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Coach Lost 20 Pounds Fast and "Kept It Off For Years" by Doing These 5 Things

These simple habits will help you lose big.

Dylan Hornof dylanjfit
Copyright dylanjfit/Instagram

Are you just getting started on your weight loss journey and are overwhelmed by all the advice you are getting? According to one expert, there is a simple, foolproof approach. Dylan Hornof is a personal trainer and fitness coach who transformed her body and helps others do the same. In a new social media post, she reveals that a handful of habits were instrumental in her weight loss. “5 things I’ve done to lose 20lbs and keep it off for years,” she writes in the post.

Drinking Less Alcohol

You might consider putting down the bottle if you are drinking your calories. Dylan reveals that drinking less helped her lose more weight. “I worked through my relationship with alcohol - I had to break the habit of drinking multiple days on the weekend,” she said. There is another non-weight-related benefit. “This helped me lose lbs and lower a lot of inflammation in my body and face)” she says.

Walking More

Dylan also recommends walking. “A walk a day (move your body more) it’s that simple. We are not meant to sit all day. Outside, on a treadmill - get your steps in!” she says. How much should you walk for weight loss, according to science? A 2018 study published in Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure, and fewer strokes.

Eating Consistently

It can be tempting to starve yourself to lose weight. However, Dylan points out that you need to fuel your body. “Ate MORE food consistently. Hear me out - when you’re eating 1,200 calories and falling off all the time you’re not going see results. Up your calories and find consistency with your food,” she says.

RELATED: This Is Exactly How to Lose Body Fat This Year

Strength Training with Purpose

Dylan points out that you should focus on quality over quantity in your strength training workout. “I train with purpose. My weight lifting is intentional - I push myself and challenge myself with the weights I use,” she says.

Focusing on Whole Foods

And finally, she cleaned up her diet. “I stopped hitting my macros with whatever food I could fit in. I choose to eat 90% whole foods everyday (I do believe in balance and I am a huge foodie - you CAN fit ‘fun’ foods in) but focusing on more clean foods helped me feel less ‘puffy’.” she writes. And if you enjoyed this article, don't missI’m a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

More For You

Dylan Hornof dylanjfit
Copyright dylanjfit/Instagram

Are you just getting started on your weight loss journey and are overwhelmed by all the advice you are getting? According to one expert, there is a simple, foolproof approach. Dylan Hornof is a personal trainer and fitness coach who transformed her body and helps others do the same. In a new social media post, she reveals that a handful of habits were instrumental in her weight loss. “5 things I’ve done to lose 20lbs and keep it off for years,” she writes in the post.

Drinking Less Alcohol

You might consider putting down the bottle if you are drinking your calories. Dylan reveals that drinking less helped her lose more weight. “I worked through my relationship with alcohol - I had to break the habit of drinking multiple days on the weekend,” she said. There is another non-weight-related benefit. “This helped me lose lbs and lower a lot of inflammation in my body and face)” she says.

Walking More

Dylan also recommends walking. “A walk a day (move your body more) it’s that simple. We are not meant to sit all day. Outside, on a treadmill - get your steps in!” she says. How much should you walk for weight loss, according to science? A 2018 study published in Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure, and fewer strokes.

Eating Consistently

It can be tempting to starve yourself to lose weight. However, Dylan points out that you need to fuel your body. “Ate MORE food consistently. Hear me out - when you’re eating 1,200 calories and falling off all the time you’re not going see results. Up your calories and find consistency with your food,” she says.

RELATED: This Is Exactly How to Lose Body Fat This Year

Strength Training with Purpose

Dylan points out that you should focus on quality over quantity in your strength training workout. “I train with purpose. My weight lifting is intentional - I push myself and challenge myself with the weights I use,” she says.

Focusing on Whole Foods

And finally, she cleaned up her diet. “I stopped hitting my macros with whatever food I could fit in. I choose to eat 90% whole foods everyday (I do believe in balance and I am a huge foodie - you CAN fit ‘fun’ foods in) but focusing on more clean foods helped me feel less ‘puffy’.” she writes. And if you enjoyed this article, don't missI’m a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

Maria Gad mariiiagad
Copyright mariiiagad/Instagram

Are you struggling to lose weight but experiencing frustration? You don’t need to complicate weight loss, says one expert. Maria Gad is a Fitness & Weight Loss Coach who uses her experience losing weight to help others. In a new post, she shares some simple tips on how to do it by changing up your diet. “5 eating habits that helped me lose 9 kg,” she writes. “These small changes helped me stay on track and achieve my goals! Try them out and see how they work for you!”


