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These 6 Cheat Codes Made My 40-Pound Weight Loss Simple

One weight loss warrior reveals the secrets to losing weight the easy way.

Chelsea Mae

Chelsea Mae is a “vegan mom” based out of New Zealand who was “vegan for years but never got lean until I learnt about calorie density and the science of weight loss,” she says in her YouTube bio. In her viral videos she shares the tips and tricks that helped her lose 40 pounds. In one of them she reveals that it all “boiled down to a few mindset shifts and then cheat codes to make progress easier.”

She Was a Yo-Yo Dieter

“For over a decade, I was stuck in the cycle of yo-yo dieting. Every New Year, I'd make a resolution to finally reach my goal weight, but by mid-year, I'd be back to square one. I felt like a failure and began to lose hope,” she writes in the video description.

Then, She Shifted Her Mindset

“But then, everything changed. I finally lost 40 pounds, got stronger, fitter, and became the healthiest version of myself I've ever been, even after having 2 kids!. How did I do it? It all came down to a few mindset shifts and these 6 cheat codes that made all the difference.”

First, She Had to Take Baby Steps

Change doesn’t happen overnight, explains Chelsea. “If we have big goals like losing a hundred pounds or doing a pull-up or running a marathon, then there's a big gap between who we are today and who we need to become and what we need to learn and how we need to grow in order to achieve the goal,” she says. “It doesn't matter how much effort or willpower you have. You're simply not the person that you need to be in order to complete that goal.”

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And Become “The Kind of Person” Who Takes Steps

“You don't need to have all the knowledge and all of the behaviors and all of the habits to lose a hundred pounds and then stay there. All you need to do to predictably achieve that goal is to become the kind of person that can continually make steps,” she points out.

1. Make the Steps Small

“Number one is to make those steps easy and smaller,” she recommends. If you aren’t someone who takes large steps, you are less likely to follow through, even if you say you are going to do something. “How do you get your word to start meaning something? How do you build that identity within yourself that if you say you're going to do something, you actually follow through? You have to make that smaller in the beginning so that you can follow through and do it,” she says. “For myself, I have goals, but I also have minimum targets. So a goal might be that I want to work out five days a week, but I also have a minimum target where that workout could look like me just coming in and walking on the treadmill.

2. Habit Stacking

Number two is habit stacking. “In order to take a step, we can't just build that out of nowhere. We can't just say, ‘Hey, I'm gonna go to the gym,’ or ‘I'm gonna start eating vegetables’ or ‘I'm gonna prep.’ It's very hard to add that if we don't attach it to something that we already do, which is the momentum. So habit stacking allows you to do this,” she says.

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3. Punish Yourself If You Don’t Take the Steps

“Number three is to add some pain and a bit of consequence to not taking the steps,” she says. “If you don't have deadlines when you take your steps, then you're probably gonna pause for too long,” she says. “Or you're not actually going to be motivated to continue making them in order to achieve your goal in a timely manner. You don't wanna spend the next 40 years of your life trying to lose 40 pounds.”

4. Celebrate Progress

Number four is to celebrate progress. “We typically celebrate successes, which are the milestones that the steps that we've taken have led to. But if we wanna become a step taker, then we need to shift that to the steps themselves because you're not going to get all the milestones all the time,” she says.

5. Understand the Difference Between How You Feel, Think, and Act

“Number five is to start to understand that there's a gap between how you feel and what you think and the way that you can act because a lot of us are just acting on autopilot,” she says. “When we feel sad, we act out of that. When we feel like we're hungry, we put the cookie in our mouths. When we feel like we don't want to go to the gym, then we don't go. But between how you feel about something and the response that you have, you do have a choice in there as to how to respond.”

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6. Eat More Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes

Number six is “very practical,” she says, “a very physical hack that you can use to make your life easier, and it is to eat a whole lot more potatoes, especially sweet potatoes,” she says. “They're the most satiating food on the planet. That means that when you eat them, you feel full and satisfied. You're not going to be thinking about food as much. You're not going to wanna binge as much. You can eat a lot of them, and they're going to be low in calories. They're going to help you to lose weight. They're going to give you a ton of energy. They are the best pre-workout. I'll add them to all the meals that I'm making because I know it's going to help me to feel more full.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

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Copyright nissagraun/Instagram

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Have you ever watched someone effortlessly maintain their weight while you're stuck in an endless cycle of strict diets and frustrating rebounds? You're not alone. After three decades of personal struggle with weight loss, certified weight loss coachNissa Graun finally cracked the code to sustainable weight management—and discovered it's not about willpower or deprivation at all. Read on to learn the practical, science-backed strategies that helped her lose 50 pounds and, more importantly, keep it off without the constant battle most dieters face.

What Science and Personal Experience Taught Me About Lasting Weight Loss

"After fighting with my weight for 30 years, I discovered the habits lean people naturally follow so they never have to think about their weight," says Nissa. "This made me feel like I'd finally found the cheat codes that everyone else had. Not only did they help me lose 50 pounds, but now I don't have to work so hard to keep it off the way I used to."

"People who lose weight at a gradual, steady pace—about 1 to 2 pounds a week—are more likely to keep the weight off than people who lose weight quickly," says the CDC.

The Reality Behind Quick Fixes

"Over the 30 years I struggled with yo-yoing weight while learning all of the rules of whichever new diet I was following, I always thought I could stick to the strict rules long enough to drop the weight," Nissa reveals.

