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We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

7 Breakthrough Anti-Aging Strategies From a Gerontology Expert

Embrace a healthier, more youthful lifestyle with this essential advice.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
Facial Beauty Treatment. Woman Doing Red Led Light Therapy
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

As a gerontologist and healthy aging expert, it's my job not only to study the physical, psychological, and social aspects of aging throughout the lifespan but also to study how age-related decline and disease can be prevented. That's why I wanted to share these top breakthrough strategies that are not only based on solid scientific research but also on my personal experiences and observations in the field of healthy aging.

Whether it's managing stress, adapting your diet, or adjusting your exercise routines, these strategies are designed to help you maintain vitality and thrive throughout the years. So, let's dive in and explore these transformative techniques that can lead you to a healthier, more youthful lifestyle. Here are my top 5 breakthrough healthy aging strategies.

Learn to Manage Stress!

Darnell_Cox2Darnell Cox

We are living in an overly-caffeinated, sleep-deprived, plugged-in world which has raised our chronic stress levels (that low level stress that is constant in our lives) to new higher setpoints. So, even though we may not feel overly stressed out, our bodies tell a different story. Stress causes an inflammatory response in the body, and inflammation has been linked to all age-related diseases - everything from cardiovascular disease to cancer! If you want to live longer, implement a daily stress-reduction practice. Find a practice that works for your lifestyle. Maybe that’s getting out in nature for 30 minutes a day. Perhaps a daily practice of yoga, meditation or breathwork is right for you. Incorporate your method into a consistent daily practice, even when you don’t feel particularly stressed.

The Gerontologist's How-To: The best science-backed way to de-stress in real time is to practice the Physiological Sigh. This breathing technique is the quickest way to kickstart your parasympathetic nervous system to reduce your heart rate and destress almost instantly.

RELATED: 20 Things You Need to Know About Ozempic and Weight Loss

Here is how you do it:

Darnell_Cox4Darnell Cox

Take an inhale, filling up your lungs, then inhale even more, followed by a longer slower exhale. This exhale focused breathing is the quickest way known to decrease the activation of the sympathetic nervous system (the fight or flight system) by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system (the rest and digest system). Double inhale, Longer slower exhale. Try it!

Deliberate Cold Exposure

Close up of female legs getting into ice cold waterShutterstock

I know. I know. Seems painful, and if I’m being honest, it is! However, there are so many health benefits that I decided to try cold plunging, and now, it is a part of my morning routine. Contrary to the images we see on social media, you do not need to break through frozen ponds or dump your entire ice supply from your freezer into your tub. The ideal temperature for a cold plunge is between 50-60 degrees. You can get that ideal temperature of cold water right out of your own bathtub.

The Gerontologist's How-To: No need for expensive cryotherapy or cold plunge pools. Simply fill up your tub with cold water and get in up to your neck for 2-3 minutes. Me? I play the Rocky’s Theme Song (Gonna Fly Now), which pumps me up and gives me the push I need. I stay under the cold water doing Tumo Breathing (quick exhales as if you are breathing out of a straw) until my body acclimates. My cold plunge time is exactly 2 minutes and 47 seconds each morning (the exact length of the Rocky Theme song). Cold plunging first thing in the morning is best. Although it feels freezing on our outsides, it actually heats our core. This does two things - it helps set your sleep wake cycle and will actually help you fall asleep faster later that same night, and it kick starts your metabolism. It takes energy to warm your core, and energy means it burns calories! Hooray! In fact, when I wear my Aura ring in the tub, it tracks my 2:47 cold plunge as a 20 minute workout. That’s how powerful it is!

Red Light Therapy

Woman having Ultraviolet LED light facial treatment at beauty salon. Cosmetology. female Face At Red Light Treatment At Beauty Clinic.Shutterstock

The scientific evidence supporting the health and beauty benefits of red light therapy is undeniable. In fact, red light technology has even been used by astronauts in space to speed wound healing. It’s common knowledge that light has an effect on our bodies. Ultra Violet rays from the sun can change the pigment of the skin, and can result in a sunburn. The Red Light spectrum, however, passes safely through the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) and hits the deeper layers of the skin. It has been shown to decrease wrinkles, even out skin tone and texture, increase circulation, decrease inflammation in the body, decrease joint pain, and even boost your mood! Can certain spectrums of light help you look better, feel better, and increase your lifespan? YES! In fact, near-infrared light has shown to go as deep as bone, and perhaps to the bone marrow itself, re-energizing aging cells.

The Gerontologist's How-To: To get started with Red Light Therapy (RLT), you can either visit a professional facility such as a dermatologist’s office, spa, or specialized RLT clinic, or you can purchase a home device that has FDA approval.

RELATED: 15 Travel Habits That Help You Stay Fit and Lose Weight on the Go

Grounding (Otherwise Known as Earthing)

Darnell_Cox3Darnell Cox

Something so simple as getting outside and taking your shoes off can have profound health benefits. We are made to walk on the earth, and there are many health benefits to prove it. The earth is negatively charged. We humans are naturally positively charged. However, in times of stress, we can lose electrons, giving us even more of a positive charge than is ideal (AKA free radicals). By stepping barefoot on the earth, the earth acts as a sponge soaking up these free radicals in an energy exchange. It’s one of the most profound health hacks, and it’s absolutely free.

The Gerontologist's How-To: Just step outside and put your feet in the grass, sand, dirt, or water source, and let nature do the rest. Don’t have access to the outdoors year-round? Then you may want to look into a grounding mattress pad or grounding mat. Grounding devices plug into the third port of an indoor electrical outlet, which is grounding to the earth, and work in the same way as stepping outside. Health benefits include a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate,and inflammation. It also boosts your mood by decreasing anxiety and depression, and even improves gut health by increasing microbiome diversity.

Intermittent Fasting


I’ve been Intermittent Fasting for 30+ years! This notion that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” is quite frankly B.S. that is spoon fed to us (no pun intended) by the big food manufacturing companies that line our supermarket shelves with ultra processed breakfast cereals. It’s not “breakfast” that is the most important meal, it’s how you break-your-fast that is the most important. For me, that’s not in the morning hours, but at noon or 1pm. It’s not as difficult as it seems. If you sleep (hopefully) for 8 hours, you’ve just done an 8 hour fast.