Her first tip? Start the day on a hydrated note. “Hydrate first! Drink water as soon as you wake up and before or with every meal,” she writes. According to the Mayo Clinic, hydration is essential for various reasons. Water helps eliminate waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature regular, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues.

Snack Smart

You can eat in between meals, but make good choices. “Snack smart,” Gad recommends. “Have a light snack before going out to avoid overeating later.”

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Meal Plan

Her next tip? Plan ahead. “When dining out, check the menu in advance to make healthier choices. Stick to 2 out of 3: starter, main, or dessert,” she writes. There is scientific evidence supporting the benefits of meal planning. Studies show that the more meals you eat prepared away from home, the higher your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and early death. One study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity found meal planning was associated with a healthier diet and less obesity.

Limit Alcohol

Don’t drink your calories, says Gad. “Limit alcohol. A drink now and then is fine, but remember it’s packed with hidden calories, can slow recovery, and mess with your sleep,” she writes.

Sauces on the Side

Don’t drench your food in sauce. “Sauces on the side” is a must, she says. “Ask for dips and sauces on the side to control portions and avoid unnecessary calories.”

Eat Protein Oats

You can still “eat delicious food AND still get results,” she writes in another post. “Eating healthy doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor or enjoyment. Here are 3 of my favorite meals that keep me on track while satisfying my cravings.” The first? Protein oats. “Tastes just like cake! Perfect for sweet mornings. Just mix oats, cocoa powder, protein powder, and a splash of milk. Top with melted peanut butter and dark chocolate. You’ll be in heaven!” she says.

Teriyaki Salmon Is Another Favorite Meal

Another one of her favorites is teriyaki salmon. “My go-to dish that I could eat every day! Marinate wild salmon in a teriyaki mix, bake it to perfection, and serve with rice and broccoli. It’s both nutritious and indulgent!” she writes.

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And, Halo Top

When it comes to sweet treats, you don’t have to deprive yourself. “Yes, I eat dessert every day!” she says. “A tub of Halo Top only has 320 calories, making it a guilt-free way to satisfy my sweet tooth after dinner.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't missthese 8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat.

Cassie B cassiebfitness
Copyright cassiebfitness/Instagram

Do you want 2025 to be the year you achieve all your weight loss goals? If the answer is yes, one expert claims that you may need to modify your behavior. Cassie B of Cassie B Fitness is a coach and influencer who shares her health and fitness journey with thousands of social media followers. In a new post, she reveals some changes she had to make to lose weight. “Realistic things I gave up in order to lose 75 pounds in less than a year,” she writes. “Here’s what I gave up to lose over 75lbs,” she writes in the post. “I went from 225/230 to 150 in less than a year! I gave up these things and finally saw HUGE results.”

She Stopped Viewing Foods as “Good” or “Bad”

The first thing she did? “I gave up viewing food as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. No single food makes you gain weight just like no single food makes you lose weight. Instead, I ate and enjoyed ALL food while staying in a deficit,” she writes.

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She Stopped Viewing Exercise as Punishment

She also changed her mental approach to exercise. “I gave up thinking of exercise as a punishment. Exercise is a way to celebrate what your body can do and make it stronger for what you want it to be able to do, not a punishment for what it’s currently capable of. I also realized exercise can occur ANYWHERE! Not just in a gym,” she says.

She Stopped Looking for Quick Fixes

She then stopped searching for the easy way out. “I gave up looking for quick fixes. I tried every single fad diet and ‘quick fix’ out there. They don’t work and they aren’t sustainable. Instead, I focused on sustainable, realistic changes,” she wrote.

She Stopped Trying to “Speed It Up”

“ I gave up trying to speed it up,” she continued. “Weight loss is slow, but the time will pass anyway, and quitting won’t speed it up!!!”

