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We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

5 Fake Superfoods & 5 Real Superfoods, According to an MD

Don’t waste your money on these fake superfoods.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
Various superfoods in smal bowl gray concrete background. Superfood as chia, spirulina, raw cocoa bean, goji, hemp, quinoa, bee pollen, black sesame, turmeric.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Are you spending a lot of money on food and drinks you consider superfoods? Don’t waste your money, says Ken D. Berry, MD, family physician and social media influencer. In a recent viral video, the health expert busts the lid on exactly what a superfood is – and what it isn’t. “I'm gonna tell you five completely fake superfoods and tell you why they're fake. And then I'm gonna tell you five actual superfoods that are completely nourishing and noninflammatory to human biology,” he says.

1. Lots of People Waste Money on Foods and Drinks They Think Are Superfoods

Dr. Ken D. Berry

Dr. Berry explains that lots of people waste money on foods and drinks they think are superfoods, “eating it or drinking it every day because you think somehow it's magically going to improve your health.” However, most of them aren’t actually superfoods at all.

2. The Term Superfood Is Actually a Marketing Ploy, He Says

Superfoods as acai powder, turmeric, matcha green tea, spirulina, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, blueberry, dried goji berries, cape gooseberries (physalis peruviana), raw cocoa, hemp seeds on wooden table.Shutterstock

Dr. Berry explains that the term superfoods is more or less a marketing ploy. “Food companies quickly learned from the United Food Company that the term superfoods equals super sales, and also you get to charge a lot more money for it,” he says.

3. Here Is What a Superfood Actually Is

Shot of athletic woman eating a healthy bowl of muesli with fruit in the kitchen at homeShutterstock

“My definition of a superfood is a food that is nutrient-dense, is ancestrally appropriate, meaning humans have eaten it for a long damn time, is rich in amino fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, all of which are essential,” he says.

4. The Nutrients in Superfoods Are Bioavailable and Bioabsorbale

Young scientists conducting research investigations in a medical laboratory, a researcher in the foreground is using a microscopeShutterstock

“We need all those, or we'll get sick, we'll suffer, and we'll die,” he continues. “Also, these foods are, the nutrients in them are highly bioavailable and bioabsorbable, meaning they're not locked up by oxalates or lectins or phytates.”

RELATED: 17 Signs That You May Not be Getting Enough Vitamin D

5. Fake Superfood 1: Anything “Whole Grain”

Wholemeal,Fusilli,Pasta,Whole, GrainsShutterstock

He goes into talking about the five fake superfoods. “Number one on this list is whole grain, anything,” he says. “Right off the bat, there's a large percentage of human beings on the planet who have an outright allergy to gluten who cannot eat whole grains at all. And then there's another very large subpopulation that, although they don't have overt celiacs, they absolutely have a reaction when they eat grains,” he says. “So also grains are devoid of nutrition. That's why they're often fortified with fake vitamins and minerals coming from a chemical factory – because they don't contain any. So, that can't be a superfood. It doesn't meet the criteria for my definition of a superfood, which I think is the best definition out there.”

6. Fake Superfood 2: Dark Chocolate

Pieces of dark chocolate with mint on wooden tableShutterstock

The next fake superfood? Dark chocolate. “It is touted as a miracle cure for this, that, or the other. It has magical phytochemicals in it, phytonutrients that you just can't get anywhere else in such high quantities. The problem is, is all these phytonutrients that you hear about, the polyphenols and all the other things, they've never been proven to be necessary for optimal human health,” says Dr. Berry. He points out that because of the claims, “the dark chocolate companies know that if you put super food on it, you can also charge a super price,” he says. “Superfood equals super profit, but it does not equal super health.”

7. Fake Superfood 3: Kale


The next fake superfood might surprise you: Kale. “Kale is often touted as a superfood because it has so much vitamin A,” he says. However, he claims that it has “zero” vitamin A. “Kale is touted as having lots of phytonutrients and other things. And then also there is a premium placed on the price of kale, isn't there? Actually, kale, if it were sold at its true market value, the grocer would pay you to take it home and eat it.”

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8. Fake Superfood 4: Manuka Honey

Manuka honey dipper dipping in raw organic liquid from Manuka flowers in New ZealandShutterstock

The next superfood is Manuka honey “or any of the other magically delicious honey out there,” says Dr. Berry. “I saw a tiny jar of Manuka honey at our local Whole Foods. It was over $50 for maybe two ounces of Manuka honey. This is 100% marketing honey of any variety from the cheapest honey that's been cut with corn syrup all the way up to the most premium expensive honey on the planet is sugar and water. That's what it is. It spikes your blood sugar and your insulin. There's nothing magical about honey. It's not a superfood.”

9. Fake Superfood 5: Pomegranate Juice

Young woman peeling a pomegranate and holding a glass of pomegranate juiceShutterstock

“The next super food that you see touted all the time is pomegranates or pomegranate juice,” says Dr. Berry. He points out that the drink has “a lot of carbohydrates, a few phytochemicals that may or may not be proven someday to actually be beneficial for the human organism.”

10. Real Superfood 1: Eggs

Egg, Chicken EggShutterstock

“The number one superfood that actually is super food by my definition is eggs with the yolk,” says Dr. Berry, noting that “the nutrition quality, the density of that egg yolk is just off the charts.” He adds that “virtually no one is allergic to an egg yolk, and this includes chicken eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, the egg from any bird. The yolk is a superfood. It just can't be argued.”

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11. Real Superfood 2: Sardines and Anchovies

Grilled sardineShutterstock

“The next superfood that actually is a superfood is sardines and anchovies. Any of the small cold water fish with the skin on and the bones in are amazing nutritionally. If you look up the nutrition values for one of these fish, you're gonna be blown away. They're all wild-caught. They all basically live on algae, so they don't build up the mercury and other heavy metals that are in our modern ocean,” he says. “I literally could lock you in my barn and just feed you sardines with the skin on and the bones in. And it would be years before you developed a vitamin or a mineral deficiency because it's so nutritionally complete.”

