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15 Proven Ways to Sculpt Your Dream Body by An Expert Coach

This proven plan has helped people get fit and stay strong.

FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback
Waist up portrait of muscular couple smiling at camera while standing with arms crossed in modern gym lit by sunlight
FACT CHECKED BY Christopher Roback

Want to sculpt your "dream body"? Let me tell you a little story about Dogs and Demons—and nutrition. Hear me out.

A long time ago, an emperor in ancient China asked his court artist what was more difficult: painting a demon or painting a dog? The artist responded that painting a demon is easy compared to painting a dog. Painting a dog is a much harder task.

The emperor replied in disbelief: “How can that be?” A demon is so complicated that it must require a higher degree of skill, while a dog is such a simple, lowly thing that anyone can paint one.”

To the untrained eye, painting a fantastical demon seems to be much harder. That demon looks so….complicated. A demon is a product of the imagination. On the contrary, painting a dog, again to the untrained eye, looks like a very easy task. That dog looks so darned simple.

This story is a pretty good analogy for the kinds of far-out nutrition advice we see on social media all the time. The influencers, advice, “tips,” and posts that get the most followers, attention, and likes also tend to be the most extreme, unscientific, and often downright bizarre.

Those are all paintings of “demons.” In fact, anyone can paint a demon with virtually no skill at all. A demon is whatever you can cook up in your imagination.

Meanwhile, the most solid, effective, and proven ways of losing weight, building muscle, and sculpting a great physique are often passed over as just too simple-looking. “Not sexy enough.” “Not exotic enough.” “Looks too easy.” And the real killer of all physique progress, “it’s too much work.”

That’s a painting of a dog. And painting a dog that actually looks like a dog is entirely another matter compared to painting a demon.

What Does “SMART” Nutrition Mean to You?

Man,Shopping,,Supermarket,label,grocery, groceriesShutterstock

A quick Google search of the term “SMART Nutrition” will turn up a number of commercial weight loss websites that sell everything from genetic testing to biochemistry analysis. Then data is used to sell expensive “solutions,” ranging from expensive proprietary supplements to complicated dietary protocols.

Now, I’m not saying those “solutions” can’t be effective, but are they the best ways to reshape your body, eat better, and get fit for life?

There’s a very good reason why our grandparents back in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, across all income groups and races, were, by and large, slim. And it had nothing to do with genetic testing or proprietary supplements.

At first blush, their diet seems “too simple”: garden vegetables, some meat, a little fish, some potatoes, sparing use of “luxuries” like butter, and maybe some dessert once or twice a week.

But that seemingly simple diet is the reason that they were, on average, over 24 lbs lighter than people tracked in the most recent data from 2002. (Source, Source)

That simple diet is the food version of the dog.

Then, we have our diet. “It’s complicated, ya know.” Fancy packaging, complex ingredient labels, and constant noise from social media leave us scratching our heads, trying to figure out what’s best for our health.

That’s the “demon” from the analogy.

My take on SMART nutrition is that it’s a dog, but a well-trained dog.

Related: Denise Austin Shares 3 Simple Exercises to “Lift and Tighten Your Booty”

SMART Nutrition is Actually “Smart”

Counting calories, different food with written quantity of calories, diet concept.Shutterstock

In my coaching practice, SMART Nutrition is simply this: whatever we do must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Nothing is random. Nothing is left to chance.

  1. Specific: When we set goals, they have to be precise, not vague. For example, “I want to lose 50 pounds” or “I want to achieve a body-fat percentage of 15%.”
  2. Measurable: How are we going to measure progress? And is the goal itself measurable? It’s not enough to say “I want to look good on the beach next summer.” How do you measure “look good on the beach?” How do we intend to measure the attainment of a goal?
  3. Achievable: Can your goal be realistically achieved? For instance, if you’ve never set foot in a gym, being the next Mr. Universe is not an achievable goal. More achievable “mini-goals” can be stepping stones to a Big Audacious Goal. Success begets success.
  4. Relevant: Is your stated goal relevant to your circumstances? For instance, is wanting to have a body that’s ready for a bodybuilding competition relevant to your needs? Maybe not. Or is looking great in a swimsuit or looking strong and muscular in your favorite t-shirt a more relevant goal?
  5. Time-Bound: a goal should have a fixed time frame. That sets some boundaries to adhere to. With a time limit for a particular goal, you’re more likely to feel a fire lit under your butt to stick with the plan.

Using these seemingly simple principles, our “dog,” you really can sculpt your “Dream Body.”

SMART Nutrition Planning

overweight woman on scale at homeShutterstock

Let’s start off with “be specific” and see where it takes us. Set the Big Audacious goal: “I want to lose 50 pounds within 6 months.”

Perfect. Not only have we hit “specificity” but we’ve also hit “time-bound.” And this goal is very measurable.

But Is it achievable? And is it relevant?

Let’s unpack this. Let’s say you’re a 5’11” male and weigh 255 pounds. Is that goal achievable?

The guidelines I use with my clients, based on data from thousands of people who have lost weight, is that a “comfortable” rate of weight loss is <0.5% of total body weight per week. “Reasonable” is 0.5-1.0% per week. And “Extreme” is 1-1.5% per week. These are all within the range of possibility.

So doing some quick math, we see that going from 255 lbs to 205 lbs in 6 months is past the edge of “Extreme” at 1.6% per week. Can it be done? It’s possible. But we want to set ourselves up for success. We really want that Dream Body!

Okay, so let’s add 2 months to keep this both “time-bound” and “achievable.”

Now we’re working with 8 months. Losing 50 pounds in 8 months brings us to 1.5% per week. That’s definitely going to be easier.

Let’s push this further out to 10 months.

That works out to 1.25% of total body weight per week.

Now we’re cooking with fire. This is a reasonable target and if we do really well, it’s conceivable that this individual will surpass that target. But at least we know at the outset that we’ve got something achievable.

This is SMART.

Using the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) approach to nutrition for sculpting a better physique means setting detailed and realistic dietary goals that contribute to the Big Three when we’re talking about sculpting that Dream Body: Muscle building/conservation, fat loss, and body composition improvements.

Now that we’ve looked at a hypothetical example, let’s look at 15 ways you can apply the SMART principles to achieve that stunning physique transformation. I’ll start with the most neglected but essential principle.

Practice Mindful Eating

Young girl eating a fruit salad after a workout . Fitness and healthy lifestyle concept.Shutterstock

Mindful eating? Wait a minute! Aren’t we going to talk about “cutting this out and cutting that out? Stop doing this, stop doing that? I want to get rolling with this!”

We’re rolling. Don’t worry, we’re on our way. But before we start removing and adding things, we’ve GOT to talk about how you eat before discussing what you eat.

