Per Day

Man in fitness wear exercising near Manhattan. Healthy exercises. Active senior man is fitness exercising outdoor. Exercising after retirement. Senior man training legs muscles doing lunges exercise.Shutterstock

Next, “You have to do two 45-minute workouts each and every day,” he says. “And one of those workouts must be outside. It doesn't matter if it's raining or snowing. There's an earthquake zombie apocalypse. You have to do one of those workouts outside.”

Take Progress Photos Daily

Woman photographer with dslr camera taking pictures outdoor. Mixed race girl with photo camera outdoor. Home hobby, lifestyle, travel, people conceptShutterstock

The next step is to take a progress picture every single day. Progress photos help you stay motivated and serve as photographic evidence your body is changing.

Drink a Gallon of Water Daily

Hand holding 1 gallon plastic bottle of drinking water; silhouette on white.Shutterstock

You have to drink one gallon of water each day. According to the Mayo Clinic, hydration is important for a variety of reasons. Water helps get rid of waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature normal, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues.

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Read 10 Pages of a Book Daily

Woman with cup of beverage reading book at table, closeupShutterstock

You have to read ten pages of a book every single day, no exception,” he says, adding that he “honestly really wanted to start reading more books.”

He Did the Challenge with a Group of Friends

Silhouette of happy success positive teamwork hold hands up as business successful, business victory & celebrate achievement. Accomplish people merger & acquisitions concept.Shutterstock

He explains that he did the challenge with 8 of his friends. “We just all kind of made a pact that we'd do this together, start together, finish together, and it worked out great.”

He Struggled on Day One

Fat man sitting on stairs after jogging, no faith in himself, insecuritiesShutterstock

On the first day, he struggled to do the workouts. “When I took my first progress photo, I couldn't believe how big my stomach was. Like I really feel that I was, it looked like I was pregnant. It looks like I was ready to have twins, maybe triplets. I just really wasn't happy with the way I looked. And that actually gave me some motivation,” he says.

RELATED: I Lost 45 Pounds and Got Rid of Stomach Fat by Cutting Out These 6 Foods

Week One Was Hard, But He Noticed a Difference Fast

A man sitting on the bench and looking at the seaShutterstock

He admits that the first week he “started off slow,” sticking to more gentle workouts, like walking, and ramping up to more strenuous ones as the week progressed. “Around day five, I could see some difference. I had dropped a few pounds. I felt a lot better,” he says. His sleep was also better, and he felt more hydrated.

After a Couple Weeks, He “Started Feeling Really Good”

Fat man with a big belly worries about his body. Men are more likely to Clog arteries, Man at risk for diabetes, Belly Fat. Close-up part of the bodyShutterstock

“A couple weeks in, I started feeling really good. I mean, better than I have felt in years. Like I felt amazing,” he says. He could see a huge difference between day one and 15 of his photos.

One Month in and There Was a Huge Difference

back view fat asian girl exercising By walking to burn fat and jogging slowly, fat woman walks for exercise in a natural park.Shutterstock

“One month in, you could definitely start seeing my pregnant-looking stomach slimming down a little bit,” he says. People also started telling him he looked great, which had a “snowball effect,” he says. “It made me start really, really going harder on my workouts because once you start hearing compliments, people are telling you that, you know, hey, your hard work looks like it's paying off. You basically can't turn back at that point.”

His Body Started Hurting Around Day 45

Fat man suffers dying from heat. Lazy, obese overweight young guy lies on bed, suffering from summer abnormal warmth, feels tired, unpleasant discomfort sensations in body, high blood pressure.Shutterstock

“About 45 days into the challenge, my body started to really, really hurt. I could really feel my knees and the joints around my legs. I started to feel some pain but started taking some fish oil and some vitamins, and within a few days, like all those pains went away,” he says. He also started stretching.

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He Was Looking “Great” at Day 60

Successful man raising arms after cross track running on summer sunset. Fitness male athlete with arms up celebrating success and goals after sport exercising and working out.Shutterstock

After 60 days, all of his friend group was “looking great,” and by day 75, he was “excited to finish” and so happy with the results. “I noticed that my skin had completely changed. I think it was the water and constantly taking two showers a day because of these workouts,” he says.