The Gerontologist's How-To: By simply skipping breakfast, you ease into a 12-16 hour fast. If this seems crazy, just know that we are not made to have food at our beacon call. We are made to go for long periods of time without eating. And it’s in times of deprivation that our bodies reach into our fat cells for energy. That’s how we reach a state of ketosis, when our bodies are burning fat for energy. It’s not by eating a keto-friendly nutrition bar or having keto-friendly coffee. You do not need to purchase any food products for your body to burn fat, you simply have to deny it a steady stream of food.

RELATED: #1 Secret Revealed for Sticking to Your Workout Routine

Do Age-Appropriate Exercise

Darnell_Cox5Darnell Cox

One of the most common mistakes I see in working with my 1:1 clients is a lack of the age-specific exercise. The way we exercise needs to change with age. Excessive cardio, which was fine for us as youngsters, can actually be detrimental to building muscle mass, which we need more of as we age. Beginning in our 30’s, our muscle mass starts to decline, which can lead to sarcopenia (when fat infiltrates the muscle fiber), making it very difficult to lose weight.

The Gerontologist's How-To: Therefore, strength training becomes more important as we age. Muscles are calorie-burning machines, folks! The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn! And muscle gives us strength which we need to remain active and mobile. Joint flexibility also declines with age, so incorporating a consistent stretching routine is imperative. Strength + Flexibility = Mobility, and remaining mobile is key to healthy aging.

Don't Fall Into an "Anti-Aging" Trap

Darnell_Cox7Darnell Cox

There is one thing else I would like to add, which takes us back to the very first question asked by this very website… “Could you introduce your expertise in Gerontology and offer insights into anti-aging?" Ugh. I kinda loathe that word “anti-aging” since going back to school. It puts a negative connotation on growing older. I went into USC Leonard School of Gerontology (while in my 50’s) using the word “anti-aging,” and left having graduated using instead, “Healthy Aging.” This transition happened in my very first class when I had my professor all but snarl at me when I asked her to be on my YouTube channel. She denied my request due to terms like “Anti-aging” and “age-defying” that were commonplace back then.

I soon switched to Healthy Aging, and for good reason. Aging is inevitable. It’s going to happen. We are not trying to stop aging, but rather age in such a way that we are looking, feeling and functioning our best throughout the lifespan. And hopefully, with a little luck, one day we’ll ALL be wrinkly ol'’ women! That would be a blessing!

The Gerontologist's How-To: The thing that is the most important thing I teach is that you, me, we ALL have the power to start right now down a different path that changes how we feel, how we function, how much pain we are in, how mobile we are, how long we live, and yes, to some extent even how we look during the aging process. A lot of how we age is in our own hands. You are NEVER too young to start thinking about aging, and you are NEVER too old to start Living Young.

Darnell Cox, a Gerontologist and Healthy Aging Coach is the founder of Live Young Lifestyle.

More For You

Facial Beauty Treatment. Woman Doing Red Led Light Therapy
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

As a gerontologist and healthy aging expert, it's my job not only to study the physical, psychological, and social aspects of aging throughout the lifespan but also to study how age-related decline and disease can be prevented. That's why I wanted to share these top breakthrough strategies that are not only based on solid scientific research but also on my personal experiences and observations in the field of healthy aging.

Whether it's managing stress, adapting your diet, or adjusting your exercise routines, these strategies are designed to help you maintain vitality and thrive throughout the years. So, let's dive in and explore these transformative techniques that can lead you to a healthier, more youthful lifestyle. Here are my top 5 breakthrough healthy aging strategies.

Learn to Manage Stress!

Darnell_Cox2Darnell Cox

We are living in an overly-caffeinated, sleep-deprived, plugged-in world which has raised our chronic stress levels (that low level stress that is constant in our lives) to new higher setpoints. So, even though we may not feel overly stressed out, our bodies tell a different story. Stress causes an inflammatory response in the body, and inflammation has been linked to all age-related diseases - everything from cardiovascular disease to cancer! If you want to live longer, implement a daily stress-reduction practice. Find a practice that works for your lifestyle. Maybe that’s getting out in nature for 30 minutes a day. Perhaps a daily practice of yoga, meditation or breathwork is right for you. Incorporate your method into a consistent daily practice, even when you don’t feel particularly stressed.

The Gerontologist's How-To: The best science-backed way to de-stress in real time is to practice the Physiological Sigh. This breathing technique is the quickest way to kickstart your parasympathetic nervous system to reduce your heart rate and destress almost instantly.

RELATED: 20 Things You Need to Know About Ozempic and Weight Loss

Here is how you do it:

Darnell_Cox4Darnell Cox

Take an inhale, filling up your lungs, then inhale even more, followed by a longer slower exhale. This exhale focused breathing is the quickest way known to decrease the activation of the sympathetic nervous system (the fight or flight system) by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system (the rest and digest system). Double inhale, Longer slower exhale. Try it!

Deliberate Cold Exposure

Close up of female legs getting into ice cold waterShutterstock

I know. I know. Seems painful, and if I’m being honest, it is! However, there are so many health benefits that I decided to try cold plunging, and now, it is a part of my morning routine. Contrary to the images we see on social media, you do not need to break through frozen ponds or dump your entire ice supply from your freezer into your tub. The ideal temperature for a cold plunge is between 50-60 degrees. You can get that ideal temperature of cold water right out of your own bathtub.

The Gerontologist's How-To: No need for expensive cryotherapy or cold plunge pools. Simply fill up your tub with cold water and get in up to your neck for 2-3 minutes. Me? I play the Rocky’s Theme Song (Gonna Fly Now), which pumps me up and gives me the push I need. I stay under the cold water doing Tumo Breathing (quick exhales as if you are breathing out of a straw) until my body acclimates. My cold plunge time is exactly 2 minutes and 47 seconds each morning (the exact length of the Rocky Theme song). Cold plunging first thing in the morning is best. Although it feels freezing on our outsides, it actually heats our core. This does two things - it helps set your sleep wake cycle and will actually help you fall asleep faster later that same night, and it kick starts your metabolism. It takes energy to warm your core, and energy means it burns calories! Hooray! In fact, when I wear my Aura ring in the tub, it tracks my 2:47 cold plunge as a 20 minute workout. That’s how powerful it is!