12. Real Superfood 3: Liver

Beef liver on plate over black stone background. Roasted liver(offal) from beef meatShutterstock

“The next superfood that actually deserves the name superfood is liver. This can be cod liver, chicken liver, beef liver, pork liver, goose liver, sheep liver, goat liver,” he says. “The nutrition is so off the charts that it's almost unbelievable. Liver is probably the preeminent superfood. I didn't put it number one because a lot of people haven't yet learned to like the taste of liver. But while you're still working on that, I want you to look up the nutrition contained in just two ounces of liver and compare it to any other purported superfood on the planet.”

13. Real Superfood 4: Fish Roe

Red Caviar in a spoon, fish roe in a glass jar. Close-up of salmon fish roe caviar on served table.Shutterstock

“The next superfood that deserves the name is fish roe. That's fish eggs. Some people call it caviar. Of course, that only applies to a few specific varieties, but fish roe is amazing, much like the egg from a bird,” he says. “A fish egg contains every single thing needed to build a fish, including the fish's liver and all his heart and all its other internal organs. Fish roe is a literal superfood. He notes that it has “all the Omega-3 fatty acids, the other essential fatty acids, and all of the essential amino acids that you need.”

14. Real Superfood 5: Bivalves

Opened Oysters on metal copper plate on dark wooden background.Shutterstock

“The last superfood that actually is a superfood is the bivalves. This is mussels, oysters, and clams. These guys are superfoods. A lot of people don't realize this. They're not on a lot of people's radar,” he says. “The entire mollusk category is an excellent, excellent superfood. This includes snails and slugs, but a lot of people are not going to eat snails and slugs, and I totally get it. But oysters, clams, and mussels are nutrient-dense. They have almost a complete panel of every single nutrient you would ever need for optimal health.”

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15. Note That None of the Real Superfoods Have the Word “Superfood” on the Label

Dr. Ken D. Berry

“You may have noticed that none of the real superfoods actually have the word superfood on the label, but all the ones that are not real superfoods have the word superfood on the label,” Dr. Berry points out, reminding that the term superfood is just for marketing. “It's for making more profits. It has nothing to do with the actual nutrition contained in the actual food. You'll never see a package of liver or sardines or eggs or fish row with the word superfood on them,” he says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 20 Superfoods for People Over 50.

More For You

Various superfoods in smal bowl gray concrete background. Superfood as chia, spirulina, raw cocoa bean, goji, hemp, quinoa, bee pollen, black sesame, turmeric.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Are you spending a lot of money on food and drinks you consider superfoods? Don’t waste your money, says Ken D. Berry, MD, family physician and social media influencer. In a recent viral video, the health expert busts the lid on exactly what a superfood is – and what it isn’t. “I'm gonna tell you five completely fake superfoods and tell you why they're fake. And then I'm gonna tell you five actual superfoods that are completely nourishing and noninflammatory to human biology,” he says.

1. Lots of People Waste Money on Foods and Drinks They Think Are Superfoods

Dr. Ken D. Berry

Dr. Berry explains that lots of people waste money on foods and drinks they think are superfoods, “eating it or drinking it every day because you think somehow it's magically going to improve your health.” However, most of them aren’t actually superfoods at all.

2. The Term Superfood Is Actually a Marketing Ploy, He Says

Superfoods as acai powder, turmeric, matcha green tea, spirulina, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, blueberry, dried goji berries, cape gooseberries (physalis peruviana), raw cocoa, hemp seeds on wooden table.Shutterstock

Dr. Berry explains that the term superfoods is more or less a marketing ploy. “Food companies quickly learned from the United Food Company that the term superfoods equals super sales, and also you get to charge a lot more money for it,” he says.

3. Here Is What a Superfood Actually Is

Shot of athletic woman eating a healthy bowl of muesli with fruit in the kitchen at homeShutterstock

“My definition of a superfood is a food that is nutrient-dense, is ancestrally appropriate, meaning humans have eaten it for a long damn time, is rich in amino fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, all of which are essential,” he says.

4. The Nutrients in Superfoods Are Bioavailable and Bioabsorbale

Young scientists conducting research investigations in a medical laboratory, a researcher in the foreground is using a microscopeShutterstock

“We need all those, or we'll get sick, we'll suffer, and we'll die,” he continues. “Also, these foods are, the nutrients in them are highly bioavailable and bioabsorbable, meaning they're not locked up by oxalates or lectins or phytates.”

RELATED: 17 Signs That You May Not be Getting Enough Vitamin D

5. Fake Superfood 1: Anything “Whole Grain”

Wholemeal,Fusilli,Pasta,Whole, GrainsShutterstock

He goes into talking about the five fake superfoods. “Number one on this list is whole grain, anything,” he says. “Right off the bat, there's a large percentage of human beings on the planet who have an outright allergy to gluten who cannot eat whole grains at all. And then there's another very large subpopulation that, although they don't have overt celiacs, they absolutely have a reaction when they eat grains,” he says. “So also grains are devoid of nutrition. That's why they're often fortified with fake vitamins and minerals coming from a chemical factory – because they don't contain any. So, that can't be a superfood. It doesn't meet the criteria for my definition of a superfood, which I think is the best definition out there.”

6. Fake Superfood 2: Dark Chocolate

Pieces of dark chocolate with mint on wooden tableShutterstock

The next fake superfood? Dark chocolate. “It is touted as a miracle cure for this, that, or the other. It has magical phytochemicals in it, phytonutrients that you just can't get anywhere else in such high quantities. The problem is, is all these phytonutrients that you hear about, the polyphenols and all the other things, they've never been proven to be necessary for optimal human health,” says Dr. Berry. He points out that because of the claims, “the dark chocolate companies know that if you put super food on it, you can also charge a super price,” he says. “Superfood equals super profit, but it does not equal super health.”

7. Fake Superfood 3: Kale


The next fake superfood might surprise you: Kale. “Kale is often touted as a superfood because it has so much vitamin A,” he says. However, he claims that it has “zero” vitamin A. “Kale is touted as having lots of phytonutrients and other things. And then also there is a premium placed on the price of kale, isn't there? Actually, kale, if it were sold at its true market value, the grocer would pay you to take it home and eat it.”

