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I Lost 70 Pounds After Stopping These 7 Things

An RD weighs in one how one woman lost 70 pounds.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
Nikki Gets Fit
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Nikki (@nikkigetsfit) is a weight loss influencer and YouTuber who shares about her health journey via social media outlets. In a recent viral video, the weight loss warrior, who shed unwanted weight with the help of WW, reveals that ditching a few bad habits was instrumental in her success. We also asked The Diet Diva, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian, to weigh in on her tactics.

1. She Reveals That She Lost 70 Pounds with Weight Watchers

In the video Nkki reveals that she lost 70 pounds and has “maintained that loss now for another two years.” She says that a few things that she stopped doing at the start of her journey helped her succeed. “I've struggled with my weight my entire life and it's been something that I never thought I could do. It's something that I've wanted to do and just focus on my health and nutrition, and I've always loved cooking and everything, but it's something I've just always struggled with,” she says.

2. She Stopped Eating Out

Four Young Female Friends Meeting For Drinks And Food Making A Toast In RestaurantShutterstock

The first thing that she stopped doing was eating out one to two times a day. She explains that due to their busy schedules she and her husband would rely on “fast food and just really unhealthy, quick and easy options that were loaded with calories and just really didn't even make us feel good” for meals. When she started Weight Watchers and tracked all of her meals, she was shocked at how unhealthy they were. Even their coffee order from Dunkin’ with cream and sugar was loaded with points. “It really had gotten kind of out of control realizing how high points so many fast food items were because we weren't choosing low point items, we didn't really care. It really did impact our health and I think that's where a huge amount of our weight gain came from,” she said. Her first month on the program she stopped eating out altogether. “We didn't eat out the first month at all because we just wanted to kind of get away from it and just work on trying to find ways to cook at home,” she said. Instead, they would make “copycat meals” at home, healthier versions of their favorite foods. “It made us excited. We realized we could still eat these foods we loved and have big portions of 'em, and it wasn't as many points as the fast food options.”

RD Says: Collingwood agrees. “Most people don’t realize how quickly the sugar, fat, sodium, and calories add up in fast food and restaurant food in general. Their job is to make us want their food and come back time and time again and what tastes good is sugar and fat. When you start to look up the calories and add them up, especially with the large portion sizes, it is very eye opening how quickly things add up,” she explains. “When you can make it at home you can control the amount of fat, sugar, and sodium, or you can substitute healthier and lower calorie ingredients. We also tend to serve ourselves smaller portions at home than those served to us at restaurants.”

Related: 14 Superfoods that Sculpt a Flat Belly

3. She Stopped Being “Negative” and “Mean” to Herself

nikkigetsfit3Nikki Gets Fit/YouTube

The second thing she did “ was I really worked on stopping negativity,” she says. “I would never say the things I say to myself to anybody else, and it just didn't make sense that I was so hard and mean on myself,” she continued. She started saying nice things to herself out loud and “it really did start to make a difference in the way I thought about things, the way that I was motivated, and it slowly started to make a difference really trying to stop those negative thoughts when they came through and trying to switch them around to thinking a more positive thought or something just not as negative,” she explained.

RD Says: “Negativity breeds more negativity and focusing on the positive can be very uplifting and help with making changes in your life that can make a real difference.”

4. She Focused on Consistency

Low Section Of Woman Standing On Weight ScaleShutterstock

She also “stopped focusing on an end result and hitting it by a certain time” and instead “focusing on consistency.” Instead of the number on the scale, she “focused on what I could control” and things that would make her health improve. This led to success on the scale. “In the long run I was able to lose the weight, but my focus was on the consistency aspect and the part that I can control and not the uncontrollables of what the number on the scale says because it changes so frequently. So when I stopped worrying so much about the end result, it really did help take so much pressure off me.”

RD Says: “I always tell my clients that I am not concerned with the number of the scale, but with the behaviors that are happening. If the behavior changes, the scale will follow,” Collingwood explains. “And even if weight loss doesn’t happen, if behavior changes for the better, health and wellness will improve which is also a huge win.”

5. She Rewarded Herself

nikkigetsfit2Nikki Gets Fit/YouTube

She also gave herself rewards at the end of the month “ when I stayed consistent,” she says. “I did one month, three months, six months, and then a year,” she says, explaining that she did different rewards, and “it felt good to reward myself because it was something that I knew I had earned and I had done and I had put in the hard work for it.”

RD Says: “Having something to look forward to in the form of a reward can be quite motivating and feel good when you achieve the milestone. Try to choose non-food rewards so that it is not about food but rather about the achievement,” recommends Collingwood.

