Indya Agos (@indyaagos) is a weight loss warrior and coach who lost a whopping 120 pounds via natural methods. She regularly shares videos about all the tips and tricks that helped her do it. In one viral video, she reveals that there is a big mental component to losing weight. “If you want to lose 80 pounds next year, I'm going to give you three tips in less than 60 seconds that's going to help you reach that goal. My name is India. I've lost 120 pounds naturally, and now I help other women transform their lives,” she starts off in the video. The Body Network also asked The Diet Diva, Tara Collingwood, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD/N, ACSM-CPT, a Board Certified Sports Dietitian, to weigh in on her tips.
Tip One: Start Slow
@indyaagos Babe, when I tell you, I’ve tried everything, I mean it. One of the reasons I became a coach, was because I needed somebody like me when I was going through my journey. I needed somebody who understood, someone who had been where I was before, somebody who could relate. Somebody who was proof that it was possible. Because there were more days than not, where I definitely convinced myself it was never going to happen for me… If you’re currently on this roller coaster, I want you to know that you can get off anytime you’d like. Weight loss is one of the most difficult journeys I’ve ever been on, but it’s not complicated. There comes a point where you have to choose your hard, like, are you going to continue on this toxic, yo-yo cycle, or are you going to put your head down, educate yourself, set up systems in your life that support the identity, that you’d love to embody, create habits that will align with this new lifestyle you are alchemizing for yourself, and break old ones that no longer serve a purpose in your life? Because if your answer is the latter one, then I would love to be your guide. You don’t have to do this alone, I know how important accountability is. Mindset and education are my top priorities for my clients. I want to make sure that you feel empowered on this journey, that you feel in control, and that you understand WHY you’re doing what you’re doing (as I mentioned, all of these “tips and tricks I used to do at the beginning of my weight loss journey, I had no idea why I was doing them in the first place) and also so on the days that you don’t want to, you still follow through. Because you UNDERSTAND WHY YOU NEED TO. I want you to reach your goals, babe, and I know that you can! I’m taking on new clients now, the link is in my bio. Let’s get to work! 💪🏽 #weightlossjourney #weightlosstips #weightlosstransformation #weightlosscoach #weightlossmotivation #mindsetcoach #intermittentfasting #keto #nutritioncoach
“You probably don't want to hear this because you want to hit the ground running and you're so excited about reaching this goal, but you got to ease into it. You got to start slow,” says Indya. “If you approach this from an all or nothing mentality, you are only setting yourself up for failure. A big part of this journey is regaining self-trust. You are so used to letting yourself down. The way that you build trust with yourself again is by following through with the promises that you've made to yourself.”
Collingwood endorses the advice of starting small. “If you try to change everything at once you will probably give it all up in a short amount of time. A high level of motivation is good, but be careful to be realistic about the changes you are making,” she says.
Tip Two: Figure Out Why You Have Failed in the Past
Tip number two, “and this is going to require you to dig deep,” she says. “We need to figure out what your main excuses or your repeated point of failure chances are. You've been stuck in the same exact cycle, repeating the same narratives as to why you haven't been able to be successful in the past. If your story is that you never have any time, then we need to figure out why you're not prioritizing making time. People make time for what's important to them. If the story is that you are overwhelmed and you have no idea where to start, then it is time to reach out for help so that you have a plan of action as well as guidance.”
Collingwood agrees that this is a great idea. “Brainstorm a big list of barriers to your success and then come up with solutions for how to overcome them. You can be sure that you will experience setbacks along the way, but if you prepare for them and have a plan for how to get back on track you will get past those setbacks and keep going,” she says.
Related: 3 Tips That Helped Me Lose Body Fat
Tip Three: Celebrate “Small, Achievable Milestones”
Her third tip? “You need to break it down into small, achievable milestones. If you are constantly striving to lose 80 pounds, you are going to feel overwhelmed a hundred percent of the time. Create small milestones, and every time you reach one, make sure that you celebrate that win,” she says. “Babe, if you're already scared, you're feeling intimidated, you're already feeling overwhelmed, lean into the fear, lean into the discomfort. If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.” Collingwood agrees. “Breaking up a big goal into smaller pieces is definitely easier to see progress and celebrate along the way to stay motivated,” she says. “Find non-food ways to celebrate your milestones along the way.”