RELATED: I'm a "Lazy Girl" and Here's How I Lost 50 Pounds of Fat in 3 Months

8. Fake Superfood 4: Manuka Honey

Manuka honey dipper dipping in raw organic liquid from Manuka flowers in New ZealandShutterstock

The next superfood is Manuka honey “or any of the other magically delicious honey out there,” says Dr. Berry. “I saw a tiny jar of Manuka honey at our local Whole Foods. It was over $50 for maybe two ounces of Manuka honey. This is 100% marketing honey of any variety from the cheapest honey that's been cut with corn syrup all the way up to the most premium expensive honey on the planet is sugar and water. That's what it is. It spikes your blood sugar and your insulin. There's nothing magical about honey. It's not a superfood.”

9. Fake Superfood 5: Pomegranate Juice

Young woman peeling a pomegranate and holding a glass of pomegranate juiceShutterstock

“The next super food that you see touted all the time is pomegranates or pomegranate juice,” says Dr. Berry. He points out that the drink has “a lot of carbohydrates, a few phytochemicals that may or may not be proven someday to actually be beneficial for the human organism.”

10. Real Superfood 1: Eggs

Egg, Chicken EggShutterstock

“The number one superfood that actually is super food by my definition is eggs with the yolk,” says Dr. Berry, noting that “the nutrition quality, the density of that egg yolk is just off the charts.” He adds that “virtually no one is allergic to an egg yolk, and this includes chicken eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, the egg from any bird. The yolk is a superfood. It just can't be argued.”

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11. Real Superfood 2: Sardines and Anchovies

Grilled sardineShutterstock

“The next superfood that actually is a superfood is sardines and anchovies. Any of the small cold water fish with the skin on and the bones in are amazing nutritionally. If you look up the nutrition values for one of these fish, you're gonna be blown away. They're all wild-caught. They all basically live on algae, so they don't build up the mercury and other heavy metals that are in our modern ocean,” he says. “I literally could lock you in my barn and just feed you sardines with the skin on and the bones in. And it would be years before you developed a vitamin or a mineral deficiency because it's so nutritionally complete.”

12. Real Superfood 3: Liver

Beef liver on plate over black stone background. Roasted liver(offal) from beef meatShutterstock

“The next superfood that actually deserves the name superfood is liver. This can be cod liver, chicken liver, beef liver, pork liver, goose liver, sheep liver, goat liver,” he says. “The nutrition is so off the charts that it's almost unbelievable. Liver is probably the preeminent superfood. I didn't put it number one because a lot of people haven't yet learned to like the taste of liver. But while you're still working on that, I want you to look up the nutrition contained in just two ounces of liver and compare it to any other purported superfood on the planet.”

13. Real Superfood 4: Fish Roe

Red Caviar in a spoon, fish roe in a glass jar. Close-up of salmon fish roe caviar on served table.Shutterstock

“The next superfood that deserves the name is fish roe. That's fish eggs. Some people call it caviar. Of course, that only applies to a few specific varieties, but fish roe is amazing, much like the egg from a bird,” he says. “A fish egg contains every single thing needed to build a fish, including the fish's liver and all his heart and all its other internal organs. Fish roe is a literal superfood. He notes that it has “all the Omega-3 fatty acids, the other essential fatty acids, and all of the essential amino acids that you need.”

14. Real Superfood 5: Bivalves

Opened Oysters on metal copper plate on dark wooden background.Shutterstock

“The last superfood that actually is a superfood is the bivalves. This is mussels, oysters, and clams. These guys are superfoods. A lot of people don't realize this. They're not on a lot of people's radar,” he says. “The entire mollusk category is an excellent, excellent superfood. This includes snails and slugs, but a lot of people are not going to eat snails and slugs, and I totally get it. But oysters, clams, and mussels are nutrient-dense. They have almost a complete panel of every single nutrient you would ever need for optimal health.”

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15. Note That None of the Real Superfoods Have the Word “Superfood” on the Label

Dr. Ken D. Berry

“You may have noticed that none of the real superfoods actually have the word superfood on the label, but all the ones that are not real superfoods have the word superfood on the label,” Dr. Berry points out, reminding that the term superfood is just for marketing. “It's for making more profits. It has nothing to do with the actual nutrition contained in the actual food. You'll never see a package of liver or sardines or eggs or fish row with the word superfood on them,” he says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 20 Superfoods for People Over 50.

portrait of beautiful woman in white shirt and hair bezel with mouth full of food licking her fingers outdoor in city park and enjoying junk but tasty fast food while walking
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

You don’t need to starve yourself to lose weight. In fact, burning fat is more about eating the right foods than simply cutting calories. Carlo Macapinlac is the Owner and Program Director at Newbie Fitness Academy (@newbieFitnessAcademy) and regularly shares videos about how to amp up your health and lose weight. In a recent one, he goes into detail about superfoods, revealing the eight you need to eat to lose weight.

Only a Few Foods Are Worthy of Superfood Status

Avocado on rustic wooden table. Raw Fruits healthy green food concept.Shutterstock

According to Carlo, there are very few foods “worthy” of the superfood title. “It's really more of a marketing term that was coined by the food industry when they're trying to sell you something. Generally speaking, though, superfoods are nutrient-dense. They have special properties and supreme benefits compared to other foods. They basically pack the best punch. It's the best bang for your nutrition buck.”

Carlo eats these superfoods “every day, and this is the physique that I'm able to maintain,” he says. “And I know for a fact that they work extremely well for other people because these are the exact same foods that all my students inside the fat loss accelerator eat. And they've all gone to see some amazing results.”

But You Have to Avoid Junk Food

doritos on wooden table, copy spaceShutterstock

However, “there isn't a single food that's gonna be the magic cure-all,” he says. “Like if you start eating avocado, for example, but you're still eating Doritos every day, it's not really gonna work.”

“These are superfoods that I personally believe in,” he says. “I know for a fact that they work extremely well. I don't remember the last time I got sick, maybe four or five years ago,” he adds.

RELATED: 19 Most Unhealthy Junk Food You Should Never Eat

Superfoods Need to Be Nutrient-Dense and Have Fat and Protein

Keto picture.Flat lay of Keto diet food ingredients on white table.Ketogenic mean Low carb and High fat.Healthy food Concept.Shutterstock

“If your goal is fat loss, there are three things in your diet that you need to optimize. Nutrient density, fat, and protein content. So all the superfoods that I'm gonna give you are gonna meet all those three criteria, plus they're gonna be extremely delicious,” he says.