Commit to mindful eating practices like chewing food slowly and eating without distractions. No smartphone at lunch or dinner. No TV while you’re eating. Try having a conversation. Not sure how long you usually take to eat? Then set a timer and add a minute every day. Chew your food more, and don’t rush.

Focus on the process of eating. This reduces stress eating, emotional eating, and enhances intuitive eating.

This is very specific and we put a time frame on it to get it down pat. Let’s start with a week. After a week, rinse and repeat. Mindful eating is low-hanging fruit that involves practicing a simple skill that anyone can master. Eating more slowly can help with better digestion. And with better digestion comes increased satiety and better nutrient processing, meaning less hunger between meals, and that’s going to mean weight loss. This ONE practice nails down issues in other areas without even thinking about them. (Source, Source, Source)

Related: Fitness Expert Gabby Dawn Allen’s Secrets to a Perfect Body

Increase Vegetable Intake


Now we start getting into the “what” of your daily diet. Try to gradually increase your vegetable intake to around 5 servings per day (about 2 servings per meal). This practice will increase your fiber intake, important not only for gut health but also to decrease post-meal hunger signals.

Vegetables are bulk. Vegetables are nutrient dense but light on calories. That’s the winning combo compared to fast foods (french fries for example) that are nutrient-poor but calorie-dense. Increasing your vegetable intake supports fat loss, largely due to the accompanying decrease in overall calories. Losing body fat will increase muscle definition, and that’s exactly what we’re aiming for, along with the superb health benefits (lowered fatty liver, lowered visceral fat). Again, this is “specific” and to make it “measurable”, use a food journal or tracking app to keep track of your intake. Start with a week (time-bound) and then do a 30-day challenge to address the “achievable” aspect of SMART. (Source)

Set Hydration Goals

Happy beautiful young woman drinking water. Smiling caucasian female model holding transparent glass in her hand. Closeup. Focus on the armShutterstock

I’m not going to just call this “hydration.” Nope. You should set a hydration GOAL to make this measurable. Set your measurable goal conservatively and track it. So let’s say you’ve taken the time to assess how much water you’re actually drinking each day and realize that you may only be drinking 2 glasses of water per day and 3 or 4 cups of coffee.

Coffee, by the way, counts as hydration but we don’t want to use coffee as our main hydrator or we’ll caffeinate ourselves into orbit. Water is King.

Now that you know your baseline, how on earth can we increase that? I hear you saying “but Mark, I already drink as much as I need to!” The amount of water you drink may not be close to an ideal target if you’re serious about shedding body fat. Remember: More water improves metabolism, supports muscle recovery from workouts, and reduces hunger. All upside.

So try this: drink a full glass of water when you wake up in the morning. Then during the remainder of the day, you’ll drink a full glass of water before every meal, and before every snack. You’re a 3-meal, 2-snack per-day person? Well, you’ve just nailed 5 glasses of water. Waking up and eating are the “landmarks” that you can use to instill this new habit - no need to set a reminder.

And don’t forget to track your water intake. It’s already specific. Now keep it measurable and achievable.

Believe me, drinking that glass of water prior to meals is a real game changer. It’s going to reduce the amount of food you consume and help shed those extra pounds. This is a total win. (Source, Source)

Increase Protein Intake

Grilled chicken breasts and vegetablesShutterstock

The vast majority of people who struggle with their weight (and even many of those who don’t) underconsume protein. This is a verifiable fact, despite the clickbait you might have seen on social media.

Protein satiates. Protein is essential for building muscle and maintaining cellular health. Protein requires more energy to digest, meaning you’ll get a slight post-meal metabolic boost. Have you ever had “the meat sweats?” After eating a steak, or some Thanksgiving turkey, you feel hot afterward. That’s the meat sweats. Your body is going into metabolic overdrive.

So make this measurable, since it’s already pretty specific. Set a specific goal for daily protein intake. Depending on your body weight and activity level, around 1.6 grams per kg of body weight per day is a reasonable starting point (about 0.8 grams per pound of body weight). That’s your minimum. As the weeks pass, you’ll likely start to increase it. Track it!

Then aim to consume more of your daily protein intake at breakfast if possible. This will enhance muscle growth and reduce hunger later in the day. And since we’re building a Dream Body, and for adults who exercise, studies show that sufficient protein intake preserves lean mass when in a calorie deficit. And don’t forget to track your intake! (Source, Source, Source, Source)

Balance Macronutrients

Foods rich in fats. Main food group - macronutrient fats. Top viewShutterstock

We’ve hit the low-friction actions and now we’re getting into higher-friction actions that require more effort and thought. We need to design your daily meals to hit specific macronutrient ratios depending on your physique goals and dietary preferences. So for example, if you follow a “balanced paleo-style” plan, your macronutrient ratios will be 30% protein, 35% carbs, and 35% fats. If you decide you want to go “low carb”, your macronutrient ratios would start at 30% protein, 20% carbs, and 50% fats.

An appropriate and measured proportion of each macronutrient, based on your goals is critical to good health, weight loss, muscle growth, and generating energy for your workouts.

I always advise clients to go the low-friction route at first, and that’s the “balanced” route. Attempting a low-carb macro ratio at the start can be too extreme for many people. If you want to try a low-carb protocol, it’s best to do it gradually.

And as I mentioned, increasing protein intake is critical to preserving muscle while in a calorie deficit. This can’t be emphasized enough.

You’re keeping it specific, achievable, and relevant.

Use a nutrition tracking app and/or photos to monitor your daily macronutrient distribution to stay consistent and accountable. (Source, Source)

Related: I Stopped Doing These 3 Things and Lost 40 Pounds

Reduce Added Sugars


Added sugars are a real issue, so we need to be SMART about it. Aim to limit added sugar consumption to less than 25 grams per day (about 6 teaspoons). Now, 6 teaspoons seems like an awful lot of sugar so you might be thinking “there’s no way I add 6 teaspoons of sugar to my coffee or food each day.” That’s right, you probably don’t. But most packaged food contains added sugar, so be aware of labels and look for red flags like “agave sugar,” “coconut sugar,” “pure cane sugar,” and others. Those are all still SUGAR. You can measure these by looking at food labeling and using tracking apps. The long and short is that there are a lot of different ways to address the added sugar in your daily intake.

Studies show that up to 20% of daily calories consumed by Americans are in the form of sweetened beverages and alcohol, and this is one of the primary drivers of weight gain. So that means if you’re a soda drinker, the first thing you do to address this isn’t to go cold turkey on soda. Try reducing intake and at the same time replacing that sugary beverage with a sugar-free alternative.

No, artificial sweeteners DO NOT stimulate our bodies to spike insulin. This has been soundly disproven. Human randomized control studies definitively show that study participants who drank diet soda over a controlled period lost more weight than those drinking plain water.