6. She Stopped Restricting Herself

Young hungry woman in front of refrigerator craving chocolate pastries.Shutterstock/Stokkete

She also “stopped restricting” anything. “In the past I always thought this was just the best way to go about things. I always thought that this was just what was going to make me lose weight, what was going to help me have success. I pretty much thought that I had to cut everything out that I enjoyed and only eat the things that were dried out, chicken breast, salad, peppers, and bunless burgers. I thought I had to have all the most basic diet foods that everyone thinks about when they think of stuff like that and that I couldn't have any foods that I enjoyed.” However, she soon learned that “technically I could have anything that I wanted” with the WW points system, “and that really helped us because we were able to still incorporate so many of the foods that we enjoy and just using our points and deciding what's a priority, what's worth it.” What she learned is that restricting herself too much led to binge eating, “and so when I restrict something, I just want it more and more and more, and then the second that I'm able to get it, it is just out of control.”

RD Says: “It’s not always about the ‘what’ you are eating but more about the ‘how much,’” says Collingwood. “You can eat whatever you want and still lose weight, but you just balance the portion and frequency of having that particular food. Also balancing with physical activity helps loosen the choices as well!”

Related: 5 Signs You Are Burning Fat, Not Muscle While Exercising

7. She Stopped Caring About What Others Thought

nikkigetsfit1Nikki Gets Fit/YouTube

Finally, she “stopped caring what others thought,” she said. She explains that when she was bigger, “I really always felt so much shame” and was “embarrassed” about her weight. “I wanted to be healthier, but I struggled so much with other people knowing that I didn't want people to know that and part of me not wanting people to know that also kept me in the position I was in.” However, she stopped being afraid of telling people she wanted to get into shape. “Anyway, I just want to focus on bettering myself and the people judging people for wanting to better themselves. Like I said, they're the ones with the problem, so I just kind of thought through that and realized I just need to do what's best for me no matter what anyone thinks.”

RD Says: “When you can focus on you and your health and not what other people think, you are able to focus on the right things. It is really difficult to not care at all what others think, but when you are working on yourself just for yourself rather than trying to please others to explain yourself to others you will have much more peace and happiness.”

💪🔥Body Booster: An easy way to start losing weight is cutting out not only fast food, but eating out altogether. Studies have found that the more meals you eat prepared away from home, the higher your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and early death.

More For You

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary
Coach Dropped 100 Pounds After She Stopped Believing These 5 Lies
Copyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

Are you struggling to lose weight? You might need to make some lifestyle shifts, says one weight loss warrior-slash-expert. Hilary Carver is a fat loss coach who lost 100 pounds naturally and helps her clients do the same. In a new post, she reveals a few key things she learned on her journey that can help you lose weight as well. “I lost 100 pounds naturally. Here’s what I learned,” she writes.

She Started Taking Action

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary​Lie Number FiveCopyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

“A decade ago, I stood exactly where you are. I felt stuck in my body. Tired. Frustrated. Overwhelmed by the thought of starting again because, honestly, I wasn’t sure if I could follow through this time. But something shifted. I realized that if I wanted my life to change, I had to stop waiting for the ‘perfect time’ and start taking imperfect action,” she says.

She Lost 100 Pounds with No Crash Diets or Quick Fixes

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary​Lie Number FourCopyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

“Over the next few years, I lost 100 pounds naturally. No crash diets. No quick fixes. I followed the exact framework I teach my clients—and it didn’t just transform my body... it changed my life. Here are the MOST important lessons I learned along the way,” she continued.

You Can’t Outwork a Bad Diet

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary​Overcoming These 5 Lies Helped Her Lose 100 PoundsCopyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

First, she learned that you can’t outwork a bad diet. “For years, I thought I could exercise my way to results without addressing what I was eating. Spoiler: It didn’t work. When I finally learned how to make meal prep & planning simple, track my food without obsessing, and eat in a way that didn’t feel restrictive—everything changed,” she writes.

Mindset is the Real Work

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary​Lie Number OneCopyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

Next, she realized that changing her mindset is the hardest part. “I had to face the excuses, the self-sabotage, and the limiting beliefs that kept me stuck. It wasn’t about motivation—it was about choosing to show up for myself, even on the hard days,” she says.

Your Lifestyle Will Make or Break You

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary​Lie Number TwoCopyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

Lifestyle is also important. “The secret to losing 100 pounds wasn’t in doing more. It was in building small, consistent habits that worked with my life—not against it. These small changes stacked up into a BIG transformation,” she says.