“I know it's gonna sound corny, but this challenge has changed my life,” he says. “The bar's been set. Like I know how much I can do physically, and it really has shown me that the physical stuff and being accountable every day, not just to myself but also to my friends that join me in this challenge.”

After, He Incorporated Some of the Healthy Habits Into His Life to Lose More Weight

Young man standing with his arms raised high in triumph under white cloudy sky with plenty of copy space.Shutterstock

After the challenge, he still had 50 pounds more to use. While he didn’t follow the exact same structure, he incorporated a lot of healthy habits into her life. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including scientific studies and medical journals.

If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing

Are you sick and tired of your weight yo-yoing? Scott Sampson, 60, the YouTuber behind the account Becoming Superhuman, struggled with his weight for most of his life, losing pounds and then putting them – and then some – back on again. It wasn’t until he figured out the secret equation to weight loss that he achieved long-term success. “I lost 120 pounds, from 307 to 187 pounds in a 12-month period of time from July 2022 to July 2023,” he exclusively tells Body Network. Here is everything you need to know about his weight loss journey.

Scott Sampson Struggled with Being Overweight and Obese Almost All His Life

Scott Sampson Becoming Super HumanCopyright Scott Sampson

Sampson, who lives in Tyler, Texas, struggled with being overweight “and then obese” for almost his entire adulthood. “Each year, I would gain 20-30 pounds, try a diet, and lose 10-15 pounds. As I approached 300 pounds, I became more serious about my weight and managed to lose 30-40 pounds, but inevitably fell back into unhealthy eating habits of overeating and eating unhealthy food, leading to regaining the weight, often plus some. This cycle of losing and gaining continued for 20-25 years. I would lose 20, 30, or 40 pounds, and then I would gain most of it back. Over and over and over again,” he explains to Body Network.

He Hit His Breaking Point in 2019

Scott Sampson Becoming Super HumanCopyright Scott Sampson

In 2019, he experienced a pivotal moment when my dad passed away from a heart attack at 73. “Taking care of my mom, who was 74, disabled, and facing serious health issues like diabetes, hypertension, and severe CV, made me realize I was on a similar path, and it was going to be fast approaching. I was pre-diabetic and marginally hypertensive, and I decided to take control of my health and that if there was anything I could do to avoid being in poor health as I aged, I was going to do it,” he says.

He Shifted His Focus From Losing Weight to Becoming Healthy

Scott Sampson Becoming Super HumanCopyright Scott Sampson

“For the first time, my focus shifted from just losing weight to becoming healthy. I dove into YouTube content about metabolic health, learning about insulin resistance and the harmful effects of ultra-processed foods. Understanding the dangers of these foods helped me commit to a whole-food, low-carb lifestyle. Recognizing my struggles with food addiction, I created a ‘do not eat’ list, allowing me to stick with my new eating habits,” he says, “what most people would consider a keto or ketogenic diet. I didn’t count any macros, but I also knew I was not consuming enough carbs to count.” He also didn’t add in a lot of additional fat as a lot of traditional keto purists advocate, “because I knew my body was carrying around all the fat that I needed to fuel my body. I didn’t go low fat. I just didn’t increase my fat intake and didn’t have to count my fat macros. In hindsight, I probably should have done a better job of making sure I was getting enough protein as I was actively trying to lose weight. It wasn’t until I was in a maintenance phase that I began to prioritize my protein intake,” he says.

He Cleaned Up His Diet and Started Intermittent Fasting

Scott Sampson Becoming Super HumanCopyright Scott Sampson

“Throughout the weight loss phase of my health journey, I ate primarily cruciferous vegetables, berries, cheese, and proteins (eggs, beef, chicken, pork, fish). By eating a whole food, low-carb diet, combined with Intermittent Fasting, I was able to lose 100 pounds without any exercise,” he says, revealing that he started fasting about one month into the diet. “At first, two meals a day with no snacks in about a 6-7 hour eating window, and then I later transitioned to one meal a day (OMAD). I completely avoided ultra-processed foods, seed oils, refined grains, and fast foods,” he says.

