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We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

10 Foods You Should Eat Every Day For Your Best Body

These are foods that are simple to prepare and that you could eat everyday.

Attractive young woman holding bags of vegetables on a green background.

As a dietitian who has worked in the fitness industry for over a decade, there are a few things that I have found to be essential when trying to help individuals improve their diet and remain consistent with a healthy nutrition plan over weeks, months, and years. One of the nutrition pillars that I work on with clients, including through my work at Top Nutrition Coaching, includes having a base of staple foods on hand. These are foods that are simple to prepare, you could eat everyday, are enjoyable, and easy to grab even on the worst of days.

When thinking about everyday foods, there are a couple of specific nutritional characteristics to look for. Healthy food choices include a high fiber content, a rich source of vitamins and minerals, food with a healthy fat content, and foods that provide a good source of protein.

Dietary fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate that is found in the cell walls of plants. When dietary fibers are eaten, they provide prebiotics for the gut microflora, thus improving the overall gut microbiome. Extensive research has been done on fiber improving cardiovascular disease through its role in the reduction of LDL (low density lipoproteins), a type of cholesterol. We also know that fiber helps with blood glucose management, appetite control, and regularity with bowel movements.

Good sources of protein are very important in helping to reduce the rate of muscle loss, particularly as we age. Studies have shown that the rate of muscle loss is about 1% per year for older adults. Muscle mass helps to maintain a healthy metabolism and is associated with a reduction in injury. Protein also helps to improve satiety, making meals more filling and satisfying.

Consuming foods with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), omega-6, and omega-3 fatty acids have all been linked to improvements in cardiovascular disease and diabetes. These healthy fats are another food that will help to keep you full for a longer period of time after meals and make foods more enjoyable due to their high palatability.

Our goal is to combine foods with these nutrition attributes on a daily basis to provide nutrition that is filling, food you actually want to eat, and gives you energy for the whole day.

1. Oatmeal

Rolled,Oats,,Healthy,Breakfast,Cereal,Oat,Flakes,In,Bowl,food, oatmealShutterstock

Oatmeal is a great option to add fiber and whole grains into your daily diet. And it keeps you full and energetic for hours after eating! Oatmeal works well for many people because it can be flavored any way that you like. Have a sweet tooth? Great, let's add peanut butter and a few chocolate chips. Savory? Let’s saute some apples with butternut squash and add on top! I like to use oatmeal as a way to incorporate many of the other foods on this list as well. For example I will add flaxseed and top with berries and walnuts. Really pack in that nutritious punch!

Related: I Lost 20 Pounds in 4 Months With These 4 Effortless Changes

2. Almond or Walnuts


These nuts provide a really great snack option. They are easy to take on the go, or store in the car and they are minimally effected by temperature changes. Both options provide those healthy MUFAs and PUFAs I mentioned. You could eat whichever variety you prefer or you could combine them and eat both. There are also some really great flavored options such as smoky, BBQ, and cinnamon dipped to make eating these snacks more enjoyable.

3. Greens of Your Choice (spinach, kale, collards)

Bunch,Of,Organic,Kale,On,A,Rustic,Wooden.,greens, leaf,leafyShutterstock

Greens are packed with nutrients such as iron, Vitamin K, calcium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. Additionally, they provide a good amount of fiber. They truly are a superfood. My best suggestion to getting more of these in your everyday life is to add to dishes such as casseroles, stir frys, soups, even scrambled eggs! The greens will not change the taste of these meals much and the benefits added are worth the extra effort.

4. Berries


Blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries all provide great sources of fiber and tons of vitamins and minerals. These can easily be used as a topping for cereals or yogurts or blended into smoothies. I even have clients that love to eat frozen berries as a refreshing snack.

Related: 6 Body Changes Caused by Drinking Soda, According to a Diet Expert

5. Eggs

Basket,Chicken,Eggs,Farm, protein, foodShutterstock

Eggs really are a powerhouse for nutrition. The egg whites contain a good source of protein, but the yolks are a great source of phosphorus, potassium, Zinc, Folate, Choline, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D. For most healthy adults, eating 1-2 eggs per day is safe and a great way to get some delicious nutrition.

6. Flaxseeds

Flax,Seeds, diet, food, FlaxseedsShutterstock

Flaxseed provides a good source of Omega-3 Fatty acids and a good source of fiber. Ground flaxseeds are best, as the seed shell prevents us from getting the full benefits of the Omega-3s. I include this on the list because it is a great nutrition booster to any oatmeal, yogurt, smoothie, sprinkled on salad, or used in baked goods.

7. Greek Yogurt


Greek yogurt is an option that I find people enjoy as breakfast, lunch, or even a snack. Again this is a very versatile food that provides a good source of protein and calcium. Greek yogurt can be used to make dips for fruits or veggies, topped with fruit, used to top waffles or toast, or even eaten on its own. There are even drinkable versions of greek yogurt which are great on the go options.