Nobody Is Coming to Save You

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary​Lie Number ThreeCopyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

She also learned that “nobody is coming to save you.” “This one stings, but it’s the truth: If you want the transformation, you have to take accountability. You have to stop blaming your circumstances and start owning your choices. The moment I stopped making excuses, I started making progress.”

It’s Worth It

Hilary Carver balancebyhilary​You Can Become the Person You Want to BeCopyright balancebyhilary/Instagram

“This journey isn’t just about losing weight. It’s about gaining confidence, energy, and control over your life. It’s about becoming the version of you who feels proud when she looks in the mirror,” she concludes. “I know how overwhelming it feels to start, but I also know what’s waiting for you on the other side of your excuses—and it is SO worth it.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including scientific studies and medical journals.

If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing

Nikki (@nikkigetsfit) is a weight loss influencer and YouTuber who shares about her health journey via social media outlets. In a recent viral video, the weight loss warrior, who shed unwanted weight with the help of WW, reveals that ditching a few bad habits was instrumental in her success. We also asked The Diet Diva, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian, to weigh in on her tactics.

1. She Reveals That She Lost 70 Pounds with Weight Watchers

In the video Nkki reveals that she lost 70 pounds and has “maintained that loss now for another two years.” She says that a few things that she stopped doing at the start of her journey helped her succeed. “I've struggled with my weight my entire life and it's been something that I never thought I could do. It's something that I've wanted to do and just focus on my health and nutrition, and I've always loved cooking and everything, but it's something I've just always struggled with,” she says.

2. She Stopped Eating Out

Four Young Female Friends Meeting For Drinks And Food Making A Toast In RestaurantShutterstock

The first thing that she stopped doing was eating out one to two times a day. She explains that due to their busy schedules she and her husband would rely on “fast food and just really unhealthy, quick and easy options that were loaded with calories and just really didn't even make us feel good” for meals. When she started Weight Watchers and tracked all of her meals, she was shocked at how unhealthy they were. Even their coffee order from Dunkin’ with cream and sugar was loaded with points. “It really had gotten kind of out of control realizing how high points so many fast food items were because we weren't choosing low point items, we didn't really care. It really did impact our health and I think that's where a huge amount of our weight gain came from,” she said. Her first month on the program she stopped eating out altogether. “We didn't eat out the first month at all because we just wanted to kind of get away from it and just work on trying to find ways to cook at home,” she said. Instead, they would make “copycat meals” at home, healthier versions of their favorite foods. “It made us excited. We realized we could still eat these foods we loved and have big portions of 'em, and it wasn't as many points as the fast food options.”

RD Says: Collingwood agrees. “Most people don’t realize how quickly the sugar, fat, sodium, and calories add up in fast food and restaurant food in general. Their job is to make us want their food and come back time and time again and what tastes good is sugar and fat. When you start to look up the calories and add them up, especially with the large portion sizes, it is very eye opening how quickly things add up,” she explains. “When you can make it at home you can control the amount of fat, sugar, and sodium, or you can substitute healthier and lower calorie ingredients. We also tend to serve ourselves smaller portions at home than those served to us at restaurants.”

Related: 14 Superfoods that Sculpt a Flat Belly

3. She Stopped Being “Negative” and “Mean” to Herself

nikkigetsfit3Nikki Gets Fit/YouTube

The second thing she did “ was I really worked on stopping negativity,” she says. “I would never say the things I say to myself to anybody else, and it just didn't make sense that I was so hard and mean on myself,” she continued. She started saying nice things to herself out loud and “it really did start to make a difference in the way I thought about things, the way that I was motivated, and it slowly started to make a difference really trying to stop those negative thoughts when they came through and trying to switch them around to thinking a more positive thought or something just not as negative,” she explained.

RD Says: “Negativity breeds more negativity and focusing on the positive can be very uplifting and help with making changes in your life that can make a real difference.”

4. She Focused on Consistency

Low Section Of Woman Standing On Weight ScaleShutterstock

She also “stopped focusing on an end result and hitting it by a certain time” and instead “focusing on consistency.” Instead of the number on the scale, she “focused on what I could control” and things that would make her health improve. This led to success on the scale. “In the long run I was able to lose the weight, but my focus was on the consistency aspect and the part that I can control and not the uncontrollables of what the number on the scale says because it changes so frequently. So when I stopped worrying so much about the end result, it really did help take so much pressure off me.”

RD Says: “I always tell my clients that I am not concerned with the number of the scale, but with the behaviors that are happening. If the behavior changes, the scale will follow,” Collingwood explains. “And even if weight loss doesn’t happen, if behavior changes for the better, health and wellness will improve which is also a huge win.”