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He Did a Water Fast Once a Month

Scott Sampson Becoming Super HumanCopyright Scott Sampson

“In addition, about once a month, I would do a 3-5 day water fast. For me, this was more about health than weight loss, and I learned that these extended fasts have incredible health benefits. Your body recycles damaged and abnormal cells. You produce additional human growth hormone. Your body produces additional stem cells. Your gut microbiome rests and resets. It’s also beneficial for your DNA and mitochondria,” he explains.

He Added Walking Into His Routine

Scott Sampson Becoming Super HumanCopyright Scott Sampson

“I did begin to introduce exercise into my routine and was able to lose an additional 20 pounds while building some lean muscle mass,” he says. “Walking is my primary form of exercise. Once I established a routine of daily walks, I noticed increased energy and mental clarity. Walking is sustainable for most people, offering tremendous health benefits. I recommend aiming for 30-40 minutes of walking each day, ideally after meals, as it’s easy to start at your own pace. Walking is also one of the easiest things for someone who is very overweight (like I was), and they can start at their own pace and improve as they drop weight,” he says. “I also incorporated bodyweight exercises like push-ups, air squats, and planks, along with some dumbbell workouts.”

It Is Now His Lifestyle

Scott Sampson Becoming Super HumanCopyright Scott Sampson

“Even a year after losing 120 pounds, I continue to eat a whole food, low carb diet, continue to eat one or two meals a day, and continue to consume YouTube content on health and wellness. This is a new lifestyle for me. After I had lost about 100 pounds, I had a friend ask me when I was going to stop dieting. I explained to them that we all diet all the time and that my new diet was something I was going to do for the rest of my life.”

Here Is What He Eats in a Day

Scott Sampson Becoming Super HumanCopyright Scott Sampson

Here is what he eats in a day during the maintenance stage. “My diet resembles a ‘carnivore adjacent’ approach. Typically, I consume 3-4 eggs, 12-24 ounces of protein (usually beef), an avocado, and a handful of strawberries. I also include chicken, pork, and fish a few times a week,” he says.

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He Also Hydrates

Scott Sampson Becoming Super HumanCopyright Scott Sampson

He also has a “strict” hydration routine. “I start my day with 6-8 ounces of water mixed with electrolytes, followed by about 15 ounces of coffee with cream or milk. By mid-morning, I drink 40 ounces of black iced tea, then another 40 ounces of green iced tea in the afternoon, finishing with 30-40 ounces of water later in the day.”

Sleep Is Also Key, He Says

Scott Sampson Becoming Super HumanCopyright Scott Sampson

Sleep is also a priority. “I aim for at least 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep. Good sleep is crucial for overall health and effective weight loss, and it’s often overlooked,” he says.

His Message? “Mindset Is Everything”

Scott Sampson Becoming Super HumanCopyright Scott Sampson

What is his message for people out there who are struggling to get in shape? “Mindset is everything,” he says. “You need the desire to change and the determination to learn what it takes. I’ve been where you are, that I struggled for years and years, and I found success through a whole food diet. Processed foods are detrimental to our health; recognizing them as harmful can make it easier to stop consuming them. The idea of “everything in moderation” often leads to failure for those who struggle to moderate. If I can do this, anyone can—there’s nothing special about me. I simply learned the impact of certain foods on my body and decided to eliminate them. You can too!”

He Started His YouTube Channel to Help Others

Scott Sampson Becoming Super HumanCopyright Scott Sampson

“I started my YouTube channel because I feel like I have something to offer. I want to share what I’ve learned about gaining control of my health and how it’s impacted my life. I believe I come from a different standpoint than most people on social media talking about weight loss. I named my YouTube channel Becoming Superhuman because sometimes that’s how I feel now that I’ve regained my health. Super basically just means ‘over and above,’ higher in quantity, quality, or degree than ‘more than,’ and taking control of our health in the way that I’ve been able to do so, is more than most people these days. I have a message to share that’s positive, that’s possible, and so many people don’t realize how much better they can make their lives. They feel trapped, and I want to help them take their first steps to Becoming Superhuman,” he explains.