8. Beans

Bowl,Of,Cooked,Beans,In,Tomato,Sauce, baked, beansShutterstock

Beans are a great source of fiber in the diet. They are often used as a meat substitute in many vegetarian dishes for their protein content and versatility in taking on many different flavors. Fresh beans and canned beans can both be used in dishes like soups, casseroles, tacos, burritos, or topping for a salad.

Related: I'm a Personal Trainer With a Flat Belly and Here's How to Get Yours

9. Olive Oil


Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO as you will see in many recipes) is a wonderful source of monounsaturated fats. It is a staple in diets such as the Mediterranean diet, and for good reason! The flavor of olive oil is not going to overpower a dish and is great to use in dressings and when cooking with lower heat.

10. Broccoli or Other Cruciferous Veggies


We could not have this list without some cruciferous veggies! This includes the family of broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and turnips. These vegetables are high in fiber and micronutrients. My favorite way to eat these types of vegetables is in a quick stir fry for the best taste!

💪🔥Body Booster: Greek yogurt is a very versatile food that provides a good source of protein and calcium. You can enjoy as breakfast, lunch, or even a snack.

Courtney Pelitera MS, RD, CNSC, is a Certified Registered Dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching, working with athletes of all ages to fuel their activity, prevent injury, and achieve desired body composition.

More For You

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

As a personal trainer and certified nutritionist, I have helped hundreds of individuals improve their quality of life through functional nutrition. From weight loss, building muscle, improving gut health and reducing stress/anxiety, I have seen the power that just a few nutritional changes can make on an individual's life.

“Functional nutrition” is about eating a diet that supplies your body with the best raw materials, aka nutrients, to work with to function at its best. It prioritizes eating a diet full of nutrient-dense unprocessed foods combined with healthy lifestyle habits to promote overall health and wellness.

Functional nutrition aims to target the root cause of underlying health issues instead of just the symptoms. Food intolerances, vitamin deficiencies, gut dysbiosis, blood sugar imbalance, and hormone imbalance are some common areas that functional nutrition will target and support through diet and lifestyle habits.

With all that in mind, here are 11 different strategies that can help transform your body.

1. Probiotics Can Improve Digestion

Kimchi cabbage, cucumber and radish in a jar, Korean foodShutterstock

Strategy: Eat 1 serving of a probiotic-rich food daily to support a balanced gut microbiota. Kefir, plain yogurt, fermented kimchi, sauerkraut, miso and kombucha are some great options.

Changes: Probiotics can improve digestion and allow the body to absorb nutrients better. Absorption is a key part of feeling good and noticeable changes can include increased energy levels, reduced bloating and gas, regular bowel movements and glowing skin.

Top 10 Superfoods Every Man Should Eat for the Best Body

2. Pairing Carbs With Proteins and/or Fats Leads to Steadier Energy Levels

Bowl of walnuts and red apples on wooden table. Healthy snacks.Shutterstock

Strategy: Avoid eating any carbohydrate “naked” and pair it with a protein, a fat or both. For example, instead of eating an apple, add an ounce of walnuts, a few turkey slices or some cottage cheese alongside it.

Changes: The act of pairing a carbohydrate with either a fat or a protein source will result in steadier energy levels throughout the day which has a huge impact on performance and quality of life. Including protein or fat with carbohydrates can also enhance satiety and help control appetite, which helps any weight loss or weight management goal.

Top 10 Superfoods Every Woman Should Eat for the Best Body

3. High Protein Meals Stimulate Muscle Protein Synthesis

chef cooking salmon steaks in the kitchenShutterstock

Strategy: Eat at least 30g of quality protein at every meal, about 3-4 hours apart. Quality protein sources include chicken, beef, fish, shellfish, egg, greek yogurt, protein powder and cottage cheese. Use your palm as a rough measure for 1 serving of meat or fish. Eat 1-2 servings per meal.⁠

Changes: Eating 30g of protein throughout the day will stimulate muscle protein synthesis (MPS), the process by which the body builds and repairs muscle tissue. This combined with resistance training will lead to an increase in lean muscle mass, faster recovery from exercise and enhanced performance.

4. Eat This Minimum of Fiber to Feel Fuller, Longer

Sliced avocado on a cutting boardShutterstock

Strategy: Eat a minimum of 25g fiber per day from soluble and insoluble sources like chia seeds, avocado, ground flaxseed, artichokes, berries and beans.

Changes: Fiber adds bulk to the stool which improves bowel regularity and reduces constipation, which are important for a healthy digestive system. Fiber also helps slow the absorption of sugar while increasing satiety and fullness, which ultimately help weight management. A higher fiber intake is an important part of a healthy diet, especially if weight loss is the goal.

5. Practice Mindful Eating to Prevent Bloating

Man eatsShutterstock

Strategy: Practice mindful eating by taking at least 20 minutes to eat an entire meal and chewing every bit of food until liquid (about 30 times) before swallowing. Chewing food thoroughly is the first step of the digestive process and as we chew, an enzyme called amylase is secreted to help break down carbohydrates.

Changes: Following this chewing method can help reduce acid reflux and bloating after eating. The mechanical breakdown of food during chewing helps to mix it with saliva, promoting better digestion which can reduce bloating, indigestion, GERD and even overeating.

This is the #1 Carb You Could Eat For Your Body

6. Drink Half Your Body Weight in Ounces of Water For Healthier Skin

Drinking water and staying hydrated. Person running in the park trying shoe next to bottle of water.Shutterstock

Strategy: Drink half your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you are 150 pounds, aim for 75 ounces per pay. If you exercise, add an additional 20 ounces of water. Pro tip: Start the day with 15-20 ounces of water before any food or coffee in the morning to jump start your intake for the day.

Changes: It only takes a 2% drop in body water to cause dehydration symptoms like headaches, irritability, fatigue, cramps, joint pain, constipation and heartburn. Staying adequately hydrated can lead to various positive physical changes from increased energy levels, better cognitive function to healthier skin and hair.

7. Increase Food Sources of Omega-3s for Anti-Inflammatory Properties


Strategy: Increase intake of food sources rich in omega-3 fatty acid. Great options include fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines and plant-based options like flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts. Consider taking omega-3 supplements if dietary needs are not being met.

Changes: Omega-3 fatty acids have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect on the body which impacts every bodily system. Increasing omega-3s can have a profound effect on pain management which correlates with increased performance and recovery from workouts. After eating more omega-3s, one may notice improved mood and better cognition as well.

I'm a Nutritionist and These are the Best Banana Recipes For Weight Loss

8. Reduce Processed Foods For Better Health

Eggplants and other vegatables on display at farmer's marketShutterstock

Strategy: Reduce the intake of highly processed foods and aim to eat nutrient-dense whole foods around 80% of the time.

Changes: Highly processed foods contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and numerous artificial additives, while lacking essential nutrients and high intake can lead to poor health and development of chronic disease. Eating more whole foods supplies the body with ample nutrients to prevent nutrient deficiencies, regulate blood sugar levels and increase overall vitality.

9. Increasing Antioxidants Will Improve Immune Function

Freshly picked blueberries in wooden bowl. Juicy and fresh blueberries with green leaves on rustic table. Bilberry on wooden Background. Blueberry antioxidant. Concept for healthy eating and nutritionShutterstock

Strategy: Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits every day, aiming for 3 1-cup servings minimum. To help with variety, think about colors of the rainbow and try to get a mix of all colors on your plate. For example, iIf you notice a lot of your choices are the color green, look for some red or yellow to add in.

Changes: Eating a variety of vegetables and fruits is beneficial because they are rich in essential nutrients, fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, and potentially lowering the risk of chronic disease. Eating more vegetables and fruits has an impact on immune function as well so an individual may experience less illness and better overall health with more diversity in their diet.

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10. Increasing Vitamin D and Sunshine Will Boost Mood

Back view of strong sporty girl showing muscles at the beach during sunset.Shutterstock

Strategy: Getting outside for at least 20 minutes is not a nutrition-specific strategy, but it is so crucial for optimal functioning and will enhance any functional nutrition strategy above. Sun exposure is ideal, but even some fresh air and a small walk is enough to feel the benefits.

Changes: Spending more time outside can increase Vitamin D levels which touches on every function of the body from energy levels, to metabolism to bone health. Connecting with nature is proven to boost mood, reduce anxiety, increase overall positivity and even improve attention span.

💪🔥Body Booster: Avoid eating any carbohydrate “naked” and pair it with a protein, a fat or both.

Kat Best is the co-founder and Head of Nutrition at Alta Coaching, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition

Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices.

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Do you want to lose weight fast? One expert claims to know the trick. Kimberley (@heal_with_kim) is a weight loss and nutrition expert who regularly shares tips and tricks with her followers. In a recent post, she revealed simple ways to lose weight fast. “This is what you're gonna do if you wanna lose 10 pounds. Now, we're all different. I know. Just try it ten days,” she says. Body Network’s Resident RDN, The Diet Diva Tara Collingwood, also weighs in.

Eat Protein in the Morning


Kimberley recommends starting your day with a protein-rich breakfast. “You'll have less cravings, you'll have more energy and you'll eat less throughout the day,” she says.

Pair Carbs with a Healthy Fat or Protein


“Eat your carbs with a healthy fat or protein,” she continues. “Foods such as breads, pastas, and rice have a very high glycemic index. Eating these types of foods together will slow down the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream.”



Next, “workout, exercise just a little bit,” she recommends. “Even the smallest amount of muscle mass growth can help you burn calories throughout the day.”

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Try It for 10 Days


"Try for ten days, a 12 or 13-hour fast, which means you're going to stop eating at night and you're gonna wait 12 to 13 hours before having your breakfast. You got this," Kimberley said.


Cup of coffee, and note on old wooden tableShutterstock

“And your last step that you're gonna do every single day for these 10 days is to believe in yourself. Take out a journal and write every single day why you deserve to be healthier, why you deserve to have the body that you love. To feel stronger, to have energy, to feel good within yourself, to feel confident. Remind yourself each and every day why you're doing these things,” she concludes.