"I never anticipated all of the cravings I'd have just a few weeks in, and I never thought about the diet boredom that I'd experience after cutting out everything that brings me joy," she admits.

"After losing a hundred pounds with keto and intermittent fasting, I was convinced that was the only way to lose weight until I regained 50 pounds, even though I stuck to my plan," Nissa shares. This devastating experience became her turning point.

Understanding the Game Plan

Before diving into the cheat codes, Nissa explains the foundation: "First, you need to understand how fat loss is just like building a business. Both require investment, whether it's time, money, or energy."

"If you want to lose weight, making a specific plan can help," says the CDC.

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Cheat Code #1: Eat the Frog

"In business, this is called 'Eating the frog,'" Nissa reveals. "No, you're not actually eating a frog or any animals for that matter. Eating the frog is a strategy where you focus on the tasks that make the biggest impact first. This works since 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts."

For weight loss, this means prioritizing movement: "Since building muscle is key to long-term fat loss, I make working out my first priority. This is the best way to eat the frog in a fat loss plan since this is when my energy and focus are the highest."

"Following a full body routine only two or three times each week is enough to build your metabolism by building more muscle," she adds.

Cheat Code #2: The Adaptation Strategy

"Just because you find an amazing business strategy that drives sales, that doesn't mean that one strategy will work forever," Nissa explains. "While this leads some companies to fizzle out, those who can stick around need to adapt over time."

This led to her second cheat code: constantly evolving her approach. "When it came to starting from scratch, I finally learned that if I wanted to remain at a healthy weight, I had to adapt my habits and behaviors over time."

The CDC supports this flexible approach, noting that "healthy weight loss involves a lifestyle with healthy eating patterns, regular physical activity, and stress management."

Cheat Code #3: The Food Swap System

Nissa's third cheat code involves strategic food substitutions. "Through a lot of trial and error, I figured out that some food combos keep me fuller than others," she explains. She created a system of smart swaps:

"When it came to lunch, I made smaller swaps like trading two pieces of regular bread for low carb tortillas," she shares. This instantly cut 150 calories from lunch.

"Instead of indulging in a side of chips, I chose protein-heavy sides like Greek yogurt," which added 17 grams of filling protein while cutting calories.

Even dessert got a makeover: "I swap my nightly serving of dark chocolate for a protein-heavy dessert like this strawberry protein icy. This big bowl takes longer to eat and the protein keeps me satisfied all night."

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Cheat Code #4: The Meal Rotation Strategy

"Just like a business requires consistent effort over months or years to see growth, a successful diet needs long-term consistency for lasting results," Nissa shares. Her fourth cheat code was developing a reliable meal system.

"I ended up having the same high protein shake for breakfast pretty much every day. Then I'd cycle through the same two or three lunch combos that kept hunger low, but only came in around 400 or 500 calories."

The CDC reinforces this systematic approach: "Being more aware of what you eat and drink will help you avoid mindless consumption."

Cheat Code #5: The Metrics That Matter

"This is the cheat code that I credit most of my success to," Nissa emphasizes. "What successful business do you know that doesn't track metrics? The trick is figuring out the right metrics that you need to track."

She breaks down the essential daily measurements:

  • Calories consumed
  • Protein intake
  • Daily weight average
  • Steps taken

"It takes less than five minutes a day to track these metrics," she says. "Once I paid attention to the right metrics, that pesky scale finally started moving in the right direction, even though I couldn't get it to budge for more than two years."

The Sustainable Approach

"Instead of slashing calories to 1,200 for quick weight loss, I ate in a more reasonable calorie deficit of 2,000 calories a day," Nissa explains. "Instead of rushing to lose all 50 pounds in just a few months this time, I had patience, which made it way easier for my new habits to turn into permanent lifestyle changes."

The CDC supports this measured approach: "Even modest weight loss can improve blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. For example, a 5% weight reduction for a person who weighs 200 pounds is 10 pounds."

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Starting Your Journey

"If you are revved up now that you see just how easy sustainable fat loss can be, then let's do this," Nissa encourages. But she adds an important caveat: "Not all at once because rushing into any new plan is the fastest way to stay stuck."

The CDC echoes this: "Recognize when you're meeting your goals and be proud of your progress. Use non-food rewards, such as a bouquet of fresh flowers, a sports outing with friends, or a relaxing bath. Rewards help keep you motivated on the path to better health."

As Nissa discovered, these "cheat codes" aren't about finding shortcuts—they're about building sustainable habits that last a lifetime. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Martin Balcaitis
Copyright Martin Balcaitis

If you've ever felt frustrated with dieting, you're not alone. After 15 years of trying different weight loss approaches, Martin Balcaitis, 45, Senior Vice President of Operations at Lindora in Orange County, California, finally discovered the game-changing mistake that had been holding him back all along. His transformation story proves that sometimes the smallest changes can lead to the biggest results.

The Wake-Up Call

Martin Balcaitis

Copyright Martin Balcaitis

"I feel like I've always been trying to lose weight!" Martin tells Body Network. "But now that I'm in my mid-40s, I know that it isn't so much about the number on the scale, but my overall health for longevity – that was my real motivator this time around."

The Crucial Discovery

Woman in gloves puts raw chicken breasts in a plate on a digital weighing scale to prepare delicious food at home. Homemade cooking concept.​Understanding True Protein ContentShutterstock

Standing at 5'9" and weighing 222 pounds, Martin thought he had tried everything. Then came the revelation that changed everything: "I thought I was eating a correct portion for myself, but eyeballing wasn't my friend," he admits. "A food scale was crucial to my success."