Coffee? Same thing. If you take sugar in your coffee, replace it with stevia or even xylitol. Or level it up to “Reacher No-Nonsense Coffee” and take it black.

You’ll be amazed at the huge impact that reducing added sugar has on your body composition and calorie intake. Pure gold. Very achievable. (Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source)

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Male group clinking glasses of dark and light beer on brick wall backgroundShutterstock

Alcohol can have a big effect on efforts to change body composition. Two or three beers or glasses of wine every evening can derail the most carefully planned body-transformation plan, so set a goal to limit alcohol intake to a specific number of drinks per week (e.g., no more than 3-4 drinks). Alcohol contains empty calories, and it negatively impacts muscle gain, muscle recovery, sleep, and hormones, besides being pretty deleterious to your brain health. Even moderate drinking has a significant negative effect on the brain.

Overconsumption is going to prevent you from achieving that body transformation. Moderation!

No serious plan to create a Dream Body can include consuming 2 or 3 beers daily. Set some guardrails that are achievable. Keep it real, keep it relevant. (Source, Source, Source, Source)

Practice Smart Snacking

Healthy snack concept, top view.Shutterstock

Notice I didn’t say, “Don’t snack.” Remember when you were a kid and Mom told you “not” to do something? Of course, after she told you that, you HAD to do it or try it. It’s human nature. So we’re going to address this a little differently.

If you find yourself reaching for a bag of Doritos, it’s time to make sure they’re out of sight from now on. Even better, stay out of the snack aisle at the supermarket and don’t even bring snack food home with you. All processed snack food is created in labs by teams of researchers whose goal is to make the food as hyper-palatable as possible. That means it’s engineered to get you to eat more of it. Yikes.

Research has shown that the quality of snacks and not snacking per se has a direct effect on BMI and reflects the overall quality of an individual’s diet. Replace these unhealthy snacks with healthier options (e.g., nuts, fruits, or plain yogurt) aiming for a specific number of healthy snacks per day, and monitor your snack choices and quantities with a food journal. Specific, measurable, relevant! (Source)

Related: I'm a Dietitian and These Are 7 Foods You Should Never Eat

Maintain a Calorie Deficit for Fat Loss

Calories counting , diet , food control and weight loss concept. Calorie counter application on smartphone screen at dining table with salad, fruit juice, bread and fresh vegetable. healthy eatingShutterstock

You might be thinking “of course, this is a no-brainer!” It may seem that way, but without tracking and measuring, a significant proportion of people underestimate their caloric intake and overestimate their activity level. This is a common issue.

After hitting the first 8 in our list, calculating and maintaining a calorie deficit is relatively simple. Why? Because we’ve dealt with all of the foundational issues that will naturally drive us toward a calorie deficit. If step 9 is done at the outset, be prepared for a very tough ride. Fortunately, we’ve already dealt with basic issues like being mindful, eating more vegetables and protein, and drinking more water. We’ve already taken actions that reduce hunger. Now we’re ready to do some number crunching, and it’ll be easier than you imagined.

Calculate a daily calorie goal that creates a sustainable deficit (Specific: 200-400 calories less than your daily maintenance level) for fat loss. Of course, you need to calculate your maintenance calories, and there are a number of online tools to do so.

Don’t go overboard at the outset in a mad rush to lose weight faster. Slow and steady is the way. Use a tracking app to monitor your intake, measure body fat percentage every 4 weeks, and adjust as needed.

SMART all the way! (Source)

Maintain a Regular Eating Schedule

Image of happy excited young friends loving couple chefs on the kitchen eat tasty pasta.Shutterstock

Consistency is key to sculpting and transforming your body. That said, aim to eat at consistent times throughout the day to stabilize energy levels, minimize hunger, and support metabolism. It doesn’t matter whether you eat twice a day or three times a day, or perhaps do Intermittent Fasting. The important thing is to maintain a consistent schedule.

Sit down with your planner on Sunday and map out your meal schedule for the week, including scheduling pre or post-gym meals at appropriate times, to ensure adherence. Nothing is left to chance. (Source)

Understand the Sleep and Nutrition Connection

Young adult couple sleeping peacefully on the bed in bedroom. Young man embracing woman while lying asleep. Loving couple sleeping lying in bed at home.Shutterstock

Sleep is one of the hidden influences on weight loss. Poor sleep has downstream negative effects on hormones that regulate hunger, so it makes sense to improve sleep quality. Inadequate sleep decreases self-control and increases hunger, so you have to improve your sleep.

Avoid caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime and minimize screen time, aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Better sleep not only supports hormone balance and muscle recovery but also reduces hunger the following day. Better quality sleep is one of those often neglected influences but it is definitely achievable, relevant, and hugely impactful to building your Dream Body. (Source)

Fuel Your Strength Training

Shirtless man flipping heavy tire at gymShutterstock

There is a lot of controversy and disagreement over pre and post-workout meal timing, but most coaches will concede that having a meal or protein smoothie within two or three hours after your workout has no downside but likely lots of upside. Plan to consume a specific ratio of carbs and protein (e.g., 3:1) within 30 minutes after strength training or HIIT sessions if possible to optimize recovery and muscle growth and keep that intake measurable by logging your post-workout nutrition to ensure consistency.

A word of caution: don’t use working out as an excuse to over-consume. Your workout may burn 400 calories but that’s easily negated by stopping for a pizza or a burger and fries. Keep your post-workout fuel protein-dense and calorie-light. Abs are built in the kitchen! (Source, Source)

Related: I’m a Fitness Trainer and These Are the Simple Habits Responsible for My Six-Pack

Consume More Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Salmon fillet. Slices of fresh raw salmon fish on iceShutterstock

The Western diet is deficient in Omega-3s. That’s a simple fact. That means you should commit to including omega-3-rich foods (like salmon, flaxseeds, or walnuts) in your diet 2-3 times a week to support cognitive health, muscle recovery, reduce inflammation, and support heart health. If you don’t eat much fish, consuming a high-quality fish oil supplement is good insurance.

Avoid cheap fish oil supplements. Don’t just buy the cheapest brand. Buying a quality brand ensures that it will have lower oxidation levels. Third-party tested fish oil is the Gold Standard and if possible, look for fish oil supplements with a low TOTOX score (Total Oxidation), ideally less than 10. (Source, Source, Source, Source, Source)

Do Weekly Meal Prep

Close up cropped image of cutting board and couple cutting vegetables in the kitchen together, preparing food meal at home. Vegetarian healthy foodShutterstock

I’ve left this one second to last for a very good reason: doing weekly meal prep is a big step and without a foundation of at least some of the previous 13 actions, prepping won’t serve a clear purpose. Advance prepping meals is the culmination of everything else. At this point, you’ve been nailing down the practice of eating more vegetables, getting more protein, balancing your meals according to macros, nutrients, and calories, and now you’re ready to put it all together by prepping meals for the coming week in advance.

