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We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

4 Ways to Lose Weight Quickly and Permanently

These sustainable weight loss methods will help you drop weight and keep it off.


Jared McDonald (@themetabolismreboot) is a health expert and influencer who specializes in helping women over 45 lose 20 to 35 pounds in just 6 weeks, via his unique method. In a viral video he reveals his top 4 recommendations for losing weight permanently and quickly. The Body Network asked The Diet Diva, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian, to weigh in on his tactics.

You Can Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off, He Says


4 things to lose weight quickly and permanently #menopause #metabolism #metabolismbooster #weightloss

He starts off by claiming that “the idea that you can't lose weight fast and keep it off permanently is completely false. Most of the clients we work with on average lose 20 to 45 pounds in six weeks, and we teach them how to eat treats and snacks and travel and go out to eat and not count calories and all that kind of stuff,” he says, adding that “they can actually keep their weight off. They just eat real food. So it's very sustainable.”

It Starts with Stress

Hands of a woman playing with nails in stressShutterstock

“Now you have to realize that stress is the problem,” says McDonald. “Stress causes your body to store fat, right in your midsection.” He said that the “common approach to weight loss” of eating less and exercising more, “actually then stresses the body out more because your brain doesn't know how to differentiate between eating less and a famine and exercising, running from a tiger. And so we think we're doing something good, but it ends up stressing the body out. So we have to do things a little bit differently.”

Related: I Lost 19 Pounds in 15 Days with the Help of Salt

1. Stop Focusing on Weight Loss

Close up overweight woman measuring her hip with tape measure.Shutterstock

“First thing to do is stop focusing on weight loss,” says McDonald. Instead, “you have to actually focus on getting healthy,” because “the things that you do to lose weight typically stress the body out more. But the things you do to get healthy will actually promote health and will allow you to lose the weight.” Collingwood “loves” this idea. “Focus on positive ‘I want to get healthier’ instead of just focusing on the number on the scale. It will reduce stress and pressure and have a positive vibe. Focus on behaviors and the scale will eventually follow,” she says.

2. Eat Real Food

Bowl Buddha. Buckwheat, pumpkin, chicken fillet, avocado, carrots. On a black background. Top view. Free space for your text.Shutterstock

Number two, “eat real food,” says McDonald, explaining that “fake food shakes and prepackaged meals” aren’t the solution. “Most of the time they actually cause more stress, they bring more toxins in,” he continues. “They actually make it worse. And so when we talk about stress, we have to talk about toxins and inflammation and blood sugars and cortisol and fake foods don't actually solve that. Also, they're not sustainable. You can't eat them forever and you can't feed your kids those things. So your first focus needs to be on nutrition through real food.” Collingwood agrees that “food first” is always good advice. “Eat as clean as possible but also be realistic about lifestyle and how much time you have for food prep. Don’t beat yourself up if you need to rely on some convenience foods that are still nutritious and healthy,” she says.

3. Stop Exercising for Weight Loss

Fit people standing at barbells before exercise. Horizontal indoors shotShutterstock

His third suggestion is “you need to stop exercising for weight loss.” He explains that exercise is not bad, but if you are overweight or are over 40 and are hormonally changing, and try to exercise to lose weight, “it's only going to cause more stress on the body.” While “you might feel better, you might like it, you might get stronger, you might have a mental release and that's all good things, but that belly fat is going to stick around. Your number one focus shouldn't be on exercise to lose weight, it should be on nutrition and getting healthy. That's the key.” Keep exercising, but don’t have the focus be on weight loss, agrees Collingwood. “I do believe in moving your body and that we are more sedentary now as a population than we have ever been. Moving and exercise is key, but take the pressure off from weight loss to just moving to feel better and improve mood, loosen stiff joints, build muscle, etc.”

Related: How to Lose Weight Fast for a Special Occasion, According to an Expert

4. Drink Water

Woman drinking water in summer sunlightShutterstock

“Number four is that you do need to drink water,” says McDonald, explaining that “one of the first steps in metabolizing fat cells is called hydrolysis. So you need water to actually burn fat. And most of us are chronically dehydrated.” He adds that drinking water alone might not be enough. “You have to actually replenish with electrolytes and minerals as well. So make sure you're getting a good balance of electrolytes with your water.” Collingwood agrees. “Water helps with digestion, temporary fullness, and really all body processes!”