Here’s Why Superfoods Need to Be Nutrient-Dense

Woman, stomach and hand with heart in outdoor for exercise, diet, fitness and closeup. Female tummy, gut health and self love for wellness and training in the summer for healthy workout outside.Shutterstock

“Nutrient-dense foods are gonna be extremely filling because they're usually high in fiber, which is gonna activate that stretch mechanism in your stomach, which is then gonna activate leptin, which is the hormone that signals your body that you're full and turn off ghrelin, which is your hunger hormone,” he explains. “Weight loss is all about controlling hunger. Why? Because being hungry sucks,” he says.

Here’s Why Superfoods Need to Have Fat


They also need fat and protein because they “activate your satiety hormones,” he says. Fat activates cholecystokinin or CCK.” He also notes that fat doesn't make you fat. “Like if you're not eating enough fat, and this is some real talk, you're probably fat. In fact, dietary fat and cholesterol usually go hand in hand and are essential to every cellular function in your body, including your brain. Again, it's not bad for you, but again, I don't want you to just add sour cream to your Doritos and call it a day.”

Here’s Why Superfoods Need to Have Protein

Medium,Rare,Ribeye,Steak,,Herbs,Grass,Fed, Beefed,meatShutterstock

Protein “activates peptide YY or PYY, and they're delicious,” he says. “Think about a piece of rib eye with some butter, for example. Hmm. Adequate protein is also key when it comes to maintaining and building muscle while also losing fat.”

Low Carb Is Also Good for Fat Loss, He Says


While carbs “are not essentially the enemy,” he doesn’t recommend eating a lot of fat loss. “If we're strictly talking about fat loss, a majority of the population will do better on a high fat, moderate protein, and low carb diet because it's the best diet to moderate your insulin levels, which is your storage hormone,” he explains. “It's the hormone that controls your body weight and carbs, especially refined carbs like Doritos. Sugar triggers a high blood glucose response, which then triggers a high insulin response to store all that sugar that's in your body right now, which then causes a blood sugar crash. Your body then freaks out because it thinks that it's gonna go into a state of hypoglycemia, which is gonna trigger your body to crave all the food. This is why you can't just have one Dorito after a while. You wanna eat the entire bag.”

Superfood 1: Leafy, Green Veggies

Fresh spinach in a bowl on rustic wooden backgroundShutterstock

Superfood number one? “Green leafy vegetables, specifically cruciferous vegetables,” he says, citing arugula, spinach, romaine lettuce, and Swiss chard. and kale. He explains that they are “extremely nutrient dense,” and “loaded with vitamins and minerals. They're anti-inflammatory, they're full of antioxidants, and they have a whole lot of other good stuff for your body. They're low in calories, they're extremely low in carbs, and they're also high in fiber, which is again gonna activate that stretch mechanism in your stomach and really maximize the volume of your meals, which is then gonna activate leptin and turn off ghrelin.”

And Cruciferous Veggies


Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, bok choy, “and I guess I'm gonna include asparagus here as well because they're delicious even though they make your pee smell funny,” are also key, as they meet two criteria of superfoods. “They're nutrient dense, and they contain protein, and they're delicious,” he says, recommending, “Half of your plates or even two-thirds of your plate should contain these vegetables. Just watch the pounds come off.”

Superfood 2: Animal Protein

fresh chicken breast raw on cutting boardShutterstock

Superfood number two is animal protein. “Ideally, you're eating pasture-raised chickens or grass-fed beef or something that came from a good source like your local farmer's market, and the animals were raised without antibiotics or added hormones,” he says. “If you can't do that, that's okay. Just buy the best quality protein that you can afford.”

Aim for 0.7 Grams of Protein Per Pound

Grilled top sirloin or cup rump beef meat steak on marble board. Black background. Top viewShutterstock

How much protein should you eat? “Your body only needs 0.7 grams per pound of lean body mass. That is it. Even if you're active, even if you go to the gym, some experts even recommend less than that, but we're gonna stick with 0.7, so you don't even need to take BCAAs, pre-workouts or protein powders,” he says.

Superfood 3: Eggs

Fresh chicken eggsShutterstock

His third superfood is eggs, calling it “one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. It's basically nature's version of a multivitamin, and the yolk specifically is actually the healthiest part of the egg. It contains something like 13 vitamins and minerals, including lutein and choline, which are crucial for your eyes and brain development, and that's also where the cholesterol is, which is again essential for every cellular function, and that includes your brain function,” he explains.

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Make Sure to Eat the Yolks

Poached eggsShutterstock

“You would literally die without cholesterol, so throw away your boxed egg whites and think about it from an evolutionary standpoint,” he continues. “Pro tip: Because there are about a million different types of eggs at your local grocery store, you really only wanna look for one thing, one specific thing: Pasture-raised eggs.”

Superfood 4: Avocado


“Avocado toast superfood number four is avocado, but hold the toast. I don't really know any other fruit that can even come close to what avocado brings to the table. While most fruits are high in fruit fructose, which is the predominant sugar in fruit, avocado has a grand total of zero sugar. Instead, it's high in heart, healthy monounsaturated fats, and they're also high in Omega-3 fatty acids in the form of ALA, which can prevent heart attacks and atherosclerosis. It also contains antioxidants like G lycopene and beta carotene. It also contains something like 20 vitamins and minerals,” he explains.

Superfood 5: Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil with fresh herbs on wooden background.Shutterstock

“Superfood number five, extra virgin olive oil, part of the popular Mediterranean diet. Olive oil has been a dietary staple for some of the world's healthiest population, especially for those people living in the blue zone,” he says. “Study after study has shown that the fatty acids and antioxidants in olive oil, specifically oleic acid, have been found to reduce inflammatory markers in the body. This is important because chronic inflammation has been found to be the major driver of many diseases, including heart disease, cancer, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and arthritis. If you have cheap vegetable and seed oils at home like sunflower oil, safflower oil, canola oil, or just any cheap oil in general, you need to toss it out, and then you wanna replace it with this awesome superfood.”