Dedicate specific hours each week to meal prep, preferably on the weekend if possible, ensuring that you have healthy, portion-controlled meals ready. Get a good set of containers (the best are glass, but plastic will do), write down meals for the week in a meal planner, and go to the supermarket with purpose. Then you’re ready to prepare the meals, freeze the ones that won’t be consumed within 2 or 3 days, and refrigerate the rest.

Meal prep encompasses every aspect of SMART Nutrition that we’ve covered: Specific, definitely Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

Make Adjustments Based on Progress

Shot of smiling young woman eating yogurt while sitting on stool in the kitchen at home.Shutterstock/Josep Suria

Last, none of this will be sustainable and meaningful if you don’t monitor progress and make necessary adjustments. Calories and macro portions aren’t written in stone. As you see your weight drop and your body fat decrease, eventually you’ll likely reach a sticking point, and that’s the time to re-evaluate your program and make adjustments to maintain progress.

Set regular check-ins (e.g., every 2 weeks) that include measuring weight, body fat, and girth measurements (basic ones: waist, chest, thighs) to assess your progress towards your physique goals and adjust your nutrition plan accordingly. This ensures your approach remains relevant to your goal as your body changes. Keep in mind that it’s not just your physical appearance that’s changing. Your hormone levels, metabolic rate, lean muscle mass, and more are in a state of change, so learn to be flexible as your journey progresses.

Related: 5 Habits from Fitness Trainer Krissy Cela that Could Change Your Life

Final Word From the Expert


By applying the SMART framework to these 15 nutrition strategies, you can gradually create a structured and effective plan for achieving that Dream Body. Every one of these strategies might seem to be utterly simple, but as both Steve Jobs and Leonardo DaVinci said so well, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” SMART Nutrition is our dog.

💪🔥Body Booster: Set aside time each week for meal prep, ideally on weekends. Plan your meals, shop purposefully, prepare your meals, and store them properly for the week ahead.

More For You

Reggie Macena good_for_life_training
Copyright good_for_life_training/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to get in the best shape of your life after 40? Many experts maintain that modifying a few health habits is all it takes. Reggie Macena is a fitness coach who helps “high performers clean up their eating habits and build lean muscle with macronutrient-focused nutrition and coaching programs,” he writes in his social media bio. In a new post, he reveals a few transformative core habits for anyone post-40. “If I was over 40 and trying to get my health back on track, this is what I’d start doing today,” he writes.

This Is What He Did to Get His Health on Track

“I can remember the first time my blood work from the doctor came back… less than perfect. I usually had everything in range but as I got older that changed. I had to start watching what I ate and how I exercised closely. I didn’t have the luxury of just eating whatever I wanted. If I wanted to be ‘healthy’ I had to take it seriously. Here’s what you do when you want to get your health on track,” he writes in the post.

1. Stop Grazing All Day

Habit number one has to do with diet. “Stop the grazing and snacking all day. Your eating needs to be tracked. You need some system for regulating what you eat. The freestyle approach will slowly add inches right to your midsection,” he writes.

2. Cut Back on Alcohol

Next, don’t drink your calories. “Booze will ruin a lot of your hard work. Alcohol seems like a good idea until the next day. Cut back temporarily and see how you feel. That is game changer,” he writes.

3. Drink More Water

Amp up your hydration. “Boost your water intake. Most of us are poorly hydrated. If you keep a water bottle in plain sight you will drink it. Aim for a couple of liters of water a day. It’s easier than you think,” he writes.

4. Weigh Yourself

He also recommends weighing yourself. “Buy a scale. It’s not the only way to track progress but it helps. Weigh in a couple of times a week and see if it’s moving in right direction,” he says.

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5. Focus on Compound Lifts

Next, he moves on to exercise. “Focus on compound lifts when you’re working out. Bench , Squat, deadlifts. These movements are taxing and burn way more calories per workout. Train 2-3X a week,” he writes.

6. Be Patient

And his last habit? “Accept that you haven’t treated your body the best for a little while. Those 1/2 hearted attempts at getting fit don’t count. You need to really give it some serious effort for months at a time. Be patient and trust the process,” he writes.

Also, Be Accountable

In another post, he makes a few more suggestions, starting with being accountable. “Meaning your word is your word. You need to make sure that when you say you will do something you do it. The more you keep your word the higher your self esteem goes,” he writes.

Check Your Priorities

Next, “check your priorities,” he encourages. “Start working on making health your number 1 priority If you haven’t done that yet. All it takes is one bad health scare to realize that without health you do not have anything. (Don’t wait for the scare).”

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Apply the Hard Work

“I told someone yesterday that hard work is important but what’s most important is how you apply the hard work. Training sessions are supposed to be intense most of the time. They also need a carefully crafted plan that is based on progression. Progression in the gym leads to progression on your body. Plan your training sessions,” he says about number three. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss I’m a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Frustrated with love handles that just won't budge? If you've tried everything from endless side crunches to restrictive diets with no success, you're not alone. "It would be amazing if we could do a particular exercise that targeted love handle fat only, but there is no known way currently to spot reduce fat," says Jenna Collins, a certified personal trainer who's helped thousands transform their bodies. With over 400,000 YouTube subscribers and 25 years of fitness expertise, Collins has developed a science-backed approach that delivers real results. Here's her proven system that actually works for eliminating those stubborn love handles.

Why Love Handles Are So Stubborn

"Love handles don't appear overnight," Jenna explains in her post. "They develop over the years through excess calorie consumption and various factors like stress, medication, and genetics." She notes that women, especially after menopause, are more prone to storing fat in this area due to decreased estrogen levels.

"They don't appear because you went on vacation for a week and ate too much food," Jenna emphasizes. "This happens over a long period of time. Often, in the years, we've become so used to our bad habits that the problem can go undetected or, more likely, ignored."

RELATED:She Could Have Lost Weight Faster If She Had Known These 5 Fat Loss Tricks

Step 1: The Nutrition Strategy That Makes the Difference

The foundation of losing love handles starts with smart eating. "You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose fat," Jenna emphasizes. "This means consuming fewer calories than you burn daily." She recommends reducing your daily caloric intake by no more than 500 calories to lose fat at a sustainable pace.

"Definitely don't jump in and reduce your calories to the bare minimum in the hopes of speeding up fat loss," Jenna warns. "This will always result in gaining the weight back very fast. The truth is you're looking at many months and possibly even years, depending on how much fat you need to lose."

The Protein Rule That Protects Your Muscles While Burning Fat

Protein intake is crucial to maintaining muscle while losing fat. "If you're not getting adequate protein in your diet, you can start to lose muscle, especially while in a calorie deficit," Jenna explains. She recommends consuming 0.7-1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight daily.