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The Transformation

Martin Balcaitis

Copyright Martin Balcaitis

The results speak for themselves. In just six months, Martin dropped from 222 pounds to 165 pounds, achieving a remarkable transformation in his body composition. "My overall body fat percentage went from 36% to 15% in 6 months," he shares proudly.

A New Approach to Food

Man eats, eating​What To Do InsteadShutterstock

Unlike previous attempts at weight loss, Martin's new strategy didn't involve cutting out foods entirely. "I haven't eliminated anything – which is great!" he explains. "I simply know how to manage portions and adjust my eating that day if I know I'm going to have something decadent or high-carb during the day."

A Day of Measured Eating

Woman hands breaking an egg to separate egg white and yolks and egg shells at the backgroundShutterstock

Martin's daily menu is both satisfying and strategic. "Breakfast is typically one egg, some egg whites and cottage cheese blended in what I call my 'protein eggs' with spinach and some meat," he says. "Lunch will be a salad with a yogurt-based dressing and dinner is roasted vegetables and lean protein – also three Lindora snacks too!"

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The Workout Strategy

Gym and dumbbell weight training equipment on sport ,Healthy life and gym exercise equipments and sports concept ,copy spaceShutterstock

Time management proved to be another crucial lesson. "Time can always get the best of us so I make sure to workout in the morning," Martin explains. "I make too many excuses to not go to the gym after work." His dedication has paid off: "I can actually see some abs poking through now!"

Dealing with Setbacks

Within gym with modern fitness equipment for fitness events and more. Modern of gym interior with equipment. Sports equipment in the gym.Shutterstock

Martin maintains a realistic approach to challenges. "Sometimes the motivation just isn't there and you have to tell yourself that it's a marathon, not a sprint," he reflects. "Don't beat yourself up if you skip a workout or can't go the distance you wanted to."

The Power of Accountability

Feel softness, asian young woman, female hand holding pile clothing from table, stack folding clean clothes after washing, laundry and dry. Household working at home. Laundry and maid concept.Shutterstock

Making the journey public became a powerful tool. "Be vocal about it. I told people I was trying to lose weight to help hold me accountable," he advises. His commitment extended to his wardrobe: "I donated clothes once they were too big for me – I didn't want to buy big clothes again, so I had to keep going!"

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A Science-Based Approach


Martin emphasizes the importance of data in his success. "Knowledge is power, so I would encourage everyone to get a body composition analysis done so they have a true understanding of what their numbers are to make a plan of attack," he recommends.

The Path to Success

Social media and digital online concept, man using smart phone with Social media. The concept of living on vacation and playing social media. Social Distancing ,Working From Home concept.Shutterstock

For those inspired by his journey, Martin offers encouraging advice: "Just start! You don't have to wait for a certain day, you don't have to have a big goal in mind – just take little steps and once you see some progress it will motivate you to keep going."

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Maintaining Momentum

Successful man raising arms after cross track running on summer sunset. Fitness male athlete with arms up celebrating success and goals after sport exercising and working out.Shutterstock

His approach to staying motivated remains practical and empowering. "If I am feeling badly about my body – it is 100% in my control to fix it," he states. "Having a plan and solutions is the answer and putting that plan into action is key." And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

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Do you want to lose weight fast and keep it off? Dropping 10 pounds in the next few months is easier than you think. All it takes is making a few simple lifestyle changes – and learning from other weight loss warriors who came before you is always a great idea. Here are 20 ways 12 people who lost over 10 pounds in 4 months achieved their weight loss goals.

Gen Cohen Lost 10 Pounds in 2 Months by Maintaining a Caloric Deficit

In a recent Instagram post, Gen Cohen, CNC, shared how she lost 10lbs in the first two months of her health journey. “What I would do is eat in a modest caloric deficit, which if you're a woman watching this video means you'll probably be eating an average of 1500 to 2000 calories per day in order to lose weight,” she says.

She Also Used an App

New Delhi, India 4 September 2023:- My fitness pal app on iphone used to calculate caloriesShutterstock

Apps also helped Cohen achieve her weight loss goals. “I would download an app like MyFitnessPal and preplan my meals the day before to make sure I was able to hit my calories and my protein goal while still enjoying my social life,” she continued.

And, She Drank A LOT of Water

Happy beautiful young woman drinking water. Smiling caucasian female model holding transparent glass in her hand. Closeup. Focus on the armShutterstock

Another helpful habit in her weight loss was investing in a big water bottle. “I would drink 16 ounces of water before getting out of bed in the morning, which helps regulate your cortisol and stress levels throughout the day,” she says. “And I would also drink 16 ounces of water before each meal. This will help you feel full quicker while you're still learning proper portion control.”

Blake Sanburg Lost 23 Pounds in 2 Months by Hitting the Gym


10 weight loss tips

Blake Sanburg (@thenutritionnarc) is a diet and fitness influencer with over 415,900 TikTok followers who lost 23 pounds in two months. His number one tip to lose weight? “Start going to the gym,” Blake suggests. “Do weightlifting and cardio. This will help not only burn calories, but it'll also increase your muscle mass, which will make you seem less fat.”

He Also Avoided “Liquid Calories”

Barman prepares exotic cocktails at the night clubShutterstock

“Number two, avoid liquid calories such as sugary drinks, alcohol, soda, and stuff like that instead of diet soda,” Blake continued. “These are scientifically proven to be the easiest calories to cut out.”