Superfood 6: Sweet Potatoes

Roasted Sweet PotatoShutterstock

Superfood number six is sweet potatoes. While he doesn’t eat a lot of carbs, “I would make an exception for sweet potatoes,” he says, noting they are a type of root vegetable, “which comes in different varieties and colors like purple, for example, and they're extremely rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, including fiber, protein, fat, vitamin A, c, and B six, and it's got manganese, potassium, and other good stuff.”

They are also a resistant starch. “If you've never heard of resistant starch before, it's basically a superfood for your digestive system. Sweet potatoes contain two different types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Your body can't digest either type, so it goes through your stomach and small intestine undigested, eventually reaching your colon, which then feeds your gut flora. Your gut basically acts like the second brain in your body, and this is how you feed it. Taking care of your gut health and keeping those good bacteria happy is essential to good health because everything starts in your gut.”

Superfood 7: Dark Chocolate


Superfood number seven is dark chocolate. “Dark chocolate has a special place in my heart,” he says, calling it an “absolute revelation” because he has a sweet tooth. “Dark chocolate more than satisfies that craving without my diet going down the drain,” he says. “Dark chocolate is actually loaded with a lot of vitamins and minerals, including, let me just read it out to you, fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium, zinc, and selenium, just to name a few.

It's also rich in antioxidants.” He recommends trying to buy at least 70% cacao, “but the sweet spot is 85%, where it still tastes like a treat. It's absolutely delicious, and it doesn't feel like you're eating chalk.”

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Superfood 8: Nuts and Seeds

A variety of nuts in wooden bowls.Shutterstock

The last superfood? Nuts and seeds, “and that includes almonds, pistachios, walnuts, Brazil nuts, cheese seeds, and flax seeds, because they're also high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, and they're also absolutely delicious. I eat pistachios and dark chocolate every single day,” he says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.


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There is a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to diet and nutrition – and abiding by it could be costing you your health. Shana Spence, MS, RDN, CDN (@thenutritiontea) is a non-diet-focused nutritionist and social media influencer who regularly shares realistic tips and tricks to help people improve their eating habits. In a cheeky new TikTok video, she busts some of the biggest diet myths out there. “I'm so glad that so many of you are here for pettiness like I am. Here are some things that I have said as a registered dietician that have made the internet mad,” she exclaims. The Body Network also asked The Diet Diva, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian to bust some other popular misadvice out there.

Myth One: “Clean” Foods


Replying to @crappytohappy #dietitiansoftiktok #dietitian #foodisfood #dietitianapproved

“The term clean foods is just a marketing gimmick,” Shana states. “Some people are always so upset when I say this because the word clean is just another way for folks to feel superior in their ways of eating.”

Myth 2: Certain Bodies Are Pillars of Health

Shana_Spence_thenutritiontea2The Nutrition Tea/Facebook

“Number two, bodies are not business cards,” says Shana. “And why do I say this? Because we obviously uplift certain physiques in this society and put down others. Just because someone has a thin body, just because they have visible muscles, it does not mean that they are the pillar of health. Many times are often disordered eating habits or other habits that aren't anything but healthy that goes on behind the scenes.”

Related: “How I Lost the Last 10 Pounds,” Reveals Nutritionist Danni Patton

Myth 3: All Ultra Processed Foods Are Unhealthy

Shana_Spence_thenutritiontea1The Nutrition Tea/Facebook

“And number three, just because the food is labeled ultra-processed, it does not mean that it's automatically unhealthy,” claims Shana. “Just because something is processed or labeled processed, it does not mean that it's automatically unhealthy. There are many processed foods that are actually adding micronutrients to our day because they're fortified, enriched with certain nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that our body needs,” she says.

Myth 4: Plant-Based Eating Means Vegan or Vegetarian


“Being plant-based doesn’t mean you can’t ever eat anything from animals,” says Collingwood, as her first myth. “Plant-based just means the majority of what you are eating comes from plants, and animal-based foods are a smaller proportion of your plate. You can become more plant-based by intentionally adding more fruits and veggies (or other plants like herbs, grains, legumes, etc.) or by reducing animal sources and substituting more plant-based proteins.”

Myth 5: Fresh Is Always the Best

Frozen,Vegetables,carrots,sweet corn, broccoli,Shutterstock

Another common misconception is that fresh is best, says Collingwood. “Frozen and canned produce can be just as nutrient-dense as their fresh counterparts because they are picked at their peak of freshness and nutritional value. Look for varieties that don’t have sodium and/or sugar added, if possible,” she says.

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Myth 6: Eating Healthy Is Expensive

Tara_Collingwood2Diet Diva/Facebook

Don’t let the old belief that “healthy food is expensive” stop you from living your healthiest life. “Food prices have gone up exponentially in recent years, but healthy food doesn’t necessarily have to be more expensive,” says Collingwood. “The biggest food cost is food that is thrown away,” she points out. “If you plan and shop smartly, you can actually save money by eating more nutritiously!”

💪🔥Body Booster: Don’t believe every diet myth you hear. There is canned food that is healthier than fresh food, and not all processed food is bad for you. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

They're in your kitchen right now. Foods you eat every day, perhaps even foods you think are healthy. But these everyday staples might be undermining your health without you realizing it. Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, founder of The Fit Father Project and The Fit Mother Project, has helped over 30,000 families transform their health through proper nutrition. After losing his father at a young age, he dedicated his life to studying health and nutrition, earning degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and a doctorate in naturopathic medicine. "These foods are like landmines when you're out in the world," Dr. Balduzzi warns. Here are the top 10 foods he says you need to watch out for – and what to eat instead.

Store-Bought Chips: Your Daily Diet Destroyer

"Chips are literally the living definition of empty calories," Dr. Balduzzi highlights in his post. Just three ounces of chips weekly adds over 24,000 calories to your diet annually – equivalent to about seven pounds of fat. The combination of low-quality potatoes, inflammatory oils, and excessive salt makes them particularly harmful. Instead, try brands made with almond or cassava flour and avocado oil, or make your own apple or zucchini chips at home.