RELATED:13 Weight Loss Alternatives When Ozempic Isn't Available That Experts Swear By

He Has “Transformed” His Life

Scott Sampson Becoming Super HumanCopyright Scott Sampson

“Losing over 100 pounds has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible. I’ve ditched the daily medications for joint pain and body aches, and I no longer suffer from frequent acid reflux or digestive issues. It’s been years since I’ve had a cold or a sinus infection. With newfound energy and mental clarity, I finally care about my appearance and feel confident in my own skin. At 60 years old, I’m more excited about the future than ever before.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

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Do you want to walk more? Matt D'Avella is a documentary and YouTube filmmaker who makes videos about minimalism, happiness, productivity, eating food, and exercise. In one viral video, he details his experience of walking 10,000 steps per day. “So I lift weights regularly, and I consider myself an active person, but if there's one area I definitely ignore, it's cardio. I rarely hit the treadmill, I don't run, and my average steps per day for the past three years has been less than 4,000,” he says. “I wanna finally add more movement into my daily routine, and so I'm gonna walk 10,000 steps a day for 30 days starting now.” Here is what happened.

It’s Not Easy to Find the Time

“One thing that was clear as I made my way through the first week is that it's not always easy to find the time,” says Matt. “It is surprisingly difficult to get 10,000 steps into a day. I keep finding myself checking my tracker at 8:00 PM at night and realizing that I am 2000 or 3000 steps short. And so what I've had to do is go out after dark and just walk around my neighborhood, which isn't creepy at all. Something is definitely gonna have to change. I'm definitely gonna have to switch up my routine, figure out a way to get my steps in early because I definitely can't keep this up.”

It’s Important to Track Steps

Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Feb 20, 2022. A Person with an Apple Watch Series 7 with a pedometer app on the screen and with a daily ten thousand steps.Shutterstock

“One of the things I've done to help me track my steps is to get a smartwatch,” Matt says. He uses an Apple Watch, “and it uses a combination of GPS tracking and arm motion when estimating distance and steps.”

His Life Was More “Sedentary” Than He Realized

man with remote controlShutterstock

One thing the experiment made him realize is that his life had been “quite sedentary,” he says. “I'm not getting up and moving a whole lot when I start my work. I sit down for eight hours or 10 hours, and I rarely get up. I'll get up to go to the bathroom to make another cup of coffee, maybe to go to the gym. But my steps and my movement overall have actually been quite low.” A goal he has set is to increase movement “in a sustainable way, in a way that I might be able to carry on after the 30 days,” he says.

He Realized That Movement Adds Up

“The first thing that really started to work for me was focusing on incidental exercise, incidental exercises, any movement done in small amounts that adds up over the course of the day,” he says. “We all have choices that we make each day that impact the amount of movement we get. Like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking the long way to the gym or using a smaller cup of water so you have to refill it more often. This kind of exercise requires less effort than carving out a dedicated hour to go to the gym and can be built off everyday activities and routines. So, I began making different choices every day, and I started to notice a difference. A few hundred steps here, a couple thousand steps there. So this alone isn't getting me across the finish line, but it's still nice to see some progress, perhaps.”

He Started Multitasking on Walks

Image of happy young man walking on the street and looking aside while talking by his phone.Shutterstock

His “biggest breakthrough” was when he asked his friend to go for a walk during their work meeting. He also picked up a package on the way. “As obvious as it sounds, I never really thought about taking work meetings and calls while walking,” he says, noting that it’s an easy way to mix business and pleasure. He also takes work calls on his walk and goes for walks with his wife for long discussions.

He Slowed Down and Tried to Enjoy Every Walk

Silhouette of young man on the beach at sunset.Shutterstock

“One thing that I have started to do recently that has helped out immensely is to really slow down and try to actually enjoy each and every walk that I take,” he says.

“Early on, I'd gotten into the habit of rushing through my steps. I find myself in that awkward place somewhere between walking and jogging, like I'm holding it in while rushing to the bathroom. But once I started to slow down, I could take in the joy of my walks. I started casually listening to history podcasts. I listened to walking meditations. I walked silently around my neighborhood, and I explored new hikes and trails around Sydney. And this has honestly become my favorite thing about this city. There are dozens of beautiful hikes from the bush to the beaches. There are stunning views and moments of complete immersion in nature that you don't even realize you're in the city.”

And he soon noticed a difference. “And just as I started to find the joy in walking, I also started to notice some results. I've exercised more, I've climbed more flights, taken more steps, and had more walking and running distance.”