He Amped Up His Protein Intake

High protein food for body builders as meat, fish, dairy, eggs, buckwheat, oatmeal, nuts, bean, pumpkin seed and sunflower seed. Top view.Shutterstock

Blake also amped up his protein intake. “The general rule of thumb is one gram of protein per pound of body weight. So if your goal weight is 150 pounds, try to eat 150 grams of protein.”

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He Took Progress Pictures

Portrait of proud bodybuilder boasting his arm muscles taking selfie in gym mirror flexing biceps after working outShutterstock

And, for accountability purposes, “take progress pictures,” he said. “It is very tough to see changes when you're looking at yourself every single day. So go back and look at the first day.”

Cam Jones Lost 10 Pounds in 50 Days by Rigorously Tracking His Eating Habits

Cam Jones, one half of the brother influencer duo who make up Goal Guys, a YouTube account providing “different goals in fitness and productivity,” revealed in a viral video how he lost 10 pounds in 50 days.

“I genuinely do not understand how I've put on so much weight. I eat pretty healthy. I exercise two to three times a week, so what am I doing wrong?” he says in the video, setting a goal of losing 10 pounds of body fat in 50 days. Cam starts with a goal of “paying careful attention” to nutrition.

“The first thing I'm aiming for a daily calorie goal of just 1900 calories, and as crazy as it is to say I actually think my current diet is pretty healthy, so I'm also going to track every food I eat for the next 50 days to figure out where I've been going wrong,” he says

He Also Cut Snacks


Cam points out that the little snacks you eat in the day add up. Just three squares of dark chocolate, half a bag of popcorn in one glass of wine total 660 calories. “I was severely underestimating how many calories were in those snacks because I was having those four times a week,” he says, pointing out “that's an extra 2,400 calories per week. That's more than I'm going to eat today. So no wonder I was putting on weight even though I was exercising.”

Melissa Lattari Lost 15 Pounds in a Month by Reducing Sodium Intake


Replying to @A how to lose 10lbs of water #fyp #wateretention #howtofixbloating #weightloss #weightlosshack #viral

Melissa Lattari (@melissa.lattari) dropped 15 pounds in a month, explaining in a viral video how she did it. “Losing 10 to 15 pounds of water weight is easier than you think it is,” she says in the clip. Melissa maintains that dropping the weight is simple. “The easiest way to lose water weight, okay, listen up, is by switching up your diet,” she maintains. “Water retention happens when we're consuming too much sodium in our diet,” she continues. “Therefore, if you're eating a lot of overly processed foods such as pizza, frozen foods, prepackaged foods or going out and eating at a restaurant where they usually cook most foods with vegetable oils, your body is going to obtain more water.”

Sydney St-Aubin Lost 20 Pounds in 4 Months by Increasing Her Steps Every Day


19 lbs down since january and still going 👏🏻 here’s what i’ve been doing and what i plan to continue to do to reach my goal by hopefully september 🤍 #weightloss #caloricdeficit #athomeworkouts #weightlosstransformation #weightlossprogram

Weight loss coach Sydney St-Aubin, who goes by the TikTok handle @sydneystaubin, revealed that she lost a whopping 20 pounds in less than four months. One of her main recommendations? Not only should you “get your steps in,” but “increase your steps every single day,” she suggests. “Try to get a little bit better.” How many steps should you strive for?

A 2018 study published in the journal Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure and fewer strokes.

Jenna Evelyn Lost 20 Pounds in Three Months by Meal Prepping


How I lost 15-20 pounds after my freshman year of college. 10k steps a day, low-cal, high protein meals, and strength training + pilates! #weightloss #freshman15 #howilostweight #weightransformation #healthylifestyle #mealprep #pilates

Jenna Evelyn (@jennaevelyn) is lost “15 to 20 pounds in two to three months” after “gaining the freshman 15” while living on campus during her first year of college. In one viral TikTok video, she reveals that meal prepping and using high-quality ingredients were crucial to her weight loss. “It was so important that I made enough time to meal prep local, high-protein meals so that they were always on hand,” she said. There is scientific evidence supporting the benefits of meal planning.

Studies the more meals you eat prepared away from home, the higher your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and early death. And, one study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity found meal planning was associated with a healthier diet and less obesity.

Isis Kellier Lost 15 Pounds in 6 Weeks by Intermittent Fasting

Isis Kellier revealed in one TikTok video that she dropped an average of 2.5 pounds a week and 15 pounds in 6 weeks by intermittent fasting, or “OMAD,” she reveals, which stands for “one meal a day. “The Lightly intermittent fasting app helps to keep everything on track,” she added.

In another video, she details what she eats in a day, starting at 2:00 pm with two glasses of green juice followed by a bowl of fruit. For her main meal of the day, “dinner,” she eats at 4:00 pm and enjoys spicy vodka pasta with a grilled chicken breast on top. At 5:30 pm, she drinks two Premiere Protein shakes.

Nour T Lost 40 Pounds in 5 Months by Eating Less


the best weight loss hack, have you heard of it before? #volumeeatinghack #volumeating #volumeeatinghacks #weightlosshacks #sustainableweightlosstips #sustainableweightlosstip #realisticweightlossmeals

Nour T (@nourrtann/) lost a whopping 40 pounds in just five months with one simple habit. In one of her viral videos, she reveals that no matter what diet you want to go on, simply eating less will result in weight loss. “One thing I will say: Keto, paleo, Atkins, high protein, low fat, low carb, whatever it is, they all work. They all work because you're probably eating less,” she continues. “And also, please remember that eating healthy and eating to lose weight are completely different things.”