Step 2: The Exercise Approach That Really Works

Surprisingly, the most effective exercise isn't what most people expect. "If I had to choose one exercise for all people and all fitness levels, walking is your best exercise to lose fat," Jenna reveals. She notes that "walking for 45 minutes at a steady pace can burn as many calories as a 15-minute HIIT workout."

For optimal results, combine walking with strength training. "Resistance training will help you to tone and build muscle, and the more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories your body will burn at rest. Yes, that's right. At rest, doing nothing."

Start Here: Your Simple 3-Day Workout Plan for Results

For beginners, Jenna recommends "a full body workout three times per week. Two could be shorter HIIT workouts with or without equipment, and one could be lower intensity weights." As you progress, you can advance to more specialized routines.

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Step 3: The Missing Link - Sustainable Consistency

"If you can't put the first two steps into practice consistently and make it a lifestyle change rather than seeing it as a challenge, then those steps are pointless," Jenna states firmly. "You don't need to jump in with both feet and make drastic changes overnight. For some, this might work, but for most people, this won't work."

Work With Your Body Type, Not Against It

She highlights working with your unique body type: "We really just need to accept that we all have different body shapes. You can't go comparing your body shape to someone else's. Work with your own body and don't try to shape it the way somebody else is built."

Breaking Through Plateaus

When progress stalls, Jenna shares her proven solution: the refeed day. "After some time being in a calorie deficit, your body will reduce the amount of calories it burns. This is your body's way of going into survival mode," she explains. By strategically increasing carbohydrates for one day, "you're signaling to your body that you are getting enough calories, and there's no need to lower your metabolism."

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Your Blueprint for Success

"Combine the science and a lifestyle change that works for you, meaning something that is sustainable and enjoyable for you long-term," Jenna concludes. The key to success lies in the combination of proper nutrition, strategic exercise, and unwavering consistency. While the journey requires patience, following these science-backed steps will lead to real, lasting results. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.


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Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Feeling stiff after a long day at your desk? Or maybe you've tried countless stretching routines only to feel overwhelmed and discouraged? You're not alone. Most people believe improving flexibility requires hours of complex stretching routines—but mobility expert Liv discovered otherwise.

After helping thousands transform their mobility through her unique blend of strength training and yoga, Liv realized that effective flexibility training doesn't need to be complicated. Her discovery? Just three essential stretches, performed consistently, can create dramatic improvements in as little as two weeks. As the creator of 'The Yoga Rebel Method' and with over 500K YouTube subscribers following her practical approach, Liv has refined these moves to work for any fitness level.

Ready to transform your flexibility with just minutes a day? Here's the simple three-stretch routine that changed everything for Liv and her students.

The Game-Changing Discovery: How Your Fascia Holds the Key

"Quite simply, fascia is a thin layer of connected tissue, which encases everything within the body... it's all connected, like one big spiderweb," Liv explains in her post. This understanding led to her first breakthrough stretch, which targets the entire fascial system through one simple movement.

The First Move: Your Full-Body Reset

"I love this stretch because it tackles so many muscles in one go, which makes it perfect for when you are short on time," Liv says. Start in a seated position with feet wider than hips, lean back onto your hands with fingertips pointing outward, and lift your hips into a reverse tabletop.

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Perfect Your Form for Maximum Results

"Think of tucking your tailbone under and engaging your bum muscles as if you're trying to flatten out the front of the hip," Liv instructs. "Press your chest up towards the sky, and this might be where you choose to stay if you've got a bit more flexibility to play with here."

The Second Essential: Your Back-Body Transformer

The second stretch unlocks the posterior chain. "This targets the back of the body and can help reduce the chances of back pain," Liv shares. Using a prop like a stick or strap for guidance, alternate between a low squat and a forward fold.

Making It Work for Your Body

If you're just starting out, Liv offers modifications: "If you need something to make this a little bit more accessible, slightly elevate your heels with something—weight plates or books do a great job of this." Remember, "Don't go thinking you're the only one because it's fully intended. We do not need to straighten our legs in order to stretch the hamstrings."

RELATED: 30 Days of 30g Protein Meals From a Top Dietitian

The Final Piece: Unlocking Your Upper Body

The third stretch completes the system. "This last one is great for improving your shoulder mobility for things like handstands and top shelf snacks, as well as improving your ability to squat low and help improve your posture," Liv notes. From a kneeling position, step one foot out while reaching overhead, focusing on proper form: "Think of rolling the top rib cage on top of the bottom rib cage so your chest stays facing outward."

Why This Simple System Works

"There are many ways that we can stretch a muscle... But simply put, they all do the same job just in a different way," Liv explains. This streamlined approach targets everything from "the feet and ankles, the quads, the hip flexors, the wrists, the biceps, the chest and shoulders, glutes, hamstrings, and back," to "inner thighs, lats and triceps."

RELATED:6 Reasons Women Should Lift Weights Instead of Doing Cardio for Weight Loss

Your Two-Week Transformation Plan

The key to success is consistency. Perform these three stretches either in the morning or before bed, holding each position for 20-30 seconds per side. "Simply doing these three stretches will make a world of difference to your flexibility," Liv promises. After two weeks of daily practice, you'll understand why these are the only stretches you need. And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 15 Quick Ways to Lose Body Fat Percentage in a Week.


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Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you frustrated with flabby arms that won't seem to tighten up, no matter what you try? You're not alone. Millions of people struggle with this common problem, but there's hope. In this article, certified personal trainer and nutrition coachJenna Collins, with 25 years of dance experience in ballet, tap, and jazz, shares one simple yet powerful exercise that can help transform your arms – no equipment needed. Keep reading to discover this game-changing exercise that takes just minutes a day and can be done right in your living room, regardless of your fitness level or age.

Why Your Arms Get Flabby (And What You Can Do About It)

"There are several reasons for flabby arms," explains Jenna. "Most commonly, it's due to loss of collagen through aging, extreme weight loss, or being overweight." She notes that you can have flabby arms even if you're not overweight, often due to lack of muscle tone.

Age Matters: But Don't Let It Stop You

"Usually around our mid to late thirties, we begin to lose muscle mass," Jenna reveals. "That's why it's so important that we work hard to build and maintain muscle from a young age to minimize the effects of aging as much as possible." She shares an inspiring example: "I'm going to use this lady as my example. She's 65, and it just goes to show that with work and consistency, you can maintain tight-toned arms."

RELATED:Fitness Coach Reveals 12 Habits That Helped Her Beat Stubborn Belly Fat

The Truth About Genetics and Body Goals

"Yes, some people are gifted with good genes and naturally have more muscle mass and find it easier to stay in shape and lose fat," Jenna acknowledges. "But do not let genes put you off. Yes, some people will have to work harder to build muscle and reach their body goals, but if you truly want it, you will make it work."

Nutrition: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

"Building muscle doesn't mean you just lose the body fat. That's not how it works," Jenna emphasizes. "You need to have good nutrition habits in place to burn that body fat off so you can reveal those toned, tight muscles underneath. You'll never be able to out-train a bad diet."

RELATED:She Got Lean in 3 Months With 9 Simple Daily Changes

Your Simple, No-Equipment Arm-Toning Exercise

Here's Jenna's guaranteed exercise for tighter arms:

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Keep shoulders pressed back, chest open.
  3. Position elbows close to your sides.
  4. Bring arms forward with palms facing up and closed fists.
  5. Slowly move only your forearms backward, keeping your elbows pinned.
  6. Squeeze triceps tight when arms are fully extended.

"The key here is to squeeze your triceps on the extension as much as possible," Jenna advises. "If you didn't know you had these muscles, by the end of this exercise, you'll know they exist."

Making It Work: Sets, Reps, and Progression


  • 10-12 reps per arm
  • 3-4 sets
  • 60-90 seconds rest between sets.

"You can perform this isometrically alternating your arms, or you can perform it moving both arms simultaneously," says Jenna. For those who want to progress, she suggests either increasing reps and sets or adding dumbbells for extra resistance. She adds, "If you can't do the standing, you can also do this seated."

The Secret to Success: Consistency Is Key

"To get results with anything, you need to remain consistent," Jenna emphasizes. "If you can't apply consistency, patience, and hard work, you just cannot expect to get results. There's no quick fix."

She adds that avoiding excessive cardio is crucial: "This will not tighten and tone your arms. You need to be focusing on resistance training. The more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories your body will burn at rest."

RELATED:15 Easy Food Swaps a Fitness Coach Uses to Stay Lean

Creating Lasting Habits

"The earlier you start this, the easier it'll be to maintain it as you get older," Jenna shares. "It's not only because you'll likely already have the muscle tone, but it creates good habits. If they're instilled early, they'll be easy to stick to as you get older, it's become your lifestyle." And if you enjoyed this article, take advantage of these 31 Fitness Tips Every Beginner Needs to Look Sexy, According to Coaches.


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Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Trying everything but seeing no results? That's exactly where Bethany Leonardo, a Certified Personal Trainer and the Founder of Leo Sculp, found herself before discovering the approach that would transform her body and life. As a woman in her thirties dealing with PCOS, she had tried countless methods without success. But everything changed when she developed five simple rules that helped her lose 11 pounds and transform her body. Here's how she did it – and how you can, too.

The Journey to Finding What Works

"Honestly, I had done everything I knew to do on my own," Bethany reveals about her starting point. "I cleaned up my diet, I was taking supplements, I was working out often with mostly cardio and a bit of strength training here and there, but I felt out of control like my results were not changing anything about me physically, my energy levels were not where I wanted them, and I just felt exhausted and overwhelmed." Her energy levels were low, and results seemed nonexistent. That's when she decided to try a completely different approach.

Rule 1: Make Strength Training Your Foundation

The first breakthrough came when Bethany shifted from primarily cardio to focused strength training. "Working out was more of a task just to check off my list every day, rather than what it is to me now, which is a celebration of just moving my body," she admits about her previous routine in her video post. But that changed when she started following a structured strength training program three days per week. This consistent approach led to remarkable results - an 8% body fat loss in just the first three months.

RELATED: 51-Year-Old Coach Loses 6 Sizes in 30 Days With 4 Simple Daily Habits

Rule 2: Follow Expert-Designed Programming

Rather than piecing together random workouts, Bethany worked with a professional to create a structured plan. Her measurements tell the story of success:

  • Starting stats: 22.9% body fat, 122 lbs
  • After 90 days: Approximately 15% body fat, 114 lbs
  • Final results: 14.3% body fat, 111 lbs.

Rule 3: Focus on Form Over Speed

"I think by showing up to every workout and seeing the method behind how the workouts were formulated, understanding the techniques that made each exercise effective in order to target a certain group of muscles, it just showed me that here again, there's a design process behind exercising," Bethany explains. This attention to proper form and technique helped her target the right muscle groups and achieve better results with less risk of injury.

Rule 4: Treat Fitness as an Art Form

Coming from an art and design background, Bethany approached fitness with a unique perspective. "I believe fitness can be an art form in itself, and it's become one for me," she shares. This mindset shift helped her see each workout as an opportunity to sculpt and strengthen her body, making the process more engaging and enjoyable.

Rule 5: Prioritize Recovery Between Sessions

The key to Bethany's success wasn't just about the workouts – it was about smart recovery. "I followed Ben's macro and calorie guidelines, I showed up 3 days a week consistently, and I put in the work. It started paying off in how I felt and what I saw I was getting better at," she explains. This approach proved especially effective in managing her PCOS symptoms, with Bethany noting improved hormone regulation throughout the program.

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The Mental Transformation

"Not only that, but my mental strength has skyrocketed. I feel more joyful and brave and confident and inspired every morning when I wake up," Bethany shares. Beyond the physical changes, she experienced a complete mental transformation. This holistic improvement became the foundation of her sustainable success.

Creating Lasting Change

The most impressive aspect of Bethany's transformation wasn't just the weight loss - it was how she maintained it. "Now in my thirties, I could actually perform at a better level than ever. I could jump, lift, move, do anything better than before," she explains. By following these five rules consistently, she created sustainable habits that continued to deliver results long after the initial 90-day period.

Inspiring Others

"They say, first people will ask you 'why you're doing it,' and later on, people will ask you 'how you did it,'" Bethany reflects. Her journey has inspired others to pursue their own transformations, showing that sustainable results are possible with the right approach.

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Your Turn to Transform

"Self-confidence is a superpower," Bethany emphasizes. Her journey proves that by following these five simple rules - prioritizing strength training, following expert guidance, focusing on form, treating fitness as an art, and prioritizing recovery - you can achieve remarkable results. The key is to start with a solid plan and stay consistent with your efforts. And if you enjoyed this article, don't miss I’m a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.


This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Are you doing everything you think you should do to lose weight but aren’t achieving the desired results? It might be time to look at your habits. Vimal Rajput is a fitness trainer whose mission is to “help people become the fittest version of themselves physically and mentally,” she writes in her Instagram bio. In a new social media post, she explains she “lost weight so much faster” when she stopped doing these a few things and incorporated other habits into her routine.

She Didn’t Make Drastic Changes

The first thing she didn’t do was make drastic changes. “I didn’t cut out my favourite foods, neglect my social life or drastically slash calories,” she writes.

She Did Give Herself Time to Lose Weight

Something she did do was be patient with herself. “I gave myself plenty of time (6 months) to lose the weight because I wanted to maintain myself,” she says.