Non-Organic Bread: The Pesticide Problem

Organic Whole Wheat White Bread Cut into SlicesShutterstock

"If you're eating non-organic bread, your bread is sprayed with glyphosate, which is also known as Roundup," Dr. Balduzzi reveals. This pesticide can damage your gut microbiome and potentially cause various health issues. The solution? Switch to organic sprouted bread like Ezekiel Bread or organic sourdough, which offer better nutrition and are often easier to digest.

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Commercial Baked Goods: The Thyroid Disruptor


Those tempting pastries and donuts aren't just sugar bombs. "These bromides actually get into your thyroid gland," Dr. Balduzzi explains, "and block the absorption of iodine, leading to a sluggish metabolism." Many commercial baked goods contain these thyroid-disrupting compounds. Instead, opt for healthier breakfast options like avocado toast on organic bread or egg-based recipes.

Cream-Based Pasta Dishes: The Hidden Calorie Trap

Creamy Alfredo pasta with chicken, mushrooms and parmesan cheese. Healthy Italian foodShutterstock

"Even a cup of chicken Alfredo has about 500 calories," warns Dr. Balduzzi, "and let's be honest, this stuff's so good, you want to eat six cups." His solution? Choose organic wheat or legume-based pasta with low-sugar marinara sauce instead. The lycopene in tomato-based sauces offers additional health benefits for vision and overall health.

Fried Fish and Chicken: The Heart Risk Factor

Woman eating a takeaway fried chicken wing from fast food cafe with a mouth and teeth close upShutterstock

The evidence is clear: eating fried fish just once weekly increases heart failure risk by 48%. "Fried foods are toxic for your cardiovascular system," Dr. Balduzzi states. The high-temperature frying creates inflammatory compounds that damage your arteries. Instead, opt for baked, grilled, or air-fried preparations.

RELATED: 12 Genius Hacks a Dietitian Uses to Double Her Protein “Without Touching Chicken”

Processed Meats: The Cancer Connection

Barbecue Grilled Hot Dog with Yellow Mustard and ketchup on wooden tableShutterstock

"If there is one resounding thing that nutritionists agree on, it's that processed meats are bad for you," Dr. Balduzzi emphasizes. Hot dogs, sausages, and deli meats contain nitrites and nitrates that can increase cancer risk, particularly colon cancer. Choose whole cuts of meat instead, like chicken breast or grass-fed beef.

French Fries: The Aging Accelerator

French fries or potato chips with sour cream and ketchupShutterstock

"When we take carbohydrates like potatoes and cook them on high heat with vegetable oils, it creates compounds called acrylamides," Dr. Balduzzi explains. These compounds accelerate aging and increase cancer risk. His alternative? Bake sweet potato wedges with olive oil and seasonings for a healthier version of this popular side dish.

Excessive Dairy: The Addiction You Didn't Know About

Greek yogurt in a potShutterstock

"Dairy has a compound called beta casomorphine, which is a natural opioid," Dr. Balduzzi reveals. This explains why we often feel good after consuming dairy – and why it can be addictive. He recommends limiting dairy to occasional use and choosing fermented options like kefir or Greek yogurt when you do indulge.

Processed Plant-Based Foods: The False Health Hero

Homemade Mediterranean Falafel Burger with Tzatziki SauceShutterstock

Not all plant-based foods deliver on their healthy promise. "What's not awesome is a lot of these fake foods that are trying to be vegan," Dr. Balduzzi cautions. Many contain pesticide-sprayed soy protein and artificial additives. Instead, choose whole food plant-based options like black bean burgers or vegetarian chili.

RELATED: Nutritionist Reveals 8 Signs You're Eating Too Many Carbs

Sugary "Health" Drinks: The Wellness Impostor

drinks, people and lifestyle concept - close up of woman drinking ice tea from plastic cup with straw at cafe. Selective focus.Shutterstock

"These things are glorified sugar shots," Dr. Balduzzi warns about supposedly healthy fruit drinks, noting that many contain 30-40 grams of sugar per serving. Despite their promises of vitamins and antioxidants, these drinks can seriously impact your health. Stick to whole fruits for natural sweetness and nutrients, or make fresh vegetable-based juices at home. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.


We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Before nutritionists were experts, they were average people with less knowledge about food and diets. Shana Spence, MS, RDN, CDN (@thenutritiontea) is a non-diet focused nutritionist and social media influencer who shares realistic tips and tricks to help people become the healthiest versions of themselves. In a new viral video, she opens up about some of the mistakes she made before getting credentialed.

“Five things I would never do after becoming a dietician,” she says at the start of the clip. From putting labels on certain types of foods to making assumptions about people that aren’t true, here are the mistakes she made so you don’t have to – and we also asked The Diet Diva, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian, to add her own commentary to the discussion.

Categorize Foods as “Good and Bad”


We learn these tactics in school and it’s our job to unlearn them #dietitiantips #dietitian #dietitiansoftiktok #blacktiktok #blackdietitian #allfoodisgoodfood #goodfoodgoodmood #5thingschallenge #healthyliving

First up, Spence would never “categorize foods as good and bad,” she says. “Not every food is meant to provide nutrients, and not every food is going to be providing the same nutrient. That's why we eat a variety of foods. And yes, some foods are providing us with joy and comfort. That's okay.” Collingwood completely agrees.

“I try not to classify foods as good and bad but rather need vs want,” she explains. “Foods that we need have nutritional value, while want foods have fewer nutrients. Eating a healthy diet is a balance of getting the nutrients we need for good health but also enjoying some of the others.”

Assuming Someone Is Unhealthy Based on Their Body

Shana_Spence_thenutritiontea2The Nutrition Tea/Facebook

The second is making the assumption “someone is unhealthy based on their body,” she explains. “Bodies are not business cards. If we're talking about health based on lab values or whether someone is eating nutrient dense foods or getting in more movement, a lot of folks in larger bodies are doing those things and have great lab values. And on the opposite spectrum, a lot of folks in thinner bodies don't have great lab values and don't eat nutrient foods or get in a lot of movement,” she points out.

“You cannot just look at someone and know much about their overall health,” agrees Collingwood. “Some of the fittest people are in larger bodies with really good health measures. And just because someone is thin doesn’t mean they are automatically healthy. They could have very little muscle mass and have high blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels.”

