Are you trying to lose weight but aren’t really being honest with yourself? Emma Hooker is a certified fitness and nutrition coach who lost 160 pounds by forming “sustainable habits” and maintaining a “non-restrictive lifestyle.” In a new social media post, she opens up about how she had to come to some realizations before she was able to drop the weight. “I went from 330 pounds to 170 pounds naturally, but only after I was honest with myself about these things,” she writes across the video. “After being on dozens of weight loss journeys before this one, I finally had to be honest with myself about some things,” she adds in the post.
She Wasn’t Honest About How Much She Was Eating
“I wasn’t being honest with myself and how much I was eating,” admits Emma in her post. “I told myself I was following the plan when, deep down, I knew I was overeating, snacking constantly, & ignoring portion sizes. I was in denial.”
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She Wasn’t Self-Motivating
She was also not willing to self-motivate. “I was waiting for motivation to appear. I kept saying, ‘Oh I’ll just start Monday’ or ‘I’ll start when I feel ready,’” but the reality was, I wasn’t going to wake up one day and suddenly feel motivated,” she says.
She Didn’t Come to Terms with Why She Was Eating
She also wasn’t honest with herself about why she was eating. “I was using food to cope with my emotions. When I was stressed, sad, bored… food was my comfort & I had to admit that I wasn’t actually addressing the deeper issues, I was just numbing it with food,” she writes.
She Blamed It On Everything But Herself
“I blamed everything but myself,” she continues. “I would say, ‘I’m too busy,’ ‘I don’t have the money,’ ‘it’s just my genetics,’ but I was really the one standing in my own way.”
She Wasn’t Admitting Her Fears
“I was afraid of failing… again,” she continues. “I had tried to lose weight so many times before, and every failure made me think I wasn’t capable. I had to be real with myself & face the fact that I was letting my fear of failing to stop me from even trying.”
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She Didn’t Want to Take Responsibility
“I didn’t want to take responsibility,” she confesses. “It was easier to play the victim, say life was unfair, or pretend I didn’t have control. But I had to accept that no one was going to change my life for me… I had to do the work.”
She Wasn’t Honest About How Much She Needed to Change
“I wasn’t honest about how much I needed to change,” she adds. “I wanted results without going outside of my comfort zone. I had to admit that my current habits (overeating, not moving my body), were holding me back, & that nothing would change if I didn’t.”
She Didn’t Think She Deserved Better
“I didn’t think I deserved better,” she said. “This one hurt a lot… I had convinced myself that I wasn’t worth the effort & that I was just always going to be the ‘bigger girl.’ This mindset kept me stuck for so long.”
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Getting Honest with Herself Was the First Step in Losing Weight
“I had to face these truths & they were uncomfortable & they hurt but being honest with myself was the first step in taking my life back,” she writes at the end of the post. “This isn’t about beating yourself up, but about recognizing just what’s holding you back so you can take that first step.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.