He Also Noticed That Steps Add Up Fast with Household Chores

Man shopping in supermarket while pushing shopping cartShutterstock

“I've just had one of the easiest days yet, blowing past 10,000 steps with little effort at all. I haven't gone on a single walk all day. And the reason I've been able to get so many steps is because I've just been doing household chores all day,” he says. “When I have these days when I'm just naturally moving about, I'm doing chores, I'm picking up things around the house, I'm running out for groceries, going to the gym, then my steps start to add up, and it starts to feel a whole lot more effortless.”

He Walks Instead of Drives

Another way he gets his steps in? He walks instead of drives. “I am really short on my steps, so I decided to walk to dinner tonight,” he says.

He Feels “A Lot Better”

Young man standing with his arms raised high in triumph under white cloudy sky with plenty of copy space.Shutterstock

“I feel a lot better. I do. I feel a lot better now that I have gotten this extra cardio in, even if that cardio was as simple as walking more,” he says. While he didn’t lose weight because his eating habits weren’t ideal, his overall health improved.

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Here Are His Future Intentions with Walking

Close up - Running shoes runner man tying laces for summer run in forest park. Jogging girl exercise motivation health and fitness exercise.Shutterstock

“Here are my intentions going forward: I don't intend to hit 10,000 steps every single day. I just don't think that's a realistic goal for me personally. But I intend to walk more, and I want to try to increase my daily average to 7,500 steps per day. Some days will be less than that. Some days will be more. And I plan to reach this goal by repeating some of the things that work best for me over the past 30 days,” he says.

Walking Whenever Possible

“That's walking whenever possible, even when it's more convenient to drive. That's walking while taking calls, especially in the morning, and also trying to slow down and enjoy my walks as much as possible instead of rushing through them like I'm about to ship my pants.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

Dr. Alan Mandell motivationaldoc
Copyright motivationaldoc/YouTube

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Ever grabbed a bag of chips, only to finish the whole thing without thinking? You're not alone. Hidden sodium lurks in many of our favorite foods, and the effects can be more serious than just a salty aftertaste. Dr. Alan Mandell, a popular health expert with over 9 million YouTube subscribers, breaks down the surprising signs that you might be consuming too much sodium. Read on to discover if you're experiencing any of these warning signals – and learn what you can do about it.

Increased Thirst

"Excessive salt intake will cause dehydration, leading to increased thirst," Dr. Mandell explains in his post. If you find yourself constantly reaching for water, your sodium intake might be to blame. While elevated blood sugar can also trigger thirst, high sodium levels make your brain signal your body to drink more.

Nighttime Bathroom Trips

Door handle open to toilet can see toiletShutterstock

According to Dr. Mandell, even if you try to limit water before bed, high sodium levels force your kidneys to work overtime trying to excrete the excess salt, leading to increased nighttime urination.

Bloating and Swelling

Unhappy young woman standing in front of a mirror and holding hands on her bloating stomach.Shutterstock

Dr. Mandell warns that excessive sodium causes water retention, leading to visible swelling in your stomach. This retention isn't limited to your midsection – you might notice puffiness in your hands, feet, and face as well.

High Blood Pressure

Sphygmomanometer,,Stethoscope,Checking,Blood,Pressure,hospital, doctor,health,heart,pulseShutterstock

"Most of us already know that if we're eating too much sodium, it can raise our blood pressure," Dr. Mandell notes. This elevation isn't just a number – it can affect multiple organs, including your eyes, kidneys, heart, and brain.

Frequent Headaches

Sick dizzy young woman suffering headache while working on her laptop at home. Covid-19 woman on quarentine doing tele work and suffering symptoms.Shutterstock

Those persistent headaches might have a surprising culprit. Dr. Mandell strongly recommends reducing sodium intake if you're experiencing frequent headaches or migraines, as high salt levels can trigger these painful episodes.

Unusual Fatigue

Young woman rubs her eyes after using glasses. Eye pain or fatigue concept.Shutterstock

Feeling unusually tired? Dr. Mandell explains that excessive salt can disrupt your body's electrolyte balance, leading to persistent fatigue and low energy levels throughout the day.

Muscle Cramps

Runner leg injury painful leg. Man massaging sore calf muscles during running training outdoor from pain.Shutterstock

According to Dr. Mandell, too much sodium throws off your electrolyte balance, which can lead to increased muscle spasms and contractions, resulting in painful cramps.

