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9 Tips to Build Muscle Fast Experts Swear By

Sculpt your physique with these expert-approved moves.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Feeling stuck in your muscle-building journey? You're not alone. Many busy professionals struggle to find effective ways to pack on muscle while juggling demanding careers. That's where Zach Rana, a fitness coach with a background in biochemistry, comes in. Having transitioned from long workdays to a career in health and fitness, Zach understands the challenges faced by time-strapped individuals. In this article, he shares his top five tips to help you build muscle quickly and efficiently, complemented by insights from other fitness experts.

Fuel Your Muscles with Protein

Zach emphasizes the importance of protein consumption for muscle growth. "Eat 0.8 to one gram of protein per pound of body weight," he advises in his post. For instance, if you weigh 180 pounds, aim for 180 grams of protein daily. While this may seem daunting at first, Zach assures that with practice and the right systems in place, it becomes second nature.

"At this point, I don't even really think about my protein intake because I have so many protein snacks around," he explains. "Every single one of my meals has 30 to 50 grams of protein, and so I hit my goal pretty easily without even trying at this point. Once you have those systems in place where all the right foods are around you, it's actually pretty easy to hit your protein goal."

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Create a Caloric Surplus for Growth

To build muscle, you need to provide your body with sufficient resources. Zach recommends eating in a caloric surplus by adding 250 to 500 calories above your maintenance level. "As an example, my maintenance calories are 180 pounds, with about 15% body fat being 2,700 calories. So when I want to gain, and I'm in a gaining phase, I'll eat 2,950 to 3,000 calories around there," he shares. For a leaner bulk, stick to the lower end of this range.

Zach explains, "The reason we have the range of 250 calories to 500 depends on how lean of a bulk you want to have. I like to keep my bulks pretty lean, so I try to do 250 to 300 calories above my maintenance because that's going to allow me to put on muscle without putting on too much fat."

Embrace Carbohydrates for Energy

Contrary to popular belief, carbs are not the enemy, especially when you're in a muscle-gaining phase. Zach debunks common myths, stating, "The marketing people out there are lying to you when they say you have to do keto. You have to do this. You can't eat carbs. They're bad sugar, bad whatever. Not true." He recommends consuming carbs both before and after workouts.

"Before your workouts, you want quick digesting, simple carbs. What are some examples of this? Rice cakes, rice Krispies, white bread, potatoes," Zach suggests. For post-workout, he recommends "slower digesting carbs that are higher in fiber, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, quinoa, whole wheat bread, beans, pasta, like all of that stuff is great things to have after a workout."

Lift Heavy and Progressively Overload

To stimulate muscle growth, you need to challenge your muscles beyond their current capacity. Zach explains the concept of progressive overload: "If my muscle was currently capable of lifting 80 pounds, I need to try to lift 85 pounds, and what's going to happen is the first couple times I do that, it's going to be really hard and really uncomfortable, but eventually my capacity will grow to reach 85 pounds."

He underlines the importance of continuous challenge: "Every single time we work out, we need to be giving our muscles a higher stimulus than what it's currently capable of that's going to force it to grow."

Luke Jones, a certified personal trainer and movement coach, adds, "Pullups are often referred to as the king of bodyweight exercises. They build muscle mass through the back and biceps, strengthen the abdomen, and support a more upright posture." For those new to pull-ups, Jones advises starting with hanging exercises and progressing to assisted pull-ups before attempting full ones.

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Master Carb Timing for Optimal Performance

Timing your carbohydrate intake can significantly impact your workout performance and muscle growth. Zach recommends consuming carbs 30 minutes to an hour before your workout and immediately after. "Trust me, once you nail this carb timing down, it is a game changer for how strong and how full you'll feel during your workouts," he says.

However, he cautions against eating large meals or high-fiber carbs too close to your workout. "Don't eat a lot of proteins or fats right before your workout because they're going to slow you down and they're hard to digest. Also, if you eat a lot of high-fiber carbs before your workout, those also take longer to digest, and so then you'll basically be putting energy that should be going to your muscles into your stomach," Zach warns. His final advice? "No big meals two hours before a workout."

Incorporate Compound Bodyweight Exercises

While weightlifting is crucial, don't underestimate the power of bodyweight exercises. Christopher Clarke, a certified personal trainer, says, "Push-ups are the crème de la crème of upper body work—push-ups strengthen your shoulders, triceps and pectoral muscles. Push-ups also lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and improve posture by strengthening core muscles."

Eric Rakofsky, a certified personal trainer, recommends the single-leg walkout with a push-up: "It's like a more sophisticated burpee but with less wear & tear on your body and more beneficial. Perform 10 reps per leg with 1 minute rest for 3 sets."

Don't Neglect Lower Body Training

Clarke regards squats as the cornerstone of lower body exercises: "Squats strengthen glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and abdominal muscles, helping improve balance and preventing back pain." Jones adds, "Simply performing bodyweight squats for high reps can be an effective way to build muscle, as can single-leg squats and lunges."

Focus on Core Strength

A strong core is essential for overall muscle development and stability. Clarke recommends crunches: "Considered one of the best exercises to develop and strengthen your abdominal muscles, crunches target the oblique, rectus, and transverse abdominal muscles. They improve posture, lower back pain, and boost mobility."

For those looking for a low-impact core exercise, Leslie Ann, a personal fitness trainer specializing in postpartum fitness, suggests pelvic tilts: "This exercise engages your core muscles, including your abdomen and pelvic floor. By engaging and activating your transverse abdominal muscles, you stabilize your core and help improve muscle tone to the tummy area."

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Stay Consistent and Patient

By implementing these tips from Zach Rana and other fitness experts, you'll be well on your way to building muscle faster and more effectively. Remember, consistency is key, and results take time. Stay committed to your goals, and you'll soon see the gains you've been working towards. As Zach says, "Try these things out. Let me know in the comments how they go for you and how you feel." And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 31 Fitness Tips Every Beginner Needs to Look Sexy, According to Coaches.

Alek Korab
Alek Korab is Founding Editor of Body Network Read more
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