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Healthify Foods

Ice cream in a paper cup. Sweets and weekend walks.Shutterstock

She also regrets trying to “healthify foods,” she says. “The time and Energy I spent making black bean brownies or ice cream when I could have just enjoyed ice cream and brownies. If you want to swap out something or if you're interested in trying out a new recipe, that's fine, but feeling the need to do something based on what you read on the interwebs is something different.”

Collingwood thinks making recipes healthier is a good thing, “but definitely not all the time,” she says. :If you really want some full fat ice cream, chocolate or a warm chocolate chip cookie, do it!”

Telling People to Stop Eating Their Cultural Foods

Japanese cuisine. Sushi set on a wooden plate over dark stone background.Shutterstock

“Number four, telling folks to swap out white rice for brown rice in their cultural foods,” she continues. “My ancestors were probably rolling in their graves when I did this. Not to mention this is based on the whole idea that certain cultures and ethnicities are unhealthy.”

Some food swaps “can make a huge difference in calories or nutritional quality and some don’t really matter much,” says Collingwood. “When it comes to rice, there isn’t a big difference between white and brown, but for people who love their white rice it can ruin it for them. There are plenty of other places in the diet where you can make changes without needing to change everything, especially the cultural favorites.”

Related: 4 Easy Tips to Lose Weight, According to Dietitian

Only Shopping the Perimeter of the Store

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“And last but not least, number five, telling people to shop the perimeter of the store,” she says. “Never. Again. This is based on the concept that fresh is best and clean. Eating, no such thing. There are plenty of nutrients found in canned foods, packaged foods, and frozen food. If you like the taste of fresh, that's fine, but telling someone that how they're eating is wrong because they choose foods from a can or package is elitist.”

Collingwood “never did like this advice either,” she says. “Sure, the perimeter has some fresh stuff, but the middle of the store has whole grains, beans, canned veggies, etc. In today’s world it’s not realistic that people won’t be using convenience foods and there isn’t anything wrong with it!”

💪🔥Body Booster: When it comes to everything surrounding diet and nutrition, it isn’t all black and white and you don’t have to go to extremes. Shop the middle of the store, eat the cookie or the rice, and don’t categorize things as good or bad. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Riva Siggins rivafitness
Coach Reveals the 5 Basics of Weight Loss
Copyright rivafitness/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you trying to lose weight? Keep it simple, says an expert. Riva Siggins is an online coach who “loves food and movement.” She regularly shares tips on the best ways to burn fat and build muscle with her hundreds of thousands of followers. In a recent post she shares “5 simple tips” to burn fat and lose weight. “These tips may sound simple, but often, fat loss is overly complicated. Nail the basics, and you’ll get results,” she says.

Make Protein Your “Best Friend”

Her first tip is to )make protein your best friend. “Not only will it help you retain more muscle as you lose body fat which will contribute to a leaner physique but it is also the most filling macronutrient so will be sticking to a deficit easier,” she said. “Utilise lean protein sources as well such as chicken breast, beef mince, turkey means and white fish.”

RELATED:30 Best Protein Foods That Melt Fat Almost Instantly

Get Enough Sleep

Next, “stop underestimating how important sleep is,” she writes. “Lack of sleep can increase hunger as your hormones ghrelin and leptin which send signals to your brain telling you when you’re hungry/satiated don’t work as efficiently when you’re sleep deprived and this can result in your feeling hungrier, food focus being higher and more cravings which can make sticking to a deficit a LOT harder.”

Do Cardio Plus Weight Training

Next, she recommends prioritizing weight training while utilizing cardio “as a tool instead of solely doing cardio,” she says. “Weight training will help you maintain more muscle so as you drop body fat you won’t just get smaller and flatter, you’ll maintain shape and have a lean, strong looking physique. Cardio can be utilized to help increase your output but if you just do cardio you’ll lose a lot of muscle which you don’t want.”

Eat Whole Foods

When it comes to diet, prioritize whole foods. “200 calories of potatoes is going to give you a lot more volume compared to 200 calories or chocolate, include the foods you enjoy in moderation of course as this’ll help you stick to it but if you’re sensible with your food selection you’re going to feel like you’re eating a lot and by prioritizing food sources such as complex carbs, lean protein and fruit/veg you will be left feeling fuller for longer too,” she says.

Take Things One Day at a Time

Tip five is to take things one day at a time. “If you go over your calories or have a day where you fall off track so what? Just pick yourself up a go day, it isn’t about perfection every day it’s about consistency over time,” she writes.

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Dial in Your Nutrition

In another post, she offers more tips. One thing she did was dial into her nutrition more than ever. “Around 90% of my calories come from whole foods and I feel so energised, I’m able to push harder in my sessions because I’m fuelling correctly, I’m not having energy dips throughout and I’m recovering well,” she says.

She Started Drinking Less Alcohol

She also started drinking less alcohol. “For the last few years I’ve not been a big drinker but even more so recently, I don’t know when I’ll drink again because I can have such a good time socially without it so I’ll only drink alcohol if I feel it will enhance the experience and there’s very few times I feel like that nowadays,” she writes.


She also changed her training approach. While “the foundation of my training stays the same eg my strength work as progressive overload is key but I have different conditioning finishers each week from EMOMs and AMRAPs to threshold sessions and timed rounds, this is to test my aerobic and anaerobic capacity in different ways,” she says.

RELATED:17 Pre-Meal Foods That Burn Fat Like Ozempic, According to an Expert

Prioritizing Herself

“I am prioritizing me more than ever before,” she continues. “I’m not afraid to say no to plans if I need time to rest, I’m not worried about people thinking I’m boring or saying yes to things to be a people pleaser. I’ve found a perfect balance with training hard, recharging and doing things that make me feel good in my spare time so I’m not burnt out or constantly feeling tired.”


She also says that water has “become an absolute non-negotiable” in her plan. “4l of water a day,” she says. “I need to perform and recover my best.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't missthese 8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat.

