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I Lost 70 Pounds in 8 Months Without Going to the Gym. Here Is How

Tarn Kaur, a weight loss and fitness coach, reveals the secret to her slim down success
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Do you want to lose weight without having to go to the gym? Tarn Kaur is an online fitness coach, social media influencer, and weight loss warrior. She often shares tips and tricks on how to slim down in a healthy and sustainable way. In a recent TikTok, she revealed that she lost an average of 10 pounds a month without having to hit the gym. "I lost 71 pounds, and I did all of this without going to the gym," she says, going on to reveal how she did it.

Walking Is the Key to Weight Loss, She Says


The secret to her weight loss success? Putting on some sneakers. "My biggest tip I can give you is actually go out and get yourself walking. It sounds so simple, and it sounds like you won't really do much, but it absolutely changed everything for me," she said.

She Started Walking to Feel Better

"So when I was at my largest, I was always out of breath, always. My mental health wasn't that great, and I was always fatigued and low energy. So what I decided to do, and this is where I didn't really focus on the scales. I just wanted to feel better. I went for a walk, and that's how everything began," she says.

She Focused On Walking Daily to Establish a Habit

"The biggest tip I can give you is you don't need to walk 10,000, 20,000, or 30,000 steps a day, but what you need to do is start to build that habit of movement. Whether that's going out for 1,000 steps or you're not even counting, but just walking every single day around the block, around your area and building that up over time," she explained.

She Didn't Go to the Gym Until After Her Fat Loss Stage

She went on to lose 70 pounds over an eight month period of time, "and I only started working out near the end when I wanted to tone up and my body felt quite soft per se," she claims. "I really wanted to tone up, and that's when I started doing home workouts again. I didn't go to the gym during that fat loss phase."

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She Walked Every Day

"What I did do, though, is go for a walk every single day without fail. It didn't need to be 10,000 steps every single day, but I made that a real key habit of mine. And once I started to really build that consistency and discipline of going out every single day, everything else stacked on top quite easily," she explained.

It Actually Stuck

"I was someone that would never stick to anything for more than a week. I tried all of the silly diets," she says. "And what actually stuck is just trying to make my body feel better and not focusing on what the scale said."

She Started Walking More and More Steps

"I started off quite slow because I was so unhealthy and so overweight. I was out of breath just going around the block. That eventually progressed over months, weeks and weeks, months and months, days and days. It progressed to 10 to 12,000 steps a day, and it just became so easy. My legs were so toned even though the rest of me still needed work. My legs literally could take me anywhere, and they did."

It Helped Her Mental Health

"It just became a real kind of need in my everyday routine to go out, not only for my body and for exercise and for endorphins, but for my mental health. During that time, I had time for myself. I put my headphones on, I completely shifted my mindset," she says.

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She Shifted Her Mindset

"I didn't see it as 'Oh, I need to go for a walk because I need to lose weight.' I just changed it to 'I want to go for a walk, I want some alone time, I wanna listen to my favorite podcast, I wanna catch up with a friend on the phone, I wanna get some fresh air.'"

The Biggest Takeaway? Start Slow and Be Consistent

"Honestly, it sounds so simple, but the most important thing is you need to start so slowly and so easily on this journey that you feel like you're not doing anything. That's what I felt like, and it changed everything. I am now in the best shape of my life. I feel great mentally and physically, and honestly, just take that first step. That literal first step, be consistent with it," she says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more