5. She Rewarded Herself

nikkigetsfit2Nikki Gets Fit/YouTube

She also gave herself rewards at the end of the month “ when I stayed consistent,” she says. “I did one month, three months, six months, and then a year,” she says, explaining that she did different rewards, and “it felt good to reward myself because it was something that I knew I had earned and I had done and I had put in the hard work for it.”

RD Says: “Having something to look forward to in the form of a reward can be quite motivating and feel good when you achieve the milestone. Try to choose non-food rewards so that it is not about food but rather about the achievement,” recommends Collingwood.

6. She Stopped Restricting Herself

Young hungry woman in front of refrigerator craving chocolate pastries.Shutterstock/Stokkete

She also “stopped restricting” anything. “In the past I always thought this was just the best way to go about things. I always thought that this was just what was going to make me lose weight, what was going to help me have success. I pretty much thought that I had to cut everything out that I enjoyed and only eat the things that were dried out, chicken breast, salad, peppers, and bunless burgers. I thought I had to have all the most basic diet foods that everyone thinks about when they think of stuff like that and that I couldn't have any foods that I enjoyed.” However, she soon learned that “technically I could have anything that I wanted” with the WW points system, “and that really helped us because we were able to still incorporate so many of the foods that we enjoy and just using our points and deciding what's a priority, what's worth it.” What she learned is that restricting herself too much led to binge eating, “and so when I restrict something, I just want it more and more and more, and then the second that I'm able to get it, it is just out of control.”

RD Says: “It’s not always about the ‘what’ you are eating but more about the ‘how much,’” says Collingwood. “You can eat whatever you want and still lose weight, but you just balance the portion and frequency of having that particular food. Also balancing with physical activity helps loosen the choices as well!”

Related: 5 Signs You Are Burning Fat, Not Muscle While Exercising

7. She Stopped Caring About What Others Thought

nikkigetsfit1Nikki Gets Fit/YouTube

Finally, she “stopped caring what others thought,” she said. She explains that when she was bigger, “I really always felt so much shame” and was “embarrassed” about her weight. “I wanted to be healthier, but I struggled so much with other people knowing that I didn't want people to know that and part of me not wanting people to know that also kept me in the position I was in.” However, she stopped being afraid of telling people she wanted to get into shape. “Anyway, I just want to focus on bettering myself and the people judging people for wanting to better themselves. Like I said, they're the ones with the problem, so I just kind of thought through that and realized I just need to do what's best for me no matter what anyone thinks.”

RD Says: “When you can focus on you and your health and not what other people think, you are able to focus on the right things. It is really difficult to not care at all what others think, but when you are working on yourself just for yourself rather than trying to please others to explain yourself to others you will have much more peace and happiness.”

💪🔥Body Booster: An easy way to start losing weight is cutting out not only fast food, but eating out altogether. Studies have found that the more meals you eat prepared away from home, the higher your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and early death.

Kiana Monle kianamonle
Copyright kianamonle/Instagram

Are you struggling to achieve your weight loss goals? Kiana Monle is a holistic wellness influencer who dropped over 30 pounds and shares her tips and tricks on social media. In a new post, she reveals a few things she did to drop weight. “Before, I felt heavy. I was uncomfortable in my body and was sick of hovering around the same weight for years on end. I got sick and tired of being sick and tired! So I made some changes. BIG ones,” she says in the post, revealing five things she did to lose 35 pounds.

She Got Into a Calorie Deficit

The first thing she did was get into a calorie deficit. “For the first 6 months, I meticulously tracked my calories. I know this isn't for everyone, but it was so helpful to know how much I was eating, and how much I had left to play around with. IMO, this was the biggest game changer,” she says.

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She Went “Back to Basics”

Next, she went “back to basics,” she says. “I used to eat a ton of sweets. It became a cycle, and my weight soared. To reset, I went back to the basics--whole foods , no cakes or cookies. Yes, that first few days were tough (almost caved for some insomnia cookies) but it was worth it. After a week or so I stopped craving so many sweets. I also started to enjoy whole foods more. I later re-introduced cakes, cookies, etc!”

She Exercised

She also started to exercise. “I've always been somewhat active when it came to workouts, but as someone who worked from home, I got maaaybe 1K steps in a day. To move more, I worked out 3X a week (doing @heatherrobertsoncom 's 12 week program) and later added walks 5X a week. Once I finished the plan, I did the second one for a bit before ditching, lifting altogether, and focused on cardio (my fave),” she says.

She Treated Herself to “Daily Fun Foods”

Next, she started treating herself to “daily fun foods,” she reveals. “I reset my palate, but I still kept things fun. My daily treat would be popcorn and a chocolate truffle (huge fan of both!).”

