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success stories & transformations

Katie Dunlop Love Sweat Fitness

She Broke 9 'Weight Loss Rules' and Lost 45 Lbs

Break these common rules and start seeing real results.

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Hilary Carver balancebyhilary

Coach Reveals 5 Ways She Dropped 100 Pounds

One weight loss warrior opens up about her journey

Temple Stewart the.ketogenic.nutritionist

She Went From a Size 16 to 6 with These 7 Habits

Incorporate these habits into your routine and start losing weight.

Juan Leija juannit_247

He Lost 46 Lbs in 3 Months with This Workout

One coach says that zone 2 cardio is the most efficient workout to burn fat.

Breanna Henry breehenryy

She Transformed Her Body in 5 Easy Steps

One weight loss warrior reveals the changes she made to lose weight.

Gina Frattini cowboyleisure

She Dropped From Size 12 to 2 with 5 Habits

One weight loss warrior reveals what she did to shape up.

Brooke Ralphs brookeralphsfit

She Lost 85 Pounds with These Calorie Deficit Tips

One nutrition coach shares her weight loss and reveals her secrets.

Nicole Collet thecollets

She Lost 50 Lbs Walking Just 15 Minutes Every Day

Discover how a simple 15-minute daily walking routine led to dramatic weight loss success.

Cara Metz Cara_Metz

Coach Transformed Body at 50 by Doing 6 Things

Cara Metz reveals her month-long transformation plan

keith ozment fit coaching

Coach Got "Lean" at 40 by Making 4 Changes

His plan helped lose weight fast.

Jenna Rizzo jennaaaamariee

Coach Transformed Her Body by Ditching This Workout

It’s not about working harder, but smarter.

Courtney Kroner thecourtneyway

Coach Shares 5 Ozempic Mistakes to Avoid

One woman shares about her experience losing weight on GLP-1 meds.