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Difficulty Concentrating

sad woman near window thinking


High sodium levels can affect your cognitive function, Dr. Mandell points out. If you're having trouble focusing or concentrating, your salt intake might be contributing to the problem.

Rapid Heart Rate

Close-up photo of a brunette woman who is sitting on a couch with her eyes closed and her left hand touching her heart area.Shutterstock

Dr. Mandell cautions that excessive sodium can elevate your heart rate and potentially strain your cardiovascular system, creating unnecessary stress on your heart.

Shortness of Breath

Stressed woman having breath problems walking in a park.Shutterstock

"Consuming too much salt can contribute to fluid retention in the lungs," Dr. Mandell warns. This fluid buildup can lead to breathing difficulties and shortness of breath, especially during physical activity.

Dry Mouth

Angry Man Grinding Teeth, Close UpShutterstock

If you're experiencing persistent dry mouth, Dr. Mandell notes that excessive salt intake could be making the condition worse. This dryness can extend to throat discomfort as well.

Skin Problems

Asian young woman looking face skin in the mirror have a red rash on her face from cosmetic allergyShutterstock

Your skin might be telling you something about your sodium intake. Dr. Mandell explains that high sodium levels can worsen conditions like psoriasis and eczema, leading to more frequent flare-ups.

Digestive Issues


Dr. Mandell points out that excessive salt can lead to various digestive problems, including acid reflux, constipation, and bloating. These issues can cause significant discomfort and affect your daily life.

Kidney Problems

Young woman feeling pain in spine back after sedentary computer work sitting in bad posture on sofa at home, tired girl rubbing backache tensed muscles suffers from lower lumbar kidney ache, backpainShutterstock

"Salt places additional strain on the kidneys," Dr. Mandell cautions. Over time, this added stress can potentially lead to kidney problems and increase your risk of developing kidney stones.

Increased Risk of Osteoporosis

A doctor with a stethoscope, in a medical uniform in a clinic, a traumatologist analyzes a leg fracture. X-ray of the knee. Ultrasound. Injury of the leg in the knee joint. OsteoporosisShutterstock

According to Dr. Mandell, high sodium intake can increase calcium excretion from your body, potentially affecting bone health and raising the risk of osteoporosis over time.

Unexplained Weight Gain

Obese Woman with fat upset bored of dieting Weight loss fail  Fat diet and scale sad asian woman on weight scale at home weight control.Shutterstock

Even if you're watching your calories and exercising regularly, Dr. Mandell explains that excess sodium can cause your body to retain significant amounts of water weight, making it harder to see results from your diet efforts.

Sugar Cravings


Dr. Mandell notes that high sodium levels often lead to increased cravings for sugary drinks as your body tries to quench its thirst, creating a cycle of unhealthy consumption.

Sleep Problems

Sleepless mature woman suffering from insomnia close up, lying in bed, older female covering eyes with hands, trying to sleep, nightmares or depression, feeling headache or migraineShutterstock

Having trouble sleeping? Dr. Mandell reveals that excessive sodium can cause distension in your belly and throat, potentially increasing snoring and disrupting healthy sleep patterns.

Joint Pain

Female runner knee injury and pain.Beat Joint Pain in 2 Weeks With This Anti-Inflammatory DietShutterstock

According to Dr. Mandell, high salt intake can lead to inflammation and swelling around joint capsules, resulting in increased joint pain and discomfort.

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

Increased Cancer Risk

March Colorectal Cancer Awareness month, Woman holding dark Blue Ribbon for supporting people living and illness. Healthcare, hope and World cancer day conceptShutterstock

Perhaps most concerningly, Dr. Mandell shares that some studies suggest high-salt diets may be linked to an increased risk of stomach cancer. While the exact mechanisms aren't fully understood, excessive salt intake could potentially damage the stomach lining.

As Dr. Mandell underlines, it's not just about the salt shaker – many processed and packaged foods contain hidden sodium that can add up quickly. By being mindful of these warning signs and checking food labels, you can take control of your sodium intake and protect your health. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Cori Lefkowith Redefining Strength
Copyright Redefining Strength/YouTube

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you struggling to meet your protein goals? If you've ever caught yourself sprinkling protein powder on chocolate or forcing down bland chicken breasts, you're not alone. Enter Cori Lefkowith, founder of Redefining Strength. With her practical approach to nutrition, she's helped thousands transform their relationship with protein. Read on to discover how small, sustainable changes can revolutionize your protein intake without sacrificing taste or sanity.

