Whether you are trying to lose weight, build muscle, or simply become a healthier version of yourself, exercise should always be part of the equation. You might already be schooled on the recommended exercise stats: Each week adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and 2 days of muscle-strengthening activity, according to the current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. If you are struggling to meet the recommendations, there is an easy solution to the problem, according to a new study.
A New Study Found That Workout Buddies Are Motivating
A soon-to-be-published study, Friends with Exercise Benefits, found a major motivating factor for gym goers. According to Rachel Gershon, the study’s lead author and an assistant professor of marketing at the University of California, Berkeley, the study that will appear in the journal Management Science found that people who struggled to work out experienced improvement when they enlisted the support of a workout buddy.
Workout Buddies Work, According to the Research
“Teaming up with someone who is already performing well at the goal you’re trying to pursue can be effective,” Gershon told the New York Times. “And the more dedicated partner benefited, too.”
Similar Research Supports This
Another 2016 study conducted by researchers at the University of Aberdeen also found benefits to having a workout buddy. Finding a new exercise companion increased the amount of exercise people took, and if the partner was emotionally supportive, they exercised even more.
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The “Emotional Social Support” Is Effective, Even If You Aren’t Working Out Together
"Once we found that having a new exercise companion increases exercise frequency, we wanted to find out why this is beneficial and what quality of support they offer that has this effect,” explained one of the study authors, Dr. Pamela Rackow from the Institute of Applied Health Sciences at the University of Aberdeen. “Our results showed that the emotional, and social support from the new sports companion was the most effective. Thus, it is more important to encourage each other than do the actual activity together. "
Other Research Finds That Exercise Habits of Those Around You Is Influential
There is also research that keeping healthy-minded people around you is beneficial. Another study published in the Journal of Social Sciences found that people are influenced by the exercise behaviors of the people they surround themselves with.
Finding Fit Friends May Help You Lose More Weight
According to a 2016 study published in the journal Obesity, if you want to lose weight, find a fit friend. According to researchers, overweight people lose more weight by spending more time with fitness-oriented people.
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The CDC Says Workout Buddies Help Motivate You
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also advocates the workout buddy system, offering a number of benefits. For one, it will help motivate you. “When you and your buddy encourage each other, you’ll work harder (and get better results!). And there’s nothing wrong with a little friendly competition,” they say.
They Also Help You Be More Adventurous
Workout buddies can also help you be “more adventurous,” says the CDC. “It’s easier to try new things with a buddy. You may just find an activity you love, one that feels more like fun and less like a workout,” they explain.
And, More Consistent
Workout buddies also help you be “more consistent,” the CDC says. “When someone else is counting on you to show up, you won’t want to let them down.”
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How to Find the Right Workout Buddy
Finding the right workout buddy is key, per the CDC. “Look for someone with the same goals, schedule, and commitment you have. Someone who makes you feel positive and inspires you to hit the trail or treadmill on a regular basis,” they say, recommending sourcing one out of your group of friends, co-workers, neighbors, or people at the gym. “Even if you like to work out alone, changing things up with a buddy every once in a while can help you work out harder and learn new things. You can always switch back to solo workouts any time.”
💪🔥Body Booster: Finding a workout buddy is a scientifically endorsed method of improving your exercise and fitness.