💪🔥Body Booster: Stress isn’t just bad for your mental health, it can result in weight gain. A healthy diet and workout routine can help keep your hormones balanced and stress levels low.

More For You


We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Jared McDonald (@themetabolismreboot) is a health expert and influencer who specializes in helping women over 45 lose 20 to 35 pounds in just 6 weeks, via his unique method. In a viral video he reveals his top 4 recommendations for losing weight permanently and quickly. The Body Network asked The Diet Diva, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian, to weigh in on his tactics.

You Can Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off, He Says


4 things to lose weight quickly and permanently #menopause #metabolism #metabolismbooster #weightloss

He starts off by claiming that “the idea that you can't lose weight fast and keep it off permanently is completely false. Most of the clients we work with on average lose 20 to 45 pounds in six weeks, and we teach them how to eat treats and snacks and travel and go out to eat and not count calories and all that kind of stuff,” he says, adding that “they can actually keep their weight off. They just eat real food. So it's very sustainable.”

It Starts with Stress

Hands of a woman playing with nails in stressShutterstock

“Now you have to realize that stress is the problem,” says McDonald. “Stress causes your body to store fat, right in your midsection.” He said that the “common approach to weight loss” of eating less and exercising more, “actually then stresses the body out more because your brain doesn't know how to differentiate between eating less and a famine and exercising, running from a tiger. And so we think we're doing something good, but it ends up stressing the body out. So we have to do things a little bit differently.”

Related: I Lost 19 Pounds in 15 Days with the Help of Salt

1. Stop Focusing on Weight Loss

Close up overweight woman measuring her hip with tape measure.Shutterstock

“First thing to do is stop focusing on weight loss,” says McDonald. Instead, “you have to actually focus on getting healthy,” because “the things that you do to lose weight typically stress the body out more. But the things you do to get healthy will actually promote health and will allow you to lose the weight.” Collingwood “loves” this idea. “Focus on positive ‘I want to get healthier’ instead of just focusing on the number on the scale. It will reduce stress and pressure and have a positive vibe. Focus on behaviors and the scale will eventually follow,” she says.

2. Eat Real Food

Bowl Buddha. Buckwheat, pumpkin, chicken fillet, avocado, carrots. On a black background. Top view. Free space for your text.Shutterstock

Number two, “eat real food,” says McDonald, explaining that “fake food shakes and prepackaged meals” aren’t the solution. “Most of the time they actually cause more stress, they bring more toxins in,” he continues. “They actually make it worse. And so when we talk about stress, we have to talk about toxins and inflammation and blood sugars and cortisol and fake foods don't actually solve that. Also, they're not sustainable. You can't eat them forever and you can't feed your kids those things. So your first focus needs to be on nutrition through real food.” Collingwood agrees that “food first” is always good advice. “Eat as clean as possible but also be realistic about lifestyle and how much time you have for food prep. Don’t beat yourself up if you need to rely on some convenience foods that are still nutritious and healthy,” she says.

3. Stop Exercising for Weight Loss

Fit people standing at barbells before exercise. Horizontal indoors shotShutterstock

His third suggestion is “you need to stop exercising for weight loss.” He explains that exercise is not bad, but if you are overweight or are over 40 and are hormonally changing, and try to exercise to lose weight, “it's only going to cause more stress on the body.” While “you might feel better, you might like it, you might get stronger, you might have a mental release and that's all good things, but that belly fat is going to stick around. Your number one focus shouldn't be on exercise to lose weight, it should be on nutrition and getting healthy. That's the key.” Keep exercising, but don’t have the focus be on weight loss, agrees Collingwood. “I do believe in moving your body and that we are more sedentary now as a population than we have ever been. Moving and exercise is key, but take the pressure off from weight loss to just moving to feel better and improve mood, loosen stiff joints, build muscle, etc.”

Related: How to Lose Weight Fast for a Special Occasion, According to an Expert

4. Drink Water

Woman drinking water in summer sunlightShutterstock

“Number four is that you do need to drink water,” says McDonald, explaining that “one of the first steps in metabolizing fat cells is called hydrolysis. So you need water to actually burn fat. And most of us are chronically dehydrated.” He adds that drinking water alone might not be enough. “You have to actually replenish with electrolytes and minerals as well. So make sure you're getting a good balance of electrolytes with your water.” Collingwood agrees. “Water helps with digestion, temporary fullness, and really all body processes!”

💪🔥Body Booster: Stress isn’t just bad for your mental health, it can result in weight gain. A healthy diet and workout routine can help keep your hormones balanced and stress levels low.


We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

What are my proven tips for achieving a dream body? As a Precision Nutrition certified coach and CrossFit L1 certified trainer, this is a question that I often see asked in online forums, and it engenders responses that run the whole gamut—from eating a vegan diet to going full carnivore. I’ll give you my top 3 tips that, if followed, will not only help anyone to lose weight but will also create a body that looks fit, strong, and healthy. The best part is, they are easily actionable with some guidance and a little motivation.

1. Reduce Calorie Intake


First, we have to look at reducing calorie intake. I know that sounds like a no-brainer, but bear with me here. Everyone knows this, but it’s a proven fact that the vast majority of people who are trying to lose weight cannot maintain a caloric deficit followed by maintenance. So how are we going to do that? It’s not as simple as just telling people to “eat less.” We need to make sure that the food we’re eating keeps us feeling satisfied for a longer period of time so that we can reduce or eliminate snacking, which is one of the primary drivers of weight gain. To address this, start each day with a protein-dense meal. It doesn’t have to be a big, complicated breakfast. It could be something as simple as a couple of eggs, boiled or scrambled. “But I’m a breakfast skipper” I hear you say. Then make a simple protein shake in the morning. Take your time drinking it. It can even be taken with you on your commute. Twenty five to thirty grams of protein in the morning will keep you feeling satiated so that mid-morning snacking is reduced or eliminated. And your body needs more protein if you want to sculpt that dream body. Protein is the magic bullet for losing weight and sparing muscle.

Related: #1 Dumbest Thing You Can Do to Lost Weight, According to Nutrition Expert (He Did It Too)

2. Don't Eat Four Hours Before Going to Sleep


Next tip. We then address post-6pm eating. By getting adequate protein early on in the day, we’re set up to have our next 1 or 2 meals (lunch or dinner, or both) without feeling ravenous and without the between-meal snacks that I mentioned as being one of the obstacles to weight loss. So try to finish your last meal of the day at least 4 hours before you go to sleep for the night. This ensures that you have restful sleep (which in itself has been proven by numerous studies to increase weight loss success) without the sleep disturbances that come with going to bed right after eating.

Related: Woman Wows After Losing 30 Pounds in 3 Months By Eating Lunchables

3. Move Some Weight


Last tip: Move some weight. I know, I know, we’ve all heard that you can go for an evening stroll or run 5k a day to lose weight. But sculpting a strong, healthy physique? Muscle mass has to be at least preserved, or better yet, increased. No, moving some weights in the gym is not going to give you a body like Arnold, ladies. That’s like saying going to the library 3 times a week is going to turn you into Albert Einstein. But putting in 3 one-hour sessions moving some weights, with a little HIIT (high-intensity interval training) thrown into the mix is going to burn fat, build muscle, and give you a body that the typical runner can be envious of. If you enjoyed this article don't miss I’ve Tried Nearly Every Diet and This is the #1 Best for Weight Loss For Me.

💪🔥Body Booster: Start each day with a protein-dense meal. It could be something as simple as a couple of eggs, boiled or scrambled

Mark Edwards is a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutrition Coach, CrossFit Mobility Trainer & L2 at Minimalist Nutrition + Fitness


We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Losing weight and achieving your weight loss goals may seem daunting. However, dropping a few dress sizes can be as simple as making a few changes to your routine. Weight loss coach Sydney St-Aubin, Founder and Program Director of the Bounce N' Burn Rebounding program, who goes by the TikTok handle @sydneystaubin, boasts over 126,000 followers on the video sharing site, where she shares tips and secrets about her weight loss. In a recent video, she revealed that she lost a whopping 20 pounds in less than four months, simply by incorporating four easy changes into her lifestyle. “If I had to lose 19 pounds in the next four months, again, here's what I would do, which by the way, I do have to lose 19 pounds in the next four months again,” she starts explaining in the viral TikTok video. She did it "by making four effortless changes in my life," she told us here at Body Network. "I did things one step at a time so that I wouldn't get too overwhelmed." Here's exactly what she did.

1. Drink Three Liters of Water Per Day


Her first suggestion is to drink three liters of water every day. “That's what your body needs. One and a half of these at the minimum, okay? If you're exercising, drink two at the minimum,” she says, pointing to her water bottle. According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine men should drink about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day and women about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids. What health benefits can you reap by hydration? According to the Mayo Clinic water helps get rid of waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature normal, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues. "There are so many benefits to drinking the amount of water that your body needs and making this small adjustment to be more intentional with your water, can tremendously support your weight-loss journey," St-Aubin tells Body Network.

Related: I'm a Personal Trainer With a Flat Belly and Here's How to Get Yours

2. Amp Up Your Protein Intake


While there is no “need to track your food,” Sydney strongly suggests amping up your protein intake. “No counting, no weighing, no measuring. I'm learning that right now. You don't even need to do that. But something that's helped me so, so much in the past four months is just making every single meal protein oriented, just focus on protein,” she says. For breakfast, she suggests an omelet with “eggs for my protein with some added meat in there", and lunch, “some tuna concoction or salad with chicken,” and for dinner, salmon. “When you're prioritizing protein, you're seriously not going to be as hungry. You're going to be saying goodbye to all the snacks. You're not going to feel hungry late at night. Your body can then burn fat while you're sleeping. Trust me, it's so important.” When we reached out to her, she reiterated this fact: "I started to make every meal protein-oriented. I you make protein the focus in each of your meals, you'll stay full for longer periods of time and there won't be a need for as many snacks throughout the day. When I felt snackish, I started grabbing things that were higher in protein rather than carbs, so that they would actually tide me over until the next meal."

3. Stay in a Caloric Deficit


While “you don't even need to count or weigh if you don't want to,” you should “choose wisely about what you're putting on your plate and what your portions look like,” she says. “At the end of the day, we're staying in a caloric deficit.”

4. Get Your Steps In

Young adult woman walking up the stairs with sun sport background.Shutterstock/siam.pukkato

Not only should you “get your steps in,” says Sydney, but “increase your steps every single day,” she suggests. “Try to get a little bit better.” How many steps should you strive for? A 2018 study published in the journal Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure and fewer strokes. "I started parking further away from the places I needed to go. This way, I was getting in more steps and therefore burning more calories without putting too much pressure on myself to do any specific type of exercise," she told us.

Related: 6 Body Changes Caused by Drinking Soda, According to a Diet Expert

5. Final Suggestion: Don’t Overcomplicate Weight Loss


“You don't got to overcomplicate the whole thing. You don't need to feel like you're on this insane diet. You don't need to cut out your favorite foods. Eat everything in moderation. Let me help you because I've finally figured it out. Let's do it,” Sydney says at the end of the video. Or as she told us: "I started to incorporate exercise by creating a set schedule and routine for myself. I knew that in order to see results, I needed to be consistent but in order to be consistent, I needed to enjoy the movement. I don't believe in having to lift weights, run marathons or go to the gym in order to lose weight. I believe that any movement is a good one because the results come from consistency. I love mini trampoline fitness workouts, using a Rebounder, because they're fun and they can be done from the comfort of my own home. I love them so much that I teach my own classes online and have built an incredible community of ladies from all over the world. Don't over-complicate the weight-loss process. Do what you can every single day and the results will follow."


19 lbs down since january and still going 👏🏻 here’s what i’ve been doing and what i plan to continue to do to reach my goal by hopefully september 🤍 #weightloss #caloricdeficit #athomeworkouts #weightlosstransformation #weightlossprogram

💪🔥Body Booster: If you want to lose weight, amp up your protein intake. Proteins like lean meats, eggs, and legumes, fill you up while fueling your workouts, making you less likely to snack on unhealthy food.

Miranda Forrest corporatestronggirl
Copyright corporatestronggirl/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

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We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you struggling to blast your belly fat? One expert claims to know the secret to getting rid of it. Miranda Forrest is a fitness coach for corporate women. “I help corporate women own their fitness journey w/o sacrificing their career, wine nights, or fav foods,” she writes in her Instagram bio. In a new social media post, she reveals her tactics for getting rid of a flabby midsection as soon as possible. “If I were to wake up tomorrow and gain 20 pounds of belly fat…here’s what I would do to lose it in 4 months as a busy corporate girl,” she writes.

You Don’t Have to Go to Extremes

Fat woman, Obese woman hand holding excessive belly fat isolated on gym background, Overweight fatty belly of woman, Woman diet lifestyle concept to reduce belly and shape up healthy stomach muscle.Shutterstock

You don’t have to go to extremes to blast belly fat. “It can seem super confusing and frustrating trying to lose weight, but it doesn’t have to be. 5 years ago I would have tried low carb, HIIT classes, running, and maybe it would have worked for a bit, but the progress always stopped,” Miranda writes.

These Science-Backed Methods Will Keep Your Body From “Adapting to the Stimulus”

overweight woman on scale at homeShutterstock

“My body was adapting to the stimulus I was giving it. Here’s how to avoid that adaptation and how I would lose those 20lbs after learning the science behind losing body fat and toning,” she continues.

Lift Weights


Lifting weights is the first thing you need to do. “Start resistance training,” she recommends. “None of this light weight lifting, though. Heavy weights with continued reps and weight increases to avoid adaptation.”

Track Macros


You also need to stay accountable when it comes to your diet. “Start tracking macros,” she says. “Ensure you’re eating the right foods to lose body fat and maintain lean muscle.”

Start a Calorie Deficit

Counting calories, different food with written quantity of calories, diet concept.Shutterstock

To lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. “Start a calorie deficit - I’d make sure I’m in a calorie deficit of 500+ calories per day to lose around 1lb per week,” she writes.

Do Low Intensity Cardio


And, do some cardio. “Start low intensity cardio - I’d increase my steps and add in low intensity cardio to help ensure I was in a calorie deficit for the day,” she says.

She Eats 2300 Calories Per Day

Bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon on rustic wooden backgroundShutterstock

In another post she reveals details about her own routine. “Instead of avoiding carbs, cake and running for hours and hours each week, here’s exactly what I’m doing to maintain 19% body fat and stay lean this winter,” she said. “I eat 2300 calories daily, 150g protein, 255g carbs, 80g fats. I never skip my bagel in the morning and ensure I can have a sweet treat before bed.”

She Walks and Lifts Weights

leg of fat woman being run or jog on belt of treadmill machineShutterstock

She also makes sure to get her steps in. “I aim for 10k daily steps to ensure I’m getting activity in (my desk treadmill is the only way I make this possible),” she writes. “I lift 3 times per week (non of those “strength training” classes bc that’s a waste of time imo) and get 1-2 days of 30-45 min of cardio for heart health.”

She Meditates and Journals

Woman hand writing journal on small notebook at outdoor area in cafe with morning scene and vintage filer effectShutterstock

She also gets her zen on. “I take the first 30 minutes of my day to meditate, journal and stay off my phone (way more important than you’d think for the mental),” she says.

She Gets Rest and Takes Time for Self-Care

Serene woman sleeping at night in the bedroomShutterstock

And, she allows her body the chance to regenerate. “I start my bedtime routine around 7:30pm so I can be in bed reading by 8pm and lights out at 9pm,” she says. “I also make time for self care and socialization — we NEED to spend time with the girls in order to be our best selves.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.


We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Andrew Holmes (@andrewholmes79) is a fitness and weight loss coach who helps people blast fat and get into the best shape of their lives. In a viral video he discusses two approaches to weight loss, one sustainable and the other not. “If you want to lose a lot of fat very quickly, this is exactly what you need to do,” he says. The Body Network asked The Diet Diva, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian, to weigh in on his tactics.

1. You Can Lose Weight Rapidly, But It Won’t Be Sustainable

If you want to lose weight fast, Andrew suggests fasting “for about 23 hours every day” and replacing meals “with only protein shakes.” As for exercise, “get at least seven hours of intense cardio every day,” he jokes, revealing that drastic plans aren’t sustainable. “So any fat that you did lose is likely going to come right back, plus even more so.” Collingwood agrees. “Nothing extreme!” she says.

2. Don’t Lose More Than Two Pounds Per Week

A pair of female feet standing on a bathroom scaleShutterstock

The first rule to “avoid rebounding and keep the weight off for good” is that you shouldn’t “lose fat any faster than 0.5 to two pounds per week,” says Andrew. Collingwood agrees that this is an excellent pace of weight loss. “If you have a lot to lose, 2 pounds per week might be realistic for you. If you only have a little to lose, even a half pound per week can add up after a month or two,” she notes.

RELATED:7 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Walk 10,000+ Steps a Da

3. Don’t Cut Out or Restrict Food Groups

Rear View Of Young Woman Looking In Fridge At KitchenShutterstock

Next, “do not cut out or restrict any food groups,” he says. Colingwood agrees with this. “If you cut out entire food groups you are asking for nutritional deficiencies and potentially other health risks,” she says.

4. Don’t Skip Meals

Intermittent fasting concept with a woman sitting hungry in front of food and looking at her watch to make sure she breaks fast on the correct time. A dietary modification for healthy lifestyle.Shutterstock

He also advises against skipping meals. “When you skip meals you get ravenously hungry. When you are really hungry, you make bad choices for the next time you eat, you eat too quickly, and you end up eating too much. I would rather you eat but just eat a smaller amount so you aren’t starving yourself. Plus, skipping meals can slow down your metabolism, teaching your body to hang on to calories when you do finally get around to eating,” says Collingwood.

5. Eat Three Balanced Meals Per Day

Fried salmon steak with potatoes and vegetables on wooden tableShutterstock

Instead, he says to eat three balanced meals a day. “Well rounded meals keep you satisfied for longer and also provide you with the nutrients you need,” says Collintwood. “Your body is happier and doesn’t have to go into starvation mode or waste muscle or use protein for energy.”

6. Consume 30 to 50 Grams Protein Per Meal

Woman in gloves puts raw chicken breasts in a plate on a digital weighing scale to prepare delicious food at home. Homemade cooking concept.Shutterstock

Also, make sure to get at least 30 to 50 grams of protein every meal. Collingwood notes that protein needs depend on body size, gender, and of course activity level. “Most people will benefit from at least 20 grams of protein per meal (women) and 30 grams per meal (men). If that isn’t enough for the day, then make up more at snack time,” she says.

Related: Denise Austin Shares Workout to “Tone and Tighten Your Thighs”

7. Lift Weights Three Times a Week


Finally, Andrew suggests lifting weights at least three times per week. “Lifting weights will help you maintain muscle mass when you are losing weight instead of losing it,” explains Collingwood. “Plus, the more muscle you have the higher your metabolism and the more calories you burn at rest.”

💪🔥Body Booster: If you are losing weight, strength and weight training are extra important. If you don’t lift, you will risk losing muscle instead of fat.

katie south_east_living
Copyright south_east_living/Instagram

Do you want to drop a lot of weight this year? Katie Rees is a social media influencer who is documenting her weight loss journey on Instagram. In a recent post, she reveals all of the habits she is focusing on to achieve her weight loss goals this year. “Here’s everything my personal trainer has told me to do to lose 40 pounds of weight naturally in 2025,” she writes.

Wear a Weighted Vest and Ankle Weights

The first tip, courtesy of Katie’s personal trainer? Weighted vest movement and ankle weights. “I’m using mine to clean my house,” she says, “but you can use it to walk in. Buy heavy and remove the weights to start at an easy weight, then increase.”

Walking 10,000 Steps Per Day

Woman using daily activity tracking app on mobile phone showing 10 000 steps daily goal achievement


Next, make sure to get your steps in. “10,000 steps minimum daily and use a step tracker to count it so you’re accurate,” says Katie. A 2018 study published in the journal Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure, and fewer strokes.

Macro Tracking Over Calorie Counting

Assorted foods with calorie count labels, illustrating healthy diet and calorie tracking.Shutterstock

Regarding nutrition, her trainer has specific guidance to “monitor macros over calories and focus on protein and nutritional quality of food,” Katie says. “Protein is your nutritional superhero. No processed rubbish.” According to clinical trials, consuming more protein than the recommended dietary allowance not only reduces body weight (BW), but also enhances body composition by decreasing fat mass while preserving fat-free mass (FFM) in both low-calorie and standard-calorie diets.


Sports woman drinking bottle of water.Shutterstock

Hydration is also key if you want to lose weight. Katie’s trainer recommends 3 liters of water daily “with electrolytes in the morning,” she says. According to the Mayo Clinic, hydration is essential for various reasons. Water helps eliminate waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature regular, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues.

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

Strength Training

Woman exercising lateral leg lifts with resistance bandShutterstock

Strength training is also essential to build lean muscle and burn fat. “3 resistance workouts a week in addition to the daily steps,” Katie says. According to the Mayo Clinic, strength and weight training help reduce body fat, preserve and increase lean muscle mass, and burn calories more efficiently. Strength training may also help you:

  • Develop strong bones
  • Manage your weight
  • Enhance your quality of life
  • Manage chronic conditions
  • Sharpen your thinking skills

Protein Before Caffeine

black drip coffee in glass cup, Barista making drip coffee by pouring spills hot water on coffee bean. Barista serve holding cup of hot black coffee or americano for serve on wooden table cafe shopShutterstock

It’s okay to drink coffee, but Katie’s trainer maintains that if you want to lose weight, you need to do something first. “Protein before caffeine…always,” she says.

Visualize and Focus

Shot of beautiful woman listening to music with headphones while using smartphone near to the lakeShutterstock

As for mental weight loss habits, “mindset and motivational podcasts daily” and visualization are crucial. Also, “focus on the day ahead and getting that done rather than the bigger picture. The consistent small actions from one day will add up to something big,” she says.

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat

Don’t Drink Alcohol

Wine glass, wine bottle and grapes on wooden background. Wine tasting.Shutterstock

Don’t drink your calories. Katie’s trainer says to “drop alcohol totally.” Not only are most alcoholic drinks high in calories, but when you drink you are less likely to eat healthy food and exercise.


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Finally, make sure to allow your body recharging time. “Time to rest and relax is just as important as everything else, make sure you’re getting enough sleep and restoration to reduce your cortisol,” says Katie.

Katie Lost 4 Pounds in 3 Week

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Katie is on her way to achieving her weight loss goals this year. “Let’s do it together in 2025. 4 pounds down, 40 to go,” she writes. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Fitness Coach Reveals 4 Ways to Avoid Weight Gain While Drinking Alcohol

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to enjoy a night of drinking, even if you are trying to lose weight? One expert claims to have some tips to help you do this. Casie Jericho is a fitness coach who helps women “lose fat, tone up & regain confidence without “giving up wine or charcuterie,” she writes in her Instagram bio. In a nw social media post she reveals her hacks for drinking alcohol and still losing weight. “4 things I do the day after drinking to not gain weight,” she writes, adding that they will help you to “avoid feeling sluggish and bloated!”

She Only Drinks Twice a Month

She starts with a disclaimer: She doesn’t drink often. “Reminder: I drink maybe once every two weeks. I know my body won’t be burning fat while it’s processing alcohol, and yes, it’s empty calories!” she writes.

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat

1. Start with a Protein-Packed Breakfast

Her first tip is to start with a protein-packed breakfast. “Start the day strong with at least 40g of protein!” she says. According to clinical trials, consuming more protein than the recommended dietary allowance not only reduces body weight (BW), but also enhances body composition by decreasing fat mass while preserving fat-free mass (FFM) in both low-calorie and standard-calorie diets.

She Recocmends This Ometlette

She shares the “easy, delicious option” recipe with 32 grams of protein. “Add a scoop of protein powder to your coffee or smoothie for an extra 8g!” she says.

  • Veggie Omelette
  • 3 eggs (18g protein)
  • 1/2 cup cottage cheese (14g protein)
  • 1/2 cup spinach & peppers (nutrients + flavor!)
  • Top with salsa for extra zest!