Stop Searching for New Solutions When Simple Ones Exist

"Too often, we try to find new ways to add in protein, instead of just tweaking what we're already naturally doing," Cori says in her post. The solution? Simply increase your current protein portions by an ounce. If you typically eat three ounces of chicken at lunch, bump it to four. These small adjustments to your existing meals can make a significant impact without overwhelming changes.

Divide and Conquer Your Protein Sources

When managing macros becomes challenging, Cori suggests a clever strategy: combine different protein sources. "Love steak but finding it's killing your macros? Try a surf and turf dish," she advises. By pairing a higher-fat protein with a leaner option, you can enjoy your favorites while meeting your goals. This approach prevents the monotony of eating large portions of a single protein source.

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Make Your Meals Work Smarter, Not Harder

Stop force-feeding yourself protein, Cori emphasizes. Instead, incorporate protein strategically into different dishes. "Soups, smoothies, oatmeal parfaits, casseroles, and omelets make this task easier," she explains. Try using bone broth as a soup base, blend Greek yogurt with protein powder in smoothies, or add cottage cheese to casseroles for an extra protein boost without feeling overwhelmed.

Embrace Non-Traditional Protein Sources

"We often only focus on complete protein sources," Cori notes, "but there are amino acids in many foods we eat that can really add up." Simple swaps like choosing buckwheat noodles over regular pasta or adding nutritional yeast (what Cori calls "protein sprinkles") to your dishes can significantly increase your protein intake while improving nutritional variety.

Make Protein Delicious, Not Boring

"It's almost like we get this attitude of, well, it's a diet, it's not supposed to be enjoyable," Cori observes. This mindset prevents lasting habits. Instead, experiment with seasonings, spices, and smart sauce choices. Try using soy sauce, tamari, or Greek yogurt-based dressings to add flavor without excessive calories. These additions can transform your protein-rich meals from bland to crave-worthy.

Smart Snacking Strategies

Rather than forcing protein into unsuitable combinations, Cori recommends thoughtful pairing. "Consider it on the side to your usual snack or treat," she suggests. Pair jerky with crackers or add natural deli meat to your apple and peanut butter plate. These combinations make protein integration feel natural and enjoyable.

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The Power of Protein-Rich Combinations

Creating protein-rich combinations doesn't have to be complicated. "By diversifying your ingredients, it can make for tasty meals that don't make you feel like you're force-feeding yourself protein," Cori explains. Try combining eggs with ground turkey in omelets, or mixing different protein sources in your smoothies for variety and satisfaction.

Hidden Protein Opportunities

Look for unexpected ways to boost protein content. As Cori suggests, swap traditional pasta for edamame or lentil variations, use nutritional yeast as a seasoning, or incorporate cottage cheese into your usual dishes. These small changes can add significant protein without dramatic alterations to your favorite meals.

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Sustainable Success Strategies

"Building lasting habit changes means developing a good relationship with our food," Cori emphasizes. Focus on creating meals you genuinely enjoy rather than forcing yourself to eat bland, uninspiring dishes. This approach ensures long-term success in meeting your protein goals while maintaining a healthy relationship with food.

Your Action Plan[

Remember Cori's core message: "Increasing your protein doesn't have to mean destroying dishes and snacks you love." Start with small portion increases, experiment with combinations, embrace variety, and focus on making your protein-rich meals delicious. These sustainable changes will help you hit your macro goals while actually enjoying your food. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Dr. Ahmet Ergin SugarMD
Copyright SugarMD/YouTube/Shutterstock

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Have you ever wondered why some foods make you feel worse when taking weight loss medications? You're not alone. Millions of patients on Ozempic and Mounjaro struggle with finding the right diet balance. Here's your comprehensive guide to eating well while on these medications.