She Didn’t View Weight Loss As a Quick Fix

She also had a realistic mindset, looking at her weight loss as long-term rather than something that would happen overnight. “I didn’t view this as a quick fix I viewed it as a lifestyle change.”

She Did Get Into a Calorie Deficit

She also considered the numbers, prioritizing a calorie deficit essential for weight loss. “I maintained a reasonable deficit, which made the process simple and easy,” she says.

She Didn’t Go to Extremes with Exercise

And, while she knows it’s essential to move, she didn’t go to extremes with exercise. “I didn’t go excessive cardio or obsess over hitting 10k steps a day,” she says. “I really wanted to hit those 10k steps to give myself a little boost in the right direction and to encourage myself to get outside but I had a really demanding desk job that didn’t lend well to getting outside.”

She Took the Stress Out

She also tried to stay calm and relaxed, not putting too much pressure on herself. “I took the stress out of that piece which helped the process,” she writes. “And guess what? I still made progress!” She added: “Cutting out stress where possible also aids in weight loss, and way too many of us focus on things that don’t actually matter in the big picture.”

She Didn’t Focus on the Scale

She also tried not to measure success by her weight. “I didn’t focus on the numbers on the scale and focus more so on how I fit in my clothes and looked in the mirror,” she said. “I used the scale as one piece of data but what mattered most to me was how I felt physically and emotionally.” And if you enjoyed this article, don't missI’m a Nutritionist and Here Are 25 Weight Loss Truths You Need to Hear.

Dr Tony Hampton
I'm an Obesity Doctor and These 6 Natural Methods Match Ozempic's Benefits
Copyright Dr Tony Hampton/YouTube

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We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you wake up feeling tired, only to struggle with cravings and low energy all day? Your morning routine might be sabotaging your weight loss efforts. Dr. Tony Hampton, a board-certified Family and Obesity Medicine specialist, reveals five science-backed morning habits that can transform your metabolism and help you finally achieve sustainable fat loss. Read on to discover simple changes that could revolutionize your weight loss journey.

1. Hydrate the Right Way

The very first thing you should do when waking up isn't checking your phone or grabbing coffee – it's hydrating your body. "After six to eight hours without fluid, dehydration slows your metabolism, increases hunger hormones, and makes your body cling to fat instead of burning it," Dr. Hampton explains in his post.

Morning dehydration can significantly impact your metabolism. "When you wake up, your body is in a dehydrated state after hours without water," Dr. Hampton points out. This state of dehydration directly affects your body's ability to burn fat efficiently.

But it's not just about drinking plain water. Dr. Hampton recommends adding a pinch of high-quality sea salt or electrolytes to replenish minerals lost overnight and support adrenal function. "If you really want to supercharge fat burning, add a squeeze of lemon for a natural liver detox or a splash of apple cider vinegar to support insulin sensitivity," he suggests.

The benefits of this strategic hydration are immediate. "Within minutes, your metabolism wakes up, digestion improves, and you're less likely to experience cravings and energy crashes later in the day," says Dr. Hampton. He also emphasizes the accessibility of this habit: "What's cool about water is that it's simple, powerful, and completely free."

2. Get Natural Light in Your Eyes

Sunny,Beautiful,Picture,Of,Young,Cheerful,Girl,Holding,Hands,Up, happy, celebrate , morning, sun, sunshine, sunflower, sunset, sunrise8 Morning Habits That Target Stubborn Belly Fat While Boosting EnergyShutterstock

Within the first 30 minutes of waking up, try to expose your eyes to natural sunlight. "Your metabolism is directly tied to your circadian rhythm, the body's internal clock that regulates hormones like cortisol, insulin, and leptin," says Dr. Hampton.

This often-overlooked habit has tremendous impact on fat loss. Dr. Hampton notes, "When your eyes detect natural light, your brain gets a signal to lower melatonin and increase wakefulness hormones, which helps regulate blood sugar, reduce cravings, and optimize energy."

The morning light exposure does more than just wake you up. "It tells your body that it's time to be active, making you more likely to burn fat efficiently throughout the day," Dr. Hampton explains. The time commitment is minimal for significant benefits.

"Even just five to 10 minutes of morning sunlight without sunglasses can improve your metabolic rate, increase focus, and help you sleep better at night, which is critical for fat loss," he advises. For those with limited access to morning sunlight, Dr. Hampton offers an alternative: "If you live in a place where morning sun isn't always available, or you're an early riser like me, using a bright light therapy lamp for a few minutes can have similar benefits. Just make sure that the light has at least 10,000 lux."

3. Front-Load Your Protein

Greek yogurt granola and berry mix.Shutterstock

The Breakfast Mistake Most People Make

One of the biggest morning mistakes is starting your day with carbohydrate-heavy foods. "One of the biggest mistakes people make is starting their day with a carbohydrate heavy meal like grits, oatmeal, cereal, or toast," Dr. Hampton warns. The consequences are immediate and counterproductive to weight loss goals.

"All of that starch, starch, starch will raise your sugar, sugar, sugar. This blood sugar spike causes an insulin surge and leads to mid-morning hunger and, unfortunately, fat storage," explains Dr. Hampton. This pattern sets you up for a day of cravings and energy crashes.

The Protein Solution

Dr. Hampton has a clear alternative: "If you want to lose weight, you need to front load your protein." This simple shift in your breakfast approach can dramatically change your body's fat-burning potential.

"Protein first thing in the morning is the most effective way to control appetite, increase muscle protein synthesis, and trigger thermogenesis, meaning your body burns more calories just digesting it," Dr. Hampton explains. The amount matters, too.

"In my clinic, I recommend my patients get at least 30 grams of protein within the first 90 minutes of waking up," he shares. Getting this much protein doesn't have to be complicated. "This can come from eggs, sausage, bacon, or even a high-fat, low-sugar Greek yogurt with nuts may do the trick for some of you guys," suggests Dr. Hampton.

RELATED:8 High-Protein Foods with Nearly Zero Calories That Melt Fat

How Protein Changes Your Day

The benefits of a protein-rich breakfast extend well beyond the morning. "It stabilizes blood sugar, reduces cravings, and makes you naturally eat fewer calories throughout the day," Dr. Hampton points out. There's also a significant mental benefit.

"Protein increases dopamine levels, helping you feel more focused and motivated, critical to sticking to your weight loss plan," he adds. For those who have struggled with inconsistent results, Dr. Hampton offers encouragement: "If you've been struggling with hunger, fatigue, or constant snacking, this one change could be the key to finally seeing results."

4. Move Before You Eat

Happy young woman enjoying delicious granola with greek yogurt for breakfastShutterstock

Getting some movement before your first meal can significantly boost fat loss. "Fasted movement forces your body to tap into stored fat for energy instead of relying on glucose," says Dr. Hampton. The good news is that this doesn't require a strenuous workout regimen.

"I'm not saying you need to do an intense workout first thing in the morning, but even just a 10 to 15 minute walk, some light stretching, or body weight exercises can make a huge difference," Dr. Hampton reassures. The science behind this approach is compelling.

The Science of Fasted Movement

Dr. Hampton explains the metabolic mechanism at work: "This works because movement in a fasted state increases fat oxidation, the process where your body breaks down fats like triglycerides into smaller molecules like free fatty acids, which can then be used as energy by the body, primarily occurring within the mitochondria of your cells."

This process aligns with your body's natural preferences. "Did you know that your body prefers burning fat as fuel? That's right. Your body prefers burning fat as fuel," Dr. Hampton emphasizes. Beyond immediate fat burning, there are longer-term metabolic benefits.

"Fat oxidation also improves insulin sensitivity, making your metabolism more efficient for the rest of the day," he explains. This creates a positive cycle that supports continued weight loss.

Options for Different Schedules

Dr. Hampton acknowledges that everyone's morning routine and fitness level differ. For those with more time, he suggests: "For those of you who have time in the morning, adding in resistance training or short bursts of high intensity movement like jumping jacks, pushups, or squats can further amplify the fat burning effect."

Even for those with minimal time, there's still a way to benefit. "If you're someone who can't workout in the morning, at least aim to walk five to 10 minutes before breakfast," advises Dr. Hampton. He emphasizes the long-term impact of this simple habit: "The difference it makes in long-term fat loss is incredible."

5. Control Your First Dopamine Hit

Mindfulness,Woman,Breathing,Fresh,Air,happy​Taking Action Against Hidden SugarsShutterstock

The final morning habit focuses on protecting your brain chemistry. "If you can't control your first dopamine hit of the day, you set yourself up for cravings, low energy, and decision fatigue later on," Dr. Hampton cautions.

The Modern Morning Trap

Most people begin their day with activities that create unhealthy dopamine patterns. "Most people start their day by scrolling their phone, checking emails, or consuming highly stimulating content," Dr. Hampton observes. The consequences extend well beyond just the morning hours.

"The problem? This floods the brain with dopamine first thing in the morning, making it harder to resist junk food, emotional eating, and even binge watching TV later on," he explains. This neurological pattern creates a day of struggle against cravings and poor choices.

Building Dopamine Resilience

Instead of starting with high-dopamine activities, Dr. Hampton recommends alternatives that set you up for success. "Instead, you want to start your morning with something that naturally regulates dopamine, like writing in your journal, meditation, reading, or even just sitting in silence with your coffee," he suggests.

These calmer activities have profound benefits for your weight loss journey. "By doing this, you build resilience to cravings, improve focus, and make it easier to stick to your fat loss goals," Dr. Hampton explains. The impact of this mental preparation extends throughout your entire day.

"Think of it this way. If you can win the first hour of your day, you can win the next 23," Dr. Hampton affirms. This approach to dopamine management creates a foundation for better decisions all day long.

6. Start Small for Big Results

Sports woman drinking bottle of water.​HydrateShutterstock

Creating new habits doesn't happen overnight, and Dr. Hampton encourages a gradual approach. "Imagine how different your body would feel if, starting tomorrow morning, you hydrated strategically, got natural light in your eyes, prioritized protein, moved before eating, and controlled your dopamine," he suggests.

The key is to start with manageable changes. "You don't need extreme things to make a big change. You just need to change your habits, one morning at a time," Dr. Hampton advises. This approach prevents the overwhelm that leads many people to abandon their weight loss efforts.

Dr. Hampton recommends beginning with just one habit: "Pick one of these habits and start tomorrow." This incremental approach makes lasting change much more achievable than trying to overhaul your entire routine at once.

7. Working With Your Body, Not Against It

Happy woman in bright dress in rapeseed field. Nature, vacation, relax and lifestyle. Summer landscape.


The fundamental principle behind these morning habits is cooperation with your body's natural processes. "The more we understand how to work with our bodies instead of against it, the easier fat loss becomes," Dr. Hampton explains.

This perspective shift—from fighting your body to supporting its natural functions—makes weight loss more sustainable. Rather than extreme diets or punishing workout regimens, these habits enhance your body's inherent fat-burning capabilities.

By implementing these science-backed morning routines, you're creating the optimal conditions for your metabolism to function at its best. As Dr. Hampton says, "You just need to change your habits, one morning at a time," and these small, consistent changes can lead to remarkable transformations in your health and appearance.

Sarah Dussault sarahfit
Copyright sarahfit/Instagram

This content references scientific studies and academic research, and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest.

We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions around food, health, and wellness. We know how important making choices about your overall health is, and we strive to provide you with the best information possible.

Do you want to experience a major glow-up this year? Start incorporating some healthy habits now. Sarah Dussault is a fitness and nutrition coach who helps “women 40+ transform how they look & feel,” she writes in her Instagram bio. In a new post, she reveals seven habits that will help you transform your body and mind. “If I wanted to feel like a smokeshow after 40 in 2025,” she writes. “Here’s what I’d do in order of importance.”

Have Confidence

“First, to feel like a smoke show you need to have confidence. Confidence isn’t about perfection; it’s about owning who you are, flaws and all. When you feel good physically and mentally, your confidence will naturally shine through,” she writes.

Strength Training

to improve your body image “start strength training,” she continues. “Studies have shown that following a strength program boosts self confidence. So if you’re still just doing cardio, this is your memo to start adding in strength! I recommend 3-4x a week.”

Wear Flattering Clothes

Next, “wear clothes that are flattering,” she suggests. “I love to follow creators who share my body type and style. If you are still waiting for your old faves to fit again, it’s time to invest in some new clothes. I also recommend going into a store like Evereve where they help you pick out clothes that actually fit and look good on your body type.”

Prioritize Self-Care by Sleeping

Her next suggestion? Prioritize self-care “especially when it comes to sleep,” she says. “Getting 7-8 hours of sleep is so important for hormone regulation (hello, leptin and ghrelin staying in check to avoid overeating), energy and motivation, reduced stress and improved metabolism.”

Eat Enough Protein

Amp up your protein intake. “Eat 30-40g of protein at every single meal. This helps preserve your muscle, build new muscle, promote satiety, support bone health and balancing blood sugar levels,” she writes.

Get Your Steps in

Tie up your walking shoes and “aim to get 7500-10,000 steps every day,” she writes. “This helps with weight management, bone health, MOOD and improving sleep.”

Track Macros

Finally, “track macros at least 1x/wk,” she suggests. “This is because most of my new clients aren’t eating enough! This allows you to see visually and feel how much food you need for optimization based on your goals. I help my new clients figure out their target macronutrients based on their diet history.”

Remember, You Are Worthy!

Her final message? “You deserve to feel like a smokeshow in 2025. You are worthy of feeling confident in your skin,” she writes.