Red Light Therapy

Woman having Ultraviolet LED light facial treatment at beauty salon. Cosmetology. female Face At Red Light Treatment At Beauty Clinic.Shutterstock

The scientific evidence supporting the health and beauty benefits of red light therapy is undeniable. In fact, red light technology has even been used by astronauts in space to speed wound healing. It’s common knowledge that light has an effect on our bodies. Ultra Violet rays from the sun can change the pigment of the skin, and can result in a sunburn. The Red Light spectrum, however, passes safely through the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) and hits the deeper layers of the skin. It has been shown to decrease wrinkles, even out skin tone and texture, increase circulation, decrease inflammation in the body, decrease joint pain, and even boost your mood! Can certain spectrums of light help you look better, feel better, and increase your lifespan? YES! In fact, near-infrared light has shown to go as deep as bone, and perhaps to the bone marrow itself, re-energizing aging cells.

The Gerontologist's How-To: To get started with Red Light Therapy (RLT), you can either visit a professional facility such as a dermatologist’s office, spa, or specialized RLT clinic, or you can purchase a home device that has FDA approval.

RELATED: 15 Travel Habits That Help You Stay Fit and Lose Weight on the Go

Grounding (Otherwise Known as Earthing)

Darnell_Cox3Darnell Cox

Something so simple as getting outside and taking your shoes off can have profound health benefits. We are made to walk on the earth, and there are many health benefits to prove it. The earth is negatively charged. We humans are naturally positively charged. However, in times of stress, we can lose electrons, giving us even more of a positive charge than is ideal (AKA free radicals). By stepping barefoot on the earth, the earth acts as a sponge soaking up these free radicals in an energy exchange. It’s one of the most profound health hacks, and it’s absolutely free.

The Gerontologist's How-To: Just step outside and put your feet in the grass, sand, dirt, or water source, and let nature do the rest. Don’t have access to the outdoors year-round? Then you may want to look into a grounding mattress pad or grounding mat. Grounding devices plug into the third port of an indoor electrical outlet, which is grounding to the earth, and work in the same way as stepping outside. Health benefits include a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate,and inflammation. It also boosts your mood by decreasing anxiety and depression, and even improves gut health by increasing microbiome diversity.

Intermittent Fasting


I’ve been Intermittent Fasting for 30+ years! This notion that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” is quite frankly B.S. that is spoon fed to us (no pun intended) by the big food manufacturing companies that line our supermarket shelves with ultra processed breakfast cereals. It’s not “breakfast” that is the most important meal, it’s how you break-your-fast that is the most important. For me, that’s not in the morning hours, but at noon or 1pm. It’s not as difficult as it seems. If you sleep (hopefully) for 8 hours, you’ve just done an 8 hour fast.

The Gerontologist's How-To: By simply skipping breakfast, you ease into a 12-16 hour fast. If this seems crazy, just know that we are not made to have food at our beacon call. We are made to go for long periods of time without eating. And it’s in times of deprivation that our bodies reach into our fat cells for energy. That’s how we reach a state of ketosis, when our bodies are burning fat for energy. It’s not by eating a keto-friendly nutrition bar or having keto-friendly coffee. You do not need to purchase any food products for your body to burn fat, you simply have to deny it a steady stream of food.

RELATED: #1 Secret Revealed for Sticking to Your Workout Routine

Do Age-Appropriate Exercise

Darnell_Cox5Darnell Cox

One of the most common mistakes I see in working with my 1:1 clients is a lack of the age-specific exercise. The way we exercise needs to change with age. Excessive cardio, which was fine for us as youngsters, can actually be detrimental to building muscle mass, which we need more of as we age. Beginning in our 30’s, our muscle mass starts to decline, which can lead to sarcopenia (when fat infiltrates the muscle fiber), making it very difficult to lose weight.

The Gerontologist's How-To: Therefore, strength training becomes more important as we age. Muscles are calorie-burning machines, folks! The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn! And muscle gives us strength which we need to remain active and mobile. Joint flexibility also declines with age, so incorporating a consistent stretching routine is imperative. Strength + Flexibility = Mobility, and remaining mobile is key to healthy aging.

Don't Fall Into an "Anti-Aging" Trap

Darnell_Cox7Darnell Cox

There is one thing else I would like to add, which takes us back to the very first question asked by this very website… “Could you introduce your expertise in Gerontology and offer insights into anti-aging?" Ugh. I kinda loathe that word “anti-aging” since going back to school. It puts a negative connotation on growing older. I went into USC Leonard School of Gerontology (while in my 50’s) using the word “anti-aging,” and left having graduated using instead, “Healthy Aging.” This transition happened in my very first class when I had my professor all but snarl at me when I asked her to be on my YouTube channel. She denied my request due to terms like “Anti-aging” and “age-defying” that were commonplace back then.

I soon switched to Healthy Aging, and for good reason. Aging is inevitable. It’s going to happen. We are not trying to stop aging, but rather age in such a way that we are looking, feeling and functioning our best throughout the lifespan. And hopefully, with a little luck, one day we’ll ALL be wrinkly ol'’ women! That would be a blessing!

The Gerontologist's How-To: The thing that is the most important thing I teach is that you, me, we ALL have the power to start right now down a different path that changes how we feel, how we function, how much pain we are in, how mobile we are, how long we live, and yes, to some extent even how we look during the aging process. A lot of how we age is in our own hands. You are NEVER too young to start thinking about aging, and you are NEVER too old to start Living Young.

Darnell Cox, a Gerontologist and Healthy Aging Coach is the founder of Live Young Lifestyle.