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She Focused on Consistency

Finally, she focused on consistency. “Daily commitment was key. For those first 6 months, when I lost 20 pounds, I would stick to my eating and workout plan. No cheat days, no going off script. I simply built in rest days, and if I ate out, I'd have it fit into my daily calories,” she writes.

She Is Now Focused on Balance

“Now as I maintain my goal weight, it's about finding balance,” she reveals at the end of the post. “It's not always easy, but I'm excited to document it here!” And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.


Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including scientific studies and medical journals.

If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing

Online fitness coach Alexandra (@alexx.fitt) has amassed a following on TikTok and Instagram by sharing videos about her weight loss. In her many viral videos, she reveals the simple but effective changes she made to her lifestyle that enabled her to drop the weight fast. In a new Instagram video, she gets specific about the “3 things” she “stopped doing to lose 40 pounds.”

She Stepped Away From the Scale

The first thing Alex did was stop weighing herself, she writes. “Why? The scale was messing with my head, so I threw it off my balcony.”

She Stopped Counting Calories


Lots of health experts recommend counting calories, but that didn’t work for Alex. “I stopped counting calories and stuck to a schedule. I ate breakfast at 8 a.m., a snack at 11, lunch at 1, a snack at 3, and dinner at 6. And yeah, your schedule may be different, but if you have 5 minutes to check TikTok or like this post, you have 5 minutes to grab an apple or pick up a protein bar and throw it in your purse,” she writes.

Related: I'm a Dietitian, and These Are 7 Foods You Should Never Eat

She Stopped Doing Workouts She Hated


Her third lifestyle change? “I stopped doing the workouts I hated,” she claims. I remember I’d always do 40 minutes on the Stairmaster (it didn’t help me lose weight, only raise my cortisol levels), and on the days I was lazy, I’d skip the gym altogether just because I didn’t want to do cardio. Now, my only cardio is walking.”

Her advice? “Start implementing a routine that makes you happy and works for you, not anyone else,” she concludes the post.

Here’s How She Used Walking for Weight Loss

woman walking towards unknown placesShutterstock

As for exercise, in some of her other videos, Alex elaborated on how walking helped with her weight loss. Not only would she walk for 20-30 minutes in the morning, but she would take a short 10-15 minute walk after lunch.

Related: 5 Habits from Fitness Trainer Krissy Cela that Could Change Your Life

Try to Walk 30 to 60 Minutes a Day, Says Another Expert

Active woman using smartwatchShutterstock

“You can do 30-60 minutes all at one time, or you can do a few 10-15 minute bouts of exercise throughout the day. Whatever works for you,” says The Diet Diva, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian. “Either way, you are raising your metabolism and teaching your body to burn calories.”

💪🔥Body Booster: Just because experts recommend habits, like counting calories, weighing yourself, or doing specific workouts, doesn’t mean they will work for you. If they don’t, make changes accordingly.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including scientific studies and medical journals.

If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing

Katie Dunlop, a fitness influencer and certified personal trainer, transformed her body and her life by shedding 45 pounds and getting rid of stubborn stomach fat. In a recent YouTube video, Katie shared the key dietary changes that helped her reach her goals. She revealed that her weight loss success wasn’t just about exercise; it involved being more mindful of her food choices and cutting out certain items that were sneaking extra calories and sugar into her daily routine.

Through consistency, dedication, and small, sustainable changes, Katie not only achieved her weight loss goals but also became an inspiration to thousands of others. By cutting out these six specific foods, which she once thought were healthy or harmless, Katie finally saw the results she wanted. Here's a look at the six foods she eliminated and how these small shifts made a big difference.

I Ditched Sugary Coffee Creamers

"I was a huge international delight girl, and this is not just to hate on this brand; it's just that it was my brand. I did international delight, French vanilla coffee creamer in my coffee every day," she says in the video. "So that was an excess of 20 to 25 grams of sugar first thing in the morning before 7:00 AM. I'm like, let's just get a little cup of sugar in here, and 24 grams of sugar is the daily recommended amount of added sugar."

I Cut Out Fiber and Protein Bars

"So I used to eat fiber bars or protein bars every single day. I would use them as meal replacements, thinking that they were healthy, but that wasn't the case," she says in the video.

"The problem with most of these bars is they have so many unnecessary added ingredients. So ideally, I try to keep my bars to 10 grams of protein or more, six grams of sugar or less, and it's hard to find any bars that have that, that also don't have just a bunch of chemicals in the ingredient list or fake sugars and stuff."

