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I'm 70 But Look 40 Thanks to These 9 Diet Secrets

“Menopause Mythbuster” Liz Hilliard reveals what she eats in a day to look half her age.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

What is the secret to looking forever young? Liz Hilliard, 70, a pilates instructor who trains out of her studio, Hilliard Studio Method, looks decades younger than her actual age – all without extreme diets or exercising around the clock. In an exclusive interview with Body Network, the age-defying fitness expert dishes on her diet, revealing how she eats to look half her age.

She Loves "Real Food" And Avoids "Trends"

Copyright Liz Hilliard

"I love food, real food that is, and generally stay away from trends. I avoid anything ultra-processed and, for the most part, have cut sugar completely out of my diet except for the natural sugars occurring in fruit and vegetables and a glass of wine. I'm a big believer in enjoying my life and living the way the French do with the attitude of Joie de Vivre. Good food and wine are a celebration of life, especially when shared with friends," says Hilliard about her overall approach to eating.

Breakfast: Protein, Fiber, and Healthy Fat-Packed Smoothie

Liz Hilliard
Copyright Liz Hilliard

For breakfast, Liz makes a smoothie. "I begin my day with a healthy dose of protein, fiber, and healthy fat. Fifteen years ago, after researching the importance of protein with respect to muscle growth and keeping my weight in check, I created the Hilliard Studio Method Smoothie, which I still have almost every morning! It's my 'jet fuel' that sets me up for success nutritionally fueling my workout and my day," she says.

The smoothie boasts  27 grams of protein, 23 grams of fiber, phytonutrients (greens), healthy fat (avocado), and frozen organic fruit. "I also include turmeric root and ginger root when I can for a bonus of anti-inflammatory goodness!" she says. "To maintain strong, healthy bodies, most of us need about one gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. Trust me, I know how hard this can be, which is why adding protein in the morning sets you up for success and helps maintain healthy glucose levels, which keep our metabolism and hormones balanced so we can resist unhealthy cravings."

RELATED: 3 Types of Belly Fat: Which One Are You Battling?

Lunch: High Protein and Fiber Bowl

Liz Hilliard
Copyright Liz Hilliard

"My lunch is generally a variety of vegetables or legumes (high in protein and fiber) mixed with other lean proteins like boiled eggs, salmon, or chicken. I always have a bowl of hard-boiled eggs on hand or some sort of bean or lentil that will give me a boost of protein and fiber between meals," she says.

Snack: More Protein

Liz Hilliard
Copyright Liz Hilliard

Some of her healthy go-to snacks include whole, plain yogurt with pea protein powder, chia seeds, and fruits or berries. "It is a delicious solution to curb afternoon hunger pangs. I also love a variety of crunchy vegetables to dip into an organic hummus or cottage cheese," she says.

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Dinner: Protein and Veggies

Liz Hilliard
Copyright Liz Hilliard

"Dinner is my favorite meal of the day. I get to relax with my partner, reflect on our days, and enjoy a delicious, healthy meal," says Hilliard. "A few of our latest favorites have included baked salmon and vegetables, stir fry or curry dishes with tofu or chicken, dark green salads topped with lean proteins, grains, and nuts. I try to eat seasonal, real food like squash and sweet potatoes in the winter and fresh berries and cucumbers in the summer. Going to the local farmer's market is a great way to support your local farmers and get fresh food. I think the nutritional key to healthy aging is enjoying a delicious, protein-based diet filled with fruits and vegetables in all the colors of the rainbow."

5 Foods She Eats Every Day

Liz Hilliard
Copyright Liz Hilliard

Hilliard loves to eat these five foods daily:

  1. Apple
  2. HSM Smoothie
  3. Nuts, especially almonds
  4. Meat, mostly oily fish like salmon
  5. Dark green, crunchy salad

RELATED: 20 Superfoods for People Over 50


Liz Hilliard
Copyright Liz Hilliard

Hilliard also prioritizes hydration. "My goal each day, as it should be for all of us, is to drink half my body weight in water. Most days, I come close," she says.

Sleep Is Also Key

Liz Hilliard
Copyright Liz Hilliard

Hilliard makes sure to get enough rest. "Sleep is a huge indicator of health and longevity, and I take it very seriously. I average between 7-8 hours a night. Anything less, and I feel off my game," she tells us.

RELATED: I'm a Coach and These 5 Foods Were Ruining My Health Until I Quit Them


Liz Hilliard
Copyright Liz Hilliard

As for self-care, she is a "big proponent of play or just simply downtime," she explains. "Doing nothing is highly underrated. I find time during my day to spend outside sans my ear pods for an easy walk or just sit in nature. I love to read, go to the movies, and spend time with my grandchildren. As far as self-care through skin care, my blog posts explore the importance of 'vanity' and its impact on our self-confidence and health." And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss I'm a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more
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