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She Stopped Striving for Perfection

The last thing she did? “I gave up trying to be perfect. This isn’t all or nothing! Life happens! Aim for consistency, not perfection. Keep going when you have a day (or week) where you overeat. Enjoy the calories, and KEEP GOING!!” she wrote. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Gillian Ferguson the_macro_method
Coach Lost 50 Pounds with the Help of These 5 Sunday Habits
Copyright the_macro_method/Instagram

Are you struggling to lose weight? It might be time to change some of your health habits. Gillian Ferguson of The Macro Method is a women’s nutrition coach and social media influencer “Helping you ditch diets & transform your body through macros, movement & mindset,” she maintains on her page. In a new social media post, she reveals the changes she made to lose weight. “I’ve lost 50 lbs over the last 3 1/2 years and totally transformed myself to have a lean, strong + healthy mom bod,” she writes. “Here’s what changed.”

No More Quick Fixes

The first thing she did was stop relying on quick fixes. “I stopped wasting time + money + energy on quick fixes. The constant back & forth and always searching for the next best thing was exhausting me more than I even knew,” she writes.

She Changed Her Mindset

She also changed her mindset and turned her thinking around. “I stopped believing other people were ‘lucky’ or had it easier than I do,” she says.

She Stopped Making Excuses

Another major change she made? “I stopped making excuses,” she wrote.

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She Started Being Accountable

She also started being accountable. “I committed to an approach and a coach - and wow the accountability was everything I needed,” she said.

She Got Her Priorities in Order

She got her priorities in order. “I started focusing on what I wanted MOST vs what I wanted in the moment,” she said.

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She Committed to Her Habits

She committed to her habits. “I focused hard on nailing my daily habits and routines. This ended up being critical to carry me through tough times,” she says.

She Didn’t Listen to Outside Noise

She also didn’t listen to outside chatter. “I drowned out the noise and stayed in my lane - NO MATTER WHAT,” she writes.

Boundary Setting

Boundary setting was instrumental in her success. “I learned how to set boundaries,” she writes about her eighth habit.

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She Stopped Cheating

She also didn’t allow herself to feel entitled to cheat days. “I stopped treating every weekend and holiday and vacation and girls night out and date night and party like an excuse to go off the rails,” she writes.

She Stopped Treating Herself to Junk and Booze

She stopped using junk food and booze as a crutch. “I learned I don’t need junky food and a lot of alcohol to have an amazing time,” she says.

She Stopped Trying to Out Exercise a Bad Diet

“I stopped trying to use exercise as a way to outdo a bad diet. Instead exercise and nutrition work together,” she says about her eleventh change.

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She Stopped Labeling Food as Good or Bad

She also changed the way she looks at food. “I stopped thinking of foods as good or bad and eliminated the concept of a ‘cheat meal,’” she says.

She Started Walking

She also started getting her steps in. “I started walking - a lot,” she says. A 2018 study published in the journal Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure, and fewer strokes.

She Changed Her Relationship with Alcohol

She stopped drinking her calories and relying on booze. “I totally changed my relationship with alcohol,” she says.

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She Prioritized Self-Care

Finally, she started prioritizing self-care. “I realized that taking care of myself as a mom isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. I am 1000% a better mom and wife now that I feel good & strong & healthy in my own skin,” she writes.

She Took the Timeline Away

“And this is a big big one and it didn’t happen until I had already lost a chunk of weight and started to feel really good about myself ….I took the timeline away and started really loving the whole process. I stopped wanting to be smaller and I started wanting to be stronger,” she says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Coach Lost 35 Pounds in 4 Months With These 6 Changes

Do you want to lose weight fast while healing your gut? Amanda Borchardt is a cortisol expert and coach who lost 35 pounds when she finally “cracked the code” to cortisol and adopted certain habits that helped her keep her hormones under control. In a new social media post, she reveals five habits that enabled her to lose weight fast and transform her look. “How to become unrecognizable in the next 6 months,” she writes across the video. “I started with these habits and a cortisol balancing, gut healing supplement that helped me lose 35 pounds in 4 months and gained back all my lost energy from high cortisol!” she added.


Her first habit has to do with hydration. “Drink your body weight in ounces,” she writes. How much water should you drink? According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, men should drink about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids daily and women about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters). The Mayo Clinic explains that hydration helps eliminate waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature regular, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues.