Dr. Ahmet Ergin, founder of the SugarMD YouTube channel, is a distinguished endocrinologist specializing in diabetes and metabolism. With years of clinical experience prescribing these medications, Dr. Ergin shares essential insights about managing your diet while on Ozempic and Mounjaro. Read on to discover which foods to embrace and which to avoid for optimal results.

Understanding Your New Relationship with Food

"Your plate isn't just a source of nutrients anymore. It has to be a delicate balance wheel for your blood sugar levels," Dr. Ergin explains in his post. When you're on Ozempic or Mounjaro, managing diabetes becomes less of a walk in the park and more of a mindful trek through an intricate maze of dietary choices.

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Embrace the Fiber-Filled Champions


Think of fiber-rich fruits as your dietary oasis. Dr. Ergin recommends focusing on "superstars like berries, apples, and pears." These fruits pack powerful fiber that champions steady digestion and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. "Each nibble comes packed with fiber goodness," Dr. Ergin notes, emphasizing their importance in your daily diet.

The Power of Green Guardians


Leafy greens aren't just plate decorations – they're your nutritional shields. "Think about spinach and kale. They're like sentinels standing firm," Dr. Ergin explains. These vegetables are rich in alpha-lipoic acid and benfotiamine, making them crucial allies in blood sugar management, especially when medications are working their way through your system.

Lean Proteins: Your Trusty Sidekicks

chicken fillet on a stone backgroundShutterstock

Dr. Ergin emphasizes that proteins like chicken breast, tofu, and lentils are essential companions on your health journey. "They help your body skip out on dramatic blood sugar spikes and keep your tummy full," he shares. These proteins support muscle maintenance and keep your metabolism active while preventing unexpected cravings.

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Fatty Foods: Your First Warning

Ozempic Insulin injection pen or insulin cartridge pen for diabetics. Medical equipment for diabetes parients. Copenhagen, Denmark - May 17, 2023.Shutterstock

"Fatty foods are like tempests in the tranquil sea," warns Dr. Ergin. When combined with Ozempic or Mounjaro, high-fat foods can trigger digestive issues and make the medication's side effects more pronounced. This can lead to increased nausea and delayed stomach emptying.

Spicy Foods: A Hidden Challenge

Curry sauce with chicken and rice in a plate, lime, tomatoes, spices and herbs on a light background, horizontal. Traditional Indian dish.Shutterstock

Dr. Ergin cautions against spicy foods while on these medications. They can intensify gastrointestinal side effects and potentially trigger acid reflux, which may be more severe when combined with Ozempic or Mounjaro's effects on digestion.

Junk Foods: The Triple Threat

Unhealthy.,Food,Bad,Processed,junk,fries,donut,candy, carbohydratesShutterstock

According to Dr. Ergin, processed junk foods pose multiple challenges. They often combine high fat, excessive sugar, and artificial ingredients that can not only trigger side effects but also work against the medication's intended benefits. These foods can lead to unstable blood sugar levels and increased digestive discomfort.

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The Role of Supplements in Your Journey

Composition with nutritional supplement capsules and containers. Variety of drug pillsShutterstock

While discussing supplementation, Dr. Ergin clarifies: "It's not about replacing your medication or justifying poor dietary choices." He emphasizes that supplements should complement, not replace, a healthy diet and prescribed medications. "That's why we call them Nutraceuticals, not Pharmaceuticals," he adds, highlighting their supportive role.

Creating Your Personal Strategy

Doctor talking to patient in officeShutterstock

Success with these medications requires a personalized approach. "Your path to wellness is unique," Dr. Ergin states, recommending working with healthcare providers to develop an individualized plan. He suggests using available resources like the SugarMD app for additional support and guidance.

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The Long-Term Perspective

Qawra, Malta - 21.08.2024 - Semaglutide, Ozempic. Drug for diabetes and weight loss. Close up on injector pen in hands. High quality photoShutterstock

"You are not just eating to fill your stomach. You are dining to nourish your life story," Dr. Ergin reminds us. This perspective shift is crucial for long-term success with these medications. Take it one meal at a time, focusing on progress rather than perfection.

Remember, managing your diet while on Ozempic or Mounjaro isn't just about avoiding side effects – it's about optimizing your treatment results and improving your overall health. With patience and the right food choices, you can create a sustainable eating plan that works in harmony with your medication. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss20 Incredible Ozempic Success Stories of All Time.