Are you struggling to lose weight? Hannah Adkins is a social media influencer who lost 15 pounds and became the healthiest and happiest version of herself. She starts by sharing a before-and-after transformation photo. “I guess you're probably thinking, okay, cool, you've lost a little weight, and you've gained some muscle definition, which is true. But let me tell you, my mindset changed, and so did my energy levels, clear skin, and happiness. That's the real glow-up. It's so good. So what changed? Well, the truth is lots,” she said, going on to explain in detail “what changed, why it changed, and how it can help you too.”
There Is More to Diet Than Just Counting Macros
“Number one, there is more in your food than carbs, fat, and protein, aka, your macros, such a buzzword when it comes to talking about the gym, diet, exercise, weight loss, and muscle gain. All anybody seems to talk about is your macros,” she claims in the video. She explains that in the past, she followed the “if it fits your macros” type of approach to diet. “I can't tell you how simplistic and problematic that approach is in my opinion.”
You Need to Educate Yourself About Nutrition
The problem is “you could eat a diet of almost entirely processed foods and still fulfill your macronutrient goals,” she says, noting that it is “so far from a healthy, holistic, balanced approach. I think a lot of people, including me, used to think I was having a balanced diet because I got a good split of carbs, protein, and fats. There was just so much more to it than that. So honestly, my first and biggest piece of advice is, please educate yourself on the topic of nutrition,” she says. “Read books by experts, listen to podcasts, watch Ted Talks. There are so many ways. Watch YouTube videos by these experts.”
She Recommends These Books
One of her favorites is How Not to Diet. “Basically, it is a book all about nutrition and explaining why following a more heavily plant-based diet is kind of the way forward and all of the reasons for that.” She also recommends a book called Gut, “which is all about your gut health and how important that is and how much that affects so many areas of your life. Not just how you look and how you feel, but also mentally, it can affect you in so many ways.”
Next, There Isn’t a “One Size Fits All” Approach to Exercise
“My second point is about moving your body. So exercise, I know I'm not the first person to say this, but I cannot stress enough how much there is not a one-size-fits-all all approach to exercise,” she says. “You don't need to be doing HIIT five times a week. You don't need a heavy-weight training split six days a week. You don't need to do hot yoga or running, or there's no prescribed way of doing exercise that is more effective or better than another. You need to find the type of exercise that A: you enjoy and B: is sustainable for you.”
She Used to Wear Herself Out Weight Training
She explains that she had done heavy weight training at the gym for years but “literally just burnt out, and I got to the point where I resented the gym. I hated going. I had massive guilt if I wasn't going.” She admits it was a “toxic way” of approaching exercise. She then started “experimenting with home workouts,” going on long walks and runs. “I slowly but surely realized that my body really wasn't changing that much. Actually, I now look forward to working out. It's something that I don't dread. It is something that I see as showing gratitude to my body. She feels better when she is doing “multiple different types of exercise in a week.”
Now She Mixes Up Her Workouts
“At the moment, my two preferred types of exercise are going for really long walks and doing kind of slow, gentle Pilates-type movement. But basically, you do not need to do the same thing week in or week out to see results. You can wake up in the morning and think about what I felt like today. Some days that might be a walk. Some days that might be super high-intensity training. Some days, it might be gentle yoga. Some days, it might be nothing at all. And honestly, as long as you are keeping your body moving most days of the week, you're not gonna, you're not gonna go wrong.”
Avoid “Diet” Foods
“My next point, I want to talk about substitutes,” she says. “I personally don't buy anything that's labeled low fat, light, diet. The reason is because nine times out of 10, the chemicals that they have added into that food so that it still tastes good without the sugar or without the fat are doing you so much more harm than the sugar or the fat.”
Instead, Substitute with Healthier, Nutritious Options
Her “kind of substitutes” are lentil pasta, pea pasta, chickpea pasta instead of white pasta, rye bread instead of white bread, and dark chocolate in replacement of dairy milk. They're my kind of substitutes, and they're the kind of substitutes that I would recommend.” She tries to make healthier choices 80 percent of the time. “The reason for that being is purely and simply because the nutritional value and the micronutrients in those substitutes are far better than in the kind of more processed alternatives. So, when it comes to substitutes, do I believe in them? Yes. Do I believe in diet things, light things, or half-fat things? Nine times out of 10, they're probably doing you more harm than good, in my opinion.”
Learn How to Cook
“Let's talk about homecooked meals,” she says about her next point, admitting she is “not the best or the most enthusiastic cook” because of the effort and feeling like she isn’t very good at it. “One of the best, best, best things that I've done is take more time to try and learn new recipes and basically just teach myself to cook, and I've literally just done this through buying recipe books.”
That Way, You Will Know What Is in Your Food
“The reason why learning to cook is so, so key is because eating home home-cooked food is always gonna be the best option if you are looking to manage your weight in some way or achieve some kind of goal. The reason for that being is that you actually know what is in your food,” she says. “When you eat out, you have no idea what they've added to that food to try and boost the flavor.”
Shift Your Mindset
“The final thing, but genuinely probably one of the most game-changing things that I'm going to say is, please don't underestimate how important shifting your mindset and your mental wellbeing is. I've said this before in another video, but you cannot hate yourself healthy,” she says. “Being truly grateful to my body for everything that it does to me on a day-to-day basis, everything that I'm able to do because I have a healthy body is genuinely almost my soul motivation these days to eat really healthy nutritious food and to move my body each day.”
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Listen to Your Body
“What we put into our bodies and how we choose to move or not move our bodies on a daily basis has such an enormous, enormous impact on that, in line with this, one thing that I really, really want to impress upon you is please listen to your body. Our bodies are so complex and so amazing, and they have evolved over thousands and thousands and probably millions,” she says. “If you're hungry, please eat that. Is your body telling you that you need fuel to be able to go about your day and carry on and live a healthy, full life? If every single time you eat a meal, you are getting like really painful, big kind of bloating, please, rather than punishing yourself and thinking that you've just eaten too much or that you shouldn't eat certain types of food or whatever it might be, please see an expert and get their opinion because the chances are you might possibly have an intolerance or an allergy or some reason why your body is reacting in that way.”
Love Yourself
“Next time you are looking in the mirror, and you are thinking, I hate this aspect of my body, I don't like that aspect of my body, just take the time to genuinely appreciate everything that your body does for you outside of what it looks like,” she encourages. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.