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I'm a Nutritionist and These are 10 Wellness Habits I Wish I'd Started in My 20s

Discover simple yet powerful wellness practices that can transform your life, no matter your age.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Ever feel like you're running on autopilot, rushing through life without truly experiencing it? That's exactly how Nikole Goncalves felt before she hit her 30s. As a passionate "health nut" and nutritionist, Nikole has always inspired her viewers to live actively and eat well. But it wasn't until she embraced these 10 habits that she found a new level of balance, self-awareness, and happiness. Let's dive into the practices that helped Nikole slow down, savor life's moments, and revolutionize her well-being.

Try Acupuncture and Acupressure

Nikole's journey with acupuncture began during her pregnancy. "I started going in once a week, then biweekly, then monthly for maintenance. That's when I noticed the biggest difference," she shares in her post. For those who can't access regular acupuncture, Nikole swears by her acupressure mat. "It's great for sleep, nervousness, anxiety, stress, headaches… I probably use this mat every single day without fail."

The Benefits of Acupuncture and Acupressure

Acupuncture and acupressure offer numerous benefits. Mount Sinai's expert. Dr. Abigail Strubel, MA, LCSW, explains, "Acupuncture seeks to restore balance to the body, mind, and spirit, which are integrated and interconnected." Additionally, the National Institutes of Health notes, "Acupuncture may help ease types of pain that are often chronic, such as lower-back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis/knee pain." These practices are also known to reduce nausea associated with chemotherapy and improve overall well-being by addressing the mind-body connection.

Embrace Meditation and Mindfulness

After struggling with anxiety for years, Nikole turned to hypnosis therapy and daily meditation. "Even after three months of doing it, I started to notice little changes in my life," she recalls. Nikole emphasizes the importance of consistency: "It's all about repetition and creating a consistent routine."

The Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), meditation and mindfulness offer numerous benefits. "Mindfulness meditation changes our brain and biology in positive ways, improving mental and physical health."

Additionally, the APA highlights that mindfulness can help people avoid destructive habits by learning to observe their thoughts and emotions. These practices are also known to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while improving concentration, emotional intelligence, and overall well-being.

Set Boundaries and Manage Your Time

As a new mom, Nikole learned the importance of boundaries. She says, "I'm learning to set boundaries, say no to things, and make changes in my schedule so that they fit my lifestyle." She recommends using focus mode on smartphones to manage distractions and prioritize tasks.

How to Manage Distractions

According to Psychology Today, managing distractions involves understanding what drives your behaviors and making conscious efforts to control them. Dr. Nir Eyal suggests, "Master internal triggers by understanding what prompts you to compulsively look at your phone or read one more email." Additionally, the article advises making time for traction, timeboxing your schedule, and hacking back external triggers to prevent distractions.

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Use Yoga Tune-Up Balls for Mobility

To combat stiffness and soreness, Nikole discovered yoga tune-up balls. "If you feel stiff, you can't fully rotate your thoracic spine… you need to try these," she enthuses. She finds them more effective than tennis balls for releasing tension in hard-to-reach areas.

How to Combat Stiffness and Soreness

According to the Cleveland Clinic, managing stiffness and soreness involves a combination of stretching, exercise, and mindfulness. Pain medicine specialist George Girgis, DO, advises, "Exercise, yoga, and massage relieve inflammation by increasing blood flow to your muscles. Yoga is a great way to maintain muscle mass because you're using your body weight to keep muscles healthy."

"Other options may include lifting a heavy cookbook as a weight or performing squats at your desk," he says. Additionally, taking a vitamin D supplement and incorporating mindfulness meditation can change the way your brain processes pain, leading to decreased pain intensity over time.

Give CrossFit a Chance

Initially skeptical, Nikole now loves CrossFit. "It uses different areas in my body that I never used before. It's functional exercises, and it's just like a healthy competitive style that's actually fun," she explains. She appreciates the community aspect and the ability to modify workouts to suit individual needs.

The Benefits of CrossFit

Dr. Harrison S. Mahon from The Orthopaedic Institute highlights CrossFit as an excellent way to optimize physical health. Combining endurance training, Olympic weightlifting, and gymnastics, CrossFit benefits people of all ages. Dr. Mahon notes its suitability for recent college-athlete graduates and those seeking high-intensity workouts.

Certified trainers can tailor workouts to individual needs, ensuring safety and effectiveness. This adaptability makes CrossFit ideal for older adults and adolescents alike. Besides fostering a strong sense of community, CrossFit improves cardiovascular health and joint function and increases muscle mass.

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Spend More Time in Nature

Nikole emphasizes the healing power of nature. "There is something that happens on a different level when you are surrounded by trees and nature. It is so calming. It just brings down your nervous system," she says. She recommends daily nature outings, even in cold weather.

The Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

According to experts from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, spending time in nature offers numerous health benefits. Heather Eliassen, professor of nutrition and epidemiology, explains, "Exposure to green space has been linked to better sleep, lower blood pressure, and reduced risk of chronic disease—likely because people who spend more time in green spaces also report higher levels of exercise."

Read Fiction Before Bed

Transitioning from self-help books to fiction has improved Nikole's bedtime routine. "When you read fiction, you just get immersed into the story, and it is like junk food for the mind in a good way," she explains. This habit has helped her wind down better than screen time.

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The Health Benefits of Reading Books

According to Harvard Health, reading books regularly can significantly improve your health. Dr. Heather Eliassen, professor of nutrition and epidemiology, writes, "People who read books regularly had a 20% lower risk of dying over the next 12 years compared with those who didn't read or who read periodicals." This benefit remains consistent regardless of race, education, health status, wealth, marital status, or depression levels.

Reduce Casual Drinking

Nikole found that reducing alcohol consumption improved her well-being. "I just realized I don't really like being drunk, and then I don't like being hungover," she admits. She encourages others to resist social pressure around drinking and to enjoy social events without alcohol if they choose.

Health Benefits of Reducing Casual Drinking

According to experts from the CDC, reducing casual drinking of alcohol can lead to significant health improvements. Dr. Rekha B. Kumar, medical director of the American Board of Obesity Medicine, says, "Taking a break from alcohol can provide several health benefits, including lower blood pressure, improved sleep quality, and a decreased risk of certain cancers." Additionally, the CDC highlights that reducing alcohol intake can lead to fewer alcohol-related symptoms, such as headaches, heartburn, and stomach upsets.

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Listen to Binaural Frequencies

To combat anxiety and insomnia, Nikole uses binaural frequencies. "There's lots of different binal frequencies, but essentially they can help improve things like creativity, cognitive memory, decrease anxiety, improve your mood and help you enter a meditative state," she explains. She often listens to these while working or cooking.

What Are Binaural Beats?

Binaural beats are auditory processing artifacts, or perceived sounds, created by specific differences in frequency between two tones presented to each ear. According to WebMD, "Benefits of binaural beats include: increased creativity and cognitive enhancement; reduced anxiety and improved mood; helping you enter a meditative state; improved sleeping habits; helping with pain management."

These beats are said to provide many of the same benefits as meditation, such as lower stress, increased focus, and enhanced relaxation.

Incorporate Essential Oils into Your Routine

Nikole has found numerous uses for essential oils in her daily life. "I use essential oils in my skincare, in my cleaning products, in the air… There is literally an essential oil for everything," she says. From headache relief to home fragrance, she's found these plant extracts to be versatile and beneficial.

By incorporating these habits into her life, Nikole has found a new level of balance and happiness in her 30s. Remember, it's never too late to start new, healthy habits that can transform your well-being.

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The Benefits of Essential Oils

According to experts from the Cleveland Clinic, essential oils offer a variety of health benefits. Dr. Yufang Lin, an integrative medicine specialist, states, "Essential oils are fantastic. They have many benefits, such as boosting mood, improving sleep, reducing anxiety and pain, and even killing bacteria, fungi, and viruses." These concentrated plant extracts can also help reduce inflammation, relieve headaches, and alleviate nausea.  And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 40 Health Symptoms That Can Be More Serious Than You Think.

Alek Korab
Alek Korab is Founding Editor of Body Network Read more