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5 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Lost 70 Pounds (And Kept It Off)

One weight loss warrior reveals insider information about losing weight.
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Nikki Madoch (@nikkigetsfit) is a weight loss influencer and YouTuber who shares about her health journey via social media outlets. In one of her viral videos, she reveals things she didn't know – but wished she had – before losing weight. "I'm just talking about five things that I wish that I knew before I started my weight loss journey," she says.

"These are just some of the things that I wish I knew before I started my journey of losing 70 pounds because it's definitely been such a learning experience," she added. "I have had to completely change the way I think about things. I've had to switch my lifestyle around and really think about things differently to have success with this healthier lifestyle."

You Need to Be Motivated By More Than Just Looks

"The first thing that I want to talk about that I wish I had known before I started was what was going to motivate me to lose weight. Because one thing that I feel like always caused me to just not have success with losing weight was my motivation behind it," she says in the video.

"My reasoning behind why I wanted to lose weight for so long, I just wanted to look better. I wanted to have a flat stomach. I wanted to look like other people, and that was all it was. I just wanted to look like other people. I just wanted to be thin. I wanted to lose weight. Those were the only things that motivated me because it was what other people thought. I wanted other people to think better of me."

Instead, Be Motivated By How You Feel

"This time around, I completely changed my way of thinking because it became a little bit more of a health scare, and I just stopped trying to think about what others thought. It almost became like, okay, this needs to be about me now.," she says. "As I started my weight loss journey, honestly one week in, I could not believe how much better I felt after just one week." She says she started focusing on portion control and fueling her body with healthy food, "and that motivated me more than I ever knew it could."

She maintains "that has been what's motivated me, my entire journey. What's kept me going is how good I feel when I take care of myself: when I eat healthy, when I nourish myself, when I eat enough when I drink enough water, when I get enough sleep, when I exercise and move my body in ways that I enjoy, those things make me feel amazing. They genuinely make me feel good."

That She Would Have More Body Dysmorphia

The next one? "I didn't know that I would have more body dysmorphia as I lost weight, and that was something that was kind of shocking to me because honestly, at my heaviest, it had gotten to the point where I just didn't care," she says.

"Then, as I started losing weight and started focusing on every little thing, I would feel better about how I looked, but at the same time, I was noticing every little part of me. I felt like I was looking in the mirror a lot. I was checking out my stomach and my legs and just every part of me, my arms. I was so self-conscious about my loose skin that I was developing as I was losing weight."

Be Prepared for the "Mental Game"

"I started to develop so many tendencies of just body dysmorphia, and it really got to me way more than I ever expected," she says. "At my heavier weights, I wasn't as hard on myself about my body because I just gave up. So it was just a whole other mental game that I had to deal with going through weight loss."

Use Your Weeklies

"The next thing that I wish I knew before I started my weight loss journey is specifically with Weight Watchers. And that is to use my weeklies," she says.

"So when I first signed up and heard about the Weekly Bank, I kind of thought that was just like a bonus. You didn't really have to use those points and shouldn't use them. Like I thought that you would actually lose weight if you didn't use them. And so for the first couple weeks, I was too scared to use my weeklies, and I feel like, again, so many people say this, but then I started to realize, like, okay, I want to eat more. I don't want to restrict myself; I want to feel like I'm eating more and more nourishing foods, and I don't know if I lost all the weight or not eating enough, then I'd have to maintain the weight. Not eating enough is a mentality I had. So I was like, I might as well take advantage of all the points that I have."

You Will Lose More Weight If You Use Them

"I started to eat my weekly points and very quickly noticed that it actually helped me to lose more weight. The weeks that I would use all my weeklies were always my best weigh-in weeks. I don't know if it was just a coincidence, but I think that I was just really nourishing my body, and it was just what worked for me to use my weeklies. And I hear a lot of people that have success when they do," she says.

Don't Eat the Same Things Over and Over Again

"The next thing that I wish I knew before starting my weight loss journey is that it is very easy to get burned out of things, and it's very important to switch things up. I learned pretty quickly in the beginning that first of all, especially when you're on WW and you find low-point things, it's exciting, especially when there are trending low-point things within, like the Weight Watchers community, and it becomes such a thing. And I would do that and get so burned out of stuff. So even like blackened chicken from Tyson, which I still love that chicken, but I burn myself out of that so quickly," she says.

Sprinkle in New Stuff

"I go through phases, but I always have something new to mix things up, and that helps so much to stay on track because getting bored and feeling like it's just boring and repetitive sometimes can be hard to stay consistent with because I don't know, it's boring and you don't want to do it. You don't have something to look forward to," she says.

Don't Focus on the Number on the Scale

Her last item on the list? "Just realizing that weight and the number on the scale is not everything. I know everybody is self-conscious of their weight, but I've been so self-conscious about my weight," she says. She explains that the number on the scale doesn't always matter. "My body is so much more toned and strong than it was two years ago when I weighed 180 pounds," she says.

Instead, Take Progress Pictures and Measurements

She adds that when you incorporate resistance training and weightlifting, "it's going to make a difference because muscle takes up less space than fat. So even if you weigh more and you have more muscle, you will look smaller." She recommends taking progress pictures and measurements instead of relying on the scale. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more