Walk and Lift Weights

Her second habit is two different workouts. “10,000 Steps per day & lifting,” she says. A 2018 study published in Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure, and fewer strokes. As for strength training, Mayo Clinic explains that it can help reduce body fat, preserve and increase lean muscle mass, and burn calories more efficiently. It may also help you:

  • Develop strong bones
  • Manage your weight
  • Enhance your quality of life
  • Manage chronic conditions
  • Sharpen your thinking skills

Amp Up Your Protein Intake

Also, amp up your protein intake. “Increase your protein intake to (30 to 40g per meal),” she suggests. According to clinical trials, consuming more protein than the recommended dietary allowance not only reduces body weight (BW), but also enhances body composition by decreasing fat mass while preserving fat-free mass (FFM) in both low-calorie and standard-calorie diets.

No Processed Food or Sugar

When it comes to diet, it’s not just about how many calories you eat, but what types of food, she says. “Cut out processed food/sugar,” she writes. Examples include anything made with white flour or sugar, packaged snacks, candy, or fast food.

Walk Barefoot Outside

Her fifth tip is unconventional. “Walk outside barefoot & daily get sunlight,” she writes. Vitamin D helps cells in your gut absorb bone-healthy nutrients calcium and phosphorus.

Consume Gut-Healing Herbs

Her last tip is to “add in natural herbs that not only heal your gut but help balance your cortisol,” she writes. “When I added it in the correct supplements, my weight loss journey skyrocketed after years of not being able to lose anything!” And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss40 Health Symptoms That Can Be More Serious Than You Think.

Justin Gichaba justin_gichaba
Copyright justin_gichaba/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you taking all the proper steps to get rid of belly fat, but it doesn’t seem to go anywhere? You could be doing more harm than good. Justin Gichaba is a nutrition coach who helps “busy professionals lose 10lb+ fat & gain muscle,” he writes on his Instagram bio. In a new post, he reveals some habits that he thought were helping him blast belly fat when they were doing the opposite. “5 innocent habits that I never realized made me GAIN belly fat, when I was trying to lose belly fat,” he writes.

Sacrificing Sleep to Exercise

Sacrificing sleep to work out is the first no-no. “Chances are it is making it worse. Not getting enough sleep can lead to increased levels of cortisol, a hormone that is associated with belly fat and make it hard to lose fat when in excess. Also, you will decrease your energy throughout the day making it hard to move and burn calories. Make sure to sleep 7-8 hours a night for optimal fat loss,” he says.

Skipping Meals

Young woman looking into the fridge, feeling hungry at night​Unusual Cravings and HungerShutterstock

Skipping meals is another counterproductive habit. “Skipping meals made me binge eat WAY more. I thought by skipping a meal I would eat less calories, but I ended up eating more in the few meals I had to compensate,” he says. “I also was much less adherent to the diet. All in all, it lead to me not losing fat and an impossible diet to stick too for me.”

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat

Restricting Food Groups


Restricting food groups is not a good idea. “At one point in time, I thought a lot of different carbs were bad. I stayed away from bread, oatmeal, and everything else the carnivore and keto people tell you to never eat,” he explains. “This just made my diet much easier to stick with, leading me to randomly binge eat and end up losing no weight at all. Soon after, I learned that most carbs that are not ultra-processed are just fine for most people and ate more carbs again. When I could include the foods I loved, I then started to lose weight.”

Skipping Dessert

Sweet temptation. Eating delicious creamy dessert.Shutterstock

Don’t skip dessert. “I will NEVER skip dessert again. Dessert is something I was far too accustomed to, so skipping it would give me crazy cravings making it hard to stick with my diet,” he writes. “Once I allowed myself to eat the occasional ice cream or other sweets, it made it much easier to stick with my diet. I also started making yogurt parfaits every night which were extremely healthy but still satisfied my sweet tooth with the dark chocolate.”

Cutting Too Many Calories

CALORIE counting counter application Medical eating healthy Diet conceptShutterstock

The final mistake is cutting too many calories. “Cutting close to 1,000 calories was a terrible idea. It made me extremely sluggish, move less, and didn’t speed up my weight loss,” he writes. “Instead, you should try cutting only 300-500 calories at a time. This is much more sustainable in the short and long-term as it combats extreme hunger and the possibility of your metabolism adapting and slowing down.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

Karli Sine
I Lost 55 Pounds in 5 Months by Fixing These Ozempic Mistakes
Copyright karli.sine/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Has your weight loss progress paused while on Ozempic? There are things you can do to jumpstart it again. Karli Sine is a social media influencer who lost 55+ lbs on Semaglutide and is now “microdosing Tirzepatide,” she writes in her Instagram bio. In a new post, she reveals some secret tricks to getting back on weight loss track. “Stuck in a GLP-1 plateau? 10 tips for you to get out of it,” she writes.

Track Your Meals

The first thing you should start doing is tracking your meals. “Reassess portion sizes and calorie intake. Small adjustments can kickstart progress. Sugar WILL stall you,” she writes.

Increase Water Intake

Ensure you are drinking enough water; if not, adjust accordingly. “Aim for at least 64 oz daily. Hydration is key for weight loss and overall health. Cellular hydration keeps your GLP-1 working! Dehydrated cells will not perform their functions properly!” she writes.

Switch Injection Sites

The next thing you can do is switch injection sites. “Rotating between the abdomen, thigh, or arm can improve absorption and effectiveness, even side effects!” she says.

Incorporate Walking

Are you incorporating walking into your routine? “A light walk after dinner can boost metabolism and digestion. Bonus: this can help constipation also!” she says.

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

Focus on Protein & Fiber

In terms of diet, amp up your protein and fiber intake. “High-protein and high-fiber meals keep you full and fuel fat loss,” she writes.

Prioritize Sleep

Make sure you are getting enough rest. “Get 7–9 hours of quality sleep to help your body recover and keep your metabolism on track,” she says.

Adjust Meal Timing

Try adjusting meal timing. “Try intermittent fasting or spacing out smaller meals to optimize hunger and energy levels,” she writes.

Reduce Stress

Reduce the stress in your life. “Chronic stress can hinder weight loss. Practice deep breathing, yoga, or meditation to keep cortisol in check,” she says.

Start Strength Training

Start strength training if you aren’t already lifting weights. “Building muscle increases your metabolism, helping you burn calories even when resting! This needs to be a non-negotiable, or you will lose more muscle than needed,” she says.

Dose Up

Finally, dose up. “Talk to your provider about increasing your GLP-1 dose if you’ve hit a stall—If you’re not dosing up every 4-6 weeks, this could be a big factor of stalling,” she suggests. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss20 Incredible Ozempic Success Stories of All Time.

Christine Stines christinestines
Coach Reveals Exact Plan to Drop 25 Pounds by Spring Break
Copyright christinestines/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to lose weight without starving yourself or obsessing over calories? Christine Stines helps people “break free from the diet cycle, tackle stubborn pounds, & finally see the results you've been craving - without the burnout or overwhelm,” according to her Instagram bio. In a new post, she reveals simple ways she dropped weight. “From 150 to 130 pounds, these are the weird, simple shifts that helped me lose 20 pounds without starving or tracking every bite of food,” she writes.

These Shifts Helped Her Drop 3 Pant Sizes

“If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed or frustrated in your weight loss journey, I get it. This is your love note to remind you- It’s pretty common. There’s an overwhelming amount of information out there that it can be hard to know what to focus on. Let me share some simple shifts that helped me lose 20 pounds and 3 pant sizes—without starving or tracking every bite of food,” she says.

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I Ate More

The first thing she did was eat more. “I stopped eating as little as possible and focused on what I ate instead. Turns out, eating the right foods made all the difference for fat burn,” she writes.

I Added More Fiber and Protein to My First Meal

She also increased her protein and fiber intake and “boosted” her first meal. “30g of protein + 7-8g of fiber. This combo helped with satiety, hormone balance, muscle preservation, and metabolism,” she says.

She Got Sunshine in the Morning

She also “got morning sunshine,” she writes. “It’s not just for vitamin D! ☀️ Morning sun helps regulate hormones and sets your circadian rhythm to support metabolism and better sleep,” she says.

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She Walked After Meals

She also started getting her steps in. “Walked after meals,” is another habit she mentions. “Even a quick 2-minute walk can lower blood sugar and improve fat loss,” she says.

She Prioritized Sleep

She also prioritized sleep. “I used to stay up till midnight working—until I learned that bad sleep can make you insulin resistant. Now, sleep is non-negotiable,” she writes.

She Started Taking Supplements

She added two “key” supplements. “These helped me stabilize blood sugar, reduce cravings, and burn fat for fuel—game changers!” she says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.