Portrait of a cheerful young girl in bright casual clothes smiling at the camera with beautiful smile. Colorful background
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Looking younger doesn’t come from a magical potion, but that’s the good news: The power is actually within you. With a few simple tweaks to your daily routine, you can manage to be the person everyone says looks great for their age. To find out exactly what to do, we reached out to Dr. Angela J. Lamb, the Director of the Westside Mount Sinai Dermatology Faculty Practice and an Associate Professor of Dermatology. She shared with us her most essential advice for looking 10 years younger, and you can read them right here.

1. Don’t Rub Your Eyes

Female office worker in glasses rubbing tired eyes, exhausted from overworking, sitting at workplace in office.Shutterstock/Prostock-studio

Think of where people age the fastest—the neck. The forehead. And the eyes—yes, the skin under and around the eyes can be the most tender and fragile. Remember this next time you get annoyed with someone and rub your eyes at the end of the long day. It can cause the tiny blood vessels to break, and result in puffiness or even crow’s feet before you should have them.

2. Invest in This Serum

Facial Skincare. Attractive Female Applying Serum On Face Moisturizing And Caring For Skin Standing Near Mirror In Modern Bathroom Indoors. Beauty Routine. Skin Care Concept. Selective FocusShutterstock

“Invest in a good serum,” says Dr. Lamb. “Serums are your power product with active ingredients. They are critical!!! Think vitamin C, A, E—topically.” These can be expensive—$17 a bottle and up—but the doctor says they are worth it.

RELATED:9 Everyday Habits That Age You Faster, According to Science

3. Drink This Much Every Day

Eight glasses of water a dayShutterstock

Increasing the water content in your skin can prevent it from looking flaky, dull and grey. Drinking eight glasses of water daily is recommended by many dermatologists, and you can also check topical products for the following hydrating ingredients: Urea, Glycerin, Ceramides, and Hyaluronic Acid. If your room is extra dry, consider using a humidifier and also avoid hot showers for too long—ironically, they can dehydrate you.

4. Rinse Off Your Conditioner With Cold Water

Attractive Mixed Asian Female side view enjoying showerShutterstock

Just as hot water can dry you out, a little cold water can keep you looking hydrated—and in fact, it can lock in your hair conditioner, resulting in shinier, more youthful-looking hair. As an added bonus, cold showers stimulate the vagus nerve, which regulates your stress level.

5. Apply This Every 90 Minutes

Woman using sunscreen cream. Beautiful girl with sun protection creamShutterstock

“Wear sunscreen: It is the best way to help keep your skin looking young and healthy,” says Dr. Lamb. “Reapply every 90 minutes when out.” In fact, one study showed that if you wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, you’ll have 24% less skin aging than someone who uses it only once in a while.

6. Get Enough Sleep

Young female sleeping peacefully in her bedroom at night. Relaxing at nighttime. Copy spaceShutterstock

“Stress hormones and lack of sleep truly break down collagen and accelerate aging,” says Dr. Lamb. Not to mention, as you age, a lack of sleep can lead to memory problems, irritability, depression or even more falls and accidents. That late-night TV (or booze) binge may feel good at the time, but it will age you, and sour your health, so consider the risks every time. The choice is yours.

And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

7. Smile and Laugh Often

two girlfriends in T-shirts lying down on grass laughing having good timeShutterstock

“Similar to above, just smiling, good relationships and pure joy help make you look younger. It has been proven,” says Dr. Lamb. There’s a biological reason for this: Laughter increases your blood vessel function, and relieves stress, two key indicates that can lead to a more youthful appearance.

8. Wear This When Outside All Day

Beach Woman in Sun Hat on VacationShutterstock

“Wear a hat while hiking/outside all day. Sunscreen is important, but protection from the sun is just as important,” says Dr. Lamb. A proactive approach like this can cost pennies but save you money and pain later, as too much sun can also of course possibly lead to skin cancer.

9. If You’re Going to Do Botox, Here’s When It’s Most Effective

Photo of beautiful woman getting mesotherapy treatment in face by specialist in gloves in beauty salonShutterstock

“So a little Botox at the first sign of wrinkles,” is OK, says Dr. Lamb, and actually it’s preferable that you do it then, if you’re going to do it at all. The FDA-approved neurotoxin smooths out lines and wrinkles and, if used properly, should make you look natural, according to Dr. Lamb. “This is important. If you want to stay ahead of things, do something early. Easier to prevent than to wait until the lines are deep and set in.”

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10. Stop Worrying So Much About Aging And Embrace the Way You Look

Happy romantic couple in love gesturing a heart with fingersShutterstock

Dr. Lamb didn’t tell us this but she didn’t have to: It’s incredibly important to ensure you don’t have a skin disease, but aging in and of itself isn’t necessarily something you need to “solve.” Eat a diet high in lean proteins, fiber and healthy fats; hydrate; exercise frequently and find joy from your life; a youthful glow may follow, despite a few wrinkles and all. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 25 Ways to Not Look Older After 50, Say Experts

Worried about losing your strength and energy as you get older? Dr. Vonda Wright, a top orthopedic surgeon and researcher, has good news for you. Her work is changing how we think about aging and staying fit. In a chat with Steven Bartlett on “The Diary Of A CEO” podcast, Dr. Wright shared some surprising tips for burning fat and staying healthy as we age. Read on to discover proven strategies that can help you burn fat more effectively and improve your overall health, no matter your age.

The 30-Second Fat-Burning Secret

In the podcast episode, Dr. Wright reveals a quick way to burn fat that works better than long runs. She says, "You only have to do that for 30 seconds. That will burn 40% more fat than even high-intensity interval training." Here's how it works:

"When I'm done with that because that's good for my cardiovascular base, I punch it up to 11, and I go as hard as I can because I'm not very tall, and I don't want to fly off the back of the treadmill, but my heart rate goes up to about 186, and I keep it there for 30 seconds. What that does, that will burn 40% more fat than just even high-intensity interval training, which is done at about 80%."

Try this twice a week: sprint as hard as you can for 30 seconds, then rest for 2-3 minutes. Repeat a few times.