2. Hydrate

Next, hydration is key. “Chug over 100oz of water with electrolytes!” she suggests. “Try this:Water + pinch of sea salt + squeeze of lemon + splash of coconut water = Your body will thank you!” According to the Mayo Clinic, hydration is essential for various reasons. Water helps eliminate waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature regular, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues.

3. Exercise: 10,000 Steps

Next, “Get moving!” she says, recommending 10,000 steps per day. A 2018 study published in the journal Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management. Other studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in JAMA Neurology and in JAMA Internal Medicine also linked walking 10,000 steps a day to less dementia and less cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure and fewer strokes.

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

Also, Do This Quick Full-Body Workout

She also recommends doing “a quick full-body” workout. “Move your body, boost your energy, feel better!” she writes.

  • Squats: 3x12
  • Push-Ups: 3x10
  • Dumbbell Rows: 3x12
  • Plank: 3x30 sec.

3. Eat At Home

She also recommends eating at home. “Plan ahead to avoid cravings! Here’s a simple high-protein day,” she says.

  • Lunch: Grilled chicken salad + quinoa.
  • Snack: Greek yogurt + berries.
  • Dinner: Salmon + broccoli + sweet potatoes.

4. Get Back on Track

As for the “biggest tip” she says to keep on going. “Own your choices, move on, and get back on track. Overdoing cardio or binging on greasy takeout won’t help!” And if you enjoyed this article, don't missI’m a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

Maria Gad mariiiagad
Copyright mariiiagad/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you struggling to lose weight but experiencing frustration? You don’t need to complicate weight loss, says one expert. Maria Gad is a Fitness & Weight Loss Coach who uses her experience losing weight to help others. In a new post, she shares some simple tips on how to do it by changing up your diet. “5 eating habits that helped me lose 9 kg,” she writes. “These small changes helped me stay on track and achieve my goals! Try them out and see how they work for you!”


Her first tip? Start the day on a hydrated note. “Hydrate first! Drink water as soon as you wake up and before or with every meal,” she writes. According to the Mayo Clinic, hydration is essential for various reasons. Water helps eliminate waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements, keeps your temperature regular, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps protect sensitive tissues.

Snack Smart

You can eat in between meals, but make good choices. “Snack smart,” Gad recommends. “Have a light snack before going out to avoid overeating later.”

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat

Meal Plan

Her next tip? Plan ahead. “When dining out, check the menu in advance to make healthier choices. Stick to 2 out of 3: starter, main, or dessert,” she writes. There is scientific evidence supporting the benefits of meal planning. Studies show that the more meals you eat prepared away from home, the higher your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and early death. One study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity found meal planning was associated with a healthier diet and less obesity.

Limit Alcohol

Don’t drink your calories, says Gad. “Limit alcohol. A drink now and then is fine, but remember it’s packed with hidden calories, can slow recovery, and mess with your sleep,” she writes.

Sauces on the Side

Don’t drench your food in sauce. “Sauces on the side” is a must, she says. “Ask for dips and sauces on the side to control portions and avoid unnecessary calories.”

Eat Protein Oats

You can still “eat delicious food AND still get results,” she writes in another post. “Eating healthy doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor or enjoyment. Here are 3 of my favorite meals that keep me on track while satisfying my cravings.” The first? Protein oats. “Tastes just like cake! Perfect for sweet mornings. Just mix oats, cocoa powder, protein powder, and a splash of milk. Top with melted peanut butter and dark chocolate. You’ll be in heaven!” she says.

Teriyaki Salmon Is Another Favorite Meal

Another one of her favorites is teriyaki salmon. “My go-to dish that I could eat every day! Marinate wild salmon in a teriyaki mix, bake it to perfection, and serve with rice and broccoli. It’s both nutritious and indulgent!” she writes.

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

And, Halo Top

When it comes to sweet treats, you don’t have to deprive yourself. “Yes, I eat dessert every day!” she says. “A tub of Halo Top only has 320 calories, making it a guilt-free way to satisfy my sweet tooth after dinner.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't missthese 8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat.