Do you want to lose weight but aren’t sure if you want to take medication to do it? You don’t have to, according to one expert. Susie Matychuk, AKA Coach Sooz, is “the world’s nerdiest personal trainer,” according to her YouTube bio. “The thing that is more effective than Ozempic is a healthy lifestyle,” she says at the start of the viral YouTube clip. In it, she discusses alternatives to the drug for weight loss in the form of foods and fitness.
She Grew Up Believing Medication Should Be a “Last Resort”
She starts by discussing her experience with medication. “I grew up with very traditional values, and I remember my mom telling me that medication should always be the last resort. In my early twenties, I started getting chronic strep throat, joint pain, and rashes. I had no idea that it was because of my poor diet and stress level,” she says in her post.
She Has Tried Taking Typical Medications But They Haven’t Worked
“I went to the doctor and got prescribed antibiotics and painkillers. My symptoms got worse, and I went to the emergency room thinking that I had rheumatoid arthritis or something, which is typical of Susie being overdramatic. The doctors were just as confused as me, and I realized the medical system is not made to help people with symptoms,” she says.
However, Healthy Lifestyle Has Helped Her Ailments Over the Years
She reveals that when she “started taking vitamins, eating a paleo diet, and spending more time outside, and I stopped taking medications,” her symptoms gradually went away. “That's a little bit about my story and why I am so passionate about a lifestyle approach instead of medication,” she says, adding that there are specific types of food and exercises that stimulate GLP-1, “which is the hormone that Ozempic” targets.
She Believes a Healthy Lifestyle Can Work Just as Well as Ozempic
She notes that while doctors are “prescribing it very generously,” they wouldn’t need to if people understood nutrition and exercise. “If we understood how to make our body have nutrients, then we wouldn't gain fat and feel the need for weight loss drugs at all,” she says. “I would definitely describe myself as anti-medication and pro-healthy lifestyle.”
These Foods Increase the Production of GLP-1
“GLP-1 is a hormone that is produced in the gut and the brain that slows digestion and lowers appetite. Your body is really good at making it on its own without any medical intervention,” she claims. “There are foods you can eat that increase the production of GLP-1, which will make weight loss easier. Eggs, avocado, nuts, and complex carbohydrates all have been shown to increase GLP-1,” she says. Yerba mate tea and black coffee also lower appetite.”
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The Best Diet Is “Pretty Close” to Keto
The ideal fat loss diet that “stimulates a lot of GLP-1” is “pretty close to a ketogenic diet, which is very effective for reversing insulin resistance and losing fat,” she reveals. “Remember that fat loss is the goal, not weight loss because we wanna keep our muscle and lose the fat.”
Exercise Also Releases Chemicals That “Benefit the Body”
Exercise does not stimulate GLP-1,” but it does stimulate a whole bunch of other chemicals that benefit the body,” says Susie. “One of them is growth hormone or GH, and another one is BDNF,” she says about brain-derived neurotrophic factor. “GH is what starts the process of muscle growth. BDNF is what makes you smarter. So basically, exercise makes you jacked and smart.”
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Ozempic Stops You From Releasing GH, Which Is the Hormone That Helps You Build Muscle
“Ozempic actually stops you from releasing growth hormone, which is why those who take it tend to gain fat and lose muscle. So in most cases, ozempic actually makes us lose the wrong type of weight,” she reveals.
These 5 “Primal Movements” Are the Best Exercises for Weight Loss
According to Susie, the best exercises are called primal movements. “They are movements that your body is actually designed to do. Injury and pain are the result of not being able to do primal movements. There are five of them, and they are squatting, hinging, lunging, pushing, and pulling,” she says.
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The Most Effective Equation for Fat Loss? Diet and Exercise
“Basically, all you need to do to live a healthy lifestyle that is more effective for fat loss than ozempic is one, eat the GLP-1 stimulating diet, and two, practice your primal movements,” she says. “Every day, big pharma will keep making drugs and selling them to us as long as we are asking for them. And by taking them, you're still asking for them. So hopefully, this provided some clarity on what to do instead, which is to be healthy.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.