I Stopped My Nightly Frozen Yogurt Habit

"In college, we had a yogurt land down the street from us, and this is when frozen yogurt was it. And so we went a couple of times, and then we just kept going and kept going. We ended up going almost every single night we could walk to it," she says in the video.

"Well, in a small, like a cup serving of most of those frozen yogurts, they have 25 grams of sugar. And then on top of it, I felt like it was a gateway drug. I don't know how to describe it. Then you're like, oh, a little gram cracker, a little granola, that's healthy. Oh, a little coconut spread. You just start adding and adding, and all of a sudden, you have 500 extra calories a day that I didn't need."

I Gave Up the Special K Diet

"Does anyone remember the Special K diet? Anyone? Am I dating myself? Okay, so you know the Special K cereal, the brand cereal, they've removed all of this from their website. I went digging, I could find nothing. It was a real thing though," she says in the video.

"It was basically the idea that you were to swap two meals a day with Special K cereal, and they claim that you could lose six pounds and a pant size in two weeks."

RELATED:I Lost 70 Pounds and Beat Binge Eating With These 6 Steps

I Stopped Snacking on Veggie Chips

"I was duped into thinking that veggie chips were so much healthier than potato chips or the hint of lime toss. I was obsessed with it. They were veggies, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. It took me so long to realize that they were not at all healthier," she says in the video.

"The whole process that they have to go through in order to make them into chips basically just takes most of the nutrients out of them. And you are left with just a vegetable-colored shaped potato chip."

I Stopped Eating After 9 PM

"I had to stop eating after 9:00 PM, and let's just say there's not a magical time. So don't think, oh my gosh, 9:00 PM said I stopped eating at seven. This is not a problem for me. It may still be 9:00 PM, which was my time," she says in the video.

"The reason why I had to give myself a time at night to stop eating was because I would just keep going. Those cravings would hit me mentally or physically, and I didn't really know how to control them. The bottom line was I wasn't making healthy choices after 9:00 PM."

RELATED:Top 10 Leafy Greens to Burn Fat You Should Eat Every Day

The Power of Small Changes

"When I did that, those hundreds of excess calories were cut from my diet when I cut out the creamers with all the sugars and fake stuff. When I stopped eating all these fiber bars and cereals and all these little things that I thought were healthy, I actually started getting results," she says in the video.

"Yes, I was moving my body, but I wasn't doing anything crazy. You guys know I started 10 minutes a day and I moved up to, I do 30 to 45 minutes a day now. But it's those little tiny things that add up."

By making these changes and being mindful of her food choices, Katie was able to lose 45 pounds and transform her body. Her story highlights the importance of identifying and eliminating hidden sources of excess calories and sugar in our diets. And if you enjoyed this, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Tracy Campoli tracycampoli
Copyright tracycampoli/Instagram

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The battle against belly fat after 40 can feel like an uphill struggle. Those changes in our waistline seem to happen overnight, leaving many of us wondering if this widening middle is simply our new reality. Tracy Campoli understands this frustration firsthand. At 49, this certified personal trainer, Pilates instructor, and health coach balances her professional expertise with the real-life challenges of being a mom in menopause. "It's really frustrating seeing these changes that can happen in our bodies as we get older," Tracy says, "but we don't have to accept all of them as just being 'that's just how it is'." Tracy discovered that 20-second workout intervals were key to her transformation. Read on to discover how her Tabata-style workouts and other practical strategies can help you reduce belly fat at any age.

The 20-Second Workout That Changed Everything

Forget endless crunches - they're not the answer to reducing belly fat. "What we want to do is implement the right kinds of workouts," Tracy advises. For women over 40, she discovered that Tabata and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts were the most effective approach for burning fat and building lean muscle.

"Tabata is really my favorite because you're doing 20 seconds of intense work and then you have a 10-second break built in," Tracy explains. This 20-second interval approach became her secret weapon. "What that's gonna help you to do is burn fat and increase your lean muscle mass - that's what's gonna help you see that slimming in your middle."

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Focus on Strength

Strength training is equally important. Tracy emphasizes that your body itself provides resistance: "Your body is a source of weight and resistance." Whether through Pilates, resistance bands, light weights, or bodyweight exercises, incorporating strength work helps prevent the menopausal widening many women experience.

Why Her Old Workouts Weren't Working

"Back in the day, you know I grew up in the 80s myself, we were told if you want to have a slimmer middle, you got to do crunches all day long," Tracy shares. "That's not the case. By now we know that that is not true at all."

Instead of focusing solely on abdominal exercises, Tracy found that combining cardio intervals with strength training gave her the best results. In her fitness membership Total Body Transformation, she incorporates "strength training inside of the cardio workout so that you're getting basically more bang for your buck."