She Also Started Volume Eating

Freshly grated raw cauliflower rice in wooden bowlShutterstock

“In my opinion, the most sustainable way to lose weight without tracking calories or stressing out is volume eating. Volume eating is in no means a diet plan. It is actually just a technique,” Nour continues. “You're basically mainly eating large amounts of low-calorie foods, so some examples of that would be like instead of having a cup of rice, you would have a half cup of rice and then a half cup of cauliflower rice,” she says. Another example? “Instead of having a whole serving of pasta, you would split it in half and then have zoodles,” she adds, explaining that you would mix in your cauliflower rice with your rice or zucchini noodles with your noodles. “You're eating the same exact amount as you would've, but the calories you're cut in half, and you're allowing yourself to eat much more vegetables, which are good for you,” she says.

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Briana Farnsworth Lost 30 Pounds in 3 Months by Interval Training on a Treadmill


Replying to @$ I like to implement other workouts everyone now and then but I swear by walks!! #walkingroutine #hotgirlwalks #slimlegs #slimarms #weightloss #modelworkout #modelroutine #modelarms

Briana Farnsworth (@brianafarnsworthx) lost a whopping 30 pounds in three months just by walking. “People literally don't believe me when I tell them that I changed my body from this to this just by walking alone,” she says in the clip. Her key to losing weight with walking is doing interval training on an incline. “So my treadmill has this option here, it's called Fat Burner, and I love this one. It alternates between the incline of 1.5 to 4.5, and then I usually keep my speed between 3 and 4,” she explains, adding that if you don’t have that option, you can manually change the incline and speed accordingly.

Blake Also Amped Up His Fiber Intake

Healthy natural ingredients containing dietary fiber. Healthy high fiber diet eating concept with antioxidants and vitaminsShutterstock

Blake (@thenutritionnarc) offers another weight loss tip that helped him get in shape, “eat more fiber,” he says. This is probably one of the most underrated macronutrients. It's not a macronutrient, but it is one of the most underrated things you can eat. It will not only keep you full, it'll improve your gut microbiome health, and it'll also keep you regular,” he explains.

Keisha Lost 40 Pounds in One Month by Filling Up on Healthy Fats


#grocerylist #kickweightwithkeisha @Kick Weight With Keisha

Keisha (@kickweightwithkeisha) is a diet and fitness influencer who lost 40 pounds in just one month. She claims that amping up her intake of healthy fats was instrumental in her weight loss. “Fats are going to consist of things like avocados, olive oil, avocado oil, butter, sour cream, heavy whipping cream, and cheese,” she says.

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And, by Cutting Out Added Sugar

Coffee blended with ghee butter and MCT coconut oil, paleo, keto, ketogenic drink breakfast.Shutterstock

“Now, the only thing that I drank, water, tea, and coffee,” she continued. However she avoided buying calorie-heavy sweeteners. “Okay, if you're going to do sugar for your tea and your coffee, you want to do a natural sugar substitute, which are things like Stevia, monk, fruit, Truvia,” she says.

Amber Clemens Lost 160 Pounds by Eating Fast Food


Something I still struggle with after losing 160 pounds ❤️ #weightloss #weightlossstruggle #growingupfat #beforeandafter #fatphobia #thinprivilege

Amber Clemens (@amber_c_fitness) is a weight loss warrior and influencer on TikTok who lost a whopping 160 pounds while still eating fast food. In a viral video, she describes her before meal at Wendy’s: A Four for Four meal with a Junior cheeseburger, four piece chicken nugget, a small fry, “and I would actually order an additional six piece nugget because I wanted 10 and I would get a large root beer and that one meal would be 1,450 calories,” she says, noting “that's not including any dipping sauces that I would get to dip this stuff in, but I couldn't find the nutrition information for that.”

Now, she chooses from two lower calorie alternatives, the apple pecan salad “because it's so filling,” she says. “You get a high volume of food for about 550 calories.” Her other option is a six piece nugget and a small fry paired with a medium light lemonade. “And you can get that meal for 545 calories,” she says. “It's not about cutting things out, it's about finding things that you like equally as much, making swaps in moderation,” she points out. Read about more of her swaps here.

Chelsea Mae is a “vegan mom” based out of New Zealand who was “vegan for years but never got lean until I learnt about calorie density and the science of weight loss,” she says in her YouTube bio. In her viral videos she shares the tips and tricks that helped her lose 40 pounds. In one of them she reveals that it all “boiled down to a few mindset shifts and then cheat codes to make progress easier.”

She Was a Yo-Yo Dieter

“For over a decade, I was stuck in the cycle of yo-yo dieting. Every New Year, I'd make a resolution to finally reach my goal weight, but by mid-year, I'd be back to square one. I felt like a failure and began to lose hope,” she writes in the video description.

Then, She Shifted Her Mindset

“But then, everything changed. I finally lost 40 pounds, got stronger, fitter, and became the healthiest version of myself I've ever been, even after having 2 kids!. How did I do it? It all came down to a few mindset shifts and these 6 cheat codes that made all the difference.”

First, She Had to Take Baby Steps

Change doesn’t happen overnight, explains Chelsea. “If we have big goals like losing a hundred pounds or doing a pull-up or running a marathon, then there's a big gap between who we are today and who we need to become and what we need to learn and how we need to grow in order to achieve the goal,” she says. “It doesn't matter how much effort or willpower you have. You're simply not the person that you need to be in order to complete that goal.”

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And Become “The Kind of Person” Who Takes Steps

“You don't need to have all the knowledge and all of the behaviors and all of the habits to lose a hundred pounds and then stay there. All you need to do to predictably achieve that goal is to become the kind of person that can continually make steps,” she points out.

1. Make the Steps Small

“Number one is to make those steps easy and smaller,” she recommends. If you aren’t someone who takes large steps, you are less likely to follow through, even if you say you are going to do something. “How do you get your word to start meaning something? How do you build that identity within yourself that if you say you're going to do something, you actually follow through? You have to make that smaller in the beginning so that you can follow through and do it,” she says. “For myself, I have goals, but I also have minimum targets. So a goal might be that I want to work out five days a week, but I also have a minimum target where that workout could look like me just coming in and walking on the treadmill.

2. Habit Stacking

Number two is habit stacking. “In order to take a step, we can't just build that out of nowhere. We can't just say, ‘Hey, I'm gonna go to the gym,’ or ‘I'm gonna start eating vegetables’ or ‘I'm gonna prep.’ It's very hard to add that if we don't attach it to something that we already do, which is the momentum. So habit stacking allows you to do this,” she says.

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3. Punish Yourself If You Don’t Take the Steps

“Number three is to add some pain and a bit of consequence to not taking the steps,” she says. “If you don't have deadlines when you take your steps, then you're probably gonna pause for too long,” she says. “Or you're not actually going to be motivated to continue making them in order to achieve your goal in a timely manner. You don't wanna spend the next 40 years of your life trying to lose 40 pounds.”

4. Celebrate Progress

Number four is to celebrate progress. “We typically celebrate successes, which are the milestones that the steps that we've taken have led to. But if we wanna become a step taker, then we need to shift that to the steps themselves because you're not going to get all the milestones all the time,” she says.

5. Understand the Difference Between How You Feel, Think, and Act

“Number five is to start to understand that there's a gap between how you feel and what you think and the way that you can act because a lot of us are just acting on autopilot,” she says. “When we feel sad, we act out of that. When we feel like we're hungry, we put the cookie in our mouths. When we feel like we don't want to go to the gym, then we don't go. But between how you feel about something and the response that you have, you do have a choice in there as to how to respond.”

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6. Eat More Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes

Number six is “very practical,” she says, “a very physical hack that you can use to make your life easier, and it is to eat a whole lot more potatoes, especially sweet potatoes,” she says. “They're the most satiating food on the planet. That means that when you eat them, you feel full and satisfied. You're not going to be thinking about food as much. You're not going to wanna binge as much. You can eat a lot of them, and they're going to be low in calories. They're going to help you to lose weight. They're going to give you a ton of energy. They are the best pre-workout. I'll add them to all the meals that I'm making because I know it's going to help me to feel more full.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

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Brenda Lizard is a weight loss influencer who goes by the TikTok handle @brenda.lizard. In two of the many viral videos discussing her massive and rapid weight loss — she lost 40 pounds in just under four months — she reveals a few simple tricks that helped. And, a few of them might surprise you.

1. Brenda Decided to Change Her Lifestyle After Learning She Had Pre-Diabetes


Replying to @evelynn How i lost weight 🙂 Comment if you need clarification or DM me on insta and I’ll respond to you quicker there #gymtok #greenscreenvideo #greenscreen

Brenda prefaces the video by confessing that she is not a professional. “This is just what I did and what worked for me,” she said. She also revealed that she “decided to change” her lifestyle for health reasons, namely after she got a breast reduction and discovered she had pre-diabetes during the blood work. “So obviously I had to make a change for my own health,” she said.

2. First, She Changed Her Diet


The “biggest thing” for Brenda was changing her diet, because after getting her breast reduction she couldn’t exercise for two months. “I couldn't lift anything over 15 pounds, so it was all my diet,” she said. Instead of going on a “specific diet like keto or whatever” she went on a calorie deficit, “which basically you're counting your calories.” She calculated how much she needed, inputting her age, weight, and height, and then figured out how many calories she would need to cut to lose one pound a week, which came out to 1,670 calories per day. For breakfast she ate overnight oats or an egg spinach omelet. “I love cottage cheese and cottage cheese is what's gotten me through a lot,” she added. For lunch she would eat tuna salad, chicken wraps, and “just regular chicken salads with a side of something.” She still ate out on occasion. “So if I were to go to Wingstop, I would still mess up some wings, but instead of getting regular fries, I'd get sweet potato fries. If I went to In-N-Out, I would still get a double double, but I'd get it lettuce wrapped,” she revealed. “I never felt miserable throughout this whole entire process just because I would eat what I wanted. And at home, I don't necessarily count my calories If I make my food at home, only if I'm going out to eat, that's when I do start counting my calories,” she added.

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3. Second, She Started Doing Cardio

Hikers,Walking,Mountains, outdoors, outside, rural, walking, exerciseShutterstock

Once able to start doing cardio, she started seeing the most weight loss, “and don't think it's extreme cardio,” she said. “I've always been an early bird, so I've always woken up six in the morning to eight in the morning, the latest. And I would go get up, and then I would go on runs, jogs, I take my dog out. We bonded a lot throughout this entire process, and I would go on hikes.” A 2018 study published in the journal Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure and fewer strokes.

4. Third, She Joined a Gym and Used the StairMaster

StairMaster, steps, stairs, treadmill,gym, machine, exercise,Shutterstock

She also got a gym membership at LA Fitness, “and I just go there to use a StairMaster,” which she says “is a must.” Recently, the "25-7-2" StairMaster workout went viral, with people boasting about the weight loss benefits. It involves jumping on the stair-climbing machine, setting it to level 7, and climbing for 25 minutes. Does it actually work? "Any new stimulus will burn more calories at first, but your body will always adapt to whatever stimulus you're doing," Katie Kollath, ACE CPT and cofounder of Barpath Fitness, previously told our sister website Eat This, Not That! "So, if you want to continue to burn more calories after a couple of months doing this workout trend, you will either need to increase activity elsewhere or do the StairMaster workouts for longer."

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5. And Fourth, She Started Lifting Weights


Replying to @Brenda DM me on insta or comment if you need clarification!!! #gymtok #weightloss

Once cleared by the doctor, she started lifting weights. And, for anyone who is starting to lift, she warns against putting too much emphasis on the numbers on the scale, as “muscles are heavier than fat.” To warm up, she would jog to the gym or go on the treadmill for ten minutes. She would also do more cardio – a little over a mile of walking, jogging, and sprinting – post lifting. Then, she would take a quick water break and “hit up” the StairMaster, her “favorite” workout. “I go on it for 15 minutes. I'd range from level four to six, sometimes seven,” she said. While first “scared” of the dumbbell area, she says she learned how to lift by watching tutorials on her phone or getting help from other people at the gym. “No shame at all. I didn't know what I was doing at first, and there's times that I still don't know what I'm doing, but I just go and I say YOLO, and I watch my little TikTok tutorials on how to do my form and stuff,” she concluded.

💪🔥Body Booster: Incorporating a StairMaster workout into your routine can help you lose weight. Just make sure to continue increasing intensity as time goes on.

Ashley Smith lookbeneath__thesurface
Copyright lookbeneath__thesurface/Instagram

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We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Losing weight doesn’t have to equate to starvation, deprivation, or eating bland meals. According to one fit mom and influencer, you can eat delicious dinners, and still drop weight fast. Ashley Smith is a fit mom and nutritionist who regularly shares weight loss tips and tricks with her followers. In a new Instagram post, she reveals some of her go-to recipes for healthy, fat-burning meals. “If I wanted to lose 10 pounds in the next 6 weeks here are the 5 dinners I would eat on repeat,” she writes.

1. Lemon Garlic Shrimp with Quinoa & Roasted Veggies

Protein: 42g, Calories: 378

Ingredients: 6 oz shrimp, ½ cup cooked quinoa, 1 cup zucchini & bell peppers (roasted), 1 tsp olive oil, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 clove garlic (minced), salt & pepper to taste.
Directions: Sauté shrimp with garlic, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Serve over quinoa with roasted veggies.

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2. Grilled Chicken with Mashed Cauliflower & Green Beans

Protein: 48g, Calories: 339
Ingredients: 6 oz grilled chicken breast, 1 cup mashed cauliflower (made with ½ cup steamed cauliflower, ¼ cup unsweetened almond milk, and seasonings), 1 cup steamed green beans, 1 tsp olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste.Directions: Grill the chicken, mash the cauliflower with almond milk and seasonings, and serve with steamed green beans.

3. Turkey & Spinach Stir-Fry with Brown Rice

Protein: 43g, Calories: 428

Ingredients: 5 oz lean ground turkey, 1 cup cooked brown rice, 1 cup sautéed spinach & mushrooms, 1 tsp coconut aminos, 1 clove garlic (minced), ½ tsp ground ginger, salt & pepper to taste.
Directions: Cook turkey with garlic, ginger, and aminos, then toss in spinach and mushrooms. Serve over brown rice.

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4. Spaghetti Squash with Ground Turkey Marinara

Protein: 41g, Calories: 314

Ingredients: 5 oz lean ground turkey, 1 cup cooked spaghetti squash, ½ cup marinara sauce, ½ cup sautéed mushrooms & zucchini, 1 tbsp nutritional yeast (for a cheesy flavor), 1 clove garlic (minced), ½ tsp oregano, red pepper flakes to taste.
Directions: Brown the turkey with garlic, oregano, and red pepper flakes. Add marinara sauce, mushrooms, and zucchini, and simmer. Serve over spaghetti squash and sprinkle with nutritional yeast.

5. Grilled Salmon with Roasted Asparagus & Wild Rice

Protein: 47g, Calories: 452

Ingredients: 5 oz grilled salmon, ½ cup cooked wild rice, 1 cup roasted asparagus, 1 tsp olive oil, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 clove garlic (minced), salt & pepper to taste.
Directions: Grill salmon with lemon juice, garlic, salt, and pepper. Roast asparagus and serve with wild rice. And if you enjoyed this article, don't missthese 8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat.

tara collingwood dietdivatara
I’m a Nutritionist and This is What I Eat in a Day to Stay Healthy and Fit

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Losing weight isn’t just about cutting calories and eating less. It also involves eating the right kinds of food. “If you're looking to lose weight, choosing nutrient-dense, high-fiber, and protein-rich foods can help keep you full and support your metabolism,” says Body Network’s Resident RDN, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CP. We asked her to put together a list of the top foods you should fuel up with to lose weight, and here are 10 of them.

