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10-Minute Workout to Strengthen Your Core Even for Complete Beginners

Jumpstart your fitness journey in just 10 minutes a day.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Is your busy life making it hard to work out? You're not alone. Many of us wish for a quick, easy routine we could do anywhere. Good news! Jordan Tredinnick, an expert trainer, has created a 10-minute workout perfect for beginners and shared it on YouTube. No gym or equipment is needed. We also asked Paige Johnson, a fitness teacher, to explain why a strong core matters. Keep reading to learn how 10 minutes a day can help you get stronger and healthier.

10-Minute Workout to Strengthen Your Core for Beginners

1. Start on All Fours

Jordan begins the routine by having you come onto your hands and knees. "When I talk about core activation, I don't want you to think of sucking your stomach in, but more of a general brace and squeeze," she explains in her video. This position allows for a neutral spine and proper core engagement.

2. Leg Extensions

From the hands and knees position, Jordan instructs, "You're going to go ahead and extend one leg straight back, taking it down and then switch." This movement engages the core while also working the glutes and lower back muscles.

3. Arm Extensions

Next, Jordan has you focus on arm movements. "Staying in that tabletop position, bracing your core, but now extending only your arms out. Every time you extend out, I want you to exhale," she says. This exercise helps improve balance and core stability.

4. Bird Dog Exercise

Combining the previous two movements, Jordan guides you through the bird dog exercise. "You're going to reach opposite arm and leg out. Take it back down and switch," she instructs. This exercise is excellent for improving coordination and strengthening the entire core.

5. Bear Crawl Hold

Jordan introduces the bear crawl hold, saying, "You're going to tuck those toes under, bracing through that lower abdominals, and you're going to lift just the knees up right here and hold it." This isometric hold challenges your core stability and endurance.

6. Side Plank with Leg Lift

Moving to the side, Jordan guides you through a modified side plank with a leg lift. "Bottom knee is going to stay down on your mat. You're going to lift your hips up, and then you're going to go into a leg lift," she explains. This exercise targets the obliques and hip muscles.

7. Side Plank with Arm Rotation

Jordan adds a variation to the side plank. "Take that top arm up and you're going to do a little rotation of that torso," she instructs. This movement further engages the obliques and improves rotational stability.

8. Dead Bug Exercise

Flipping onto your back, Jordan leads you through the dead bug exercise. "Arms are coming straight up, engaging, bracing, especially think about your lower abdominals here," she says. This exercise is excellent for core stability and coordination.

9. Glute Bridge

The routine concludes with glute bridges. Jordan instructs, "Press your hips up, core tight, lower back down, but keep tension so you're not setting all the way back down in between." This exercise engages the entire posterior chain while maintaining core activation.

The Importance of Core Strength

Paige Johnson emphasizes the importance of core strength beyond just aesthetics. "Core health is often a misunderstood term," she explains. "Core stability and strength include the abdominals and the deeper intrinsic core muscles and the muscles of the back and the muscles that attach to the pelvis, including the glutes."

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Benefits of a Strong Core

Young woman feeling pain in spine back after sedentary computer work sitting in bad posture on sofa at home, tired girl rubbing backache tensed muscles suffers from lower lumbar kidney ache, backpain

According to Paige, a weak core can lead to various health issues. "You might get the following health issues with a weak core: general fatigue, weakness, digestive issues, from a weak abdominal wall increased risk for injuries to the neck, shoulders, back, hips, and knees," she warns. A strong core can help prevent these issues and improve overall quality of life.

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Incorporating Core Work into Your Routine

Overhead shot of muscular and fit young woman doing stretching workout exercise mat. Fitness female lying on mat with stretching her hands.

Both experts agree that core work should be a regular part of your fitness routine. Jordan's 10-minute routine is an excellent start, while Paige suggests, "Find a strength-training-based Pilates class. At Mantra, we focus on strengthening the entire body, as one complete functioning unit."

Consistency is key. As Jordan says, "This is a great routine for beginners. Maybe you haven't ever done any core work before. Maybe you're really deconditioned for me." Start with this routine and gradually increase the intensity as you build strength and confidence. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

Alek Korab
Alek Korab is Founding Editor of Body Network Read more
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