Chill Out To Slim Down

Your stress levels could be directly contributing to that stubborn belly fat. "Reducing your stress level is like a direct line to decreasing your waistline," Tracy explains. She points to that common experience of clothes feeling looser after vacation despite enjoying richer foods - that's your body responding positively to reduced stress levels.

The science is clear: stress elevates cortisol, which has a direct link to increased belly fat. "When we are stressed out, what happens? Our cortisol levels rise in an unhealthy manner, and so that is a direct link to our belly fat," Tracy says. She recommends simple stress-reduction techniques like nature walks, connecting with friends, practicing yoga, or even just taking three deep breaths. These small actions can make a significant difference in both your stress levels and your waistline.

Eat This, Not That

Proper nutrition becomes increasingly important as we age. "Especially if you're in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond, it's really important that we are fueling our bodies with nutrient-dense food," Tracy emphasizes.

For women over 40, adequate protein is essential for building lean muscle mass. "You want to be making sure especially over 40 that you have adequate protein. That protein is going to really help to create lean muscle mass," Tracy advises. She recommends a balanced approach with plenty of vegetables, fresh fruits, and proper hydration.

Rather than obsessing over individual food choices, she suggests taking a "bird's-eye view" of your daily nutrition. "A lot of women will come to me and say 'I had three cookies so I messed it all up'," Tracy shares, explaining that occasional indulgences won't derail your progress when your overall diet remains nutrient-dense.

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Dress Smart, Look Slimmer

How you dress can significantly impact both how you look and how you feel about your body. "If you're wearing big floppy tents or just hiding, that's actually going to make you look worse," Tracy warns, acknowledging it seems counterintuitive.

On days when you're feeling less than your best, Tracy suggests putting more effort into your presentation, not less. "Those days when I feel like a troll... I feel like a completely different person when I actually brush my hair, put on some makeup, and dress in a way that makes me feel pretty," she shares. This outside-in approach can boost your confidence and actually make you appear slimmer.

You're Not Invisible After 40

Tracy is passionate about women of all ages feeling visible and valued. "One of my missions is that women of every age and every stage of life know that they are worthy of being seen," she says passionately. "You are not just doomed to being invisible after the age of 40, 50, or 60. Yes, you are still beautiful. Yes, you are still attractive. Yes, you are worthy of showing up in the world in the best way that you know how to be."

She encourages women to find styles that make them feel good about themselves, whether through online inspiration or fashion magazines.

My Ballet Trick That Works Every Time

Drawing from her lifelong ballet training, Tracy shares one final tip: lightly engaging your abdominal muscles throughout the day. "We're never letting our belly go; we're always lifting the belly up and in," Tracy explains, clarifying this isn't about uncomfortable "sucking in" but rather a gentle engagement of your deep abdominal muscles.

"This is not a size thing because I used to do this when I was pregnant and my belly was out to here," she notes. "This is about just lightly engaging the muscles, those deep muscles in your abdominals."
This simple practice improves posture, creates a longer, leaner appearance, and can even help prevent back pain, especially important as we spend more time sitting. "It's going to improve your posture, make you look leaner, make you look slimmer, and help prevent back pain," Tracy confirms. With practice, this engagement becomes automatic, creating lasting improvements in both appearance and well-being.

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Start Today, See Results Tomorrow

Tracy emphasizes that consistency is key with all these approaches. The 20-second Tabata intervals might seem brief, but when performed regularly, they create significant changes. "When you do it with time, you don't even have to think about it anymore. It just becomes like a natural part of your day," she explains about her techniques.

By combining strategic 20-second workouts, stress reduction, smart nutrition, confident dressing, and simple posture adjustments, Tracy transformed her menopausal middle—and believes you can too.

Amulya M precious_soul14
Copyright precious_soul14/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Diet and exercise are two components of weight loss. However, if you want to transform your body, there are additional habits you need to incorporate into your routine. Amulya M is a weight loss coach and influencer who helps her followers lose weight and transform their lives. In a new viral post, she reveals her plan for a four-month transformation. “For the next 4 months become addicted to these 7 habits, and you’ll be unrecognizable by June 2025,” she writes.

Wake Up Early

Her first transformation habit is waking up earlier. According to Amulya, it gives you more time to workout, plan your day, work on business, and be more productive. “It is a huge life hack and gives you more time to achieve your goals,” she says.

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Write Down Your Thoughts Before Bed

Hand writing in journal with coffee mug​De-StressShutterstock

Next, she recommends writing down your thoughts before bed. “Journaling before bed will improve your quality of and sleep,” she says. “You’ll be unrecognizable.” Not sure what to write down? She suggests “your goals for tomorrow” and “what you’re grateful for.”

Learn an Online Skill


Her third transformative habit? “Learning an online skill 30 minutes a day,” she says. “With inflation and taxes rising, an online skill can save you financially.” She recommends skills like selling digital products, investing, and affiliate marketing.

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Exercise Four Times a Week

Professional swimmer, swimming race, indoor poolShutterstock

She also recommends exercising four times a week and prioritizing mental health. “You also need good physical health,” she says, revealing a few exercises with the best results, including running, swimming, and lifting weights. “These will strengthen and tone your body,” she writes.

Sit in Silence

Woman practicing yoga and meditation at home sitting in lotus pose on yoga mat, relaxed with closed eyes. Mindful meditation concept. Wellbeing.​And, They Reduce Her CravingsShutterstock

“Sit in silence 10 minutes a day,” she adds. “Your mind is racing with hundreds of thoughts every minute.” She suggests taking just 10 minutes to sit in silence, practice mindfulness, and be present in the moment. “This is an underrated habit for your mental health, but very powerful,” she says.

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,Woman,Sleeping,,Bed,,Night,rest,​You’re Sleeping Less Than 7 HoursShutterstock

Make sure to get your rest. “Create a proper sleep schedule,” she says, adding that sleep is essential for your performance and mental health, reducing stress and improving your mood.


,Brunette,Waking,Morning,,Stretches,sleep,bed,bedroom,wake,up,yawn,sleeping​Bottom Line: Don’t Skip BreakfastShutterstock

Her last tip? Be consistent and repeat these habits every single day, week, and month. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Tara Gidus Collingwood dietdivatara
I'm a Weight Loss Coach and These 7 Daily Habits Help Clients Drop 50+ Pounds
Copyright dietdivatara/Instagram

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Once you hit 40, your metabolism slows down a bit. Paying attention to nutrition becomes more important to prevent weight gain or lose some pounds you may have accumulated. Maintaining or building muscle is also more complex, so good nutrition is key. As an experienced nutrition coach and nutritionist who spends a lot of time helping my clients lose weight, I often advise my clients to eat certain types of food to fuel fat loss. These are the best foods for weight loss if you are over 40.

Lean Protein

Fresh fish, raw cod fillets with addition of herbs and lemon49. White fish (like cod): 48 caloriesShutterstock

My first recommendation is lean protein, including chicken, fish, lean beef, tofu, eggs, and Greek yogurt. These foods help support muscle mass and keep you full longer. I recommend spreading protein throughout the day, having some at each meal especially breakfast. Also, choose grilled or baked instead of fried.

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Leafy Greens

Arugula on a white background. Raw and fresh arugula, green leaves, from above.20. Arugula: 25 caloriesShutterstock

Another one of the best foods for weight loss is any leafy green. My favorites are spinach, kale, arugula, and romaine. Not only are these veggies low in calories, but they are also high in fiber and essential nutrients. An added bonus? Leafy greens are super high in antioxidants for disease fighting.


Girl,Holding,Up,A,Glass,Bowl,Of,Blackberries.,Blackberries,In43. Blackberries: 43 caloriesShutterstock

Another great food for weight loss that also serves as a sweet treat? Berries. Personally, my favorites are blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. What makes this type of fruit so special? Berries are packed with fiber, which promotes satiety and good digestive health. They are also low in sugar compared to other fruits and high in antioxidants.

Healthy Fats

Green, black and red olives, olive oil on a brown wooden background. Fresh juicy olives in a bowl and fresh olive leaves. Vegan. Olive fruits. Place for text. Copy space.Shutterstock

Healthy fats – including avocados, nuts, and olives – are also excellent fat burners. They help keep you feeling full and satisfied, support brain and heart health, and are needed to help regulate hormones, which is crucial for weight management over 40.

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Probiotic-Rich Foods

Korean,Traditional,Kimchi,On,A,Dark,Background.6. Kimchi: 15 caloriesShutterstock

Don’t sleep on probiotic-rich foods like Greek yogurt, kimchi, and other fermented foods. these food types aid digestion and help immune and gut health.

Whole Grains

Freshly,Cooked,Brown,Rice,,A,Bowl,Of,Unpolished,Rice, chop, sticksShutterstock

Lastly, when it comes to carbs, fill your plate with whole grains. I recommend quinoa, brown rice, and oats. They provide long-lasting energy and fiber to keep you full, help regulate blood sugar levels, and aids in supporting gut health. And if you enjoyed this article, don't missthese 8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat.