Health and wellness YouTube influencerGillian Berry is sharing what happened when she decided to do a fruit cleanse for three days. “Banana island, banana detox, banana it what you may, this is one cleanse I have always wanted to try after hearing Freelee the banana girl [Leanne Ratcliffe] talk about it years ago,” she says. Berry was aiming for ten days and managed exactly three before waving the white flag, but she came away with some interesting insights about her banana cleanse. Here’s what happened when she ate bananas, and nothing but bananas, for three days.
Aiming For 10 Days
Berry has done many cleanses in the past and always loved the experience. “It just has a way of giving you such mental clarity,” she says. “You feel so spiritual. Your digestion is amazing, and your sleep is amazing. Your mood is lifted, and your energy goes through the roof. I felt I was going through some hard times, and I wanted some extra mental clarity. So, this is why I chose to try out the cleanse at this time. My goal with this cleanse was to do ten days, and then if the ten days went great, I would do 30 days. So many people do 30 days, and they just say it's like the best cleanse ever.”
Why Bananas?
One of the reasons Berry picked bananas for her mono-cleanse was because of the convenience. “Bananas are just super easy to always get in abundance at the grocery store,” she says. “You can buy it by the case, and they're so cheap, and it's just so easy. I'm super busy with my kids right now, and I thought this would be easy. Just grab a banana and go.”
Day One
Berry found day one easier than she expected. “I felt very full and very satisfied,” she says. “And this is one thing I absolutely love. What draws me to these mono-fruit cleanses is that you just feel so you can't overeat. Your body knows when it's time to stop. It doesn't want any more of that one food, and you feel satisfied and satiated in a way that you've never felt.”
Never Felt Better
Berry’s digestive system responded well to the cleanse. “To be honest, the first day of the cleanse, I thought, this is my favorite cleanse I have ever done,” she said. “I have never felt better in my entire life, and it could be because I hadn't done a cleanse in a while. I don't know. Usually, I feel absolutely amazing on my raw diet anyway, but I was like, wow, this is what I needed. I feel so good. I also said that I had three bowel movements. Usually, I have two to four anyway.”
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Mental Clarity
Berry experienced an excellent level of mental clarity by the evening of the first day. “And then I also felt much more calm and a lot happier,” she says. “So that's one thing that I noticed the most lately. I've had a little bit of stress, and I noticed that with just the mono fruit on that day, I felt extremely calm. It was just this next-level calmness, which was incredible. And I noticed I was laughing a lot more, and my stomach and digestion felt amazing.”
Try One Day
Berry felt even that one first day was worth it. “If you're thinking about doing a cleanse and multiple days seem too much, I definitely recommend trying one day on bananas. You might be pleasantly surprised and realize you can do just one day on bananas,” she says. “And by the afternoon, you might start feeling amazing and love it. So don't be afraid to give it a shot.”
How Many Bananas?
Berry started feeling hungry on day two. “On day one, I ate about 17 or 18 bananas, and then on day two, I ate 20 bananas,” she says. “I didn't make as many notes, but I started to become hungry, not for bananas. My body wanted other things, and I was still doing good but not amazing. Definitely, the first day was better, but I still hung in there because I know with cleanses, there can be challenging days and good days, and I thought, I'm still going to hang in here for this.”
Weight Loss On Bananas
On day three, Berry did not want to eat any more bananas. “I ate about 18 or 20 bananas on day three,” she says. “I didn't do a weight loss before and after, but I could feel I probably lost about four pounds, I would guess, on those three days. Day three was kind of similar to day two. And again, my bowel movements were fine. I know some of my friends were saying, don't bananas back you up and stuff like this, but absolutely not.”
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Flat Stomach, Good Sleep
Berry slept well on the banana cleanse. “My stomach felt flat, amazing,” she says. “I slept really well, and it was hard for me to fall asleep, too. When I'm cleansing, and I'm eating fruits or green juices without any fats or anything, it's really hard for me to fall asleep at night. I feel absolutely wired, and I feel like I need a lot less sleep just because you're buzzing from the electricity.
No More Bananas!
Berry finally cracked at the end of day three. “I just felt like I could not eat one more banana,” she says. “I felt like I don't know how people do this. I respect people who can eat bananas for 30 days. I found it super easy with other fruits or if it was juice cleansing, but I literally felt like my stomach was rejecting it and did not want to eat one more banana. I decided to order a salad. It was absolutely amazing.”
No Regrets
Berry says she would definitely encourage others to try the banana cleanse. “Even though I only made it three days, I would definitely recommend other people try it,” she says. “If you're thinking about doing a cleanse, and especially if a juice cleanse feels like too much work to you, or if other fruits aren't in season, and if you feel called to do it, then definitely try it. It might work for you, and you might be one of these people who totally changed their lives by doing three weeks or a month on it.”
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Be Prepared
Berry recommends keeping a massive amount of bananas on hand for anyone who wants to try the cleanse. “So when you're doing an amount of fruit cleanse like this, or even a juice cleanse, you want to have a lot more on hand than you think because you'll eat a lot more than you realize and just be prepared,” she says. “If you're not prepared, it's just so much easier to order, take out delivery, whatever, and start falling off the wagon and order something else.” And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 20 Superfoods for People Over 50.