Mateo Ruperti lifting_with_mateo
Copyright lifting_with_mateo/Instagram/Shutterstock

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to eat your way to a slimmer waistline? Mateo Ruperti is a fat loss coach who helps “busy people lose 20 lbs in 90 days” with his LWM Blueprint. In a new post, he shares fruits that will help you burn fat faster. “10 fruits you should start eating to lose belly fat,” he writes. “No certain food is going to make you lose weight on its own, but these fruits helped me stay in a caloric deficit, which promoted fat loss. Fruits are a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth without derailing your fat loss goals,” he says.


Berries – including strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries – are great for fat-burning. “Packed with antioxidants and fiber, they help boost metabolism and reduce belly fat,” he says.


Young woman holding bowl full of apples in fruit orchard. Apple harvesting. Top view.​ApplesShutterstock

Next on his list is apples. “High in fiber, apples keep you full and curb overeating, helping with fat loss,” he says.

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Juicy grapefruit pieces with fresh mint in a bowl, close up​GrapefruitShutterstock

Also stock up on grapefruit. “Known for its fat-burning properties, grapefruit can lower insulin levels and promote fat loss,” he says.



It’s no surprise that avocados made his list of fat-burning fruit. “Full of healthy fats, avocados keep you satisfied and support fat metabolism,” he writes.


Close up,Sliced and half of Pineapple(Ananas comosus) on wooden table with blurred garden background.Sweet,sour and juicy taste.Have a lot of fiber,vitamins C and minerals.Fruits or healthcare concept​PineappleShutterstock

Pineapple is not only sweet and delicious, it can help you lose weight. “Contains bromelain, an enzyme that can aid digestion and reduce bloating,” he writes.

RELATED:17 Pre-Meal Foods That Burn Fat Like Ozempic, According to an Expert


fresh kiwi fruit as background​KiwisShutterstock

Kiwi is another tropical fruit with fat-burning powers. “High in vitamin C and fiber, kiwis help reduce belly fat and improve digestion,” he says, calling it the “cheat code.”


Slices of fresh watermelon on the rustic wooden table​Low-Calorie FruitsShutterstock

Watermelon is sweet and will help you slim down. “With high water content, it keeps you hydrated and helps control hunger,” he says.


Yellow Peach with slice in wooden basket, Fresh Yellow Peach fruit in wooden bowl on wooden background.​PeachesShutterstock

Add peaches to your shopping cart for weight loss benefits. “Full of fiber and low in calories, peaches help reduce fat while satisfying your sweet cravings,” he says.


Fresh ripe papaya fruits on wooden table, closeup​PapayaShutterstock

Another great fruit for fat loss? Papaya. “Contains enzymes that help with digestion and can reduce bloating,” he says.

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fresh orange fruits with leaves as background, top viewShutterstock

The last fruit for weight loss? Oranges. “Rich in vitamin C, oranges can boost metabolism and support fat burning,” he says.

Add Them to Your List

Add these to your shopping list and lose weight fast. “These fruits helped me stay on track with my nutrition and fat loss goals—try adding them to your routine to stay on top of your progress!” he writes. And if you enjoyed this article, don't missthese 8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat.

Emily Ogan livefitwithem
7 Habits to Help You Become “Unrecognizable” by Spring Break
Copyright livefitwithem/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you struggling to lose weight? Your body might be holding onto fat instead of burning it. Emily Ogan is an Advanced Macro and Hormone Specialist. “I help busy women find balance + results,” she writes in her Instagram bio. In a new social media post, she reveals that a key reason you could be failing at weight loss is that your body isn’t in fat-burning mode. “Here’s the truth: Your body isn’t in fat-burning mode—it’s stuck in fat-storing mode,” she writes.

HIgh Intensity Workouts and Undereating Could Be Throwing Off Your Hormones

“High-intensity workouts and undereating can spike your cortisol (stress hormone), throw off your hormones, and tell your body to cling to fat—especially around your belly. To switch to fat-burning mode, you need to work with your body, not against it,” she says, explaining how to do it.

RELATED:30 Best Protein Foods That Melt Fat Almost Instantly

First, Ditch Endless Cardio and Bootcamps

The first thing she recommonds? “Ditch the endless cardio and bootcamp workouts. While they might feel productive, they can elevate cortisol levels and keep your body in stress mode. This significantly stalls your fat loss,” she says.

Second, Strength Train

“Focus on strength training instead,” she continues. ”Building muscle not only tones your body but also boosts your metabolism so you burn more calories all day long—even while you’re resting. Strength training is the key to lasting fat loss after 35.”

Third, Don’t Starve Your Body

And third, “Stop starving your body,” she says. “Skipping meals or drastically cutting calories tanks your metabolism and leaves your body with no fuel to function. This survival mode makes it even harder to lose weight.”

Strength Train Three Times a Week

The Solution? “Swap the bootcamp and cardio-heavy classes for 3-4 strength training sessions per week,” she says.

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And, Fuel Your Body with Protein, Fiber, and Healthy Carbs

You also need to make adjustments to your diet. “Fuel your body with protein, fiber, and healthy carbs at every meal- and be sure you’re eating ENOUGH to rev your metabolism and get you into fat burning mode,” she said.

Finally, Be Consistent

And last but not least, stick to it. “Focus on consistency—not extremes—to reset your metabolism and hormones,” she writes.

RELATED:17 Pre-Meal Foods That Burn Fat Like Ozempic, According to an Expert

Wake Up Earlier

In another post, she reveals more habits to shape up fast, starting with waking up earlier. “Set your day off on the right foot by giving yourself time to create a non-stressful morning,” she suggests. “Whether you wake up early to workout or not- this was probably the biggest shift that made the biggest difference for me.”


She also recommends prioritizing hydration. “Hydrate with electrolytes,” she recommends. “It all starts with a hydrated system. Electrolytes help your system function optimally, balance hormones, and curb sugar cravings.”

Walk More

Also, amp up your steps. “Walking is the most accessible and effective form of exercise. Aim for 8-10k steps a day- ideally getting your dose of vitamin D while you’re at it- and you’ll take fat burning to the next level,” she writes.

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Track Your Macros

Macro tracking is also important. “Learn what your food is made up of, and the right balance of macros that your unique body needs to be able to thrive and get results,” she says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.