Leafy Greens

,Kale,Cabbage,leafy,greens​The Power of Green GuardiansShutterstock

Leafy greens, including spinach, kale, arugula, Swiss chard, Romaine, and mustard greens, should be a mainstay in your refrigerator. “Low in calories but packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals,” she says. “Leafy greens are a high-volume food, which helps with satiety while keeping calorie intake low.”

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Eggs might not be cheap right now, but they offer a lot of bang for the buck in terms of nutrients. “High in protein to keep you full longer,” says Collingwood. “A lot of the nutrition is in the egg yolk, but so are many calories. Split the difference using some whole eggs and combine with a few egg whites.

Lean Protein


Next up, you need to eat a lot of lean protein, including chicken, turkey, lean beef, seafood, and other fish, to lose weight. “Helps to preserve muscle mass during weight loss,” Collingwood explains. “Helps reduce hunger and keeps you satisfied.”

Greek Yogurt


Another item to keep stocked up on for weight loss? Greek yogurt. “High in protein and probiotics for gut health,” she says. “Greek yogurt can help with appetite control and digestion.”

RELATED:20 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Ultra-Processed


Harvesting of fresh ripe big organic red strawberry fruit in own garden.​BerriesShutterstock

Berries, especially blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries are also great for losing weight as they are rich in fiber and antioxidants. “Can satisfy sweet cravings with fewer calories,” says Collingwood.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Brussels,Sprouts,Roasted,vegetable44. Brussels sprouts: 43 caloriesShutterstock

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are another great option. “Low in calories but high in fiber and antioxidants and vitamins,” Collingwood says. “The high fiber content can help keep you full longer.”



Legumes, including lentils, chickpeas, and black beans, are essential for weight loss.

“High in plant-based protein and fiber which helps to keep you full for longer and can help stabilize blood sugar,” says Collingwood.

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Oats and oatmeal should always be in your pantry. “Whole grain that is high in soluble fiber, which aids digestion and prolongs fullness,” explains Collingwood. “Can help to regulate blood sugar due to soluble fiber. Combine with a protein (make oatmeal with milk, add protein powder, make overnight oats with Greek yogurt) for a complete meal.”

Nuts and Seeds


Nuts and seeds are great to have on hand for healthy snacking. Collingwood likes almonds, pistachios, walnuts, hemp, chia seeds, and flaxseeds. “Packed with heart-healthy fats, fiber, and protein,” she says.

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Board with whole and cut avocados on turquoise table, closeupShutterstock

And last on her list? Avocado. “High in monounsaturated fats that promote fullness. It also contains fiber and essential nutrients for weight management,” says Collingwood. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these20 Superfoods for People Over 50.

Jon Williams | Fat Loss Expert
Over 50? You Should Avoid These 8 Foods
Copyright jonwilliamsfitness/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

What you ate in your twenties, thirties, and forties to lose weight might not work as you age. According to an expert, some foods shouldn’t be on your plate in your fifties and beyond. Jon Williams is a fat loss expert who helps men and women lose 20-plus pounds of body fat. In a new Instagram post, he gets honest about fat loss and diet. “The fittest people I know who are in their 50s and 60s, avoid these 8 foods at all costs when they are trying to lose weight,” he writes.

Processed Sugars

The first no-no? Processed sugars. “High in calories and low in nutrients, they can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, and increased risk of chronic diseases,” he says.

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White Bread

Sliced,White,Bread,And,Butter,Shot,From,A,High,Angle​Monitor Your Carbohydrate IntakeShutterstock

While you don’t have to go on a no-carb diet to lose weight, you might have to ditch white bread. “Made from refined flour, it lacks fiber and can cause spikes in blood sugar levels, which is particularly concerning as metabolism slows with age,” says Williams.

Fried Foods

French fries in hot fat in a deep fryer​3. Deep-Fried ItemsShutterstock

Another type of food you can’t eat if you want to lose weight? Fried foods. “High in unhealthy fats and calories, they can contribute to heart disease and obesity,” he says.

Soda and Sugary Drinks


Don’t drink your calories, suggests Williams. Soda and sugary drinks should be avoided. “Loaded with sugar and empty calories, they can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes,” he explains.

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High-Sodium Foods

canned, tin, soupShutterstock

Salty foods might taste good, but generally, high-sodium items should be avoided. “Processed snacks and canned soups can contain excessive salt, which is linked to high blood pressure and heart issues,” says Williams.

Pastries and Cakes

Set of bakery pastries on wooden table​Don’t Eat High-Sugar FoodsShutterstock

You don’t have to avoid everything sweet, but pastries and cake aren’t going to do you any favors if you are trying to slim down. “These are often high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and refined carbohydrates, contributing to weight gain and health issues,” he says.

Trans Fats

chocolate ice cream- scooping ice creamShutterstock

Read labels and avoid food with trans fats. “Found in many processed foods, these fats raise bad cholesterol levels and lower good cholesterol, increasing heart disease risk,” says Williams.

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Side view of young bartender pouring beer while standing at the bar counter. Warm pub atmosphere. Concept of beer drink, alcohol, brewery, pub atmosphere, tasteShutterstock

Alcohol “in excess” isn’t good for you, and won’t help you lose weight. “While moderate consumption can be okay, excessive alcohol can lead to weight gain, liver issues, and other health problems,” he says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these20 Superfoods for People Over 50.