Body Network’s Expert Weighs In

Close-up of a large water bottle on a running track with woman's legs in backgroundShutterstock

Body Network’s Resident RDN, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian and co-author of the Flat Belly Cookbook for Dummies agrees with some, but not all, of her suggestions. Protein with breakfast “is always a good idea to keep you satiated and provide lasting energy and has been linked to fewer cravings later in the day,” she says. And balancing protein and fats along with carbs provides better blood sugar control and also keeps you more satiated than carbs alone.

RELATED: I Lost 23 Pounds in 8 Weeks, and These Are My Top 10 Tips

12-Hour Fasting Is Good

Intermittent fasting concept with a woman sitting hungry in front of food and looking at her watch to make sure she breaks fast on the correct time. A dietary modification for healthy lifestyle.Shutterstock

Collingwood does agree that building muscle is great for weight loss. “The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn every single minute of the day.” As for fasting, “going 12 hours each day without food is a good guideline for fasting,” she says. “You don’t need to go 16 or more hours as some intermittent fasting plans recommend.” And journaling is a great habit. “Motivation goes a long way when sticking to healthy habits,” she says.

💪🔥Body Booster: Pair your breakfast with protein. It will keep you satiated and provide lasting energy and has been linked to fewer cravings later in the day.

Happy young woman on scales at home
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

Soraya ( is a weight loss coach and TikTok influencer with a massive following on social media. In her viral videos, she shares tips on how to get your dream body “without ditching your favorite foods.” In one clip, she offers three simple tips on losing weight. “Here's exactly what you need to do to lose your first 10 pounds,” she says in the video.

1. 30 Minutes of Exercise Per Day

Lose your 1st 10 lbs #weightlossjourney #weightlosstips #weightlosscoach

“Number one, you want to get a 30 minute walk in every single day,” says Soraya, adding that “you can also do other types of movement” too. “So this can be a 30 minute dance workout, it can be a 30 minute YouTube workout video, it can be a 30 minute bike ride, whatever feels good for you” she continues. “But you want to make sure you're doing some type of light movement every single day for 30 minutes.”

2. Aim for 10,000 Steps for Weight Loss, Science Says

Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Feb 20, 2022. A Person with an Apple Watch Series 7 with a pedometer app on the screen and with a daily ten thousand steps.Shutterstock

How long should you walk for if you want to lose weight? A 2018 study published in the journal Obesity found a link between walking 10,000 steps a day and weight loss and weight management.

Related: Woman Stuns Fans With Her Flat Belly After Losing 30 Pounds with These 5 Habits

3. Add Fiber to Your Diet

Healthy natural ingredients containing dietary fiber. Healthy high fiber diet eating concept with antioxidants and vitaminsShutterstock

“Number two, instead of cutting out food, I want you to add one high fiber food to every single one of your meals,” says Soraya. “Some examples of high fiber foods are vegetables, fruits, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, different things like that. So basically you want to focus on adding instead of subtracting.”

4. Also, Make Sure to Eat Enough Protein, Science Says

Animal protein sources- meat, fish, cheese and milk.Shutterstock

Chris McMahon, a nutrition and fitness coach, agrees. He says to “make sure you're getting plenty of fiber,” says McMahon, as it is “connected to hunger and fullness.” However, you also need to eat enough protein. According to clinical trials, consuming more protein than the recommended dietary allowance not only reduces body weight (BW), but also enhances body composition by decreasing fat mass while preserving fat-free mass (FFM) in both low-calorie and standard-calorie diets.

5. Hydrate

Woman drinking water in summer sunlightShutterstock

“Number three, you want to drink half your body weight and ounces of water. So if you weigh 200 pounds, you want to drink 100 ounces of water every day,” says Soraya.

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6. Here Is How Much Water You Should Drink, According to Science

Eight glasses of water a dayShutterstock

According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine men should drink about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day and women about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids.

💪🔥Body Booster: Adding fiber to your diet will promote digestion and also help you feel full faster.

Attractive young woman holding bags of vegetables on a green background.

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

As a dietitian who has worked in the fitness industry for over a decade, there are a few things that I have found to be essential when trying to help individuals improve their diet and remain consistent with a healthy nutrition plan over weeks, months, and years. One of the nutrition pillars that I work on with clients, including through my work at Top Nutrition Coaching, includes having a base of staple foods on hand. These are foods that are simple to prepare, you could eat everyday, are enjoyable, and easy to grab even on the worst of days.

When thinking about everyday foods, there are a couple of specific nutritional characteristics to look for. Healthy food choices include a high fiber content, a rich source of vitamins and minerals, food with a healthy fat content, and foods that provide a good source of protein.

Dietary fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate that is found in the cell walls of plants. When dietary fibers are eaten, they provide prebiotics for the gut microflora, thus improving the overall gut microbiome. Extensive research has been done on fiber improving cardiovascular disease through its role in the reduction of LDL (low density lipoproteins), a type of cholesterol. We also know that fiber helps with blood glucose management, appetite control, and regularity with bowel movements.

Good sources of protein are very important in helping to reduce the rate of muscle loss, particularly as we age. Studies have shown that the rate of muscle loss is about 1% per year for older adults. Muscle mass helps to maintain a healthy metabolism and is associated with a reduction in injury. Protein also helps to improve satiety, making meals more filling and satisfying.

Consuming foods with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), omega-6, and omega-3 fatty acids have all been linked to improvements in cardiovascular disease and diabetes. These healthy fats are another food that will help to keep you full for a longer period of time after meals and make foods more enjoyable due to their high palatability.

Our goal is to combine foods with these nutrition attributes on a daily basis to provide nutrition that is filling, food you actually want to eat, and gives you energy for the whole day.

1. Oatmeal

Rolled,Oats,,Healthy,Breakfast,Cereal,Oat,Flakes,In,Bowl,food, oatmealShutterstock

Oatmeal is a great option to add fiber and whole grains into your daily diet. And it keeps you full and energetic for hours after eating! Oatmeal works well for many people because it can be flavored any way that you like. Have a sweet tooth? Great, let's add peanut butter and a few chocolate chips. Savory? Let’s saute some apples with butternut squash and add on top! I like to use oatmeal as a way to incorporate many of the other foods on this list as well. For example I will add flaxseed and top with berries and walnuts. Really pack in that nutritious punch!

Related: I Lost 20 Pounds in 4 Months With These 4 Effortless Changes

2. Almond or Walnuts


These nuts provide a really great snack option. They are easy to take on the go, or store in the car and they are minimally effected by temperature changes. Both options provide those healthy MUFAs and PUFAs I mentioned. You could eat whichever variety you prefer or you could combine them and eat both. There are also some really great flavored options such as smoky, BBQ, and cinnamon dipped to make eating these snacks more enjoyable.

3. Greens of Your Choice (spinach, kale, collards)

Bunch,Of,Organic,Kale,On,A,Rustic,Wooden.,greens, leaf,leafyShutterstock

Greens are packed with nutrients such as iron, Vitamin K, calcium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. Additionally, they provide a good amount of fiber. They truly are a superfood. My best suggestion to getting more of these in your everyday life is to add to dishes such as casseroles, stir frys, soups, even scrambled eggs! The greens will not change the taste of these meals much and the benefits added are worth the extra effort.

4. Berries


Blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries all provide great sources of fiber and tons of vitamins and minerals. These can easily be used as a topping for cereals or yogurts or blended into smoothies. I even have clients that love to eat frozen berries as a refreshing snack.

Related: 6 Body Changes Caused by Drinking Soda, According to a Diet Expert

5. Eggs

Basket,Chicken,Eggs,Farm, protein, foodShutterstock

Eggs really are a powerhouse for nutrition. The egg whites contain a good source of protein, but the yolks are a great source of phosphorus, potassium, Zinc, Folate, Choline, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D. For most healthy adults, eating 1-2 eggs per day is safe and a great way to get some delicious nutrition.

6. Flaxseeds

Flax,Seeds, diet, food, FlaxseedsShutterstock

Flaxseed provides a good source of Omega-3 Fatty acids and a good source of fiber. Ground flaxseeds are best, as the seed shell prevents us from getting the full benefits of the Omega-3s. I include this on the list because it is a great nutrition booster to any oatmeal, yogurt, smoothie, sprinkled on salad, or used in baked goods.

7. Greek Yogurt


Greek yogurt is an option that I find people enjoy as breakfast, lunch, or even a snack. Again this is a very versatile food that provides a good source of protein and calcium. Greek yogurt can be used to make dips for fruits or veggies, topped with fruit, used to top waffles or toast, or even eaten on its own. There are even drinkable versions of greek yogurt which are great on the go options.

8. Beans

Bowl,Of,Cooked,Beans,In,Tomato,Sauce, baked, beansShutterstock

Beans are a great source of fiber in the diet. They are often used as a meat substitute in many vegetarian dishes for their protein content and versatility in taking on many different flavors. Fresh beans and canned beans can both be used in dishes like soups, casseroles, tacos, burritos, or topping for a salad.

Related: I'm a Personal Trainer With a Flat Belly and Here's How to Get Yours

9. Olive Oil


Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO as you will see in many recipes) is a wonderful source of monounsaturated fats. It is a staple in diets such as the Mediterranean diet, and for good reason! The flavor of olive oil is not going to overpower a dish and is great to use in dressings and when cooking with lower heat.

10. Broccoli or Other Cruciferous Veggies


We could not have this list without some cruciferous veggies! This includes the family of broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and turnips. These vegetables are high in fiber and micronutrients. My favorite way to eat these types of vegetables is in a quick stir fry for the best taste!

💪🔥Body Booster: Greek yogurt is a very versatile food that provides a good source of protein and calcium. You can enjoy as breakfast, lunch, or even a snack.

Courtney Pelitera MS, RD, CNSC, is a Certified Registered Dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching, working with athletes of all ages to fuel their activity, prevent injury, and achieve desired body composition.

Scott Harrison
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat.

As a certified fitness, nutrition and mindset expert, I specialize in and I’m proud to say I’ve helped what must be close to 100,000 individuals from all walks of life, ages, abilities, disabilities, colors, creeds and cultures in 77 countries all over the world, achieve their health and fitness goals in body and mind, including obtaining a toned and defined six pack through balanced nutrition and exercise. I’m the UK Sunday Times Best Selling author of Eat Your Way to a Six Pack and dedicate my life to helping others truly live instead of just exist. My approach is firm with compassion, in fact some say I’m a Sergeant Major with love. But to keep people engaged long enough to make a life changing experience, a tight ship must be run, without too much room for error. I have tens of thousands of inspirational stories from people all over the world who have changed and, in many cases, saved their lives through my programme, The Six Pack Revolution.

Six packs truly are made in the kitchen and a balanced diet is crucial for achieving and maintaining a six pack because it provides the necessary nutrients to support muscle growth and recovery, while simultaneously reducing body fat. Without proper nutrition, you will not develop the fat loss and muscle definition needed for a visible six pack, unless you are genetically gifted. I must throw out a disclaimer that not everyone has the six symmetrical separations and therefore the shape will differ from person to person.

If your goal is to achieve a six pack, you need to be ready to change your relationship with food, drink and yourself. If done correctly, this journey will be one of physical and mental health, you will be nourishing your body and mind, and this will pay dividends in every area of your life. You will be removing all the poor nutritional choices of the past and replacing them with an abundance of healthy whole foods, a balance of macronutrient ratios and you will likely be increasing hydration levels with more water intake. When you put all of this together, you will be surprised how quickly results can come. It’s very important that you feed and nourish yourself to a six pack and never starve or malnourish yourself instead. Read on for 8 ways to eat your way to a 6-pack.

Increase Your Protein Intake

Scott_Harrison4Scott Harrison

The first dietary change I recommend for those aiming for a six pack is to increase their protein intake, combined with the correct balance of carbohydrates and healthy fats each time they eat, whether that be a meal or a snack. Each macronutrient however must be chosen wisely for optimum results, always opting for the cleaner, healthier version. Our most important macronutrient is protein and is crucial for muscle repair and growth, which is essential for developing a defined core. Additionally, protein helps to keep you feeling full and satisfied, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

Stay Hydrated

sport man sitting after running and holding water bottle drink. Sport thirsty and resting after exercise.Shutterstock

We must stay hydrated at all times with plenty of water, 3-4 litres per day.

Eat Whole Foods

Scott_Harrison1Scott Harrison

Our foods will consist of whole foods such as lean proteins, grains, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats to provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Balance Your Plate

Scott_Harrison7Scott Harrison

The balance on the plate and what we eat at the same time is paramount and we must pay attention to the portion sizes of each macronutrient to avoid overeating, which can lead to excess calorie intake and hinder fat loss efforts.

Related: 15 Proven Ways to Sculpt Your Dream Body by An Expert Coach

Avoid These Processed Foods

Scott_Harrison8Scott Harrison

Some healthier processed foods are OK if they are convenient and help us to remain on track—however, processed foods high in sugars, salts, unhealthy fats, and additives are out of the question as they can contribute to inflammation and weight gain.

Say No to Alcohol

Scott_Harrison9Scott Harrison

Alcohol should not be consumed as it is high in empty calories and will hinder your results. Once you achieve the new body and mind you dream of, then you can find a balance in your life where you can keep your results and still party twice per week.


Scott_Harrison5Scott Harrison

Exercise is important for your muscle tone, bone density, joints, mindset, posture and is a huge investment in your future. You should be exercising into your nineties and beyond and it should be non-negotiable. Training for a six pack does not require thousands of sit-ups. A full body HIIT-type workout schedule will bring your results much faster.

Think About Your Nutrition, Not Your Calories

Scott_Harrison6Scott Harrison

The most common mistake people make when attempting to achieve a six pack is thinking that they need an extreme calorie deficit. If you drastically reduce your calorie intake in an attempt to lose fat quickly, you will actually slow down your progress considerably. The healthiest and fastest way to lose fat is on the most calories possible. For example, let’s say your maintenance calories are 2,250 per day. You would lose more fat faster on 2,000 calories than you would on 1,000 calories. If you drastically drop your calories, this can lead to nutrient deficiencies, metabolic slowdown, muscle loss, and ultimately, will hinder fat loss. Also, calories are a fraction of the story. The most important part is the actual nutrition itself and balance of the plate of food, balanced throughout the day with hydration. This will balance your body and its hormones and then your body can work at its optimum.

Related: Benchmark Your Progress with Our Lean Body Mass Calculator

The Benefits of a Balanced Diet Go Beyond a Six-Pack

Scott_Harrison3Scott Harrison

When the body works at its optimum, it burns fuel efficiently (FAT) and builds and maintains muscle mass. Your hair, your skin, the whites of your eyes, your teeth, your nails all become more radiant and chronic illnesses are vastly improved if not brought into remission. That’s not all, a balanced diet isn't just about physical health, it profoundly influences our mental well-being by creating hormonal equilibrium. The interplay between nutrition and hormones highlights how our food choices impact our overall health, physically, mentally and emotionally.

💪🔥Body Booster: Eat whole foods like lean proteins, grains, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats. They provide essential nutrients and antioxidants for better health.

Scott Harrison is a celebrity personal trainer, nutrition expert & founder of acclaimed fitness programme The Six Pack Revolution. His UK Sunday Times bestseller Eat Your Way to a Six Pack’ is out now. Follow Scott & The Six Pack Revolution on Instagram.

Dr. Jennifer Caudle, DO, FACOFP drjencaudle
Copyright drjencaudle/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Many of us have heard about the remarkable results people are experiencing with Ozempic and Wegovy for weight loss. But what happens when treatment ends? Dr. Jennifer Caudle, DO, FACOFP, known to many as Dr. Jen, is a board-certified Family Medicine physician and Associate Professor at Rowan University-School of Osteopathic Medicine who understands these concerns. Understanding these medications and their effects after discontinuation is crucial for anyone considering or currently taking them. Read on to discover the five key changes your body may experience when stopping these medications.

What Are Ozempic and Wegovy?

Before diving into what happens when you stop these medications, it's important to understand what they are. "Ozempic is FDA-approved for diabetes. Wegovy is FDA-approved to help with weight loss," Dr. Jen explains in her post. She notes that both medications contain the active ingredient semaglutide, which is why many people take Ozempic off-label for weight loss as well.

RELATED: 15 Things to Know Before Requesting Ozempic for Weight Loss

Blood Sugar Changes

Woman use glucometer checking blood sugar level


The first significant change when stopping these medications affects your glucose levels. "Your blood sugar will likely go up," says Dr. Jen. She explains this happens because these medications are designed to lower blood sugar, so removing them naturally allows levels to rise again. "Depending on who you are will determine the significance of that," Dr. Jen cautions, emphasizing that for diabetics, this change could be particularly important and might require replacement medications.

Appetite Returns

upset woman in pajamas looking at camera while eating cake in bed aloneWhat Happens to Your Body When You Stop Emotional EatingShutterstock

One of the most noticeable effects of discontinuing Ozempic or Wegovy is the return of your pre-medication appetite. "Your appetite may increase when you stop these medications," warns Dr. Jen. She explains that many of her patients appreciate how these drugs reduce cravings and hunger while taking them. "If you go off the medication, your appetite very likely will return. So you've got to be prepared for that," Dr. Jen advises.

Side Effects Disappear

handsome man feeling sick after the party put his head in toillet and vomit. Strong headachesShutterstock

There's a silver lining to stopping these medications if you've been experiencing adverse effects. "Side effects that many people say they have with these medications can be things like nausea or vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, abdominal cramping," Dr. Jen lists. She points out that gastrointestinal issues are the most common, but other effects like headaches can occur as well. "Should you stop them, if you had these side effects, they're likely going to go away," Dr. Jen reassures.

RELATED:20 Possible Ozempic Side Effects

Weight Loss Benefits End

Menopause, weight gain. Concerned woman standing on floor scales in bathroomShutterstock

Perhaps the biggest concern for many people is what happens to their weight after stopping. "One of the big side effects of these medications is weight loss. It's one of the reasons why so many people take these medications," acknowledges Dr. Jen. She explains that when you stop taking Ozempic or Wegovy, "the additional help that you're getting from the medications to help you with weight loss will go away too."

Will all the weight return? Dr. Jen says that's complicated: "That's going to depend on you, your body, what things you're doing to try to maintain your weight loss, how you're managing your diet, your exercise and all the other things in your life." She confirms that many people do regain weight after stopping but emphasizes that this isn't inevitable with proper maintenance strategies.

Cardiovascular Benefits Cease

ozempic_wegovy-split2Wegovy vs Ozempic: Pros and Cons for Weight Loss TreatmentShutterstock

The final important change involves heart health. "There have been studies that have shown that both Ozempic and Wegovy have cardiovascular benefits," Dr. Jen points out. These medications have been shown to reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular issues. Unfortunately, "when you stop the medication, those benefits that these medications afford you will go away," explains Dr. Jen.

RELATED:What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Taking Ozempic


Santiago, Chile, august 16th, 2023. Pen injection of semaglutide named \u201cozempic\u201d, is a diabetes medicine to improve blood sugar​And Now, Some Are Recommending MicrodosingShutterstock

Whether you're considering starting or stopping these medications, understanding these five potential changes is essential for making informed decisions about your health. Dr. Jen emphasizes that this information isn't meant to judge anyone's choice to use or discontinue these medications—rather, it's about being prepared for what might happen. As with any medication change, consult with your healthcare provider before making decisions about Ozempic or Wegovy.

Hana Carrier carrierfitness
Copyright carrierfitness/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to shape up by spring? It might be time to incorporate some new, healthy habits into your routine. Hana Carrier is a fitness coach who helps women get into their best shape ever. In a new social media post, she reveals her strategy for losing weight fast. “Here is what I would do to lose 10 pounds before spring break as a transformation specialist for single moms,” she writes.

Get in a Calorie Deficit

“Get in reasonable caloric deficit,” she says. “Everyones deficit is different but if you go too low- you won’t be able to last for too long. Aim for 500-700 less than you maintenance calories,” she says.

Track Every Bite

The next thing you need to do is keep track of the food you are eating. “Track every bite- You would be surprised how many extra calories those bites and licks add up too,” she says.

Add Protein to Every Meal

Third, add protein to every meal. “Aim for 25-50 grams per meal. Protein will help you feel full longer and it will also help you balance those sugar crashes,” she says.

RELATED: This Is Exactly How to Lose Body Fat This Year

Add Veggies Too

She also recommends adding veggies, 2 to 3 times daily. “Veggies are a great way to feel full without racking up the calories,” she says. “Plus they are great for your health.”

Strength Training 3 to 4 Times a Week

“Strength training 3 to 4 times a week, is another key habit. “This won’t help you lose much weight quicky but it will help you build more muscle mass so you can burn more calories daily over time. Plus who does not want to look toned and strong. These workouts don’t need to be an hour long. 30-45 min is enough,” she says.

Walk 8,000 Steps Per Day

Also, get your steps in. “8K steps daily (add weighted vet to your walks when possible)- start moving more. Get a step tracker and aim for 8 K steps daily if possible,” she suggests.

RELATED:12-3-30 Walking Method: 20 Proven Tips to Lose Weight Faster

Eat 3 to 4 Times a Day

Make sure to eat enough. She recommends three to four times a day. “You don’t need 6 meals per day. Focus on 3-4 filling meals,” she says.

Meal Prep Twice a Week

Mealing prepping will also help you achieve your goals. She recommends doing it twice a week. “Fail to prep- prep to fail. It is soo much easier when you have the right foods ready,” she says.

Stop Drinking Alcohol

Don’t drink your calories. “Stop drinking alcohol,” she suggests. “Drinking alcohol stops you from losing fat- your body takes time to metabolize the alcohol(24-48 hours) and while your body is metabolizing the alcohol, fat burning stops.”


Her last recommends is to hydrate. “Drink 2-3 L of water. It will help you speed up your metabolism but also feel full,” she says. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Breanna Henry breehenryy
Copyright breehenryy/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you struggling on your weight loss journey? One weight loss warrior shares her effective, step-by-step approach to her impressive transformation. Breanna Henry is a swimwear and activewear founder who lost weight and transformed her body, regularly sharing about how she did it on social media. In a new post, she offers some tips. “How to transform your body in five easy steps,” she writes in the Instagram post.

You Need to Break Your Old Habits

“HOW I FINALLY LOST THE WEIGHT AND KEPT IT OFF!!!” she continues. “Maybe ‘easy’ isn’t the word. It will be difficult to break the old habits you’ve instilled. But they’re simple rules,” she says. “My weight fluctuated for years and I always felt like I had to ‘cut’ or ‘diet.’”

These 5 Changes Helped Her Lose Weight

“Once I made these 5 changes, I’ve been able to lose the weight. Anytime it feels like I’m putting weight on, I evaluate where I’m slipping up with one of these and get back on track and I’m good to go,” she says. “It doesn’t have to be difficult and confusing. Dumb it down and get it done.”

RELATED: This Is Exactly How to Lose Body Fat This Year

Step One: Improve Sleep

The first step is to improve sleep. “Cold temperature at night and sleep in less clothing magnesium before bed. I mask to make it dark. No phone in bed,” she continues. “Charge it in another room. Try to go to bed and wake up around the same times every day. Sunlight in your eyes, first thing in the morning.”

Step Two: Eat Regularly

Her second step has to do with nutrition. “Eat to prevent crazy glucose spikes. Eat greens first, then protein and fats, then carbs. Never eat carbs by themselves. Decrease overall sugar intake,” she says.

Step Three: Eat More Protein

Her third step? Amp up your protein intake. “Eat more protein. Eat as much meat, fish and eggs as you please,” she says.

RELATED: 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week

Step Four: Focus Your Diet Around Whole Foods

Step four? Most of your diet should be whole foods like meat, fish, eggs, fruit, and veggies. “Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store where things have to be refrigerated. Foods that don't have ingredient labels,” she says.

Step Five: Exercise

The final step is “balanced training,” she says. “Strength train two to three days a week. Some form of endurance training once a week, 10 to 15,000 steps per day. The remaining of exercise to be lower intensity, Pilates, yoga, something fun outdoors. Occasional HIIT workouts to challenge yourself, but not multiple times per week. Allow time for recovery. Better to train harder on fewer days. Exercise doesn't have to be the gem. It can be pickleball, roller skating, long walks with friends, run club to socialize.”