She “Tried Everything” to Lose Weight
@indyaagos If you wanna lose 80 pounds next year, I’m gonna tell you exactly how to do it! No gatekeeping the secret to success here. The number one thing that you need to get clear on, is the amount of time it’s going to take you to achieve your goal, the amount of effort required for you to get there, and, of course, why it’s so important to you. Setting a realistic expectation for yourself, while also simultaneously connecting with your why is the first step to create the foundation. You need to be successful through 2024. When you understand that this journey is going to take time, it’s going to require sacrifice, it’s going to require you stepping so far out of your comfort zone, that you may be paralyzed by fear at times. But being okay with the discomfort. Surrendering to knowing that in those moments of uncertainty, in those moments of insecurity, and discomfort, are facilitating growth. Connecting with knowing that, allowing yourself to grow, is what is going to help you reach your goals. And not only reach your goals, sustain those achievements. Baby, 2024 can be your year, and the first thing that you need to do, is get your mindset right. Know why you’re on this journey, know what you need to do to get from point A to point B, and set yourself up for success. Start building the mindset, habits, and routines into your daily life now in order to be successful 2024. and if you’re ready to take the next step, you’re ready to invest in yourself. I’m now accepting applications for January. The link is in my bio let’s get to work!🤘🏽 #weightlosstransformation #weightlosstips #weightlossjourney #weightlossgoals #weightlosscoach #weightlosshelp #weightlosschallenge #fatlosstips #fatlossjourney #nutritiontips #mindsetcoach #newyearsresolution #newyearnewme #nutritioncoach #fitnesscoach
In another video, Indya delves into her weight loss struggles. “During a weight loss journey or you struggled with your weight your entire life, listen to this: I've lost 120 pounds and I have tried everything and when I tell you I've tried everything, I mean I have tried everything. I have taken shots of apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach. I used to wait until noon to eat any food at all because I thought I was going to help get me results. I would avoid carbs like the plague, used to snack on ice cubes and then tell myself I was enjoying it. I used to take small bites of foods that I demonized and then spit it out into a napkin because I convinced myself all I needed was the taste. I know I'm not the only one, she says."
She Admits It Was “Overwhelming”
“Weight loss is so overwhelming and there's so many layers to it as well, like the emotional baggage of constantly feeling like you need to be in a smaller body, everyone telling you what you need to do, but not knowing exactly what you need to do in order to get results,” she continues. “The culture feeling like you don't belong in environments that healthy athletic people go to, the backhanded compliments you receive from your family about your body, the comparing yourself to everyone else, the crying and dressing rooms.”
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Be Patient
“So as somebody who's been there, as somebody who's lost over a hundred pounds and sustained the weight loss, let me tell you, it's going to take time,” Indya maintains. “Everything I just listed is going to require healing and unlearning. It's going to require patience, not only to see and feel the results, but also with yourself emotionally. If you actually want to sustain the weight loss, you have to learn that this is going to require you to completely transform your life, your identity, your habits, and potentially your relationships. It's not the norm. Dieting is, but completely transforming your life is not. It's going to be hard. It's going to be a difficult road, but baby, you can do it. You can do hard things.”
Collingwood adds that losing a significant amount of weight can definitely change how people view you and even how you view yourself. “Journaling your thoughts and maybe even seeing a therapist to deal with the huge changes in your life can help you ease into the new lifestyle and how you fit into the world in this new body and with the new habits,” she suggests.
💪🔥Body Booster: Be patient with your weight loss and make sure to take the time to figure out why you have failed to lose weight in the past. It will help you achieve your future goals, because you are less likely to make the same mistakes.