Stay Strong as You Age

Portrait of senior woman lifting dumbbellsShutterstock

Getting older doesn't mean you have to get weaker. Dr. Wright's research shows we can stay strong for longer than we think. She states, "We have no excuse until our mid-seventies for slowing down." In fact, "if you're an 80-year-old consistently lifting weights, you are functionally as strong as a 60-year-old person who doesn't."

The FACE of Healthy Aging

Dr. Wright uses the word FACE to help us remember four key things for staying healthy:

F - Flexibility and stretching

A - Aerobic exercise

C - Carry weights (strength training)

E - Equilibrium and balance

She says, "There are four components that we should try to find time for. Number one is flexibility and dynamic stretching... A is aerobic... C is this weightlifting we talked about... E is equilibrium and balance."

Why Muscle Matters

Muscular Caucasian forty year old woman doing exercises with dumbbells in the gym.Shutterstock

Keeping your muscles strong is super important as you age. Dr. Wright explains, "We know from other people's studies that lifting weights consistently infers a 20-year advantage, such that if you're an 80-year-old consistently lifting weights, you are functionally as strong as a 60-year-old person who doesn't."

This is especially true for women going through menopause. Dr. Wright says, "We know that without estrogen, we can lose two to 3% of our muscle mass, and rapidly during this period, we have estrogen is an anabolic steroid. It's made for muscle building through the mTOR system."

Her advice? "We must lift as heavy as our bones will let us."

Boost Your Metabolism with Strength Training

WebMD supports Dr. Wright's focus on strength training: "To boost your metabolism, try strength training and lifting weights. Building muscle mass also helps your body burn more calories, so you don't convert them to fat as easily."

Eat Right to Age Right

What you eat matters, too. Dr. Wright suggests eating "one gram of protein per ideal body pound" and avoiding sugar. She warns, "Sugar is a huge inflammatory which increases your arthritis pain." Don't forget fiber: "30 grams of fiber, so that just means complex carbs. Your microbiome needs fiber."

RELATED:I Lost 22 Pounds in 3 Months and Feel Amazing With These 17 Hacks

The Importance of Protein as You Age

Grilled Chicken Breast Fillet on grill pan with rosemary close up. Grilled meat steak on rustic black background.Shuttestock

Alex Oskian, a registered dietitian, agrees with Dr. Wright on the importance of protein, "As you age, you require more protein to build or maintain muscle. A good rule of thumb is to include a protein food (animal or plant-based source of protein) at all meals and snacks."

Stay Above the Frailty Line

Dr. Wright talks about something called VO2 max and the "frailty line". She explains, "Fragility means you get older, slower, weaker, you lose your functional capacity. 25% of all people are frail and unable to live independently by the time they're 85, not on my watch."

To avoid this, try VO2 max training: "It's four minutes as hard as you can go, torture, and then you recover for four minutes, only four minutes, and then four minutes as hard as you can go."

Watch Your Weight for Joint Health

Weight scale 120 kilogramShutterstock

Extra weight can really hurt your joints. Dr. Wright explains it this way: "If you gain one pound, this rock is one pound, you would think that this is all the amount of pressure you're going to feel. But because of the mechanics, what you actually feel is the weight of these bricks, which is nine pounds."

So, losing even a little weight can make a big difference for your joints.

The Power of Hydration

Fitness woman drinking water from bottle. Muscular young female taking a break from workout outside.Shutterstock

The National Council on Aging (NCOA) underlines the importance of staying hydrated: "Some evidence suggests that drinking water before a meal can curb your appetite to help with portion control."

RELATED: 10 Daily Routines That Helped Me Shed 80 Pounds After 50

Women and Menopause: What to Know

For women going through menopause, Dr. Wright has some important info: "80% of all women going through perimenopause, we'll experience what the term we've coined the musculoskeletal syndrome of menopause."

This can affect your muscles, bones, and joints. But with the right exercise and diet, you can stay strong and healthy.

The Role of Hormones in Weight Management

Group of senior women at bar cafeteria enjoying breakfast drinking coffee and eating croissant - Life style concept - Mature female having fun at bistrò cafe and sharing time togetherShutterstock

Sarah Hormachea, a registered dietitian, speaking to the National Council of Ageing, says: "Female hormones like estrogen play a significant role in weight maintenance and boosting metabolism. As estrogen levels decline during menopause, the challenges of weight loss can intensify."

The Importance of Regular Check-ups


Regular medical check-ups are crucial for tailoring your weight loss approach, especially as you age. They can help you monitor your overall health and adjust your strategies as needed.

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Focus on Sustainable Changes

Cheerful senior friends exercising in park. Women in sportive clothes stretching on cloudy day. Sport, friendship conceptShutterstock

Dr. Phyllis Pobee, a family medicine physician, offers this encouraging advice: "You're not just losing pounds—you're gaining life. Focus on sustainable changes that celebrate your body. Small, consistent tweaks over time can lead to remarkable transformations."

By following Dr. Wright's advice on quick sprints, strength training, eating right, and staying active, along with the additional tips from other experts, you can burn fat faster and stay healthy as you get older. It's never too late to start taking care of yourself! And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss I Hit 60 and These 15 Anti-Aging Foods Keep Me Fit and Feeling 20 Years Younger.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

We've all been there – standing on the scale, promising ourselves that losing just a few pounds would make everything better. When traditional diets failed, Sandra Sallin found an unexpected solution at age 83. This award-winning Pro Aging blogger and accomplished artist, whose paintings hang in museums, has lived an extraordinary life – from flying Spitfire planes over Dover to being kissed by wolves in TV commercials. No, she shares her surprisingly simple approach to weight loss that finally worked. Read on to discover how she lost 13 pounds using gentle, sustainable changes anyone can make.

The Truth About Weight Loss After 60

"Keeping a healthy weight is a worthwhile goal at any age. As you get older, it can get trickier," says WebMD. However, while "you might not be burning calories like you did when you were younger, you can still take off extra pounds."

The Breaking Point: When Enough Was Enough

"I gained a lot of weight between Covid, being older after menopause, and not being careful about what I ate," Sandra says in her post. "Every time I went to the doctor, the scale kept inching up until I reached a weight where I thought, 'No, that's not okay anymore.'" She was particularly motivated after checking her BMI: "I did those BMI tests, and it said I was overweight, which is not healthy. I was aghast, and I was so upset that I thought, 'You know what? I'm going to lose weight.'"

Why Traditional Methods Weren't Working

Like many of us, Sandra tried various approaches. "I'd done the Weight Watchers thing and lost the weight, only to gain it back again," she explains. "Avoid fad diets because the results don't last," says WebMD, adding the "golden rules of weight loss: Burn more calories than you eat or drink."

The Unexpected Catalyst for Change

A surprising turn of events led to Sandra's breakthrough. Following radiation treatment that made swallowing difficult, she had to modify her eating habits. "For about ten days, I had to eat very little because it hurt so much," Sandra recalls. "Eat more small meals and snacks, and don't go much longer than 3 hours without eating," says WebMD. As a nutritionist at Foodtrainers in New York. Joanna Li, RD, explains, "Because your metabolism is already slow if you're starving yourself, it just gets slower."

The Simple Strategy That Made All the Difference

Sandra's approach centers on mindful eating. "I pay attention to how much I eat and stop when I feel comfortable, not stuffed," she explains. This naturally led her to follow WebMD's recommendation to "eat more veggies, fruits, whole grains, fish, beans, and low-fat or fat-free dairy; and keep meat and poultry lean."

Sweet Cravings? Try This Apple Trick

Instead of completely depriving herself, Sandra found a clever substitute for desserts. "Apples are so sweet and delicious. If you feel like having a piece of candy, take an apple and slice it. Somehow, the sweetness of the apple just satisfies me," she shares. This aligns perfectly with WebMD's advice to "limit empty calories, like sugars and foods with little or no nutritional value."

The Power of Mindful Eating and Hydration

Sandra discovered that changing how she ate was as important as what she ate. WebMD underlines the importance of hydration: "Sometimes, thirst masks itself as hunger. As you get older, you may not be as quick to notice when you're thirsty." The recommendation is to get 64 ounces of water a day, which you can get from both beverages and water-rich foods.

Finding Your Exercise Sweet Spot

Exercise played a crucial role in Sandra's success. "I know we've all got something, but when you can exercise or if you can do a recumbent bike, do it," she encourages. WebMD supports this approach, noting that "you lose muscle mass as you age. Offset that by doing strength training. You can use weight machines at a gym, lighter weights you hold in your hands, or your own body weight for resistance like in yoga or Pilates."

The Scale Strategy That Works

Sandra developed a practical approach to weighing herself that prevented discouragement. "I don't weigh myself every day because if I don't lose weight, I'll get depressed," she shares. This mindful approach helps her stay motivated while following WebMD's advice that "you may need fewer calories than you did when you were younger."

The Results Speak for Themselves

Through this approach, Sandra has lost 13 pounds at a healthy pace of about a pound per week. "When the doctor went to weigh me and came back and said, 'You've lost three pounds since the last time I've seen you,' I was thrilled," she shares. "If I'm losing weight, you can do it. I don't have a nutritionist, trainer, or chef. I'm just paying attention to my body and eating until I'm comfortable, not stuffed."

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Additional Health Considerations

Sandra emphasizes the importance of medical oversight: "Get your thyroid checked," she advises. WebMD says that professional medical guidance is essential, recommending that older adults "ask your doctor or a registered dietitian" about their specific caloric needs and dietary restrictions. As Sandra notes, even details like biotin supplementation can affect medical tests: "The endocrinologist had me go off biotin while he was testing to see where I was with my thyroid." And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

You can’t let your age be the excuse for not getting in shape! There are lots of social media influencers here to remind you that you can be the best and healthiest version of yourself at any age. Alicia Erikson, aka The Midlife Maven, is a social media influencer and fitness expert who designs programs specifically for people who want to shape up after 50. In a new post, she breaks down the “basics” of what it takes to achieve your goals.

1. Eat Nutritionally Dense and Protein-Packed Food

Raw chicken breast sliced or cut pieces on wooden cutting board with herbs and spices on dark slate, stone, concrete background. Raw chicken meat. Top view with copy space. Mock up.Shutterstock

According to Alicia the first basic is tackling your diet. She recommends “eating nutritionally dense foods” and “making protein a high priority.” And, while you don’t need to eliminate them, she suggests sticking to an “appropriate” amount of carbs and fats.

RELATED: 9 Foods That Fight Aging

2. Do Progressive Overload Strength Training

Blurred and cropped image of a beautiful young athletic girl in leggings and top crouches with dumbbells at home. Sport, healthy lifestyle.Shutterstock

As for exercise, she recommends progressive overload strength training. “I do 5-6 days a week. Commit to what lt you can and stay consistent with it,” she recommends.

3. Walk 8,000 to 10,000


She also suggests daily walking. “I aim for 8-10k steps,” she says. “If you have a certain cardio form you love, do it! I love walking!” Another workout she loves? Dancing too. “I keep it LISS because my body loves it and I want the 💪.”

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4. Cut or Limit Refined Sugar and Alcohol

People clinking glasses with wine on the summer terrace of cafe or restaurantShutterstock

Next, “cut or limit refined sugar and alcohol,” she says. “I personally had to cut it because it’s very habit forming for me. I do enjoy coconut sugar, monkfruit, honey and stevia. Figure out what works best for you!”

5. Hydrate

Sports woman drinking bottle of water.Shutterstock

Don’t forget to hydrate! “I drink half of my body weight (lbs) in ounces of water daily. I also throw in an electrolyte pack while I’m working out,” Alicia says.

6. Sleep

Serene woman sleeping at night in the bedroomShutterstock

And finally, “sleep has to be a priority,” she says. “7-8 hours a night. This is how your body recovers and resets.”

