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10 Foods and Drinks I Eat Every Day to Lose Cellulite After Losing 45 Pounds

Katie Dunlop reveals foods that blast cellulite and help her lose weight.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Katie Dunlop, CPT, CSN, and influencer (@lovesweatfitness) is a wellness expert and influencer who has lost 45 pounds and totally transformed her body. On her various social media platforms, including YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, she shares all her tips and tricks to getting into the best shape of her life. In one viral video she takes her followers through "an entire day of eating because I am on a mission to get rid of cellulite," she says. "I started noticing some on my booty and my thighs this summer that was not there before and I know cellulite is normal, but that doesn't mean you have to love it," she says, going on to reveal her cellulite-blasting diet.

Salt Water

She starts out by revealing she has three beverages a day that help alleviate cellulite. "There are three specific things I drink every single day that actually will help reduce your cellulite too," she says. The first is salt water. "This is a habit I started adding this year, but I've been adding about a quarter of a teaspoon of sea salt into about 32 ounces of water first thing every morning. I also do it throughout the day," she explains in the video.

"This is basically just adding electrolytes without spending a bunch of money on little electrolyte packs," she adds, calling it a "really clean" way to rehydrate your body, "which if you're dealing with cellulite is so important," she maintains. "Obviously it's important for our body to always be hydrated and the electrolytes help it actually absorb into the tissue to get the benefits of water, so we actually get hydrated. That's key because if you're dehydrated, that cellulite is going to be way more noticeable."

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Protein Shake

Next up, a protein shake. "I always do my protein. This isn't for cellulite specifically, but a high protein diet actually does help reduce cellulite," she says. "This is drink number one when it comes to helping reduce your cellulite. "Protein, I just have to get in before I have coffee, otherwise cortisol can rise stress and just honestly the way it impacts my body. I don't feel good if I have coffee."

Egg White Frittata

Her first meal is an egg white spinach frittata, "but I ran out of egg whites so I finished it off with some just regular egg too. "The key with adding protein" is "making sure you're getting enough," she says. "But the point of protein with cellulite is it really does help firm up the skin and it reduces the cellulite. So if you're not getting enough protein and you're dealing with cellulite, those two things can absolutely be connected," she says.

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Steel Cut Oats

She also eats some steel cut oats and honey. "The fiber in the oats is also really important because it helps cleanse the body, cleanse the colon, it helps support metabolism, which again, if we are not metabolizing correctly, we're not going to be able to reduce our fat and get rid of that cellulite. So if your metabolism is really sluggish and slow, that can be a problem. The protein helps with that and the oats help with that."


She adds cinnamon, which is "great for circulation" and "circulation is important for cellulite," she says."Lymphatic drainage, foam rolling, all that stuff can help, but like it starts from within. So making sure we're doing good stuff to help from the start inside what we're putting in our body."


"Caffeine can help reduce cellulite. You just don't want too much caffeine. So I drink half caff that helps with my overall hormones and mood and everything, but also is going to help so I don't go overboard and create more cellulite for my meal too," she says.

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"I have protein berries, almond butter, so I'm gonna make a little smoothie," she says. "I'm gonna mix it up into a smoothie and do that before my workout to get a little extra fuel for the day." She explains that bananas and berries help cellulite as they are full of potassium, which is going to "help pull any excess water out of the body," she says. "So any of those fluids, it'll help flush it out because if you're dehydrated, your cellulite is going to be more prominent. But if you have too much water, you're going to have that bloating and you'll notice it more too." It also has collagen, which plumpens and decreases fine lines and wrinkles.

Chicken Salad

For lunch she has grilled chicken in a big salad. "I'm just going to do a little meat with some mixed greens. I might do a little tahini or something for my dressing," she says.

Green Tea

"Also, while I'm making my lunch, I'm gonna make the third drink," she says. "My third drink is one that I never was really into, but it really does have so many amazing benefits and that's green tea." She opts for a "yummy" tangerine flavor. "You can have it hot, cold, whatever." What makes it great? The "caffeine itself can help the release of stored fat in the body, but it has these amazing antioxidants that actually break down fat and can improve and speed up your metabolism," she says.

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Salmon and Veggies

Dinner might be salmon, bison, or beef with broccoli and sweet potatoes. "The reason I love salmon, especially if you're trying to fight cellulite, the omega 3s are really great for circulation and helping reduce any inflammation. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss I'm a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more