You Can Tweak These

phone with calorie and macronutrient counting app on phone next to healthy food. Healthy diet and maintaining a caloric deficitShutterstock

“These are the basics! Everyone will have their own unique tweaks to this,” she continues. “Maybe you want to track macros for a certain goal. Or maybe tracking is not your jam so you eyeball and that’s ok with you. Maybe you don’t want to completely cut out alcohol and enjoy a drink occasionally. Do what is going to work best for you but also be honest with yourself about what you KNOW is not working.”

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Remember, It’s a Process

Mature lady in white shirt holding hands behind her head and expressing positive emotions while spending time outdoors.Shutterstock

“Getting in tune with our bodies is a process. Being honest with ourselves is a process. Do you need to give yourself some tough love when it comes to changing certain habits? Or do you need to give yourself a little grace?” she writes.

You Can “Get Better with Age”

Beautiful mature senior woman at home, domestic life and leisure moments - 50-60 years old pretty female adult wearing sportswear eating healthy food after fitness workoutShutterstock

“At the end of the day, you’re the one living in your mind and body forever. Make it the best little temple you can! I share what has worked for me for inspiration and hopefully to simplify. Yes, ladies, we can get better with age!!!” she concludes. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss 12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster.

Tracy Campoli tracycampoli
Copyright tracycampoli/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

The battle against belly fat after 40 can feel like an uphill struggle. Those changes in our waistline seem to happen overnight, leaving many of us wondering if this widening middle is simply our new reality. Tracy Campoli understands this frustration firsthand. At 49, this certified personal trainer, Pilates instructor, and health coach balances her professional expertise with the real-life challenges of being a mom in menopause. "It's really frustrating seeing these changes that can happen in our bodies as we get older," Tracy says, "but we don't have to accept all of them as just being 'that's just how it is'." Tracy discovered that 20-second workout intervals were key to her transformation. Read on to discover how her Tabata-style workouts and other practical strategies can help you reduce belly fat at any age.

The 20-Second Workout That Changed Everything

Forget endless crunches - they're not the answer to reducing belly fat. "What we want to do is implement the right kinds of workouts," Tracy advises. For women over 40, she discovered that Tabata and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts were the most effective approach for burning fat and building lean muscle.

"Tabata is really my favorite because you're doing 20 seconds of intense work and then you have a 10-second break built in," Tracy explains. This 20-second interval approach became her secret weapon. "What that's gonna help you to do is burn fat and increase your lean muscle mass - that's what's gonna help you see that slimming in your middle."

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Focus on Strength

Strength training is equally important. Tracy emphasizes that your body itself provides resistance: "Your body is a source of weight and resistance." Whether through Pilates, resistance bands, light weights, or bodyweight exercises, incorporating strength work helps prevent the menopausal widening many women experience.

Why Her Old Workouts Weren't Working

"Back in the day, you know I grew up in the 80s myself, we were told if you want to have a slimmer middle, you got to do crunches all day long," Tracy shares. "That's not the case. By now we know that that is not true at all."

Instead of focusing solely on abdominal exercises, Tracy found that combining cardio intervals with strength training gave her the best results. In her fitness membership Total Body Transformation, she incorporates "strength training inside of the cardio workout so that you're getting basically more bang for your buck."

Chill Out To Slim Down

Your stress levels could be directly contributing to that stubborn belly fat. "Reducing your stress level is like a direct line to decreasing your waistline," Tracy explains. She points to that common experience of clothes feeling looser after vacation despite enjoying richer foods - that's your body responding positively to reduced stress levels.

The science is clear: stress elevates cortisol, which has a direct link to increased belly fat. "When we are stressed out, what happens? Our cortisol levels rise in an unhealthy manner, and so that is a direct link to our belly fat," Tracy says. She recommends simple stress-reduction techniques like nature walks, connecting with friends, practicing yoga, or even just taking three deep breaths. These small actions can make a significant difference in both your stress levels and your waistline.

Eat This, Not That

Proper nutrition becomes increasingly important as we age. "Especially if you're in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond, it's really important that we are fueling our bodies with nutrient-dense food," Tracy emphasizes.

For women over 40, adequate protein is essential for building lean muscle mass. "You want to be making sure especially over 40 that you have adequate protein. That protein is going to really help to create lean muscle mass," Tracy advises. She recommends a balanced approach with plenty of vegetables, fresh fruits, and proper hydration.

Rather than obsessing over individual food choices, she suggests taking a "bird's-eye view" of your daily nutrition. "A lot of women will come to me and say 'I had three cookies so I messed it all up'," Tracy shares, explaining that occasional indulgences won't derail your progress when your overall diet remains nutrient-dense.

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Dress Smart, Look Slimmer

How you dress can significantly impact both how you look and how you feel about your body. "If you're wearing big floppy tents or just hiding, that's actually going to make you look worse," Tracy warns, acknowledging it seems counterintuitive.

On days when you're feeling less than your best, Tracy suggests putting more effort into your presentation, not less. "Those days when I feel like a troll... I feel like a completely different person when I actually brush my hair, put on some makeup, and dress in a way that makes me feel pretty," she shares. This outside-in approach can boost your confidence and actually make you appear slimmer.

You're Not Invisible After 40

Tracy is passionate about women of all ages feeling visible and valued. "One of my missions is that women of every age and every stage of life know that they are worthy of being seen," she says passionately. "You are not just doomed to being invisible after the age of 40, 50, or 60. Yes, you are still beautiful. Yes, you are still attractive. Yes, you are worthy of showing up in the world in the best way that you know how to be."

She encourages women to find styles that make them feel good about themselves, whether through online inspiration or fashion magazines.

My Ballet Trick That Works Every Time

Drawing from her lifelong ballet training, Tracy shares one final tip: lightly engaging your abdominal muscles throughout the day. "We're never letting our belly go; we're always lifting the belly up and in," Tracy explains, clarifying this isn't about uncomfortable "sucking in" but rather a gentle engagement of your deep abdominal muscles.

"This is not a size thing because I used to do this when I was pregnant and my belly was out to here," she notes. "This is about just lightly engaging the muscles, those deep muscles in your abdominals."
This simple practice improves posture, creates a longer, leaner appearance, and can even help prevent back pain, especially important as we spend more time sitting. "It's going to improve your posture, make you look leaner, make you look slimmer, and help prevent back pain," Tracy confirms. With practice, this engagement becomes automatic, creating lasting improvements in both appearance and well-being.

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Start Today, See Results Tomorrow

Tracy emphasizes that consistency is key with all these approaches. The 20-second Tabata intervals might seem brief, but when performed regularly, they create significant changes. "When you do it with time, you don't even have to think about it anymore. It just becomes like a natural part of your day," she explains about her techniques.

By combining strategic 20-second workouts, stress reduction, smart nutrition, confident dressing, and simple posture adjustments, Tracy transformed her menopausal middle—and believes you can too.

Amulya M precious_soul14
Copyright precious_soul14/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Diet and exercise are two components of weight loss. However, if you want to transform your body, there are additional habits you need to incorporate into your routine. Amulya M is a weight loss coach and influencer who helps her followers lose weight and transform their lives. In a new viral post, she reveals her plan for a four-month transformation. “For the next 4 months become addicted to these 7 habits, and you’ll be unrecognizable by June 2025,” she writes.

Wake Up Early

Her first transformation habit is waking up earlier. According to Amulya, it gives you more time to workout, plan your day, work on business, and be more productive. “It is a huge life hack and gives you more time to achieve your goals,” she says.

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Write Down Your Thoughts Before Bed

Hand writing in journal with coffee mug​De-StressShutterstock

Next, she recommends writing down your thoughts before bed. “Journaling before bed will improve your quality of and sleep,” she says. “You’ll be unrecognizable.” Not sure what to write down? She suggests “your goals for tomorrow” and “what you’re grateful for.”

Learn an Online Skill


Her third transformative habit? “Learning an online skill 30 minutes a day,” she says. “With inflation and taxes rising, an online skill can save you financially.” She recommends skills like selling digital products, investing, and affiliate marketing.

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Exercise Four Times a Week

Professional swimmer, swimming race, indoor poolShutterstock

She also recommends exercising four times a week and prioritizing mental health. “You also need good physical health,” she says, revealing a few exercises with the best results, including running, swimming, and lifting weights. “These will strengthen and tone your body,” she writes.

Sit in Silence

Woman practicing yoga and meditation at home sitting in lotus pose on yoga mat, relaxed with closed eyes. Mindful meditation concept. Wellbeing.​And, They Reduce Her CravingsShutterstock

“Sit in silence 10 minutes a day,” she adds. “Your mind is racing with hundreds of thoughts every minute.” She suggests taking just 10 minutes to sit in silence, practice mindfulness, and be present in the moment. “This is an underrated habit for your mental health, but very powerful,” she says.

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,Woman,Sleeping,,Bed,,Night,rest,​You’re Sleeping Less Than 7 HoursShutterstock

Make sure to get your rest. “Create a proper sleep schedule,” she says, adding that sleep is essential for your performance and mental health, reducing stress and improving your mood.


,Brunette,Waking,Morning,,Stretches,sleep,bed,bedroom,wake,up,yawn,sleeping​Bottom Line: Don’t Skip BreakfastShutterstock

Her last tip? Be consistent and repeat these habits every single day, week, and month. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Tara Gidus Collingwood dietdivatara
I'm a Weight Loss Coach and These 7 Daily Habits Help Clients Drop 50+ Pounds
Copyright dietdivatara/Instagram

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Once you hit 40, your metabolism slows down a bit. Paying attention to nutrition becomes more important to prevent weight gain or lose some pounds you may have accumulated. Maintaining or building muscle is also more complex, so good nutrition is key. As an experienced nutrition coach and nutritionist who spends a lot of time helping my clients lose weight, I often advise my clients to eat certain types of food to fuel fat loss. These are the best foods for weight loss if you are over 40.

Lean Protein

Fresh fish, raw cod fillets with addition of herbs and lemon49. White fish (like cod): 48 caloriesShutterstock

My first recommendation is lean protein, including chicken, fish, lean beef, tofu, eggs, and Greek yogurt. These foods help support muscle mass and keep you full longer. I recommend spreading protein throughout the day, having some at each meal especially breakfast. Also, choose grilled or baked instead of fried.

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Leafy Greens

Arugula on a white background. Raw and fresh arugula, green leaves, from above.20. Arugula: 25 caloriesShutterstock

Another one of the best foods for weight loss is any leafy green. My favorites are spinach, kale, arugula, and romaine. Not only are these veggies low in calories, but they are also high in fiber and essential nutrients. An added bonus? Leafy greens are super high in antioxidants for disease fighting.


Girl,Holding,Up,A,Glass,Bowl,Of,Blackberries.,Blackberries,In43. Blackberries: 43 caloriesShutterstock

Another great food for weight loss that also serves as a sweet treat? Berries. Personally, my favorites are blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. What makes this type of fruit so special? Berries are packed with fiber, which promotes satiety and good digestive health. They are also low in sugar compared to other fruits and high in antioxidants.

Healthy Fats

Green, black and red olives, olive oil on a brown wooden background. Fresh juicy olives in a bowl and fresh olive leaves. Vegan. Olive fruits. Place for text. Copy space.Shutterstock

Healthy fats – including avocados, nuts, and olives – are also excellent fat burners. They help keep you feeling full and satisfied, support brain and heart health, and are needed to help regulate hormones, which is crucial for weight management over 40.

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Probiotic-Rich Foods

Korean,Traditional,Kimchi,On,A,Dark,Background.6. Kimchi: 15 caloriesShutterstock

Don’t sleep on probiotic-rich foods like Greek yogurt, kimchi, and other fermented foods. these food types aid digestion and help immune and gut health.

Whole Grains

Freshly,Cooked,Brown,Rice,,A,Bowl,Of,Unpolished,Rice, chop, sticksShutterstock

Lastly, when it comes to carbs, fill your plate with whole grains. I recommend quinoa, brown rice, and oats. They provide long-lasting energy and fiber to keep you full, help regulate blood sugar levels, and aids in supporting gut health. And if you enjoyed this article, don't missthese 8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat.